The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, May 30, 1914, Image 3

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    Ki4 MAY 1914
ps I mTt 1 wXjTfJs
The Largest CircuUlion Of Any
Newspaper In Hirnfv County.
Loel News.
Tonawama toniRht.
B. A. Riddle was in the city
(during the week.
W. H. Robins and wife arc in
from their Crow Camp home.
Burns (Jaratrc car for .luntura
Mondays, Wednesdays, Friday.
L Noire, of Portland, is here
looking after some real estate
which he owns in the Valley.
Have your clothes cleaned. ,
'pressed and repaired we will call'
for and deliver same. Phone :?81.
The Cain brothers and Wood
Best and Tim Gibson were in
!from Silver creek this week on
land business.
Mrs. W. H. Hollopeter has been
very ill at the home of Mrs. 11.
E. Thompson during the week
but is reported improving by her
R. J. McKinnon & Sun have
For almost twelve years our institution
has stood the exacting test of public ap
proval. During this time it has always
protected the interests of its patrons, re
gardless of local or general financial con
ditions. The volume of business trans
acted through our institution, and the
number of our patrons, continues to
grow--conclusive evidence that our ef
ficient service is appreciated and that our
conservative policy is approved by the
banking public.
of Burns
United States Depositary
at the Wei-
Thermos bottles
come Pharmacy.
Mrs. Pearl Vulgamore has
some fat hens for sale. Call the
ranch by phone.
There's not only remarkable
...... . . -a.- i-, i value, but irreat satisfaction in
Drewsev and .luntura. Connec- j luyirr hats at ( l.ngan s M. bu
ttons made with the trains at W i'artors even thing in nnllm
Juntura and passengers given I ' ""
every comfort. Fare to Barns "All of a Sudden Peggy" t
$6. 'night at Tonawama promises to
, , ,,.., .. ' be a good play I hut will tend to
Silver Creek this week and in
forms The Times-Herald that he!
has ordered new machinery for
his mill that was recently burned pr. (;e0. Carl went over to
and will be ready to turn out Canyon Thursday morning in
lumber again In about two weeks, company with Jinimie Donegan
and Wm. Hanley. The Dootnr
went over on business and ex
oects to return home tod)
Rov. Wm. Haird, Presbyterian
'dispell the blues and give iliver
Ision to the otherwise quiet in
that line
G. W. Clevungcrand wife took
their departure Monday for Seat
tle where they go as delegates to
some religious gatheringaml also
to visit their daughter. Mrs. Wm. Sunday School Missionary, was
WalkuD. The latter may return in the city ihis week being en
with her mother for a visit with ' route to Catlow Valley where he
will hold a series of meetings
amorig the homesteaders in that
section .
"Daddy" Byid n hu ni l from
Jii'i'ura on Tuesday veninf
vhere he had been visiting
Bruss and family. He says
Juntura may be alright but Hums
suits him very well. The roads
had not recovered from the re-
Boise, she having graduated as .cent rains and "Daddy" was a
a trained nurse since completing "ttle the worse ot the wear on
her high school course here and ! bis arrival but after a short rest
seems in demand although she (he will again be out "pestering"
spent a part of last winter with , on the street, talking politics and
home folks. i telling "war lies".
her many former school friends.
August Miller and wife were
here from their home near Drew
sey during the week rem ring
acquaintances and doing some
trading. They had not been
over for some time and found
considerable change in the busi
ness life of Burns. Their daugh
ter. Miss hmma, is stationed at
before buying elsewhere and
I carry a complete line of
at the lowest possible cash prices
- General Merchandise -
Masonic Building, - - Burns, Oregon
Break up that cold with Wel
come's Cold Tablets.
Dry cleaning and pressing at
the Burns Steam Laundrv. 4tf.
C. L Jones and Claud Schug
were up from Voltage during the
weak n land btnfoieta.
Dr. Ceo. Q, Carl is prepared
for special attention to all dis
eases of eye, ear and nose. Kyes
tested ami glasses fitted. 50tf.
Mrs. .1. C Welcome Jr. has
been confined to her home this
week with a most aggrevating
cose of tonsilitis. She is reported
some better.
Miss M. A. Cambell has re
turned from a visit to Portland
and is again ready to go on her
homestead near the 00 Ranch.
M. T. I'lath was in from the
Valley View section Tuesday
making proof on his homestead.
He was assisted by J. M. Hoffe-
ditz and I.. B. Culp.
0 K Thompson was in from
his home near Waverly during
the week. He stated he has sold
his wool at u very satisfactory
figure and that the range was in
fine condition.
Handy man will do any kind of
work by the hour. House clean
ing, chimney sweeping, yard
work or window washing a spe
ciality. Call Arthur Stewart,
French Hotel. Phone 481.
District Attorney Vic Cozad
came over from Canyon Thurs
day on a short visit with his
daughters, Mrs. Curtis Smith
and Miss Hazel Cozad. He will
return to his home in a day or
C. A. Sweek has returned home
from a visit to his son John in
Canyon and his daughter, Mrs.
Kd. Sotithworth in Bear Valley.
Mrs. Sweek met him at the rang
er station in the mountains north
of this city and reports the roads
were very muddy on Monday but
they have since become dryer
and the stage is again making
good time.
The Registered Clyde Stallion,
George Chamberlain, is making
the stand this season at the Star
barn in Burns. He is a well
known horse, having been on the
I. evens ranch for several years.
He is a native son, weighs 1900,
and a good breeder. Terms
$12.60 for season; $15 return
privilege, .$20 to insure. Chas.
Wilson. 27
ShcriH Richardson is in receipt
of a letter from California stat
ing Pat Russell, the man who has
been wanted in this county for
several years on a charge of
horse stealing, had just been con
victed in the courts of that state
and sen fenced to 12 years in the
penitentiary. This is the man
accused of stealing a number of
horses in the southern part of
this county a few years ago and
made his escape into the Owyhee
section of Malheur county where
Sheriff Richardson gave chase
and spent several days in that
rough country, capturing the
man's horse and saddle, but Rub
sell eluded the officer.
Tonawama tomorrow night.
Adam George is in the city.
Old clothes made like new
phone 381.
Few choice Red Polled milk
cows for sale ('has. Wilson. 26
Call 381 when you want your
clothes cleaned, pressed and re
paired. J, B. Eaton, u member of fhc
State Tax Commission, is regis
tered at the French.
Pickard China and Lihhy cut
glass make beautiful and useful
wedding presents.
Mrs Jane McClintock has been
on the sick list this week but we
learn she is better this morning.
C. A Harlan is taking advan
tage of the holiday closing of the
bank today to move to his sub
urban home just completed near
the river.
State Supt. Churchill has in
formed Supt. Hamilton that there
will be no questions taken from
the state course of study for the
June exrmination.
. N
Paul Presley and wife are here
from Sparks, Nevada, on a visit
to Mr. (ireeley's mother and his
brother Oeorge. Paul has many
old time acquaintances in this
Strayed, $20 Reward Span
brown horse mules branded J on
left jaw, weight 1100 lbs. Brown
mare strip in face, branded S5
on right shoulder. Going toward
Burns. M. H. PAYNF,
Harper, Ore.
C. J. Hubbard of Portland is
here to make annual proof on his
desert. He is now with the Cadil
lac auto people and reports busi
ness quite brisk in his line ii
Portland, therefore he will return
The Clay Clemens sawmill is
now at its new location and is
preared to till any order with
rough or dressed lumber, also fir
lumber: buck teeth and any
speciul order given prompt at
tention. :i2.
The Times-Herald is informed
the stone walls fur the new pack
ing plant building of the Burnt
Flour Milling Co. will be com
pleted this week and the necess
ary machinery will be installed
without delay.
The J. L Lowe sawmill, for
merly the Bunyard mill, above
Harney, has a complete stock
of rough and dressed lumber.
shingles moulding, etc. Cood
road. Call by phone for rush
orders. J. L. liowe. 27tf.
The interior of the Presbyter
ian church is being newly paint
ed and papered and there will be
no services held there tomorrow.
In the evening the Presbyterians
will unite with i lie Baptiita in
their farewell service with Rev.
Tomorrow Pentecost Sunday
-There will be services at the
Catholic Church at the usual
time, 10 u. m. Sermen: Where
dwells the Holy Spirit? or The
Home of the Holy Spirit. All are
welcome at every service any
Friends in this city have re
ceived announcements of the in
tended marriage of Ora S. Ham
ilton and Miss Fthel Fstelle Kim
ble which will take place in Kn
terprise on June Oth, Mr. Ham
ilton is the son of Mr. and Mrs.
B. W. Hamilton and the family
resided here for many yeurs. He
is quite well known and has many
friends who extend congratula
James Lampshire and Dr. Carl
Griffith left yesterday for Boise
where he will receive a new
Landau Roadster Sludebaker Six
which the Doctor is going to use
in his professional work. We
understand this is the very latest
in cars with plate glass doors
that may be closed up and the
car used with comfort during any
kind of weather.
Walter Gray and Jerry Dillon
were up from Lawen the first of
the week accompanied R. R. Sit,
who recently suffered a partial
stroke of paralysis and was
brought up in the C. T. Miller
car. Mr. hit, s pnysician was
confident he would recover in a
short time by being iiuiet and
taking good care of himself.
The party returned home the fol
lowing day.
Garry Cozad and wife and
daughter, Miss Myer and Miss
Schubert, ull of Klamath Falls,
were in the city last night on
their wuy to Canyon City where
they go on a short visit. They
will spend sometime with rela
tives and friends in that city.
The trip is being make by uuto
and they are quite a jolly crowd.
While here they were guests at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
All of a Sudden Peggy
Tonawama, Tonight
Paul Finke is down from his
mountain ranch.
Iru Million and wife are down
from fheir Cow Creek home.
Scot I and E, T. Haley are up
from their home nenr the lake.
Features und comedy pictures
ut Tonawama tomorrow night.
Nynls Baby Cough Remedy for
baby's caugh at The Welcome
C. Gezel, representing the
Aiiltman-Taylor Machinery Co.,
is in the city.
Dr. ('. C. Babhidge is up from
Valley View to participate in the
Memorial services.
P. M. Cheney and family have
gone to Washington on a visit
with relatives and friends.
Dr. Griffith preformed an op
eration upon Miss Esther Hugnet
this week, removing her tonsils.
Dot Davis und wife have gone
to Juntura. Mrs Davis will visit
with relatives in Vale for a time
but Dot will return at once.
The many friends of Simon
Lewie are pleased to note he is
improving quite satisfactory from
Ins recent attack of spotted
Mrs. H. B. Hart, of Berkeley,
California, arrived here recently.
The lady is a Bister to County
Clerk Hughet and will spend the
summer here with her mother,
Mrs. Marshall.
Mrs. Dodge's orchestra of little
folks made quite a "hit" at Tona
wama last night in connection
with the regular picture program.
1'hose in attendance enjoyed the
program very much.
C. W. Lincbaugh, the U. S.
Postal man, has returned from
his trip to Andrews and is wind
ing up his work here in connec
tion with the mail contracts. He
expects to leave tomorrow.
The Canyon City Dramatic
Club arrived today and will pro
duce "All of a Sudden Peggy"
at the Tonawama tonight They
are a jolly bunch and are sure to
give us a pleasing entertainment.
Wm. Hanley left again Thurs
day for other points to interview
the voters of the state in the in
terest of his candidacy for U. S.
Senator. James Donegan went
out with him as far as Canyon
The heavy rains of the recent
date followed by nice warm wea
ther has made vegetation get a
move on and we're going to have
another one of those big crops
thai Harney county is famous
for. We'll also have a big crop
of pigs to feed the grain to and
a modern packing plant to take
care of them at slaughtering
Although B Committee of gen
eral arrangements for the big
celebration planned for the 4th oi
July lias In i n appointed, as yet
no definite program hai been da
'ided upon as the finance commit
.ee i, ,s not comiileii d lis work.
Lini i.ii contribution! have best
promised by several of uur busi-
MMI men, howevoi, and sufficient
will be raised to make it a suc
It had bii ii liic mi i.tiiii to
have some three days ol racing
but the meet at .1 itin Day covers
over the celcbnm m period and
It is feared there would not be a
suflicient number of horses ut
tend to make a successful free
for all program, therefore older
forms of entertainment will be
provided. It was suggested that
an air ship be secure but on in
vestigation it is out of the ques
tion to finance such an undertak
ing us we are to far inland to
bring a craft of that character.
Those who have been in the
habit of celebrating in this city in
the past and new friends may
rest assured of suitable enter
tainment being provided for them
at any rate. Just how many
days the celebration will cover
has not been decided, this will be
determined by the amount of
finances raised. The business
men of Burns should rem mber
that a few liberal people and
willing workers cannot make a
4th of July celebration. It is as
much the affair of one as another
and all should take part and do
their share.
When the opportunity comes to bet
ter your condition, you will need a sum
of money to grasp it.
Your future success will be bought
with the aggregate of little sums yoe
save as you go along. Delay your sav
ing and you put off success.
You can do as hundreds of other
workers are doing at the Harney County
National Bank. Open your savings ac
count now, and let it mark the beggin
ning of your real start in life.
We cordially invite your account.
Savings Department
Government Supervision
Harney County National Bank
of Burns, Oregon
'Your Home Institution"
Presbyterian Assembly
Plans Church Federation
J. K. Fleming, who has been
assistant at the Experiment Sta
tion for some time, has had to
resign bis position owing to
the poor health of his father and
return to the family home in
Wasco county to take charge of
the farm. Mr. Fleming is a
very agreeable young man and
the friends he made here are
sorry that it is necessary that he
When I am dead, forget me,
For 1 shull never know,
Though o'er my cold and lifeless
Your burning tears should flow.
I'll cancel with my living breath,
The debt you owe me dead,
(Jive me the love you will show
me then
But give it now instead.
And bring no wreaths to deck my
For I shall never care,
Though nil the flowers, I loved so
Should bloom and wither there.
I would sell my chance of all the
You would lavish on me dead,
For one small bunch of violets,
But give them now instead.
What saints we are when we are
But what is the use to me,
For praises written on my tomb,
For other eyes to see.
One little simple word of praise,
By lips we worship said,
is worth a thousand epitaphs,
But say them now instead.
And faults that now seem hard
to bear
Will then oblivion win,
Our sins are all forgiven us,
When we no more can Bin.
But any bitter thought of me,
Keep it for when I'm dead,
I shall not know, 1 shall not care
Forgive me now instead.
The Presbyterian General As
sembly, com posed of 800 delegates
from Presbytery in this and some
Foreign countries is in session in
the Second Presbyterian Church
of Chicago, a building which cost
three-quarters of u million dollars.
Many important questions are
at Issue in this Assembly such as
the reconstruction of the Board
of Home Missions, Pulpit Supply
and Christian Union. There is a
plan on foot proposing a federa
tion of all Protestant denomina
tions with an aim of having but
one Protestant church in a town
of fifteen hundred people or less.
The Presbyterians contribute
two und a half millions of dollars
to Foreign Missions each year and
two million of dollars to Home
Missions each year. They are
raising a fund of $10,000,000 in
order to provide a pension of
$500 a yeur for ministers who are
past seventy years of age and
have preached thirty years in the
The Assembly will probably
meet next year in Seattle or San
Rheumatism Quickly Cured.
"My sister's husband-had an
attack of rheumatism in his arm, ' '
writes a well known resident of
Newton, Iowa. "I gave him a
bottle of Chamberlain's Liniment
which he applied to his arm and
on the next morning the rheuma
tism was gone." For chronic
muscular rheumatism you will
find nothing better thun Chamber
lain's Liniment. Sold by all
Baled Hay and Grain for Sale at
Market Prices. Good Hay in Stack
The Burns-Vale Stage Line
Close Connections Made With Trains East,
at both Juntura and Vale. Careful Atten
tion and Prompt Delivery of Express and
Freight Entrusted to Our Care.
R. J. McKinnon & Son
Prices at Mill for preduct:
Flour $5.50 in 8-bbl. loll or more.
Bran $1.25 per hundred.
Rolling barley $2.00 per Ion in ton loU
or more. Customers in all caaea to
furnish sack a.
Until further notice the following Cash
Prices will prevail in selling meats:
Hogs, whole or half, lie. per lb.
Choice pork steaks, 15c. per lb.
" " loin, 20c.
Whole pork shoulder 12 l-2
Leg of pork, 18c.
Front quarter mutton, 10c.
Hind quarter mutton, 12 l-2c.
Choice mutton for stew, Be.
Mutton chops, 15c.
Hind quarter beef, 13c.
Front quarter beef, lie.
Beef all cuts al reasonable prices.
The intention of the Company is at all
times to pay the best prices and sell on
closest margin conaistent with good busi
ness management.
We have a big supply of wire
any height h desired and at
Farm Machinery
Implements of all kinds
in steck: Seeders, Plows,
Disc and Drag Harrows.
Feed Barn
Horses Boarded by the
Day, Week or Month
Cood Feed and
Reasonable priet a
Horar 25r per Head in Hunt
Haled lluy and Grain fur Sale
Comfortable Camp House
With Cook Stove
i Accural Hay and Stock latlM
Price for weighing 2l)r.
South Main St., Uuma
" ""ligy j " Y"Wrtwvy
Machine Extras
Builders Hardware
Paints and Oils
Fancy Virginia Graniteware
Something New
in connection with the sale of this
handsome graniteware Inquire