AUGUST 1914 M 1011 w 17181920212 25W2728 6 12131415 "heTimes-JIerald Th Largrat Circulation Of Any N.w.paprr In Harney County. SATURDAY. AUGUST It. ISM Local News. fe do job winting. jmethinK new at Tonawama. has. Comefrys and family fcre in irom their waRontiro ne during the week. John Biggs and family return- home Sunday from Bear Yal- where they had been visiting Ith relatives for a week. )t. Benson will preacn next Inday morning from the text. lave Faith in God, "and in the Bning, In the Beginning, d." fHE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF . CAPITAL AND SURPLUS .000. "THE BANK THAT MAKCS ;R $ S $ SAFE." ACCOUNTS fITED. larvey Elliott had his leg bro- last week by a horse kicking while at work in the Star rn. lne kick broke tne u-g in to places, one place havinvr been ken before. f WAR I 2 with ail its norrors on I onvplnnpc Viirnnp hilt - m sjsawsw - m- fc--- I SAFETY 1 sun a ciiiaiim aaacr aja. cuvur I inant, controlling factor i with The FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Burns CAPITAL AND SURPLUS 9100.000 United States Depositary lltl ACCOUNTS INVITED from i rhe Jetley boys and their sis- were in the city Wednesday, Thressa making proof on ir homesteau and then the Bnt party to the mountains for outing to fish and hunt. "he Times-Herald is informed Jay. it Miss Cowgill. domestic sci- kce teacher in the high school over We lo job printing W. K. Garretl Silver Creek. Features and comedy pictures at Tonawama tomorrow night. Dick Noble and Tonawama tonight J. W. Deinick and wife of Bend were in the city this week. Dry cleaning and pressing at the Burns Steam Laundry. 4tf. A. Venator, L. M. Brown and tamily are 1 . ii CI II Frank Newman were over from spenomg a iew nays at me r.Ku the Crane Creek section Thurs- home over near Wagontire. Mrs. Millar announces that all The Vale Enterprise reports h.-r millinery goods are reduced m -"i , . . e .; i;, ....,.,, tyear, has resigned and that .l"v ' ' " 7 . .- . Sec them at the liss Mildred Wilson, an O. A. graduate, has been chosen in krtplace. IS: W. Swan, a Boise butcher, in the city this week closing i a land deal with Fred Robert- tof the Drewsey section. Mr. at this time, ;n thnt nmmtv t .1 I? Fine and hchwartz store. Miss Vera Sewasd. Joe is a son M H Brenton and wife are of Mrs. Flla Martin of this city. t,ack from their yto Winne- Miss Georgia Ellis returned to mucca and other points in Neva Washington this wek to again da. They arrived home Tues take up teaching. She spent the day. past year here with her mother THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF an niirchased a larire tract of '" brother but decided to teach BURNS. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS J7 .,, , lL'aill $100,000. "THE BANK THAT MAKES Ojand will develop it in con-,' vniIB , ,t , ,... arroiJNTS Bcuon wun ins mantei uusim'w ,r ( r th. assisted liv lr. Boise. (;!, amputated the leg of B. S. J. C. Welcome Sr. is absent on1 Kelsay at the ( ummins Hospital long journey for him going Monday afternoon. Mr. Kelsay Portland where he is joined was suffering from an injury of his daughter, Mrs. fl. C. Lev- several years ago and has lien us. and from there to California in the hospital for several Dints by steamer where they months. The leg was taken off Mil visit Mr. Wtlcom's sister, above the knee. He is reported liey may extend the trip to Illi- improving nicely. ise to revisit the scenes of his ..Tu nMmmmf ;u th tin,. ,,f lildhood. ! ... i;)(i' .'c,;,.i u,.hM arranged for an ice cream . I l l i i l I l l J ,- i l , I l all I.JaJ Miss Florence Hoffeditz -took Swearingen is preparing for next sr departure yesterday morning! Friday night with her little tco- r Seattle where she will attend pie. It is one of the most pleas chool this winter. The. young log entertainments ever attempt- J.. ...ill nr. I . l,f.W 1. ,,.,.. II, lltl ,.A IM , l.i ',,1.1 I BltPfl 1,1 " I n'liii-l; frt ri ilnwn 1 i j. I ,... l-u.. ' I n .. u I....I .... , ""iv-i, " ms a.... ler auni uuririK ner siay. rtnv piease. vvt: nuve nau bu uun ni taken to Junturia by Clyde; in the entertainment line this feittenhiller, his sister, Miss summer that this will be hailed with delight by the people of this vicinity. 'lara and Dessel Johnson also taking the trip to that point. JUST A GENTLE REMINDER That our patrons, all of whom WEAR THE BEST SHOES, AND ALL OTHERS, who are desirous of obtaining the best hoes, may know that our full and com; plete line of Fall and Winter shoes are now on display. We are in business to please you and with the Best Line Of Shoes which the largest shoe house in Chicago can turn .put we are able to do so A trial will convince That is all we ask I. SCHWARTZ General Merchandise - masonic liuildlng, liurns, Oregon INVITED. Quite a number of the young people of this city Nvent out to the Wm. Stirling home at the Hanley ranch last evening where a party was given in honor of a 1 young lady friend of Miss Nettie I Stirling who is here visiting the family. The Play Ground committee social on the court house lawn I next Saturday afternoon, Sept. ' r from 2 o'clock until visitors de sire to go home. The object of this social is to raise funds with a side-walk along the play grounds property. Dr. L K. Hibbard, who irf company with his daughter Kugenia and son Llewellyn, has been out touring the country since June, arrived home Thurs day evening. The Doctor and wife and two younger children, George and Hazel, expect to leave Monday for Willamette Valley where they go to attend the wedding of Dr. Hibbard's sister. They will be absent about ten days. You're going to Tonawama. Wheat for sale.-G. W. Clev enger. All millinery at greatly reduc ed prices at Clingan's Millinery Palors. T. C. Albritton was up from Albritton for several days this week. He has about fully recov ered from his recent fall that was rather serious, having ren dered him unconscious for sev eral hours. To those interested we are pleased to announce that we dre restocking in Edison phonograph goods. We have just received a large shipment of Blue Amberal Records. All wax records re duced in price. Lunaburg, Dal ton & Co. Mrs. Frances Kelsey, of Hums stopped off in Ontario the first of the week to visit with friends on her way home from a trip to uaKer. Mrs. iveisey was a teacher in the Ontario schools for a number of years. Ontario Democrat. Tobacco and Cigar Salesmen wanted to Advertise. Experien ce unnecessary. $100 monthty and traveling expenses. Adver tise Smoking. Chewing Tobacco, Cigarettes. Cigars. Send 2 cent stamp for full particulars. HEMET TOBACCO CO., 86-4 New York. N. Y. 95 Per Cent Fail in BusineM. ft tlia humlrioln of thoUHodl ol llicr ohiuiu engaged In uiulna tfft par cant of thorn (ail. Wby tfcwM they fail? Snppnaa 115 por rant of thu people illod of iliplitliciiii, what wonlil wu )? Then' In M more reaion in Mo per i toil of aWrehaatf fulling I" btlelSSII lhan there would he renaon In Ho per rent of the people living of iliphtheriH. It II pure wnle. HUtmlle prove Hint 1ri por eenl of the inerclianlii who fell in liuw nea end nou-udvo tilling marehnuti. Ailvrrliaing ia the only entl-toxh, ItrmiltH of good ailverlinlng am eortian. The ineipnrlenoed generally meeta with dlmippolntinfiiln in hi" advertising. Advertising la a apecial hulnee Juat n loe.lielne. law, denlinliy, elO. Th wateliniHker taliea i'i worth of pig-iron. inn! coiiverta it into hair apringa worth 11,000,000, Unit ia what efllrienrv ihn'N with pig-iron. What would elli- el y do with your hnalnnaa? What evnry merihunt neeila la the aaaiatance of an advertising apeeiali-l. who haa studied eiiiefully the prohleui of adver tising elllelenry. My years of eiper leme In the Held of now-paper advertis ing ia at vnnr pervice at the small sum of i ne-third of a nl an hour. I have ihe only runaonahle plan for newspaper imhllilly on Ihe market. Kesnlti gnnraiiteed. Write me for my plan of iiBaialiug thu local merchant with his newspaper advertising. Let me tend you free my fill copyrighted artiolee on newspaper advertising. Wrllo for them today . (iEo. I PATTBMOK, Advurtining Sieciallsl, Kalervllle, low. ,.i BECOME A PROPERTY HOLDER. accompanied by his Son , Lo ,.,u from ,25.00 upward. Lo cated in Ihe heart f California the grrat rrsnrt renter near San Francisco. Curtis Smith and wife arrived home Sunday from their vacation trip. They spent a part of the time with relatives in Grant couny, camped at the Blue Mt. If Springs, also went to Portland during buyers' week. They made the trip over to Canyon on i their motorcycle and say they had a big time. U. K. Shirk, principal of th Harney County High School, ar rived from Portland Thursday evening Robert. They spent the vacation period in Portland at the home of Mr. Shirk's mother and had a pleasant time. Mr. Shirk came in advance of the Opening of school to get in touch with new students and arrange his work for the i'. nnine venr. R J Mi-1 i ii in in on, I u.-if, in-.i rived last evening from Eugene and other outside points. Mr. McKinnon was called down last week on receipt of information that his wife had to undergo an operation but on consulting with the physician again it was decid ed she was improving under the treatment and a decision reached not to operate, therefore Mrs. McKinnon returned home. rjtiimmr.miiiii munmrnututnun. RODNEY DAVIS Yloiise Painting Paper Hanging and Decorating Calclmlnlng Hardwood Finishing Fresco Painting Eallmatea furnished on p- ill ellori. Samples) shown. UIVE HIM A CHANCE iinsit! t:i mjtmtijmfl intmmnni uuttn CONTEST NOTICE. I'mim. Statu I. a hi. QtfieM. Burns, or-(ton, Attsuit I VI Is 1V14 Tu Mrbrt o. Muigruvt, uf I mi, Orvson, UOOHKsM You arc hrtiv m.tKit it thnt Jnhn i Mac- Alptntv who gives Is iiittiiile, (iri'icoti. m- Ms ; i'ist t.mfi- siiiri-s, 1 1 1 i mi iu'iir.1 i.'i ( i i . rite In this Brr hlsMut) . n snpilt n HOB t" ' 'Mitral stid Moure iln- miiii'llit'liit, til tour Moiiii'sfim'l Knirr. No Hrrlsl No ,u i, Nw Hftlsl Nu oH7il in s.l.' Jiiiii ISlb, iwom, l.r HwU M I'll on i ., Townnhlp tb. -tomb, itunp' ', illHtticltr M ir r let U n, s miss ui on ii 'Is lot IHMCOlllt'St ll HllfltllkUlIll "Ml'i Hi ll.i-lt (I MlIM uruvi" hli wholly sbsu.lniifd sihleittrv that he u.'V i '-sISLIlKli'M .ii in 'i I Ii slin'1 ii ii 'hi. in . i.i ii ! l 'it i I in I rn- ill.-ii on. , tol hn .ilmi'iih'il lilmsiMl Mini IimIIH'1' Ins rfsnlfiii III! trlli 'V.T Ullll's lll .Inti ! i Ii i I ) . You arc, therviorc, further nollnl that the .hi mII.-knI Inns Will hi' tatti'li .is i on If m-O. ami youi sal'i entiv vil Imrmii cli-l wliinmt further rlKhl (n In. I. m-i, fh l.-i bffurf (his omre or nu apirfii). it )nii fa'l to llle In this nnirti wiuuu iwc-iity ia aitnr th. KOUKlll ptihllt stloti uf Ihls until n, as kIiiimi liclnw, your nnswur. uihIit oath, sirtirllli ally n spoil d Inir to tlnsn ftlliHall.ini of i-ouli'iil. tugiilnr N ii li dai pfOol that ion linvc ici vi'd ii f npy of rVW BIIMHT OH Mill MtMl riiniiHIUII! i! In f III in mull or i tcglstrrPil illflll. Von shnunl s atn In vmir answer Hn- iihihi of thO m.sI IIh In which .Mill 0t-slri fntiiif noiiii'S tohu scut io M.H WM. Fsiiiik. It.K'sti-r. Ohio nl llrst publlcaUuti Aumus 1Mb I 'H. DbIk nlsHf'tiUll l.uhlfralloli AoKUSf Wlh 1114. laie of third luil'llcatlnn August zmh ItU lialnnf fourth ijubtlcalloti HcptfiiihiT ftth I'M NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION UNITKIIHTATKs LAN ltir Klt'K, Burns, iin-K'-n Auyuat II, MM. Noilit'la hereby given I bat Harvey Mwis I'hasf , of Fife, Oregou, who, on August 1, Mlt uiti'ln li.-hfi l lan-1 Fnlry, No. 06470. lor HW'4NVY'4l Meet Ion 8, Township 2 oota. rtauge 24 Fast, W 1 1 1 a tu 1 1 u Meridian, has filed notice of Intontion to make Final Froof, to I'slabllah islin to the land abovo de s ilkoil ('has. A Hbermau. V H 'on mtssloiuir, at his nfllrt-, at Fife, Oroa;ou, on (be ii. i ii tiny ui wmwvmm vr, ii'n ciainiant namvs an witnesses I'aiii 1 Wi-rm-r, Henry Street, V.iali Mtret, Fl I'l'iirnsi-, all of life, Oregon Wm. Fahhi Hcglati-r Battles In Business Are won by men who have at their command reserve force, thst can be called into line when needed. An intimate acquaintance at the Harney County National Bank, based on a bank account, would be a great help in many ways to aid you in mobil izing your financial resources for suc cessful business battles. Harney County National Bank Burns, Oregon Your Home Inatltntlon" FIGURE IT OUT. -4 5 - 6 l 8 In order to advertise directly, we will give deed and title to one ol our 25 a 100 loot lots to a limited number ol per sons tending us the exact solution ol the above problem. PROBLEM: Fill in the missing num bers now represented by dashes, so the! the sums ol each column will be 18 rich way: thai is horizontally, vertical ly, and diagonally. Address replies to Central Building S Financing Co., 723 Chamber ol Com- merer tlldg., fort land, Oregon. IN TIIK ClUCUIT ItlUKTOF TH1 15 HEAD statu OF ORMOM fOm HAU- NKY COI'NTY. lilWlil VnilNf. HMKPt Msrh .. I u. I Mai mi... For Sale or Trade Will take Land, Fence Posts An vthinjf 'vou have Io trade H. F. JOHNSON. Agent Oregon & Western Colonization Co. rhe Times-Herald hope thel with tht'ir lURhters and tisUra vote to be taken next Tuesday on the proposition of ascertain ing the sentiment of the people of Hums on bonding for water Sod sower will be representative and the expression will then be a Kuide to the future action of the city authorities. It is a matter that we should take a deep inter est in. We are assured of a market for the bonds should the people decide it is best to take the step at this time. We should think of this in connection with our homes and families rather than from a money standpoint. A bull-dog; belonging- to H. J. Hansen run "amuck" on the street Tuesday afternoon and showed signs of hydrophobia and bit some twenty dogs during the ui tei noon. Marshal Haines finally killed the dog and the ones bitten have been ordered shut up until developments may be observed. It had been the intention to send the brain of the dog to be tested but it could not be sent by mail and it was im possible to ship it on ice at this seuson of the year, therefore it will be necessary to wait until further development before knowing whether he was really mad on not. An order has been made by the mayor for all dogs to Rolled barley, wheat und outs for sale at market prices. - W. A. Goodman's feed yard. C. E. Tulloch, the Catlow Val ley Booster und U. S. Commis sioner, is in the city. Mures and (Jelding's for sale or trade for cattle. Address or phone Lee Caldwell. Mrs. 3. W. Brown and daugh ter, Miss Anna, urnved from Mend Ihursday evening to visit SUMMONS. Mesdames Marvin Met lee and Alex Hanley. They will remain for an indefinite time. Arthur Heck, it brother of K. W. Heck, fainted and fell off a mowing machine at the Jslund Ranch of the F. L. S. Co. lust Tuesday and sustained painful injuries. He fell on the opposite side from the sickle, therefore was not injured by it but his foot caughl under a wheel and was badly crushed, breaking several small bones in the foot and tear ing the ligaments loose. He vas brought to the hospital and is re civing good care. At this time it is impossible to state whether his injuries will cause any last ing effect or not. J. S. Cook und fumily und the manager of this great religious weekly and his "flock" spent a few days at the mountain place of the latter this week and had a fine rest. It is a nice cool retreat in the pine timber with plenty ot shade and good wuter where the kids run wild, the wives getting a little time between meals to play and the entire bunch enjoy ed themselves. Owing to the recent proclamation of Cov. West the men folks didn't kill any deer although they saw lots of tracks. They feasted on sage fa A i Ilk rn A. UnlilaiiiliT, I it'friulaiil. ' I'o Adam A. Huh. under, defendant: IN TBI NAMK OK TIIK STATS OF OKKUON, mui are hereby required to iiin-ur and answer tu the complaint in the above entitled suit within elx wi'i'ks (rum tlic iluli- cl the tlrst pnbiica ti in nl Ihiii numinous, and il you so fail to answer, lor want thereof, the l'laln tiff nil. apply to Ihe court for the relief prayed for in hor complaint, to wit, l ir-i : 'I lint the bonds of matrimony now existing between l'laintllf and do li'inluiil be dissolved and that I 'In itt til! have a ilirou-o absolute ; Sei'iiDd : lli.ll plaintiff have the care, iiiHtiii.y und control of the minor child, r.i.ilrn i' llnl Lander; Third. That I'lsintil. have iiiilguieut fof tier OOatl and disbursements herein, and (in such other and lurtlier relief as to equity may prrtuiu It, in Minimum Is published ill The Tiiino Humid, ii weekly newspnpor pub li.-l,..l and of general circulation In lliirney County, Oregou, by order of the Honorable (iraut Thompson, Judge of t Ik- County Court (or Harney County, Oregon, duly made on the 16th day of August, lull, wliiih Mid order directed that this summons be published for a pur iu, I of six weeks. The dial publication of thia summons is in. nil nu August ..1, ..III J. W. IlliiiiS, Attorney fur I'laluti.I NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION I HTA'IKM I.ANllOmcK. It it r u a. on noli, J -''. I'.u ' Nntli'v I. Iium by iiiviMi ihsl tii'orio' Hiyiitnr. .,1 l.uui'ii, iiiiifim, win, on AUKtisl, SO. I . 1 1 . mnl.' II i-al, ii. I Kitliy. No. Oftftoll lorHKI4Hi- n, hi i. rowusblp .'iM .luiiso ji.,K.,wuiiiniiti Mnii.iniii, I.... Illei. ii, nli ol iiiiiiiiinii iii lilk' Miml llutu' ytmr proof, to usInbtUh I'lsliu to tin Isnil above ili'Scrlboil, lielor Itt'h'l.trt mui Kii,.l-i, at lliiini,, Oregon, uu itu. n Ii in i nl i .tiiinli. i . lull. ( iiiiiniiiii UHuiua tg wllnessus Kr id I'. I in. 1. 1 Arlbill A Ksiuiili.ra, Arlbur ! . Wlilliii), Allison T Km, mil all ol Until, OragM, Wa. I AHiir. Hsgislsr. notick Foil PUBLICATION, UM1TIU HTATKa I.4NI) HHKk hiiins, Oretfun, AUgiust U. IV1 Nulii'U Is hrrrliy givih that tluorgu I. fill", uf 1 1 i ui m mi in. : uu . m in., uii tut. It, iwow, maili lluiiiisl' ikI Kulry Nu. 1U7HK rrUlC4, Kvi-tlnn It , liiwnsliii 2b H., It tiii ui: lilt K . WlHaiuatiu Mfililimi, lia,s Hli tl QOitOt uf lulviilfuu iu make Kin a I Hutu- )mr I'n.i.f, toattabllsh . latin tut lit) i it . nl tiiui.c dMoriuMi Imfuru Keitlstttr ami I (v I w , at It ii r iis, Urtguti, oil tbfj .'' t I tlay of H'h'iiiliur, ill i luhmti.l nmiics aa wllueaaaa I i link M Millar. KIIalH'lli, lr lliuiiii hi uii. an , Harry J Joklsrb, all uf Uai iiinaii "imu'i. WM KAKftB. Kvtiialci N0T1CIJ FOR PUBLICATION. Umtsi, HrTs l.iNl, tirriti I Burns, Oregou, August 17. UII I Nun, ,; 1. bereliy glveu Ihsl Kllsaovtli M It. lli'toli , lit Haul man Oragon, wlio on avplcin br Jit, Usui, mailii IIoiih.ikiI Knlry, No. iwftw ler l.ota u. a, baud it, Hsilloii I, Towiialilo 2A H , Hsnse M Kssl, willauinitu Mtilil.aii liaa lllril iiiillirul munition Io liiakt tloal llirwa yssr proof, tu caiabllali claim to tin lend atioiu drai'illHul, before the Register aud he culver at Hurtle, Oregon, on the ttllh day ol Heiitiilnlirr, lull. i usiiius aa witnesses I M I role, 11 J Joklaib, Hi II. umau, s'lol Msrrluian, oregou. (IM7) Hum. 101 Mat No. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. t'NITKII HTATKM I.AN1I OKFIl K liurns, Oregon, July ;, Mi. Notice Is J i i 1 1 v given that the NnrllitTn Isilflr Hallway (ouii,aii, Iioni' poal ofnrr adilreaala HI. Paul. Mlnneaota liaa IM.mi. day of July, lell filed In this ornro n i..!i. n lion to select under the provisions of ths act of Cougreaa. suiiroved Jul) I law :aHtet M7,s)j ss eatended by the set of rotiareaa aj-iroved Mai 17, USUI, Kl.NK't he.-tlon .'.',, 1 ownalllp 3'J Mouth, Hang .", hnat. IV M. Serial No OTi .11 Any and all parentis elslmlng sdvemely the Isnda de.erlbed, or deafrluif to obleel l,ei au.e of the Xlnoial i haraeter of the land, or any other reaeon. to the dlapoaal to appllrant, Iii. nl. I fits toslr atBdavlta of protest tu Ihla nftli-e, on or 1. 1 lot, the .'l.l itay il HeiitemlH'r, lllll t mi i , llmlaler in Hun.. 10.1. Mat No NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. I'NITKI) MTATKd I.ANb OKKICK. Hurue. Oregon, July H, Ikil I Nolle la liar, I, v glieu that the Northern Pai'ldi' Hallway I'ouitiany, w hoae .o.l otllee a.liliree la Ml Paul. Minnesota, has Oil. :'H lay ol July lull filed in ihla utllie ii. aiipllia ma of the art iivlelii tluii to aelet-l under th,. i.r,, uf i i, nareaa. approved July 1, Ikus tan Mat m, : aa ealended by ihe aet ol t'onare.. approv od May 17, nasi, HVI'.mi1, Heitloli .".), Kiwu hip III. Koiitli. Itange.1 Kaat. W at Herlal No 071.11.1 Any and sll person. luli.iin,- adveoi-l the Isuds deai rtbeit, in ,Iu1iIiik Io olijeel tiei anae if the Mineral obsraetarol lbs laud, or aui othsr rrasou to lne to applleam. hnuld file their pi,, leal In Ihla office, on in lisfore the 'Jlat tlay ol Mepteml,-r PHI. Wm. I aksi . Iteglater. ii" lliirna I"- NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. I'NITKI) HTATIM I.ANIl ork'll K, lliirna, Oregon, July n, lull I Notice la" hereby glien that ths Northern PsL'Iflc ttsllwa) l omiiaity, wlio.e poat office addreaa la Ht. laul, Minnesota, liaa tin. -'Vln day ol July PH. filed In this office Its appln-a Hun lo aelecl under ths provlstoua ol the acl of i iinmiii, apiooied Jul) 1. !.' .u) siat. .vj;. '.ii aa sstendsd by thu Act of Cllarca. ap pr.ned May 17. ItWO. HL,SW ', Mertlon I.'i. Twp. .us . It , XI Kaat. W. M. Merlal No U7r,.l. Any and all peraoua clatining adivraely the lauda deacobril. or dsslrltig to object tecaiiae of lb Mineral character of the land, or any other reaaoli, to the dl.poeel to applicant, Ii. ml, I nie their affldailla of prolral 111 Oils office, on or lielor,- tlnUlii da) of gajrlesabsi MM, . I a i.i i . Itegl.ter NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. IHO1.ATK0 TRACI. PUBUO La NO HALF. I'M 11' HTATIS I.ANI, Oi it. i: Uiirim. nrignii, July :n, iwii. Sutli u I lu-n-hy given that, aa lUrcctvl Ly ttio i oiiiiiilsslnin-r nl tin- OtMirral Land Oftlrtv unilcr pto lalutia uf Acl uf tiiitrcaa apprutl June- .'7, its, im hlata , :.i iiuisiiaut to tin- ap nitration uf Carln ( . Valkt-r, Herlal .Su. Ufi.v wr will ffr at imulir salt-, to ilia blKhfst blililor, but at uut less tbau MMrukll liiu'i Intk A M , on llii'Mli.lsv nl hautaiitbor, r.'it, at this onU'i. the lulluwlua traut of lainl: H',SW;t, Hac H.. K. 84. K , W M TMa tim't lsunlrrail Ihtu market ouiiIimw Ilia that lha greater nurtlub thereof la muun tauiuuaur lno ruiiiih fur cultivation. Any iHTstins claliultiif atlvraely the above ili-arrlbad laml are ailvlai'il to 111 their claims, ur objections, on or befurc the time itustKnateO furaal'. tt m. Fahkk. UeilattT Ham Muinai.Mii i . l.tnuiK PREMIER "Non-PuDcture" Auto Tires Guaranteed 7,500 Miles Service Tlieau tires hour thu kircatu t known niiluag otiaiuiitcc, yet nu- sulU at a price uvun Irss tliau In of on.inury gtlftraiittiu. . This guarantee covers punctures, blow-outs mui gi'iiirul Hour, i iuurantue coura V,.'kKI inilpsjecrvlcv nuainst ovtirytliiug abusiv TbtM lires are iuteinloj fur most sevare Sf vice. Orders have bcn received (or those Urea for use la United Statea Government Service. ah a IfBOIAL NTR0DU0T0BS offer, v, will allow the following pricus foa tin. in t ten ..ii h. TIRES TUBES aoss :io:i',. uajt :Ux3, :iiii 8J4 :i:ui :il4 Soil :iiiii SU4), MkAH 87x4.',, 37xo All other staui. Non-skids 1'U pur cent extra ' per ctut discotiut if p.n uiint in full ui'coiiipiiiiius oritur and if two are so ordered, shipping charges will be payed hy us. (1. I). I. on ITi per oent of amount ol order. .Our out-put ll limited, so we suggest early ordering We sell direct only, giving purchaser the ndvantagoof all luiddletuau'a prsSII NON-ViiN0Ti'iu; RBMNCKi Use our laniniiH rSllSSfl, they o.iiiil uali blow outs and '.si pur cunt of punc tures lioHiilns giving many thoiisiiml mure miles service to each tire. When In your tires you ride without worry or tire troubloa. For all 8 inch tires tl.llQ For all 3'u Inch tires - - '.' at For all 4 inch tiros - .(H) Foi ull 4H inch tires ..76 lor all .' inch tiles . - I'-'.'.K) For alio',, liii-l. tire :UH NON PUNCTURE TIRE FACTORY Tire Tube f 0,80 88.00 10 86 -' :m la.ail i;.so I4.IV :i 00 16.85 H.80 lV.iHi , 8.88 iMUti ;..:ui IUMJ 8.40 80.40 8.00 81.00 :iho .'2twi 8.80 88,00 f)t H7.W1 5.10 J7.5U 8.18 M.M 6.40 THE WHITE FRONT LIVERY, FEED AND SALE STABLE Baled Hay and Grain for Sale at Market Prices. Good Hay in Stack The Burns-Vale Stage Line Close Connections Made With Trains East, , at both Juntura and Vale. Careful Atten tion and Prompt Delivery of Express and Freight Entrusted to Our Care. R. J. McKinnon & Son BURNS, - OREGON Farm Machinery Implements of all kinds in steck: Seeders. Plows, Disc and Drag Harrows. Binder Twine Barbed Wirt BELTING Machine . Extras Builders Hardware Paints and Oils Nails, Doors, Windows, Roof ing, Building Paper . '-- ' -- -fe'X.'svfr -"Vitm i, i.- "-- - - -- - tT"' CAMP SUPPLIES Fishing Tackle. Guns, Ammunition Tents, Water Bags, Etc. NEW DISHES,' GRANITEWARE Crockery, Tinware BURNS HARDWARE CO. NEIL SMITH, Manager