The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, May 23, 1914, Image 3

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14 MAY 1914
T !WlTlFS!
5 6
4m Thr I rgr.l CircuUlion Of Anv
Nrwipcr In Harnay County.
Local News.
Tonawama tonight.
Carroll ("Veil was in town the
Dther day.
Burns Uarage ear for Juntura
londays, Wednesdays, Fridays.
J. E. Sizemore has been in from
lis home near Harney lake for
jveral days.
Albeit Oakerman and wife
Were over troni Miver i reeK
during the week.
Have' your clothes cleaned.
(pressed and repaired we will call
for and deliver same. Phone 381.
Ed Kjfli and family have been
)ver from the ranch this week
Miring the trip in their new car.
For almost twelve years our institution
has stood the exacting test of public ap
proval. During this time it has always
protected the interests of its patrons, re
gardless of local or general financial con
ditions. The volume of business trans
acted through our institution, and the
number of our patrons, continues to
grow conclusive evidence that our ef
ficient service is appreciated and that our
conservative policy is approved by the
banking public.
of Burns
United States Depositary
YOUR $ $ $ $
wife and
at the Wei
ll reak up that cold with Wel
come's Cold Tablets.
Lee Thornberjr and
little ilnuirhter ttcrc down from
their mountain home for a short p. p. Thorns and wife wen- in . P. "anon was in the city
visit this week returned yester- from their homestead in the Sil- "-'u" "'".
day. i ver Oeek section this week. Dry cleaning and pressing at
Thf Times-Herald is authorized, Mrs, ivarl Vulgamore has ""' ,,lr"s Steam Uundrv. 4tf.
to announce that suitanie memiir-1 aonu, fat hfiis for s:ile. Usui his k. u Mass and wile were in
ial exercises will be held on next!ranc), by phone the city from Narrows this week.
Saturday forenoon. May 80 at' , . ... N,.inn:in ,las Dr. ;,, (;. Cnrl is nrenared
Tonawama. The program has; . . R.won fllP K,.,.i;1 ,,,,.,,, , .n m-
not been completed as yet. ,nBHv la MMffted in Itaket ill cases of eve. ear and nose. Eves
LeMav was here this a dav or two after an extended tested and glasses fitted. 50tf.
Old clothes made like new
phone Mi
Few choice Hed Tolled milk
cows for sale ('has. Wilson. 25
Judge L. K. Webster is here
from Portland looking after some
legal business.
Rolled barley, wheat and oats
for sale at market prices. W. A.
Goodman's feed yard.
J. R. Kalkstead was a business
visitor from the Happy Valley
section during the week.
I. H. Holland and wile, ac
companied by Mrs. Millar and
Mrs. Rembold, made a trip to
Drewsey Tuesday, returning the
same day. They made a Hying
trip as the roads were good.
The J. L Ixiwe sawmill, for
merly the Hunyard mill, above
Harney, has a complete stock
of rough and dressed lumbar,
shingles moulding, etc. Good
road. Call by phone for rush
orders. J. U Ixwe. 27 tf
The committee arranging the
music for Memorial Day Services
to be held in Tonawama Hall on
the morning of ftky 80th, re
quests all local singers who are
willing to sing to come to Tona
wama on Tuesday evening May
26th at 7:30.
Big 4th of July
C. E.
I inly land.
week, bavins come over from visit to Koine and tin
Juntura where he had been locat- There's not only remarkable
ed since last fall. He was on his; i.. j ... .rreat satisfaction In
I way to the coast, it being his in-1 buying hats at Clingan's Millin-
tention to locate in t oos county. ',,. t.,,rs everything in millin-
R. J. McKinnon & Son have ! 7 the best.
established a daily stage between A bunch of keys was lost on
Drewsey and Juntura. Cofinec- the streets the other day and the
tions made with the trains at tinder will be suitably rewarded quits serious we understand.
Juntura and passengers given hy giving them to .lames Lamp
every comfort. Fare to Burns shire at the garage.
b. )r i, .,,,,, i nnstorof the First
C. B. McConnell has been ad- Presbyterian church of this city,
miMed to practice law before the has been spending a part of this
courts nf this state. Mr. Mc-' week visiting at the home of Dr.
Connell has practiced law in for- and Mrs. C. C. Babbidge in Vnl
mer ytars but since coming to ley View. He will be in his pul
this state has been devotins his pit tomorrow, however, to hold
time to other business and d u rhe usual services
not make application before.
The Times-Herald regrets to
learn that David Savage is quite
ill in Portland suffering from
heart trouble. His condition is
Handy man will do any kind of
work by the hour. House clean
ing, chimney sweeping, yard
work or window washing a spe
ciality. Call Arthur Stewart,
French Hotel. Phone 481.
Miss Florence VanValkenburg
arrived home this week from
Ontario where she has been with
her sister, Mrs. Wm. Walker,
for some time. The young lady
i he Registered Clyde Stallion
Wm. Hanley has returned home' George Chamberlain, is making , will go out to the family home on
from an extended tour of the i the stand this season at the Star Silver ( reek for the present.
barn in Burns. He is a well , T()m Aen ,ma in from
known horse, having been on the th1 j, Hanch thja week fl8 wjt
Levens ranch for several years. , nejJ8 in the water sujt thftt hafl
He is a native son, weighs l'.HK), U..,,.,, lln,i..PU.llv fnrHftm ;m- ho.
Western part of the state in the
interest of his candidacy for U.
S. Senator. We have not seen
him since his return, therefore
have nothing to report as to how and a good breeder. Terms
much boosting he has done for $12. r0 for season; $15 return
the Big Harney Country during privilege, $20 to insure, ('has.
his absence. 1 Wilson. 27
before buying elsewhere and
I carry a complete line of
at the lowest possible cash prices
- General Merchandise -
masonic building, - - Burns, Oregon
fore Mrs. Blott as special referee.
John South was also here from
Juntura as a witness in the same
case, Smyth vs. llorton.
Miss Ielah McCee is hornet
after an extended absence in
California where she has been
making her home for the past
two or three years. We have
not learned whether she expects
to remain in Burns or not. Her
many old time friends are glad
to welcome her home and hope
she may decide to remain here
I. H. Holland, of the P. L. S.
Co. received a telegram from
John Gilersat Sunday announcing
that he was returning and while
the telegram didn't state definite
ly, it is understood that he comes
back in his old capacity as gen
eral manager. He is at present
in the Mann lake section where
testimony is to be taken in a suit
over water rights in that territory
but will be over to Burns perhaps
next week. Mr. (iilcrest resign
ed his position and left here for
California last week but it is evi
dent there was some inducement
offered by the Company to have
him return and resume his work.
('. F. Tulloch came in Saturday'
afternoon with the leturns from
the primary election held in Cat
low precinct the day before. He
had heard of the former reputa
tion of that precinct in elections
in the past and was determined
to redeem it and have ( 'allow on
the roll of honor. He was
brought over by Mr. Beckley, the
picture show man, in his auto and
the return trip was made the
following day. In his haste to
gel back home Mr. Tulloch left
his seed corn at the hotel and
Dell Dibble is going to plant it
on top of his cellar in the back
yard if it isn't called for soon as
A Mass Meeting
Tuesday, May the 26th
4:30 P. I.
To Complete Arrangements
Dave Miller was in the other
day and says he has been doing
more or less experimenting
with poisoning rabbits and finds
it is quite effective; he finds that
he can dissolve strychnine more
readily by placing it in vinegar
and leaving it over night, as
thus it is dissolved and may at
once be mixed with gram or
whatever it is intended to bate
with. He finds even now with
plenty of green stuff that rab
bits will eat grain.
C. F. Kreul and B. L lbide
man were here this week, taking
their departure this morning.
The former resides in Portland
but was in this section last sum
mer and purchased some land.
Mr. Heideman resides at Mc
Minnville and has been devoting
his time of recent years to news
paper work, being a reporter on
one' of the papers there. He
was quite favorably impressed
with the big Harney Country but
did not invest at this time but
may come back in the near
Call am when you want your
clothes cleaned, pressed and re
paired. 1'ickard China and Ubby cut
glass make benutiful and useful
wedding presents
For Sale 10 head of good
gentle work mares, averag'
weight 1400HM,, age from 5 to
! years. B. F.Campbell, Burns,
Oregon. 19tf,
Kemp Hnrdisty has been down
from his Trout Creek Iwmo dur
ing the week having sOfflS dental
work done and looking aflei
., w. ..;.,..
nwun- nunuii'nn. ,
!..:.. ur:.i I f
I i u e vvnneiK wuniniwn iioie
his home near Harney th
fore part of the week attending
a meeting of the directors of the
Burns Flour Milling Co.
Albert Cross is another victim
of ipotttd fever and is at the
Cummins hospital. His mother
came down from Trout Creek th
fore part of this week but finding
him in good hands and getting
along as well as possible, she re
turned home.
J. C. Turney arrived here this
week and has gone down to the
oil well. He expects an exper
ienced well driller here at once
and operations will be resumed
at the prospecting well as soon as
the machinery can be started.
Mr. Turney stated he intended
to keep the public posted fully
on the results each week.
Frank Clerf came in from Al-
vord Wednesday to take his at
torney G. A. Rembold, out to look
alter his interests in the water
litigation, testimony of which is
to be taken next week in that
vicinjty. Frank doesn't get over
to see us very often but says he
is kept too busy on the big ranch
to visit much with his neighbors
who live so far away from him.
W. H. Uobins. the successful
Candidate on the republican ticket
for county commissioner at the
recent primary election, was in
the city this week on business.
Mr. Uobins is one of the substan
tial farmers of the east side of
Barney Valley and would make
a good officer as he is a conserva
tive business man and capable of
handling the affairs in connection
with the duties of the office.
Dr. I,. K. Hibbard and his son
Llewellyn and daughter Miss
Eugenia took their departure ear
ly this week for an extended trip
which will cover the lower end
of this county and jiossibly some
of Nevada before they return us
they expect to be absent a couple
of months. Dr. Hibbard will
take care of some of his patients
on the tour besides be in the
open more or less, as this is one
of the primary objects of the
trip on account of his health.
They went in their Ford car and
were equipped with everything
necessary for comfort and a good
Miss Drusa Dodson arrived
home last Monday evening from
Boston where she had been tak
ing post graduate work in Kmer
son's School of Expression. The
young lady reports a very prof
itable year and comes home in
good health. She will remain
here with her mother for a time
but expects to go to Arizona in
the early fall where she has been
engaged to direct a big pageant
to be staged some time in Octo
ber. Her many young friends
in this city are glad to welcome
her home and wish her success
in her w"rk.
Next Saturday Night, May 30
High Class Society Comedy
will be Presented by the
Canyon City Dramatic Club
Anthony, Lord Crackenthorpe - Mr. Jack Anderson
The Hon. Jimmy Kippel - - Mr. Wilmot (i. Whitfield
Major Archie 1'hipps .... Mr. P. F. Chandler
Jack lianiiea Mr. Otis Patterson
Parker Mr. W. T. Clay
Lucas Mr. Clay
Lady Crackenthorpi Mrs. F. S. Slater
The Hon. Millicent Kippel - - - Miss Bertha Boy ce
The Hon. Mrs. Colquhoun ... Miss Roxie Denny
Mrs. O'Mara - . - - - Miss Velma Guernsey
Peggy Mrs. P. F. Chandler
The Overture by Mrs. Dodge's Children's Orchestra
Wf ' "' "" ' "'V '"' II I .1 I I , I I I II 11.1 1-1
Usual Admission Prices: 75c, 65c, 50c, 85c
Seat sale all day Saturday, May 80
Tonawama tonight
NyalS Baby Cough Remedy for
baby's caugli at The Welcome
Mrs. (i. G. Carl took her de
parture last week bv way of
Portland for a visit with relatives
mil friends in the Hast. She
tvih le absent most of the sum
tier and left tha Doctor In the
tender care of the manaueo! I his
great religious weekly but w
won't be responsible for him a
The time.
Died- Tuesday mornln ;it tha
iottags Inn in this my, Geo,
Thompson, aged about 711 years.
He had been sullermg from heart
trouble for some time and his
death was not a surprise to those
who knew his condition, lb' bad
no relatives in this section and
had been making his home on
Sage Hen for the nasi few years,
making his headquarters a great
r part of the time at the home
of Fred Scott. He was buricdjin
the Burns cemetery.
A very heavy rain storm visit
ed this section during the past
three days and has caused much
inconvenience to travel but has
0en most beneficial to growing
crops. While vegetation was
not suffering from dry weather
it will be helpedvery materially
by the added moisture. The ex
periment station tract was re
ported by Supt. Breithaupt as
rather dry but he has no com
plaint to make since the rain as
one party who visited the farm
yesterday states that a part of
the grain had been beaten down
to the ground by the heavy rain.
lion .1 I. I.' mil :irrieil bereN
from Baker Tuesday and left the
next day in company with Ike
Holland for the Mann Lake sec
tion where there is litigation in
volving the water of some of the
streams of that section. Mr.
Itand is attorney for the P. L. S.
Co. in the suit. Other attorneys
interested are J. W. Biggs and
Q, A Rembold of this city. The
former expects to leave for that
point tomorrow morning and will
be accompanied by Mr. Kckhart
who is the officer before whom
the testimony will be taken. Mr.
KeiiiboM goes out with his client,
Frank Clerf, who tame over after
him in his auto.
The size of this bank is due to the
patronage of many small depositors rather
than that of a few large ones. We real
ize that fact and want the smallest depos
itor to feel as welcome as the largest.
U. S. Gov't.
State of Oregon
County of Harney
City of Burns
The packing plant of the Burns
Flour Milling Co., is nearing com
pletion, that is the walls are go
ing along quite satisfactorily and
the building will soon be in readi
ness to receive the machinery.
The Times-Herald la informed
that an experienced packer has
been engaged to take charge of
the plant as soon as it is ready
for operation and that they are
very highly pleased at the pros
pects as this gentleman cornea
well recommended and has had
much experience in his line.
There is no reason why Harney
County cannot produce and turn
out as good bacon, hams and lard
as any place on earth as we have
the pigs, the right feed and with
modern facilities to properly cure
the meat we can compete with
any. With more alfalfa and
field peas being grown we shall
have more pigs and a better qual
ity than in most of the big cen
ters where (lacking plants have
always been established.
Prices at Mill for products;
Flour $5.50 in 5-bbl. lots or more.
Bran $1.25 per hundred.
Rolling barley $2.00 per Ion in ton lots
or more. Customers in all cases to
furnish sacks.
Until tin the-.- notice the following Cash
Prices will prevail in selling meats:
Hogs, whole or half, lie. per lb.
Choice pork steaks, 15c. per lb.
" loin, 20c.
Whole pork shoulder 12 I -2c.
Leg of pork, 15c.
Front quarter mutton, 10c.
Hind quarter mutton, 12 1 IV
Choice mutton for stew, 8c.
Mutton chops, 15c.
Hind quarter beef, 13c.
Front quarter beef, lie.
Beef all cuts at reasonable prices.
Tha intention of the Company is at all
times to pay the best prices and sell on
closest margin consistent with good busi
ness management.
Feed Barn
II. lOI.IIOIT, Prop.
Horses Hoarded hy the
Day, Week or Month
(iood Peed and
Reasonable prices
lliirH.K 25t- per llt-uil hi liuiii
llalrtl llav anil (imlll fur Snlt-
Comfortuble Camp House
With CookJUove
Arruiul Ha) unci Stork N.air-,
I'riitu for weighing 20c.
South Main HI., Hum.
Baled Hay and Grain for Sale at
Market Prices. Good Hay in Stack
Burns-Vale Stage Line
Clone Conncctionx Made With Train East,
at both Juntura and Vale. Careful Atten
tion and Prompt Delivery of Express and
Freight Entrusted to Our Care.
R. J. McKinnon & Son
We have a big supply of wire
any heighth desired and at
hi jEaWoysspSrZiifew
AVPVsaaaaA V aaaaaaaaaaataa5$!smsf!saP 'BgLt"lraqMA
Farm Machinery
Implements of all kinds
in steck: Seeders, Plows,
Disc and Drag Harrows.
IM W "" &' ' HHSggg .
Machine Extras
Builders Hardware
Paints and Oils
Fancy Virginia Utew are
Something New
in connection with the sale of this
handsome graniteware Inquire
i Manager