jJ,atfiffBal I B " r r, Hi.ti Rarn af Barrow. Th.ro la nn nation nnttiriillv nnislrat. according to Hrnrl Blilou, critic mid historian. If nation I musical, lie says. It 1 beeatiae It haa pn.aso.1 through Bach tribulation tliat It hrti been driven to express lit aorrow ami anxiety In lt ai ami compositions. Bach, be declares, Is the culminating zprcaalon of raffsroga imluccil la Garmany by the i'lilrl.v Yours' war, fty years before Harh's tlnu-. l'eople sing "like cowards." he CBB ttnass to keep op tbelr spirits In bad jjnometits, and he Bad! tint, th- real ooantrles of iuuhIc me neniiy an irwa tier provinces exposed to external vii ih altudes. England he lliul exempt to a largo axtent from the occaaloiia In which poeta "loam in suffering what they teach In aong" bOCBtJaa It hi pro tected from Invasion by the girdle of the Bess. Mualc, then, he argues, la not n art of peace; It originates In Htrtfe and anxiety, not In tranquillity and COB cord. The ovorproaporous countries, h dlacovers. "not only have no history; they have no music."- Chicago Inter Ocean. I By tha Author. Rablndrauath Tagore.the Indian post who gained the W.OUO Nobel prlr.e for literature, is n well known llgiiro In London society, and to a London cor rcapondent he said reoeatly: "In India the little children bsbbls worse at the age of five or six. Wb are not like you. With you. If a full grown man or woman suddenly man age to write tt few rluies the thing Is deemed almost a miracle. "I eat In a magasine office the other morning while the editor opened his mall. He tossed a letter to me "That'a the aort of thing I'm con tinually receiving." he said. "Tho letter ran; 1 "Dear Editor The poem lnclo-il t orig inal In me. and I had no help in thlnklns out wait. It Is a true poem. I wrote it tnraeir. and thara la moro where It cams from If I had any Inducement to think sauna out. You may say 'Original' at the top of earns, for every won! U by "THE Al'TlIi-It " Whan Soldiers Wars Flogged. It wnnld linvi. tieciloi U TOW alluring form of ndvcrtlsenient Indeed to at tract men to the Bagttaa army a turn dred years ago. Writing of that period a writer says: "Klogiting was almost universal The mnxlmum number of lashes were gradually reduced from 1,800 to 300. but the notion that ills clpllne could not bo maintained with out summary punishment continued to ha. liial still Welllnutou himself dealt with flagrant cases by hanclug the culprits upon trees iu ine puonc ma, la I In.. I. suit WHS tll.lt only men belonging to the lowest lasses would Join the army. In ITTl a aentmei in the guards was flogged In St. James' park so severely that he sulisoiiiieutly died raring mad. His offeuse conslstisl of ssylng that "there was no more en conragement for a good soldier than for a bad one." Too Much Cavity. One afternoon nn esteemed citlxea went Into a barber shop to have his briers reaped, but no sooner had he tsken a seat In one of the chairs than he dropped off Into heavy slumber Apparently the shave artist was liav Ing his own troubles In manipulating the customer, and after making several attempts he thoughtfully paused. "Excuse me, air," said be, gently shaking the man in the chair, "but would you mind waking up? I csu't hare you while you are asleep." "Can't ahave me while I'm asleep," exclaimed the victim, with a wonder ing expression. "Why not';" "Because," explained the barber na aoftly as possible, "when you fall Into slumber your mouth opens so wide that I can't find your face." I'hlladel phla Telegraph. Easy Tims. The man who learns many languages does not always enlarge his mind. A porter In a Bwlaa hotel who spoke many languages with equnl raclllty and inaccuracy was once asked what was his native tongue. He replied that be did not know, but that he spoke all languages. "But in what language do you think?" asked the persistent question er. "I neva Onk," was the prompt reply. Youth's Companion. Lacked Tact. "A fellow told me today," confided Mr. IVIpple, "that 1 didn't know nough to pound sand. He said that I was the (darnedest Idiot he ever saw Now, what do you think of that?" "I think It was dreadfully tactless of him," exclaimed Miss Kecne ludlg nantly Cleveland I'lalu Dealer ffinnrlaratB. "And would you marry me If I were a poor girl, working for a living' ask d the heiress. . "Darling," responded the accepted suitor. "It wouldn't be fair. You'd be doing enough in supporting yourself.' Philadelphia ledger. The Forbearing Waiter. "That waiter didn't thank you when you gave him a quarter." "I didn't want him to. I was grate ful to him for holding tho coin up so that every one in the room could see it was only a quurter." Washington Star. Burs Protection. Customer (trying on dress suit, Jok ingly) I hope I'll never be mistaken for a waiter. Tailor When In doubt, keep your hands In your pockets! Judge. It is well to learn to work Intensely. -Charles W. Eliot. ha Mlsssd Queen Victoria. Lole Fuller iu her book tells us bow abe failed to aee Queen Victoria, a mis fortune due to the exigencies of theat rical contracts. "One day at Nice some one came and asked me to dame before Queen Vic toria. Hhe had lust arrived at the Itivlera to pass tin- winter months, us she was BOOBBtOUOd lo do every year. It may well be believed Ihat I was flattered by audi u MqBBSt I assented, naturally, urn! set myself to work mak ing all my preparations for this lui portent event. "There was a knock it t the door. A sushi brought u telegram. It was slgn d by my manager and was couched in the following words: "i'uke train this evening, to sull day ufter toiuor row; destination, New York.' "1 replied with u message pleadlug fur a delay fur the purpose of dancing before Queen Victoria. I received simply the following laconic Ulegrum: 'impossible. Leave at Mice. Time Is money.' "That's why I did not dance before Queen Victoria." traveled persona aaow-are great stick lara for tltlea. One must not only say Herr Cancellarlus Unix, Harr Dr. Bar on Meier, Herr Professor Bchmhlt; one must also say Krau Cancellarlus Hols, Krati Dr. Rsronln Meier, Kratt Professor Schmidt. Also there aro line distinctions In titles If one title Is higher than another by so much aa a halr'e breadth, the wayfaring man must not call the rightful owner of the higher title by the lower title. Nover! A certain public schoolteacher who al ready enjoyed the title of master was pronilled to bond master. Next day young Krltx. quite unaware .n i t... t.. .,,,., Hint had come to his Instruc tor nvernlirhl. greeted him with his usual el rv "(iood morning, msster." "Perhaps." ash! the new head roas ter with ille.ull.v "perhaps you'd rath ,r Jnat cull me Adolf" New York Post. Opposed to Knighthood. Coke of Norfolk, who eventually went to the lord as Karl of llcester. was furious when threatened with knighthood. After an attack on the prlnco regent's life In 1817 Coke waa chosen to present him with an address from the Norfolk Whigs. Tlisy con grntulsted him heartily on his escape, but concluded by lieaeaehlug him to "dismiss from his presence and council those advisers who by tbelr conduct had proved themaelvea alike enemies to the throne and people." On learn Ing the terms of the propoeed address the regent, who knew thst Coke valued hN position aa commoner bIkivo every thing, declared. "If Coke enters ray presence 1 shall kulght him" When this threat was reorted to Coko be re plied. "If he dare try to knight me 1 wSJaf I'll break bis sword '--laondon Chronicle. Ashes of ths Get. The city republic of Florence gath srad her famous dead at fktBt Croce. save "the all Etruscan three," PUe, Petrarch and Uoccacclo. Eugland has made Westminster abbey tha burial place of such men aa Chaucer, Bpeo or. Newtou. Derwtn and Teuuyeou, iH-sldes a baker's doyen of klnga Hut in America the aahee of he great are scattered far and wide. Washington rests at Mount Vernon. Vs.; Lincoln at Springfield. III. The tomb of Paul Jones Is aa Inspiration to students Iu the navafc academy at Annapolis. Poe sleeps at Baltimore; Mark Twain at Klmlra, N. V.: Alexander Hamilton lo old Trinity churchyard, surrounded by towering akyecrapara which embody his philosophy of life and government ta not America's way the best'' Kug land and Florence make things handier for the tourist, but Is be t lie enter per son to consider? Rlnce our heroes come from all the land la It not beat that their ashes return to the soil from which they spring, till youth In every neighborhood has some reminder of public service and noble work? Chi cago Journal. R.buk.d. The Hermans as all extensively The Torment ef field. I thank heaven that I know what It Is to be cold, to be cold from the crown of the bead to the aula of the foot, to ho cold from ths cuticle Iu to the heart, and from the heart to the soul. I thank feaW'M for It. becsuse. kliowlug this, I bsv a MOW revelation of tha possibility of suffering, and I am able to Bud a paradise In a common wood lire. Kuowlug this, I declsre to you there Is not a more pathetic algbt lu the world than a poor man who la thor oughly cold from week to week. It Is the refinement of torture. It does not gnaw like hunger, which presently beeomee a aort of Insaulty and relieves Itself, it Is a dead, uu blest, ley torment. I used to see men in the army wboae silent endurance of cold brought wore tears to aiy eyes than all the hunger and all the wounds Sidney Lanier. A CandidaU'a Revenge. French electors occasionally have some home truths thrown at them by candidates who fall to aecure enough votes At one general election M. Al tiert Normand, a chemist and druggist, who waa a candidate tor deputy from Montague, received only all votes and Issued an addreaa thanking "the six electors who showed their confidence In me. They are the only solvent cltlxeus in the constituency, and I beg to aaaure them of my eataem. Aa for the others, I hereby give them notice that In fu ture all attempts to obtain credit at rav establishment will be relentlessly refused. Daring the last nine years they have robbed me of about 8,000 francs In bad debts, which I have taken no steps to recover. Yet when an opportunity la afforded of snowing their appreciation of ray leniency I meet with the basest ingratitude." Carlyls and London's Neisss. No one haa ever Inveighed agaluat the uolaes of London with such pic. tureamis emphasis ss Thomas Csrlyle When Augustus H$re met him for the Brat time st a dinner gjeVu by Lad Marian Alford moat id J''iylo'r con versatlon ran upon the suffatiugs at tucbed to a Londou residence. "Thst which the world torments me in most," be moaned, "is the awful confusion of uoUe. It Is the devil's owu Infernal din all the bleased day long, confouudlug Hod's works and bla creatures a truly awful hell like i oiulilualloii. and worst of all Is a railway whistle, like the screech of 1 0,000 csts and every cat of them as big aa cathedral." Against this diatribe may he set the fact that Carlyle spent the laat forty seven years of bla life In London without any com pulsion to live there. Helping Hie Temper. The sun was blinding, clouds of dust were blowing ewywhere, and Jonea was most decidedly off his game, it really "put tho lid on It" when, Just as be was struggling to play bla ball out of a quarry, a benevolent old lady passed by with s companion. Hhe baited In evident surprise and pointed with nor nmbrella at tbe earneat golf er. "Dear me, my love," ana remarked lu audible tones, "what a very reapect ably dressed uuu that la bresklug stones!" Argonaut. Me Admired Her Judgment. Hhe - Ob, Fred, dear, you are so no ble, so generous, so handsome, so chiv alrous, so much tbe superior of every men 1 mast. I can't help loving you. Now, what eu you aea In plain little me to admire? We Ob, I don't know, dear, but you certainly have very good Judgment London Ttt-UUs. Tbe old, old law of growth, "To (hew that hath shall bo given," holds Just aa truly In the feed lot and bog peo aa It doeo among trees In tbe forest, among men In business or In the case of the Individual lu tbe building up of physical, mental and moral forces. Hi-cause of this fact precautious should bo taken to see that tbe weaklings have a place whore they can get tbe fed they need unmolaeted by older and stronger animals, Unless such aid la given one might Just about aa wall kuock auch runts Dated ths Crank. David P. Harrows, while acting proa Ident nf tha I'nlM'i'sll.y of Callpnrnla. one day NCOivad a queer visitor. Loan and tofrlM) SBHWBt, the man broka into Barrows' study "I am I he prophet Mlcah," he an Bounced, "nisi I have a need foi'.yoltr sajrvli e Tha world la soon to come to an end t'oiihl on not spresd the tld lugs through Ibe illiberally?" In Harrows shook his visitor by ths hand, collctcil his thoughts and re plied "I boUovi Unit ut no time xvae there such a crying need for prophete. lint iiiiforiumilely, prophesying Is an srt with which I am unfamiliar, lam nut men III close aj mpnlhy with It and. na 1 am unable to comprehend what you lime accomplished, I eonfcee In ability to participate as a proguoatl- cator." Whether II was the unexpected reply or the quick lire of so many words that dased the visitor will never lie known. Certain It Is the mini backed to the door and Ottered tho Inadequate reply. "Yes" San I'ranclsco Chronicle. Qontlamsn of Leisure. One of the upper ten thousand, once vlsllltuf America, accepted the hoapl tallty of n gentleman III New York. When taking farewell nf Ills host the latter asked him what be thought of the American pie. "Well," answered the nobleman, "1 like thorn I cnsely, hut I miss some thing" "What Is I lit V asked Hie Yankee. . "I miss the .iilsiiiciac)." replied the Kngllsliuian "What Bra they?" nnliely asked bla boat. "The aristocracy!" said the noble man In a somewhat surprised tone of Voice "Win. !hc are people who do nothing, you know; whose fathers did nothing, you know; whoso graudfatbera did nothing, mil know In fact, lbs arlstocnfcy!" Here he was Interrupted by tbe American l hlinitl In with. "Ob. we've plenty tff pMNB over here, but we don't Mil IheiU ai'isiqcracy We call them trumps " l'.xhange Washington's Only Joke. The only admirable quality In which Washington wgs ilclldeiit waa humor. One of the very few Justs he ever made perhaps the only one llS de scended lo posterity on he authority of his aid ile camp. Colonel Humphreys. QonepaJ Washington rather prided himself on Ills riding, so the colonel one day w ben they were out bunting together dared him lo follow over on particular hedge The cbsllenge WBS aeroptod, and Humphreys led Ibe way. II,. took the bap boldly, but la his con Hteruallon found Hint he had mistaken the spot mid was sunk lip to bla horse's girth in qosgnHrs The general l ther knew the ground Is-lter or bad goajpgehrd s thing, fur, following al an MB) puce, he relued up at the hedge and. btotriPg over at Ills engulf ed uld, cjchilmrd. "No. no. colonel, you arc too doTi 3;r ne!" NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. UsiTiii "TATS I.Asn timer, j Itiiriia.i'ri'itiui, June III, mil, I Nolle Is heijihy lvn thai neorsi I'lrkel eliuer, nl llernrf, uii'ic.ii li Jul) I. iww. msl Homealfsil Knit), Si rliil Nn iMiKlJ. fur aWUNRW, NW',HKiail l.ol 7 ami II, Sic lion , Tiiwiielilii n Hinilli, Ibunc' c Kail Wlllsiaetl Meihlleli, lle nirsl Millies "I Intern llim In make final llv" rl iirnnl. to eaiahllali claim liillielatul almii .leai rlhnit,knfori lli'iila tar and Keielr.i. at lltiine, or. icon, nn the mill Jay ol July una. t lallnalll naniea aa wlllieeaea Allien wisiii, mi" ussoa. Frank Jseksos, ri.l llrtialeill, nil lit llllrna. iireinm Wa. Kasiik. Itejlaler NOTICK FOR IM1HIICATION. tistvsiiHTATaa I, ash orrn a Hiirna, iiren.nu, May II, inn Nnlliela herein given Ihal I niiikliii limit, wtmae post iimeeaiblreaala Huma, orearon, did, nil II.eMliilay el A usual. "I. In 1 1. 1 Sworl statement anil Alilillretlini, Nn la'sjv, iiiiniii'lisMtri NWJ.avV ssetlua III, Town elite Jl . Kaner .w h , Wllleincite Mernllan. and tbe Umber thereon, under lie Brot llloni ul Hi art of June n. I7s, and ai la mn taliiry, known aa the "Timber anilHnuic Lew,' al aueli value a aught be iri by sepralssmsnl, mil Ibat, eiiiaiianl In ineli Biilhallnli, Hie lain! and llrnbel Iherenii have been a.tiralaed, the llinlr eeilmalod ao laai board (Ml ni II no ..i M andlbelandriniai.iliai aald applicant lli offer flnal iimof III anpimrt ol bla aiiilleallnn andewnrn aietemeiii iu tin- Jlal dat nf July, 11114, bemre Heglalei and Receiver, al llnriii, Oragsjn. Anyi.eranii laat lll.orty t" protest Ihla .ur i'lieelaroreenir, nr liilllale n i nniial at any tli.. lfnrenatelit laanea. Mr IHIliK a enrmlsira led altldav II In till ..IB. e, allealna fauU which would deleal Hie entry, , Wa.KlMI. Itealalrr, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. UNITKII STATUS I ANIMil I h I, I llurua, Oregnli. May Jll, I'll I Null la hereby given Ihal Kdward II Misui. nl luirna, Oregon. Mini, on Jinn Hi, I ill madi tliiuieeloeil kniry, No. Msan. Im VW'4 S. einm O. luwnablp a. S, Kange :ll K. Wlllalholl. Meridian, ha rii. 1 uiitlnt nf intcntnm in make flnal three year proof, in eaiahllali i laim lo lb land above duacrihrd befur inglaier ami keeelver, al luirna, una mi lie i in day ol July, en Claimant nann-a aa .vile,. a, a Natbanlal llonney. hail, a II I, I .hi Kgglalnu,i liaa Hackbua, all nl II. in, a. in. inni Wa. rasas. Iteglalrr SEXUAL KNOWLEDGE IU.USTRATEO W PACES Telle all shout saaj saaltersi what ynuin; men and women, young wive ami huabamla mul nil others Uewd lo know uluiiit tbe Bhtrod lews that gov ern the aea fores I'lnln truths ol sea life In relation to happiness in marriage "Secrete" of manhood and woaaaahondi aaslaal abaaaOi Social evil, dlsraaea, etc. I he latest, moat advanced and com prehetiaive work that has eer beanie sued on SOSBJol hygiene I'rlcelass In struction for ilin-1- wlio ore ready for the true Inner teaching. Tttlg book tell nuraes teachers, doc tors. Is w) ere, prem her, aocisl workers, Hundiiy St IiihiI teachrrs and all others, young slid old, what all need to know alniiii si x uinlters. By Wnfield Scott Hall, Ph. IV, M. D. iLeipsig). N wapaper Coramenla: "Scii'iititlcnlly' correct 'bUisgo Tri bune. "Accuralr ami up-to dsto." l'hlUdel)hia J'reag. "Hiaiidsrd book ol knowledge." I'hlladel pbla Ledger The New York Worltl says "Plain truth for thoee who need or esjgfcl lo know thru, for the prevention of evil. I inlcr plain wrappor for only 11.00. t;oiii or Money order, postsgeteu cents extra. SMI AMI I'DBIJSllINr.l COMPANY Dayton, Ohio NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. i mikii h'i'ATKs i.ANp urrirgi Barm, Oregon, June, Half I Nniiie la In nh) glim that Karl II. Wallace. nf tin ma iiri'iniii. ho. nil July Juil, 11MJD. made II.,,,,. .l,, Km y,: serial, So oAlOI. forSlaNKIi. and Lola I ami '.', sietlofi II, TiiWIlahlp JtFsnilb. llaliK. :.' gall, uillamvile Mnrlillau baa filed notice of iiiteiitlini In make Klnat five year l'ni.,1 to iaii.1,1! M . ho in to the land ataive de t. r.i.i-.l uef.,1.-Il.e Ki'glater end keeelver, at inn i... in. ...., on tin 15th day III Jnl) . ivn tlalinaiit nainra aa wlUissaaS- All., .i i. All,, ii il. i, age, Olio I., ileai h William J Mi K inula, all n Hum, Oregon. KASSS. Kegleler NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION I'M I BO If ATM LAND OKTIi'g. Hull. a Oregiiu, Juuel, Itla I BailSSiS h. n hy alien thai oenrge II kV II llama, nf llarilmali. oregnn, who ut June 21 l' I. II,,.... .1. ml Knlry No, Boil, Serial il, (01 '..,hw.. Mwi.rfwi,, Sao. U, T -m ri.. It gj , uu.l I nl .'. ris lion i,Towuhlp'J7a , Itanse .IV I mill, v prisif. lo ual w, Hi,.,.. ii.. Meridian, baa filed null., nl im. ntl.,1. h, uigie Jlnal Ave-year ai.llali i lallu lolne Jailll glmve ile -. ill., ,1 hefnre IteslaUT anil Heeefver.SI Wliriia, 0rgOII, nn Hie Mill ilayi'l July, lun I lalinant iiaiiiue aa wltnesaea I borne Htevens, Krud I., Paters, Jnhu It em. plr, Mh hail II. u , all of Princeton, Orsgou. Wa. KASSS, IteglaUr. NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. UNITgDBTaTgl l,ANH "KfKK iiuriie QtageSi Jun 4, U)i Notice labeiahy glvea that hart L. Wllllama. nl llaiilm.iii, iin-soii. wbo, on June;, USM, made Homsstssd Knii) No. W; Harlal Nn. UMI, fin Nl-1 ,. hei llnll I WIUIJ'J7 M , hauge 1:1 l' WIMiBineiii Merhflaii hae filed uotue ul Intention to task final five ear proof ioatb Mali . lulin to tin- Ian. I aluivii doai rlbed, hefure Raglalei "", Kiielver, al burns. Oregon, uu Hie I. .il, day nl July Mil. 1 hiiii.aiii naniea aa wltneea Thorns Stevens, Fred I.. I'eUrs, John t'. lemple, Mlibsad llesly, sl ( Prlueutuu, Or goll. Ws Kasss, geglsur, NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION I'ni in. Hi ats I.AsnOrncs. Murna, Oregon, May 'J. 111. Milne la hereby given Ihal cbarle M. Wllueu, of I swsOi Oiegnii. who, on November Is, 1W1J made lloiio atesd Klltry No UMIt) (or NWU Sse. S), lownshlpJI H., llangeli'JK., WlllametUiMer Idlen haa tiled notice of luleutluutu make final i ..in .....lai ion lnoof. to establish claim to the land above duecrlbed, hefore lleglster and liicelvtir, al Hum, Oregon, uu ibe null day Jnli lull t'lalmaul name as wltueasa Wllllain hem I. Hailay ilsysy, Oicr el iJuraey Wllfnag, all of Laweii. Oiegou. Wa. Iabkb. liaglslsr. We do job printing. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. t'MITSO STATgal.Asn limes Hums, orison. Ma) -". I l Noibe I berehy given that (teorge John aon.ot Klley, in, ijiiu. Wlio. 00 Hei I I 'i made ll.uueatead Klltry, No urn I, tin SWU Herllon 10, Towuablp IX H. Itanse -'' r Willamette Meridian, bad filed null, .-,.l I,, leullull 10 make Klnal 1'bitie Irar I'mof losg laldlsb clglm In Hie land above dea'lllieil Iss lure Uefisier and Kficelveral Hume, oieaon on tbe nib day ul Jul, lull. clalinaiitiiaiiii a aa wltneaaea I' 1, Willie. A J Jiilnieoti. kiiimeil J..l...aoii Waliit Keeeluger. ell ul Uley, Oregon, Wa. Pasas. Ileslster Notice of Sale of Stal. Land. NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION PNITSDSTATSSI ANioKrH'g. I Hume. Oregon. June IS, lull I Notice Is hereby given Ihal I Isreuee A He forest of kiley. Oragsn nan ..u miuiibi Iw, I we, made Munieat.a.l Knlrj Nn na. I.n K'.SWi.aud W.SKf.kiloii 14. luwusblli a a, Kange 'Ji. K, Willamette Meridian haa filed iiutiee ul Inieuiion in meke Hlual Bvs-ysai rroul, lu eetahllab claim lo Hie lend ai-.ve deeirllwd, before Krslalei ami Hecelvet, al Hums, orrguii, on tho wih day ol July, I'll i laiinaul naui.raaa alliieaa., William W Slurs.a Homer I sell, n i k Hiulth end 1 hdeA i.ll.ei.e. all uf ltley llresuli Ha. I al.ai . lo-slal- I NOTICE KOK PUBLICATION dbitbp STAINS i, ami orncB, Hurna. on sou, June ' '. i-li .Nptb la Uriel,) mi'., ihal Italpb k In Ins. ut Harney. Oregon elie, uu Manb a,, pin made Humeateed si.iry. Srrlsl Nn urwsi, for aWJU Herllou u Township i e, Pause .' K Wlllemelle Merbilen. has tiled unto a of Itilen Hun lu uiakrklual Ihree veer prool lo , alal.llsli claim Ut Hie laud alanaileeerllie.l, l-li.ia Kes lstr sad larinal SI Hurna, ' n. ,,,.,. ,.u the Jllb Say ut July. IU I'lSlluaal namea a wlte'ra., SUrr Huik land. Hulsirt llvlas. Join. II Kh liner. William nana, H ol Mm aanaa, Org goo. Wa rasas, Begiatei. Iiirr, Huruavi, l' Nu. n,w: NOTICK FOR IT UU NATION. I siren Utatsb i.anuorti. g. i Hurna, Oraasn. June u, ell. i Notice la berehy glisii Inal Hi,' Ni.uherli Paclflc Hallway i umnany WaHSMl poai ,,ft1i e addieag Is si Paul, Mlbutisola. haa i ti la. .tl. dsj June lilt Slad In Ihla eSw na application lo select under Itu-piui laniiia nf Hie a. i uf i uu greea.euprovrd July I. M 0 - Igl SKVaaVva "eOull .' .. 1 ,ial... sunlll. Henge ju faal. w M., Harlal No I Auy Slid ell parsons claiming SdVSrBSl) Ibe Isiula dea, illrt-. i ..r deelrlug lu oblecl because ol tbe mineral character of Hie land, nr fur any other reaeull lu Hie illa(,aal to a,,H,ai,l. aboulO file their atlldeitla .if Brutesl la Ihla uffli e itfl or neh'f the In! day ut Vuguet, lull. ys K'naa ll.glaler. NOTICE POB PUBLICATION iibjibb But ml i as QisiiiB, I BarOSiOfOS June a, lull I Nolle Is berehy given Ihal BaaSeS H. Hutch eus.of Harney, oreaou, a ho.nu Soemh.-r .s.ih, IH, made Homestead KulrV, Herlal No isvtai. lor Nr7.1,. Herllnu a. luwiialui. .'J-,,,itn Italigr TJi, lu) Hlllai.n tie Meridian, hae flled iiutle nf luiauiliu to make t utaiiuu Prool. to eatahllah ilaliti to lite land sjeiv. OS aerllasd, before Heglsler aud Ksosiver, ai Sum. Oregon, on trie I'tb da) uf Jul' , lull. claimant names aa wlinesara Sherman T rimiip ajlu Henry c Kobiason. tealh ol llarusy. Oregon. Heili) l' Una. h. nl Hurna, Oregon tie. I HaUi.e. nl II... .... Oregon w raaas. II. stater NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION i Mim mi airs nn oti'ii I Hurna Oregon, May la, I ill Notice la hereby given that l.uUilu i, Illicit ol Heekley.oteguii, wh.., mi Jul) I, luut. aud June 7. lai.'. resiuM-tlvely made Hniuealead full Hgl Mention ai, 'luwusblp " . Ileiige ai K, Wlllsmrtle Meridian, haa llleil 11..1I1'. uf luleli IUUS ol, !, a aisarn 1 a j -'' aawewwaiaw Kalrr il" Hie Iserlal '!" and Nn la.i-,', 1,1, 4gWi5wY,. Soil (on Ii. M",)',. ',NK.'t, IBGNg'I, Meellonail.Hj , ' , and MW'.NK;,, ieetlon , Township II '. Ileiige i k. Hon Ul MlSSr Anal Be vmi Proof, tu ratabllali aloie .leaentii u. nii,,i. i 1 lion lu uiagr nuai ,'lalm to the lain a lull. H h Tl. H oioiii leai,,n, 1 tit hlaultlieat Heckler, oreson ou the ,1111, .ley ol Jlie, t'lalmall namea aa wlfueaai a Jobu Itut.l iiaufi. uf Hurna, ni, ,,,,, Hae t'rowe, Koberl laSVOB ami JiibijiiIii Miit'lasnalt uf He. k ley, Oregon Wa raass, Heglati r NOTICJC FOB PJJIM.JCATION. IINITKI' HTATBH I ANi OFPH'K. ( Hurna, OrsgOS, May la, lull Notice I lu'feby given Unit Im. 1.1 1 row, pi seek ley, oragou, w fin, on .lull I, IBOy ami July I, IvOV, riai.ei Hi el) . mad,' llumeataad Kulrlea Hectlun li. loenahln .11 Hot Willamette Meridian, haa filed null, e uf Inlell Nos .H7Hrrlaloia,snd Nu n.i.t.111, fur e ,111 ', Hecon !i, kl.NW1,, N',.sW. and HW ' , 1, necilofi Wf, luwiiauip .11 nuiuii, iiaiiee.'i r uai Hull to make Snal flu yiai 1'luuf. to ealab llah claim to the laud almiudca. i n.. .1. baton 0, g. Tullui I. H H ruinmlsal. .111.1. at tile ufllce, SI Heckle) , tiles-.... UU Hit ...I. lis) ul Julie mn. t'lalmaul iiauies ss wltneaaea' JnuUlu Herfliigu, lluguallue lllllierl. I.ulailu olibjyi, Kbbjifl I .a Voy.ell ul Hckley, Orsgoa rVef FSr, IteKlaler. Notice Is hereby given that the State I ami Hoard of tha "date ol Oregon will receive sealed bids ntitll 10:00 A. M., .Tuly 14, 1014, for the following described lam In, lo-wlt I TbeHKt4ol HecllonsH, V'M Mecllon 18 snd all of Hnctlnii HO, T. 81 8. II 34 K. seed. hi in, T. :r h. it, ;i:i R. Sections HI and nn T. Ml H. K 8 I. Seel Ion. IB and .1(1, T. 87 H. K. 38 K. Sections Id snd 8tl, T . 87 H. It. 3H K. Scciiona III and llll, T. 37 B. R. :w R. H'g ami lento 1, 2, 3 and 4 of Hectlon HI and all of Section 311, T. 38 H. It 89 it. H'g and lta 1, 2, 8, 4 of Hectlon HI, ami all of Mention 811, T. 38 H. It. 38 Ii. Sections III and 30, T. :i N. It. N K Sections 10 and 30, T. .IV H. It SI lv. Mscllona III sml 110, T. 80 8. It .'12 K. Sections 10 and 80, T. :w H. It. :i:i R. Sccilons 10 and 80, T. 40 H. R. 32 K. Sections 10 and 80, T. 40 H. It. H K. Sections in and 80, T. 40 H, R. 34 K. Hectlun 10, T. 41 S. R. 80 R. Section 10, T. 41 S. R. .11 R. Section HI, T. 41 H. R 82 R. Section 10, T.4I H. R.33 I,. N'oj, tssVi and W of HWJi of Hoc Hon I0.T. 41 H. R .'17 at, Section III, T 41 H. R. 3H K. All blda must be accompanied hv a regularly eiemited application to pur- chase anil chock or draft for al least ..ne filth ol tlic amount of tha bid. The right to reject any and all olds la reserved. Applications am bids son!d bo ad. Ii cc... I tu II. tl. Hi own, Clerk Hlate I. an. I Hoard, Salmi, Oregon, and mark ed "Application and bid to purchase stale lands," Ii. (1. IIHOWN, Clark Hlale Land iloaid Dated May I, lull. Can't Kp It Secret The Bplendid work of Cham berlain 's Tablets is daily becom- Inrs mnn. willolv knoWll. No HU('h grand remedy for stomache and liver troublea has ever been known. For aale by all dealer. FREE ..'ob "Taj" Necklace "Erelji Thaw" Bracelet These two beautiful pieces of pupolar Jewelry are tho erase among society women In New York ami Hie largest cities. They sjo neat and elegant gold finished articles that will glatlrii the nosrtof every girl or woman, no matter how yoong or old, Very stylish anil at tractive. Our Free otter. Wo are advertising Hpearmlnt Chewing flum and desire lo place a big boa of this fine, healthful goto Into every home. It sweetens the broath whitens the teeth and aide di gestion. II is refreshing and pleasing to all. To everyone sending us but B0 and 10 aanls to cover shipping coats at will ship a big boi nf 20 regular la pack ages of the Spearmint Hum and include tha elegant, "Tatgo" necklace and "Rvelyn Thaw" bracelet absolutely f.ee. This oiler Is for o short time only. Not more than 2 orders to one party. Dealers not allowed to accept this. DNITKP (bAW COMPANY Dayton, Ohla P. O. Bo 101 EVERYTHING A MAN NEEDS $ topLett Shaving Outfit 10 ArtM-a )P $1 To lulvotiae onr Universal Shaving Outfit snd Universal rregWtt wa will lor a HiuiUul time only, send thia well worth te-.OO Shaving outfit for 8100. Wa sell our products to the conaumsr direct and therelnre you save all agent' profit which you know aru very large. I Hollos Ground Ragor. U-lnch l.lhei H.uah 1 Rasor atrost, Canvas Pails. I Nickel Easel Bach Mirror. I 33-Inch Barber Towel, I Bar Shaving Soap. 1 Boa Talcum Powder, 1 Decorated China Mug. I Aluminum Barber Comb. Bristle Hair Brush. Rasb wnlllt packed In neat box $1,00 Coiu or Money Order, uostsge ltlo antra. VNIVERSAL PRODUCTS CO, Dayton. Ohio NOTICK KOR PUBLICATION. lairsiiHTAiaa I, a nii ilrru a I Burs. Oregon May II. 114 I si. Ill e Is hereby glvtu Ihat Aasa Adalla ureg, at int ottlee ailSreae la Hiirtia.tiregou.ill.l. It.l. . 1- . . .1 . .......I 1U1I a la In I I. la ..!, .... ,m" ..... ..a w. ....a". .". m.w .....- Hvvorn Hlalemeiil a lot Supination. No. BSSSk, In l.uriliaae Hie na'.nn'i. na-e.iuii i ... t,,wn eliltiil N Kange M B , Wlllaraelle Marldlan, u,f u,,. liinlu-r llicreuti. uu.ter ttie provlaluaa ol the ai t ol June I. 17 anil acta aiuetnlalot v a now u aa Ilia "Titnucr and Stoaa att, si am Ii value ae mlglil be r,aa,1 by appralaeweiit, and lliat. pursuant tu aueb application, ibe lauil ami tlmtavr thereon have been appralee.1, the lliutaar esllraataxl au.uuo u.ar'l leal al II 00 i..-i M ami Ike land SJOuO. that aald appll seal I nl oilr Sual prtattl In eupport nl bis sp I .ti. an.. i, an.1 swuru tstaint on tb Jlst dey "I l.il). nil firlore 'W-glWn s KecrlVer St Itunie. tiresuli Am poison Is al lllerl) lu protest tbla pur i liaae belure entr) ul tl ll lata, a eotiteel at any lime i,. I, iie patent Isanee, b) flllsg a corruladre te.l airulavll In tbl . fine. alleslBg leels arblcb would ilelesllb'eulrr Agg, Keglln. NilTICK KOK 1'UBUCATION, UslTBU RvsTS I asn inner Hum. Oregon, June I. 11 v.. ire is lii ii I, j giva Ibsl Usrgsrei kl Hrissrli, uf HsrrliDga, tleefuii, wbo. tin oi to I. f I, iviu. made lln no. teed Knlry. Harlal N... ii. U.i, lor Vl,Ngi i.,it,. SI.NW'a NfcW ', and S'.BK'i. aecttuD . Tuwuabp. il o , I'sug -V. g . Wlllaaiatle Merldleli ha' .Ileal notite ol luteiiiien i make Plaal tbraa year iruol. to estat'lisb olsJiB to the land sbcie da aerlianj, brfurr heg.ater gad Harplvar al ttitriia . oie guu.ua ibe 7tli day uf Jau, 114 . taluiaiit nainaeas wlttieaaee M II Murk. Prank r'istei. Bdward Jurdaa. ell il llaiiunau. uicguu, Jussptj Klcbet ul Vtai.lt) iiroguu Ws Pa sat. BeglaUr. orricui.mifgi.T0Hv SV4TB ossooat II N Heuat.ua lOeai g Ibauiberlalu I Harry la,,. Henley I'oligreaatrleB Atbirtiey usuarai I. n! I IU. I i.-iary ul hlate l reaaurar IN J MUB.MI A (4 I iawl.ir.1 yau neat ileolt IU,I l'i it, Hi Inatiu. Hun tuiie emu, ili.le. Hui,rctne Ju,1gjas lava lieu Vt ot. oi T. o a..) J A I l.i.r. -Iilli W a Dual I- ft.'rU.d. eau Haruetl S. Bean . A. Muora NINTH Jt'im I A I UISTBICT. lUetrlct Judge Daltou Hlggs i ouiily Alluluey . lieu. S Hlsemure i I r. ii It court laeets tha Brat Muuday la April slid Bret Muuday In October. Joint HallglOf loll, I Kcjireriitilrg II. Brooke IV, V. Huinau County Judys a treasurer Htirveyor Hberltl rieluail HaperlataudaBt i oioner . . Hloek liiaj l'oist babbst: tirant I imi Il 1 II it hei A. K. Klcbardsou J. J. tluaagsa 1. u Hamlltuu II. W Cleveagel .Jobu Hubloeun IB. r. nylvesie I Julia H.I i, Weill on .t. .1 i ouiiulsglgpgrg '.limy f'mrt mreta tpe Brat IffMasedsy la January, March. May. July, September sad Minuajlier. s u. i i ff opnea: Sesiater Wra Tarre Kelt wi Haui Mulberabead CltV.-SPSS' Mayor. asm Molherehead Heeoriler, . . hoy Vsa Wlokle Treasurer lleury taaltao Marshal, ,.M f.. Ilaluea i'uunrlm,ta' (It. J. Ilaneen a. (I. Wglcoina James l.amieblr k. J Mi Kin uuu Meetings ut tba council every Second and fourth Wediieed eooooeotBfaaaaoooeoeooeeee LONE j - RESTAURANT - til ORtlR PQON Hi pp. l -X Mfula At All Hours. Shorts Orders ant) prompt Service o With Reiinoriftble Rates Jivi-Mi-: A Cull o Opnoslle TIasee-aleraM IMssuj O ooooooooooooooooooooooooo EBOC big oa:::. , HUN yet: a41 pi pp.. ,o , nr tint lri.t,. ii Ar.it.rh .:. TEV r- attsxsr ' Rifle Ustrrtss e e fzn.oo I .Ib4MM mi 4 aabbais J lie Hui, AhW Uuadlng I art Unrigs P. llc alsu fur llalic) In faip y grsdo. SUiyassweaisr. hM.ml IW harulssan, nisei sutusj, I. STEVENS ARMS k TOOL COMPANY, 1. O. Dos CwKAKI FrUU, laUSMCIMIUTia BfBJMrj MaTatas -Jk mt"Jtti X. -.'3 saw I v A i svy.i S0B4 FfA'afJ 0m ' ' w $1500 Reward! v e FOR YOUR DEN 5 - Beeatafed CaBags Peraaaa. Yele and Harvard, Each in. a 24 in. Princeton, Cornell, Michigan I -. I. 7 in. I.v 21 in. am heel uuslltv fell with fell heading, sin ul mere, letters and mascot eieooted In proper colrir. This splendid sssort menl null iiraitpalil for fill cents and ft stamps In pay mstsgr. Send now, HOWARD SPECIALTY COMPANY Dayton, Ohio 100 BEAUTIFUL AND COLORED POST CARDS Many , ire rich, rare picture of HI l III I I. MOIH.I.S AND AITHKHHKH Also a .Self-Filling FOUNTAIN PEN All for only 50 rents Tim grvntcat hargiiln In beautiful cartlsaiid tarn art pu'lurea ever offered. Miiny are Imnl tn olitain and have sold singly lor ihc price w ask for all. Huso will iiuirkly lo sll lovers of tlte bcsutilitl in nsttire win. appreciate rare art piclurcanf vtull developed tntadi-la. A relinlilo helf-lllling fountain pen luce villi eacli order. Thee alone have sold for ens dollar in stores. I he DM) beautiful card, and pen all fur but oik- mul 10c iu stamps for post BgOa ART PORTRAYAL CO. DAYTON. OHIO JOHN ,.Kwl.KHI.IM.. Tboorrron, Cfl Iforiilasaii'l Ni-Yai'I l.lff !. s Ii Hull .... Intl.. n (if WCh Mn IMKllT tfllt'lj Ig llU'llll-t f Wilt Ki v II.UU0 III ri-wurt! for -Vl tlk'UCf I'-Bltlllli.' (1 lh Brrral aiil run- vlrClon uf mi par I nr ikBtrliaia als-a llitf !inf-, 'Bttll - ' au ..( I...IO...I, .. I fir IIIIIIVS in-iwiigiiijr u,uyt,t lia in nn t .ICWCkr. fl naff M SeaJUfeaWp rslBBBBV ( .1 K'liltl Mtlti A Spc Kntrruvor. br. la addition lo tba abuve. Die uiulctsio I offer, the ..,,,. eunillllouefAjii la) f, all bora. ., ,,,.. vVtil.-l. K n ,.i it lilt' Iran. I. ,1 bur ehud bar ou bulb or eltber Jaw ' Bread rerouted In elgbt euuullee Itanse (jiulty. Ilariie). l-aje and I'na.k eouoUe. Ilureea, venteil erbeo luui TngTJSL- .1,, , " Noae but giuu bur auld snd uui) In arge buurbeg, W H IIMnWS Hie. to . rmi Sumpter Valley Railway Co. Airival mi Depatlarc Of Train Departs No. 2, Prairie 10:15 A.M. Sumpter 2:35 P. M. Arrives Baker 4:00 P. M. Deports No. 1, Bnkcr 8:30 A.M. Sumpter 10:05 A. M. Arrives Prairie 2:10 P. M. No. I Maki-'s good connection with O.-W. R. t R. No. 10 leav- mtr l'.irt In nil 7-IMl I' M in, I V., 17 from east arrivinj Haktr (iriV) A. If, No 2 Cuiiiit'Lts bvitli l.:i (irande local 7:00 to La Urande, and No. 9 (faat Mail) picks up sleeper there arriving In fortlantl 7:00 A. M Also with No. 18 at 10:45 P. M. for points East. BBSBaagg; -I yiglfcr4LeaB- l a TK ooly way to l "taTJtt '"jj a. gr( the I inline 1 rl, H j New Home pgl l Sewing Maclnoe R VaW I 1 e. t buy lies machiae J fa witli liac uauae NEW JBEClMfM 1 I IOME o ll ana 1 ffieM mk and in the legs. II H i M Tkia m.cKua. b V EagBBi arwraatad lor all .V f-BaffaBp-l J luae. rl ' I lv. otlkT like it ajJF, I No other an good W The New Home Sewing MiciIii Ciipiif, OBANCT, MASS. f - " al riiKFII "enoines.1 SS,St5HlGltORADH TT" tFiz T WRITE TOR SPECIAL MACHINERY CATALOG AND PRICtS THE A.H.AVERLLMACHINEKyca' JPOrVKHtiVVASrl.-POrTTLAND.ORt:.- 5AM JOStCAU '"marling ESXIGBBP kaiufaaa all SBmzJ&r- fiaWSafSBsoi' Thitrj V sfataV ajal JWZJr aaTftifcur: . i9 fir JeS) isOliaet aaStleSal iiiliaa MmLV geaal I OaeaM la. a haU. eBSSMaTsaaWBaBBgBBaaajaBBBSBajBSJSaBJMS I B REPEATING RIFLE You caa buy no better gun lor target work and small game up to 200 yards. Without change of mccliartietn it WVarFTITTrrrrT fg .22 thort. long or long-rifle cartridge wrfrcl.lv. Tho deeo Ballard riflinu develofja maximum power and accuracy and adds years lo tlic life ol rifle. ia peMaaleai ( saa cVfretiee ranriaaia seal beeil aajsllov,. .nu. I arcuial. neaalaCa. I Sail faur bead aaj sliawi ,iu I .. , ui.k, leiaaHeVeaT' IvmUleg Seem liaaSllli Sea. lam. .alj. t,,B.aiiili. W.U aarl. ef aav .12- Oaicaee) aad aaaol Sa tlau. A great eateaaa nia. Aet ear Baa ,L. mu 7e Marin Air U Wlllaw Sl.aal New Hae 4 If You Want ALL The Home News READ THE TIMES-HERALD $2.00 a year Best Job Printing PROFKHHIONAL CAR CARL C. GRIFF I'liyslclan ami Hmgi RUHN. oatagoB fJBl. s tl. LU. CBARY ; Physician arc! Hnrgex.s. i Hurna, - - - Ormj Office In new IiiiII'Iiiik avHitti ol sj liariieas sbop, Main si, 'I'll'illlt Mai n Mil. GEO. G. CARL. M, rkyslclan and Bffaaj I OBBoe la Toaewaata alia.; JQaeaal atteatesei alveti dieeeeee el it, .' HARLAN A. HARRIS). Physician and Surjr. , Narrows, II. K MIAM.ABI . V. HTAl A. H.. M I, a General Hraatlce Dr. "Hosla" Hurgerr I al r re. Noae i DBS. ST AIM Dj BURNS, ORF.CON DErlMflN & liENMAo Physicians and Surge falls aiiawemd pr..iri.tly nigNi 'Phone llarriinan. Harriman, Oregon Dr- Minnie Han, Physician and Sui I H reel Telephone Connettia La wen. Ore. Ii. E. HIBBAKD ZD 2 DbT T X a, piDce first dooy ea-t photo gsj tltirita Oregon. sa . BejsBsg W. C. BROWN, DENTIS! BUBNS, IlKSaioN. Offlce Ope,.it, lonawuiita llj M. A. BIGGS Attorney at Law Voegtly Hldg.. liurns. Ore G. A. REMBOl Atlorjijr-at-Law, Burns, Oregon. WM. MILLEP ATTOKNKY AT LAW Hiirna, Uicguu. Rooms I Hit. I 7 Masonic l!u rarm leasus uuiikl) bis rig at reaauaB CHflRLES W. ELLIS LAWYER Burns, - - Oi Practice in Hi. Mai,. furta tors the I,'.!. Uu.l OfdoB. OhuH. II. IxonaixL ATTtiKNcY-AT-LAW, Careful attention given to Uons and Rt-al Katate mat Pit Insurance!. Notary I'ubjiji. Burns. URRtiuif. LAW A. W. GOWAN ATTORN F.Y-AT- SUttt; Courts and United Land Office rractict, Tl j .... ' S1:. segcsjBj iitMirsrMuiin or t Harney County National Hurns, t)rt'sron. FRANK DAVEY Attorney at Low Notary I Caae.seac.aa. M... , l ,,., R.,IMss . aaaaaagBi 1 1. s. Land oBaas r... tK. 0SJM tielween Ham. , ij (iallopsll an,! l.amt nit , Burna, Oragoa M. Ii I'oorai. a ia gac M V IMuaU I'""- " AM.aayti;' COOPER & DODGl Qvll and Hydraulic Engint Irriiratiiui, Wat.T Supply Sewt'iiiKi'. Water Power. Sorveys, Ma,.a, KoUwatBg, HuparfHgi PBRNS, OKKtiON r.,. DIL1.AK1, .VO. raMJuaS. i , a o "slaeer Koraierly Obll 0U,H H-lam. i,oi, .-,.,. ,,, , H,sa,, "- i.tc,R, Easter o Oregon Engineeri Compaoy CIVIL AMI IKRKiAllON tiNilNl Buras. Urexaa ptroct connection south na HARRIMANANDREW8 Sufi 9 A. H. CURRY, Prssj, Leave Ha. runan Monday anal TeMraOaf I oaa. arrive Wadnaad.v .! - -- 1 aacaiwaa4, connoctiog witk sswBVMB Bae toIUeauojWiaBsaiucos, e4t