The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, August 08, 1914, Image 2

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    i I, " "Th Round-Up" Today.
S $ S
You like 'em don't you?
When you spend them you
like to get the best possible
values for your money
That's why you want to see the
Remarkable Values
we now offer befor you buy a
Come and see them You'll
be mighty glad you came
Clothing Company
Merchant Tailors and Leading Clothiers
I. O. O. F. Building - - Barns, Oregon
fthe Olimrs-furafd
Fell 70 Feet to Hi. Death.
Oa Y.t
Sb Moatka
TV. Mm ...
Mrs. Woodrow Wilton
War New..
The Times-Herald
board has been moved to the
front of the telephone office and
the company is receiving late
dispatches from the seat of war
each evening and displaying them
for the benefit of the people.
This is a service much appreciat
ed by the patrons of the company
and keeps our people posted on
the latest developments in the
far east where practically all of
Europe is engaged in what now
appears to be a long conflict.
The most startling bulletin dis
played last evening was the an
nouncement that Mrs. Woodrow
Wilson, wife of the president,
had died. The papers received
here yesterday reported that she
was very ill and little hope was
entertained for her recovery.
The president had been almost
constantly at her bedside for sev
eral days and is reported as grief
The latest war bulletins are to
the effect that there had been
heavy fighting; it is believed the
German and English navies were
engaged in the North Sea, but no
details had been received. Aus
tria had declared war on Russia,
and Italy was trying to be neu
tral but would likely join with
In former dispatches in the
newspapers it is learned that
Germany has been repulsed fre
quently and with heavy loss, in
dicating that country is not going
to sweep its foes in any such
manner as had been anticipated.
Several of her boats have been
sunk and captured by English
and French and the Belgiums
have repulsed the land troops.
One instance is given where
the German army of 40,000 men
were repulsed while attempting
to cross Belgian) by 26,000 Bel
giums. The loss of life was not
given but at Veise an engage
ment was held in which 8000
Germans were killed and 3500
President Wilson offered his
good offices for peace to the war.
ing countries, but last night's
dispatches state they were re
fused. Four German subjects took
their departure this morning from
this city for the fatherland to en
list in the cause.
A most distressing accident oc
curred last Monday morning at
! the homestead of J. W, Simpson
a few miles from Narrows in
which Mr. Simpson lost his life.
He had been engaged in sinking
a deep well on his place and had
set off a blast at a depth of 90
feet. The blast opened a pocketJ
of gas and on Monday morning
Dead. Mr. Simson went down to clear
the rock away that had been
loosened by the blast when he
became sick from the fumes and
called to those on the surface to
haul him up. He reached within
20 feet of the surface when he
fainted and fell 70 feet to the
bottom, breaking his neck and
both legs, besides numerous
other bruises.
His helpers bi ought the body
to the surface as quickly as pos
sible and heroic efforts were
made to resuscitate him, they
not realizing his neck had been
broken. Dr. Griffith was called
and he went down as quick as he
could but life had been extinct
for some time.
Deceased was 25 years old and
leaves a wife and little child.
He was formerly in the employ
ofG. W. Howell, the Portland
capitalist who is heavily inter
ested in real estate in this sec
tion, and for several years came
here from time to time with Mr.
Howell as his chauffeur later
entering a homestead and also
worked for Wm. Hanley as dri
ver of his car and in other capa
cities. His wife and her sister,
Miss Culver, were with him
on the homestead and it is a
sad blow to both who are quite
young. He leaves besides one
brother, Lee, in this county, also
a sister in Portland and another
brother in North Dakata.
The remains were brought to
Burns and the funeral was held
Tuesday afternoon, services be
ing conducted at the cemetery.
A large number of friends atten
ded the funeral and there is deep
sympathy expressed by the en
tire community for the bereaved
widow and relatives. Mr. Simp
son was well liked by all who
were acquanted with him and
his untimely death is very sad.
The big meeting of farmers at
the Experiment Station today is
going to be one of the big events
of the summer and one that will
be of much benefit to the farm
ers, and thcreiore everyone in
the country.
Prof. Geo. Hyslop and Prof.
Potter of the Agricultural College
arrived early in the week and
have been holding a series of in
stitutes in various parts of the
county in company with Supt.
Breithaupt of the station. They
were at 1 )rewsey yesterday and
had been in the western part of
the county earlier in the week
When Been Thursday morning
the College lecturers stated they
had been having some good meet
ings but of course expected a big
crowd at the affair at the Station
today. These two gentlemen
are the only ones here from the
college, but there will be other
Hon. K. A. Booth, republican
candidate for U. S. Senator, ar
rived Thursday afternoon and
has been . consulting with the
voters since, spending yesterday
out in the country, Mr. Booth is
a very pleasant gentleman and
has made a good impression. He
speaks at Tonawama tonight.
The other political men invited
have so far failed to put in an
appearance Dr. Smith, democra
tic candidate for governor, wrote
immediately upon receipt of the
invitation thai he had previous
engagements for the date and
therefore could not be present,
but hoped to visit this county
later. Senator Chamberlain is
busy ut Washington. He writes:
"Washinjrton, I). C.
"July 28. 1914.
"My dear Sir and Friends:
'I beg to acknowledge the re
ceipt of your favor of the 21st
instant, extending to me an in
vitation to be present at the
"'Bound-up" of farmers sched
uled to take place under the
auspices of Supt. Breithaupt of
the Experiment Station on the
8th proximo. I assure you I ap
preciate more than I can express
this invitation of the Superinten
dent and yourself and it is a
source of very much regret to
me that my official duties here
will prevent me from availing
myself of the pleasure of being
with you. 1 do hope that the
occasion may be a successful one
and that even if I am denied the
pleasure of meeting the good
people of your section at the time
named, I may, nevertheless, have
that pleasure a little later on.
"With kindest regards, lam,
"Yours very sincerely,
"Ceo. K. Chamberlain."
Cmtly Treatment.
"I was troubled with constipa
tion and indigestion and spent
hundreds of dollars for medicine"
WTitas C. H. Hines, of Whitlow,
Ark. "I went to a St. Iouis hos
pital, also to a hospital in New
Orleans, but no cure was effect
ed. On returning home I began
taking Chamberlain's Tablets and
worked right along. I used them
for some time and am now al
right." Sold by all dealers.
1'NIHH MTAT1 I "i in I. a
Burnt, otvgiui. '"' :1". nni
Nolle I liirrii ilcn thai, m directed it
IhaeoniinlanliHirrol lhtlllll Laud UBllw.
andar lirovieltm ul Act of rung tea. approved
Jaiie'Jf 1MM .il Mian, 617 1, imriiiaiil in Hie ap
nitration ul Claud II. Minvlli. Mrlal Nc
wi will offer al pulilli' lair. In Ih hlglit'.t !
not If
In I. ill at
oVI.M'a A. M
than IV Ul pur lor m In
u Id JJinI day of Nptt mi., i
oviook A. M , wi Hi wu'i day ot K.ti,,
II4, al lhlaiBI.a, tlm t.ill.mlUK nai I ul Inild
WUHKK, tNW. ,.. 0, f. II0H . II III K .
Tall Had I order. I iBto market nil allow
lua teat lb grtiu portion HutwiI li umuu
taiuou and Inn lough Mr riiltu utim..
Auy peraoii t'lalliiltig adprnli the BBOVe
di'icrtbad laud ar aitvlead tn III elliair i-lalui.
or objection, on or Imlore III lime dellKUHteil
(or aale.
vv Kiaia. UeiutiT
Ham MuTitaaaiikin. llaniMit
rriii.n LAMB ILB.
t liucnce Young will order ex
tras for Champion mowers, but
requires charges paid in advance.
SherifC Sale of Raul
Pr opart y
on Foreeloeur.
t'NitiD mtt 1.4N11 firm i
Burn. orun. July W, 111 I
Nolle I hereby given that, a directed li)
the I'omtntMlDtisr nl the i.ur,.l Land unite.
undr provision nl Ai't ul iiingrvaa approved
June 'if, 1WM (M Hlal.. :.I7. iirunt In the ap
plliallonol fearl II Huiylll. Serial S '
iliillr lam. in inn iiikii
fff Will offer al null
lr, but al uul lei
Man Killed at Paulina.
Additional Locals.
Mrs. Jasper Davis was in the
city this week visiting with rela
tives. There have been a number of
good bags of sage hens since the
season opened last Saturday but
no one has brought the evidence
of a deer to this office at any
Auto tourists are numerous in
this section just at present.
Many machines are passing
through going in all directions.
Some have their camping outfits
with them and are equipped for
anything they may meet.
J. H. Eichner
this week.
Features and comedy pictures
at Tonawama tomorrow night.
Dr. Geo. G. Carl is prepared
for special attention to all dis
eases of eye, ear and nose. Eyes
tested and glasses fitted. 50tf.
Mrs. Hastie has bread for sale
at the Schwartz store or is pre
pared to deliver it to any home
in Burns, 10c. a loaf. Cookies
always on hand. Pies and cakes
to order. Phone No. 411 30tf.
Frahk Welcome and family re
turned home last Saturday from
a camping trip over an Bear
Creek. They had a fine time,
caught lots of fish and enjoyed
good health. They report both
Mrs. Marsden and George in
good health.
Parties who visited Juntura
this week state that it is taken
for granted there that the rail
road is to be extended right on
to this Valley. It is generally
understood that contractors are
assembling equipment as rapidly
as possible la the vicinity of
Harry McDowell, a stage
driver, shot and killed A G.
Scroggins, a mail contractor, at
Paulina last Friday morning.
Both are well known here, Mr.
Scroggins having been connected
with the Prineville stage line
for a good many years and Mc
Dowell has been driving for
some time. It seems the mur
dered man had just returned
from a trip to Portland and had
made threats while in Prineville
on his way home against the life
of McDowell and repeated them
after reaching Paulina. Mc
Dowell overheard his threats
during the night as he slept in
the next room and the next
morning he accosted ScrogginB
in the dining room and ask if he
intended to kill him and upon
an affirmative reply drew his
pistol and killed him. The man
telephoned to Prineyille for the
sheriff and coroner after he had
done the killing and later was
taken in custody.
The Times-Herald has learned
of no cause for the killirTg and
no further particulars have been
. i
ihu ijou per ai i. al lu
o'clock A. M.,ou lb Wfld day nl Mcileml.r.r
lilt, al tall onlie I he following trait nl lli,
l ec 16, T H K , Lot i. M-'.nvn ',
See. 'J, T. SU H . B M K , W. M.
Thll tract I ordered Inln the market mi a
allowing lhal Ilia giaalvr portion thereof la
mount allium or loo rough lor eultli atlnu.
Auy parauu claiming. advrly Ifcaauova
decrlhd laud ar ailvlctl In tile their rlali,,..
or objection, on or LcMre the time lr.iKimi.-l
fur i
Wm run. Krglatcr
Baa MoTHaHati, ttuvli. r
tfHITBti tfTaim l.aMDOrrKU r
Hutiis. "it gutt. AilKhsl ml. I'JU 1
to Majruard Hftte, ttf Waverly, QNgOl
You ar hwreli) ?i ml llml Dial i hai lea Kilwanl
WllfcinsoU, who h Wavrrl. OrtfOU. Ida
ioai addrt-M, did on August Bra. l''H,
flit In this offlrci his duly corroUirstid in !n
Hoe to contest and secure lb eMosjlUllott ol
your Homestead fttlry No , r-. rut Nu imi.h,
mad April 1st. IWIC tor HW'.ol hoiUin ,
TowushlpVffl Houlb. Hang h.' ra.i. Will tot Oil
Meridian, and ss grounds lul his contest
ha alleges that said Meynard lU.t has wholly
abandoned teld eutrjr, that hu never eefu
Milled or maintained a residence, or mud' any
Improvement tinreou. and hai stisenf. i mm
soil and changed his residrm I heir (ruin vi
since the dale ol entry
You ar therefore, further notified Hint tin
said allegation, will be taken as twin loaned,
and your aatd entry will t ram tid i (limit
further right to M .ani eiihor i..-iorc this
uflrs or un anwal, if you fail lo fll- In this
office wttbln twenty days after the ri H I i
nuhllcation of tins notice, as aimnn !..;....
four answer, under oath, sim ifti-slly respond
tug 10 the allegations ol contest, togelhei
ellb due proof that uu have served a oopf ol
mi answer on the aald condeiaiu nher In
peiaonor by registered msli
Yon should stte in your answer the nsvmeof
thapoetolTtceUiwhlcb on desire htiim Boltogg
to tm sent to you
Wu Kaaag lie at, t
iNtteof Mrat puhllcailosi August mh. Wit
Data of ectid publication August 1 ( U, loll,
Dateol third puhllratlwn August .-.'nd I'M
Date of fourth puhllration AttftMM ."'( ItU,
Bum. Iltvgon, Auiuit . I'll i
Nolle 1 hetel-r given that OVTVJI y KpJt
ul l.awlB, Urguu, alio, on Kepteiui- i I . Ill
mad Huttieitead Kotrr. No uuaiw I
sec li, T. a V B If'. K . I... i- t ami '
HectluU 7. Tnwn.lill. '' H , Itttlii- ..: . lllaln
ell Meridian, ha tlle.l notice ol Inten'lnu tn
roak llual t utuinulatluii I'mm.I in . lahllrh
claim to Iba laud alwta deHTil-.l. N I tJ
latr aud Beeler. at Burn. OfawoO, on IB
llthdayefBoptetaher, 111!
i Uluianl name al wltneaaeii
llaarr II. leech, Andrew fetarann Mntun
K. Kllbardtou, I'eter I tier, all ol LaWon
I i. I:. , I.', r
Notlai i- ImicIiv k'"'. thai t'lt'i"
iiml 1 iv i it lit til mi rufi'Hlion, tluljr !
hiiciI mil nl' t'ttr I'ltctiil Court of tb
Sltlf QfOtfOa lor I InriMry County BJ
lo ntr dire I'll on Hi' Wfd tiny of July,
1UU. niton n niclif Mie-nt nnil tlfcr) of
riimliiaurc, tltily i Icictl liy laitl court
,in Hi.-r.tli tiny ot July, HlU, anil tn
iiicil nl ictnril unit l. k krtti! therein on
I lie BJmd ttny of July, IBtSi in n luit in
Mid i inn I iieiiilliio., wlirreln Kltlora.
PltBgerShJ wm jilninlill mill I. tiling W.
Ilurtiliiik, Wnlln llmlili't, ti. A'. I'rBa
lon unit - rrcHlon Ini wife, worn lie
Uiiilii till, in lu vol of pluillllll iiiiilnKuinat
will iltlriiiliiiilH, liy whicli eicculioii I
inn iiiiiiinnnilcil in irll tlir ronl properly
mi ninl tSSntloa mnl liciriimlti'r tlfacri
Uul, to puy tlic llltlll !ui tlir pldinlifl
ol 8S700, wlili intrroit lliere on at
Hi, i iii ,,l stgatSft cent. ier ntinuni
linm tin- Dili ility of July, 1014, until
I in !. ami I lin Iinlliur it if $.'10.00
nltoniry'a fee MgltBW willi the coitB
mill iliNliinaiiiriili of annl lull taxed at
J HI. 03, nint nil itccruinK cofla, I will on
.il in il iv tbtaSad. ilnyof Augtigl, 11114,
ut I he liutii ol ten o'clock A. M. of aaid
ilny ul tlic front tloor of the county
emit lionar ill Hurtiit, llaruey County,
Ortgon, ma-tl ut pulilic auction to the
liiulitnl bidder, for cnah in hand, all Hie
ligfcti tide, intcreit mul eilala which
t he- noil ilileniliitilH l.orlllg W. Horn
bttAi Walter llothlcr, O. A. PrmtoD
nntl I'li-ntmi. hi wile, or either or
uiiv ul iIiciii, uutl nil ieiioui clnlininK
iiiulrr tlic ii niihi'tuciil to I lit- iU( nl
i-ion t inn of ilnliilifl'i iitortgaKe, towiti
AiiKUat 'Jilth, IUI. hml, mice have ac
iinreil, m now linvu in ninl to luttl real
iniHirty ileKiilH-tl na follows, to wit I
The Motuliwefl qiimtrrof the ninth
r.,.1 qaartSf ami the north half of the
n, nithi -nit iimrterof arctiongtt in town
hip twenty-llnee muthof range thirty
hint r.,l ul tlic Willamette Meridian, in
Humes t'liiuty. Orrxoti, and contain
niK otic liuinlrril twenty ucrca, together
with the wnler rlghti, tetieineiiti, here
i hi it mi'iita mnl uppnitenmicei thereunto
beloflfisi t in any wise apM?rtaiuing.
Sni, I mUi lieitig niiitle luhject to re-
lini I i in Hu innnnci prOfUM hy
Unlnl t hi 184, il.iy of July 1014.
Sherifl id Harney County, Orvgon.
llurit. tlregou, July U, I'M! t
Nnlliel heeahy glvan lhal Botairt B i.Uti.
nl laa.-t. IJ aaua aim. on March 71, ivll,
male II IDMtead I inri.No tliWI. lul N'.SWt,
..ll.ii. i ,. I l heel Ion il ToamhlpiB
Itanai .", I. . Wlllaiuelle Merullau. baa rill .!
II..II, ol mteotloli to maka filial Ihlee er
prtHif, to icunlUh ,Uim to ih land alaiva da
, 1 1 1,. 1. 1 r,,n lu-tf u, HeielVcr. at Burba,
ore. ill, nil II,. i .'llh ,la) ol .-c,l. inlwr. till.
Spring Opening
We extend to all a special re
quest to call and examine our
Dress goods, waists, dresses, skirts
new summer underwear in silk,
lisle, cambric in all styles, hosiery,
gloves, neckwear, new ribbons,
laces, embroideries, full lute trim
ming, silks and buttons
Quality Goods Only
Catholic Church.
1. On Sunday h and Holy days
of obligation Holy Mass with
sermon ut 10 u. m.
2. On week days Holy Mass
at G:30 a. m,
All other services, besides
those mentioned above will be
announced in church.
All invited and welcome to the
divine services.
Sick-calls promptly answered
at anytime. Religious informa
tion and instructions willingly
imparted at the Franciscan
Sophie lluiltlianlt (iliiinlill
C II. Auamtia ami liellit Auitiuu-,
Hy virtue of an execution bfatttd mil
of the Circuit Court of the Siutn nl on
ion for llaruey t'ounty ou July M, I'll I
In the above enlllliul catuc wIichui
luilxmam win runtlereil in lm ul i lu
plaintin' ami aKaimt the ilefcniliiiili mi
the 30th day of March 1911 fur $-", I,
coat! and diibiirimtnti, unit the Itnilui
uni of $'il) tin tlniiiagci, with inlet ut
theraon at the rate ol U ier cint h-i
annum fr nil the date ol JcMagntnt, u'"'
which jildgini'iit wu dttlv eiilcu-d mnl
dockaUdon April 1. IBIS, I Iuinu 1,-mcI
on the hereafter deieriued u al property
a the proierty of the ilcfeiuluiil Dtlla
A un, ,ui. namely:
Northweit tiiiirlcr of Ntntlieuii qusr
tar of Section -'" in Tp MS, K. 84, I .
W. M., Ilarnoy QoSBtjr, OftgOBi Bad I
hereby give notice that 1 will off, , tin-
nine for mile un, I aril thu aiitii,-. I,,i
caih to the hiKhcit uml U.-.t biililci, in
front of t he court Imuae tluui nl lliinia,
OreKoii, on Momlity, the .'list iluv ul
Aiiguit llil 1, at the hour ol I o'clock
P. M. or " much thereof na itin ba
ueceiaary to intiafy tlic lOfSBoifli ud
ment and coiti anil eipviuK-i of anlc
Dated tin 30tb day ol July HU I
liiiii,l liamia a It n.
iiaBiini iiiIct Xftir1 u,. i hu mid.
I1ftif i ft, . nil ul I. ft r ti, iireguu
Wa I . Keglatar.
PtttTM -mri LAW OVfMI I
HuniB, tiiftuii. July Ja, IV. 4 I
.'i'.-i in r. l.y gtoi) lhl iurf li Hop
al if HUfBt, OrvgOtt, whii, on Jul lt, IWll.
ina lr A'1'lltliMinl lloiu-a'rat I'ulry, Po, BM.
for ri'N W '. I --! .1 lit. I Hi-,-, lot, 1. Towntt.l
'i hniilh llaiiiaiii .11 kaat lilgiia.tlt Uarnllaii
lia hi-i now l luUMitioii to roaa dual
Uir. .-ar I't.Mtl lo calalillali clavliu In til lattil
ktiova -ti ril. .I, lx -f.irr Ui Itvulatrt ml H
i lfr, t Hun... ungon, un lha joili -la f
v uguti, I'll
Ulinsi'l itaiiiet a IvItAtMHS
J J ' aniilrr. J f i . iMt-r, prank IHaii
nitr (tul WillUm K )awoii. all of Hufui
v n. Muni, Hcilalar.
Feed Barn
Hones Boarded by the
Day, Week or Month
Good Feed and
Reasonable prices
Horace 25c per Head in liarn
Baled Hay and Grain for Hale
Comfortable Camp House
With Cook Htove
Accural Hay and Htoek Hcale
Price for welching 20c.
South Main HI., Iiurna
fllllF MlttrtTTfTT
I'M I til' ITA1 KH I.ANIlurrlt'K
liuru, nii'giiii, Jul; BI, nil.
,il I ill.
I in-ft-.ill.
y glvan
ft Ini, on
May l.i. iultl. maila
lluiuralcad aalrr, Su.imiim, lur NK', i,mi,
N" ."'!. M-. ' ftXWft.Hat-l inn I Tuwulll -.;.,
i. !.. ... k. Wlllauisttr Merlillaii, hu filed
ii, ,ii. ,. of Int. i. u, . i, i in! dual three ar
I'rtnil, Ui . laullali claim lu lit lilul alniva ila
l i-l.ii llic Kiglalcr ftli.l HcccUrr. al
iliiln. illmiili.iiii Ih Mb ill) tat AUgual 111!
, ! nu ft ut muni mm ft iina:
-ii'iiiicl Mi, in,,, i Narrua. tirgun. I'lar
I, !! l ll. UrVl ami llllftin llurgctl all
ul Kgll, tirvguli.
I hereby given that lulnh K I'laliuOi
a nu, un May l. Ii, mail
Sn IMIi.l, lur HK'ftMW1.. Hec
I'aiTin HTATga 1 imii iirrn
nun,., ui, , m. July it. lull
I lliitii. or. win ftlm, uu Ma
ll, ,,,,, -.leu. I hnir
n. i. :u it ai i, i.i. i, j, a, mw.Kbu
"I,,, ii I.. luftlitlil), .'I - . K.i,,,. ,, y y, f
inn idle Mi rlJlftll, ha. Iiicil nolle ol lulanlluu
tn Ulku hllftl lit vaar DrOnl. tu Balalitl.h
i I'lini tu the Ifttul auuve itaacrlliail, bafure
the Iti lil.tiir ami Krclvr, at Murtu, tireauu
,,,, ii,i it, h ,a) Auguat. iwii.
i Lillian! iiftine. aa wllueiee:
l ...i,i Wliiliiik. iienrgi, Whllllig, liiurgi
Mi l.fticll. Mllll.i,, McLaren, all ul Hutu, in
Wm l.aa. K.glii.r
t'oiiililtiatliin lick, Injuty, acciilutit
and death lieoeflt proUctin at n, mi
nium coit. t2,0X).O0 death Ik-hcIiI
ll.OUU.00 lur loaaol limit or .-vi-i.-l.t
lamti :. iki u 16.00 weekly atck M ac
i-itleiil la-iitlll, fl.iMaU.lMt K.mereii, r,
liel beni'dt. fuel ia H ill Mir year;
no other duea or aaaeaaiiieuta. In ll.i
Ineorance all men and woman an- plm gd
on aa aiual baal. reganllea uf occti,u
lion. F.very peraun make the laiui
form of aitilicalion, pay the aaum
auiouulnf preiuiuiii and receiveg tin-
game Amount ol benefit. Men ami
Women between the agee ol 111 an, I'.,
are accepted. No raatrictlona aa to w
cupation, only Kailruad men employeil
employed on track, train nt Ml I
liuuee, can not be accvptetl. Claima BI.
paid within aiity tlaya anywhere in IB
U. H. Canuda or Kampe. Old reliable
Iniurancc Ctimpany. flOO.000.iHi aa
State daptadt aa a protection (or I'oln y
holderi ami lo guaranlee the paynit'iit
of claim. For further free iiilormatlou
addrw UuMave K. Werner, Hucri'lury
and (leneral Manager. IUii Hl:i, iluflaln,
N. T. atatt age, aei, occuliou uu, j
nieotlou Dapt. Ii. 172.
8AVE PROM 90 to 60 PKK (KM
James Hicks and wife return-
nl home the fore part of this
week from a trip to Winnemuc
ca. They were accompanied out
by Mart Brenton and wife and
Miss Mary Caldwell, the latter
stopping over in Warner Valley to
visit her parent, Mart and hit
wife remaining in Winnamucca
to visit Mm. Brenton' son, Chee- p.utio.
ter umiin.
Wa, the underlined, legal votcti ol
Harriinan Precinct II, v fminiy,
State of Oregon, reaiiectfully pttitlon
tbe Hon futility four i ul Harney County
Htata of Orison, to gtuul it ttotBM n,
Albritton Hotel, Clin Itnliu, la1Bl.
to aell Hpirltuuui, Mull uml Viiiom
Liquor in lea tiuaiititiea limn one gul
Ion in IIiii liiniiii I'irciiK't llnrncy finin
ty, Stale of Oregon, Ini the kii,i,I nt
all iiiotitli, iih in duty Imiiml we will
ever pre. Nuum- li. I. folc, Cat!
lletiiig. II Deiitiian, f . ).. l.rc, I . M.
Miller, A.J. Huml, T. C. Albritton, I). I'.
Snyder, J. W. iieini, Mr J. W. Haiaa,
H. A. Olbaon, Mr S A. OibaOB, it.
Hmlth, B. N. Hand, Kiniiia C. I.ihby,
Thomai H. I.ibhy, Archey C. Unlet,
J no. U liiinglicrly, Julin llcnu, K f.
Iieini, P. P. Ileinx, K, j.
Millaap, O. W. Millmp, Juliu Q, Nidi,, I
on, Tbo. Keiilty, I'eler lilci It. i.
floer, J. Dillon Jr., Kuy Clink I II.
Clark, Tliomit J. Koutley, M. li
Kuutlry, Mia B. liuikhuidl, I I..
Sleeper, Jamei Cary, Chin lei S. Onnl,
H. C. Albritton, T. M. fJibfeOfl, Climlci
Kobn, Tom Huling
Nolle ii hereby given thut on Weil
uciday, tbe 2nd duy ol'Hcplemlicr, IIM I,
tbi unileriiguod will apply to the futility
Court of Harney County, Dieoit, Im
tbe liccnM meotionct) in the roieguinfr
Wfr Albrfttvu iiulc).
Hum. Iliegii'i, July la, lull I
Notice II hereby glten thai tleorga II. Wil
liam, ul I'lliieeluu, iireguu, ehuul Juii'7,
IIHW, lllmle lliilllealcail KlilrjT Nu. HAM, Hrll
Nn Willi, lor Ni,hI4.hi4gW),, Ho, , T. W
It l.i I , an, I Lul 1. Mceliiili J. Tut. ml, lu J7 H ,
Itangv .11 K, Wlllaiuetui Merullau. ha tlleil
,1,11, u I iiiti-iitluii lii uiaka Anal tV9-yt
tu, ml. tu . i.iahliah i lalui lo lha luml ahuve da
N rii, I heluic Iteal.tcr anil Keivar, at Hurm,
'iieu un lha l, Hi ilayul Auguil, 1114.
i Inn, , .ui uaiiie aa altuuaael:
lliiuiin. Nleteu Kieil II. I'etetl. Juhn I' lm
.le, Ml, l,, I II,,,., ill ul I'lliieeluu, lllcguii.
Wa Iiki. Iteglilar.
I Kn an HTtTia tirru
lllirll. Iireguu, Jul) 171b 1911.
lo Unite) Mm, n. uf ii, inuy Way, Heaiil
WftnlilhKInn, I uule.lce.
Vnu ate hciiihy nuiiln ,nhat Uaorge
lillt ft hu give Hu ill, llaruey t'uuul), tlreitm
hi iut iitneu aililreia, lllilou Jlllyl7lh 1114,
l lie III ihl. . .it, i c l.i. ilu i) ,,,ti,,i,i,e,l a, plica
Hun tu euiiieat ami aeuur thu cam ellalluu ul
Mini lliimeatcail Knlry, No., xarlal No ol.ii.'i
mailu Aiirll -tilh, HID, for n'tNWI4, ami W
-.t) ',, ul te, Hun I, '!oftnahli i,, Huulli, Hauga
.iu, r.ft.i n iiiHinciie nieriiuaii, ana aa arouuila
lur lil.coliteai l,ellc,-e.llit.l,l lUrvc) Uuuu
linn tt hull) iil,Mii,liit,e,l aalil vnti y that he never
calalillaheil ul ihiiluialiieil n re file nee. or matte
nut i:n,,,it e ut. i ueiuiin, ati.i li aliaeiileil
liliii.eU iiml change! III. ical, leiicu I htirelroln
etui ilno iba data ot entry.
You are, ihciclurc luilher mulnad lhal lha
e lil ftllugnlliuia will hu taken ft ouulu.aad
an, I yuiir.alil entry n ill he cam del wllliuai
liiilhnr right lo l,e huird, oltliur Inline till
.,lll, e ur un apieal, It you fall lo Ilia lu lull
ulhcc within luauly da)allur the KtltlltTll
, ul, II, ;iil,,ii of lilt! null, e, a ahuwn bvluw
,,iii i n.ftor liuilcr uftlh, ,,i,clllcally reauoud
lint tu the.c allniatl.iu ul corneal. i.,tfil,.r
w II Ii ilu proof lhal ou liav aervd a copy of
you I auittcr uu Ih .aid t!oiittut either lu
pciaou or t,y iciilatcred umll.
Vou ah, mill .laic III your aiiawur til nam. of
the pnftt nllleo to uiileli ) ou de.lit; future
ui n ,. tu be aunt to ) mi
Wm. Kaaac, lleglitir.
I lata of lint publication July net, ivu,
lialuof aacuad puhllcatluu July .'-ii. 1914.
I,,iti ul llilnl pul. II, all, ,11 Aug. 11 1114.
1 mi of 1, ,iu ih publluatlou Aug. lilt 11)14
r in
All other hIaui in (lock. Nun ski, I
lira 15 per rent ddlllonl, red label
tn per cent above the gray. All new.
eieaa, freah guaranteed Uree. Ba
tamJanl and Independent uiukee. Hut
direct from 11 and av mom-y. I mi
dlioount If paysieni In full uivuin panic
each order. O. O. I), un 10 per asat d.
poalt. Allowing iinlutlon
P- A Dayton. Ohio
a8l3 I 7.80
SOio 7. HO
:!:.' .. ui hi)
.TJ3' 11.00
34b3, la. Ill
S3i4 13.70
83i4 11. to
34x4 10 80
304 17.86
i 10.78
atiiii, IB.Bo
37l4lg gl.60
370 114.00
Notice le Creditor.
Nolic Il hereby given thai tint 11.uU 1
igiietl ha been duly ppoiutid admin
Utrator ol Ih eatate of Maggie A. I'irle,
daceaaed, by lb County Court of tin.
Stat of Dragon, for Ilarnoy County
All pereom having tlainn agaimt laid
eitale are harehy iiotllleil to prttiunt
them, duly verified by law reo.imc.1,
to Jamea I'irie, administrator, at hla iu
gideuue uear Harney, llaruey tuniy,
Oregon, ur al tlm office of J . K. 0a)k Iiib
atloiuey In Burn, llaruey foiiniy.
Oregon, within ill uiiintliH In, in thu
tUt ol tbl notice.
Deled Ihl Htb. day of Auguat, l'.iM
JAMKS I'IRIK, admliilgiriii,,,
J. H.COOK, attorney.
. a-TriaJ a,: r
V flfta
fildliiU lltt
ulr Millar, ul
.1 1
wi, lur Mf.HI , m.c
llaitiii HVftTga Uni, Qjfli
Burua, Orvitin. Auaual A. lin'i
nouoeii Bereby glveu lhal
alai. Uro. whn mi 1.....
Maildlan hu AlaA miIIaI .. lH.'i V " vVl
and above ieeerlbed. before 00. A. Huiyii
U.. 1 till office. .1 au.I,c.
ragoa, OB ia Ilia day of Heplauibar, 1114
Jilmiutoaio.tor wlteaaaa.: '
Oliver iluOartv rl.,t. iiTvZi.... .-t ..
iu.i,.n v tu --.- T,.w''"l"f. Ullll
mini., joes aeaird. all ol r aid, tic...,,,
MVgl.ll I
A Full Line of
I alao have a new line ot
Percales, Flaxons, Glnshams, Voiles, ck
La if st In Neckwear. ; Barret tc, Side W
Back Combs for Ladles. Just arrived, tfcj
Latest in lies. Collars, Suits, Caps, HaM
Underwear and Shirts for Men.
On quantity orders for.
For Haying
A. K. Richardson
General Merchandise
Printed in accordance with legal
it uuirementa on short notice at
Job Rooms
Fair Feed Yard
Timothy, Alfalfa and Red Top Hay
Baled Hay For Sale
1'ioe Camp House and Feeding PHvikei in Corral
or Hani. Customers Care For Own Stock.
U' 4 rlitalauaia. .....
. liUOIIlrl AN. Arlimn n l.. .. 1 1
jwumiH I nil il IIUIIll."
New Spring Goods
Have arrived and we are now ready to
upply you with your requirements
Dress Goods. Wash Goods
Laces, Ribbons. Hosiery.
Gloves, Embroideries, etc.
The Burns Department Store
We do It right