a JLB tr :. . ' i K iil $ $ $ I You like 'em don't you? When you spend them you like to get the best possible values for your money That's why you want to see the Remarkable Values we now offer befor you buy a NEW SUIT SNAPP NEW LINE NOW ON DISPLAY Come and see them You'll be mighty glad you came Williams-Zoglmann Clothing Company Merchant Tailors and Leading Clothiers I. O. O. F. Building - - Burns, Oregon THE CELEBRATION. $be limea-JftcraCd ADDITIONAL LOCALS. JULIAN BYRD Manag" SATURDAY. JULY 4. 114 $ " " ' ' SUBSCRIPTION RATES Ob Year $2.00 Six Month. 1.00 Terra. Month. ... .... .71 The Times-Herald is pleased to note that a petition askinn the city council to put the proposi tion of bonding for water and sewer up to a vote has met with such universal approval. We understand but one or two of our citizens refused to sign it undone of these because it didn't inclund a suggestion as to a municipal light plant. However this peti tion is only a suggestion to the city authorities to but the bond ing proposition to a vote. The matter of a light plant in connec tion may come up at that time if it is considered advisible. Through lack of concerted uct ion Burns is not accomplishing things that are of considerable importance not only to the town but the entire country 'as well. If it is a fact that the railroad is to be extended into the Valley at once the business men of this place should get together on mat ters that are of vital interest to the town and community. We all have our individual opinion about matters but unless we get together we shall accomplish but little. Karl llorstmann was in the city yesterday. Mrs. J. W. Biggs and the children returned home the. fore part of this week from a visit with Mrs. Marsden and other re latives in Bear Valley. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Musick, Mrs. A. C. Welcome and Regina Schwartz expect to leave Monday for a brief visit to outside points. The entire party will likely go to Portland and possibly spend a time at the coast before return ing. Claude Schug and Geo. Hall came up from their homes near Voltage yesterday and will take in the celebration. The boys are on their way to the coast where they may remain for an indefi nite time provided they find it to their liking and secure employment. The celebration festivities be gun Thursday afternoon with some racss at the fair grounds. There were not many people out to see them but a larger crowd was out yesterday afternoon when the program was much better. Mucking contests, auto races, several saddle horse races Indian pony race with squaws to ride, etc. The results of Thursday, b races were: Saddle race won by Rowdy, Neil Culver's horse; Flute, Dick Hayes' horse second. Two other horses were stated. Ed Goodman won the pony race with Bill Young's pony second, there were four entries in this race also. The mile Indian pony race watt novel as usual with a good field. The program today covers all day with an auto parrde at 10 o'clock headed by the band. The parade will likely form on a side Htreet and march down the full length of mam and back to Tonawama where the exercises will be held. ('apt. A. W. Cow an is marshal and will conduct the parade. It is hoped to have a large number of decorated autos in the parade as there are prizes for the four best ones. M. A. Biggs is president of the day and Rev. Dr. Benson will deliver the oration. Music by a big chorus choir, Mrs. Dodge's orchestra of children and the band. A base ball game between married men and single men will come off at the grounds at 2 o'clock and following this there will be sports on the streets in cluding foot races, between white boys and Indian boys, sack race, three legged race, etc. In the evening Tonawama will show seme good pictures includ ing one reel of the 1914 Rose Festival at Portland. There are not many to cele brate in Burns this year on ac count of many of our own citi zens going to other points to take part in the celebrations How ever, those who are here seem to be enjoying the season of festivities. The local bate ball team plans a series of games during this month with the Piute Indian team that is here during the va cation from the Fort Bidwell school. Additional Local. To the Democratic Voters I wish to thank the voters who supported me at the late primary election and ask that 1 may re ceive the same consideration from them at the general election in November. After a primary contest in the Democratic Party which was free from personalities I hope and ask for the uuuivulcii sup port of the party at the polls. To the voters of the county I wish to Bay that I have no pro mises to make other than the following few. If I am elected to the office of County Judge the measure of county economy will be that of personal economy and proposed expenditures will be made only after satisfying per sonal business judgment; with 20 precincts in our county and a County Board of but three mem bers the great part of our terri tory is but inadequately rtpre sented on the Board, and for that reason every effort of the Board should be to consult every sec tion of the county - not on minor matters, details or routine, hut on vital changes or methods and, if elected, it shall be my endeavor to withhold the action of the Board on any new or novel policy until every section of the county has been consulted, and that when determination of the Beard is finally made it shall be that of the Board; matters with in the particular jurisdiction of the County Judge will bo expe. dited as intended by our laws. Promising the voters such an administration as is above out lined if I am elected 1 abide their choice on the material issues above mentioned. Very Respectfully John R. Jknkins, Democratic Nominee for County Judge. (Paid Adv.) Notice of Final Settlement. In dm Comity Court of the But of Ore- koii, for Harney County. In Hit matter of Hie eatiit ol W. H. Dildiati tlaoaaaaJ. Nuiire in hereby jriven that the under iljjncil him filed hit final account herein, ajRJ i hat the County Judge ol Harney County haa flieil tha time for hearing oujectlosi to, and Battlement of the MBM lor Wedneailay, the 2nd day of Srnlrnirei. 1B1. at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. of aaid day, at the Court limine in llurni, Oregon. Dated liiiim. Oregon, July lit, IBM 0. A. IIBAKIMAN, Ailmitiiitretor of Kutate of W. II. Oil line, tlereaaed. Data ol lint publication July 4, 1014. Date Of latt publication Aug. 1,1911 N0TIU1 KOIl PUBLICATION. I'NITKIi STATICS LAND OFKlelC. I lluroi, uragon. JiiiipJu. iwn Nutlr it hereby glveu thai Villa A. Dseae.et Hurlli, OrrgoB, wlm. OB Anguat 17, lta7 made ii I ml Rnlry No lows Herlal l !, lor ', Hflcilini Mi, Towniblp M H. Haute Hi Kail, w (Hainan Meridian, North of Mallo-iir lake. dai in, 1. 1 uotlrr or (ntmitlnii to malt ('(ml it -mi I,, ntablliti claim to tbe land abova do rrleml. belur Ilia Keelatar and Kwelvar at liuriia. dragon, on Ilia 7th day ol Jim, lull, laltnant iiiiiihi wltiiei I .ju.i.l II M...... .. Ma. ,. DM.nn W.. On J. Baker, l.ee Wllauii, Kraal Uavey, all of Ilium, oragnu WN. Fa (, l(glitr Wi) llurni 17 Met No 07MJU NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION HhitiwKtatm Iahii orrn a, Hutna. (omul,, Mai (, i vi a t Noiha li hereby (Iran that Ilia Northern I'm. -i II, Hallway i niniiaiiy, whoea (Kiel orrli'a adiliraa la Nt Paul, Miauaeota, hie thli 1Mb day ol May iwu, Die lit tlila oftU'e It ap I'Miaiimi toealei'i under ilia provincial of the H.i ul t nngri'ii, iirnvd July I. I'M (Miriiai . .VI,. I..-U, i-K'.MC'.Hit. & T n H K SO Kail. V. M, aerial Nu imr n mid all pereoni claiming advert, -ly ulr iioi'l- ilrarrllMril uff oeelrng to object brceuea of tha mineral character of tho laud, or for any Hot ri'Maou to tha a III,! luaiipMrlul.il in. thulr arndavlte of urolaat Ih tola urn, or before the jetli day bf July. Iv Wa. FaaBK. Heglnrr ihiuitd Catholic Church. The county clerk issued a mar riage license on the first to Judd Wise and Miss Julia McKenzie. These young people are residents of the Naroows section, Miss McKenzie being the daughter of A. McKenzie one of the pioneers of this county. She is a very attractive young lady and has many friends who join The Times-Herald in extending best-wishes. - One man predicts that grain is going to be worth 2 cents a :ound at threshing time this season. Is that what the outside farmer is going to get? Note the papers. The farmer of this section may have some things to contend with that the fellow hasn't who is close to market, but he certainly has an advantage in prices over tne man who has to compete with the world market. Additional Locals. The alfalfa crop is being har vested. We're all going to be farmers tomorrow and go out to the Ex periment Station if it doesn't rain. A short auto trip out into the country in this vicinity shows crops looking well but with few exceptions. County court convened Wed nesday and has been occupied since with principally road mat ters. A liquor license was grant ed Sid Comegys at Diamond. The entire board is present, Judge Thompson having just ar rived home from the railroad in time to come in for court duty. A marriage license was issued the 2nd to Nollie Reed and Miss Louel Smith, both of this city. These young people will be mar ried Monday evening at the home of the bride's parents. Invita tions were issued some time ago. These young people have resided in Burns practically all their lives and are very popular. The bride is an accomplished musician who has delighted her friends on many occasions by her sweet Hinging. After u brief honey moon the newly-weds will be at Iee Thornburg and wife and little daughter came down from their mountain home Sunday for medical treatment for Lee who was suffering from a very ag gravating carbuncle that had formed near his temple. It had refused to come to a "head" on the outside but insisted on going in and for a time his condition I caused alarm. He is much im proved, however, and out of danger. The Registered Clyde gtaliion, George Chamberlain, is making the stand this season at the Star barn in Burns. He is a well known horse, having been on the livens ranch for several years. He is a native son, weighs 1900, and a good breeder. Terms $12.50 for season; $15 return privilege, $20 to insure. - Chas. Wilson. 27 Tonawumu tonight Rose show at Tonawama. R. II. Brown was registered at the French yesterday. Well its hot enough at last for most any hotly. Features and comedy pictures at Tonawama tomorrow night. G, W. Johnson was in from his Silver creek homestead during the weak. home to their friends in Burns. J fine time. A Washington dispatch says Secretary of Agricultural Hous ton informs Senator Chamberlain it is impracticable to make the open season in Harney county for migratory birds open Septem ber 1 instead of October 1. The rule was fixed on the advice of the fish and game commission. Nothing can be done this year for a single county, but a differ ent date might be fixed for the whole state if the fish and game commission recommends Miss Louel Smith was the guest of honor at two social fun tions this week, the first on Mon day evening when the Eastern Star had an informal meeting and passed a pleasant social evening with refreshments. The Star presented her with a handsome library table as a token of esteem in honor of her approaching marriage. On Thursday after noon Mrs. J. L. Gault gave a tea in her honor, the guests being members of the Treble Clef Club a musical organization of which Miss Smith is a member. Both were very pleasant entertain ments and those present report a Finest alfalfa, timothy and red top hay baled may he had at the (lOodman feed barn is south Burns W. ('. T. II meets at the Bap tist church Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock every body invived. Clarence Young will order ex tras for Champion mowers, but requires charges paid in advance. P. S. Weittenhiller left yester day morninjr for Pendleton on business. He goes in his auto. Have your clothes cleaned, pressed and repaired we will call for and deliver same. Phone 381. Ceo. Young is home from a trip Boise where he attended the meeiiiiK oi me siocK men as a delegate from the local organization. Fred Welch and J. E. Jenkins of Fossil are here looking for a large flock of sheep which they wish to purchase and trail out to the markets. 1. On Sundays and Holy days of obligation Holy Muss with sermon at 10 a. m. 2. On week days Holy Mass at 6:30 a. in. All other services, besides those mentioned above will be announced in church. All invited and welcome to the divine services. Sick-calls promptly answered at anytime. Religious informa tion and instructions willingly imparted at the Franciscan Residence. Rev. Pius Niermann. 0. F. M. Pastor of The Church of the Holy Family. Nettle to Contractor Si Huildrr. CoiiiMimtiou lira, Injuty, ui't'iilmit ami iit-utli benefit protection at mini iniim coat. l.'.Onj.lKI iloalli lienellt . l ,000.00 lor loasol lltab or eyeelglil, liiom ;, Oil to f 16.00 weekly au-k or ac I'iilnut U'iii-lli; fl.OOO.OO hmergeiiry re I iol benefl t. Coat la efl.OO par year: no oilier duee or aaeeeamenla. In tlila iiiHiiriiirc all torn ami women are plat-mi on an eaiiial basis, rtvartlea ol occupa. lion Kvery Barton lisl-g Hie eaine form of application, pay tlm aaine amountof premium and rceelvea t li. a mm iimoiinl ol lieiicfll. Mao ami " omen between the age o In anil 1)6 lire atvoiitix!. No restrictions aa lo op i iiialion, only Uailroatl men employed employed on (rack, train nr ruouod liouaa, ran not be accepted, t'laimi are paid within alily daya anywhere n tho I'. H, Canada or Koroue. old reliable liiaiimuc Company. flOO.OOO.OO on State tie pt rait aa protection lor I'ollcy holder and to (Oarantee Ilia payment Of claiuia. For further free information addree Ouctttee li. Werner, Secretary iiml i,ei ipral HiniiKi.r II., 81.1, liiiflalo, N. V. elate ag. ee. occupation and mention llept. II 1 , .'. SPECIAL INVITATION Spring Opening We extend to all a special re quest to call and examine our NEW SPRING LINE OF GOODS Dress goods, waists, dresses, skirts new summer underwear in silk, lisle, cambric in all styles, hosiery, gloves, neckwear, new ribbons, laces, embroideries, full line trim ming, silks and buttons BROWNS SATISFACTORY STOW Quality Goods Only r iL Xtf R.J Bids are hereby called for. for the erection and equipment of a school-house at Kfjli, Oregon. Plans and specifications may he seen at T. S. Hames, Kjrli. Ore. Bids to be accompanied with a certified check or cash amountinu; to 10 percent of bid. Bldl will close July 13th at 12 M. and be opened July 15th.: F. G. Henson, T. X. Humes, Clerk. Chairman. AUTOMOBILE TIRES AT FACTORY PRICES ATI KBOM 30 loM I'KK CKNT Tuba M.tift I.M :'eu .w, sou a.an 3.A0 300 s.vo 4.H6 I OO 0 10 fi.'.KJ .Von Skid tiren I ', per cant additional, red luliea ten irar cent abort Ibe gray. All new, rlean, freah caarenteed Urea. Heat tandanl and Indapendanl maltea. Buy lnvct Irom in end aave mdSiey. 6 par diacount II payment In full accouipauiaa each order. C. O. D. on 10 per cant da- poalt. Allowing examination TIRE KAlTOiUKS SALES CO. "-i" A Dayton. Ohio lire :'Mi3 I 7.IW 30i3 70 :u)i;i iono StsSH I''-' :t4't'j IMO 32l 13.70 BaM 14. Ml :i It I 16 80 MSa 17.S6 3fii', IU.76 :itis4v m. to :i7lt! 21.60 37i6 at no I other alaaa in etock THE STAR Feed Barn H. Ki.i.iorr, I'rop. Hones Hoarded by the Day, Week or Month CAREFUL ATTENDANTS Good Feed end Keasonsble price Horace 23c par Head In Harn Baled Hay and Grain for Sale Comfortable Camp House With Cook Stove PATHQNAGE SOLICITED Accural Hay Bad Stock Hcalea Price for weighing 20c. Rotfth Main St.. Hum. nmnmtmtTrmtnmtttnniiiiiiniiunnw s GET READY FOR THE I By coming in and looking over my full line of mtnrmmnniiiiiiiiiiiiiuuutuuMttmu i The Oregon Hotel OLLIE DAKStV, Pre-, Comforts of Home Personal Attention Home Cooking Clean Rooms and Beds Best Trill! Service Ctsrieeu Trtatnit miiiiiiiiiiumiiiiiiimniuutiuunwm LADIES, CENTS AND CHILDRENS SHOE I sIbo hsve s new line of Percales, Flaxons, GinghaniN, Voiles, eft Latest In Neckwear, Barrette, Side u, ' Back Combs for Ladles. Just arrived, ta Latest In Ties, Collars, Suits, Caps, Hal. Underwear and Shirts for Men. SPECIAL CASH PRICES- On quantity orders for GROCERIES For Haying A. K. Richardson General Merchandise """ BUTTER WRAPPERS Printed in accordance with hgal requirements on short notice at THE TIMES-HERALD Job Rooms JB.JLL Notice to Creditor!. Wot gag is hculiv Kivcn that the under niK'icil BM batfl duly appointed admin iitnilor ul the Batata, nf Jennie L. Hun art, deiriiacil, l,y thr County Court of the Stiiti- ul Orcxmi, lor Harney County. All ,i. i ,,ii Iiiiviiik claim, UKuin.t aaifl ciilalc ii-c In I, l,t notified to preeent t hi'in, iluly v.i ill, il in liy law required, lo it. . cuvtflgtr, iiiluunigtrator, at Ilia phut' nl l.u-i in s. in Iliiina, Oicx'hi, or at l In- ollui- of J 8. Conk hia attor ney, in Hiii in, Drexon, within ail umiitljN In, in ihc ilntr ul llm notice. I'iiIiiI 1 li t aa ,'lrii duy ol July, 11(14. (i. W. Ci.BvgNOKM, udminintrator. J. S Cook, attorney '?.'"'" BaHaBaaaaaaaaaV A MBal BaaaaaTI WW BBaaaa Tortoia Shell Auto Glaaaea AT SALISBURY'S Notice to Creditor In the Ciuiiily Cniirt of the Stat ofOra- Kon, loi Iluincy County. In the mutter ol the eatute ol I'. C. Croxlon, ilt-ci'iiaril. Notice ia licreliy xiven that tha under aigued has lieen duly appointed admin iitrainx ol tBt nliove entitled eatatc by the Jlmi.,i.il,i ) .j jtr.it Tliiuiipaou, Judije of i In- nhi.yii entitled courl. All BjBISSSI ha viug t lujiua agajngt aaid call. It' inn Inn I, y uotifed topreatut aaid eluiinn duly vriiliud a by law required Britain all atoatat fcoat the date of the drat pulilit-iiiion ol thia notice. Dated nt Hiii in, OfBfOSi thia 3rd day of July, I'll I The Ilia) piililiiiiiion ol thia notice ig July llh, 1IMI (Wfad) Mamv Choiton, Aijuiiniitiatni of the catata of P. 0. Croatoa, tleceuard, NOTICK FOR I'll III. ICATION Umitbi, Hria I n,, ii i Burui, orugiin, inn,, i, ,,n Nolle la hvrvliy given that William J Me Kluiilaof Hum, oregnii, wlm, mi July i r, maila lluttiiileail Knlry. Nu hiii.,, I, k'i. anil Lot 0 .ml 7, Haetluu a, Towualiln "4 ri Kaug U K, Vllll.iii.il,- alarlillan. I, a. m,,j u,i..r i in, in ion in male riml ik, t-mi i ,,,, ,u eaiauiiiit I lallu to (lii laixl .liiivt, ,, aerlliril, li.lin. thr Ktiglitir ami Ht'ealver i Burn. Ortgiiu.on lb folliilat ul Jul) nu rl.lmaut li.tiii-i hi wltlleuea; H?C!TV H"ek, Karl Wall., I, All, H,- alia MoKluiila, all ni llurni. Oraaan WH Kakk. Ki-iililir. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION, llNITKIi HrATKn 1 .1X1, III I I, i , Burui, iiii-guii, Ma j,i, nil I w, naiinr, ur.gllli Willi, mm oac7 Town llual llva yar I'riwil, In rali,li.l, ,1.1,,, i, ...... ........ ,.SB. i.mf,,, ,., i,,,. iii-KI.I, I in,,) (,. oelrer, at lliirim, oragun, uu ih, nu, ,iy , July, lult ' t'lalaiaut aaiu.i aa wltueiaai: Frank Bluala, I) I lliiiitlrrniii, A . II II,,,, aaaa ' a o.iiuwii, an hi vravuri) , Oregon. ' Wa. IAhii ll.-KlMi-r The Burns Flour Milling Co. Manufacturers of home product HIGH fiRADE FLOUR "CREMO" THE FAMOUS BREAKFAST FOOD The Cream of the Wheat, Fresh and Palatable Bran and Other Rolled Mill Feeds You Patronize Home when you desl here Fair Feed Yard GRAIN OF ALL KINDS Timothy, Alfalfa and Red Top Hay Baled Hay For Sale Free Camp House and Feedinu Privileges in Corral or Harn. Customers Care For Own Stock. W. A. (.OODMAN. Ariiin;n,r !...;-, . , j n i .tit vtiotlllUS. "niter II lierahy gl veil thai rbarlaa K. A riiulil, ya'frly, Oraeini wlm, .,u in mi,,,, n. iuU7 aa Hutu.iiiaJ Kairg u kim H,iia n' JH7. lor BMWSi No. IT N'.NW',, HeeUi'll W owaiblp i7rJ ltange ilU K.. Mlllauielli, Mor' i A "' Banea nl iDlantlou in make NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION IINI'IKI) BTATKM I. A Ml OKI li I lllliui, liniguii, Julia 1 ,, l.ill Nolle. I brby given thai (Hi,, it. Oral, el Harney, llr.aou, who. on Kahrliarv l.t ioih uiada lliiuirileail Kiitr), Moil. I Nu u,,lMw ; NH ol Hi,, Haetluu -JO, luwii.lin, .' :, Houlb HaiigaH'J , Wlllaiuetle Mernllm, Inn lll,-, nutlr. ol lut.ulluu In iii.ki' l uiiimutalloii pru.il, to.alabllah elalin loth Imnl aliuve 4 orllrad, before Bagliler ami HeeelVei, ul liuiiii Uraaou, on Ih. jutb ,a, of July, lui i t'laimaui uauiaaai wltu.iiei Haiiry AuiUruu. ol Hum.. i(r,,g looma aim"' KayTravli, all ul llarua", Wg. AI, llil. I, 'i Seashore Vacations CLATSOP BEACH BEST for FUN and REST Tha tang of ult al, and .xhil.r.tin, braaaaa, tha aurf and warm gall water bathing, will flea a aaw Beat to Ufa. Hotel, Cottage and Camp Accommodations. Warm Sea Water NaUtorium at Seaside and Gear hart. A DELIGHTFUL TIUP ALONG THE BEAUTIFUL COLUMBIA BIVER BY LIMITED TRAINS CARRYING OBSERVATION PARLOR CARS AND COMFORTABLE COACHES SEASHORE SPECIAL EVERY MORNfNG AND SATURDAY SPECIAl 2 P. M. FROM PORTLAND TO CLATSOP BEACH RESORTS III SlS.SS maMI Trip Ticket Fron Beat. Limit Oat. SI TlCaUETS BOLD DAILY Military SUgjUaua It and Practice, rort . eacJaMltll. Astoria Re gjana art. Jalj-4. storiaoat Macaa Tickets snd details furnished by agents J New Spring Goods Hsve srrived snd we sre now ready to supply you with your requirements Dress Goods. Wash Goods Ices, Ribbons. Hosiery, Gloves, Embroideries, etc. FURNISHINGS, SHOES CALL OR SEND YOUR ORDERS The Burns Department Store QregonTrunk Ry Ji H. CENTRAL OREGON LINE CORBETT, Agent, Bend, Oregon JOB WORK We do it right