The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, August 22, 1914, Image 1

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    ' '."V --? .' 'V SH jr- "- 4fctaiJilV-30"fv
The Biggest County In The State
Of Oregon, Best In The West
The Biggest City In The Biggett
County In The State Of Oregon
NO. 4t
' ....
Homesteader Near
Hand Last Saturday Dies Following
Night. Medical Aid Not Secured
Until Too Late.
Applied But Victim Succumbs
William T. Wiley died Sunday I There have been several acci
night at his home near Princeton dents during the oast few weeks
from snake bite. The rattle- which have caused death and
snake was found in a pile of sage this is one Of (he sad ones. Mis
brush that was used for fuel, bereaved widow and other rela
Mr. Wiley went to the pile of tives have the deep sympathy of
fuel Saturday afternoon and saw the entire country.
the reptile coiled but on his ap-
proach it dropped down into the
pile and while looking for it and
in reaching for a branch the
snake struck him in the right
hand, burying its fangs between
the thumb and fore finger of the
right hand. Mr. Wiley went into
the house at once and as soon as
possible applied such remedies
as were available. His hand and
arm swelled fast and later a
physician was communicated
with and instructions given, i
The injured man seemed to be .
better but Sunday grew worse '
and suffered very much. They ,
tried to get into communication
with a physician at Burns, but
the central office was closed on ;
that day from noon until five,
therefore Dr. Geary, who was
called, did not get word until
that hour. He went down as
soon as he could but arrived too
late to help the unfortunate vic
tim who died about 11 o'clock.
Deceased was born in Missouri
and was 45 years old. He came
here something over a year ago
and took up a homestead near
Princeton. He worked at the
barber trade a part of last winter
while his wife was in the hospi
tal in this city where she under
went an operation. Mr. Wiley
was well respected by all his ac
quaintances. He is survived by
his widow and two daughters,
one the wife of Luther Fitchet
and a younger daughter at home.
He was a member of the Wood
"nen of the World and the body
was brought to this place and j
buried under the auspices of the
local camp. He held an insur-1
ance policy in the order for $2000
The funeral took place Tuesday
afternoon being conducted by
the Woodmen, Dr. Babbidge de-
livering the sermon.
Burns Meat Market
Packing Plant
Fresh Meats, Poultry
Home Products for Home Consumers
It Is prepared to meet the demand of Dainty
Women for a preparation that will overcome all
odors of perspiration. It la the last touch In a
finished toilette.
The Burns Hospital
Best Surgical Room and Equipment
In the State Outside of Portland.
Nice Rooms, Good Care and Com
fort for Patients-Reasonable Terms
Graduated Nurse in Charge
Princeton Bitten on
Home Remedies
Market Report.
Receipts for last week at the
Portland Union Stock Yards have
ban cattle, 1700; calves, 8;
hofrs, 1830; sheep, 4'S(U.
Quite a heavy run of cattle the
tirst of the week and prices eased,
.... . i
off on all grades of steers. Ex -
tremo top 7.86. Good outlet for
top grades of cows and heifers
and' prices fully up to last week.
Bulls 4.00; calves 8.00 to 8.25.
Hog receipts continue light
with strong demand. The top
for best light hogs is 9.50,
medium grades bringing 9.25 to
Receipt of sheep and lambs
also light. Good demand for
choice grades. Trices steady
with last week. Prima wethers
4.75 to 4.86.. Prime ewes 3.85 to
4.15; medium awea 8.26 to 8.76;
spring lambs 5.50 to (i.OO.
Catholic Church.
1. On Sundays and Holy days
of obligation Holy Mas- with
sermon at 10 a. m.
2. On week days Holy Mass
at 6:30 a. m.
All other .services, besides
those mentioned above will be
announced in church.
All invited and welcome to the
divine services.
Sick-calls promptly answered
at anytime. Religious informa
tion and instructions willingly
imparted at the Francisian
The Bachelor's friend is The
Burns Steam Laundry for they
not only Laundry bat tew on
buttons, and do rnonting without
extra chuge, 30-11
Dainty Body
Rexall Nice
Good Citizen Passes.
The death of Geo. W. Reed at
the home of Mrs. E. B. Reed on
Tuesday afternoon cast a gloom
over the many friends and neigh
bors, although his passing wis
to be expected as he had been in
ill health for a long time, in fact
had been an invalid since coming
here over two years ago. Mr.
Reed was a very quiet man who
had not made a very wide ac
quaintance since coming here as
he was confined to the home
most of the time. However,
those who did know him held
him in high esteem.
The funeral service was con
ducted by Rev. Dr. Benson of
the Presbyterian church from
the home of Mrs. Reed Wednes
day afternoon and there were
many present to pay their last
respects to the departed friend
and to offer sympathy to the be
reaved relatives.
Geo. W. Reed was born Aug.
8, 1865, in Jackson County, Mo.,
where he grew to young man
hood. He married the first time
in 1878, to Matilda Edwards in
Kansas. In February 1881 while
he, his wife and infant child
were ridin in a covered wagon,
1 his wife-was shot and killed by a
boy who took a dare from another
boy to shoot at the covered
wagon. Christmas 1884 he mar
ried Sara Ella Miller tu which
union four girls and one boy were
born. The boy died at birth,
and one girl died in infancy.
Three daughters survive him,
the oldest, Millie, Mrs. J. A. I 'hi,
of Carson, Iowa; Ella, Mrs. W.
R. Graves of Keener, Arkansas;
and Miss Nellie of our own city.
Mr. Reed was converted and
joined the Baptist church in early
manhood. loafer he joined the
M. E. church, then moving to
a neighborhood where there was
no Methodist joined the United
Brethern, March 4, 1912 he came
to Burns and two years later
he joined the Nazarene Church.
He died August 18, 1914 at 2.16
P. M.
Federal Appropriation
For Oregon Agriculture.
Eleven thousand dollars has
been appropriated by the United
States Department of Agricul
ture for extension work in Ore
gon agriculture and domestic
economy. Announcement has
also been made that all Federal
extension work will be carried on
in connection with the state col
lides under the direction of the
extension divisions. The Oregon
apportionment will be expended
for the following purpeses:
Special Held work in dairying,
$2,500; supervision of county
agricultural work, $3440; support
of girls' and boys' industrial
clubs. $2700; farm efficiency sur
vey, 1500; and clerk hire, $860.
The work in dairying will be
maintained as at present, while
an assistant will be provided for
the state leader of county work
and for the state agent of club
work. The farm survey will be
conducted by a federal expert
who will determine the degree of
efficiency with which a number
of farms is operated. Methods
of conducting the surveys will
also be taught to the county
agents in order to extend the
survey work throughout the
Announcements of the govern
ment's policy and appropriation
were made in a recent confer
ence at Denver, the Federal de
partment being represented by
Dr. A. C. True and C. B. Smith,
and the state interests by Presi
dent W. J. Kerr, Director R. D.
Hetzel, and State Leader II. T.
Frank Johnson went to Harri
man yesterday to arrange for an
extention of the telephone line
from that point on to the colony
house to be erected by the Colon
ization Co. a short distance
east of Harriman.
D. D. D.
Aw 16 years
The Standard Skin lUmedf,
Instant Relief
E Skin Troubles
Th Guarantee! Rwifdy
Interesting Industrial Notes of the State.
Buyers' Week Was a Big Success.
Pacific International Livestock Ex
position in Portland December 7-12
Promises Greater List of Entries
"A news dispatch from Rome
dated Aug. 19 says:
Pope Pius died at the Vatican
this afternoon. Though in fail
ing health for a long time, his
case has been considered serious
but a few days.
Yesterday, however, Doctors
Amici and Marchiafava admitted
his condition was grave. Karly
today it was said he was threat
ened with pneumonia.
How imminent was his danger
was not realized even then, until
the actual announcement of his
death was made.
The pope lapsed into uncon
sciousness at noon, just after the
last sacrament had been admin
istered to him.
The physicians administered
oxygen to keep him alive until
the arrival at his bedside of the
officials which the church rites
require to be at the pontiff's bed
side at the end.
(I'ruin Our Portland CotTMpoodtatJ
Buyers' Week is a thing of the
past, but it was a week that will
be vividly remembered for a long
time, probably until next year's
"Week," which from all indica
tions will be attended by a great
er number of buyers than the
one just past. The registration
at the Portland Commercial Club
reached neurly 000 and the visit
ors represented practically every
town of any importance in the
Pacific Northwest. It is estimat
ed that goods bought from Port
land manufacturers and jobbers
during the week amounted to ap
proximately $1,000,000.
The visitors were hardly allow
ed sufficient time to do their
buying, certainly notinletoget
homesick or lonesome, for enter
tainment of some kind was on
tap nearly every minute. Recep
tions, smokers, theatres, lunch
eons and automobi le tri ps followed
each other in rapid succession
during the entire week. If any
one had a complaint to make he
did not make it public, and most
of the visitors departed with a
hearty: "See you again next
year, ana expressions ol deep
satisfaction with the business
and social events of their short
A statement just receiven from
O. M. Plummer, general mana
ger of the Pacific International
Livestock Exposition will be of
interest to every farmer and
stockbreeder in the state. After
calling attention to the date of
this year's show at the Union
Stock Yards at North Portland,
December 7-12, he says:
"The Exposition is purely edu
cational along livestock lines,
there being no 'Wild West' or
other amusement features and is
unique, in that it will pay over
$15,000 in cash premiums and
makes no charge for entry fee,
stall room or admission. Like
the International of Chicago, the
Pacific international of Portland
is recognized as the court of last
resort on the Pacific Coast.
"Premium lists will be mailed
to all breeders who belong to the
different breed associations;
others who desire a copy may
secure same by applying to the
general manager. Early reports
i iii
indicate 50 percent larger entries
than last year, and commercial
organizations all over the country
will be asked to co-operate with
the railroads in forming special
parties to attend the show.
Bankers, as well as breeders, are
taking a keen interest in the ex
position and are lending their
very active support."
From the latest returns it iB
ovident that the wheat yield in
the Wallowa country is the larg
est in its history. Several thou
sand acres arc producing their
first crop and the yield on both
old and new land is phenominal,
the results being direetly propor
tionate to the amount of work
put on the land last fall and this
A plant for distilling oil of
peppermint is being constructed
near Springfield. O. H. Todd,
and associates, of Eugene, have
planted 40 acres to peppermint
and will work up the product in
their own factory. If the yield
of oil meets their expectations,
the 10 acres should give gross
returns of about $6,000. The in
dustry is likely to become impor
tant in Lane County.
Planting Poor Seed
Raises Production Cost.
Of the 1200 tests made on sam
ples of seed submitted by citizens
of Oregon to the Cooperative
Seed-Testing laboratory of the
Agriculture College, but twenty
five per cent were from farmers.
That is, there were ,'JOO samples
submitted, but since several of
them came in packages of two or
more, considerable fewer than
300 farners sent seed to be test
ed. The remainder of the sam
ples sent came from seed bouses,
which in turn sold tested seed to
the farmers. Doubtless a good
many farmess tested their own
seed before planting it. or got
the tests made from some other
source so that probably more than
300 farmers planted tested seed.
But in view of the fact that the
government pays the salary of a
seed expert during the entire
year, and equipment are provid
ed by the College to do this work,
a much larger use of the seed
testing facilities might be made
to advantage.
Any farmer who wishes to do
so may prove this for himself.
Let him go into his corn field,
count off ten hills each way, and
then count the hills actually pre
sent within the square thus form
ed. Then let him compare the
number of hills with the 100 hills
theoretically present, and he will
see whether or not he is losing
a considerable portion of his crop
and his profits by having planted
some inferior seed. Within the
ten-by-ten space there should be
about 300 stalks. If 10 hills are
missing there will be about 270
stocks within the area. This is a
90 per cent crop, and if he is
getting 45 bushels per acre he
should be getting 50 bushels.
This 5 bushels represents a clear
loss, since it costs as much to
grow the 45 bushel crop as to
grow the 50 bushel crop.
If this same condition is ap
plied to an entire field of corn
and to other crops on the farm,
it Is Been that the loss is a serious
and needless item of expense in
the cost of production.
w mi new nuiiuiiiga, riir equip
iiinit. t tt grounds, aotf nuny id
dit.uot tu ns Li. ulty, tbtt UnivenJty
of Oregon will begin III thirty Uutn.
year Tutdy, September I.
-pet i4i irwumig lor lliuiueti, Juur
juliiiu. law. Methane, leucluiij, (,
' i-iT B1UW; .WWIfvUllt.
..t-.m n , i4iiiiug mm riue aim.
I Mrgrht uiii) ktiuugvhi WptiueuM
I I It 411 l, M tuluM lw
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MM, ! VUlMlllgl lull i
M . IM.Iaa. .f i Ml'l MflluH
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UP) fiff llurwiitiriat lur wen and
li.i fiiii fckueiiaf Wwal
Wm fuf lalug and llluiuaiad buuklel
AtJitjtiug Kuaitirer,
ruoiNi omoon
Jim Mahon Breaks Out.
f J. F. Mahon, one of the larg
est farmers and stock ruiser in
Harney county, is in Portland on
business, says the Journal. He
tell of good crops and prosperous
conditions in Harney county.
The crops will be mostly used for
feed but the railroads getting
nearer all the time will enable
some portion to be shipped out
from favorably situated points.
In his 35 years of experience in
Harney county Mr. Mahon said
he had never seen better crops
nor better times.
Mr. Mahon takes an active in
terest in politics, and comes in
contact with many citizens in all
parts of Harney, Malheur and
Grant counties.
"In that section of Oregon
Geo. E. Chamberlain will get all
the Democratic votes and many
Republican votes," said Mr. Ma
hon. "That will be the case all
over eastern Oregon from what I
can learn.
"Everybody around our coun
try thinks Chamberlain is the
greatest man Oregon has ever
had. They look up to him as the
greatest man in the United
States senate because of what
he has done for Oregon. Alaska
and the whole western country.
In fact, most of us think we
would rather have Chamberlain
for another six years right where
he is than have Hanley and Booth
both there.
"When the tariff bill was up I
wrote to Chamberlain to remem
ber that we wool men had babies
to feed, and to stand up for
wool. He wrote back something
like this: 'Jim, hold your wool.
The tariff don't help you with
wool. It has not kept the price
of wool up these 10 years and
more. Hold your wool, and it
will fetch better prices than it
ever has before. Take it from
me, Jim.' That wasn't exactly
his language, you understand,
but I have his letter. It was a
very nice letter, and I showed it
around to my friends and neigh
bors. 'George is fooling you,'
they said. 'Just political stuff.'
'He is jollying a friend, ' and so
on. Then everything come
around just as Senator Chamber
lain said. Lots of those Repub
licans who knocked him right
along are staying with him and
standing up for him now all over
eastern Oregon. The grass is
going to be short for Booth over
there; yes, indeed."
Mr. Mahon will visit Salem be
fore returning to his little 0000
acre home in Harney County.
Your Home Merchant.
Few of us stop to consider
what a convenient vehicle the
home merchant is to the general
public, or his value as a citizen.
The merchant is expected to
carry everything in stock that
the theoretical or practical mind
can think of; maintain a quick
and faultless service both at the
counter and in the delivery de
partment; laugh at our wifand
cry at our hard luck tale; accept
our small payments and extend
our credit; carrying the unem
ployed and unsuccessful over the
hard places; support all public
benefits and boost for new busi
ness ventures that might be bene
ficial to the growing town, and,
above all things, have a total dis
regard for his own personal con
venience. In return for all this, we as
public spirited citizens should
show our appreciation by spend
ing our money at home instead
of buying our supplies from mail
order houses. If we all do this
the merchant could curry a larger
and better assortment of goods,
maintain a more efficient service,
and give employment to a larger
If an industry is started in a
town with the same number of
employees as the average store
supports, the industrial establish
ment immediately becomes the
ubjeot of much praise, while our
old benefactor the merchant is
little noticed.
Let us show our appreciation
of the public benefactor and give
the Home Town Merchant our
loyal support. -A
the Bend Bulletin.
For Sal. Pure bred Rhode
Island Red Cockerels; pen No. I
2. No. 2, $1.60. -J. H. Eich-
European War Has no Terrors to The
Homesteader Compared to Own
War ojn Rabbits. Writer Seems to
Consider it More a Pension Than
Means to Destroy Crop Pests
Editor The Times Herald;
Permit me. through the col
umns of your valuable paper, to
3ay a few words about the possi
ble extermination of "Hon. Jack
Rabbitt," a gentleman who is
certainly being pretty generally
dis"cu8sed" throughout eastern
Oregon. The war clouds that
are hanging over Europe, have
no terrors for the Homesteader
of Harney County, He is having
a "battle royal" all his own. He
is being besieged by an army of
"nocturnal prowlers", (ah there
is one of them now, even as I
write, one has sneaked into my
garden and is helping himself to
my cabbage, excuse me while I
go out and knock his block off)
whose name is legion, and whose
appetite for grain, and garden
sas, is something fierce, and oven
if the Homesteader does barri
cade his field with barbed wire
the infernal, (beg pardon but of
course in dis"cussing" the "rab
bi t question" "cuss" words
should be permissable) rabbits
climb through and sometimes
over, and also dig under. I can
show where they have dug under
fence that is set from 3 to 6 in.
deep in the ground. Nay. Bro.
Byrd, if the homesteader is to
make the desert "blossom as the
rose" "Hon." Jack Rabbit must
go. Of course $50,000 would
buy some wire, but it would go
further toward settling the rab
bit question, to buy amminition
with it, or strychnine. But any
way the homesteader should have
a "war chest" He certainly iB
rendering a great service to soci
ety and getting a very "poor
keep" while he is at it. And
this Proposition is getting on his
nerves. There should be a call
to arms. Let him furbish up his
"shootin' Irons" and whet up
his "scalpin' knife" it is his fight
and he should not only draw a
bounty, but if accidentally hurt
in the discharge of his duty, he
should draw a pension. To Arms!
To Arms!
Johnnie Get Your Gun,
Callow Valley.
Strictly First
Service, Fine
Sample Room In Connection, Reasonable Rates
The Burns Flour Milling Co.
Manufacturers of home products
The Cream of the Wheat, Fresh and Palatable
Bran and Other Rolled Mill Feeds
You Patronize Home when you deal here
I The Place to Trade
. -WHY-
First: Promptness, accuracy and fair'dealing.
Secend: Wo carry a well assorted stock of Drug,' Chemi
cals and Druggist Sundries.
I hud: We guarantee every article we sell to be just a
represented or your money refunded.
If you are a customer of ours you know this. If not, be
come one and be convinced.
J. C. Welcome, Jr.
Rabbits Dying Over in
Northern Lake County
The pest of rabbits promises to
abate without artificial means as
reports from the northern part
of the county are to the effect
that they are dying by thousands.
The disease causing their death
seems to affect the throat and
head, according to D. A. Hand
bury, who came in from the up
per end of Abert Lake a few
days since. Mr. Handbury states
that at times the air is polluted
with the stench of the dead rab
bits. After being stricken with
the disease the fall an easy prey
to a man with a club, and many
are killed by the settlers and
thus far the disease has not
spread south of Abert Lake, and
Mr. Handbury is of the opinion
that some means should be taken
to inoculate the rabbits of Goose
Lake Valley so that they also
would get the habit and avoid a
hard winter, for according to Sol
Rehart's signs we should have
some severe weather along about
six months from now.
On the West Side rabbits are
reported to be more numerous
than ever, and already they are
doing much damage to crops.
They are attacking potato patches
and in some instances are taking
the entire crop. Lakeview Ex
aminer. Remarkable Cur of DyaenUry.
"I was attacked with dysentery
about July 15th, and used the
doctor's medicine and other
remedies with no relief, only get
ting worse all the time. I was
unable to do anything and my
weight dropped from 145 to 125
pounds. I suffered for about
two months when I was advised
to use Chamberlain's Colic, Cho
lera and Diarrhoea Remedy. I
used two bottles of it and it gave
me permanent relief, ' ' writes B.
W. Hill of Snow Hill, N. C. For
sale by all dealers.
Class. Splendid