"'-' 1 ' imt& r I r ! I CITY OF BURNS mt COUNTY OF HARNEY The Biggetl City In The Biggest The Biggest County In The State County In The State Of Oregon I T G? Of Oregon, Beat In The West I VOL. XXVII BURNS, HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON, JULY 4, 1914 NO. 34 -it iMpxir I n Jwfy'Jw WW'VJ LROAD EXTEND TO HARNEY tumor That Contract is Let for Forty- five Miles West From Riverside. This Would Complete Road to Dog Mountain and Give Impetus to The Development of Big Country The Times-Herald has late ad vices to the effect that the con tract has been let for another 45 miles of railroad west from Riverside and that it is to be built at once. This would bring the road into this Valley, in fact it would likely bring it to Dor Mountain, the original objective j point. This is the persistent rumor at ! Juntura and along the line of road from Vale in. Should this be done it would transform this hie i-iinnf rv in the immediate fu ture and brinar in a larsre number I of paople who would at once be-1 gin active development of the lwuuirops It is logical to expect this as there is certainly nothing in bringing the road into the canyon I and stopping at Riverside. It would be of little or no benefit to the people of this big agricultural ootinn na if is not nrotitable to raise produce and haul that dis- tance even if the roads were ol the best. The Times-Herald un- ot some ol our oest larm lanos. derstands the road to Riverside is an impossible one so far as Market Report. hauling loads is concerned, there fore the road could not expect ! Receipts for last week at the anything of tonnage from the Portland Union Stock Yards have big Harney country, nor can the been cattle. 1663; calves, 169; country be expected to develop' sheep,, 6640; hogs. 8771. 'as a tonnage producing section i Cattle liquidation large this Until the railroad is within reach ( week, Monday having about 1200 q the farmer. 'bead. Prices held firm for the fjiis news isn't verified by any first half, but eased off toward one jn authority but men of the close, especially on medium standing are responsible for the Rrade stuff which comprised the report. Should ll oe a iuci nar- ney county will take on new life and much activity may be ex pected in the immediate future. P. L. S. Starts Injunction Suit on Adjudication. suit instituted, in the Ignited Sjtates District Court by the Pa cific Live Stock Co., naming the State Water Board, C. B. McCon nell, K. and U Cole, Harney Val Uv Improvement Co., Silvies Riyer Irrigation Co., William Hanley Co., R. R. Sitz, Fred FRIEND OF THE PRODUCER Burns Meat Market and Packing Plant BACON, HAMS and LARD Fresh Meats. Poultry Borne Products for Home Consumer SPCIAL INDUCEMENTS OFFERED TQ SREEP MEN AND WW QBDEB8 For Use spiw It Is prepared to meet tie demand of Dainty Women for a preparation that will overcome all odora of peraplratlon. It Is the last touch In a finished toilette. REXALL DRUG STORE REED RROS. Props. The Burns MRS. ETTA CUMMINS, Prop. Beat Surgical Room and Equipment H (he flfnte ntlde of Portland, Nice Rooms, Good Care and Com fort for Patients-Reasonable Terms Graduated Nurse in Charge VALLEY NOW Otley and M. B. Hayes as defen dants, will likely result in a fur ther delay of the adjudication of the rights of the water of bilvies River. The matter comes up in Portland on August 3 for consid eration and the injunction is sought on the ground that unless it is granted the complianant will suffer irreparable injury. The writer has not seen a copy of the complaint but understands the complainant will attack the constitutionality of the law and try to show the Board has no right to adjudicate the water rights o f streams. In view of former suits of a similar nature it would seem the Board has such riKht and while it will delay the matter the rights will yet be determined and the people finally know iust what they are entitled to. It surely is to be regretted that this is to be delayed as the endless litigation and uncertainty has caused much expense in the past and has prevented development m0t (,t the weeK S receipts. Best light fed steers 17.60 to $7.66. grass $7.25 to $7.40; cows $6.50 to $6.65 with few choice tops at $7.00; bulls $4.00 to $5.00. Swine run not of large volume for the last week in June, Mar ket holding steady at 8c. at the week's close. Outlook good and uymg demand above the aver age Sheep house continues to hold strong. Receipts of sheep and lambs good, and prices steady with last week. Top yearlings selling around $5.00, two year ,.i,)u a 7fi ewes 4.25. lambs $;.)0 Uiun V "-" "" ' . T . .. Mutton trade in excellent shape. Dainty Body Purity Rexall Nice Hospital Dog Mountain Sunday School Picnic and Dinner (Communicated) The Sunday School patron of Dog Mountain will give a picnic dinner at the oil well on Sunday, July 12, dinner at 60 centa per plate. This is to be a gathering of joy all Harney County. Every-body wants to see the big drill, every one wants to see and talk over the prospect of the grandest un dertaking old Harney has ever seen. The best speakers and the best singers and the beat looks, of the county will be present We especially invite Messrs F. Davey, J. Byrd, H. Levens, Cap. Gowan. Wm. Hanley and C. A. Haines to address the crowd. And Band Boys, won't you come and make the grand old mountain resound with sweet strains "Yankee Doodle!" And the candidate for office that don't show his sneaking face don't get my come on. This in a way will be a grand old reunion, bigger than a dance, bigger than the Fourth, bigger than Christmas, in fact bigger than anything but the grand old valley itself and its glorious pros pects. We want every old pio neer and Indian fighter to be pre sent and behold this country aa it is today and tell us of it as it was years ago. Grease up your hack, crank up your automobile, put on your glad rags and come along. Pat Finds Big Harney Country is Prosperous The Juntura Times says: The writer has just returned from a trip of some six hundred miles through the southern end of this and Harney county, and wish to say that we found conditions in every part of the country we vis- ted in a most flourishing condi tion. Sheep men are feeling good about the prices they ob tained for their wool, and join with the cattle and horse men in saying that this is the best grass year they have ever seen since coming to the country. The trip was made by automobile, leaving Ontario on June 5th, in company with J. W. McCulloch, who acted as chauffeur of u own car, go ing out through Skull Springs, Barron Valley, Cord and Alber- son. thence south to the Nevada line and back via Catlow Valley, the P Ranch and Burns. On every hand one can see evidence of improvement and an increased area of cultivated lands. Catlow Valley is settling up with a pro gressive class of people who are making good in raising crops un dry land,, f he lower end of the famous P Ranch will soon be un der a complete system of Irriga tion aa Mr. Hanley is having canals and ditches built that will carry water out of his forty mile drainage ditch and deposit it on lands that are now covered wtyh sage brush. Several large wp- structjon pamps aye now Ufl the ground and rapid progress ia be ing made. This perhaps the cream of the entire Eastern Ore gon country, ana ww ne me granary and meat producing sec tion of the state. Uota of new land is being put under cultlva tion in Harney Valley, and crops are looking fine. Surprising Cur of Stomach TrOttfe1, When you have trouble with your stomach or chronic consti pation, don't imagine that your case in beyond help Just because your doctor fails to give you re. lief. Mrs. G. Stengle, Plalnfleld, N. J-, writes, "For over a month past I have been troubled with my stomach. Everything I ate upset it terribly. One of Cham-, berlain's advertising bopkjeta dame to mu, Afr wftdiag a few of the letter from people Who had been cured by Chamber. Iain's Tablets, 1 deoided to try them. I have taken nearly three fourths of a package of them and can now eat almost every thing that I want" Fur sa.le by all dealers, The Clay Clemens wwrnill it now at its new location and is prepared to fill any order with rough or dressed lumber, also fir lumber; buck teeth and any special order given prompt at tention. 82. STATE AND FEDERAL IN VESTIGATION OF RABBIT State Fish and Game Commission Will Have Aid From the Government in Work of Ridding Country of Pests. Rabbits, Gophers That are Menace To Farmer to E. W. Nelson, of the United States biological survey, notified William I.. Finley, of the state fish and game commission, yes terday that the $6000 item rec ommended by Senator Chamber lain was still included in the agri cultural appropriations bill when it came out from the conference committee, says the Journal. This $6000 will be used in co operative work by the state game department and the biological survey and will incidentally put Oregon on record as being the only state, with the exception of North Dakota, that has given the federal government material assistance and entered into cooperative work of this kind. It. was largely through the efforts of Mr. Finley that the appropriation was made. Among the problems waiting to be solved and on which inteli gent action can now be taken, Mr, Finley states, are several of first importance to the homestead er. There is the extermination of jackrabbits in the eastern counties, the determination of the species of gopher that is a menace to the farmer's fields. In the past year Tillamook county hus paid out in bounties $4000 for gophers. An examination of the crops of pheasants killed in the grain lit Ids has shown their food to consist principally of insects and in only one instance was any grain found and that proved to be barley from the previous year's crop. So it may be that the pheasant is be ing wrongly accused and that his work is beneficial, not destructive There is also the census of bird life to be taken and by which it ia determined to what extent game and song birds increase under federal protection as given by the migrajory bird law re cently put into effect By mak ing close observations on specifi ed areas for a number of years it is believed that a close census can be secured. It is found that the best time to make a count on any area is shortly before and after sunrise, in the mating sea son, as at that time all the male birds are in full song and can be easily located. At the present there is a party of federal and state scientists camped on the McKenzie river engaged in ru,akjng a thorough ll survey pi fa una,! lifw of the Wil- lu,..tw, ualUu roirinn I .ni.r similar surveys will be made on the ooast and in other parts of the state, the work finally result ing in a complete hiologleal sur vey of Oregon. UTIST KVEIOPMEKT LEAGUE NOTES ' (Prom Om Portland Oorrcapondcnt The fostering iu agricultural deVchiumeut was indorsed as the most important work of Oregon communities at the annual con vention of the State Bankers Association, at Medford, and at that of the Retail Merchants' Association at IaGrande. Rcso lutioiis were adopted by both or ganlsatlons urging bankers and business men 10 pom MW efforts to rmg experienced far - mers into the state, help them to locate on lands at reasonable pnees and assist the farmers now new jo an IWiaw M' psntf. .w umtou '' - per, ounuing anu rauroau con struction is more than counter- j oaianceu in wregon ,n ui? wm - ion of the bankers and merchants, by success m agricultural lines. Good crop prospects were report- eo rrom every couniy in me state. Cove, In Union County, will hold a cherry fair on July 10. A Norwegian family, the Stack lands, has led in building up a great cherry industry at an alti ude of 3,000 feet in the foothilt be Exterminated of the Blue Mountains. At this high altitude cherries, while not so large or lucious as some raised on lower levels, have remarkable keeping qualities and the output will be disposed on in carloads in the Eastern markets. O. M. Plummer. general man ager of the Pacific International Livestock Exposition, announces that the National Duroc-Jersey Record Association, of Peoria, 111., has appropriated 126 for the livestock show to be held in Port land this fall, thus placing this event in the ranks with the other large stock shows of the United States, a recognition which has not heretofore been made. That the population of Oregon is increasing very rapidly is indi cated by the fact that an unusual number of commodities have found it necessary to erect new school buildings to relieve con gestion. New schools arc being built at Amity, Molalla, Newport, Astoria and Vida, and in addition, several large school buildings will be erected in Portland before the end of the year. Within the last week " carloads of Oregon woul were shipped from Madras to Boston. The shipment aggregated 290,000 pounds and was sold at prices somewhat in advance of those of last year. Farmers Should Know Their Insect Enemies Oregon farmers must learn to know their insect enemies before they can combat them so success fully as to stop the enormous leak due to their ravages. The infor mation and material that will en able them to identify the most common and destructive pests are easily within their reach and may be had by Bimply writing for a copy of the Biennial Crop Pest Keport. issued by the Ore gon Station. A condensed edi tion of this report has also been issued by the Extension division of the Agricultural College and may be obtained by writing for "Insect Pests of Truck and Gar den Crops," to Extension Divis ion. O. A. C, Corvallis. "In my work as school agricul turist." says a member of the N tension, "I was able by means of the Biennial Report to Identify und control every insect and dis ease pesunaiauacKcu ourscnooi gardens and the home gardens. Descriptions are plainly written and the various stages of the insects accurately shown by pho tographs. Many of these views are printed in the natural colors of the pests, and by reading the descriptions and studying the pictures any farmer in Oregon can soon learn just what pest is attacking his crops. ' 'Both disease and insect reme dies are given in connection with the story of the pests, so that control becomes merely a uiaUi-v f making appiicatioft cording to directions. found it beat to take up the study of one pest at J a me wew nard ureB8ea I fly devoting a few minutes each 1 aayfor few daya reading , about t and comparlng it with the nitrations, i neVer failed to ,earn 1(J ldentity and iife hia. tory. Control measures folowed. 1 au a matter of course "Identlfleatlon of one or more I peals is an exceueni exercise lor , wnt.twhOT meetings, school raUiea Rnd aimihr KatherinK8 in which Hv teacneni meet tWj Bohuol patron,. Christian Science services Sun days Ham., Wednesdays at 8 p m. Reading room open from 2 to 5 Wednesday and Saturday afternoons. First door east of stairway, Hissner Bldg. Cordial invitation extended to all. Dunkard Colony to Locate Homes in Central Oregon The names of more than 800 families who are interested in Central Oregon and may come there to locate were secured last week at Seattle during the na tional convention of the Dunkard Church by I. W. Gray, agent for the Oregon and Western Coloniza tion company, says a Portland paper. Mr. Gray returned from Seat tle yesterday, and in Portland on his way home to Redmond he reported that he had achieved great success in his campaign to interest the thrifty and prosper ous Dunkards, whose religion does not permit them to take up the bankruptcy law. Most of the delegates to the convention were middle aged or elderly people and Mr. Gray says that it would be a hard thing to induce them to leave their pros perous eastern homes, but he found them anxious to make pro vision for the rising generation. Many of these people expressed to Mr. Gray their desire to send the young people to the great western country. To the 800 whose names and addresses were secured, and who are located in nearly every state of the union with the middle western states predominating, literature descriptive of the Cen tral Oregon country, and particu larly of the military road grant lands that form a narrow belt across the entire state in an east erly and westerly direction, will be sent at once. Stock Men Meet at Boise and Talk Shop The executive officers of the Oregon Cattle & Horse Raisers Association met in Boise last week and explained to the rais ers of Idaho the objects of the organization and as a result it is likely the scope of its activities will be enlarged. The Capital says of the meeting in part: For the benefit of Idaho cattle and horse raisers present, Mr. Correal, tbe secretary, told of the work being done by Gerry Snow, brand inspector of the associa tion, and located at the Portland stock yards, whose duty it is to inspect the brands of all cattle and horses arriving and if the shippers cannot show bills of sale or that they are in legiti mate possession of the animals, possession is taken by the inspec tor, the animal is sold on the market and the money goes to the executive board of the asso ciation and the ownership of the animal established and the money turned over to the owner. It was reported that the brand in spector had saved the association members a goodly sum of money since taking the position. The next annual session of the association is to be held at Prine ville at which time a new name for the association is to be chos en. I'auin of Stomach Trouble. Sedentary habits, lack of out door exercise, insufficient masti cation of food constipation, a tor pid liver, worry and anxiety. overeating, partaking of food and drink not suited to your age and occupation. Correct your habits and take Chamberlain's Tablets and you will soon be well again. For sale by all Iteajers. Special Hosiery Offer Uuamntred Ww Kin lln-n r For Man and Women Lrdlct' Special Offer I oi Limited TtaM Only Six pair ol our llni'vl :i. value IiuIivh' guaranteed liove in Mark, tan v.r wkiite oolora with written guimnHn, K.rSI ml and 10c (or oohn, elv- si'txtii OKr'KK r"K MKN I oi a limit'"! Hum only, all uatn of our Uiuwt Sftc value (Guaranteed lloaeany ruloi with written guarantee and a ir of our well known Men' I'aradiae (Gar ter for one dollar, aud 10c veuU for poatage, etc. Yon know tlieac lione ; tlmy ntoodtlm teal when all otliera failed, limy give real foot comfui t. They have no aaiua to iip They nuver Ihtouio looae and baggy in the ahape la knit In, not puna od lu. They are Guaranteed, lor tlne neaa, for atyle. for lupuriorUy of mater ial aud wurkiu.auahli, ahaolutaly itain-Ii-hm a.nd to wear aU month without I.oIm or a now pair free. Don't delay end in your order before offer expire. (Jive rorrect aite. KVKKWKAK HOSIERY COMPANY Dayton, Ohio PROGRAM AT EXPERI MENT FARM SUNDAY Visitors' Day at Demonstration Station. Prof. Scudder and Possibly French of O. A. C. to Make Addresses and Inspection of Crops. Large Crowd Should Greet The Agriculturists There is a disposition upon the part of the citizens of this city not to allow anything to conflict with the big Visitor's Day pro gram to be held at the Experi ment Station tomorrow after noon, therefore there will be no baseball game as had been con templated by the boys. It is a matter of regret that Prof. Het- zcl, director of the extension work, cannot be present as it had been arranged. Prof. Hetzel writes that he is threatened with a nervous breakdown and his physician will not permit his tak ing any active work at this par ticular time. He was to have delivered the oration in Burns today but had to cancel this also. Prof. Scudder of the O. A. C. will be present and will address j the people as will also others. It ' is to be a gathering to listen and ' observe, a trip over the farm is a part of the program and The Times-Herald feels confident that nope will regret the trip who go and see what has been done on the demonstration farm. It will be a matter of education not only to the farmer but everv individ ual there, as we are all interest ed in agriculture. In view of the weather condi tions that have prevailed during the growing season this vear the crops on the Station farm will be a revelation to manv who have not been out. The work accom plished by this station has done much for the advancement of agriculture in Harney county and it is yet in its infancy so far as the real benefits are concerned. That it means the success of pro fitable farming in this big coun try all admit. The fanner no longer needs to be in doubt as to his future in the line of agricul ture as this experiment station is where things are tried out and the man who follows the advice and watches the success or fail ure of the various crops there is THE FRENCH HOTEL DAVID NEWMAN, Prop. Strictly First Service, Fine Commercial Sample Room li Connection, Reasonable Rates BLUE MT. Daily line, Burns 8CHEDULE: LEAVE ARRIVE llurna bam Canyon City 6:30 p m Canyon City. 7am Prairie City 10 a m I'rairie City 2:30 p in Canyon City 7 pm Burn 12 noon Fare, Burns-Prairie City, - - $ 6.00 Round Trip, . - - 11.00 Express Rates 2 1-2 Cents, Prairie to Burns PLEASANT, SCENIC ROUTE ALL THE WA Y L. WOLDENBERC.IProp. llll THE WELCOME PHARMACY la The Place to Trade! -WHY- First: Promptness, accuracy and fau dealing. Secend: We carry a well assorted stock of Drugs, Chemi cals and Druggist Sundries. . Third: We guarantee every article we sell to be just as represented or your money refunded. If you are a customer of ours you know this. If not, be come one and be convinced. J. C. Welcome. Jr. going to make a success on his own land. This meeting is preliminary, or rather just an extra, and has been arranged merely to help the farmer who can come and see and listen. Prof. Scudder is to be here on other business in connection with the work and it is also possible H. T. French, leader of the field work of the Extension service will also be present. This is not the "Round up" suggested heretofore but is a meeting that will bring results and help to stimulate interest in the big all day meeting that is planned for the latter part of this month or the first of next. The Times-Herald hopes to see not only every farmer who can possibly come there tomorrow, but also hopes to see every auto mobile in Burns out there with a load of town people who should see what is being done. Every one is sure of a welcome and they will be given an opportunity to go over the farm. A Good Investment. W. D. Magli. a well known merchant of Whitemound, Wis., bought a stock of Chamberlain's medicine so as to be able to sup ply them to his customers. After receiving them he was himself taken sick and says that one small bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy was worth more to him than the cost of his entire stock of these medicines. For sale by all dealers. E. H. Brent, the John Day piano man, who came over Mon day, bringing Dr. Carl over, re ports that the races at John Day were going fine. Dr. Geo. G. Carl is prepared for special attention to all dis eases of eye, ear and nose. Eyes, tested and glasses fatted. 50tf . Class. Splendid Accomodations. Headquarters STAGE CO. and Prairie City