914 JUNE 1914 S M T W T F S ) 1 2 3 4 5 6 18 9WU12L3 14151617181920 2222324252627 22930 TheTimes-fierald 4m The Larfa-.t Circulalion Of Any Nrwapaprr In Harney County. SATURDAY. JUNE . ItM l.ocl News. Tonawnma tonight. J. ('. Duncan is up from Wav- rly. Burns Garage car for Juntura onduys, Wednesdays, Fridays. Born Monday, June 1, to Mr. land Mrs. Fred Iackey, a son. Have your clothes cleaned. pressed and repaired we will call for and deliver same. Phone 881. J: E. Jenkins, the stock buyer, is here to buy provided the prices ' suit him. He states he will buy, both cattle and sheep. There will be a meeting of the I stotkholders of the Red Hills Telephone line in Burns next Saturday, June 12 at 2 o'clock p. m. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF i BURNS. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS!' $100,000. "THE BANK THAT MAKES YOUR $ $ 9 $ SAFE." ACCOUNTS INVITED. Dr. Carl expects to leave for I Portland today where he will join come Pharmacy. TRIED AND PROVEN For almost twelve years our institution has stood the exacting test of public ap proval. During this time it has always protected the interests of its patrons, re gardless of local or general financial con ditions. The volume of business trans acted through our institution, and the number of our patrons, continues to grow conclusive evidence that our ef ficient service is appreciated and that our conservative policy is approved by the banking public. LET US SERVE YOU THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Burns CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $100,000 United States Depositary ACCOUNTS INVITED Tonawama tonight Henry Messner is in town. Thermos bottles at the Wei- Mrs. Carl for a short time before she takes her departure for the east Dr. Carl states he will be be absent perhaps two weeks. 'The Iron Master," a two reel feature, will be a part of the pic ture program tomorrow night. Bergeron will play for the pic- Fred Johnson, the drug drum mer, was in town this week. Mrs. H. J. Hansen, who has been visiting with relatives and friends in Utah is expactdd home in a few days. Break up that cold with Wei coine's Cold Tablets. Dry cleaning and pressing at the Burns Steam Uiundrv. 4tf. Mrs. Pearl Fisk is home from Boise where she has been for a few weeks. Thos. Howser and family of Harney were passengers out on n auto to Bend yesterday being enroute to Portland. Mrs. Wm. Farre and little TH HRST NATONAL BANK OF il:iinrii!i r k:it drill'' Wt'llt OVcT to oiidkik piiitii tun iidbi hi tureson tomorrow evening, ad- Canyon (-ity ast Sunday to visit $100,000. THE bank that fciAKES ACCOUNTS ding much to the enjoyment of the program. James Brock, an old time re sident of the Iawen section, has returned to Harney county afterlfrom jk. an absence of several years dur-1 Wi.'k. Dr with relatives for several weeks Mrs. Basiling, mother of Mrs. ChaV. Faulkner, is a guest at the Faulkner home. She came county early YOUR Mil SAFE." INVITED. ing which he visited Alaska, Al berta and later lived in Mexico. He come back to stay. R. J. McKinnon & Son have established a daily stage between Drewsey and Juntura. Connec tions made with the trains at Juntura and passengers given everv comfort $6. Ceo. Carl went over to Canyon Thursday morning in company with Jimmie Donegan and Wm. Hanley. The Thos. Hutton and his mother over WW in from Wagontire during tU8 the week on business. They were accompanied in by A. T. Dons von. Handy man will do any kind of work by the hour. House clean- Doctor '"K- cnimney sweeping, yard went over on business anil ex pects to return home today. The Times-Hereld is authoriz ed to announce that Rev. I.auree Fare to Burns wil, arrive in Burns on June IS and will hold services in the Baptist church thai evening. He has been call' d ft be the re sident pastor of the Baptist time being and Married At Lawen, May 28, Mr. Alfred Bergeron and Miss Lenore Sizemore. Justice Hoffe- AMi nffwintincr Thp hriHn la the i liurch for till only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. may remain Of an inueiinue Geo. Sizemore and has resided in I time. Burns all her life. Mr. Bergeron) The J. L. Ixiwe sawmill, for js one of the best known musici- j raiy the Bunyard mill, above ans of this section and has be-! Harney, has a complete stock come very popular with the danc-jf rough and dressed lumber. ing people. The Times-Herald I shingles moulding, etc. Good extends best wishes for a happy road. Call by phone for rush and prosperous life. 'orders. .1. L. Iaowe. 27tf GET MY PRICES before buying elsewhere and SAVE MONEY t I carry a complete line of LAMES aid GENTS WEAR also GROCERIES at the lowest possible cash prices I. SCHWARTZ - General Merchandise - flasonk Building. - - Burns, Oregon worK or window washing a spe ciality. Call Arthur Stewart, French Hotel. Phone 481. Services will be resumed stthe Presbyterian church tomorrow. Subject for the morning will be "The Comforting Presence of God." In the evening, "The Manifestation of Cod, Lord show us the Father." (Jus Bardwell and Harry and Fdgar Williams, sons of R. J. Williams of Silver Creek, were passengers out Monday morning enroute to Portland where they go on a vacation trip and to take in the sights. They expect to be gone a couple of weeks. Mrs. L. Woldenberg and her two daughters Misses Freda and t J lady s. came over from Canyon City last Sarurday and are guests of her sister, Mrs. C. H. Voegtly. They have many friends in this city who are glad to welcome them. They will remain for sev eral days. Jack and Dave Croddock were over from Silvies Valley the fore part of the week on a visit with Burns friends. They were ac companied by their families snd made the trip in their Ford car. This was Jack's first visit to Burns in several years and found considerable change. The Registered Clyde Stallion, George Chamberlain, is making the stand this season at the Star barn in Burns. He is a well known horse, having been on the I .evens ranch for several years. He is a native son, weighs 1900, and a good breeder. Terms 12.50 for season; $15 return privilege, $20 to insure, ('has. Wilson. 27 T. C. Kendall, a business man of Portland, was here s few days this week. Mr. Kendall came here to look oyer the coun try with a view to secure some land and also to look up a suit able location for hia store, Hs , remarked to a chance acquain tance that his son had just re tired from active service in the army as a wireless operator snd the matter of establishing a ser vice of that character here was broached with a result that Mr. Kendall found a decided interest manifested and he is going to consult with his son npon his re turn to Portland and take up the the matter of establishing a sta tion in Burns and also one in Bend. Tonswams tomorrow night. Old clothes made like new phone 381. Isaac Foster was in from his Silver Creek home this week. FeW choice Red Polled milk cows for sale ('has. Wilson. 26 Harry Cary the Lawen mer chant, wiih in the city this week. Call 381 when you want your clothes cleaned, pressed and repaired. Sylvester Smith was a busi ness visitor to our town during the week. Pickard China and Libby cut glass make beautiful and useful wedding presents. Frank Johnson went to Prine ville this week to bring his wife and daughter over for the sum mer. Strayed, $20 Reward Span brown horse mules branded J on left jaw, weight 1100 lbs. Brown mare strip in face, branded S5 on right shoulder. Going toward Burns. M. H. PAYNK. Harper, Ore. The Clay Clemens sawmill is now at its new location and is prepared to till any order with rough or dressed lumber, also fir lumber; buck teeth and any special order given prompt at tention. 32. J. C. Turney called up on the phone from Sunset the first of the week and stated the drilling machine was again in operation at the oil well and work was pro gressing quite satisfactory. Should there be any particular developments he will notitiy us at once. Very unusual weather has pre vailed during this week. Snow was on the ground Thursday, fol lowed that night by a freeze that played havoc with fruit and ten der vegetables. Those in from the country state the grain and alfalfa crops are not seriously damaged and will recover. In some places the corn was not hurt. Here in Burns the fruit is practically all killed. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Gualt, Mrs. Hanley, MissHelene Swain and Evelyn Byrd were passengers out to Bend on the Collins auto Wed nesday morning, all bound for Portland where .they will attend the Rose Festival. Mr. and Mrs. Gault propose stopping on the way down. Mrs. Cault having engaged to sing in concert in connection with two recitals given by James I). Fellows and his music pupils. On was held at Redmond on Thursday night and the other at Madras on last night On her return Mrs. Gault contemplates coming by way of Prineville and giving a concert. I he lady is a most ac complished musician and is sure to please her audience. Miss Swain will spend a portion of this month in the ,-choolsof Port land getting experience in prima ry work, she having been enga ged in that department of the public school of this city for the coming year, hvelyn returns to have her teeth cared for by Dr. Cavanaugh, the specialist who treated her last summer. J. L. Lowe, the Harney saw-, mill man, is in town today. Good split juniper posts for sale. Phone K, B. Bennett. Ford cars for Juntura or any other place. Phone Burns (iar age. Nyals Baby Cough Remedy roi baby's caugh at The Welcoim Pharmacy. Finest alfalfa, timothy and red top hay baled may had at the Goodman feed barn is south Hums A lady will be here next Sat urday to speak at the court housi on prohibition. The Times-Herald doesn't know the hoar, but it will no doubt be announced later. Peter Hanson is over from his Silver Creek home today and tells The Times-Herald that the frost on Thursday night did not injure crops in that favored sec tion. II. M. Horton and wife have been spending this week on their desert claim, but Tnursday morn ing they decided the weather not the right kind for fanning so came home. Wm. Bennett and wife and little son came down from their Silvies Valley home Sunday to visit their children who live in this vicinity. Mr. Bennett in forms The Times-Herald that he is installing quitea large ir rigation system to cover a grater portion of his land holdings in that Valley. He has already done considerable work and hopes to do even more this season. Thtrs's not only remark ible value, but great satisfaction in buying hats at Cttngsn's Millin ery Parlors everything in millin ery the best. WORKERS .' Mi IKK FOR I'l'HMCATION INIIKIiMTATKH I.ANfiOKKICKf Miiriia.Ofoguti, Max '.". en i v,.i 1, ,. i. hrr.by clvrn llul I'al.r tlrtar. i j I AW.'II '"..HI. who Oil II. 14.1m I .'. I'M!.', 11, , 1, - Ilu .I....I . ..I r . K.. ,MI..,I.I Mj. IM.? I f... .. ...... - . .... .... ...-. .... .... w ... ,.., HW' -.f til. n !. li.ttiiaUI 26 H , Itaiigt :wU ft VV llaiiirMIn Mvl'tisni, hag filed uullt-A ul t n 11. hi tiling, Html five )r I'ruof, ! aatabilsti 1 '.i hit loth UimI hImivi t1. ribfil, r.rf.,n- Hmg Ist.-r and lli elver, si Hums, Orvgon uu the lllli ( Jutjr, I'M Claimant iiiium tor wltnaseoa- Aitaill M i.oiitgr, llnuiias M hilt, Koton H Hurkl.ar.it. J. ft M.i,,, .1, ., Imhi, tlri'goti Wa. KA, Hag 1st r NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION I'. TBI r i - I. AMI Orrirft, i Hums, ort-guu. May 4i. lull J Nntl.t I lisn-tjjr gm-uihat avlt Ht'fjLgf h in-, urrgi.i.. wliu un SovainlNT -U, ItaM, hlil- Mum, stva.l Knt 1, Nu UgX fur HW, Iff t.QB -", luwHall p U H , llailgr :.; . , II lain Ms- MiMl-lian, has fc.-.l null. 1- of lni.-i. Ili.n to loafer Dual Ave ysal prout. to is! all Ish rlalin to lb laml ilxn. ..a. 1 Ibvit, lfon lli Krglstar slot Mr. elvfcr, at Hunts, oit-igm. on ii,.' I'ltii day of July, ItH. Claliuaiii uaiuva as wltnawsrt, Joat'l'lt Hill, uroigi' 1 .'.). Hal'r II M...I.I.-. Ytiiliau I i si. 1 kII ol iiiifus. Ofi'MOii VM Kauai, U.glst- f NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. i'muiim tn i.aKit itrrtrg, I MuritN. "Mgoii, May fl.fVH 1 HoUO If Lrrvby glwn (Lai Anita Culllrr, ol Itlley, 'iMgi.ii, who. on alarru Wy 1110, matt ll'.iiM.ir.il Inliy, No liltl,iii N't vr 10 Tom Haiti f ;.i ri .Range J6 K.,WllltulU MaitdJItu, hat iiii.i ootU'v 11I lutaiitlou 10 makr oui tliM-r t-ar oroof to establish claim tj Iba lain! abovv ill errlbcO, lMfirv tin- Hvglitat an. I H teller, ai Jul), II4. vol 1( K Milt I IM'.I ICA I InN lINITKhrt'l.MKS I .AMniKM K,f Ml in-. iri-KK' M IN, l''H I N..H11' ! In- e.v Rh lui iUH fl.'g, I-UN( (' all'l lieir t liUfgl r . I, -li-i em-i, nf M fell ' . I gil, Mini nil III , 1 ." ItflU a f1 Mrh H., I'll r"-ifriiv l in ml i' h Hi-mi Kill 1 1 . No, MtMt 117. a,. hrk ai il ' ',. ? I It 2 . 1 WliPhl' H4 H , Hoijc'.I K Wl I ita ivrnll in liaa flii-ii iH-ilii' i inn ici. intake fin ' ihfM rt-ai pihit, to e-iniilt-aii rU'i ( he lltifl Ihive .It-Hi rfln-'1. hsjfo'9 KVKtgii-i kii-i ( 1 ViVtri it H11 r it", Iiiiwoii, nu 1 in- in n) u hi , h'M ' IhIm.m.iI Iihiih'' h- Wll tH'NSt-N .1, 'I Nlttfil, Wll r ' M.i kl- ' i .-I! (tlllfl. II-I'SI T HlMNlt Rll II' l hi IIM'gKM Wm. Kai'hk. Megian-r CONTEST NOTICK. I'niikh Htatrm Lamp nun r Burns, Oregon, June ltd CM 1 I'o Charles K Hhewitiakar of IHauatil, tlraffOM, I oiiti-nlee , Voll are hareLy HOUflvd Dial Halph Ide'l m b give- I'lainiiii I, tlri'Koli, es lili- msl of 111 ail Iresg. lll nu lune Ith.l'll file litthlgiiffl e Uls ilu 1 i tiriurated pfsllrtiluii to ounuttl a ml iMiin-ilir eaiicellallMti 1 A c KeL ItflhlMtlof your lloiueilaad Knn Merlal No :'.." ntWlf b 'ifi. IVJ'i, foi N'tNr'4 IWUNIU, K',srt' . W(.HBU, Ol Heitl , ami NWNaU ol Her Hon H. 'l.iHimhlp N MOttlb, RftUgH4, !, Mil la in 1 Me, Merhllai and as grunmla for hs 1 on nM In- alleges lii said i harleg K hhewinager has wboll ahaiidoiH-d said wntty thai h- tMIVl 1 vgiahllshed or inainialiii-d a roffaonoc, 01 made in tniio, 1'iin'lili ill- leuii, nihI Las ghaenicl himself ami changed his nsidrn t lien 1 1 miii wary slnea ilie dale id enir, V011 are, llierefiire, Im (her notified that the till allegallniis will he tag'-ii .! DOolSMMtf. and your said entiy Mill Ui eam-eh d wninmt further rlgbt to '" In aid, either bslora this ufth-e or on aoial( If yuii fa'l to file In this ofliee within twwniy days attvr the KOI Kllf nublleatlnn of thin notice, as kIiomii hrlnvv vuuraoswer, under nsth, stiucltlcally r sHiiid Ing to these allegalLiiif of innlesl, together with due proof that on haw aerwd a 1 oy of four answer on the hsld con lintant eilh 1 In person r by rag isle red mall, You should state In our answer the una of the Hisl office to which ou desire future notices 10 lie sent lo tut. Ww. Karhk, Iteglsler I'afof first pulilleatlou Junc'tlli I 'H. hate of second pu Idlest loll June I ill. 4, fialr d llilrd piil.ltcatloti Juue'JUlh I'll hate of fourth (.uldii atloii June VTlll I'ul orrgoii, on .egutt I the M b da of TONAWAMA TONIGHT Picture prorgam Three Reels Comedy-Educational-Dramatic "Tweedledurn's Motor far" "Dollys Dolls" Split Reel Fas for Ike Little Ones "The Five Rose Sisters" pBJj "The Cattle Rustler's End" The latter 1 Western Draaa of actios ADMISSION IO AND IS CKNTa TOMORROW NIGHT "THE IRON MASTER" TwoReel Feature-Strom, Thrilling Draaa "LEADER OF THE BAND" and "Ranchman's Mother-in-Law" Both good and funny BERGERON TO PLAY For the Program UsumJ Prices, lftdb 25c. I UiuiMiit liKiumai wtllltfM! U.ii,l.l.l j iiik. Ii. I KinUr.c. I. Il.uibi.v tt 111I1. I I t'oilrr. all ut Kll-. Unifuli. W M. rm. KfKlrr netice: for publication (NITfeH NTATKH I ANII Orril . f ami i'i.'k'iii, M it, ivu I NMtM i 1 1 r , I . jr pM lbl MtlilUlil II. ""I'it, ni Hlluy, nienuii, who, utt April IS, 1 'in. iiin.U' Hhiiii iinl Kuuy Nu. n..:l. fu, Lou a. 4. n',M'4. mi llnu 4, Iom imlili .-.1 n, liB,,K,. .1. K. H iiimiii.il, MvtlilKli. Ii, 1II1. 1 nolli 1 ill li.l,i.l,..ii lu liiNkr IlllAl III in- .i,r (.tikjI. I.' Mlftullfet I'UIIU til III. ibii, I l,,. .,.p, ilb.-.l I- Lu. U.Kl-t.T ami Itnrjiir, at Hilnia.iirr ,n 1. ,,11 u,.. nth day ill Jul), IVM rlmiui.iit iiain.i wltuewa li I. .111, Ulillix 1 .1 lllii.li. Mia. Anna 1..I1.T.H I. mil all ..I lull y. IT.'KU.. ' riiki.itqi,!,, NOTICK FOK PUBLICATION. ITNIIKIl MTATKS I. AMI DKKIrlt llurilt, un-. ,111, May II, KM. Nutlil'la li.T.I.) l,.i that IIMirg W Kai irali. ul l.Nrt. ii. uruu, who. uu Niii.Tiil.. 1 -.'. ItaJv ma, I. Iliiiiiolnad Kutry Nu. WH1 fur NW1,. hnlluu II Towuibl M Hoiilh. ItanKi' :ts Kul, Wtllauivita Mi'ilillati. haa Hi, ! 1. on, . i, liitatitluu lu uiah,. final UaiaM )ial pnaif. u I'alal.llali t'lallll In III,, laml alalia ihai I bad, l i,,i, , i,,. K,.gatar ami it.. 1 i-urr al lliiiua. Hii-K'Hi. till tin- VI Ii .lav ui July, i''U ' 1 laiiiiaul iiami- aa lluaaaaa: I. II. 1 up, A.I llayirall. i.u t Mianr. Mar) J. IUji rail all ul l amn llraauu. W '. laaaa. SsSSMI NOTIGI KOK PUBLICATION. I'hlTgti HTATKa I, ASM OCtli k, I hurua, iiicHiiii, May -'''. Iyl4 1 Nolle wis licrvby givi-u llial Mllllain l.fwla Huff .if ll.'), Ur,.ii who .mi i-n-i.t. ..an.) Oil In, imu, rtn(,.i lUt'l), nia.l.' Iluuti kit ail tCnUlra Nus UalN-J-Uilil lor W'jHW'., St., HHSiNWV4i h'.NK'A, NHIW. rlavlloii ll. isu nshli : h , Kaug.' :, h . w lllametla Mart llau lias lll.-l i.otlcritf lutvtil lull loiuakr fluaJ Ilu t . ai I'iihiI h. aslaMlsli rlaim Ui lliwlaitil sti- c .Us. rll'i, Im-(..ii- Hvgialtir ami Hacalval al hurua, Orvgoii, uu (ha IU1I1 (lay u( Jul). IVU, 1 iainia.il u ami's aa t liituaava I J. -1.1.1. Is. Ii J. ttllllaillg, H..V.I Kissing. . all of Hllf). 'H.g.m h. II. Husit, ..i hi,rn, O rgnii V.N KAaK. Km atar NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION 1 mikii h;atkh i.ANiiorricK iiui ua. oii'tiu, Ma) 'JJ, Iwla. Nutloa la In nT.y (Ivan thai lliiuy A Uu A III. I. 1 ..I Ilu. h.iiaii, lli,.uii. aim, nil Mai I. I'll.', u.ali, lluluvatiail Kutry Nu U.i7IU. lur ',',. .-rriiun ;;, luwiiahlp jx H . k.i.v. :m i- . i)iiui.,.ii. m.ti, ilu baa nii',1 uutluv ul liiti'iilluii tu 11 aku dual lliraa aar I'uiol, tn raialillali t'lallll Ut Ihu laml alHivu ilm, illuil bafort iti'Kiat.T anil Kt'rvlvar.ai Hurua, friuu. mi 1 In- at h .lay ul July, lull. llaliiiaiit Itauiaa aa vi lin.aaia J.1I111 11. Taylur, llarulo Juuoaou, I.. H Mr I'hall. Mllu Itaiuiiuiil all ul Itui'liauaii.tlrutfuti. WM. KiKIH, Ht.Klati'i notice; OF CONTEST. V n, r.u haim Lanu orua ( imu. M,g..ii, juii lit 114 i To nurga A. KariiaUi. of I.rwvu, ou-gun I'uit taatvu Vou an In" ft. y iuiiIIUmI ikiat laraai i. liuita gsn v, liu gi vi s Hut us, llarut j .min.. , in. gun, as big mii itttlru adilraaa, ilia mi Junu is. IVU, tllo hi tlili ..in-1 l,i .lu 1. uirruUuialt". auMllua iluu in luuingt ami s.-enn- Uu t'aui wllaiUui ofi your liumaatuad Kulry, Nu., Hvrlal Nu well mail. lmctiiUr Mint, lalU, (or ',, of Him-Hoii M, Tuwngblp 'Ju hoiilh, Haltgiili... Kant. SMIIant I'ltc, Mt'iMlan, gn.l sg gi. mints lur Itlg tuiiUst ha allugra llial salt) (Ui'irgc A. Kaiuam haa ttlu-llj atiaixtuiMil ssi. I uutry, that ba DaVff t'llsl.llghiia or lualmaiiiDil a rualiluiica, or uiaOi Iiiii.iu,uiiiuiiIs tliiii'uu an) ha alwaiiitul hlui auli atnl ihaiiguil his u-si.ii in . ilit'i.iitiiii ri .1 sliirt' (he ilatu of uutry. Yuii art lharolora. lurthor uoit flail thai Its. aid alli'galiiiiis will ha la-uui as cuiifi'sstiil. un I yoiii salil oitti) will ha oaui'tilaii wlthuut Mi'iii.'i ilghl to in- hard althvr liuforu (hit .nu. tir uu apiwal, If you fall tu file In tt. it uttua wllhiu twenty uaya alter the Kul Kill iMililli atluu uf this notice, aa shown below, four aheaur, uorter oath, siMU-lllrally rrapoud IiikJ 'o lliust' allfgatUius 01 roiitaat, togelhur with due irmif ihai ou bavuaarved a cuuy uf your ai.sHiu uu the said roll eataut ullhui Tu neraon m i -v railetarad ma!1. Vuu shuul.l slain in . .iir. iwa ttti- naiueui 1 he iubi..I1Iii' I., w brl. you di'S. future iiullvta tube Mill to mo Wm Pakhb Kaalaui !'mu ..1 H.si, puiiliraiLuu Juiiauib. IvU Ualedf ae.Uidublnatlon Jum- lUU. Ut Dale ul (bird Miiblli-ailuu Jiui .oity Tvl i V Hat ut; tvui siiw 'imvnn, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. tiTKiirTATRHLsi iirrirg, liurua, iiitgon, Ma 1, 1 n t NoIUt la livreli) flM-n that I.uliier I. Hall, of burns. Oregon, who, on n-i nuU'r t., ivil, uiedt- lloiurstvad Kulr), So uft7.'0, fur hK' ttactloii X, 'uwiishli tu H Itaugc M K, Alliauu'lie Meridian, has riled uoilraof luteu tluu 10 111a ki' dual rive tar iintuf, tu cmabllgh rial in to I hr land abov- desriilH-i), bafori Itrgls t.i and Ks.rivfi, at Hums, uri-goi., un th 18th day of June mi ilaliiiaul nanus aa wiluisss lia I. Mlr.-iM-i Ml.ha.l llalvcrsuii. Ilarri Ksger, William II 1 arovuter, all ol hums. Oregon Ml KaRmr. K.gisi.r NOTICE KOK PUBLICATION I'MIKI) h A TKMI.AMiOKr'IrK Hurua, Dragon. Ma i, p.mi Nuttr Is hereby glvrll that ' ar v llm. inliu ger, uf ll lb y urt-gou, w hu un March J, lulu ui ml- Muin. stead l.niM , So n ., -. for l.uU .1, 4 and K'a, hVN', Hertlun l Township gig.. Kangr gi V , W llawette Meridian, hag filed uuii.i-uf luiriitluii tu make Hual I hree-Vear piiMif. tu t.stalllsli 1 lalin to tlte land ahuve de artltied, l fun- rteglster and KecelviT, at Hurua, irrguii. un the I7.ii da uf June, 1IU. Claiiuaiit nauH'saa wliurasn M. J. Williams Floyd K lass-tiger. Hvii I alii aud it. 1. Hetuhin-. all uf Hiley. Oraajoa. W M. lAliSl. H.gisii-r mmmtmttmmmmmmmmmmmtm THE STAR Feed Barn 11. KI.I.IOTT, Crop. Horses Boarded by the Day, Week or Month CAREFUL ATTENDANTS (iuod Feed and Keaminable pries Horrtra 25c per Head in Barn IUUhI Hay and Craiii fur Salt- Comfortable Camp House With Cook Stove PATRONAGE SOLIClTKi) Arrurat Hay and Stork Ncalt-a I'rit.'H fur wrighinx 'Mr- Suulli Main St.. liurna aiuiiiHHimimuimn;umiuitmnta . Vilt, . PREMIER "Non-Pancture" Auto Tires Guaranteed 7,500 Miles Service Tlirav (iri'a Uur tin' i;r.ntf I kmiHii tnilea liiumiloi' ynt ari Hula ut a (irlca I'vun lii than liri-H til iinlliiar)' KtiutaiiU'i' I In-, guarantee covera punclurea, blow-outa itml ni'iitTitl wn.n (iuurand'a cutiti ".fiOO inili'n wrvicw agninat rytliing cvrvpt nlnim-. I'Iuhc tirrl are intended fur timet auvrrf for- Vll'0. Urdrra hay been received for I-m tlraa for uae In United Slntca Uovtramtnl Morvlco. A a si'HtiAi. INTgQDUOTOKK tiller, wn will alli.w I lie Inlluwnig pri.aa lua tin mil l.ti 'la.ai- TIRES TUBES Tir.i Ttilio IS.lt .2U B-U0 BtbtB I0JS ISO :Wx3'. i;t. mi l'.ku :i.si. Ul).'. Hut) , .sua', i,u M.g) Us4 i;.ui nan .'Ik4 I8.U0 ;i.im 3:11-1 in m imt,! Ml. 4 :ai.4u li.tttt 3hi4 l.tjfji .imj vW r- ml U.) ;Mu4,, l."0 8.00 MSSH 7.00 6.10 7x4. .7.60 5.16 a7.Mi UL'tJ 6 40 All utliur Muna. Nuu-Skiila SJ .,i .nut i-.tiii .1 pur utitii dasosat If ysi inu.it in (till n.'.uiii .i,ntuH urdtir and il two are an ntdurud, kIi ppmg .-liurgcn will ini payed y ss, O, 0, i. mi 16 mc iwiil ul aiiii'iini ul iinixi . tltir miii im la Ituiiliit, an wa auggeat early ordering Vi hi'II dirmt mily, giving iuriliaai-r Ihu Hilvaiitagmil all uil.1,11, iiiiin a protll NUN-ITNUTl'Iti; gJLIMggl (Inn uur ruuitniH ii'linura, tiny uliinl ii,. g lilnw imu and IHI pm .i-nt ul bUS inr.ia unaldua giving many tlmuauiid inuiumilua aurviie to each tnu, WSSSI in yuur UraS yog rldu witUnnl marry ui liru Irunlil.'a. Kor all U (iiph Urt-a. , . J I'Cimlla'w iiult Urw . . ,30 I'ut all 4 Uli'li tpoa i . . Si.00 Km Mil 41, tlii'll tiliiN . g Ifi I'ur ul I f m-li tiica . . '' IH) Kor all fi' Hull tins . . ; no NON PUNtTURli TIRE FAtTOKY Dayloa. Okk. COMS1DER THIS; When the opportunity comes to bet ter your condition, you will need a sum of money to grasp it. Your future success will be bought with the aggregate of little sums yoe save as you go along. Delay your sav ing and you put off iuccess. You can do as hundreds of other workers are doing at the Harney County National Bank. Open your savings ac count now, and let it mark the beggin ning of your real start in life. We cordially invite your account. Savings Department Government Supervision Harney County National Bank of Burns, Oregon "Yonr Home InatUntlon" THE WHITE FRONT LIVERY, FEED AND SALE STABLE Baled Hay and Grain for Sale at Market Pricen. Good Hay in Stack The Burns-Vale Stage Line Close Connections Made With Trains East, at both Juntura and Vale. Careful Atten tion and Prompt Delivery of Express and Freight Entrusted to Our Care. R. J. McKinnon & Son BURNS, - OREGON RABBIT WIRE We have a big supply of wire any heighth desired and at BED-ROCK PRICES vakatasL WiTBH s ''"'a v!at.lleMBaM.lllaaa- (aaaaJaHBfV V aaala I 'a 9B.BV ' rtafclC .? a .' t" haff 'tlhW Farm Machinery Implements of all kinds in steck: Seeders. Plows, Disc and Drag Harrows. Machine Extras Builders Hardware Paints and Oils GARDEN SEEDS Fancy Virginia Sraniteware Something New A KITCHEN RANGE GIVEN AWAY in connection with the sale of this handsome graniteware Inquire I BURNS HARDWARE CO. I NEIL SMITH, Manager