The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, July 11, 1914, Image 1

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The Biggest Gty In The Biggest
The Biggest County In The State
County In The State Of Oregon I
Of Oregon, Best In The West
!! ll
NO. 35
The Farmers and Town People Spend a
Profitable and Interesting After
noon Viewing Experimental Crops.
Address by Prof. Hyslop of O. A.
C. Tbe Crops in Field Inspected
In the neighborhood of 1501 appointed in some of the grain as
people visited the Experiment it appeared on tnis visit dui aner
Station last Sunday afternoon I making a better examination and
and th -time wasnrolitablv snont ha vine the conditions under
Prof. Scudder could not come out which they were produced ex
froro Corvallis on account of poor : plained it was quite evident that
health so Prof. Geo. Hyslop, his there should be some grains that
able assistant, came instead. j would not do well, for instance.
After the crowd had gathered. I wi"ter Krain 8eeded tne sprin'
many of those present being smply to show the farmer that
from this city and some farmers ."' d fc etc- "
fm . In wonra Pf Uvft. mis iOOKS iuoiibii to uevuic muu
tlVIII U ivrisjs uiuvwiivwi i. . .-
the haying season and before the
harvesting of grain, therefore
every farmer who possibly can
should be present.
Iod assembled the people in front
of the residence where he took
some pictures. Supt Breithaupt
to such a purpose, but it also ap
pears that some are foolish
enough to plant thus therefore
h... .i; th n-mrmm nf th the Station must show them what
afternoon and was followed by an happens on such plantings. The
instructive address by Prof Hys- Sixty Day oats are the most suc-
j0D I cessful and some of the barley is
n. . .. , . .. , doing well and may be counted
1 ne ir i over nil' aim in which .
K n.w... u a win-., nmn in thlu I'liiln-
the crowd was divided into three u," - r" ,. "
: u rty. The spring varieties of
'squads with Breithaupt, Hyslop . ' ,K, .. ...
M j " 7, , u wheat show best results this Bea-
andShattuck in charge was a JJ-
most interesting one as each plot , and winter wheat are
was inspefted.n passing and he, jt wou,d M
men in charge of each squad ' . ,ff!f
,.,.lno(,ot.iu(hBnr. best to pasture off the latter if
5 , r k too far advanced in the early
ticular variety of crop on each
together with suggestions, such 8)nnt-
as wheno seed, how to cultivate ' The writer did not make the
etc. The crops at the Station entire round of the fields owing
are looking well with a few ex- to having to get back to town,
oeptions and those who inspected but what he observed proved
we're well repaid. Many inter- " interesting and profitable,
eating things may be seen on the The pigs pasturing on alfalfa
farm and with explanations the ' was a demonstration to the far
information gathered is of great I mers present and the same met
Yalue to the farmer. hod of harvesting peas later in
Perhaps the most interesting! the season will be as interesting.
ih. station rp thp field Prof. Hyslop spent Monday
peas and alfalfa, as these are the with the county court going over
most profitable and surest that ! some matters in respect to equip
are grown. These crops fiave ment on the Station and took his
proven very successful on the . departure Tuesday morning for
tation and there are at least five Corvallis. He hopes to return
varieties of peas and two of al- here together with Prof. Scudder.
ralfa that are particularly adapt- Director Hetzel. French and
ed to this section and are sure to other college men for the ' 'Round
prove an entire success under, up" which is to be held on the
almost any weather conditions as 1 8th of next month. At that time
they have been given a very lit is expected to have .the biggest
thorough test. The Times-Her- 'gathering of farmers ever assem
alddidnot learn the particular bled in Harney county. It will
Varieties of peas, but the Baltic 'be an all day affair and of such
and' Qriram varieties of alfalfa importance that no farmer can
have shown marked superiority afford to miss it The date is
in resisting frost and drouth. one that is most convenient for
ThewriteV was somewhat dis-; all to attend as it will be after
Water Permits Issued.
During the quarter ending
June 30, 1914, State Engineer
John H. Lewis issued 147 per
mits to appropriate public waters
The construction cost of the pro
posed works is approximately
$11,200,000. The proposed
ditches and pipe lines aggregate
202 miles in length and provide
for the irrigation of 21,587 acres
of land; the development of 1,716
horsepower and for the munici
pal water supply of 6 towns.
Fourteen of the above permits
were for the construction of re
servoirs. The following permits have
been issued for the appropriation
of water in Harney County dur
ing the past quarter:
H. Sherburn of Denio. for the
irrigation of 80 acres, diverting
water from Cottonwood Creek in
Sec 32. T. 40 S.. R.. 36 E. W.
H. Street of Fife, for the irriga
tion of 5 acres, diverting water J
from Buck Creek ffl Sec. 28. T.
21 S.. R. 23 E. A. S. South
worth of Seneca for the irriga
tion of 143 acres, diverting water
from Jimmie Creek in Tp. 16 S.,
R. 31 E.
Market Report.
Legislature Refers 1 1 Questions for the
Voters. Prohibition and Abolish
ment of Senate, Party Conventions,
Provision for Unemployed on the
List. Not so Many as Last Time
A recent press dispatch fromjary, etc., and a nominal exemp
Salem, says: The electorate of ;tion of not more than $300,
Oregon will have the privilege of I It is provided in the measure
voting upon 29 general measures that it cannot be repealed unless
at the election in November, py a two-thirds vote of the elec-
This is nine less than at the last torate.
general election. In the amendment relating to
Eleven of the general measures the assembly provision is made
that precinct elections snail be
held for selection of delegates to
, a convention or meeting for rec
I ommending candidates for office.
'The law, however, says that it
i shall not be construed to atfect
were referred by the last Legis
lature. In addition to the gener
al measures there are three local
ones. There were seven al the
last election. ,
Probably thr most important
umn,lm..t ! I. vt..,l mwn I u,rl'ct nominations limu yjr uci.
vides for state-wide prohibition.
It prohibits the manufacture or
sale of intoxicating liquors in the
state. John H. Albert, a banker
of Salem, and others initiated il.
Another important amendment
abolishes the State Senate. It
was initiated by the officers of
the Oregon State Grange, Ore-
for last week at the!"0" State Federation of Labor.
People h rower league, farmers
Burns Meat Market
Packing Plant
Fresh Meats, Poultry
Home Products for Home Consumer
- ' . . - -
Portland Union Stock Yards have
been cattle, 1782; calves, 28;
sheep, 8859; hogs, 4018.
An extraordinarily heavy run
of cattle the first of the week,
sixty-three cars being unloaded,
half of these being from Califor
nia points. Cows $6.00 to $6.26,
spayed heifers $6.75, price of
bulls ranging from $4.00 to $4.50.
Swine trade opened firm and
remained unchanged to the end
of the week's period, $8.00 was
the average top price, with re
ceipts of fair volume.
Sheep house action was never
more brisk for the month of
June than it has been for the last
few days. The moVement to
market attained large propor
tions, with receipts climbing up
around 9000 for the five days.
Top grades of sheep and lambs
in good demand, and prices steady
with last week. Top yearlings
$5.00, two-year-olds $4.75, ewes
$4.25, lambs $6.00.
Finest alfalfa, timothy and red
top hay baled may be had at the
Coodman feed barn is south Burns
Union, Farmers' Society of Equi
ty and Proportional Representa
tion Kurcau.
An amendment for proportion
al representation, initiated by the
j same organizations as the one to
abolish the State Senate, provides
that every voter may vote for
any one aspirant for Representa
tive in the legislative assembly
and no more.
The voter may write or stick
:on the ballot the name of the per
son he votes for. The 60 aspir
ants who receive the greatest
number of votes throughout the
state shall be declared elected.
Completed petitions were tiled
for measures designed to put an
end to single tax agitation, and
restore in part the assembly.
They were initiated by David M.
Dunne, of Portland. The first
measure proviJes that the legis
lative Assembly or the people
shall pass a law for uniform and
equal rates of assessment and
taxation of real and personal
property within the state, except
ing municipal, educational, liter-
t inn under existing laws.
Other measures for which com
pleted petitions were filed are as
Craduated sur-tax amendment;
! initiated by H. D. Wagnon and
1 others, provides for a graduated
' tax on land nnd other resources
I which are held in private hands.
Amendment to abolish death
'penalty; initiated by Paul Tur
Amendment to establish de
partment of industries and public
works; initiated by the Socialist
party of Oregon, provides for the
creation of industries to give em
ployment to the unemployed and
for a tax on the estates of deceas
ed persons to maintain them.
Hill consolidating the office of
Corporation Commissioner with
that of State Insurance Commis
sioner; initiated by Ernest Kron
er and others.
Amendment to equalize the
terms of county officers; initiated
by R. P. Kasmussen.
Hill to provide for a commission
to draft a tax code; initiated by
the Non-Partisan League.
Hill to regulate the practice of
dentistry and to abolish the State
Dental Examining Hoard, initiat
ed by John T- Cochran.
Hill to abolish State Desert
Land Hoard and transfer its pow
ers and duties to the State I .ami
Hoard; to abolish the State Wa
ter Hoard, and the office of Super
intendent of Water Division, and
to assign their powers and duties
to a state water commissioner,
who shall bo appointed by the
State L-. ml Hoard; to abolish the
office of State hngmeer, and to
assign his duties to an engineer
to be appointed by the State
hand Hoard, and to repeal annual
appropriations, initiated by W.
P. George, and indorsed by Gov
ernor West.
Amendment providing $1500
tax exemption on homes, live
stock and tools; initiated by W.
S. U'lten and others.
Amendment making beds of
navigable waters of the state in
alienable and subject to public
use for water commerce, and
authorizing cities to construct
docks thereon or the leasing
thereof upon fair rental value to
be paid for the joint benefit of
the cities and the common school
fund of the state; initiated by
C. S. Jackson and F. W. Mulkey,
of Portland.
Hill authorizing cities to con
struct docks on state lands; ini
tiated by C. S. Jackson and F.
W. Mulkey, of Portland.
Amendment providing univers-J
al eight-hour day; initiated by
Jean Hennett, of Portland.
Amendment for eight-hour day
for women; initiated by Eight
Hour League.
Hill to provide a non-partisan
judiciary; initiated by W. M.
Davis, of Portland.
Larger Crowd Than Expected Partici
pated. Fine Oration Delivered by
Dr. Benson. Married Men Defeat
Singles at Base Ball. Street Sports
And Other Entertainment Good
For Dainty Body
Use Rexall Nice
It Is prepared to meet the demand of Dainty
Women for a preparation that will overcome all
odorsof perspiration. It Is the last touch lp a
finished toilette,
The Burns Hospital
Rest Surgical Room and Equipment
In the State Outside of Portland.
Nice Rooms, Good Care and Com
fort for Patients-Reasonable Terms
Graduated Nurse in Charge
For Every Month In The Year
There is a Blrthstone
For January There is the Garnet
February, the Amethyst
March the Bloodstone
April, Diamond or White Saphire
For May the Emerald
June the Pearl
July the Ruby
August the Sardonic
September the Saphire
October the Opal
November the Topaz
December the Turquoise
What is Yours?
For 30 days only beginning Wednesday,
July 8th, this store will give to each
adult visitor their blrthstone
Absolutely Free
Remember there is no condition to this gift
It Is free and your luck depends on wearing one
Jeweler and Optician
Protection from Rabies.
"Avoid strange dogs, but if
approached by a dog dripping
saliva from his jaws stand per
fectly still, since rabid dogs do
not notice still objects," says Dr.
B. T. Simms, veterinarian at the
Oregon Agricultural College.
"Animals bitten by rabid dogs
should either be killed or given
the pasteur treatment If dogs
are bitten by other dogs suspect
ed of being rabid. They should
be closely confined and watched
for sixty days. Sick cata, espec
ially those having fits, should be
avoided. Every person bitten
by rabid dogs should take the
pasteur treatment, which can be
had in nearly every hospital. If
the dog is suspected of being
rabid, shut it up and watch it
closely for symptoms, which will
develop in six to ten days. The
wound made by a suspected dog
should be cauterized at once with
nitric acid or carbolic acid. The
suspected dog should not be killed
until its infection is proved or
disproved. If rabid its head
should be packed in ice and sent
to the State Board of Health ut
Cur of
The several celebrations throu
ghout the county on the 4th were
a success in every particular.
In Burns there was a larger
crowd than had been expected
and those present enjoyed the
program in its entirety. There
were horse races at the fair
grounds on Friday afternoon, also
an auto race that proved quite
The forenoon exercises at Tona
wama were of a character that
appealed to those who attended.
The parade didn't come up to
former efforts of the kind as there
were but few decorated autos in
line. The committee offered very
liberal prizes for decorated cars
but the auto owners were too
busy or lazy. The parade was
quite interesting, especially one
float drawn by two burros that
represented a Ford car and in
which three pretty little girls
were placed. It attracted much
attention. The band music was
proved very amusing if not ex
citing, although there were a few
good plays. The married men
were up against it in the first
inning as their pitcher proved an
easy mark for the boys who bat
ted him all- over the pasture but
they got Hans Nelson and he
turned the tables on the boys
and had he been able to finish in
the box it is quite evident the
score would have been kept down
to a very respectable figure, but
as he gave out the single fellows
again made several runs the final
footings being 16 to 15 in favor
of the married men.
The sports on the street at 7
o'clock were spoke of as the best
ever pulled of in Burns. The
committee had arranged for a
large number of contests but the
ball game kept the crowd at the
grounds until such a late hour
that the street sports had to be
postponed until after the supper
hour, thus it was too late to give
thoroughly enjoyed and the boys ( the entire program. There were
Stomach Trouble.
you have trouble with
or chronic consti
imagine that your
your stomach
pat ion, don't
case is beyond help just because
your doctor fails to give you re
lief. Mrs. G. Stengle, Plainfield,
N. J., writes, "For over a month
past 1 have been troubled with
my stomach. Everything ate
upset it terribly. Ope ojf Cham
berlain's advertising booklets
came to me. After reading a
few of the letters ffom people
who had been cured by Chamber
lain's Tablets, I decided to try
them. I have taken nearly three
fourths of a package of them
and can now eat almost every
thing that I want. " Rgy sale by
all dealers.
should keep together and give
the people some music during
the summer months.
M. A. Biggs acted as president
of the day and presided at the
exercises at the hall. Rev.
Iauree of the Baptist church
offered an invocation, the orches
tra of little violin players under
the leadership of Mrs. Dodge
was a pleasing feature and the
chorus choir rendered two Na
tional airs. The oration by Rev.
Dr. Benson was one of the finest
heard in this city for many years.
He did not follow the usual style
of such occasions but gave a most
inspiring talk on present condi
tions, giving credit to those who
deserve it without any partisan
color and in fact made a most
favorable impression upon the
large audience that listened to
him. At the conclusion of the
oration Capt. A. W. Gowan, who
acted as marshal and lead the
parade, proposed three cheers
which were given by all present.
The base ball game in the after
noon became tiresome before the
nine innings were completed. It
several foot races for the younger
people, a relay race between the
high school boys and the Indians
in which the school boys won; a
foot race for men in which Bre
count won with Frank Clark sec
ond. Billy Foren started in this
race but he quit with the remark
that he was too fat.
A Good Investment
W. D. Magli, a well known
merchant of Whitemound, Wis.,
bought a stock of Chamberlain's
medicine so as to be able to sup
ply them to his customers. After
receiving them he was himself
taken sick and says that one
small bottle of Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy was worth more to him
than the. cost of his entire stock
of these medicines. For sale by
all dealers.
J. 11. Anderson and wife were
among our visitors from a dis
tance to take in the celebration
in Burns. They have returned
to their home near Van.
Strictly First Class. Splendid
Service, Fine Accomodations.
Commercial Headquarters
Sample Room In Connection, Reasonable Rates
K'HtureH and comedy pictures
at Tonawama tomorrow night.
Special Hosiery Offer
liuaraulred Wear-Ever lloeiery Fur
Men and Women
l.rdiei' Special Offer
Kor i iniiti'.i Tlino Only
Hix pair of our tln.,vl H,y value Imlum'
Ktiuranloi'il lioae ( black, ian pi white
colu.ri with written guuruiitt-e, for II. 00
and ll)o fur utMgt, Ita,
For a limited time only, ila airi of
out fluent Hoc valueliuaranteed liuaeuny
color with written KUaruntee "! a pair
ol our wall known Men' I'aradUe (Jar-
tera for one dollar, uul 10c uentii for
pimUlje, 'to.
Yon know theae hone; they itood the
teat when all ulhera failed. They give
real foot comfort. They have no aratui
to rip. They never become looee anil
baggy na the ahape la knit In, not preaa
ihI in. They are Guaranteed fur Une
neaa, for atyle. for auperiorlty ol mater
ial and vmii kiiiuiiNhio, auaululely ataiu
leaa ami to wear aa month without
hole or a new pair free.
Oua't delay eend in your order before
offer expiree. Ufve correct aiae.
Oayton, Ohio
The Burns Flour Milling Co.
Manufacturers of hone products
- . , ' .. ., . -- -
The Cream of the Wheat, Fresh and Palatable
Bran and Other Rolled Mill Feeds
You Patronize Home when you deal hre
la The Place to Tradef
First; Promptneaa, accuracy and fair 'dealing.
Secend: We carry a well aaaorted stock of Drug,' Chemi
cals and Druggist Sundries.
Third: We guarantee every article wo sell to be just as
represented or your money refunded.
If you are a customer of ours you know this. If not, be
come one and be convinced.
J. C. Welcome. Jr.