The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, August 01, 1914, Image 4

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Hudson Maxim Has Figured In
Some Perilous Incidents.
On On Gun Tasting Oocsslon Sud
den Impulse to Run, Whioh He Obsy
d, Wat the Mum of aaving Mn
Lifo A Megsslns Tht Got IM 8c
end Wind.
One of tUe mont thrlllluK iiilveutiirea
In my experience took plneo nt the gov
erumeut proving urminils at Sandy
Hook, N. J., when tlio t'liitol States
government wai testing mxlinltc Ih
fore adopting It.
Near a light frame I'lilMlng In wnieU
1 was Oiling shells with maxlmlte, a
ten Inch gnu was btbfej tested. A num
ber of abuts hud lieen Urea irnm I lie
big gun. Jnst as 1 had concluded my
work and stnrted fur the hart to lake
the government MS tot Mt Jfcjek, tho
Igual was sounded for iinutlicr shut
1 was walklug nloiiK a stretch of rail
way track directly hehind the (jmi
At that Instant 1 rcincmliercd that
several years baton, when one of these
guna waa being tested, the bWKhlocI
bad blown out. passed through the
homhnroof and killed nix Offleeta and
men. but I argued with nnsclf that the
chance was Infinitely remote that tho
breechlock would be blown out or the
present gun on this dlsciim-Rc "I UM
verv Instant I was In range, but upon
sudden Impulse 1 ran with nil
The gun was discharged. 1 looked
round lust In time to see the huge
breechlock pass through a building neui
th. ne in which I hud been St work
i .m nn ilia track, striking and
breaking one of the rails over which I
had passed. It ricocheted against the
too of the old granite fort and ghlBCtd
hih intn the air. A ahower of atonal
nil ilehrl fell over a wide area and
frniniioiits struck the groiiud
close to me.
I walked back to the scene of the ac
cident and found that the windows In
the little building where I had beeu
filling malltulte shells were completely
riddled with partly burned cylinders of
smokeless powder that had ban blown
from the gun
I once hud another curious expert
ence at Sandy Hook during some trials
of the Maxim automatic machine gun.
Among the severe tests to which the
gun was subjected was one Intended to
simulate what might occur In making
a landing upon the seashore, where the
mechanism of the gun might get filled
with sand. The test Is known as the
"sand teat"
The gun lioing tested at the time was
of the kind using black gunpowder
cartridges, for It was before the Intro
duction of smokeless powder. There
was so much energy In the recoil of
the barrel that a great deul of sand
could be thrown Into the mechanism
without Interfering with the working
of the gun
The cemmandlm: OfJcer did not ar
rive to see the gun Brad until after the
board In churge had completed the test
He then appeared and demanded that
the firing should be continued for his
benefit. The chairman of the expert
mental board demurred, saying that
the gun bad passed through the test
admirably and that It was too bud to
Are It more than was absolutely neces
sary, with Its inechuul-ui lllled with
send. But the commuuder Insisted.
A schooner was approaching near
the line of fire. The commander snld
he only wanted to see u few rounds
fired and that the tiring would tie com
pleted before the schooner would come
within range. Accordingly u belt of
333 rounds was inserted, und the firing
begun. After perhaps lifty rounds were
fired the command was given "Cease
firing." but the gun kept right on. It
afterward proved Hint the trigger was
blocked by mind, so that It was Impos
sible to stop the gun. The schooner
came Into range, and the bullets Hew
over and around her.
Hy assistant, who was tiring the gun,
did bis best to work the trigger aud
stop It. It did not OCCnr t him on the
Instant to unllmber the gun and swing
It round so as to bring the schooner
out of range. As tho gun llred ut the
rate of 750 shots u minute the firing
was all over Inside half a minute.
Fortunately no damage was doue.
When the suuie gUD was undergoing s
sand test at Annapolis. Mil.. I came
very near being killed by It.
The gun had passed successfully
through n severe sand test, but the
officer in charge wanted to see wheth
er he could nit enough sand Into the
gun to stop It. .So Jio had the gun box
filled full. The gun fired about ISO
rounds and then stopped. My assistant
threw down the sufc thut Is to say,
locked the trigger, so thut It could not
be pulled nnd began clearing the gun
Thinking that the gun wus safe, I
was Just about to step round In front
of it. Suddenly It fired a dozen or
more shots so close to me that my
clothes were seared by tho powder
One of tho tests made at Annapolis
was to fire n Maxim gun vertically
into the air Wo had fired a couple of
hundred shuts In this manner, wheu
something struck very near us. It
then occurred to the officer In charge
that what goes up must necessarily
come down. Firing ceased, und we
sought cover for u few minutes to
avoid the lendeu ruin lludsuu Maxim
In Youth's Companion.
The best remedy for wrongs done us
Is to forget them Myitis
Complies tod.
"You must stop worrying und take a
holiday," said the suuve practitioner.
"My dear doctor," replied the Irrita
ble patient, "if I could get my affairs
Into a shape that would permit me to
take a holiday I'd be so relieved that I
wouldn't need one."- Indou Opinion.
Not Duo Yot.
"Hoes your wife over uuk you
d tlio first walking gentleman.
"No, ' IlllhWerell tlje sccoiid. ' VVu'vs
nly been ujarrlod a year. Hlte culls
It dnxlng so fur." Clevelnnil I'luln
lunigiuary evils soon liecouie real
oues by Indulging refleotious on tbein.
That's All.
"I did not think yoli would associate
with such a num."
"I shau't assucluto with lihn much.
I atu merely going to wnrry blia."
Houston Post.
An injury done to character la aa
great tbat It cannot possibly be eetl
inated. Uvy.
fist on Qoed Terms With Yourself and
everything About You.
Happiness can never come from the
outside to the Inside unless happiness
already exists In the .aside. Wo bo
come imppy because there are certain
elements within us that respond Im
mediately to tho things that make up
To be thoroughly happy you must
bo on good terms with yourself.
Also It means Hint you have fath
MM the mystery of happiness In
every growing thing ubnnt you. A
man that Is not on good terms with
the trees aud Mowers and birds and
houses and the scores of other gifts
of natttre can never be upon good
terms with lilm-elf For nnture.
tbongb sll-lll In Us expression, speak
truths more wtnidiuiw than tho ei
pressed troths of men.
To he thoioiichly tut pi you must
he on goad terms with everything
about you.
1 ul you ever look up Into tlio sky
and ask yourself whether or not you
were on good terms with the stnrs.
with the planets -with the nioour And
during the day. with the clouds and
the inarvoloiH sun that so greatly
affect your disposition, as these things
do affect the dispositions of every one?
To bo thoroughly hsppy you must
make the wonderful truths and ex
presslous of nnture your mental emu
It Is Impossible for you to be upon
good terms with all people unless you
fall In alignment with their syinpn
tides nnd with their viewpoints. It Is
Impossible for you to bring out the
bast that Is within unless you use us
a basic standing a perfect eijunllty of
terms Toledo Times.
Spacunana From tho Home of Nrly
Twenty Conturioe Ago.
That there was no lack of medlcnl
humor In the classic days of Home Is
mnde sure by the ancient epigrams of
Martial of nearly 2.000 years ugo. The
Ignition Lancet shows that the poet
bora a grudge against the specialists
of his day, fur It seems they had this
variety of practitioners then nnd pokes
fun at the oculists and o,t the surgeons
who Indulged In clinical teaching. Of
the hitter he has patient complain in
good I.ntln. aud this complaint has
been made over Into current Kngliab
I tiw III. but soon ayminmiius sought in
Willi s class of u Iiunilt. J young insll.
Wlui luimlrrd cold paw have briuiani
Tho favor I lacked till than
The Journal of the Amerlcau Medl
cal association calling attention to the
medical ways of the ancient city notes
Unit diseases due to luxurious liublts
bad multiplied greatly In Home What
wus called gout that Is, pains ami
aches in Joints and muscles nnd tho
vugue conditions tbst we now call
rheumatism-had also greatly increas
ed, liiny. who was an older eon
temporary of Martial, ssys. "(lout used
to lie an extremely rare disease, not
In the times of our fathers and grsud
fathers only, but even within my own
memory." Although the gouty were
usually rich and of luxurious bsbltn.
some of them evidently were not good
pay. An evidence of Ibis is thus glveu:
1 'i...l,,i ,,, wlill h suae in com I.
cm gouty fci can stand,
lliii when Hi lurt till I I. m. ml.l
Th soul Ml (sat Ills I1.11J
Masksd Women.
Upper class ,Swahill women wear
curious masks, which sre made of
leather and beads on a wooden frame
The mask U derived from the tradl
tloiini usage of Moslem women, who
must keep their fscee covered In the
presence of men. For several cen
turles Arab trades have frequented
this east African coast, and to their
Influence are due most of the civilised
customs found todny among tho mi
tlves of the district. The clothing
worn by these prosperous dames Is of
silk, their shoes are partly of sliver, aud
they wear much silver Jewelry. The
Moslems In .niixlbur, by the way, are
less ranatli ally strict about religious
usages than their brethren In Morocco
and Turkey Wide World- Magazine.
"Bob" snd "Cob In Money.
Most people would know what was
meant by tbe term "bob" when apeuk
Ing of money. Hue would they be able
to aay offhand what a "cob" is or was
In i similar connection? it was used
In polite circles In tbe seventeenth cen
tury, for It occurs in a letter from the
Eurl of Essex "8o my wife gsve tier a
cob, for which she seemed very thank
fill"- printed in the new volume of the
"Camden" series, the editor of which
gives tbe Information that the cob was
"a piece of money tbe value of which
varied from 4 shilling to as much as (1
shillings lit 1075 "-1ondoii uroukle.
No Chence to Clop.
Girls In New (luluen have little
chance to run nway. Their parents
force them to sleep u a Utile bouse on
the topmost brunch of a lull tree, I lien
the Indder is removed and the slumber
of the parents Is not disturbed by
fears of an elopement.
Caught Enough.
Mary The doctor says this tlluess of
mine Is caused by a germ. Agnes
What did he cull it? Mary-I don't re
member. I eu tight the disease, but not
the name Judge
Tommy -l'op, a man uiul his wife
are one, aren't they? Tommy's I'op
Yes, my son; sometimes ohm loo many
Philadelphia lie, Old
He Is not tbe best curpeuter who
mai,.", the most chilis - Old Haying.
Pilgrims si asnsros.
Benares, au Indian boly city, la tbe
victim of pilgrlmagus. Many of tbe
pllgrlma are In tbe laat atage of Illness
and nnd their way to tbe city to have
their retnaiua cremated on the banks
of the (laugea. A large number of
hospitals have to be provided for the
roceptlou of tbe aick, and tbe distinc
tion of being a boly magnet Is not
greatly appreciated by tbe resldeuta of
the city. Exchange
Brazilian V.aa.l
All liruzUlau veaaela engaged In tbe
coasting trade and carrying passengers,
either casually or regularly, aud inuk
iug voyagea of mora tban seventy two
hours between tbe place of departure
und port of destination, aiust have on
board a Ilruzlilau doctor nominated by
the minister ef tbe lataiier.
Wsloems Celer.
"A stress; ut jtMuW s all right sumo
"Hows tbatr
"lu u gold inlue, tot lunaAice."
Louisville Courier Journal.
On Scheme Thst Gave a Mlselenarf
the Surprise of Mia Lire.
Almost every one who has friends In.
mission work In India kimwa that 00
very Important I unction of tbe tolas
binary Is to play tho part of match
maker to his Bock, Hut few if any,
have heard or the conditions being ra
versisl and lie Hock turning match
maker for their missionary. That doe
occur, however, as the loiter wrltteu
by a missionary who live nt Tuti
corln, south Indlii. tells:
On New Year's day, 1011, as I waa
seated In my llttlu mud cottage at
Tulleorlii n number of people entered
the iraranda and ceremoniously came
Into my room, beating trays of flow
ers, fruits, raisins and sugar, which
they placed al my reel like suppllauta
wltii desire to gain the hearing of a,
petition After nil duo ceremonial eti
quette had been observed and I had
Indicated my willingness lo hear their
petition Brother Dravlaui, a
prominent lawyer In Tullcorlu, began
leading In Tamil nil address to which
the others gave strict attention it
run like this:
"Heverend Sir You have uow for
manly two years bestowed great care
and labor upon us. ministering to our
spiritual welfare and striving for the
health of our souls to such au extent
that you luue grently Impaired your
own physical health, mid we feel that
you need some one lo cure for yoo,
Kline you do not euro for yourself.
We fear let your Seal In our behalf
innv depth o us at nine of your life
ami services Therefore, with pro
found humility and sincere respect, we
venture to ivipieat you to marry a
good woman, who will both cara for
you and help us."
This was naturally n confusing thing
to happen, but I wus bound lo re
spond to sinh an eloiiient appeal, aud
when tho applause died away I roae
and ntis wercd with considerable effert:
Your affectionate regard for my
welfare Is so overwhelming that 1 have
no words In which to express my ap
pieclalloit." and sat down, quite faint
from the exertion Hut tho novelty of
the situation oeicniiie my fatigue.
and. turning to of Uie elders, I
asked If tiny had any rllculsr per
son In Bated as one who would lie will
ing to become my helpmeet aud be
equal to ail the reiousibliliies tbey
had outlined Immediately Miss W.'a
naine was mentioned "But." said I.
"I don't believe she would have me."
This seamed to me like ustcbiiisklng
with a vengeance What a high handed
act, to bo sure! To order their pastor
to marry, and then lo choose tbe girl
besides! Hut the worst waa still to
"We have already seeu her and
toid her aha moat have yon." said
Brother Itajappau
So It was si t led I msy add tbat
my wlf I I have reason to approve
highly of the Indian iiiuihod of match
milking, but II should lie combined
with the western method of courting.
ag In our case, lo suciire the best re-
MUltS- F.XcllllllgO
Average Amsricsn's Taaee.
.Somewhere in n,e lulled iStateo In a
small elly Urea tbe average American
He has a fainlii of four, Including him
self, and earns .',I7 a yeur Home one
else In Ids family, perhaps n stenogra
pher daiiglilur, contributes $330 to tbe
family fund, making- the total Income
of SHIT He fis-l I list be pare uutb
lug. or next to nothing, for the privi
lege of living In a free country, with
warships mi I he a and street lights
In front of his house, with s policeman
on his corner, a public service cotnmls
slon looking aftay Ids Interests and a
io,i- of tin- roiigrusslonsi Itecord com
ing in lilitt legularly The Hutu la tbat
of his JH47 a year he pays l0 toward
tie upkeep of hi government World'a
Circulation of the Blood.
The Idea of some aort of movement
of the blood In mau and the lower ani
mal was possessed by Aristotle and
other Oreoba nnd by the physicians of
the Alexandrian school as well aa by
the doctor and surgeons of tbe middle
ages, lu fact, even the village barbers
knew of such movement. Hut no one,
not even the wisest of men, bad any
conception or a continuous strsem re
turning to Its source n circulation In
the true souse of the word or of tbe
functions of the heart as the motor
IHiw-er of (he movement ut the blood
until It was dAinonslrstMd by Warrey
Remarkable Cure of Dysentery.
"I was uttucked with dysentery
ubout July 15th, and used the
doctor'n medicine and other
remedies with no relief, only get-
tine worse all the time. I was
unable to do anything and my
weight dropped from 146 to 125
pounds. I suffered for about
two month when I wan advised
to use Chamberlain's Colic, Cho
lera and Diarrhoea Remedy. I
used two bottleB of it and it gave
me permanent relief," writes B.
VV. Hill of Snow Hill, N. C. For
sale by alj dealers.
; , i -. I ii.ii n, ,n -a, i
Suras, Oregon! July u, inn
Holloa la BSrsbf i-lii-n llial t'atht-iln,- Mar
llarnliait. of ilu i mm, (riiun, who, un Kliriiry
a, Kill, i,i,i,l, Hi, no-. (rail r.iitry No Ufi'iell
lur N'jSJ,, I-,', tin,, m, Tuwnablp ii Huulh,
Hans H B Wllaiuutt MarlilUu, baa Dleil
,,,,tn, nt liili'iitlun In make llual tbr yoor
prool, in lalabllab ilalui In Ilia lainj abov J
aerlU'il. In-fiire lOi'Uli i aud Kacalvar. al Hum.
Ori-g'ii,, nu lb I Jt Ii ,ay of August, IVU,
Clalmatit iniuiu. aa wltuasea;
j,v,i,i, II. Hill, lien Ni winati, Ixiu liavy aud
I mi.k I' JDai'kmei, all ,if Hum, OrMuu.
W rassc. Kaflalar.
I siikii MTlTKa l.aan KvriDS, I
iluilia, llresiin, July 7, lull I
NotlOi I. bsrsby slvan UiatlUiiry II gob,
uf I. await, (irasutl, w lin, UI) (intuliar 11, ItllO
tuaili! Hi,,,,, .trail Kulrr, Nu. (16106, lot NK',
Saetloii II, 'luwustilp '.'I, m., Hand U2U Kaal
W'lliimi lie Mnrlillaii, ha fllvil uullou ullnUu
tlull lu make n mil I In en year I'niuf, luaaUblllb
nlallil In lb lantl alsivn ilea' rlln'it, bfura lira
i.i, i in, , lint i-hi-r, at ttiiina, Orsuu, on lb
llilli 'In) nf I usual. I'll.
Claimant naine. lor wltnosaaa.
ruler liter, Ainlrtw foUraou, Hany eary,
"",,, n HI 1 BO UI I llltl-ll. lIMVB
VVu.VAtaa, k.lait-r.
('Him htatsb i.ani, Orrics
iiuiiia, iiiiaoii, July 1, 1 vi a
Hollos I. luruliy lvn tbat Ilhisls K. atoy,
nl Mm i liniiii , I UiKiili, wlin, ull Ausuat lu. 1007
and in on. i i 14, Ivll, riiaimutlvuly mad Hunt
trail Kntrlaa IIIWA, Hrrlal Nu. vmh and Nu
ufiUl.1. fur S!a. Hiulluii as, lownanlu 26 H. Haua
.16 K U llluiinll,! Murltllau, baa Iliad uullv ol
lutuuttuti In niak final ttva-ytiar Frool, lu a
labllab , in im in tin, I .ml abov dcrilid, b
linn lli -iil.lei ami Kir. Ivor, at Ilu un, Ursuu,
on Hi Mb ilay ul Annual, 1UM.
Claimant u antra aa wlluraava:
tlrvllloT. Mlny, Ira lluud. II. M. Murk, Mrs.
II tlutulllll uf I
Ilarrlinau, OfSauli.
Wm, ll,,l,irr.
Netioe of Plnel Settlement.
In the County Court of the stale of Ore
gon, for Harney County.
In the mattarof the estate of VV. II.
llildinr, deceased.
Notice is hereby given Hint Hn- iiuilri
signed has Died his final account serein,
end that the County Judge id llamry
County baa fixed the time lor hearing
objections to, and settlement of the
Mllir fur Wrdiirsilnv, the '.'ml iluv id
September, 1014, at the hour ol in
o'clock A. M. ol mini day, nt Hie Court
House in Burns, Orrgun.
Dated Hums, Oregon, July 1st, Mill
I). A. Hun i
Administrator ol ICstntc ul VV. II. Dd
iliac, dfi-eaertl.
Date uf Ural publication Ink I, Kill.
Data of last publication Aug 1, Hill
arm, Dragee, Jul) -. iu
Sotirr li haral.y lvo thai Mary II. Seal, ol
Ktillyfariii, iiri'Dim, wlni, on l.-l. 1,111 11,111.
mail lliitiivali-ait entry, No, OBtWO. Im SI",
HW' W',M-.i., tlgUNgJt, SHU, Seil Ion aft,
luwaalllp JS .. Hang :i ., W lllaniiitle
MoflillHii, baa nleil until: et Inieiillim in not It r
r'lnal litre yar I'rtiiil, loottsMialniaon lothr
land atiovti iloeeri l.eil. tefore l(rKUti'r tout
l(olvr, ot Hiirua. iiii-on, mi inn Kill !' nl
A usual, lull.
claimant iianirl aa nunaaaea
J H. Nwl, William Kvlieiik.W II llSnlUOl
bstira l.uc, all ol Colli larm. urnn
yvm. faaaii Meglatar
Hurtia, iitt'ii lull ' l 'II I
Null,- la he, ii lvn llial Mart II Seal, nl
ll))tim, uri'Kun. wlin. on Jmir .1. lum. ma'li
lloaart I ami r.iuri. Nil 04MM, lor I ',' 1
tlmi x,Tewaalii. M . liana mil'. , ft in no if
Meridian, lis rll.-.l imlle nl luUtitliiti in make
rroul, lu eatabllah claim lo tltr laml above il
aerlliril, lialura IteaUleraliil Ki'ii'iiiT, nl llnitit
Orofuu. ue lb UtTi itav ut Aiiaual, I'UI
1 lalDiant nauiaa aa wltnaaai-a
J. II. Nasi William Kanwlik. W II ila 1
an I aura I or, all nt rullylariii.iiteroii.
Mtmn, Orvtfo.1, Jttl I" I'M
Nilc U hrb) nlvn thai Kmnk Oftltarfton,
ot le.wa),i, Orvgu.1. wtio, 011 May ', i' iita,ti
llomnu(i s.iiirjr No, ttM. HrrUl Nu !., fui
hKUNK',, Hfcjt it. Hn'aNW',. W VV Wvliuii
i. 1 H, ftiig :i.. K. MlUhifltaj
Mrildls.ll, liU Itlaatl Dill It1 iif It) lt lull IO Mmht-
Af)asl rlvr rf triMii. o ttmbkMta rUlm to
ifitj Iftutl Uiv ilrsKTlletHJ, lHff.irt- RvfUIf mul
liwrhrt, Hi hut ut, uroftiu.tiii lb lllh tlut tl
Auaitat 1 m
4'ulliie.lll UUBNU wtliiftf a
HDry(ilIr, inr (it'orgw, pel It u I l0,
Orvguii 1 liaa gfoftar ut urtajoii
J, I. arjr vf UarriMiaiit, urt.u
Wi. C.aa. lt.-Kii. .
Hiirna, -.,... July 0, I 1 1
KoUM ta hctrliy iltrii i Imt Ira Bmd, l Hr
rlaiai), Otaajini, whu, .u Hiitinlr II. i ..
mad ll'iiut-aifti Knlrx Nu. aJi Nvrlrnl No,
tt57, lur n, sr il.,n i, Tuwnablp , -KaiiM
V. Kact, Wfllu.ri!f NarldUu, haj
(lltMl UUllCC o( llllwhlluii lu UsjIi- llUatl ll.l'
jraor trMif, to t-tinbllab (liin lu lit labil
uivt ilratfibs, befur tlif It.ati.u-r ami h
crlifr al Htirna, tt90O, on lb- Ulh ! nt
Aiiauat, 1 "U
1 Talntaul uimri wiiiitrftaaa
koiUK.Siujr. orvlll ity. I iu. Vll-t,
Loon BatniaffAaur, 1 1 nf Hm nium ln kb
V w I tar. 11 -,it. 1
lDl.1, UnroaMi. I tat No. ir, .
1 "iTah ttT4T' UAatPUmi'V, ,
itiirua, uiNKuii. Juur v, 1 1 1
N!isj It t.vrrl.y glvrU that liir N.ulht-Mi
l4U-lflr hallway ' it tttf. bbt pt uAc
iltliM ic HI I'aul. MlBhaaula. Iiaa thl 'th t ,
Juua IVU ilrtl In thta u.Trv Ha af.Umtluii in
Ut't UUtlay lb prut lalubi uf tli art uf ion
ajraaa, aipruvfj July I. law (90 Ml fcW, t WJ
MK',IKW heytllcl) Xt, "--i.Ui,. i
Hai.arr .. Pa-t W M ,
ttarUI SuifiM.1
Any aul all ftaiia rialinltig a-Uti) ,b
lainls tlaat-'tUM. "t Uavtrliig lu ui.rci bu4iu
ot ibt lulurtat charartar of tba lantl, ol (ol ui
utbar rraatin lu tb IUmiJ lo appllOAUl,
aboultf Ala tbui amIaU til brwUral la thl
..ffii r OU Ut baj'ul I La etrtl (a) ( Uiaii.l, i i
M M KtriNk HrClvt. r
t'NIrStJ NT.Tk. t.l Sn (II I o , I
Hiirna. lie ,1111. Jioy u, t ii i
Null.,) (Ital, )hal lllln W lln imoii.l
tt Surna. lireguii. arbu. ua Jaeuarr 17, lull'
nad Hnniaatasil Kuln No . 1 1
Vrtloll JO, Tuoaahl), U S . Hal,,. I- . W II
laotatlc Marl.llali. Iiaa Alail luillee tt liileiit Inn
ui niak rinal Kit Yr I'iooI lu aolsbll.b
claim to lb lam! sbrnc dost riiml. i lor ls
tatvi ami Hi-el.r at Sun,. Oregon, on ilu
(III ilav Of Allan. I I'll!
I latmant nauii'aaa wllnraau
V H Mrliiall ami Mrl Magala lllllun. tmlli
ol Sin bauall, 1,'ti-icnli W It. Idililna ol Mat
rluib. uruii. ii i sbatrar, ol lltlrna. UrogoS
W I si lo-ri.i' i
u arm; htatk.s unihihui,
Hunia. i)irun July I, ('ill i
Nolle Is lienli) sl.iii dial Kino r I asallb,
of Kllay, llraaoti, Im, iniJuiu II, ISM. Inailt
llumallaail Ktilri. Nn (Ijwi lot NW',. KrclluU
14,TuwuablpV.1S., Kattsr .'. I . Willamette Marl
4111 baa lllnl milter ui Intel, linn lo make mo,',
flveyoar rroul lu oatatiii.ii imui to iholand
auiilr ilrai'rH.r.1. Ll-lnn , a',,1 SoCSlVOI
1 Hunia, iti-Kiui, ou lb l.'lli l.y uf Auaiial,
I'laJwsat naiioa aa ,',.,-...
Wm w7 siurgif. Waliar (c Ktugr, ulsi
an llVorl ami ina f. Iliifflnaii all ut
111 I. . t ii. ,. -ii
Ws rasa. Huiater.
I'NI I'MlMAIKs I IMi "I I Ii I '
l.akl'ili w. UH -null, lino- II. I'll I
HOI I Or I. la NU
Nuili'e laborvby sl,o tbl Koiiuiii ion k litis,
n! Klf, Orrguli, whu. uu Jufir lib. lull, uiaut
HuiiKalrail anlry, No. IM7I4. fui sw'.Sei' III
ndNW;'ilun la, Tuwitlilivj Sim ii, llansi
JJKasi. VVIllaualli' Marlillau Iiaa IH'I iioilnoi
lUUlilluu 111 make Aual I loi ' ) i . t J ' In
aatalillab i la I in lu lb lainl abut gaasribod,
brfur ebaa. A. Hliioinati I', s. euiiimtaaluiur.
I Kit, tJfsgnUi un lb 71 b day ot Annual, I Jl I
i.'lalmaut naiea aa vrlluaaaea
lloo. A, Paijitut'k, Ailuhib lialiaun. llni..
Ilavll ami 1'iiir Wyo, U "f HI-. "" ""
J K III una.. . , .'HI, I
Toll ell about aos matters; what
young mail and women, young wivea
ami husbands n,J all .tin i neeil to
know about the sacrod laws ibsl gov
ern tbe sea forces, i'luln truths ol hi
Ufa in relation to happiness in marriage
"Secret" of roantioosl d wiimanhood;
seotual abuses, Social evil, dlaaaaas, etc.
lit latest, must liilvsiii'iil nml com-
preiienslvu wink tltut has uijer lieen U
sued ou seamsl hygiene Prlealaai in-
strnctlon (or those who ore ready lur (In
true Inner teaching.
This book tails nurses teachers, doc
tors, lawyers, preachers, IS (jgl workers,
Huuduy HlIiihiI leaclu-rs and all otliurs,
young anil old, what all nccil to know
about sea motters. By WnfleUI Scott
Hall, Ph. D, M. D. (Uipaig).
Newspaper Common!:
"Hcleiitltlcully correct Chlcngo Tii
buna, "Acciirale ami up to ilnlu."
Pbiladslpbia i'lesi. "Htandurd bOSg
ol knowledge." Philadelphia, I, miner
Tbe Naw York World says: Pl.i,,
truths for thosa who need ur ought lo
bnow them for the prevention of evils.
Uuder plaiu wrapper (or only fl.oo.
Coin or Money ordnr, poslugn ten ,ent
Netlcs le Credlllers.
Nut ur is hrrttiy given thai the under'
aiy,nril litis lirrn duly nppointrd admin
lltrator of the cstiitr ui' Jrnnie I,. Huss
nit, ilrceiiseil, hy thr I'otilily Court of
the Itata of OragOB, for tlarnry County,
All pa Han tUtrlSg rlniins against sniil
rstntc an hrrrliy tiotirltiil lo present
thrni, dulv vrrilied ns by law rulreil,
tn I'.. vYi I levftixri , niliiiiiiistriitiir, at
hia plucc ul businrss lu Hums, Orrgun,
in ul the itllni- ui I H. Cool hia attor
ney, in lliiina, Urrgitii, wilhin all
intinllia lliiln the ililtr ul this notice.
Dated this Brl ttnv of Inly, KH.
tl. W. OlBTBHOgR, uiliuittlntral'tr.
S t'uiiK, iitluriti i
Notice to Creditors
In Ilu Counts; ('unit uf the State of Ore-
gnu, lot lluriM-v t'ounly.
In ilu uiiiltrr ul tltr eslnte ul V. C.
I'lualiin, ilrci'ilsril.
N ul n i' ii lu'irliv (jtvrii llial the uuder-
algned luii been tlulv appotattd admin
latrstrli ot th abort rmiilnl rtte hv
the lliinui ulilc (irnnt Thuinpsoii, Judge
nf (lie it In , vn niililleil court.
Ml UtriODJ hiiving cliiiuia ugiiinst anid
estiite ue In ii I v niililcil tuprrsrnt said
,I,iiii,h duly vrrllied as by law iriuireil,
within all niuitths Iiiiiii the date of (lie
in- t pit I ilit-i, t tun ul this nutice
Dated ut liutna, Oregon, taia unidav
..I Inly. IUN,
Tbe lii t pollination ul t Ilia notice is
July nh, lull
(Signed) Mam Cwitoh,
A.liiiiiiisltuttii ul tin til .ilu ui 1. C
I'nutoii. decenseil.
Nolle lo Creditors.
Nulla- ih hereliy given that tin- under
nil Iiaa hrru duly nppoiutril eiecului
ul il,r I, ii.i Will und I eaiiiiuent, and uf
(In i.i.iie ol William Ci Uvul, deceased,
b) (lie Cuuut v Cuurt ul Ilu- Slate uf
Oregon, lot llurney Ciiunty. All per
una bflvlttg i hum iiNtiiiit siiid estate
uie luiiliv nulilleil 10 iireut i Item , 1 1 ul v
wnlieil a liy law ieitiiii-i, tu Julian C.
Ily nl. fin titur, nt Ins ufliir in Minna,
llurney t'uuulv, Otegun, ur nl lite ullicr
ul . S i uuk his nttiiincy, in Burns. Iir
egun, vMlhin ai iiuuillia liuin Ihr dalr
ul this nut ice.
Iiiiled lln 1st tiny ul July, IIIU
.luhitii (' llvnl, etrcurur.
J. S. Cook, llltollnv
lllau. K t batulxilalo
(Ham l.ali
I I Haw. i I
, M i lawlnr.l
il.wal.l llr.l
I ru W til, ott
T. Ka
ui J A i Ion. Ii ill
IS B Imiilwa,
I' i 1,-naliiia
,,, !,
ittnraoj Oeneral
.n retail nt i-ta'i
I 11 RKllllf
-nil'l Cut. Hi liialnu
Hlalr l-iliil. r
lu. i, i Kakiu
II. A. M.
,l,,l llll' Jll.tpN
I. H.
I r. A. Moirv
ninth sI'ihuai. nwntm,
niaiiKt 'ii.Joc , la Hon Htaia
t'OUnl AtltifhO; i. i.i Nmiioiu,.
i intiH ttiiii uietitc lb flrat Muitila
Aitli kin) dial Mdaalss III iiiltiU'i
'lui K ift-riitailr
f lliiutai
nil tit, 1I4S.HK.
Count I Jitilgr
fb i.
1 n aaini'i
imri tj "i
IM IiihiI iin-i li-titiMlaiit
i ufuiirr
UttiaPh 1 BIBM I4M
' uliilii laaloiMTw
Bl.l 1 ltlUIaaUU
n. i HUMbat
h .im.,
1 AM
i a, hc'ii
A h . kleliardauu
J.J. !.,iit-saii
I. M llauiiltuii
' W l'l,
Julia KuMiiaou
K. P .-iltrM.r
ill.,,. Halu
ti.iii.l) i ..u,i noeta tin Six Wnlurailsy lu, .lt.,,1, ii,, Jul), Sej.lroiUi all.t
N... . ,ii I ,i
nkai i i s i ash nrrics:
af 111
Ssei I i
in Kerr
i.. Mul In I, I... J
ni tu as
Id ' ", I. ;
I'l.a .11, i I
U.I.I. al.
-am Mull" l.liraJ
II. if Van Winkle
lliiry iltoo
..H. I. . Halloa
('..Hill lllllUM W.l. Him.
I J.n i i apaahln
i M.J lli Kin nun
Mn 'in aa nl Ih liiiniell eiery Seron.l ami
r.iuiiii rt,.ii,...i
Hifle in the WORLD.
Mule ill tun Itiiiilel.i i,,e
fur .,'V Short II. I' r.
trlilgn. the other lur .tfj Ixuur
llillo ft I .
linnillea la
Shorl and la
king rll
md for hsiiilaouielv
ilui.(r,..J Jiic (L'aU-
lonuuil ''llii In Shout
W,.r r.'Wt.i..
I im. i Stsvsas anies
Pistols end Iketaims
froui voui Dealer.
a. o. ae spoa,
Special Hosiery Offer
(lUiiriintccd H't-ar Ibvar B"jei Kof
Man siui H'uinen
1.1.11c.' Special Offer
I or l.iiiiilitil Tiinit (Inly
Hr paif ul .an ih, .1 1 :i:' value ladies'
k-uiiraiitiiiul iojj jn, tan or wilte
coliirs with written guarantee, (ur f l.isj
mul lilt- (or pnstage, etc.
I'ttr a liniiii .1 limn unly, sl( pairs ul
oiii IIiichI :iric ilunliueraiiteed HiMBsany
aolor with wiittmi gtisruiitee uiul a pair
nl nur well known Man's Paradise fier
ier lur one dollar, aud I On cents lor
positive, etc.
Von know tlicac huse; they stood the
test when all others lulled. They give
real (out comfort. They have no srsins
to rip. They nover Iwuome loose and
I'SKgyu tbe shape iskult lu, not press-
ml in. They era Guaranteed (ur linn.
naaa, (ur style, (or superiority o( mater
ial ami Mirkiuuiishlp, abaolutely stain
less and to wear six months without
holes or a now pair free.
Don't delay sand in your order before
offer expires, (ive correct else.
Dayton, Ohio
vi . - y.
Xtv . I
uai t
.bo A
fr, Jr.
1'i.ture show tonight.
"Tain" Nacklace
"EyUji TIiw" Bracelet
These two heiiiitllnl places of pilpulnr
jewel ry are the erase among society
woman In New York and the largest
cities. They aJa neat and elegant goM
flnisbeil articles that will gladen the
naart ol avary girl or woman, no matter
how young or old Very slyllah nnd al
Onr Free offer. Wa are adverlisliig
Hpearmlnt Chewing Cam and daslro to
place n big box ol this flue, healthful
gam Into every home. It eWeutene the
broatli whitens the teeth and aids di
gestion. It is refreshing and pleasing
to all. To evrrynnr sending us hut Ma
and 10 cents to cover shipping rusts at
will ship a hlg Isn ol 20 regular .' pack
agoaol Ilia Hpearmlnt tiuiu snd incliule
the elegant,
"Tatge" necklace and "Kvelyn Thaw"
bracelet abaolutely
This offer Is (or a abort time only
Nut more than 2 orders to one pari v.
Dealers not allowed to accept this.
Dayton, Ohio P. 0. Box 101
$1500 Reward!
I li lil. villi, I'M I HvTaVtl
I.1t fttiKk rioi.r
lion AMoclatlnnof
wtik'h th und I
lteMf Itlflll ',
Will Bf.,1- I".'! ''
ifWAnl for i-vl
dDr Wsl1 I (if '
b mrrral mil con
Irtlon ul ay r
If Ul (Marti) ttttt
nig hurwa raid
or ntul hi'lunttttii'
19 e.ll llf lit f-i.-Ui
la aatldU.on iniiif alMivr, in uiiliralKiii
.ifiVra thr Miii i otitiltluu $MX..ou fur nil linrni
l.ri,...1 lion ailiixi baron Uoth o t-liii. i Jn
Hrantl rtKwrilvU In tght ruuotlaa fataft
lUnif). at and i'ru-.k t-uuntlra ItnrW
rata.,i who aolfj,
Nun but grown hurara aoM ao-l mil) in
Bfjtr bum bra.
W W.HKoWN rifr. On tciii
Ctapkte Sbriaf OatJl
10 Articles L0
To edvarllee unr Universal Shaving
Outfit ami Universal Product we will
lor a limited time only, send this well
worth I .00 Shaving eotflt for $1 (Mi
We sell onr products tu the consumer
direct nnd therefore you savs all agent'
profit which you know are very Isrge.
I Hollow Ground Reaor,
I 5-inch Lather Brush.
I Robot Strop, Canvas Back.
I Nickel Easel Bach Mirror.
1 33-inch Barber Towel.
I Bar Shaving Soap.
I BOB Talcum Powdf-r
I Decorates Chin Mug.
I Aluminum Berber Comb.
I Bristle Hair Brash.
Kch outfit packet! in neui bus tide
Coin ur Money tinier, puetsge UK- eitiu
Dayton, Ohio
Sumpter Valley Railway Co.
Armal ui Dtfartsrc Of Traits
No. 2, Prairie
10:15 A.M.
2:35 P. M
4:00 P. M.
Arriyise Raker
No. 1, llalurr 0:30 A, M.
Sumpter 10:05 A. M.
Arrives Prairie 2:10 P. M.
No. 1 Makes kixxJ cunncctinn
with O.-W. RAN. No. 10 loa -inn
Portland 7;00 P. M. and No.
17 from east arriving Bktr (i.Mi
A. M.
No Connect with L Qraatto
local 7:00 to La lira ml.', and No.
9 (fast Mail) picks up aJeapar
there arriving in Portland 7:00
A. M. Also with No. IS at
J,y.-j5 y. M. for poinU East.
W ' M f SBBBBBh sT "
- J
9H Fn tot m Mler
for large! tvorfc ancj alj
Mo yard.
wava, i-uuMiUa
Lrtala what .if I.
aaair laJi.U.I J. ... . .
f rtasaaafar IliaJ,,,
If You Want ALL The Home News
$2.00 a year
Rest Job Printing
ni lOROB I oN I'.op. a
a a
sMcals A! All HourH. Shorte
Orders and Prompt Service a
a a
a With UcuMonable Kates a
a Glva Mi- A ('all
e f
e e
S opun.Ke llm.a-MeraM sdlsHsuf a
e a
M, Ill
- llaaultlul sBs Pa
Yal. anil Harvard, Each 9, In. t Mis,
I'riiKel.m, Cornell, Michigan
Kail, 7 in. by 21 in.
All In -I quality hit with (alt lieaxltDg,
streamers, letters sae ntsscot eiecatetl
in prop r colt i 'I hi ilciiilii! eesort--
intuit '.i.i i'.-l.iil (or iH rents Slid h
itenps lu i iy i,st:iKp. Sen.! now.
1'itylun, Ohio
Man) ue mil, rare picture u(
hi; ll in ri, MODBJ ANU
Vliu a Self-Killing
All for only fiO rente
lln' urea teal iiiritln in heautliul
cur, I- uiul iare ml ,n lures ever offered.
Man) me hard in uhlain and have sokl
siiu-lv .,t ilo pries we ask lur all.
Tin ue Will qolckl tu all lovers ol the
h. , tot mi in tiiiiiire who appreciate rare
art pi. turi i of Mill ileveluHNl imslels.
A relt. , lie "ell lilluiK Ion lit I li ien
Ii ent l ntiler. Ilits ii lour have
sol, I f"i in- ! Ilai in Meno,
I he HMi hcaulKtil card, and pen all
lot luii GOc tnd I'1' in ataoiis lor post-
.li -w eler.
Fun- Wiii 1
i -i.ili v
i t i4'iian
Repalriaaj A
5(wlna M.t. hine
Hal luailii
xiili ll.B liant NEW
.it (In-wm
Mag Mi Ok: r$i.
I tia i.i.i. Ititie U i
s:ir. ..nt J Cor all
'(i older like it
No other Mtaoa
Tail ftw Home Sotlng Macbln Coapui,
change ol
mechanism il
ham lira .22 short.
Inn or una-riflo a
pet Idly. Ilia ilecD
lining ii ,.-i,..j inixiinuin uowcr lid
- sasassjasjeBeBajsj
r i bbWh
! In tmly way tu f9.;& ",
New Homfl li I
Sfwlng M. hiite mi -Bf u
accuracy and otitis v. .us to ilia life ol riaW
Th ..JkI top i, BaSSSa fi .in ,1 ' i -rili. , immi eoads, aad
Sa-alnwUinsU,,,! U,,.,,. TJaTlua,
tttaii, ifm...I.U- . i t,u. Uail iaita uf aav ll uuik.
w ijtt.i , n niata fanaaal
t'ltil . .. eUtMl itBjaj.
Jit- A&uA-i'i tjrirm& Co
WUIuw Strael Naw Hatta,
rr ....., ...... ....w . ii. hi mo, mm tiaiM is aa .li- auata
tMnk.eilr..,tiu,l,.n. A a,,,, ,...,,. a- AJ...UU.
l'li)Sli.laii anil Htu.-a,
burns, nn Km. ..
I'hysii ian ami Hiirk,y,
OKIce in new Imildiiie; suuti, of S
harness shop, Main M,
'Phone. .Main 8ft.
Phyelrlan and Snrgeaa
OSe la Tuaaim ""((,
SawciaJ allanllun alan !,.. -,r, ,,
aaSB . Ilirnal
njreician ana urgeoa
fi. K.atasliASl,
a, m.
delirl Practl
BURNS, om t.(,N
Physician, and Surgag,;
Calls answeruii promptly nirfct,
I iiuiiti llsrriinsn
Dr Minnie Hand
Physician and Surg.
IMrect Telcphmie CunnecUsj ;
La wen. Ore.
Olflce firei ,,M,r east phut., rJs-)
lioni" Orsgoa,
Htiama, OsWassj,
Office Uppoatte Tesjawaaaa liaioja
Attorne) at Law
Voegtly HMk.. Hums. Ortte)
Btiros, Oregon.
Htirns, Orrgun.
Mourns i, and ; ataaook BnUa -rsrai
sjaasaiekli mad at reaa Dtblial
BurnB, . . oreaa.
Prastloai in il.,- Mute t'uurli sat at
(ore the I'.s . ,ul Offlos.
(Jha. li. I Aoi)iind.
ATTtillM v- AT-I.AW,
Careful attvntn,n given to Coig
tions and H,-a KaUte niattan
Rra Ini-urain-e.
Notary I'uMio
State Courts and Unitet! dttjl
Land OtBoa J'ractitti
Thrw doora South of ths '
Harney County National BeH'
Burns. Orearon.
Attorney t lm NorT s-
Caasasyeasssa, Mei. , i .,,, ., .
Asslra. 1. li S. Lai.J Oafls rWlkt
OBlc.,..,,, ii.,,,. i loiiut) vaiiuatlhaa
an, I 1 nli.i (III. i ,
3J.V lUSt
!au, M. .. . . I
CjYi! aftf Hydraulic grig
irrigation. Water Supply
Sow.t-aj;.', Water Power.
Surveys, Map, i.tinisles, SU'frtriaa
a"', t'. lhl I.AHII
rorai.rly AaH. Kaalesai
lu D, s ".,., Ihiioui,,,, s,,.
t. O. I.ll-I
l.'ilurrl) illl
siiuwr ut HgUl
i'SIl Hi
Eastern Oregon LngineeriK
Burus, Orefaa
Direct connections south via
A. H.CURRY, Prep.
Leaves Harriman Monday and TbureW
aryl arrive. Wi,.lay ad SatersW
aachweek, cennrtiiu. ,th atmies 1