The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, August 08, 1914, Image 4

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Historical Characters of Whose
Looks We Know Nothing.
Many of th Fimoui Figurti and He
reee of Colonial and Revolutionary
Times Aro aa Blank, to Ua So Far
aa Thair Paraonal Appaaranea la
In the search for n portrait of Tlmm
Wlllett. lite first innyor of New
York, tlie committee from tin- t'lly
club visited Marty every print denier
In the city lu addition to scores of pri
vate collectors of Americana. Hut
there was no portrait to lie found.
Any one wtio has ever nttetnpte.l to
make a collection of Hie pictures of
the big men of early Now York MM
realises that there nro ninny blanks
For Instance, of the four Uutcli gov
ernora Teter Stiiyvcannt Is Iho only
one of whom ws ttvt a corrtvt por
trait Of Peter Minuet, Wllllain Kleft
and Wouter van Twlller there Is abso
lutely nothing accurate, althouch vnrl
oua caricatures hnve appeared from
time to time.
The same is true of u still more cuil
nent New Yorker, William Bradford,
the first printer, who founded In 17-3
the New York Gazette, which WM the
Bret newspaper printed In the prov
Ince. Bradford was so prominent n
man and so active for years, both In
Philadelphia as well ns In New York.
that it Is rather surprising not to have
something worthy of bates called a
true portrait. If there was. perhaps
his features intKht be on the tablet
erected on the site of his printing of
fice, now of the Gotten Exchange nt
Banorer square.
The lack of an authentic portrait of
Nathan Hale, the martyr spy of the
Revolution. Is somewhat better Known.
although the sculptors MacMonnles.
Partrldce niul others have not nl
lowed this to restrain them from de
plcting the features of the younn sol
dler in stone or bronze. Of Colonel
Ethan Allen there Is no known por
trait, and the same is true of the
donghty warrior, General Nicholas
One of the heroes of Hunker hill.
Colonel Richard (Jrldley, has left no
portrait. He was the artillerist and
engineer who built the formications
the night before the battle Other
prominent Revolutionary lighten) of
whom no pictures exist aro Colonel
William I-edjard. the defender of New
London, who was killed by a British
officer when I.edyard surrendered the
fort; General Thomas Conway, leader
of the notorious cabal to depose Wash
ington from the command of tho army
In 1777; Colonel Seth Warner, who was
prominent In the attacks en Tlconde
roga and Crown point and in the bat
tie of Bennington; General Seth Pom
eroy of Massachusetts, and QssMfSl
Samuel Holden Parsons, one of the
board which tried Major Andre and
was appointed by Washington aa the
first Judge of the northwest territory.
No nccuratc portraits exist of two of
the Ofty-aU signers of tho In-larstlon
Of Independence, John Morton of Peuii
aylvanla and John II. .11 of New Jer
sey, although a portrait which Is mild
to be that of Hart hangs In Indsgaasf
ence hall In Philadelphia and Is said to
have been painted from a miniature.
There la nothing extant of the fu
ther of George Washington. Augustine
Washington, nor have nny portraits
been discovered of Colonel Bull, fa
ther of alary Washington, mother of
the general, or of John Oamlrldge, fa
ther of Washington's wife. Martha
A portrait which u groul many col
lectors of old New York material
would give u good deal to obtain is
that of Samuel Fraunces, the West In
dlan tavern keeper, whose best known
bouse was the old Frounces tavern,
now owned by the Sons of the Itevolu
tton, restored since they purchased It
a few years ago to its original condi
tion. It is on lower Broad street, on
the corner of Pearl street, and the
famous long room lu Which Washing
tou took farewell of his officers has
been restored as closely us possible to
Us original form.
There is no iwrtralt of William Cun
ningham, the heartless keeper of the
provost Jail in u corner of City Hull
park during the Bovolattoa. Betsy
Robs, the celebrated maker of the first
stars und stripes, has no portrait. Cap
tain Miles Si.-hiiIIhIi Is among those
who have left nothing of their per
sonal appearance, nor Is anything
knows of the intrepid French explor
er .toilet, who traced the sources of tho
Others of more or less note of whom
there are no portraits ure the old Eng
lish dramatist, Christopher Marlewe:
Richard Nitviigi-, another well known
Knglish dramatist, who died lu J743;
Marquis Duquexue, from whom Fort
Duqiiesne, now ritt-sburgh, got Its first
nume from the French; George Cllu
ton. royal governor of New York from
1743 to 1753 and father of the British
general in the Revolution, Henry Clin
ton; Colonel John Henry Cruger, Gen
eral Oliver de I.anccy, Governor Wil
liam Tryon, General John Forbes,
Baron Dicakau, General Robert Howe
and Bourrlenne, Nupoleou's famous
secretury, who wroto an excellent life
of the greut French emperor. -New
Ones Ivory River In Franot Was Ue
and Ivory Mill Idle.
Ilncalllng famous winters in France,
the Purls Petit Journal says that "the
flfteeuth century might Juatly be call
ed the cold century.
"In 1406 the registrars of the parlia
ment of Paris reported that It was lm
possible to Issue any of Ha resolutions
because the Ink froac In the Ink bottle
of tho clerks. Kvery three words they
had lo thaw their pen, and this with
a tiro roaring In their room. Every
river In France was frown, and not a
mill could WOrli Twehe years Inter,
In I4S0, there was n repetition of this
winter loislstuffs gara out. and poor
people illisl by tens or thousands
'In I4S1 III less than three days the
wine and lite vinegar froxe In the eel
litis; na-ka and hens bad their combs
froen; IDS streets were full of poo
pie who dan cd. iiiuietl. wrestled and
ran races, anything lo keep off frost
"In 1480 It frore tor more than two
and a half months, und the snow fell
for forty days without stopping All
the birds hidden in the trunks of trees
"In 'the year of the great winter,' as
MM whs culled. hundreds of iterson
died rriim cold. Everything was rro
rii hard, even the bread served at the
tnblo of Henry IV. lu 170l all the
wheat was destroyed, and a new sow
lug had to be made In the spring lluf
fon relates that no bread wua lo bo
had Even Mine, de Maliitenon had
to go without It.
In 177tl sentinels were found fro
ten to death outside Versailles, and
the king put a atop to thla service. In
Paris great bonfires were lit lu the
si nets. Bells were shivered Into pieces
as (hey rang, clocks stopped snd In the
cellars wine turned Into Ice. Hsres
und partridges came into the town
and bid themselves In the nooks snd
corners of houses, where they were
subsequently found as stiff ss a board
and quite Inedible."
Curloeity Often Lures tho Watohful
Animal te Its Fats.
In 11111111112 the caribou quietness Is
essential. Never break s twig If you
can avoid It, for a cracking branch
makes a noise which carries fur and
may give warning of your approach to
the very stag you particularly want
Equally Important la It to keep a sharp
lookout at all times, especially when
entering a barren, where a atag may
be pleeplng, for under auch conditions
they ure hard to see. Among the nu
merous gray dead stumps aud moaa
covered low tree the color of the carl
hou Is so Inconspicuous that tho un
trained eye will fall to detect the mil
ninl even nt close range. Tho first lu
tlmntlou will be a glimpse of a djsap
pen ring patch of white us the caribou
vanishes Into the woods.
All these things considered, the cart
hou of Newfoundland la not as alert as
any other deer that I know of aud Is
therefore more readily approached.
There Is, of course, great variation
among them, some being extremely
alert und difficult to atalk. while oth
ers ure so absurdly tame Mint they will
allow ii man to walk right up to within
a few yards before taking (light. Curi
osity Is often a noticeable falling with
them. Wheu ouce It Is aroused they
will go to almost any length to satisfy
It. I do not, however, advise the huu
ter to count too much on It. for th
very thing which you Imagine will
tempt this curiosity will as likely aa
nut frighten tliem away. Sometime
a strange noise will make them very
Inquisitive, and they will come within
a few feet to find out what It is. Then,
occasionally, a white handkerchief
will have tint same effect. A. Bad
cllffe Dug-more In "The Romance of
the Newfoundland Caribou"
Trtoro'e Money In the Street Sorealngo
of an African Town.
Travelers declare, say Harper's
Weekly, that at A vim. on the Oold
Coast of Africa, gold may actually bo
picked up In the streets. When on
visitor, un Englishman, took the state
Ml as a mere figure of speech his
host It dlalely bade a woman serv
ant go out into tlie main street, gather
bucketful of tiiud scrapings and
work It for gold dust
lu ten minutes iho servant returned
with two galvanised Iron buckets, one
tilled with road scrapings nud Iho oth
er Willi water. Slut also brought three)
or lour wooden platter, varying lu
size rroui a large pinto to a aiiueer.
Iteinovlng several hamlfills of tho
mud scrapings ami placing them In the
liirge platter, tlie vtniuiiu picked out
I threw aside the Inrge stones, peb
bles ami hits af slick and then mois
tened the remainder with water from
the other bucket This enabled her to
remove Hinaller ivfuso.
The residuum she put into the nest
smaller plaller. and she repeated tho
process until there wus a quantity of
sand nud gravel ready for treatment.
This sin' sprinkled freely with water
and by n deft circular movement of
(lie philter brought the small gravel to
the outside, where It could lm thrust
over the edge When she had repeated
this operiillou I hi r four times she
treated the material, which now looked
more like Hind I tin u nut llilug else. Ill
a still smaller philter.
At last, in I he smallest platter of all.
he had I he hu. kelfiil of sweeping re
dncod to a handful or two of black
smiiiI This she carefully washed and
sifted. At last tilth a dexterous twist
she brought the sand Into a creaeeut,
the oilier islge of which allowed S thin
rim of yellow It was unmistakably
gold dust. Tlie whole operiillou had
taken half an hour, and It hud pro
dined about a shilling's worth of gold
Mlsloadina Bookkeeping.
Even bookkeeping Is not uu exact scl
ence. For behold! how often I It that
one man will put Into the expense ac
count a given expenditure aay. the
rebuilding of a machine thua reducing
hi profits by thla amount, while an
other will put auch an Item to the
asset account, and each can advauce
weighty arguments and reaaona aa to
the logic of his methods. But tlie net
result of operation will differ widely
with the asms actual occurrences, so
that even bookkeepljug may be auld
merely to present ream Us dependent
upon the sspocts of the situation aa
rendered by those who have thu au
thority or opportunity to interpret
Benjamin A. Franklin in Engineering
Magazine. From th Standpoint of
Around Mathamatioo.
The isliicuted pig of Iho old time
aldM ho IT. which gravely read figures
on n bliicklMiard, wa only n tyie of a
class. Ills modern prototype Is quite
III equal In del oi Ion to the exset sci
ence By both Instinct and fate bo Is
a mathematical animal Subjective!)
and object It cly he Is great on figures
They ure dcult out lo him. and he
deals lu them himself, lie desires hi
square meals to he regulated dally by
tin' rule of three. Ill addition, be deals
with his owners Imteliiisliiess He la
able to fad Ufa a mortgage to fractious
with uiiiuKlug r.iphllty In measuring
the available contents of a pall uf slop
he is u iighiiiiug calculator
As a multiplier the pig has no equal,
counting on six to the litter aud two
litters lu the year At thla rate, bar
ring uci Ideiils. tlie now' progeny will
inn. Mini to inoie than I.UUO lu four
i iii n, A Waal old pig I up lu geom
etry. Uniting the w uy homo aloug the
hypol ise short cut Au old SOW'S
qulckui-ss lu boxing the cuuipsss la s
BOtatO patch Is aiiinzlug Aud when
It BOOMS to a tiouglifiil of aklmnillk
she Is the least ceiiiiimn divisor; she
wauls It all helself.
objectively the porker tltnls himself
slacked about with ll bewildering sr
raj f figures his gains every day on
pasture, tils gains every day un grain.
tils gains to the pound of grain, his
gains on nasi ure plus a dally ration.
his gains on vigetablea ud roots
these ami a hundred other tabulations
surround him I'rollt or loss, SO far as
the pig Is concerned. Is uliuost purely
ii mailer of feeds and feeding, snd
these are In their turu mailers of al
most pure mnthemutleal uicsaure
iiieliU; hen. e huve resulted the long
UsteU . ah ninth. ns available to the
farmer - W. J. Ilarahii lu Breeder's
I lunette.
Netlco ef Final Settlement
In the County Court o( the State of Ore
gon, for Harney County.
In the tnstterol the estate of W. II.
Dihlinr, deceased.
Notice la hereby given Hint i In- imdri
signed has filed his Dual account lirnin,
and that the County Judge ! Hnnicy
County has flteil the tinir lor hearing
object ion to, mill Mil lenient "I the
same for Wednesday, the .in I .lav of
September, 1014, at the hour nl In
o'clock A. Al. ot sniil tiny, at the Court
House in Hums, Oregon,
Baled Burn, Oregon, July 1st, I til I.
I. A. IInakrman,
Administrate ( ' ICstnte ot W. II. Ihl
dine, tlri'ciiard
Bate of lint publication July 4, I'M I.
Date of Inst publication Aug I, lull
Muriii. Dragon, July J, el'
Notice la liaral.j glvan llll lltn II.
Kiillffarin. iiti'sun, wli.i. in. Kalunarr II lit.
iim.h- lli'inaati'ail i-nlrr, No, u.'J'.tl, l.n l',
s"',, W',NK',, HkNh!',. HK', Section Mi
lowoaiilli W ., Ilun SI K Mllaiiiiilti'
MitI.IIi.ii. Iiu 111. si nolle.- el luleii I l.m in make
riual Ibm yaar I'ruif luaalatillah claim lot be
IftUil Ikjvi iliwnl.od, Hei-lMicr hi.-i
Kacahar. l Huron, Ureaiui. mi Hie I in. .toy .r
I'Tollllftlll HKIIiel H II IM'M.'H
J. H. NmI, Minima Mellaril k. W. I!'i
l-aina tun, all ol Kullyfarin, Oregon.
. r ak. itcglalor
Hiirna. titagnu, -July I, lull I
Nuili-e I lierel.y gltau llial Mary II Neal, nl
lull) lai in. tltt'guu, It", on Jnin-.i, IV to ina'lc
liMMrt l.aail Knlri. No etam, lor HUNK',, ,-,
U..IWI. lown.lil, .".s Kana-eMr , ftlllaui. lie
lci l.llan. iiaaltli-il aottea uf n.leni l.n. lu n.aki
Proof, to ratal. Hat, claim lu the laiul almve .It.
acrlU-tl, hafora rlaalaler an.t IteiM-ltr-t , al Unrita
Oraguu, uo Ilia 1 1 III .lory uf Annual, h't I
Claimant names aa ttltuaaaaa
J II NmI William Hauwiik. W ll '. ,.!,...
II I au.a I mi-, all ol Kiill vfaiiu. un i
WM, KASaa. Hen. al."
r.MTKn si v iks i. ash oyricB
Hiirna, tlrauli, Jul) lu, IVI4
Nolle la livreb) a.tvli that h rank Taiooa
of laen, ilieauli. who, UU Ma) 9. ItfUS, maile
lluuiaalaail Klllry .No SU4, Sella! N,, u 141 ., ful
sh'jNK ,. sr, s, s '.NV.',, W'.-W 1 -,-.
a, Tuaiualiip :: s. Iiai.a.. U K. WlllainMI
.vierhliati, Its ate.l UOIIee nl llllrul tun lu make
llual dve yeai l.riM.I In e'lahh oil . 11 01 to
the laiul above uVacri IhuI. Itefurr 10-no r act
Itavelvar, al llurna, oregun.uii ilu- Hi 1. .la, ui
Auaiiai II4
I'Taitiiaut uaiuraaa wltneaa.
lleuiy iille). Ilriir ururaa, both of las, a.
urefun lliaa lln.. r ul Urewsey, Urogoa
1. I. l ar 01 llairlmali, llnsjiun
Wa. r.aai Realatai
Noll to Creelitert.
Notice is hereby given that the under
aignetl tins Is-en duly appointed sdmin
.strut in of Hie ratute of Jennie L. llusa-
ail, drceased, by the County Court of
the State of Oregon, for Harney County,
All parson having claims against said
estate me lien-bv notified to present
them, duly verified n by law required,
Intl. U. ( levrugrr, inliiuniat iittui , St
liia place of business in Burni, Oregon,
111 at the oilier ol J. S. Cook hi attor
ney, in I'm 111. Oregon, within six
in. mills front the dale of this notice.
Dtsttd Ibis Mid day of July, 10U.
fl. W. Ci.bjYcniikii, lolininiiitrutiii.
I S COOK, ultoinry
Nolle lo Credilora
lu 1 he County Goon ot tin state of CMi
gun, loi II. .iiu v Coiinty.
lu lite matter of the estnle of I' ('.
I'liimiitl, ileiTilai-.l
Notice la hereby given that the iiiuk-r-
sum. 1 il has Is-en duly nppoilllril ml 1
islintiiv of the above ratified estnle by
(he t.liint I lleiiipanii, judge
ol 1 he almye entitled court.
All m 1 sons having claim iiguinst anid nro lirirbv nolifril topieaent suid
claims duly verified a by Inw reiuircilt
within sn iiiulltlis bom I he ilnlc of file
II rat 1 hi 1. 1 1. a 1 1. ui ot this notice.
I lilted nl Burn, Oregon, litis :inl duy
of July, mil
Iiu- first publication ol I Ilia notice is
Inlv lib, IIU I
(Signed) Manv Cmohtox,
Adimnistritttii of the enisle ol I'. ('.
union, drcriiaed.
pnCC UlMl "ISS0" N
riVlfC -Ertlri Tliw In
I' N Iran status i.a.nimii m e:,,
huTi.i, 1 intuit, July In III4.J
Sutlva la baiaby aUau ibat Ira In. ml ul llai
rlaaau. tlruii, arbo. uu Ssaiaiboi II. 1 sr..
made Huumalaatl Knlry No H Ha-rlal Nu
U4T, lor S',, S.rll.,1, , l,,
Itaaar W Kaai. Wlllalllrllr Vlillillaii. haa
Ale.1 uutn-e ul lalantlui, In 11. aki l.lial tlir
yar brisii. 1,, slal Ifaa lata
abuvdreilUsl. U-furr Hi.. Ilealairr ami II. Hurna. iiresou, ua lb. hit. .la) ul
A usual, I'll
italuisiil Oftoiea aa wllueaaaa'
Kodak. .Hlny, 1 11. Ill Hluy, klalik rl-l. 1
iruu HSaWlataor, all ul llarrtiiiau, iir.-n.,u.
an loan. K rslalei
Notice lo Creditor.
.Siiiui is hrirby given (hat the iiiid-r
signed has Ikcii duly appointed executor
f 1 he l.uat Will and Tcal.iinenl, nud of
Ihceaialr ui William ('. Byrd, ilecraard,
by the Couiil v Cottfl of the State of
Oirg lur Hiirnry County. All ier-
amia having 1 1. nun ugaiuai ain.l estate
air hereby notified to present them, duly
Verified s by luw rrquirrd, to Julian C.
Byrd, e.-cuior, nt lm ofSSf in Burns,
II. unci ' nuiitv. Oirgon, or nt llieolhce
ol ). S. took hia ultoiney, in Burna. Or
egon, within ail months hum the dale
ol t In at notice.
Datted tbli 1st day of July, 1IIU
Juliun C. Byrd, eaecurur.
J. S. Cook, attorney.
These two beautiful pieces of pnpul.u
Jewelry are th erase smong society
women In New York snd the largest
clllss. They Sie nest snd elegsnt gold
finished articles thst will glsden the
neart of svsry girl or woman, no matter
how young or old. Very stylish and at
tract I vs.
Our Free offer. Wo ara advertising
Spearmint Chewing (Jam and deal re to
place n big bos of this flue, healthful
gam Into every home. It sweetens Hie
broath whitens the tooth snd aids di
gestion. Ills refreshing and pleasing
to all. To everyone sending us but fifli:
snd 10 oents to Cover shipping rosts M
will ships big Imh of IfO regular fie pack
ages of the Spearmint (luiii and iut Imb
ibe elegant,
"Tstgo" necklsre snd "Kvelyn Thsw"
brseelet absolutely
This offer Is for a short time only.
Not more then il order to one part v.
Dealers tiot allowed lo accept thl.
Dayton, Ohio P. O. Box 101
Ol .fulfil. I (ION liop. a
A I All HtiurH. Shorts
e Oitli'i'i und Prompt Service a
Willi Re "liable FiateH
(Jivi Me A Call
a a
a a
S Oppoallr I liora-llrralS sjHoMS"! S
$1500 Reward!
oiling the Kettle.
Mr. Campbell hud engaged a new
maid "alurtbv." snld the inlstrees on
the first iiiornliig. "bo careful always
fo boll Hie teakettle before making tbs
Marlha signified ber wllltngues
and. offer uu ubsi-iuii In the kitchen.
returned to her mistress and aald:
"I'leiise. mum. there's uothlu' big
enough to boll tho tsykettle In, 'less)
'tis the wush holier, euro." Nations)
ISITKIi states LsRDurrtt I.
Ilurua, Oreituii. July ;,l il
NuiKv la bareby aitvu thai ttorve Roaluli.
uf ll kiar. urttrno, wtu. nu Juao t. loleana
Uarelr s, lull, ret-tla)r. uta.le lluincat, n.l
Kuiriva, ua ooar , .t ,. lur M-.',,s,-. .i,. n,
Mg1,. see il ami N'tNV',. -, , i . ..
rmuahl. n Suli'li. Hauga III aal Vtll
Ismail Meridian haa i.,,-. 1...1. n.i.u
Huu to make Bnal tlurr year Proof, t.. oiaa
Hal, claim In the IBIIU also 1 h ill . .1 bofon
1. a Tult.M'U. I s i iiiiainitl. . . 1 al I. .. ,.rn. ,
atii.tki,,. ueegsei, on las ktta day ail i. !,-.,.
rialuialit naiiiaaaa s.tii.u,.
J Hanlligu, f I la) Inn. Itnir.l I Kim, 1,1
Waller li. kh 1. all uf ho u. r, Uragua
a Kaat. Oaf I an ,
Hurna. iii.-iruu. July , nut t
Nollca la toarel.) iltr.n Ihal Ha..r I Nmllli,
of Kllay, Orasuu, whu, un Julie II I'Sw, matlr
Hum. alaart Klllr 1, Nu O.WCi for NWV. SaclluO
I4.1.,nualil. .is , Kaiia, SI, lllamalla Marl
if tan Uaa fllasl null, .-uf luluaka Una I
Ova year l'r,M,f In atal.llali claim In lhalauil
sbuva ijaaa-rllH-tl. latfor Hogtsier ami Heetvei
al Hurna, orcaun, ,.11 tlir UU, il.y uf AUgUal,
1 lalmaai uauna aa allli.u.
VJiii W. Slutfia. U alter h K .... ... r. 1 tar
ane Uogoraal ami hittia K llurtluau all ui
Hllay, llr.-ii
W, ll.,..i. 1
1 . 11
Mia 1. In,
1.... k 1 Lambarlalu
1 uiiEri-aarneit
Allurtley lleuarsl
iar ul Mate
I n-aatirar
sil.l Public lualiii, Huu
'a'. Innlrr
11' Haley
IN I Hluuull
. M rrwfonl
Uawahl Maal
Itau w ui,-, ,11
ii.., .... Imla
NINTH Jt'lllt
I...'. I. 1 j,,.lr
1 mo.i) nor Bay
Ii kai
J A 1 loir, -hill
V s puularai
lluhi Kakln
VI. 11, I.I.
II. 11
lalluu Hits
'cu h siMoiora
II." 'O' i "ii. I'll
I fur 11 la anil N. a. I a
I. let- -luck I'mi..
llOO nt
wtilch Hie In
alaue.l la,
HI (it.. Ii.iaai an
raward fur evi
dent) leadlu 10
the arrt-al ami run
fiction of anv par
te or l.arllea aleal
...a ,' ". . a. it -
or inulee ls-loil(ltti
hi siit uf lis nam
la addition unite atsivs, the underalf ue.l
nlti-re the aalna rondlllou IBUI.W1 fur all huiaea
branded bursa all. si baron Issb O'allher )a.
Brau.l recordaat lu el(bl eounllw liana,
llari.r,. I aka and I'rouk ...ul.ll, a Itorara
v.ole.l wloill aunl
Noo but grown BSSBSS aold ami sal la
ara 1,101. ii,-a.
W W.HMllWN I II.- 1. .......
-" II I..I (nllr. P.iuiaak
Yale and lUrvaiti, Each 9 in. a 24 in.
1'iiiuelon, oruell, Michigan
fa 7 in. by 21 In.
All lu -I 1 1 1 .1 1 1 1 y fell willt felt beading,
streamer, let tent and mascot assented
in proper eokirs. 'ibis splendid assort
ment t postpaid for fill cents and n
slumps 1.. 1 1. . pontage. Send now.
Dayton, Ohio
riiyali.'lan ami HaJ
J. Ul. CI
I'bvsiciai, a.
HtiriiH, - -
Office In new bull. III..
harness shop,
'I'bone M .
Ifiyslclan anti sj
OSBee 1st Tunas .,, ,a
Seaalal all. niton ,,cn ,1,,, .
aasaa and Ihrnal.
Physician and
D. K.TAln,
Hi-naral l-rai-lh,-
sarin 11
M 111, t
I A k
oc- II
1 r. . 1
in. all lean maala Ilia Sral Muu.U) In
Anriiau.l ilrat Uunday in Ovtubat.
loin! squalor
lullil It. 1 ..aenlalltr
cm art Ntasat i
Wit Brooka
T Human
-niinl) Jmla,.
i lark
I 0 aaurar
-It r!fl
Obool s.i,.. 1 1 ct.-ielt-t.t
sl.-ck lua,erlm
Wsr In the Air.
During the hottest fighting at the
buttle of Oblcliatnauga an owl, alarm
ed by the unusual sounds, was fright
ened from Its usual baunls Two or
three crows sided him und made pur
suit, aud a fight lu thu air followed.
The eon teat wug observed by a soldier.
lie dropped bis guu to the ground und
"Whew! Kven the very birds lu thu
air ere fighting!"
Points ef the Crescent Meen.
Why does the moon sometimes up
pears with points turned upward and
at other times downward? There Is
one cause only the rotation of the
earth. If the moon rises with points
turned upward then, when it sets, the
points must turn downward that la.
the western horizon meets (he point
In Its apparent approach; they point
toward It, apparently downward, In the
western sky -New York American
Pelt the Power.
Illll Musi.- haa a wonderful ludueuce
over ua.
Jilt J kuow IL
"Did you ever feel the power of a
singer over you'"
"Sure! I married ouel" - Voukera
Variable Condition.
"That man says ho doesn't know
whether he Is married or unmarried,
ssne or insane "
"Yes. He has hud u great deal ot
trouble with court complication. Those
things nil depend on vvhut state he
happens to be In." Wushlngtou Htur.
Upward Revision.
"When Mist I consulted you shout
my eyes you told me It would cost 10
francs, but your bill is for 100 francs."
"That only show the excellence of
my treatment. Now you are ten time
better "-I'nrlo I'ele Mele.
Remarkable Cure of Dysontary.
"I was attacked with dysentery
about July 15th, and used the
doctor's medicine and other
remedies with no relief, only Ret
ting worse all the time. I was
unable to do anything and my
wcifht dropped from 145 to 125
pounds. I sutTered for about
two months when I was advised
to use Chamberlain's Colic, Cho
lera und Diarrhoea Remedy.
used two bottles of it and it gave
me permanent relief," writes B
W. Hill of Snow Hill. N. C. For
saje by all dealers.
t'sirsbsraisa i.asiinril. . i
Bum. Discos, lalj . Ism i
Nutlca la barel.y alveu thai Arthur A satin l.aru, ureauii, who, uu July . I. II.
made II. .un it. a. I gnu, go. "-...-, i,.is.
Soellon IS, Toiiahli :t -..utl., Kaugi t
Wlllamalle Meridian, baa flic. I unties ul lulaii
tloa to make Klual ib rae fear l t-alahllti.
rial lu to Ilia laud alsoaih-ai itl.,.,1. be lure Iteu
iBUtr aud Kacaltar al linn. a, Orasoa, OB ID
Ilk ilaf of I'.l I
I'lalmaul liaun-a aa wlllleaaea
Hauiae If r I at . Arlbui s Mlillu,). Ullanti
T. harcratl ami lie.t i Tiinin.allni Lowso,
W l.inu, Itcai-i.i.
il.'a.i IIuiiiiisj l.lai Nu
I sirabHTiTaa l.asiiiiirn a, i
iiurua. tireguu, .inlv ll. null
la liaaahy slvuu thai Hit. Southern
raelfle Hallway i uinis-uy, wlmae ioal nil,. .
addleaa la St Paul. Minneanl,, liaa llita lllli
day of Jul) Ivll, SI In Hub uluce Ha ap
ulfealluil luaalail Under Ilia lillivlalmla ul Hi.
aelol i oua-taaa, a. inure. I Jufr I. I" 'a IM) siat
aa;.a-ai aa aaiauuuil by ,u ,
t-ranl 1 l.ulunaoi.
ll T lluabel
I k. Haer,
A K. Mlebardaou
J i. t" .ii, gaii
I. M llaniltoo
0 Vt' I :,..i. ,,i
JUUU HnlilUaun
IK r f)'lr,,
.11.... Il.ln
i '. .in.i) i .,un ,,.,,!, in,. flla, Maouaadsr la
Jai.uat). ti.r. i, .,, Jul) . Seutatobar and
I la t
$1 CtHspirte Sbriai Oalbl $1
10 Articles 10
To advertise onr Universal Shaving
Outfit and Universal Product we will
lor s limited time only, send Un mil
ai.ilb f'-'-OO outfit for $1.00.
We sell oar product to the cuuauuier
direct and therefore you serve all a mi.
profiia which you know are very lurK-e
I Hallow Ground Raior
I 8-inck Lather Bruatt.
I tUsov Street, Canv. Back.
I Nickol Easel Bacit Mirror.
1 33 ich Barber Towel.
I Bar Shaving Soap.
I Boa Talcum Powder.
I Decorated China Mug.
I Aluraiaum Barber Comb.
I Bristle Hair Braob.
K.irb outfit oeked in neat Uis fl.lM)
Coin or Money tinier, salage ltke.iia
Dayton, Ohio
tare pictures of
Mi Hil.l. S AND
Mo u .Self-KIIIIng
Ml for only 50 cents
I l,e ii. .lei l.ark;ain in beautiful
cards aiel tare nit .iiiuts ever offered.
M.ini at, hard to obtsin and have aold for iln- i.rictt we aak for all.
ll I v. ill iini kly to all lovers of the
b.anliti. in nature who appreciate rare
art picture,. . I .tell iluvelnped uiodela.
A reli.itilii M-lf-fllliiikf fountain pen
laee arfth .ml. or. let. I'll t-ae alone have
sol. I lor .ue dollsr in MofSB.
Ihe IBS beititiful rsrd. and pen all
for but BOc and Mi- in rtunip for KMt-
URNS. OKI'. i,
Physicians nnd
Calls snswere'l
'Phone llarriinan.
fiarrlmao, 0r
MaMsav f a aVa urim.
Se later
Sim altar
ttt . .ii.ler,
i reasttrof
'.iitr.i lliueu
Mf-'tmaa ul Ihe I
Wot lm.
a,.. Vluibrrabaod
SaSi Mulli. labead
It") Van Winkle
lleurv Halloa
..K. f. Ilalnca
I ll J. Ilanaen
A. O. Walvoot
I Jam. a I anilore
I H.J. MrKlnruiu
..iniill evarr Second ah,
Sumptcr Valley Railway Co.
Amval arsj Dftartsre Of Trains
Or- Minni
Physician and
Direct Telephone t.,
Lawen. Or
1. E- l!B.r,tJ
Bora i, wr.A.
Oltiet- first dl
w. c. bROWI
.ll IWI ill I
Fine Wi
ci;ilt .
M'tii-iaii and
I )fiurravctp.
, Ii K. p.lll ilier A Sm
licit-, s
Of0r- tipp. .ii
M. A.
A J. tor iu
Vorgtl) Hide .
.a . . ms I
at 1 41
Atttin.i al
Burns, Oregon.
No. 2, Prairie
Arrives Baker
No 1, Baker
10:15 A.
2:35 P.
4:00 P. M
Itiirns. i
I7.U.H.- . a - a.
..,..1,. ,,,! , .VIj.,,,,!,.
rrtn I. stii. .,ii,, m,
8:30 A. M.
Sumpter 10:05 A. M.
Prairie 2:10 P. M.
Vv Tt.'a. ' ' ,y
krbv-. I
apuruvad May 17. law.
ISR'aBrt '. se
In Qood Company.
A contemporary wants lo kuow
what's become of the old fashioned
man who used to say, "I ssys, says I."
When Isst seeu he was standing on
a street corner lu close conversation
with the old fashioned uiau who ssys,
".Seas) to me, sesee." Clovoluml I'lulu
I'sitsi. HrTa I .si, o, hi a. I
Hurna, llregun, July II, Mil la hereby iilvsu Ihat I atherlnu Uaa
in. nihil, i, .,i Uurua, oraauu,, Kabruarv
s, I'. II, mail" lluincali-ail Knlri No uf.'JM
fur N'jSij, nei Huu Su. Tuwiialilu u Huutii
Han,-, ''! K tt ula, ,, cii,. Meridian, baa Hia. I
uulhc ul II..., m make llual tbrea year
l.lnul. In ealabllah i lullu tu Ilia I. ...I .! I. elm,- Healaler and llei-elvar ai u.,.,,.
Oregon, on las I'.'lii dv uf Auguat, lull
, lam. Kin i.iiii.ea aa witiMiaana
. .t I i.l i in, .. -
aa 'I an s n .it n..i a. 1. 1
NK.'.,. Ibe T. sut, Mould, H ,H Kaa'l. ami
nwtvHW, see at. i. au H it ..-. (:! , vi . M
Serial No. OMiH
An) an. I all neraune laii,,ii,t adtern I) I he
lauua ut-i-rns-.i, ur llaail Ilia lu uliji-i I I
teruf ll..- Ian.
of iba mineral i barac
flla II. ah altlda
i na ui
a lit i. rut., t u I I.l.
-. . r. .i'i fl- ---
ur nature tin- in tiay 01
t dl Hautsmbrr lull
W Ktaua, liealai.
Wronging Another.
No Hutu lu the world ever uttenipted
to wrong unother witlimn being Injur
4 In return mum way, Muiuebow,
some time '1'be only weapon of of
feuse tliut nature laaiPI lo recogulxa la
the boomerang.
Where He Oats Off.
Uacou -Ilea living on lluity street
now, Isn't he? iCgbert'Ne: he's living
on Uet Up lu the Morning ami IJgbl
Jthe Klre street Voukers Klntesmsn.
Heart Beeret.
'i'enchei- Tomwy, mil time you sre
lute bring su eicua) from your father.
Tommy-Who? PsT Why tie iiln t nny
good at excuses; ua tluda tiiui out
every tlme.-Ilostou Transcript
"However did you hear out-b dread
ful things about Mrs iluber?"
" Vou forget she was once my dearest
friend. "-Kllegeude lllslier
'1 hu world does mil reijulre so mueb
to be informed na lo be rt-uiluded.
I In nun Ii More.
Advice Is seldom welcome. Those
wbo nssd It most Ilka It least Dr.
Juaei.h l. IIIH. Hull Newman. Icni llav.. .,..1
Frank I' IHai kiuer, all uf Uurlla, Oraguu.
Wm faas. kUglalar.
I ni ir.ii i,t i -, I, isi. iirric i
Hurna, tiregtin, July 7, Hill
.Nun. i- la bertil.y given that Henry II. Kaeub,
uf l.aueli. liieauu, hIiii, uu 111 luher 11, 110
made lluiuuaiuail Kulry, No. ur, loo, for Nk'.
siellnn II. 'Iimiiablp h H., Ilauan WU gait'
W Hani. ii. Merldran, baa tiled 1101110 uflnleo
11.. 11 lumake ilu nl 1 In. -i- year I'ruuf, In aalabllab
eiulm In II1.1 land ahnve dual, bafur kg
laleraii.l Iti-ei Iter, at Ilurua. Oregon, un Iba
Hal. .lay nl .agiiat. lull.
I'lalmaul uaiiiea fur vvllneaaea.
I'liler I rler, Andrew MllHU, II. nv . ait
Jaiaea 1 my, all of I 11 wen, Oraguu
"'"'"tu, Kaglaier.
iH01.ATr.11 rtuor-roBUO land mali.
Ilurua OruKuu, July N, lull.
Noting la lu'iuhy glvia that, d I roc led by
It..- 1 ..inmlaaluiier of the inineral Land llffltie
ui 1.1..1 1, , uf Anl uf ruuiossa anuruvad
jinn- ft, en., nic rttaia., r, 17) oijrsuaul to tbi
I'll.-., iniii ui 1 urn-1 . waiaar, o7uu m
wu will uffar al imblli- aal, lu Iba
blddei, hul at mil law lliau I .'(. ear
llluehsk A. M . uu the Ktb davui ftantani
1UI I. al thla ulllci. llin fulluiallla Irani 1,1 I..,, I
B',,NW'a, Sat- all, I'. -,i H . It at . .. W U
'I lila liaet la ui ih-rid into luarkiit uu a abuw
Inglbai thu gieatur tiuriLuu Ibarsaif I tatoMU
ulimuH ur tuu luuab fur eultivalluu.
An iitiaiiiia ilaluilug advaraaly Iba above
di-ai-nhed laud are lu flla Ibair ulaluat,
ur uhl.-ci tuna, ou or befora lb Ua uailguatad
Ws rtaus. Haalalar.
y. WUI6,
Tolla all about im mallorai v, lint
young men and wouion, young wives
aud husbands ami all ntliurs ne.,1 lo
kuow alaout the sacrtsl laws lhal gov
ern Ihe ms farce. I'lulu truth of so
Ufa in relation to Intppim s in nmrriugti
"Sfatrets" of manhood and womanhood,
seetusl abuses, Social evil, iliseuaes, etc.
Th lataat, moat uilvanceil anil com
prehensive work tbut has eipjr been is
SUed 00 seaual hygiane i'rlit-liiss in
struction lor tboiii. who ure ready for the
true Inner tsachlng.
This book tells nurses tuuebers, doc
tors, lawyers, preachers, social workers,
Sunday Hchool touchers snd all others,
young ami old, what all ne.,1 know
about sex mutters. By Wnfi.ld Scott
Hall. Ph. O, M. D. (Letpatfl).
Newspaper Commentai
"HclentlUeally correct Cblengo I'll
bune. "Accurate ami up to date."
Philadelphia I'res. "Hisndurd hook
of knowledge."-I'bllailelphlu l.uilger.
Tiu. Pew York World ssys: "Plain
truth for Uurse who need or ought to
knew ghem for th prvenlion of evil.
Iluder plain wrapper or only fl.00.
Coin or Money trAtl i JUJllH bsu pajjli
T(. ,0ST
feCCUatATE 22
Id tho WORLD.
Ill IIIU 1,1 IM.. III, , I,, e
for .If J Minrt II. I' ee.
t i.l.H . tho other for ,ti 1-oiur
Kille It !', "
IJiinillea 1A .M
Short nnd If .t4
long i ill,, cartridges.
ii ml for hniiilatimelv
Illustrated Kill,- i
log ami "HowloShiH.t
Plstolssod Shelcoau
from jour Deuler.
P. O. Bog SMS,
t nu ih'kk IAI.M, maju.
i -a i
pairs M .
a.oo A
It ' W
No. 1 Makes good connection
with 0.-W. R. & N. No. 10 leav
ing Portland 7:00 P. M. and No.
17 from east arriving Baker :.ri0
A. M.
No 2 Connects with La (irunde
local 7:00 to La Grande, and No.
9 (fast Mail) picks up ilaeper
there arriving in Portland 7:00
A. M. Also with No. 18 at
10:46 P. M. for points East.
V ' 1 l Isl
f . Tv Ml" A CHflRLES W. ELdtfi
New Home k Buns "
I I ni.v'uiW iH
1 v.l. t' n.nve NEW J&ffipW' ' - -
i . v. ,.- MiLwLWuMmjirl
t - om ttse turn nUH9M
H a. til in lite yt. a ASmLEVL 1
M 1 . Il.'hin ( H Bftassssi -aoSM
m wanrt.iini iur n mam Jfrnv 1
lt MsVd''Br7 I
I No other like it M
No other like II
No oilier as good
The N;iw Urn Sewing Maehlai Coipaif,
Special Hosiery Offer
(.uuraiilcetl Wear Kvei Huarry fat
pit and Vomcn
l.idlva' Special Oflrr
for l.imilf.l Tlmo Only
Sli pair ol our finest 35c value laities'
mil iiiite.-il hose in black, Uu or white
color with written guarantee, for SI. (JO
niul Hie lor poatjgge, etc.
I or a 1 1 in it. .1 time only, slg pairs o(
om llueht .let: value Guaranlasd Hose any
color wttli written uuaranteu ami a pair
ol our well known Men's I'aratlla (i,r.
ters (or one dollar, aud lto oentg for
piiaUga, etc.
on know these hose; they itooil the
lent when all others failed. They give
real loot comfort. They have no arauia
to rip. Tliey never liceome loose snd
liaugy ug tho shape I knit In, not press
oil in. They ara Guaranteed for llnii
iiohh, f:ir style, for superiority of mater
ial ami workmanship, absolutely stain
hiss and to wear six month without
holes or s new pair free.
Don't delay send In your order befora
offer expires, (iive correct alas.
Dayton, Ohio
8 ilaaSl!&. y-
r jur&j&r'
aTaaTSaaTBraa7 IT1V . n
aaaSffEaflST a tittKaaat araj
ikw B8ti
niti.. ii.
vatrriui IMniltlll k-iveii ts(
tmns anil ttjal J tutf ana
I iie ln-iiranei
N'nturv I'ulilif
Vou cai buy no better
tor target work and all
mall gams up to
w yard.
change ot
met hamuli il
handles .22 short.
'im or loiig-rsis caitridatet
rfrf'ly. Tho deep Bollard
mg developg maximum Dower and
accuracy ami aJtla vrar lot the Itf nl nfl,.
mULITLlZt! 12" '"i"' , "" M'""T 'lnlaa-Irvaa ..
23T kS J "n" 1 1"- ...J. raj aavar Jaal aamaj d
.,..,...,,,,. . .. ,.tl...alaliola. " iTl ll I lalllli
eaara roa.rru.ti..v i..n , I, L..i ,.,. .J... l.C.
aaawatta.l. ... A tio.i ...aitou nSa. Aak aav aa tiaaaar.
alala ,ry - .
se artit Srrarmj La
42 W.IL.w Slraal Naw Havaat, Caaa.
l.aia.U. ,
A. W. (.OWAN
SUte Courts and Onittstl
Utnl Office Practics
Ihrw doors South of tttl
Harney Count) National
Bums. Oivtron.
Aa. . . I,
rt.iorney l law Netarf,,MB, leania, , C S. I .,.,1 OiIk. P,.cnM
Offlea tn-lttci'U II.,
an. I lass nili,
If You Want ALL The Home News
92.00 a year
Rest Job Printing
4 'HO, M iM a"1!
Qvil and Hydraulic F.n
Irriiniiinii Water S.ippl,
oeweratrt', Water lm
8urvtw, Map , I -i ii, .ilea,
'- 0, ll l.AHli
Kitriiiaili A aal I .
In l. H goclsmaltu
Eastern Oregon L'ng ineer
Burus, Orcgur.
A. O. I it
1 .1 III, 1 t'l
tilled -I I
West! in
Dlrail conncctioii I. mil. tali
A. H. CUKRY. Prop.
Loovo llarriinan Monday and ThO
asd arrivo. VVodneaday aitd SolssSjai
Him Wuruaajsaau, UaealT
Davy Uet,
conncclitig with a.
line to'