' 14 SEPTEMBER 1914 MIT I WIT 1 8 2 9 101112 1516171819 212223242526 282930 s TheTimes-JIerald The Largaat Circulation Of Any Newspaper In Harney County. SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER II. 114 Locl News. Wedo job prtatfof. Something new at Tonawamn Sunday dinner at the City Res lurant. Geo. Craddock was doing busi- teas in this city Wednesday. Chas. Oomesry; and family are low in their city residence for lie winter. G. W. Clevenger is having a snerete walk put down in front If his place of business. J. N. Jensen, the Riverside ser and stockman, was a business visitor to our city dur- 1K the week. Mrs. Walter Cross and her inddaughters are domiciled in lie B. P. Bennett residence for lie school year. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF URNS CAPITAL AND SURPLUS 1100,000. "THE BANK THAT MAKES TOUR $ $ SAFE." ACCOUNTS flTED. C. A. Bedell went to Portland fhursday morning on business. le took F. J. Mayer, the insur- nce man out in his car as far as end. s . WAR wiin ail lis norrors envelopes Europe but SAFETY sun remains ine preaom inant, controlling factor I with The FIRST NATIONAL, BANK 1 of Burns CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $100,000 United States Depositary nil ii ACCOUNTS INVITED , You're ffoing to Tonawama. Wheat for sale, G, W. Clev-enger. D. A. Brakeman was up from Wavorly during the week on business. The Presbyterian Ladies Aid will give a chicken pie supper en October 9. How about a good second hand organ at a low price and easy terms? If in the market write or see E, T. Shepherd. Summit Hotel, Bumfl, for particulars. The Times-Herald is informed that Dr. Harrison has decided to leave Drewsey and has disposed of his drug stock to Dr. Harris who will move it to Narrows. To those interested we are pleased to announce that we are restocking in Edison phonograph goods. We have just received a large shipment of Blue Amberal Records. All wax records re duced in price. I.unaburg, Dal ton & Co. Miss Helen Sayer is home from Portland where she has been since the close of school. nnm:nntmttji mutmumttmumr RODNEY DAVIS House Painting Paper Hanging and Decorating Calclmlnlng Hardwood Finishing . Fresco Painting KallnMlca furnlahrd on ap plication. Nample shown. OIVE HIM A CHANCE iimtmmmumimtimimttmtm tmitu Tunawama tonight O. J. Darst was in the city Thursday Dry cleaning and pressing at 4tf Mr. and Mrs. Ira Malum were in town this week. For the special benefit of town folks Shepherd & Son are ar ranging an exhibit of pianos and the Burns Steam Laundrv. lilt'. ,-i- timlliK C. W. Lewis was circulating Jerry Jenkins and Mr. Welch, among his friends in this city the stock buyers, were again in Wednesday. Nick Voegtly another one nfthis territory during the week. A,. ,onn80n and Frank ur high school praduates, will, " 'l " ''" Foster were over from Silver a student at the O. A. C. this, ie more purcnases or not. -. Wedneadav aki th Don't forget that the City trip in Mr. Johnson's car. Kostauram nas just oeen OpeneU the FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF in the Cottage Inn under the BURNS, capital and surplus minlaamMt r,f W U MW!nl. SI00.00O. "THE BANK THAT MAKES tion, a chef of 17 years exper lience. MeaTs at all hours. nnter. He will leave next week to take up his studies. Bargains in second hand-inains ind pianos which we .suture in exchange. Write or see H. T. Shepherd, piano dealer, Summit Hotel, Burns, Oregon. Chas. and Sam Parrish came Bver from their stock ranch at zee the first of the week in re sponse to a telephone message that their sister, Mrs. Win Cowan was seriously ill. E. T. Shepherd and wife, the Klamath piano people, are here again and will have several in struments to show the public at once. They were here last Tail and did a good business and so far as can be learned their in struments are entirely satisfac tory. .. ...,iLV ueo. riagey nas purcnaseu me Fred Haines stock of goods in this city and will continue the Imsi- YOUR $ $ SAFE." INVITED. ACCOUNTS H. L. Frazier, u prominent farmer of the Milton section, is looking over Harney Valley with a view of investing. He is an old time friend of Dr. C. J. Smith. candidate for governor, and their meeting here was a pleasant sur prise. Tobacco and Cigar Salesmen wanted to Advertise. Experien ce unnecessary. $100 monthly and traveling expenses. Adver tise Smoking. Chewing Tobacco, Cigarettes. Cigars. Send 2 cent stamp for full particulars. REMET TOBACCO CO., :;-! New York. N. Y FIGURE IT OUT. BECOME A PROPERTY HOLDER. Loti valued from $25.00 upward. Lo cated in 111 heart of California the great retort cantor near San Francisco. 8 In order to advertise directly, wo will give Heed and titla to one of our 26 a 100 foot loti to a limited number of per- oni tending us the exact solution of the above problem. PROBLEM: Fill in the missing num ber! now represented by dashes, so that the sums of each column will bo IS each way) that is horiiontally, vertical ly, and diagonally. Address replies to Central Building A Financing Co, 723 Chamber of Com merce 111,1k . Portland, Oregon. Notice of Proposed Street Improvement. IS HEAD GOOD YOUNG HORSES For Sale or Trade Will take Land, Fence Posts Aojlbiojc you have lo trade B.I. JOHNSON, A m Oregon & Western Colonizalioa C. Mr. and Mrs. A. Egli came over the first of the week bring ing the children to begin school. They will return to the ranch for a time but Mrs. Egli will be back in oon to remain for the school year. Frank Johnson went to Prine ville yesterday to take his wife and daughter to their home for the school year. Mr. Johns expeete to be back tomorrow. City Restaurant, just opened in the Cottage Inn, short orders and regular meals. W. R. Mc- ("uistion, former cook at the 43 Owing to my recent misfortune i cannot announce my opening u French hotel, in charge 1 ill 1 Him willit'i millinery u simiii as expected. Will reopen In the Cavander bldg. one door north of Fred Haines store. Date will Le announced later. Aura Cling- an. I wish to announce that I will return to Burns about Sept 15 and respectfully solicit pupils for piano instruction. Four years' ness himself. Ceorge has been I study with Arm Oklberg or C'ln- connected with grocery business ; eago America's greatest teacher for many years in this section and he will make a success of his new venture. The Times Herald wishes him prosperity. of the Leschetizky method. Be ginners and elementary pupils accepted as well as advanced. J. Fellows. JUST A GENTLE REMINDER That our patrons, all of whom WEAR THE BEST SHOES. AND ALL OTHERS, who are desirous of obtaining the best shoes, may know that our full and com plete line of Fall and Winter shoes are now on display. We are in business to please you and with the Best Line Of Shoes which the largest shoe house in Chicago can turn out we are able to do so A trial will convince That is all we ask ;. SCHWARTZ j General Merchandise - ling, - - Hums, Oregon The Shepherd & Son shipment of Flayer pianos range from one thousand dollars to so low as you can safely go. Silent pianos taken in exchange and suitable terms given on balance. Write or see E. T. Shepherd, Summit Hotel. Burns. Oregon. The Presbyterian and Baptist Ladies Aid will join ina recep tion to Dr. and Mrs. Benson at the Presbyterian church on the evening of September 25. Dr. Benson has been chosen as the joint pastor of the two churches and friends are most cordially invited to attend this reception. The Times-Herald is in receipt of a letter from Chas. E. Kenyon expressing his regrets of the re cent fire in Burns where he spent so many years and where he has many friends. He says there are many old land marks famil iar to him that will not rise to greet his gaze when he comes to see us. Chas. and family have moved to Weiser, Idaho where he is connected with a banking in stitution, taking an active part in its management. Nutto i hereby given : I. That unless within eight days Iron the completion of the publication of tht notice hereiuufter mentioned, the OWtsM or owners of two-thirds of the piopcrlt iiljacent to and nhiiiting 1 ' the si t eels and purts of streets hereinafter named and the improve ment lo In- made thereon, shall make and tile with the Uecorder of the lily f lliirus a written remonstrance) I iiKiiiuxl the proposed improvement ; i itioned herein, tlll'sama will be pro ; reded with and made in accordance with the provisions o( the Charter of said city I :iiihoruliiir such improvement. I I hat the following streets and parts of street on which the grades have been i'tllislit-tl by ordinance No 111 (or e.ii.l city, us follows, to wit; lletiinuiiitt at the corporate limit ol suid city on the street runniug east and Kenton the south side of block K In r-ciiiml Addition to ilurns, and running thence west on said slruet to I ifth xliei'i ; thencu north on Filth street lo Monroe street thence west on Monroe htreet to Miller avenue; thence south on Miller nvenne to South street; theme west on bou i h street to the west aide ol Hudson street, shall be improved as hereinafter mentioned. .1 That the kind of improvement to Roland 1 laiikins was over from '"' "'"'" "" stmts and pans of CONTEST NOTICE. 1'MTKH HTATKH I A nip il l Ii I. Burns, orsgon, Angus! .'iih. IW14. To John Mor.lll, of suitress unknown ion tests ; "I on ars luri-lit Ilollneil Inst Tom AllSD WliO Urn liurns, llarn.r Ouaatf, Oregon, sshls liitfl tillli . ailtllt'SS, illil on August ;tlli,l''H till- In this, oltli'ti Ills (July I'ltrriitiiirsti'tl appli cation lo con Irsl SHU K Illf I'SIIIM'tlNtloll "flout ll.iuirH. sit hnlry Nu (Until, serial No I4HU instln Msri'li 21st. run fur N'.Mh'., WUHKIs, Hl",MVl I,, Hi; linn ., I ntvllnlllll J) toillli, Hsntti' u I'M , Mlllnini He, Mirlillsn, sllil ns griiunilM tut his r-ontMt lie nil' II' ' I foil jrnii never t'stattllalitiil rtldnr upon or in sitywlsc Imprrrvsii or rnlllvalM shiiI iia'-t ol I Will I AH' I Wlllllh Ml-BIMllini'll BH lit I'll In ll'l I rl' II I Hutu sn iiiiiiiins Pilot lo Angutl Had, i n Vnu ars therefore, luiilnn noiilie-i tlist ths shl slli'sstlolii. ulll tin taken ss I ,," li'lsi.'l Slut yolll mill shtl) .Ml! lie i inn I'll ,1 ttltl luiiliii i Ik I t,i. heard sllbsi Mora this until' or on . .im l ii ",ii full in III,, in tins oflli',' nllliOi tuenly 'lata niter I hi lut'HIII I'lii'ii. iiii.-n of tins noiln, ss Ibown tmiow, four answer, II ruler iialh, fpei llleally responil Ing lo tliesi' alii K'ltlioiM ol coiitesl, logstlief with line proof that Vm hsu Mrvsit n moy of iniir ansiier on inn lsl'1 coilleslsnl elllii.) In lifiaiin ' ri-Ktstereit mall. V oil sin. il'l male III lout n ii sue I the to.inci.l lhHIlolli, i I which .Will ili.SMe Inline in, is in lilt 'III lo oil. W Taiiiik l(nKlsler Hale of first plihlli sllon Aiikiisi ."nti ill. Ilstnof spioiul iilihllcatlou MPtembtll Sib, I'll! P'e of Ihlnl lilililii at Hi'itlslither 13th, I'.'l I lists of li.urlh pillilli at Inn ,M, ,,t,in,er, ivili, II, N0T10I rOB I'tiiiblCATloN IINITKIIHTATKS LAN l (IKKIf 'IC.I Hums, llri'irmi. ,uiisl II, I'll l t Null. la hsisby glvsu Hint llsrvny Uwu chase, "I I It, . ii, ,.(,, n. I... on usual 1, lull DIMS lirsiirl-haiol fcntiy, N o.,7u. for HVV'.NVl'.4 Heilluli , I .,. Osl 1 1. V Hlilllli lianse ''I Kast, I I I a HI ... 1 1 e M , I ,1 has llle.l ii, ,, of llltsllllon lo lllsk Final I'r'Mif, to establish claim to the Isml sbOV ! scrlsieil hvfors i has A Sherman. I' H loin uilsaloiier, st his oltlee, st Kile, llrefoii, OB I lie Ihth tlsy of . pi. in l" i, I'M, t'lsiuisut iisinssss wltnsssss I'sii! Werner Usury Slrsel, Wesl) Htreet, i 'I I'snross, sll of Ml", Oregon We. Fasss. Keslsler (I.i7i Ilurns nil l.lsl No. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. UNITKI) HTATKS I.ANp IIKKIl K ilurns, meson. July 27, Put Notice is hereby given thai ths Northern I'ai Irte Hallway loliipany, w hoae post oltli i a.l'lre.a Is ril. I'a'il Minnesota, SS this .'.II, dsy of July, m i file In this oflli Us spflli a Hon lo select under the provisions of lbs set of I'ougress, siitiroved July I, lana ;in Mlal ,iT, i.JO ss estended by the set of ronirress st'i'mt.-o Mst 17. ISOn. HltNKi, He. Hon .... lownshlc :l; Hiiutli. Itsugs .", Kssl, . M Serlsl No. 07rjtt Aim an. 1 sll persons etslmlng sdversely the Isinls ilesi rlheil, .,, deslrlns lo oblOI l.niilisi ol the Mlneisl ehsractrr uf the Isml, ol ant other reason, lo the illspossl lo ai,lu am shiiuld file their sgtdsvlls of protssl In this wo or I.,,-,,, ine isi"K ..! Hspteinher Wa KAsss, K.-K'strr SECURITY Saturday night's fire proved to you the security of your" valuable papers in our vault. Burglar proof, fire proof, water proof, with massive, ' timelocked steel doors as sentinels who never relax their vigilance. The cost is small, the safety absolute. $2.50 pays for twelve moths' protection and gives you a box large enough for deeds, policies and papers that you can't afford to lose. Harney County National Bank Burns, Oregon Your Home Institution" Offtl. I 'III was a from visitor Crane A. A. Tipton early this week Creek. Mares and Celtlinu's for salr m trade for eattle. Address or phone Lee Caldwell. Rolled barley, wheat anil oata for salt at market prices W. A. Goodman's feed yard. his Harney home tin first of the week. Seed Kye for sale at 2& cents per lb. See John 1 '. Fay 12 miles sohth of Riley on Silver Creek. The ollice of the Prairie-Rums Stage line hus been moved into the building opposite the Star barn south main street 44-45. A good used piano at a low price. Six dollars a month will make it yours. Write or see F. T. Shepherd. Summit Hotel, Burns, Oregon. Christiun Science services Sun days 11am., Wednesdays at 8 p m. Reading room open from 2 to 5 Wednesday and Saturday afternoons. First door east of stairway, Hissner Rldg. Cordial invitation extended to all. il'-ll, Hum. I.e. list No. NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. PNITKH HTATM I.ANIl (rrriCE, I Burns, Oregon. July J7, 111 t Nillce Is hsreby giveu thst the Northern Par I He Hallway ( ouiesuy. win,... post office aililirssls HI Paul Mlnuesots. hss llils.'il, ils ol Jnlt 1UI4 Itlrtl in Ihla oltlre llssppllis I hi n I., s. Ii'i I inoler the lirnl talons ol Ills act ol I'oliiress snproti-tt July l. !. :in stat ,'?. '.'(I) ss extemleil by tit l I nl I iinmin spplot oil Hay l. IMt r-Vt'.NU', Heetlou :'v,Totu- si,ip:ii, Htiuth Itsuse U Kssl. W. M Hetlsl No u"il Any still sll persons i laltnlhK silvertelt the suits ilescrlbml, or ilsslrllill to ohjurl buesuse of the Mineral i (.Mai ler ..I the Isnil, or su) othsr reason In the illsimal to SBpllOailt, shoulil in.- their sffntst lis nl protMt in this oltli e, i r heh.re ihe .lslilay.il Hepteluher 11114. V) a. Pass. Register. Kd Mission and wife, the latter a sister to Miss Mary Caldwell, Minis Caldwell a brother, and young lady friend, motored in from Flush early this week and have since been visiting with re latives and friends in this city. Henry Caldwell and family for merly lived in Burns and the young people find many old time friends as well as familiar scenes of their early childhood. The party intend going on from here to the Round-up at Pendleton. J. W. Brown, who with his wife arrived here last week from Hind, was joined last Saturday by his son Claud and they ex pi st to remain in this city per manently. Mrs. Brown Sr. has not been in good health and the family have been trying differ ent sections with the hope of benefiting her but find she has better health here than any other point they have been. Claud's wife will be over from Bend in a short time. At present the Browns are preparing a place in the Burns hotel for M. MuUee's barber shop which he will open The Times-Herald family made a trip to Archie McGowan's Rock creek farm last Sunday after noon. Mr. Tetherow, who" is in charge of the place states the crops are short this season on account of the rabbits but it is certainly a fine place with a mag nificent spring and sufficient water to irrigate. Thev have about KM) head of young hogs that will likely find their way to the packing plant this fall. The party found the roads batter than anticipated and didn't timl many rabbits therefore the boss didn't get as much fiin out of the trip as be had hoped. The crops on several of the places around Harney seemed to have turned out well. Archie went with the "(lock" to see that they made the trip in safety in a Ford and also to guard Sam Tether ow's hen house. tleettiall.ill lie ns follows : all tint streets anil pari ol stiret herein tuentione I ntnl for Hindi naiil improvement Is pro ,.ei. nml for h icli grades have been eslnlillslietl l.y ordinance No. 14:1, shall bS :rinl. I lo eight inches below said es Ulrlialicil gruile hv excavating where necessary, and by llllinu; in where nee essary, Kith dirt or other suitable ma terial acceptable tt the council, ami by then planing thereon eight indie ol a gooil tiility nl gravel, properly spread and smoothed in a good and workman like manner, ai u lo bring the surface ol suid streets up to the ostublislieJ grade, ntnl the width on suid street to be no Improved shall be all thereof be tween the curl. liner, a established by Mid tinl'iianue No. 143. 4. Thrlt Ihe intei. -eel tons of nil streets included in the improvement herein mentioned shall be improved at the coat nml expense ol the City and paid for out nl 1 1 it genernl fund. o. That the full cost uud expend ol nuil.un; such improvement upon the hull . I the ft reel in front of and abutt iiik upon each lot or parcel thereof with in the limit of such improvement shall be Ufsesaeil agllilllt said lot or ports i f lot ulutliiig t hereon, which shgll In liiii.lii therefore, mid the city shall ac quire Ileus on suid lot for theeaiiie. Ii. That thi notice i given and pub' h-lieil hy order of the Common Council nl the City of IturiiM, Oregon, by rrsoln- tiiili dill) p.i-intd on thu uih day of Sept. 11114, itii'l 'ihe peiioil during which such publication is ordered in ten day, and ihe hint date on which Ihe name will le published nml the date on which mid publication will be complete is th Viith day of (September, 11114. Rot Vanwinklk, Recorder. I .1" Hums In.' NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. I'NITKI' hi A lr -H.ANlMtKFI K, llurua, nii'ti.m. Jul -7, MM Ntrtlti la h.-n-l'v ifrii that lb Northern I'm i In Knllwa) iuiMi.an, whoac .cut oflli - a.Miraa la Mt. ieul, M it.n. s-.i , haa thla 7th 0jr ol .inly "ii hitxi in thi uillee tla aiiitlica in. n tu arit-fi unilvrthe niiM isiiiii .. me act of i uniiMra, a'ineO Jul) 1. Inya .HO Hial. .';. i..ii i rH,l.ilp. by (lie (el ot i ..I.'. a- rt, rOVOd May i;,lli, '., linn I.. Un .1, PI THE WHITE FRONT LIVERY, FEED AND SALE STABLE Baled Hay and Grain for Sale at Market Prices. Good Hay in Stack Burns-Yale Stage Line Close Connections Made With Trains East, at both Juntura and Vale. Careful Atten tion and Prompt Delivery of Express and Freight Entrusted to Our Care. R. J. McKinnon & Son BURNS, - OREGON i K.,.1 Kaal. W M. ht-r.nl No u7(....i Any ami all tMsraona Haltiiing ailvrraIv till Imi'la lr. hi., ii. ur ilealilny to objorl bvrauae of ll'i- Mlueral rbarai'ter nl tbu Unil, or any other n a. mi. tu the tlliioaal to kppllcUiC ahuuhl tlir ibilr aitlilavlia ot prutrai iBIbll ultii I-, on ot bviurt- tin-.'let 1m) nl ftblvmbeu IVH. m. Kakrc. Itrglater (1546) Buroi HkM.Ut Nu. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. I'MTi-i. IfATM I.ANIi OlTK R ,- Huma, Ori'Kon, Annual 17, 11H i NuLh-t) la beri'by glveu that th Nurilnrti l'aclflt' Kailwav L'iiniait , h liuav jhi uRt.f aililrvaa la Hi i'aul, allniiatota, ii (tin i.t h ia ol Annual l-.'U n It a in thla iiiiit-i' lie apoh ration loaelert undor the nrovlaloueof thu at't ol ruimrtii, airiivtl July I, lv" '.m Mat ... iioj. aa t-atti)Jftl by the Ait uf ot.ytra i-l-M.vr.i Ma) 17. IWstt. HKV4NK'4, NKSK'4Haf. 14, T.MI , K Nlul Herlal Nt. 'C7i. Any and all urrt-uoa tlaluiini aditiaeh the lauila tli-an ii,.-,i ur oValr-ny lotibiii bviauati uf the Mlimtali liararter of the lain), or any vilfr reaaon, tu tin- MaieaI to j'ilirtnt.ei,1.ul.t lilt I licit slKlivltitil prutt'kt HI title iiliifi-.im Of l.wli.n- I'm l.'t'i tiny of in lult. r I l . Hm. I-4HK-. Ki'iclater. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION ("situ. s-t i Land OMIItl. llurua, Oroiton, Auuaat .tl, ivn t N otitic li ht'irby uivni t hrf An.lrrw I'tMoiacn, of i,mwjii, ori'Kuii, wiin on July in, .wo, him.h lloiuualna'l Klilr). Nu. IkltM, fur fK'a, (- Hut It I ..ii. ..). i ,. IM i I ........ ul. V Vi Mi.. , awn eiiiu , ...... , . t "f " I1IIH" II Meridian, haa tin-it iumIcb uf liilciitluii iu make Dual lliin' jrm proof, to tatbllah rlulin tit the laud above tlcarrlheil, before i;.-n-ir: ami itiiciwr. at Uurua, (trtgon, mi the ttb tlay of October, imi tlalmaoi namea aa wlttu-eaea llci.ry II.Kt-it.lt. I'uttr 1 tier. Hbermau N Farm Machinery Implements of all kinds in steck: Seeders, Plows, Disc and Drag Harrows. Binder Twine Barbed Wire BELTING Joy, liar) Tar) .all til , .SWl'll, I lll'tfllll. SN. I IMKI . K.'KISI. I Acuta Indigastion. I wuh aniioyt'd for over a year with attacks of acute-inditreHt ion, followed by constipation," writes Mrs. M. ,1. Callairlier, Ceneva, N. Y. "I tried every thinjf that was recommended to me for thiH complaint but nothinff did me much good until about four month iiko I saw Chamberlain's Tablets advertised and procured a bottle of them from our druu liist. I soon realized that I had Rotten tho ritrht thing for they helped me at once. Since taking two bottles of them 1 can eat hartily without any bad effects.' NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION I Nil Mi HIA'IKH 1 WHOM. It K. Burnt, Oregon, Annual hi, ittu. Nt.iit i m hereby ttlvrn that Harry J. Joktit li ' Hi i an, orctfuii, tin, on Nov.;l, lium, itimlr i" i in iii Kuiry, .mi. it..M..'t for n U ' mi ti.ni .. rowuabln M ., UlDi :;J K, Wil i it in. Mf M tr hi tan, ha HU-il notn u of Inteutlon t l,c Haiti proof, to eitabllah I aim to the lit Mil 'iiniw ill-en iim.i, lit'i.iri Hfiflaier ami l(o nviVKi, iii mil nti, in, null, on iiiu .'itli OriuU-r. 'ii lii nut ut Ii a in ra ax wltitfaai-a Hi mi v I' tluitlley.uf I .a wiin, ilrnnou. Hi'iijm inln krt.il.il , A i eh if Mu If it, John II. laiiltert , all ul II.. i , in, nu, On nun Wm Kamm, Reglater. NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION I'MlIli HTATBa I.ANIiOrrii B, ( Uurua, oritfou, Auguaf , 1914.1 Nitilcu la In re l.y given that M llUam K Har touili, Jr , ol Hnriia, ortaou, who, on July 17, IVI.I, mail- llommit'til Kuln, No. U.'.iOh, for i44,Hitloii,,Townablii.iHoiitb, itaugf .! B Wlllaiuulle Merlillau, Iim tlltil notice of Inteit i inn to in Kk. H nit I l.'oin m u t ailon J. n I.-1 to ui ab llab i-laliu lo the land alnne iU-ai rlbotl, bfor Heutitri nml Hvrelver al Hurna, Oregon, "" the lotu Uay of OiioUi. imi t laimani iiuinmaa wiuu-aaea l baa. Uebl. Kilward Moon, Artbtr HhIhi Hen ItotUr, all of Narruwa. Oregon Wm r'ARRK, KevUter. la) ..I NOTICIC FOR PUBLICATION. I'HITKIi -1 I Tt I.ANh IIOHi Mill HB, UltgOli, AUgUNt 17, IWU Nut lie la hereby mv mtUal (leorge I. Cole, of lUn i in it .. , iii i i' i.i i , u liu, on Oft. i'J, ivou, made lloineal-uil Entry No. u..Vhn forHh'4t Houllou v, liwuilili 'ift h.f Itangu U K., Ulliametie Mf i liiiitn, ban illfil nolme of Intention lo make l I mil three year I 'a. of. toualablleh rial in toibl land ii in i v duai'Mlifd, before Keglatur an it lUoelvtr, at Hurna Oregon, on thr 7.th day of Seiilfinl.il, lull i 'lui in tint namea aa wlluoaeee I i nk M, Miller, Klliabetb Mbblluton . Di. Iloinei h. uiiikii , lUrry J .loklM b, all f liar- llllkltll , I lll'I'Ull, Wm Kanbm, Keglater. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Dnitmi) hmtm Kami) OrrKR I Hurna, Oregon, Annuel W. ltlU 1 oh. . la hereby Riven iliM Klliabetb Mid illi imi . ol llau I man Oregon, who on Meptem L.i ihi.i. made Homuatuad Kntry, .No. uMhm" iih I ul '.' U," Riulft jNetllon i, TnwnablpiAH , ItiuiKu 81 Kaal, Wlllamutte Merldlun, Ima tiled uotbunf Intention to make filial three year proof, to eatabllah vlalm lo tho land abu o ib-ae ilbed. before the IttjRtalor mid He salver at Huma, Oregtiu, on the :ih day uf snif intM-r, ItfH. Claimant nami-a aa wltueaaea r . at Jiuu-i. k i, uom, ii. j. juiihiu, r. li NOTICK rOR PUBUCATION. UNITKI) HTATKH I.ANH OKKU'K, ( Hurna, Oregon, Augual W( WM Notbe Ik herel glvi-n thai Otla Hlaetuore, ol NanowB. Oregon, wli- on Ma '.'). leoh, mn.le lloiiu Mtfad Kntry No. , Nu tUB I ' (ui NW'K1., 'a"-',. N1 ' ""d h 'f,!e Hoi (loll 14, Tt-wtiehlp 7 M. lUURe m I . lllnm . it.. M.i niii. ii. has Hied noiloe of Inieunon lo in ii k f until lUeyiar 1'iouf to tatablUh rial in to i liu laioi iiiitin' dftii ilbed, before Reg later and llffftvi-r, mi Huma Onuuu. on Om- Hibdav of Oetober, l"i I rial maul mum n ua w (tin mn , William o iiiu.m, il I'bilhii i. siniik. i;n- urn K Nuiltb and I Ni.vion llnitbet all ol Hurna, ori-Kou Wu Karkr, Keglaler. Machine Extras Builders Hardware Paints and Oils Nails, Doors, Windows, Roof ing, Building Paper NOTICK KOR PUBLICATION llNITKhHTAl'KsI.ANlMil-KliK, I llurna,Oifgou, Annual ! ill Notlee la beretiy Rlve n timl Mntbi- M King, ol Uurua. Oregon. ho, on A no I Ul, iVIlL made lloiufalead Kntiv, No. UMWR, for K',rt A'J4, ttuc, itt,i,'2t'iH , II JB t, Lot .1. Sttii, hi ii. lo.wiahln 2tiN.,Hauge,."t k . Willamette Meridian, baa in ed not Iff of Intention to magi King three eai proof, lo oBtabllah claim lo the laud above deaeiibed, before Hi-Rlalfi and Kei elTt r, at HuriiB, Oregon, on the lit day ol October ll'lt. t' la I in a ul nauiea aa it ih-mu h . l,Hfw-Mf I Tiiv, I'eter farmer, William Kay and Mia loulao iluelielle.wltor llurua, Oregon, m. h AiiHK. UeRUler. (I..i7j llurua lott I.lai No NOTICK FOli PUBUOATIOM UmitruHtatrb I.anii orriiB, t Hurna. OruRon, AugUBt 17, lUHt Notlfi- la hereby gleu that the Norlhem I'aiitlf Hallway Company, whoae .oi oflDee addiuaa 1b Hi Paul, Miuueaoiu. haa ibla i.ili day of AtiRiiMt ii-H, tile In tbta ulll t in au nltt Hlliui to neiui't uude r t he nrovlNlnua ul I be m t of i oiigreaa, approved July 1, R.m (u Hiat , 6V7.HU0 aa extended by the Alt of ('oiiRrehi approved May 17, hum. NW'.tNK'..Hur II, TonUBblii'Jt.Huulh, lUlige :w Kaat. W M. Morlal No. 07077 Auyaudall nerauna elanuiiiR advereely Ibf laudi ibaerllMMl. ur daalrlim to ublec l beeauae of the iilueial thaiaetvrof the laud, ur any ul be i t umin to Ihe illapoHal loapplteanl .ahoiibl file thuli attldavlte of nroteat Iu ililn oltli e. on or In-lure the l.'th day of Oetoher, Hilt WM. Kakkk. HeRlahr. -- - - wrjr-i - fr -. y- - j - r . i CAMP SUPPLIES Fishing Tackle, Guns, Ammunition Tents, Water Bags, Etc. NEW DISHES, GRANITEWARE Crockery, Tinware BURNS HARDWARE CO. NEIL SMITH, Manager - in 1 1 in - ii. ruoi nRrriiuan.urj