The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, August 01, 1914, Image 1

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The Biggr.t City In The Biggest
The Biggest County In The State
County In The State Of Oregon j
Of Oregon, Best In The West j
NO. 36
m .saw jt j v
Where Farmers Profit
By Seed-Testing Work.
luch Good Result From "Round-up" at
Experiment Station Next Saturday.
Profitable Information by Lecturers
From Agricultural College and The
Exchange of Experiences Beneficial
Supt Breithaupt has been re-1 These crops art going to rail for
iving encouraging reports from MB farmer to keep his own herd
ous sources respecting the ? a"(1 "
r'ii I,, H w if iiT'i' siinii to t:ike
ttendance at the "Round-up" . ,. ,,,.,;,,. 1f uh
be held at the Experiment , ,, r,..i .,
- , , i ,'iMil ir, nun iiiv uui iiiimii i'ii
the farm; the packing plant is
ready for the hogs, and Harney
county will continue the banner
stock country of the West and
will also lead as a cereal producer.
Station next Saturday and he1
jkB forward to a big time with
Ihe farmers on that day.
Some of the dignitaries invited
from outside points have signified
their intention of being present
but at the time this is written it
not known just how many will
ittend as some have not been
leard from. Senator Chamber-
sin will not likely get here as he
Is quite busy on duty at Wash-
Hngton. However, he is going
Ho visit Harney county later.
The lecturers from the agricul
tural college will be Prof. Hyslop
land Prof. Potter. No doubt
others of the faculty will be pre
Lent, especially Mr. French of
She extension work, who was the
instigator of the "Round-up"
and who takes a great interest
In the demonstration work.
Plan Big Trap Shoot
During Fair Week
Members of the (uin Club are
making plans to entertain a num
ber of Eastern Oregon clubs in
this city during the week of the
county fair, provided the Associ
tion will co-operate in arranging
the program.
l,ast Sunday morning a few of
the boys went to ths traps and
During the three years of oper
ation at Baton Rouge, La., the
cooperative seed testing labora
tory doubloed the number of sam
ples of seed tested each year.
Uist year there were about 900
tests made, and !H) per cent of
them were for individual farmers.
This is in marked contrast to
the record of the Oregon Agri
cultural College, where 76 per
cent of the testa made are on
samples supplied by seed houses.
Farmers have not been so ready
to take advantage of the work in
Oregon as they are in Ixmsiana,
with the result that there is
greater loss due to imperfect
seen in this state.
There is likewise greater need
of seed testing in Louisiana,
The vitality of many kinds of
seeds is greatly reduced by the
heavy rains and hot weather.
Northern grown seeds that keep
their vitality well in the north
rapidly lose it in the humid
warmth of the south, and after
a year alfalfa and clover seed are
generally worthless for planting.
j Hut little of these crops are
grown in the Red River Valley,
with the exception or crimson
clover which is grown on sandy
lx'spedeza, or Japan clover.
takes the place qf clover in rota-
1 tion, nitrification of soils and for
age and is especially important
in diversified farming. The Beed
A Mother Suggests Romps to Music,
Story Telling by Firelight Among
Attractions. Parents Cannot Have
Too Many Reminders of Their Re
sponsibility is Assertion of Writer
Church Union Suggested
By Rev. Dr. Benson
Parents cannot have to many into something worth while. At
reminders of their responsibility any rate, let the parents get just
to keep their children at home by as excited over each addition to
while there the proposed shoot lis threshed with hulls on, so that
was discussed. Will French, the
traveling man, said he could get
The importance of this meet- a large number from several of
ing has been impressed upon the
local farmers and the Station
rill see more visitors of the real
farmers on tnat aay man ever
efore in its history. It is their
meeting and they are going to
ike advantage of it. Their fu
ture prosperity is at siaKe anu
Ihey will certainly get all there
in it. The Station is working
it their problems and it is cer-
linJy making a most satisfactory
Many problems that confront
the new man on the unsubdued
nil is going to profit by this
Deeting. The stockman is going
the Eastern Oregon clubs to par
ticipate, especially if it were
held at the opening of the duck
season the first of October. Mr.
it is likely to heat badly and be
come worthless. One plantation
fanner sowed 350 acres to lespe
dm with untested seed, and re
ports that he secured only a 10
per cent germination, resulting
in entire loss of time, labor and
French also stated he would ask i seed.
his wholesale arms and ammuni
tion house to put up a cup for
one event during the tournament
and one local concern, Tonawama
Theatt r, will put up a cup should
the plan meet with approval in
making up suitable prizes firthe
With yisitintf sqads from
era"l outside clubs and a duck
shoot followed by a big feed, it
should prove u inot enjoyable
o be penefitedby what he learns successful affair, and will attract
from rroi. rotter, mis is es-
entially a stock section at pres
ent and will be even a greater
sne after this big fertile Valley
been further developed and
the many thousands of acres de
moted to alfalfa, field peas, grain
id kindred crops that have been
tiown by actual uemonsirauon
be adapted to this country.
many sports from outside joints,
Details will be worked out later
and invitations issued.
Mrs. Hastie has bread for sale
at the Schwartz store or is pre
pared to deliver it U) any home
in Burns, 10c. a loaf. Cookies
always on hand. I'ics and cakes
to order. Phone No. Ill liOtf.
Activity is greatest in the
months of December, January
and February, during which time
many planters give a great deal
of thought to the selection of
seed. Seed dealers also take a
great deal of interest in seed
testing, and one seedman pub
lishes advice to his customers re
commending a frequent resort to
the seed testing laboratory. Next
to lespedeza the seeds most large
ly submitted for test are rice,
cotton, cow peas, and velvet
Burns Meat Market
Packing Plant
Fresh Meats, Poultry
Home Products for Home Consumers
Why Not Apply This
To Local Affairs?
Individual effort is a good thing
properly applied, but If every
man in this town decided to work
in his own particular way for the
upbuilding of the community we
wouldn't progress very far or
very fust. ' 'A long pull, a strong
pull and a pull all together," has
often pulled a town out of the
rut and saved it from stagnation,
starting it on the high road of
progress and prosperity. But
every fellow for himself with no
cohesive community effort will
soon put the best town in the
country in the muck and mire
and effectually block the wheels
of progress. One old o is
mighty poor dependence for mov-1 Important to
ing a heavy load, but put a yoke , not only to stay at home
making home attractive, says
Mrs. Lois P. Myers, president of
the Portland Parent-Teacher us
sociation, in a letter approving
the "back to the home" move
ment inaugurated by the public
education committee of the Ore
gon Social Hygiene society.
"If parents stay home them
selves, and permit the children
to enjoy a feeling of partnership
in the home, sharing not only its
pleasures but to some extent its
cares and dilntulties we shall re
store not only the home but the
family," she said.
"Music offers one of the best
opportunities for general family
activity. In our home from the
time the oldest child could walk
an after dinner romp to music
has been u constant pleasure. A
six-months-old baby will sway in
response to the rhythm of a stir
ring march and our carpets are
threadbare with the marching
feet of ull the children in the
'Follow the leader', 'leap
frog,' 'acrobats,' somersaults,'
- the roughest play becomes or
derly enough, at least, for our
home when done in time to music,
and after the surplus energy has
been worked off, singing in which
all join gives pleasure to the per
formance even if it is hard 00
the neighbom.
"In the winter evenings, story
telling by the firelight has been
a never ending joy, not only to
our own childien, but many of
the neighbors. A 'make-up'
story for which each child names
a character is a star attraction,
each child feeling a special pro
prietary interest in his own hero.
This I have found is enjoyed just
as much by the older boys and
girls as by the younger ones.
"Any intelligent mother who
applies herself to the tusk can
successfully compete with any
moving picture or vaudeville
show in offering attractive pro
grams. At long intervals, a visit
to the circus or good vaudeville
show, gives inspiration for many
'home shows.' We have had
shadow plays, dramas, wild uni
mal acts, sleight of hand per
formances, minstrels, puppet
shows, Punch and Judy, all done
in the crudest way, but of the
deepest interest to ull concerned.
"Wherever possible, each child
should have his own room, in,
which he may enjoy an hour's
quiet reading If he likes. It is
teach our children
but to
of them together and note the stay alone occusionly without
team-work. When in unison feeling bored. Personally I feel
For Dainty Body
Use Rexall Nice
It Is prepared to meet the demand of Dainty
Women for a preparation that will overcome all
odors of perspiration. It Is the last touch In a
finished iolletU.
The Burns Hospital
Rt Surgical Room and Equipment
the State Outaide or rortiana.
m, Good Care and Com-
tients-Reasonable Terms
Nurse in Charge
they bend their necks to the bow
something has to come. So it is
in the development of a commu
njty. J,et the progressive,' loyal
cituens work in unison for a com
mon cause unU something gener
al I happens, that something be.
ing the building up of the com
munity, making it u better and
more attractive place in which to
Are you yoked, up with tnP
boosters of this community. d0
ing effective team-work, or are
you pulling in a contrary direc
tion all ulpne? I'rlneville Journ
al. I u.lly Tr.tlm.nt
"1 was troubled with constip.
tion und indigestion and spent
hundreds of dollars for medicine'
writes ('. 11. Hines, of Whitlow,
Ark. "I went to a St, J ouis hos
pital, also to a hospital in New
Orleans, but no cure was ofTeot.
ed, On returning home I began
taking Chamberlain's Tablets and
worked right along. I used them
for some time and am now al
right." Sold by all dealers.
that u parent can give a child no
greater gift, than, a real fondness
for good 'reading. No one who
enjoys a good book, will long
care for cheap amusements,
"The most used room in our
home is one which is called either
the play room or the sewing
room, since it unites both func
tions, 'Her, on shelves are toys ami
books and in this sanctum the
the hoard as the child does, and
the feeling of cooperation will be
worth while, even if collection
never becomes valuable. Do not
let the children collect any cigar
ette souvenirs, however."
A Pioneer Woman
Passes Away in Nevada
Hy the death of Mrs. Mary E.
l;rland. at Sparks, last week,
another pioneer resident of the
state has joined the silent major
ity. Mrs. Borland was the
daughter of Cornelius Osborne
and Matilda Aldridge, and was
born at Tekousha, Mich., on Jan
uary 17. 1845. She lived in that
vicinity sixteen years and then,
with her father and brother
Charles, joined a party of twenty
two and crossed the plains to
Stanislaus county Cal., in 1860.
The last white settler at that
time was left 125 miles west of
Omaha. Neb., and the next was
found two miles Hast of Reno.
In April. 1805 she returned to
Michigan, traveling by steamer
via Panama to New York and ar
riving there in time to see the
city ilraH-d in mourning for
Abraham Lincoln, and witnessed
the returning of the footsore and
weary batallions of the Civil
War. On July 18, 1868, she mar
ried Simeon Swartout, and to
them was born Mary, now Mra.
W. I). Huffman, of Andrews,
Oregon. In 1874. after the de
cease of her husband, she came
to her father in Mason Valley
and here taught school until she
married A. Oreely in 1876. There
was born to this wedding Paul,
Andrew and Julia, now Mrs. W.
II. McGowan, who resides in
Mason Valley at the present
time. Mrs. (lively was one of
the pioneers of this valley until
188-1. when she moved to Love
lock to reside. There she met
and married John W. Borland.
( leorge was their only son. They
traveled by team, to Harney Val
ley in 1886 and resided there up
to the time of her late illness.
After a long illness from heart
trouble she passed away at the
home of her son' Paul, in Sparks
on the 18th day of June. The
interment took place in Reno.
Mrs. McGowun was with her for
some weeks before death and
Charles Osborne., o this valley
attended the funeral. Yerling
ton (New 1 Times,
Lqiuids for Bread Making.
Portland, Oregon, July 24, 1914.
Mr. Editer: The ministers'
conference in connection with
the Summer School at Eugene
was most interesting and profita
ble. About 100 ministers were
present. Among other subjects
that were discussed was that of
church union. N o n e excited
so much interest. It was evi
dent that our towns are over
churched. There are 700 aban
doned churches in Missouri, 600
in Illinois and Ohio. The church
is wasting men and money. Had
the citizens of Burns heard these
discussions they would have real
ized they have committed a crime
against the Christian union, and
the welfare of religion in their
own community by organizing
another church where there were
enough already. The spirit of
union is in the church today.
Before I left Burns I submitted
a plan of cooperation between
the Baptist and Presbyterian
churches whereby they should
unite their forces for the ser
vice of the town. I submitted
my proposition to Mr
secretary of the
Tremendous Growth of Stock Industry
Makes it Necessary for Immediate
Addition to Pen Space. Farmer
Smith Finds Grain Yield Greater
Than Expected. Corn a Success
Sweet milk is the best of all,
liquids for breml making, accord
ing faj Hean Henrietta W. Calvin,
of the Oregon Agriculture Col
lige. 1 1 should he scalded to
kill the micro-organisms that
causes sourness in milk, and then
cooled. Milk bread will be u
little yellow, but U flavor is
better th.uu water bread and it
is more nutritious. Water may
be used, however, n4 good
bread 00, be made with it.
Scalded Wter milk or whey,
Association and to Mr. Stone,
secretary of the Y. M. C. A. a
leading Baptist of this city. They
both heartily approved of the co
operation of the two churches in
Burns and promised their aid in
bringing it about. The Presby
terians here ure more than will
ing to do anything to lessen
the number o f churches i n
small towns. They have learned
that Christianity is bigger than
a church, and that church is only
an instrument in bringing in the
Kingdom of God. Why in the
name of common sense and econ
omy should we stand upurt
when by uniting we might be-
(I'roui Our I'ortluod Coi respondent)
As an indication of the tre
mendous growth of the livestock
industry in Oregon and other
sections of the Pacific Northwest,
the Portland Union Stockvards
company has found it necessary
to immediately make a large ad
dition to its pen space in order
to keep pace with constantly in
creasing shipments. The nec
essity fbr increased yardage for
sheep feeding is mainly responsi
ble for the additions which will
be made ut this time, and it is
Wright, estimated that the new pens will
Baptist State ; take care of at least 15,000 head,
making the total sheep capacity
of the yards approximately 35,
000 head.
Farmer Smith, of the O. W.
R. & N. Co. returning from an
inspection trip through Eastern
Oregon, states that the grain
yield for this state has been con
siderably under-estimated, and
that in most cases the wheat is I
turning out much better than ex
pected. He states that farmers
who planted acclimated corn are
meeting with great success and
the growth of this crop is unusu
ally good.
An order hus been received at
the final "stripping" will be done
by hand. Fifty grade Holsteins
will be handled at first and 100
head additional will be purchased
in the near future.
Plans are practically completed
by the Gresham Fruit Growers'
Association for the erection of a
cannery at that point, nearly all
of the $15,000 in capital Btock
having been already disposed of.
It is planned to run the cannery
on a cooperative basis, a plan
which has been found successful
in other localities, and it is be
lieved that its establishment will
result in the cultivation of hun
dreds of acres in Powell Vallev
now idle.
Don't forget Buyers' Week, in
Portland, August 10 to 15. The
program is now complete and
visiting business men will sure
have the time of their lives.
Market Report.
come stronger and more efficient. ! the Roseburg land office to the
May God give us broad minds i effect that 16 sections of land,
and big hearts so we can look I formerly a part of the Umpqua
over the battlements of denomi
national differences and see the
great kingdom of God beyond.
E. Benson.
Crooked River Water
Rights Are Settled
State Engineer Lewis announc
ed last week that he had received
advices that the circuit court of
Crook county had confirmed the
state water doard's adjudication
of 250 water rights on Crooked
river, the largest and most im
portant adjudication ever com
pleted by the board.
The adjudication involves 80,
500 acres of land, which with the
water rights, is valued at 1,000,
000, and it ends expensive litiga
tion, which has heretofore been
carried on with relation to the
water rights on this stream.
Some of these water rights were
initiated a half century ago.
Prineville .Journal
forest reserve, will be thrown
open ior nomesteaa entry on i
October 2. Entries may be filed
as early as Septembers. The
land is situated almost directly
west of Roseburg, in the Coast
Range, and most of it is heavily
At -Sydney, in Polk County,
the Krebs Brothers, formerly in
the hop business, are construct
ing an immense dairy barn which
will be up to date in every re
spect. It will have cement floors,
brass rails, modern ventilation,
running water, and will cost
about 2,000. The employes will
wear white suits, and at milking
time the cows will be washed,
milked by machinery and only
Receipts for last week at the
Portland Union Stock Yards have
been cattle, 555; calves, 16;
hogs, 1680; sheep, 4039.
Light receipts of cattle for the
week, with good demand, prices
being fully 25c higher on all
grades. Top on steers 7.25 to
7.30; cows and heifers of best
quality moving at 6.0U.
Swine run also light, outlet
broad and demand urgent, 8.75
was top first half of the week,
but price rapidly climbing to the
9 cent level, and two loads sold
Friday at 8.90.
Medium receipts of sheep and
lambs, both in quality and quan
tity. Very little east of the
mountain stuff offered, most of
the receipts being from Western
Oregon points. Prime wethers
4.50 to 4.75; prime ewes 3.85 to
4.00; medium ewes 3.25 to 3.75;
spring lambs 5.50 to 6.00.
Dr. Geo. G. Carl is prepared
for special attention to all dis
eases of eye, ear and nose. Eyes
tested and glasses fitted. 50tf.
worst sort of litter may be left either one, makes good bread
Uiiuisiuroeu. wneiner it tie un
uncompleted bridge, a farm or
an edifice of h(uks. Some nouses
(nay not, but all homes should
have a room like that,
"We should encourage and
share in. collecting so long as
really interesting things ure
sought, )n our family just now
t is stamps, each child having
his own album and the rivalry,
bargaining and exchanging, adds
much to the interest. We have
passed through other attacks,
minerals coins, badges, pennants,
postcards and Insects live ones,
not dead ones. A smull collec
tion which the child enjoys only
for a short time, muy awaken an
lotutu water is often used but if
potato yeast is used with it, the
breud will likely be a little damp
und dark. None of these liquids
should be used scalding hot, since
flour is always injured by scald
ing and the bread is damp,
clammy and of poor texture.
Qaod Hioi for Hi Enthutiatm.
When a man bus suffered for
several days with colic, diarrhoea
or other form of bowel complaint
and is then cured sound, and well
by one or two doses of Chamber
lain's. Colic, Cholera and Diarrh
oea Remedy, as is often the case,
it is but natural that he should be
enthusiastic in his praise of the
remedy, and especially is this the
case of a severe attack.wlen life
is threatened. Try it when in
need of such ft remedy. It never
fails. For saje by ull dealers.
Strictly First Class. Splendid
Service, Fine Accomodations.
Commercial Headquarters
Sample Room In Connection, Reasonable Rates
How the Trouble Start.
Constipation is the cause of
many ailments and disorders that
muke life miserable. TakeCham
berluin's Tablets, keep your
bowels regular and you will avoid
these diseuses. For sale by ull
Features and comedy pictures
"Schooling la youth should Invsrlsbly b
IrrticU tu uirpstr a cison In Ihs bffs! way
ir Iht tiraf permanent ottuiiatloti for which
he u (.suable' PrtthmiC w Hitut
This K the Mission of the
h'urty-iUtb School Vcsr Uptsi
SEPTEHBER iSih, 1914
Writ tor Illustrated 100 page Book
1st, " I lib LlFfc :ahii k," ami for Cata
log containing full Inlurmatlon.
Dtgif Countt- AORICULTURU :
Agronomy, Animal Husbandry, Dairy Hus
bandry, Poultry Husbandry, Hortkultur.
Agrkultur for Teachers I oiosikV,
I.OCKiiNO 1 NC.iNi.i kiNt. Home Kco-
NiiMli S: lointk'S. leiue, lloinotk Art,
1-Ni.iM 1 kinc; Blectrkal, Irrigation,
Highway, Mtchankal, ( .htmkal, Mining.
V(M-aliimal C ounts Agrkultur, Dairy
ing, Horns Maker' Court, Industrial
Arts, I niesiiy, Business Short Courss.
Sthooto Muiie Ptano, Siting, Band,
Voke Culture.
Fwiimii Boiinwi Court by Mad Prs
The Burns Flour Milling Co.
Manufacturers of hanie products
The Cream of the Wheat, Fresh and Palatable
Bran and Other Rolled Mill Feeds
You Patronize Home when you deal here
Is The Place to Trals
First: Promptness, accuracy and fsuirlclealing.
Secend: We carry a well assorted stock of Drugs,' Chemi
cals and Druggist Sundries.
Third: We guarantee every article we sail to be just as
repeesanted or your money refunded.
If you are a customer of ours you know this. If not, br
ome one ami be convinced.