The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, July 25, 1914, Image 2

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W . ", '!'"
I $ $
You like 'em don't you?
When you spend them you
like to get the best possible
values for your money
That's why you want to see the
Remarkable Values
we now offer befor you buy a
Come and see them You'll
be mighty glad you came
Clothing Company
Merchant Tailors and Leading Clothiers
I. O. O. F. Building - - Burns, Oregon
She fttmcs-'ltrvafd
On. fin
Six Month,
Tb Month
I out when the front wheel of his
! car struck a rock and prccipita-
: ted the entire load of passengers
Mng rr over a h'Sfh enbankment, the car
. turning clear over and catching
Mr. (lowland under it in such a
manner as to break both lejrs at
the hips, the left lest being brok-
$2.00 , on m second place above the
i oo ' knee and the bones of the right
foot so badly crushed that ampu-
Some Information on
trition may be necessary to save
his life.
There were mix iiri'iiiinnls of
The Railroad Situation ti,ecar an th.e other escaped with
a few slight bruises, Mrs. Coch
The Times-Herald learnt from ' ran having her finger mashed.
a private source that Judge I bat not seriously. Dr. Harriron
Lovett. president of the Harri- of Drewsey was called and set
man lines of railroad, is expected the broken legs of the unfortun
in Portland at once. Ii appears I ste victim and also removed the
he has timed his visit with the crushed bones from the injured
completion of the construction
work to Riverside on the Oregon
& Eastern and while there is no
thing of an authentic nature on
which to base such presdmption
it is possible that there will he
important announcements re
specting the immediate future of
this extension during Judge
Lovett's visit. The papers will
be watched with considerable in
terest with such expectation at
any rate.
A recent letter from Colonel
C. E. S. Wood to Mayor A. W.
Trow, of Ontario, Ore., and pub
lished in the Ontario Democrat,
contains an account of two inter
views concerning the railroad
situation, as follews:
"I had a talk with Mr. .lames
J. Hill, which he said need not
be treated confidential, in which
he said he had not abandoned a
single original plan for Oregon,
but he had seen this period of
depression coming and he had
stopped all construction work ac
cordingly, but as soon as war
ranted his work in Oregon would
be resumed, but at this time he
could give no more definite as
surance than this. I was very
glad to learn 'that he has no
agreements with anybody and
that his original plans are to In
carried out. Of course, you un
derstand, in such matters as rail
roads, no man can positively
promise what can be done in the
"I also saw Mr. Schiff (Kuhn,
Loeb & Co.) of the executive
board of the Union Pacific sys
tem, which is really the financial
backer of Harriman. He said,
referring directly to the Oregon
Eastern, that the apparent dis
continuance of work was only
part of a general order, applica
ble over the whole system, for a
temporary shut down during the
present money stringency; that
they were anxious, if possible, to
have the Oregon-Eastern operat
ing at least to connect with the
Deschutes by 1915, anil work
would be pushed on it BS soon as
conditions warrant it. i might
also say that the right-of-way
people are now applying to the
Land Grant for right-of-way
foot and the patient was taken
back to La Grande.
The Times-Herald man talked
with Dr. Harrison over the phone
this morning and obtained the
above particulars. The Doctor
states that Mr. Howland was
very badly hurt and will be in
luck if he doesn't lose his foot
entirely. Mr. Howland was here
last December representing Supt.
Cochran in the matters pertain
ing to the adjudication of the Catiow
waters of Silvies River. He met inspect
many people while here at that I section.
time who will regret exceeding I that this station be enlarged and
to learn of his misfortune. They made to cover a larger scope as
were on their way to Drewsey to that territory is fast settling up
begin hearing the testimony in ! with a class of people who show
water cases on that branch of! a disposition to make good. It
the Malheur, the time being set 'has its peculiar conditions and it
for today. Dr. Harrison stated , will be of vast benefit to the
this morning that Mr. Cochran country to have a demonstration
had not yet returned after taking farm there for the particular
his unfortunate assistant back to 'crops of the Valley. The com
ess i mis ii
President Weatherford of Board One of
Committer Who Mike Inspection of
Progress. Contemplate Extension of
Service in the Callow Valley Section
Judge .1. K. Weatherford and
wife of Albany, Sen. ('. L Haw
ley and wife of Dallas, Sen. H.
Von der llellen and sonpf Jack
son county, mndo a party of
autoists to arrive in this city yes
terday, having made the trip by
way of the Rogue River Valley,
Crater I,ake and iutosh to Bend
in their cars.
Thegentltmenof the party are
members of the board of regents
of the Agricultural College.
Judge Weatherford being the
president of the board, and they
came here to visit officially the
Experiment Station and report
to the college authorities.
Roth Judge Weatherford and
Senator Hawley -were members
of the commit lee who selected
the land for the station in this
county and this is their first visit
to the station since that time.
They were most agreeably sur
prised upon their visit to the
station yesterday and Judge
Weatherford stated to The Times
Herald that the committe was
more than satisfied with the pro
gress and development made in
so short a time. In fact they
hardly x pec ted half what has
been accomplished.
"When one finds grain that
will ko 75 bushels to the acre on
land that two years ago was con
sidered about the poorest in
Harney Valley, it certainly shows
that the college made no mistake
in establishing: an Experiment
Station." said Judge Weather
ford. "We are j;lad we came
and that we can make such en
cournging report. In viewing
other farms in this vicinity and
talking to farmers we find they
have benefited by the establish
ment of the Station and that it
has already accomplished much
toward intelligent farming all
through the Vail, y."
Judge Weatherford has been
a consistent adoeate of the
adaptability of this big territory
to cereal Tanning for several
year, and was instrumental in
the establishment of the station
here. He wanted the board to
establish a station in this Valley
long before it was really brought
about and the people owe Judge
Weatherford debt of gratitude
for his able advocacy of our
The party left this morning for
Valley where they go to
the sub-station in that
It has been suggested
Additional Locals.
Will Gray and wife have been
in town this week.
Features and comedy pictures
at Tonawama tomorrow night.
We are again having very
warm weather after a spell of
M. F, Williams was over from
John Day this week on a visit to
his daughter, Mrs. C. II. Voegt-
Dr. Geo. G. Car) is prepared
for special attention to all dis
eases of eye, ear and nose. Eyes
tested and glasses fitted. 50tf.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Music,
Mrs. H. B. Mace and Mrs. A. C.
Welcome arrived home Thursday
evening from a visit to Portland
and other outside points. They
had a very pleasant visit but
rather a strenuous auto trip both
going and coming.
Of Interest to Voters.
I stand for an economical busi
ness administration. The finan
cial affairs of the county should
be handled with care, consistent
with the growing needs of the
county. Realizing the fact that
the prosperity of the county de
pends upon its agricultural de
velopment, I am in favor of a
reasonable appropriation for the
extension work.
I believe in good roads, and
shall be always in favor of dis
tributing funds and labor equita
bly among all parts of the county
where improvement is needed,
with special favors for no part
above another. I think that the
rural public schools should be en
couraged and assisted.
It has come to me from friends
in different parts of the county
that if elected I would favor the
building of a new court house.
I want to say plainly, once and
for all, that if I am elected I Mill
not be in favor of erecting any
question is first submitted to the
people for their approval.
I have once before been honor
ed by the people of Harney coun
ty by being elected to the office
of county judge. My former ad
ministration of the affairs of the
county is well known by the old
er residents, and I invite the new
voters to investigate it fully.
Pd. Adv. H. C. LKVRNS.
Clarence Young will order ex
tras for Champion mowers, but
requires charges paid in advance.
Sheriff Sal of Real
Property en ForeeloMire.
Nnticr U lirrtliv Kiven, that under
mi. I by vliinr of an execution, duly !
Kurd iut of (lit Circuit Court of th
Htnte ffOngoa, for Harney County and
la Mi directed on tlie Mfll day of July,
1014. mi, hi iudmnriit uud decree of
fbrttomrt, 1 1 1 1 v readme1 by enid court
on the fltli day Of July. 1UI4, and rn
d ol record nnd docketed therein on
Uu- Nad day of July, 1014, In n unit in
mil, I court iK-ndliiK, wheroln Kldorn
pltayjtraM naniatifl nnd Lortag w.
Iloriiliwk. Waller lloddtir. 0. A. Pita-
ton and 1'reatnn hia wife, ware de-
leiidiiuta, in favor of plaintiff andngninet
mm I i lel' tiiltt nt rt, by which eiecution I
nin coiiiiimnded to aril the real property
in mii, I rirciilion inn hereiimlter tlearri
bad, to pay the miiih due the plaintiff
ol IM7.00, wilh intrroat there on at
the rule of eihl 'r cent. er umium
from the flth day of July, 1 til 4, until
iuid, and the further 111111 of $.'lfi.00 u
iiltnriicy'a lee lKether witli the coat a
and iliabiirninciita of uid ault lined at
$i, oft, and nil net-ruing coata, I will on
Saturday the '.'2nd. iliiynf AuguRl, 1914,
nt the hour of ten o'clock A. M. of aaid
day ill the front door of the couaty
court In, 1111- ill It 111 tin, Harney County,
Oregon, Hell at pnl, In- auction to the
lilxhrftt ladder, for cuah in hand, all the
right, title, intercut and cut ate which
the aid diilenduiita Luring W. Horu
heck, Walter lloddei, (1. A. I'reaton
.,,,,1 I'iihImii, Ina ilr, ,11 rilliri ul
any of them, and all peranna claiming
under them nliln'iiietll to the date of
riecution of -plaintiff' mortgage, tewit:
Auguat 'Jtlth, 11)1.', had, aince have ac
iinii'd. ,,1 now baVS in anil to aaid real
iroMtrtv dracrilied 11a follow!, to Wit :
The aoutliweat ipiurlcr "I the north
rani , 1 tin 1 irr and llie north hall of the
aoulhi'iiat iiiarterof aectionilx in town
ahip t vteiilvthrre loutli of range thirty
four ciiki of the Willamette Meridian, ia
IIiihicv County. Oregon, and contain
bajjSM hundred twenty ucrea, together
with 1 lie water right, tenementa, here
ilitiiineiil. and appurtenance thereunto
lietougiiig or 111 any wie aprtuiniug.
s.,1,1 eajf heing made auhject to re
demotion in the manner provided by
Putrd (In. Btrd, day of July 1914.
Sin ml o( Harney County, Oregon
Spring Opening
We extend to all a special re
quest to call and examine our
Dress goods, waists, dresses, skirts
new summer underwear in silk,
lisle, cambric in all styles, hosiery.
gloves, neckwear, new ribbons,
laces, embroideries, full line trim
ming, silks and buttons
Quality Goods Only
i'mtii, Hriim l.iM, (inn a 1
ilium, iiii-iuii July a. mil i
Kotieela aarehf linn Uiat iieurg 11 Hun
aii.g, l Hura. Oregon, win, uti Jul! I".. IVII.
,,,! kililllluiial lloiuaa'rail Kulrt, No. UU4I.
lur ,Ni,, l..,u 1 and 4 HihIIihi I, luti,itil
A. ..,.111,. Katig ll Kan. w lllmall Marnllau
haa in- -I 11..H. . of IntvlitlnU 10 mail- final
Hire ini ia,., to rital'llal, claim u, Iha lain) drenrlbed, tatfoN 'li lieglatar anil Ma
reiver, al Harm, iirrgon, 011 ilia jaih ,ta ul
Augual, I'll
1 Uitiiani uatnea aa wluiraar
J.J I'aVKOilar. J f I airu-l. r I ,ai,l Ilia,
111.T ami Mil. (an, I. Uawauu, all ul Hum.
Ilrrf li
I laaa, Kcglalar
La Grande.
Dr. Harrison stated he was
just ready to start to Beulah to
look after another accident In
which a man wan hurt in a run
Schedule of Daten for
Farmer' Inntituten
Supt. Breithaupt of the Ex
periment Station has arranged
to hold a series of institutes in
this county during the period
when the instructors and lectur
ers are here from Corvallis for
"Itound-Up." Prof. Geo. Hyslop,
associate to Prof. Scudder, and
Prof. E. L Potter of the Animal
Husbandry Dept. O. A. C. will
be the lecturers at these various
The schedule aa outlined by
Mr. Breithaupt begins at Riley
on the evening of Aug. 4 at 7
oclock; Egli, Aug. 5 at 10 oclock;
Drewsey, Aug. 6, 2 pm; Exper
iment Station, Aug. 8, all day;
f.nurin Amy 'I ' n m- firmill,
Aug. 10 3 p. m; Beckley, Aug. 11
2pm; Diamond. Aug. 12, 10am;
Princeton, Aug. 12, 2 p m; Har
riman, Aug 12, 7 pm; Voltage,
Aug. 13, 10 a m, Sunset, Aug. 13
3 p m.
mittcc of gentlemen go over fav
orably Inclined to such extension
work M the ptople of this vicini
ty have i mi reused them with the
importance of it.
Supt. Breithaupt of the Ex
lieriment Station accompanies
the party toCttlow and will give
them Hiieh information as they
may require to report on the
matter to the board of regents.
Additional Locals.
Wheat lor sale. G. W. Clev-
Prof. II. .1. Joekiss was in the
city during the week on busi
ness. Mrs. Clias Roper was among
our visitors form Harney during
the week
Man Seriously Injured in
Automobile Accident
Thursday, as Supt Cochran
of the State Water Board and
party were coming from Beulah
to Juntura in an automobile they
met with a very serious acci
dent that may cause the loss of a
foot by Asst. Supt. Howland.
They met another auto on high
grade and Mr. Cochran turned J
With weather condition decid
edly different from last season
the crops of this year are show
ing up quite satisfactory and the
demenstration made at the Ex
periment Station is of greater
benefit to the farmers of the
county. Crops adapted to condi
tions here are mpre clearly shown
this season than last and results
this year are going to determine
almost beyond any doubt what
may be profitably grown in the
Something new at Tonawama.
Have your clothes cleaned,
pressed ami repaired we will call
for and deliver same. Phone 381.
Christian Science services Sun
days II a in., Wednesdays at 8
p m. Reading room open from 2
to r Wednesday and Saturday
afternoons. First door east of
stairway, Hissner Bldg. Cordial
invjtalion extended to all.
A. B. Cooley, the man who
purchased the big caterpillar
plow from Ed 1 1 olio way, togeth
er with quite a tract of land, ar
rived the lore part of the week
from Pendleton with his family.
His son has been running the
plow all season.
Supt. John Gilcrest of the P.
L. S. Co. and his daughters,
Misses Mary and Evelyn, took
their departure early in the week
for outside points. The young
ladies will return to their Calfor
nia home after a visit of a few
weeks in thin city.
Vm CauuMltM
Why pay $50.00 to be located.
We give you full information
where the best lands are in
Western Canada and British
Columbia that are close to rail
road and town; name of guide on
the ground; full directions to get
maps and platta free; how to
get homeseekers tickets every
thing you need to know and lo
cate yourself, all for $3.00.
Remit amount by P. O. order
and we will send you the com
plete information at once. The
Canadian Homestead Company,
73-6th St., Portland, Oregon.
For reference: The Farm Maga
zine Company, 411 Panama n
Bldg ., Portland, Oregon.
Notice to Stockholders.
Notice is here by given that a
meeting of the Stockholders of
the Harney County Fair Association-is
called to meet in Burns
on Saturday on Aug 1 at 3 o'clock
p m for the purpose of electing
a board of directors, discuss plans
for holding a fair this fall and
such other business as may come
before the stockholders at that
time. Every stockholder is
urged to be present.
J. M. Dalton, President.
J E Loggan, Secy.
i much hi i km i.AMiurricK
liuriia, oraguii, Jul) w, 1914.
Solliali tirratir alirii dial John ii Kuiarl
l Kg Ii, orefoa, wfiu, uu Mar u. ivm. wad
II, .in, .1. , I nulrv
'A'. I ..
nlilrr, Nu.KK.Mi, tor NIC,, l.'.Mfi,
M-'yw, M.!liit,l 1., ,..!. I., -rty
Kan, . K. Lilian, all,- Maihtlau. Iiaa I1I..I
"ll - ul nil. nil, .ii In niaka dual 'l,,a rar
I'ro,,. lu , iial, llali i lalm ,o 1 1,,- laud abuva da
., ill I. I., I. o.i Hi,- ll.aml'i au.l lln alvar, al
inn up. ,,.., i, iha Ah da el Aumiat lU
i Uluiaul nam, a mi wllliraaia
Hernial iiatrln ,,i Harre.a, nrraon iatr
IV1, ,....,. , l,, i,. ..v. and U inlaw liuigttl all
( KkII. llrraull
lluriia. uriiiuu, Julia mi, mil
S,,ll, a la lii'irl.y (Iran llial Villa A llaiaf,,,!
II, una, Urn, ,11, who. uu Allgual l.',l',. madv
i,-il Land Kntry Nu li . N'lul Su iuiii, l.,r
aUHeoUon u l,,wmbl, h Haugt, ii aaai,
Ufllamatle Marldlau, Nurlh ol Malhrur Ikr,
Iiaa l, !.! noil,,, of ml, 'till,,,, l , mak riaal
I'ruul, In i labllli i lalm lu I In' and aboaa da
leiieee uilma tin, Kralaivr and Hacelvar at
in 1 1 in, nt. aim, uu ilia .'.'Hi day of Jul, lull.
lalluaul liaiui'a aa wltueaaaa
K.lward H Mia.n f Narruaa, Oragua, Win
Hi) J ii-a.t. I., nil.., I,, Krauk li.i., all ol
liurm, iirarfuu
m, riaag, Itaglalrr
I'm run Htatipj
Feed Barn
H. KMJOTT, I'rop.
Horses Boarded by the
Day, Week or Month
Good Feed and
Reasonable prices
H.raea 2Se per Head in Ham
Haled Hay and Grain for Hale
Comfortable Camp House
With Cook Stove
Accural liar and Hloek Scale
I'rlcee far elhlnf 20r.
South Main 81.. Uurna
Oregon Hotel
Comforts of Home
Persona! Attention
Home Cooking
Clean Rooms and Beds
last Taklc Strvice
Cearteons Trtaloeat
TTjetT A.n.rxixrEsr
A Full Line of
I alo have a new line ol
Percales. Flaxons, Ginghams, Voiles.
Latest in Neckwear, Barrette, Side
Back Combs for Ladies. Just arrived.
Latest in Ties. Collars, Suits, Caps,
Underwear and Shirts for Men.
On quantity orders for
For Haying
A. K. Richardson
General Merchandise
nu orno
"rra-i'n. July ii. i'n
Notice la liaiabjiftian thai llalph faabnli
ar i,
'I lliitiia, Orvauu. wlu, un Mar i. 11. inailv
1 1
B HI K . l.oU I. 1,
, Nu lull. I
i Mar
lor ft
K'.HWi.. ae a.l Kutl
hi, i . ai h
...ll..l. . I ..... ...I. 1 .. ll u Ua. C
"" ". iwm.ih(i r. , nB ,.i a. , W
Un,. lu- Mi'ii.liaii. Iiaa fllr.l uullca ol lulautluu
l maki' niial lur aar . lo I'alalillili
liaim t Hi land abova ilaatrlkeO, halori'
Hi.- Hi alalir ami llai nlvar, at Hum. llraaou
un Hi. mill .lay ol Autjuat, lM.
Claimant nam, aa wlinaaaaa:
Kiank Whllllia. i.v.iia Milium, i.rorar
Mil anil Ullllam Mi'l aii'ii, all ol Hun., ...,
Kaaaa, Kaglitrr
I'NITKIl rl'IATKH I.ANIi ill Kli'K
IlUt iia
Notice to Stockholder.
Notice ia hearby (riven thuttlit
annual meetinK of the ntockhold
era of the Hums Flour Milling
Co. will be held at the Tonawit
ma Theatre in Burns on Monduy,
August 3, at 2 o'clock p m for
the purpose of electink a board
of directors and attendinir to
such other business as may MUM
before the stockholders at that
r. ;. Smith, PrtskUnt
W. K. Huston, Secy-Treas.
n, Ormini, Jul, in, 1,11
..ill. .-ia In ul., alirll llial iiaoraa Ii . W 11
llama. ul I'linrrloii, llrogon. mIiooI Juu'i7
", inaon ii.iiiii'aii'aii aulry ,.i w..'i
.... IIJ.III lor N',hi. W',i
Catholic Church.
You're Koiiitf to Tonawama
1, On Sundays and Holy days
of obligation Holy Mush wilh
aermon at 10 a. m.
2. On week duys Holy Muss
at 6:30 a. m.
All other services, besides
those mentioned above will be
announcod in church.
All invited and welcome to the
divine services.
Sick-calls promptly answered
at anytime, fteliirious informa
tion and instructions willingly
imparted at the Franciscan
Residence. j
"i, Mcrlal
nii.uaiiii iui,, un',!)',,!!!' M, T 'Ju
h , K M K. ami 114. Kirlloii i, Toxmlilp ;7 a ,
.."m, . ..a n , ii iRii.ii ii. 3i i-i i.iian, iiaa mad
ii. ul. ! ol lul.ulluii In maka llual llva-yrar
proof, to uatautllli claim lo Iha laud above da
i Iii'I.iic ll.'i'l.l. r anil llairivrr, al Uurna
Oreeott, mi ilia ITib 1U70I Auiual, UU.
i In 1 in mii 1 nauiaa aa wltiivaaua
Tliumaa Hli-vaiia. Krad II, I'alara, Jolm I'Tem.
il.'. Mli In" I lli'al) . all of I rill. .loll. llr'..ii
We I i, H(lar.
1 Mii-i, mim 1. n orric.
Hllrua, llri'xoil, July ITIli 114
In llarv.y Moon, ul el lieuuy Way, Haaiila
VlaaliliiHloii, 1 outaaliic
Vim are aareby notlliad llial Uaori
tiilt wlioglvea lliirii,, Harney I'ouuly. Oraaou
aa hla ial i.rtli aililroaa, illif on Jul, ivali IVU
1 ilr In lb la uBlci' Ilia duly . i.i ruboraled appllva
nun lu 1 unlaal ami aucurti Ilia nam I'llatluu ol
your liiiiui aii'a.i Knirjr No., serial No OaMiA
iiiadii Aiiril Jiilli, UIU, for !.NWV aud Wl
i-rt ', .oCsi.i Hun I, ToMiibl r,, Moult. Kanaa
i. I'.iini WillainaltaMurlillKii, and aa arouii ja
..., U1.WH1W '..ii.'kiib luaiaani narvay Moon
Iiaa h"ll lminluiui.l aal.l aulry. llial lie uavar ul niallllaluad a raaldclica, orinada
any 11,1 1. in. 1 ..iiiiia llimaun. ami Iiaa abaaulad
lilniai'K 11111I 1 liaiigml hla raalduu a I llamfroin
I'Var "lln t- Ilia itmi. ol null
Von am, Hi .-ii i" 1. furlbar iioiiitail ibai lb
aaid allaaalloua will In. taken 4 nmluaaad
and your ald aulry will b naiiink'il wiiboui
(miliar right lo be haard, allhar bafuro ibla
utlliu Of Oil appaal, If you l.ll to III lu ibla
ullliie wlllilu Iwunlf daa altar lb VOUKTH
Piil.lli Hilun of Ibla uolli'u, aa aliowu below
yourauawar. undar imtb, anoilmally rvauuud'.
Inn tu llii'ai' Bllnaall'ina ol nuulaal, logVibar
wilh duo pnnil tbal you liavaaurad a copy of
yum aliaw. 1 on Iha aaid I'olitaaUllt tillbai In
.i-iauu or by iniiialiiad uiall.
Vim ahuulil alatn lu inin auawnr Iba nam of
Iha iniat ultlr It) wbluh um .1.0.1... ......
inn hi 3 lO In' at'lil 10 ) uu
Wm Kik, Hllr
Dal of llial publlnatluu July lain 114
liaii ul aai'oud publli-allou July gftil, 1914
Hall- ul Ihlrd pill, lli-alluli Aug. lat 1VI4.' ul (ninth ini I1II1-HI lull Aug. nib 1U14
Combination lick, iojuty, orliaMI
and deatli beoeflt prolectioa at mini
mum coat. 2,0j0.0O ileath hinifll .
$1,000.00 for log. of limb or -ycnulii.
faom S3 00 to $16.00 weeklv alck Ol ac
ci.lent lieoeflt; $1,000.00 Kmergen, y re
lief benefit. Coat la $ll.U) pur egjej
no other tinea or aaeeaainenta. In tin
iunurniii'u all men ami women art iaiil
on au aqital baalg, icyarille uf OOMpa
lion. Kvary parami make tin- aania
form of application, pay Um mum
amoonlof premium and receive tin-
game amount of beuelit. Men itinl
Women botweeui tlie ages of lilaudiii
are aocepted. No reatrictiona aa In oc
enpatioo, only H ail roe d men mployaaj
employed on track, train or roonad
liouae, can not be accented. Claim are
paid will, In auty daya any lime 111 ll,,
U. 8. Canuda or Knmpe. old relmi :.
loaurauee Company. $I00,0OU.iki mi
Htata depiieltaaa protei-iioii lur polk)
holder and lo guarantee tlie uiii,.i,i
of claim For lurtlier free inliiriii.iii.i.
addreea (iuatave Ii. Wafnaf, laarelar)
aud (leneral Manager, Hot IIS, Buffalo,
N. Y. Ute ago, ton, occiiitinn ami
mention Dept. II. 17..'.
Primtti in accordance with legtU
muirements on short notice at
Job Rooms
H-ninnnlaTalBBSBfljSaaVSBSj eaaBBBBnSjftk -, 'BaiaSSSBSSBSSBBSSBBBBBBnai
Fair Feed Yard
Timothy, Alfalfa and Red Top Hay
Haled Hay For Sale
Free t amp House and Feeding Privilege! in Corral
or Barn, (ustomers Care For Own Stock
W, A. GOODMAN, Adjoining Fair i. rounds.
SAVE PKOM 30 to 60 KK (KM
SHSa. . --'-iaaaaa-ajl
Tire 'I'ulie
-:i $ r.'.M (1 lift
03 V.H0 Ml,',
aoia.'v io.ho 1 mi
attS'u 11. wo .tj
S4l3'g 12.40 a. Oil
fl4 13.711 .1.;,
3l4 14. HI) i.ftO
M(4 1(1 80 MB
di4 17.HA 3.IH)
-:i4'J i.7ft 4.r,
:ui4' m.ari i .,i
37i4H it 1. Ml ft hi
37ft vi '.hi f,..,o
All other lxo in alock. Nun Skid
tlrea IS par cent additional, red tulnn
ten per cent abova the gray. All new.
clean, freah guaranteed lire. Ii, :t
atandard and indapendent untkee. Buy
llroct ironi 11a apd gave money, ft per
dlaoount if paymept Ip ful nnoaiu$iii
each order. O. O. 1). 011 10 pi 1 nut ,1,
poait. Allowing .lamination
0P- A Oaylun. (II, 11.
New Spring Goods
Have arrived and we are now ready to
nupply you with your requirements
Dress Goods, Wash Goods
Laces, Ribbons, Hosiery,
Gloves, Embroideries, etc.
The Burns Department Store
1 " ' i i
Special For the present we'
will clean Lace Curtalna ready to ,
hang for 26 cent the pair. Tad '
Burnn Steam Jaundry.
We do it right