$ $ $ You like 'em don't you? When you spend them you like to get the best possible values for your money That's why you want to see the Remarkable Values we now offer befor you buy a NEW SUET SNAPP NEW LINE NOW ON DISPLAY Come and see them You'll be mighty glad you came Williams-Zoglmann Clothing Company Merchant Tailors and Leading Clothiers I. O. O. F. Building - - Burns, Oregon !hf iTimrs-ftcraCd JULIAN BYRD" Manager SATURDAY. AUGUST 2. ItM SUBSCRIPTION RATES On. Y..r Sea Monthj Tim Month. $2.00 his work for tliVspiritual better ment of this community deserves the highest commendation t the people. They should show their appreciation by attending the services and giving all encour agement possible. These services will be spiritual and helpful and are earnestly oo ! commended to the people of our WAR EXTRA! interest in the movements of the great armies of Europe con tinue to be of great interest. The papers received have con flicting news and it is hard to draw a conclusion as to which side has the advantage. The slaughter of men is terrific, the Germans losing most. Although it states the Germans have brok en through the allies center it doesn't mean they have a clear way to Ostend on the coast where they are on the channel to attack England as the allied forces will fall back to their fortifications and put up a strong fight. The Russian forces nearing Berlin are going to cause much trouble to Germany as it is evident her army is at the front in Bel gium, therefore Berlin is at the mercy of the enemy. The following was received by The Times-Herald this morning and covers the main news of yesterday. Paris rushing preparation for siege. Germans broken allies center. Germans defeat British at Maubeuge, route French and Belgium south of Namur, losses terrific. Germans lose sixty thousand at Charleroi. Three million Russians nearing Berlin. Austria declares war on Belgium. Germans burn Louvain, take Villerupt, Joppecouit, Calais and other cities. British forces crushed. city. Takes His Own Life. Churches Co-operate. At a meeting of the Baptists last Tuesday night to consider the terms of cooperation between themselves and the Presbyter ians submitted by Dr. Benson it was decided to try the suggested plan experimentally for three months. This is not a union in which either organization loses its iden tity, but a cooperation in which each organization retains its own identity, and both cooperate for work and worship. In the execution of this plan the Baptists unanimously elected Dr. Benson as pastor of their church during the experimental period. Should the experiment prove satisfactory it may be con tinued. The joint services will be held at all times in the Presbyterian church in the morning, and at all times in the Baptist church at night. The prayer meeting will also be in the Baptist church. This plan to become operative Sept. 1st. 11)14. The community is asked to take note of this ear nest and united effort on the part of the churches for the wel fare of the city and to give it their support. The best musical talent of the city will be engaged in the choir, under the leadership of Mrs. J. L. Gault, with J. D. Fellows as organist. Dr. Benson, who has been chosen pastor for both churches, is a gifted, logical speaker, and Excessive use of liquor was no doubt the cause of George A. Christie, a veterinary, taking his jown life in the city jail last Sat urday night. He was found dead Sunday morning by the city marshal. The man had been here for several weeks and was doing quite well in his line but was under the influence of liquor almost con tinuously. He could not always get liquor so he would write pre scriptions containing aleohol for pretended use on animals and when he could not get it other wise would drink the ingredi ents instead. It seems he had aewanity of alcohol with him in jail also laudinum as well as opium. lie was in tne naon i having stock medicine with him and the officer did not find any thing that he considered of any consequence when he placed the man in jail. An inquest was held by Coron er Clevenger and it was found the man had taken sufficient laudinum, opium and alcohol to kill an animal, any one of which would have caused his death. Deceased was 51 years old and it was found from letters that he had three sister in Kansas, also a divorced wife and two sons in the east. A telegram sent by Mr. Clevenger to relatives brought no response as to what disposition should be made of the body therefore it was buried in the Burns cemetery Monday afternoon, the service being con ducted by Rev. 0. W. Waltz. Additional Local Henry Jennings is in town Ike Constant is registered at the French. Price Withers was down from Harney Thursday. Dr. C.rillith removed the ton sils of Wesley Wc Icotne yester day. The eight li grade examinations Will he held CD Sept. ." and 4. L M. Hamilton, Supt. K. B, Purington and daughter Miss Helen, were down from the saw mill Sunday. 1'ivsidonl Cleveland of the State Live Stock Sanitary Board, has called a meeting of the board at Ontario on Sept. H. Dr. Geo. (!. Carl is prepared for special attention to all dis eases of eye, ear and noae. Eyes tested and glasses fitted. 50tf. Mrs. .1. T. Garrett underwent an operation at the hands of Dr. Griffith Thursday afternoon. The lady is improving nicely. A. Egli and wife came over from their WagOtltlre home yes terday, being accompanied by L. M. Brown and family and Mrs. Ed. BfU. I. Schwartz, and family and Dorman Leonard returned from Portland last evening. They had a pleasant visit and are en joying good health. An exchange states that the war is reported to have caused a scarcity of pepper in this country but adds consolingly that those who di sire to get peppered may go to Europe. Kenneth M. Swearingen, a son of Frank Swearingen and broth er to Miss (iittie, arrived here Thursday evening from Califor nia and will remain for an in definite time. Christian Science services Sun days 11am., Wednesdays at 8 p m. Reading room open from 2 to f Wednesday and Saturday afternoons. First door east of stairway, II issuer Bldg. Cordial invitation extended to all. Mrs. M. N. Fegtly of Jordon Valley was here Monday on her way home from a visit to Port land. She Mfpoctsd to meet Mr. Fegtly here hut that busy engi neer of the Jordon Valley Ex press failed to keep his appoint ment. Ontario Democrat. C .'ilt Treatment. "I was troubled with constipa tion and indigestion and spent hundreds of dollars for medicine" writes C. H. Hines, of Whitlow, Ark. "I went to a St. Troiiis hos pital, also to a hospital in New Orleans, but no cure wbh effect ed, On returning home I began taking Chamberlain's Tablets and worked right along. I used them for some time and am now nl right" Sold by all dealers. Clarence. Young will order ex tras for Champion mowers, but requires charges paid in advance. NOTICK FOR KOI VI Mi TRACT. i'uhmoation rinil.ie I.ANH SAI.B. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. MM A Till TRAIT I'lJHI.K- I ANIl Ml K. fNITKIIhTAIKH I AM) OPTICS. llurua, Oregon, Jul) illi, i'il4 Notloa li h.rehy given 11ml, aa directed by the t'omiuteilotier of n mi I and nrnce. under timviiluiia of Act ol Uongreei approved .Inn 'Jj Wort M Stall., M';. i.iirauaut ii Oi,' i plication ol t'laild II. Hiiljrlh. icilal No mi7, we will offer l piihllr ulr In tint hlghnal I.I.I t .-r . hut al hut Icae limn I' if par acre, Ml In o'clock A. M., tui tli.JJml tiny or Hepteiiil.ei, lUM.al llila orn.'c, llm r.'l lowlttH Irai't nf laud: VV'.NK.',. K'.NW, HW. Ill, T. 80 H . It .It K , W af Tina irmi in ordered Into It irkel on a alumina that On' a.eati-i imitlun il i in imiunlaTiinua or loo rough (oi roliiMilluo. Anyp.riiiiiBilaliiiii.it idftraaly Iheebtvvi ilcacrlbed lend are a'lvile.l tu Itlc llicii i talma, or objcctlona, an or liefore lal Hi h algnated lorealv. we hm liiHlater.- Haat MirriifcnaiikAii, tteeeleei NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. IHUI.ATKD 'UlAtT-l't'H! If I AND IAU, UMIkliHTATKi LAND ul H I IIUIIIS tllVpTHll. I'll? (41. Ill Sutler lalitrt. tflveu thnt, dim ! , v Uh t 'HiiitiisMluiH-r til Hie l.iiurt I eml Unll utntef uruvlsliiiii of Act of OOfffUM tppfoVM Juue'i7, IWM MHtfU.MTJ, ixirsunnt tulbftx ..IliaHuiiul Mure K NhI, Herlsl N. ,,,. will utter el imlilic self, luil til gin al lilaatl but kt mil lean then $- UU r hi n nt 111 iVelof J A M , oil Un .'it 'lay i( atofftftntwr, lot, m til Is office, the foliou lug tm.-i of land K'iSV4,(rvc. aft, T JH , LOU .'. I. NVn,NKU "re -;, T . H. B K , M I his next la urtl.Ti'il tutu market ON a bo I ue that the greater iMirtton (tinof la BtuuU teitioui or too rough fur cultivation. Any pertains claiming, a!veracl the a lime ileeriiueO lauO am ftdl I ted to tile lloir i la I in tir ohjrt tluus. on or before the .lute tlisiguMifi (or salt- W Faaua, Kfgia'i', Ham MoTHKhsiiR.il.. It" u r Mow the Trouble) Starts Constipation is the cause of many ailments and disorders that make lift- miserable. Take Cham berlain's Tablets, keep your bowtli regular and you will avoid these diseasts. For sale by all dealers. NOTICE OF CONTEST. I'NirKi. Htatrn UWtOrfU ' hums, tirigoii. Annual .if t, IPH , luMariienl Hake, of Wa.ril. OtfJMhOM leetee : You are hereby mitlflrd that ha h' Ktt.t V tlkltieol), Who gives Wavrrlv. Orrsjon, rs his toet oftoe etMrrss. Hid on Augut il, It 1 4 file In thin ultit i' tils ilnly AMroboraMi ) apblloa tlou to cub tret ami kMUft tlo- io t Isiloti ut uur llumrsteail Km rf N. . frtal He him, wade April 1st IftO, fur ',. HecUoo ,. Toiistil(. Hunt It. Hangs m Katt. ilisint tit Meridian, and as iroumls oi bl on teal ha iblletea that said Metiarl llak hftJ wio.ily alendouetl sahl ruiry, thai be novoff atab Mahrd ot inalnialutitla fsttl me, or insdr any Impruvementa tlnroni, snl hai eie-iit .1 blui self and rhaiiKd his restdi un tin m-from .u since the 1st. of tntr) You are then fur, lurtlnt n.i iffod Dial Ihr eald allegatlitiis Mill tiaarii a ronfaenod, and your said entry will tm oaMPolod wllbuttl further right u. i. board olllwi bofon tins itftis or on aitl-ral.lt oii (all to tWi in lh: urnie wlihlu iwe'iuy daya att.r it.. V KIM tuit.lli stluu ttf tins DOUOt, as ahown boloW, four answer, uu-t. r oath, inei in. li- - nif to tbeee allriallttis ol n'litcit, i with diir rotil that )uii haw- t r ! a uof .-f your ausner on the said t tin siaut either I peioon or hjr rrgtsturrti mall. mi Should atatf lit oiir ontWOI II" M a in r ol 1 lie pueinrTli f luslm L roil ilvsire future Both ! I aulti artit to Vtiu we rKim itt-.-ist. i limte of first puhltt adon AucualMB, J i a Date of aetoud iiuhhtai tun uust I tli, lot. I'ale ol third publication Aukusi .-.'ml. lvl Dale ul lourtb puhllcaltuii Au,-ni : titt .it I'NITKDHTATKHIANIlOKrieK I Miirna, Oregon, August 4, l"U I Sitlico la hereby given that, eg illreoled by Ho i' ii is"leio i of the'lttirral I and office under prOYlatong of Ao of I'ungreaa approvec hint- f, I'hm; i,i4 Hist . M7i, iursuaut to Ilia an tlli at ion of Jo in Klra, Her lal No .troll, we will niter ai puMlt 4l' to Ihi- bllhtel hhlder. hut at not Irtss ttiNH .p mt iter acre, al 10 o'nluca A M . .hi thn ,'Wth da of Meph'iuhei. 1914. at this nil ho, i ho foil uh in g tract of laud ' NKUNW',. NW'NK'a, Nee. M,T, Jfl H , II '14. I l i in- trail Is nrdttrc-d Into (he tnatket on a Hliowlue that the greater portion thereof li n nitilnougoi ton rough for i ulllvatlon. Any peiaoiii claliulug adversely tho altove .1. m-tii-toi land are advlat-.i to file their lalms. oi iil.Jerllotia. on Of helore the time deslgnsted .nli Wat. KaNHr. Neglgter. Han Motiitxatiiii.it, Kecetver. IMn Hums nw l.lsl No. NOTICK Fori PUBLICATION. I NITKII HTATB. IAMB in rn :, llurni, Oregon, Auguil 14, fill SnfHi' u bsftSf jflvrit that the Northern I'm Illi Hallway I'i Inpaiir. v Iiikh .oal ullli'a a. I. In-. la Hi. I'atll, HlniM'aola, liaa llila Kill 'Uv ill MiKUat lull flint In Ihlieltlre lUapiill . I Htlilar the urOvlllotM ol lh erl ol UongreH, ihovii Jn I, IKimimiHIat. WT, tijD) u Htasdad hi the ail ol roiiMreaa anprovaa Mil 11 ll HKi.NK',. Hit n, Twii .m Month, II in Kail, W M Merlal No U7I.7J Mijranil ell licraoiia riMlnilni ailveiaely Ibe l. in. I. . I. ..ill-J or ila.lrliin loolileit beeauaeof Ilia Mloiialrharai'li-i of the latiil (trail) other 'aanii. In Un- tflmoaal lo plftlfattt, Bhollld UN M,, i. i, lll.la, Mb .if prol.-al III llilai.nii f, oil iii lie lorn In- illi ilai ol lli ...... r lull. U I . Ill K I ' '- N()TK:K FOR PUBLICATION. Ism AIKII I KAl I ITHI.IC LAND HA IK. I mtkii m iii: l ami in riri, Hoi i. a. un aon. Annual i, III. Siiilir la berelir given thai, aa dlrreieil ky 'in i uiiiinlaaloiii'r ol the llvneral I ami iiITh e. Ii-r inovlilona of Art of ('ongreaa atiiirovril n ... ! 11 hih Al,j, imraiianl lo a..'l cation of Mary II Thiiniaeon, Merlal No unves, !' Kill urtiT el jnilillc ..li- ,H, llm Manral 1,1.1 Irr bill al not Iraa than fl.UO .i aere, at 10 .I i lui h A M . un the wth ilay of Hepiemlier, i -n. i il. i. mill . Ihafolloelng liaitol land : I'.M.'i Mac ll. I JtM . H ,MK., W. el I lila t r mi I la orilernl lino Ilia maraal on a ahoelng that ilia greater t.illi.ii thereof la itiiiiuilalhi.tiaiir loo rough tor i olll valli.n Am MraOUI ilalnilng ailteraely the au.nr Irai rllieil land era a-l laed to file their i lamia. or ohjri Uuna r before Ikr IllnailcalaliaU'a lur'aale. r-itat. K.Klalci Ham Miir.kH.tiKiu, Hi'i'rlirr. FALL AND WINTER SHOWIN BROWNS SATISFACTORY STO We are now showing special lines of new winter Dress Goods; up to date, and Quality, as usual, the Best. New waist materials, knit goods and underwear; laces, Ribbons and Embroideries. FULL LINE OF NEW SWEATERS Our shoe department is complete with full line of shoes for Everybody QUALITY FIRST N. BROWN & SONS Hi NOTICK rOB PUBLICATION I'MTf.lii.TATKMl.lMi iifH' l Hllllia.lliigiiu, iiKiiat a, Ml I Nulli-e la brrrby firm II. al ivrual I,.., it l.aweu, ilri-aiin. who, on HJiteio!ir I . I lli, uia.Ui llotii.alr.il Knlry. Nu laaai tor I c II, T iJ . ', K . I ..I- I ah. I .'. Heillon 7. Tnnal,i. '.'.'. i . I(aur i K . Ulllam tie Marldlau, baa Sled null., oj h.imtiiou lo make Pinal i ontiiiulalli.u I'.aoi to atal.ll.li rlalia to tba laud abut. Seat rtle d, l f Ifi-a" late, aud Hrrrlvrr. al Mum. .ii.,...!, un il,. Illh del ol lain ml.- r. lull I I aim a III nami-a aa VllaaaSM llruiy II l-i-i li. An. lire l.'.ra..). Ultluu K lib har.la.ui NtM I ili all i.l liaru, llrrgim H liltl. Ili-iil. I. I NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE. Obituary. NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. 1 -Ol l M) I i I . I'I III Ii !,ANlt MAI V I ilTKltMTATM I.Ni (riB, Huriin,'n tttiu, Aiiguat IV. ivM Null', ii LiTt-i'v fftrtfl (list, as tlir.-ctrU i tbi ' ontnlaatooei ! u nii l.iti office. tindafl pltivlsloaaol kvi Ol Omiicrraa approve. June 17, lis, I ( Htata , f17 j, iiirsiiaul lo theae llli ailon i.f I'm ins II MtajrlB, Merlal .Nu. U7'Jay, mi- will Offer nt i'ii int. unit ,i the highest bl.l.lsr Mit al not bm than 92.00 Mr acre, at lOoVliM-k A M ,ini Ho- .vml -lav o(m i.i.-idIht, IVU.al this rn! - , Lb follow in k trsi-t ui land I otl 'i H.Hm,NftT: rM-i -4.T WU H .MKUHWU, '- - i. 1 W i I , W M. J his trtOI is t.riirn .1 i ii to the uiarket a h.iMiiiK ihnt tin- jtreatcr psirtlot. thereof la iii'iiiiitMinou or too roUflt lor cultlvatiou Any jm rsoii . Isltnlna adverMl)r the above 1i-hi i ll.i-.l land are ad. Isrd lo file ibelr ulslnis or object ions, -ii or b tun tba time dsslfnatrd lor sale Wm Karhr. Ktsjist.-r ham MirrHKiuiHBAh, Ketelvrr NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION iHiii.ATttti tkait resuo tsse atta. Datmp RTATK. I AMI orrtl'S, Hiima. ilregou, Auguai , I'll Notloa la lu-r.by given that, aa dim led by I'n .una. I let Ibe neneral I and llBli-e U0der.rovl.IOM nf Act of t'oogreaa apertivatl Juno rt, IWll IMHI.ia , UT). luirauanl lotlie a lilli allnii of lan.ia I'lrla, Merlal No. u:m: w. will oil. r al . ill. Hi aale, Ui Ilia hlgherl bidder, l. til al not laaalhao II in -i-r a. ra, al 10 o'i lura I, M..OU tlietid day ol HoilenilHir, I VI. at thla office, i i.i- following I... I of land l-1 ,1. ',. Hm- i. T ,J B . li ITJl, K . H kt. Ilii. Ira, I la OrdefM Into Ilia market u. a aliuMing ihat Ihr greater imrtloo thereof la itioulilalunua or inn lough for cilltlvatloo. Auy oeranlia rlalialug advurael) tin above l.a.illH-.l land arc adilaed lo file their rl.lnil. or ..I. r. iiniia.on or befor. tin tliui-di alguate.1 for aalr V M KaNMa. Iti-alalrr - UoTM.aaiiaai.. Ita.iurl NOTICK IPB J'UHI.ICATION. I NITKII HTATKH I. ANIl tlKKK Ki llurua, iiregou, July u. Din Ni.tln la hrrehy given II. al Holarl K nlen ol I ami., nriai.it who, on Man b li, Itll n.ali- II ini-.li ail 1 ulry, So MXC. lor Ni,N WS ainl I..I. I and 4. Hei'tloll . I I on nablu .V. M , iiaimi-...., a. . niiiauiaii. Mr rniiaii. baa tiled uotlii. nl iuii-i,ti..ii to make final three year niimt. lu i ata bllali i-lalot lo the land al.nve da a.'llbvd. leifurr Ural alar aud HeoelVrr, al Hnrua iireanii, nu the .'lib day of Mruirmber, ivH I'laliuaul nauu-aaa arlloraara franklin Nutley. Mary t Hard, i baa Hard. Main I ai.ailoMai.rii. i irrgnu He l .aa, Keglater iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitrniTnmiTiTmti NOTICK Kolt I'lMiMCATION. M.il -IIHIItA. I. rilll.ll I.ANII HAI.K. I'.iim BfatM I.akii Orrlia llurua. oraguu, July SO, 1114. Sou.,, la berth rival that, aa directed by ilii'l'iiiiuii ai-lnu.-r .il Ilia '..in tal lend Ufflce, niilariiioviili.il. nl Ail of i iingrcaa approved June 11 I'.IV. .. 4 .ilula nil. at i.i I. nl I..... ... S will i.rf.r .it iu!. Ill auhv to tba hlgbaal bidder Mi. nurauatil to Iba an I-ii. at i. in ol lion aa V Noel, Herlal No OaiM, are Communicated. Lizzie Lynn was born in Kan sas April 3rd, 1889 where she spent her early life. Later she went with her parents to Wyo ming, but in a few years returned to Kansas where she was mar ried to William Hirsch. Soon after their marriage Mr. and Mrs. Hirsch came to Oregon and located on a homestead near Riley. Mrs. Hirsch was recently taken ill and was brought to Burns where she underwent an opera tion for appendicitis on Wednes day. She died Sunday morning August 26. 1914. Mrs. Hirsch leaves a husband and two children, s father, two brothers and five sisters to mourn her loss. She united with the Methodist church early in life and lived a consistent Christian life though deprived of public worship through isolation in the country. She was a true wife, a fond mother and a kind neigh bor. The remains were returned to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dibble, where funeral services were conducted last Tuesday afternoon by Dr. Ben son of this city. Interment was made in the cemetery near Riley. but at tint lea. than I.' un bcr acre, at lu o'rlm k A. M in. tho .'lal .I.i) "i .aiti :nl r. I'm, al II, la ..III. .- ' I... r.ill.,i, li.ii tiai I of laud: NUNWV..HWUNWU. NV,ithWi,., HMU, T m i ii ii. cT, w fl 'I li la trad la in. Ii-rcil Into lint market on a allowing ttiii Un greater portion (hereof li iii.iiiiitnluniia or urn riniuli lor cultivation. Any paraona claiming adveraaly the above doai 1 1 i.i 'I la i. .1 hi.- ii iv lard to illit ibi-lr ilaluii, or ol. J. Hon., mi or liofiiru the lime dealgnated foi a.,1. WM I'akki Iti'itlBlrr. Ham .MnriUBBiigAb, Receiver. NOTICE FOB 11)1. Al I. II I HAI I I'UUI.ICATION I'IMII.Ii; LAND HAI.K 1'NiTgn hTAma l-AHUOrriia llurua. uicgoii July an, 1114 Notice II I., icl.y given that, u directed by 'In' iiiiaaloin-r of the I it'll a 'a I l.aud office, un .in broviilotlg of Acini i nuitieaa approved Intaia , .".17). purauaut totha ap i. II. inn. ii nl 1 rrolllie llullou, Harlal No 07107 we wllln Her al . ill. In Biilr. in lb. blabaat lild .lar, I, in nl lint l.ia than I-'JIO par acre, at 10 0 ciiiea a m on nar jialilav iiinaplelnber, 1V14 ai ililanltiie, ili i .1 j . . i iifei trad of land I'.'.M.',. Nl4NtlM'",NWIriec.au,'I' at! 1 . Il .4 1 , U M. I bin Irai t la ordered llitu luirket'otl a allow ii,i tb.' t i in ki. at. i in. it I. in thereof Ii muuu taluoua or ton n.uKli fur i ulll vallnu. Any li'-ia. .ii nun I hi ailveraalv Ilia above .leai 1 1 In. I Inn. I an ml viae. I lo flla Ibelr I lalma, or ol.j. i Ih. i.. mi or I.. I. nc Iba lima dealgnalnl fill biiii- Wm I a nit jc llt-Kiater .ie Mm iikHiiAH, Itecclvar iiliic Uiiiklianll ) . 1 1 nt 1 1 1 va 1'. II. Auaiiuia ainl Ilclln Atlannia, tlrtl'rniluiita. Ily virtue nl an riri'iitinii ibiiic.I nut nl t lie Circuit I 'tun t nl the State Ol itc gnu fur Harney County on July .10, ISM lu the hImivc ciitltliil eaurr ulicrcin juilirniant VfaS niiilcrcil in fitviir nl the ploiulill anil ii'iiitist the tlefcniliinti nu the 30th ilny of Mareh IMS fur 5L'i'7 H ... coita and iliiliiiriiniinta, mill tin- luither .Ulll of $.'1(11)11 illllllligca, with Illicit-Hi ihcienu at tlra rule of II rr cent ier annum fr un the ilute ol jllllgMSIll. SSlI which inliiiiMii wna iluly cnuicil ittul dock.ted un April 1. IIHL', I huva leviml on the hereultci ilract iImkI ten) uiiail in thf iiotty nl the ilcfciuliint I'clln Auainua, natncly' Nintlr.Mil ijuiirtci ol Nuitlicnal iiiur t.r of Sectnui 20 in Ti 'li S. K ,'U, II., W. M-, Harney County, OrsgOB, mid I herein i;ie notice thai I will offer the aiiine for aule, ami mil tin' aiiinc, fa call to the liij'lnii ami licnt lnilil.i, in front o! then, ml In mac ilnur gVl llurua, Oregon, on Monduy, the Blst duy ol Auxuat 191 1, at tho hour ol '.' o'chnk P. M. or an much ilionml M iniiv bf uecciaury to lutiify the foinginug ludg. nionl utttl SOSti uml exiienaca nf aah Dated tbi. BOtB day ol July I'.M I. A. K. IICHARIISON, Ily HYKoNTIiKIMI.I., Slnnlf. Mpnty, NOTICK VOB PUBLICATION, I'NirgbHViV.a i-amoiip.Ii a. i rlurua, llrrgon, auguai II, 1114. .li.ela hereby given that John W liavla. ol Ml, Jtihtia. llrrgon, alio, un Oct 13 110 adeUaaa.l land Uutry Nu. Mn. lur'ggi,, lion.', lowuablp..'.H , llangeajl, k Wllian rill atarldl.n, liaa riled uollcv of lulaollou to make final proof, lo ealet.Mab claim lo Ibe land abinr- drat rtoad. In-due Itrgt.ler and Ha i. iv. t al lluina, iilegnu.ou Ibe ."ilb day of Mlteitirr IvU. i laiiiiant iianira aa eitiieaaea J. .In. H Weiiurr and nlen I.. Itavia. botbut it J. .I.i. a iingou frank Miller of llarrl luali. lirrgotl K C. I linru and Vi c. 'ileaauu. imtli ol lji.ru, nri vim VI . Kaaa. Keglater. NOTIOI FOB PUBLICATION. t Ntrin HTATg. i.anii nrricg i llurua, Oregon, Auguil II, nil. I Notlag la lieiehy given that nlen I.. Havla, of i Jnbiia, Oregon who, on October , Ivlo. ma .I.' Insert baud Knlry, No Oftll.l. I.n - . , and Hi Hn . I, Toe olhlp K . Kauge US Willamette Marldlau, ha. filed uollia ol Intention to wake final proof, lo ealabllab claim to toe laud above deecrllied. liefore Iteglater and Heeelver, at Uurna. Oregon, on lb. .lib day of Hepleraher, 1 '11 laiuiaiii iiamea aa wllnraai-a J iale liavla ainl John II Welmei l-ilb of i Joluia, iirrgon. frank M Millar, of llarrl man, Oregon. Kt Ilium ami W . f i,l, .ami i ..I li nf lawen, Orrgun. a K.aaa. Keglater THE STAR Feed Barn II. KI.I.IOTT. Trop. Horses Boarded by the Day, Week or Month CAREFUL ATTENDANTS Good Feed and Keasonable prices Haled Ilay and tirain for Hal. Comfortable Camp House With Cook .Stow PATRONAGE SOLICITED Accural Hay and Stuck .Scale, j Frlree for welg-hlng; 20e. Suuih Mala SI., Durna iiiihiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinmirmm CoiiiHIiiMlu.n ink, itijtity, iiici.lciit and d.atli be no II I protevtion at ininl loiiin coat. i',OX)OU ili-ell, laniiallt ; tl.OUO.OO fur loan of lnnh ur yivlit. faum S3 01) lo $16.00 wn-kly nick or ac clil.nl UncfJl, H.OUO.OO Kin.rnen. r. li.l li.inlll. Coat ia fi.iai (Mir tear, no otbor du.a ur anacaaiuenta. In Una loiurante all man and women arc SjaSSfJ on au aaual baaln, rrgardlw uf occupa lion. Kvory paraun make tli. SMM form uf application, pay. tho aamu auiouiil.if premium and rrcvivce tin- aaiii.- nun unit ol twnrflt. Men ami Women betwo.il tb. agra of It. ami i.'i are acosptad. No raatrictluna aa to M cupatiun, only Kallruad nun om ployed amployral on track, train or riMinnd bona., can not b. acr..tl. t laimri an. paid within ai.ty days anvwhetc in the U.S. Canada or Kamp.. Did reliable Inauraiice Company. f lUO.OtKl.no on But. dapuait aa a proUciiun for Policy holder, anal to goarantea tb. payment of claims. For further fro. information addraaa (Justavc li. Werner, Swrvtary and (len.ral Manager, llox SKI, lluffalo, N, Y. state ag., ax, occuiiation ami mention Iiept. It 172. A Full Line'of ECONOMY JARS and MASON JAR CAPS I slso have a new line ol Percales, Flaxona, Glnshams, Voiles, Latest In Neckwear, Barret te, Side Back Combs for Ladles. Just arrived, Latest In Ties, Collars, Suits, Caps, Underwear and Shirts for Men. SPECIAL CASH PRICI On quantity orders for GROCERIES For Haying A. K. Richardson General Merchandise NOTICE KOR PUBLICATION INITKI) M.VIK.S i.ANiiorncs llurua, iiieguu, Auguil II, W14 N..U. I. Ii.r.l.jf given II. al Hii.rniau N. Jay if I an en, Oregon, lai, un Hoiuemuer IS, IWM, uiaile llnuiraieacl Knlry, No. unr4l, tor Hit'. action l. lownilili, it H, lunge gj. Kaat' U liaiiii-llr Meridian, hag flferl uullce uf Inleu lion in make final five year I'ruuf, lu ealabllab i lallii In Ilia I. ml airily, deacrlbeil, befure Meg later ami Itecclvar, It llurua, Oregon, uli Iba I. an ilay nf Mepleoiber, WI4 I lalluaiil ualiiu. aa ulliit-aava Icier lifer, AnOrcw Fua.rieu, Jam., w i ary ami John ll.lm, all uf Uw, n. Ufeguu. w l.aaa. U.gUter NOTICK KOlt PUBLICATION I'NITKI) HTATKM I.ANII OKKH'Ki llurua, Oregon, Auguat a, lull Null, e la hereby given thai I'aler farmer, uf lluina, oregiin, who, uu Ai.rll -ll, lew, maile II.. in. an a.l Knlry Nu, HUM. Harlal No tM0g), lur N Vt u, s,., linn n, lowiuhl,, 16 a., Mangel K , in. in- .iii in ibii una inexi notice Ol lUteu I'UBMCATION I'IMII.Ii; I.ANP VAL. I'Nirn. si aibb l.aaii Orrna, llurua, Oregon, July no, lull Notloa It" h. ni.y given that, aa dlraoled by il" ui linn i nl Hat luminal Laud Office. uuilcr iiji.vialoiia of Act of i ongruia a i.iuveq June 21, l"i. ill Hlnla. MV), iniraiiaill to (ha an. pin allnii ol huil Hackhatia, serial No anii47. ay III otter al mlillc aule, lo the hlgheat hldiler, I, nl al 11. il I. a. Than ll J.'i 1 er arm, at 10 o'clock A M ,en Hi.' .'.Hal ilny of Hcultiiuner, IVH, at il.l ...Hi. . 11.. following I rail of lain): V. ',N H ',. Hei VI, t. a . II ., W II NOTICK FOR I, .ill V I I 11 I It W I NOTICE AND PETITION FOR L.IQUOK .ICF.NSE Otia Siaemore wan yeutsrday. NOTICK KOR PUBLICATION I Ml I'.li nl 41 KH I.ANII OKKIl'K Jill' OS. liicgim, Auguai 17, Ulll. Niilln la liernl.y glvcll that Frank Marian Mill. 1, ui llaiiliiiau. Oregon, who, 011 July H, I:hm, nu..!. M n.n. ai. ,.,l Knlry. No Ulfl, for KJjHVli. ami W'HK',, Heclluu i, Inwuililp It, H , Itainiu -I 1'. , Wlllaincllii Marlillau, haa llliul noilie of iiiiiiiiliiii tn uiak. dual live year pi, ml, to uatabllah claim lo tb. laud above do acrlljed. hefora Iteulaler aud Receiver, at burua, un gnu, mi I he J uh ilay of Hciitauitici, 1VU. ('lalluaiil iiatnaa al wltneaaea lounge I, llila. K I .a ul.e til Mlihlh.Uiu, ll.ri) J. Joklach, Dr. II. am 1 Deuaiau, all ol llarrl uiau , 0114UU, W, the uliilciaig-ilcil, I1K11I viilciH nl lluiiniian riecimt 1 1 in in y timiiiv, Stale of Oregon, ichici tdilly h tit inn the lluu.CouiltyCoiitl of llm n,.y t'.unii y Htute ol Oteiion, lo ((Mini It lli'cline to Allmtloii llolel, Cling Knhn, MHiiaci, to aell Hpirltuuu., Mult uml Viimna l.iiiuoin in lean iinanlitica than one c-.nl lou in llariiiiiaii I'lccinci lliirucv Cniin ty, Htatc of Oregon, for the kiioiI ol ail ilioutlii, 11. in duty lioutiil w will ever pray. Niinma: ti. I Cole, Cnil Hergog, II Dituinan, 0, I.. I.ec, !'. M Miller, A.J. Ilanil, T. C. Allnillon, I). 1'. Buyder, J. W. Ileum, lira. J. W. IlcilUJ, H. A. (iil)ion, Mia S. A. Oiliaoii, k l Hmltli, K. N. Ilanil. Iniiina C. I.i bliy, Ttiomai II. I.ibliy, Archcv C. Unlet, Jno. B. Houglierty, John J. II. in, H C. Heinz, I'. I'. Hem, R, Uiiiklianll, J. I.. Millaup, O, W. Millinp, ,l,,lin (1. Niclml on, I Hub. Ketitly, Tctet I'rlei II I'. Clocr, J. Ilillou Jr., Kny Clark, I. H Clark, Tliouifig J. Koutley, M. li Houtlcy, Mai I. Iluikliutdt . I I Hlcupcr, Jutticg Caiy, (ilnulea SO. ml, II. C. Albrlttikji, T. M (iilinoii, Clinrlcn Holm, Tom Haling. Nolle, il licrcljy given Hint un Weil ntaduy, the L'nd tiny of'Kcpteintici, Mil I, Hie uiiilriajguitd will apply to the County Court of Harney County, Oregon, fin the lice nee mentioned in the foregoing petition. CIIAKLliS UOlIN, 1 ' "it take final five year proof, lo ealabllab la tin I.. II.. I an. I a lane .leaerllieil i.f..r. k..l. ler and Itac.tver, at Uurna, Oregon, on the Ulli day of Hciitciuticr III! 1 iBiiiiaui iiBiii.B aa Hun Milam Kat .ml I'ay Keny both ol num. i-'oii lliarlea l.awll, ul Namma Oregon. Hugh 1 1. 1.111. ul llurua, Oregon VYx l.mn. Heglilei NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. I'HITgli HTlTaa l.aNIi Oaaiea 1 llurua, tliegon, Auguat 0, lull AUTOMOBILE TIRES AT FACTORY PRICE.S SAVE PROM SO lo 60 I'KH CKNT Tube l.iifi . 1.IIA .' M a.ufi sou UU 3.60 .1.00 800 ..US 4.00 All) ft. ill All ntlier algae in .lock. N011 Skid tlre 15 paf cant addliional, nd labrt ten par coil ( abov. the gray. All new, clean, freah guaranlrrd tiraa. Ihat Uinlgi.l and iudepeudent inuku.. liny direct Iron aa and aavc, money, ft per diecount If payment In lull acc-oii.pai.ien each order. 0. O. !. on 10 per cunt de poalt. Allowing aiainination TIRK KAITOHIKS HACKS CO. P- A Dayton, Ohio Tir. 18iS I 7.10 Sfli3 7.80 Wg:!1, 10.HO ;'.iiS', 11.00 :u. ii.40 S?i4 13.70 83i4 14.80 34i4 10 80 30i4 17.86 3oi4 10.76 atllCa 10-86 37l4l, .1.60 37l6 S4.U0 Fair Feed Yard (.RAIN OF ALL KINDS Timothy, Alfalfa and Red Top Hay Baled Hay For Sale Free Camp House and Feeding Privileges in Corral or Barn. Customers Care For Own Stock. W. A. GOODMAN, Adjoining Fair Grounds. Noticed hur.by given that Minnie Ilanil, .laiialiler anil heli ol Margar.l laml, ilvcuaauil ..I l.iineii, inegou, who, oil March It, lull 11 ... ile lli ui iiaic. il hull), No Uligt;,, forHUHK'. ae. 14 ami KNr!u. heetloii ilg TowuaVlpf4 H , Itauge M K Wlll.i.ieiie Merliflau, haa lfl.il until e ol luic niton lo niaku final line, y.ar 11....I, to ealabllab ciaiin to tba lain above .1. . 1 li.e.1. i.i. lura Kagtiter and Hecelvar at Hnrua, Oregon, oil the llila day il BevlvuiLer 1 .. i 1 laluianl uauieaaa viUu.aael . Mr 1 una inula. I Maitlu Muck, all ol l. Mr. Jaiuea llcall ruler I 'rliii. Ml llieg-.n Mr M i.VJ .i"jrr riSl' l claim lu 1 1,, Ta favfi' rffTeV aJ II g I'ominlaetoner at bla offlua .1 a..a.uu' , TObVIUL "iaU ,E? ""iun. outlTellllj day of naatambar, 11114 , , TOliS1 aaaMaVla. iD Olilniani nam, lor wlt.eaaSg: I X2 Manila-aaalrtkV ...9.U nloOrr, 'lr?a oalvr.y. John . 117 .... : L WM faaaa, aulalw. Manajt.i Alhiltlon Hold. "fill IS. We' vriiiianii. Jean a.nard. all of KI.I1., Oi.gun I WW I atl afa " afV Baja 4- fatal fawBwawBawWtTi''arai l' i al 1 jTf. lawPalar J. "- -... Ill II I I llaafaSaei I la I II III I M I I a. Vf 'laaWlggi fi.'Waaft III awtl "awfa al elfc ITfc aTlMaTfFlraf3taVaeatfafa?CT WiFtm- .Ik- J. -jBMinflBlJBnjBlliaiVavBvBa Iff a&HX Mu JVgV &tft?L afHTM aa hi AV'- -i Jk i L ' .awa1. .aawBwalJawn Wm Kakkk, Kegliter. NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION I'NITKIl H'lATHH I.ANII OKKK'K Uurna. tir.guu, Auguil 11. nil. siiiln. la herel.y given that Kt.. n K Hotter ... ..... .......,, ,'ivbiiii, WHO, on jut f taUK, inane iii.iinaieBii nniry, Io uinnio. for NI.NWli Hac. lu. nut N'.NK'., rlaiillnnl.Town.blliil if' llaug. lu', h Wlllatii Marldlau, baiTllad 1 n.llie of liiluullou to make dual three vear 1,1001. 10 . atal.l a 1 1 a 111 In iln- 1....1 . hove da- airllivd, la fiim Keglater ami llecelvur at llurua Oregon, uu tba 141b day of Hutiteiuber urn rUlii.aul naliiaa bb wltueaa.B Alllaoli I Kavcrafl. llaoia.. l M. ....!. ..... Uoyd Jolinaonallof l.wen, Oregon, Blnlie M nlicn, i.l ll.ielial.au, drvgiin. Wu.Ka.ag, Keglater. New Spring Goods Have arrived end we ere now ready to supply you with your requirement Dress Goods, Wash Goods Laces, Ribbons. Hosiery. Gloves, Embroideries, etc FURNISHINGS. SHOES CALL OR SEND YOUR ORDERS The Burns Department Store Stt& Notice lo Creditor. Nolle, la hereby given that the iitnlor ilgned haa bean duly appointixl admin-' iitrator of the eilate ol Maggie A. I'irle, daCMkeed, by the County Court of thn Htata of Dragon, lor llanmy County All paraona baTing claim, againat eaid aetata are hereby notified to urnieut them, duly verified aa by law reiniiicl, to Jaiuea l'irie, aduiinlatrator. at hie ie eldeuo. near Harney, llaru.y County, Oregon, or at Mm oSce of J . rt. (!ook lug I attoruay lu llurua, Haruey (iuiityj Oregon, within eii moutliH Irom thu data of iliia notlcn. Dated thin Hth. day nf Auguat, UU. JAMKU I'IKIK, adiiiliii.ii.,1,., . J. H.00OK, attorney. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. . llaitgu HT.Tia Mnii iirricg, 1 llurua, lliegon, Auguat .'., mil I Notloa li B.rebv glv.u lint I'eter Mlllei. ,.1 Klaldi. Oreaou, who, ou Juu. 'iuih, un, uiailu llnaiaalaaii.iii 1 1 n iuo,iu 1... ui .. rowugblp M aouil., B.nge 14 Kaat. Vlfl.uie, i..' 1 .!"" UM n''a uoima of iiiteiiiiia, 10 1 v -1, -r-T- VVBI LL . A .iVev kit .-... v ajaBMgfM Will. ... U. Ik. ..I... I fc '."" T"" :" " " " 1 equip iiicm. eularg.dg,, 1. . . ,y,3. dilioni toitaljvuliv. Id. I ni.ralty o( Oregon will begin tie Ibirty ujnth year luaada). S,iie, iPerwl training l.u lluaiot J,.ur. . ,;',"; moiiiiiir, lei '...il I 1. brer Work. MuaU, .,mu't Hiync.l 1 raining an.l line rt. i l!i!1l, "."' """Itvl vleiuinienta ol liberal eJu. an, .11 l.l"a. .1 aaoi. ili.ii III. .,1a.m. i. .aJ.ia.a .,,. .u.. ,!,,, i,u,i,i,, , SSiI.".. N" J1",, AJ l .. B . ,UHIar ui iilinl.u,1nii '--" 'rtnii InMid Wr.ie lor a.l.ti.aj .,,J H...i, at. J i,WWllml AaUl.Mlag KfMllllll. UMIVEasiTY 0F OREGON .uogNi oNgaoN JOB WORK