The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, May 02, 1914, Image 2

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See our display of
and other goods of
Tell you 'bout 'em next week
Clothing Company
Merchant Tailors and Leading Clothiers
I. O. O. F. Building - - Burns, Oregon
Musical Concert May 9.
the $imes-lUra(d
Additional Locals.
Break up that cold with Wel
come's Cold Tablets.
The definite dote for the con
cert of G. Wilbor Reed, the noted
tenor simrer, has been set for
next Saturday, May 9, at Tona
wania and the seat sale begint
this afternoon. Mr. Keed will b
assisted by Mrs. J. L Gault and
the Treble Clef Club. Burns and
vicinity has a large" number of
music lovers ami this oKrtunity
will not be missed to hear such
singing. Home eople know the
ablity of Mrs. Gault and have
also had oMrlunity to hear the
young ladies she has been teach
ing; therefore with the added
attraction of one of the i.oted
singers ot both this and foieign
countries it is safe to predict an
overflowing house on that even
ing, especially since the admis
sion price has been made so rea
sonable. The Times-Herald has no hesi
tency in saying this will be the
best entertainment of this char
acter that has ever been under
taken in this city and hopes
the x.-oplc will realize the
rare opportunity to hear such
talent. Mr. Keed is recognized
as one of the best American tenor
singers and his apearances be
fore audiences in Kngland and
Germany as well as the United
States have elicited the highest
praise. The following is a com
ment taken from a Portland
paper as to his ability:
"Space now admitting, it is
proper to speak of the rare musi
cal treat afforded at the concert
of the Ajh)IIo Club male chorus,
given under the direction of W.
H. Boyer, last Tuesday night, at
In the I'ircuit Court uf tit Stole
iitk'i tot Hrtniejr County.
l-.M. i a Kitigerelil. I'laintlli, ,
IjnriiiK W . Ilornlieck, Walter (
llixlilrr, A. ln'atoii and I
l, lie- I
Few choice Red Polled milk ' the Masonic Temple Auditorium
cows for sale Chaa. Wilson. 25 1 and to speak especially of the
suBscwrnoN hates
Oh Year
TWm M.ata.
Federal Irrigation Engi
neer Inspects Projects
E. G. Hopson. Supervising En
gineerof the Federal Reclamation
Service in the Northwest, and G.
Stubblefield. consulting engineer,
of Portland, arrived in Burns last
Monday. In company with C. B.
McConnell, in charge of irriga
tion matters here, these gentle
men visited and made a personal
investigation of the various reser
voir and dam sites of the Silvies
River and Silver Creek irrigation
On Wednesday the party, ac
companied by H. K. Donnelly of
Pickard China and Libby cut
glass make beautiful and useful
"! wedding presents
I oo
.Tsi Miss Herbert the graduate
nurse who has been at the Cum
mins hospital for some time, has
gone to Walla Walla.
Dr. Carl Griffith has returned
from a visit to Klamath Falls
where he was called on account
of the serious illness of a friend
Dr. Ida Behrendt the well
known occulist who has visited
this city several times, will In
here from May 14 to 21. See her
The graduating exercises of th
Harney county high school will
splendid ringing of the soloist,
George Wilder Keed. tenor, from
grand opera and concert work in
Berlin, Germany and London,
England. The excellent singing
of the male clmrus has already
been reviewed. Mr. Keed visited
j this city last summer, when he
j was the glMBt of his brothi r, C
I L. Keed, of Upper Drive, Port
land Heights, and sariK before
an invited company at the Uni
versity Club and at the First
Church of Christ. Scientist So
j much of a favorable impression
! did Mr. Keed and his fine tenor
' voice make, that he was invited
; to become a resident of this city
and this Mr. Keed has just divid
ed to do. At the Apollo Club
concert, he was in magnificent
voice and won much
He is a heroic, grand oera tenor
and he ringB 15-flat in altis imo
the State Enaineer's office, made I "eld at lonawama next rn- and higher, with ease and safety
an extended trip of inspection of j day evening. A very entertain- J and with pleasure to his audience,
the lower section of Harney Val-1 '" program has been prepared. I His is a big voice, under good
I. M. Davis is over from Drew-icontrt)1- correctly placed and of
sey and informs The Times-Her-1 Bn quality. He takes
aid that the tunnell has been carc to Pronounce every syllable
completed on the big irrigation lin,i r,sult 'H thal hia ''
ditch that he and others have had :uk1 distinct enunciation is a
constructed and the water will be tm,t- Would that more l.igh
ley and lake region.
The visitors declined to give
any interview for publication,
and while Mr. Hopson is in charge
of all Federal reclamation mat
ten in Oregon, it is understood
that in making the investigation
of our local projects he was act
ing for private parties, and that
his report will have an important
bearing on many matters pertain
ing to the immediate develop
ment of Harney County. The
party had the opportunity of
viewing the country and passing
upon the water resources under
very favorable circumstances.
flaw Bids on Mail
Routes Asked.
turned in some time next week.
Mrs. Harrison came over from
Drewsey yesterday particularly
to attend the party given by Mrs.
Ben Brown, but they met with
a mishap to the auto near Buch
anan and she didn't reach here in
time to take in the afternoon entertainment
I'reetnn, hie wife
(ml. una
Tn (I A I'rralun mill 1'rril. in,
hit wlf, two of tlir ilrfrmlanta almfe
In tin mime of the State of Oiaggft,
you nrr hereby rrUiinl to niirnr nml
miawrr the cuniiliiint liliil .ii'uiikI ton
in the above rntitleil court anil milt with
in ail wecka from the ilntr Die lii-i
pulJication ol I hia auinniona na herein
after giren, ami if rou lail to to anawer,
lor want thereof plaatifl will apply la
nnl court lor lhr rtliel pmjrul for in her
complaint, tn alt,
1. For judirinent againat ilefcnilatit
I.omhk W. Ilurnliri'k for the aum si
L'M1 00, with intrrrat tberemi In. mi the
ll'th day of March, l'.iM. at the rale of
eight tier cent, ier annum until pnnl,
ami lor the lurlhri aum of $100,000 a(
torney lee. together with the coata ami
diebaraeraenta ot aaid auit,
2 For a drcrcr that plamlig rnoit.
K"K" KITn to arruir t ic lumi hriniihr
lorr niriitioiKil, la a llrat, valid and and
ting lirn uiHinthc rrnl iruierty there
In and herein dracrihrd, to wit,
rhsw'tNK'4 aaajntfJEH. Sstttaa
C. T. J3 H R. 3. K. W M , in Harney
County, Oregon, together with the
water righta, Icnrmfnta, hereditament
and appurtenance thereunto lavliuig
ing or in anjrwiac appertaining.
.'I. For u decirr nud ordrr of anle ac
cording to law and tlie practice of aanl
court ol the aaid mortgaged preiiuaer,
and the application of the proceeda ol
aaid aale In tiaymeiit of coeta and ilia
( buraetikenta, attorney lee, and tlie
. amount fuuiid to lie ilue pliuntill.
For a decree that defendant, anil
.each and ull ieraoua claiming under
! them aulaeiuri'.t tn the eierulion o
IplnlntitFa aaid mnrtgage iijmiii aaid pn
miaee, to wit. Aug 111, IBM, eithei a
purchaacra 1111 umbraDcera, or other-
aiar, I forever harred and MSduSM
of all right, title, claim or eiuity ol re
demption in and to aanl mortgaged
prrunare and every part thereof.
6. lor a judgment againat ilelendnnt
lring W. Ilornljeck 111 tlie aiuouut ot
any deficiency winch may remain after
the application ol i he proceeda of aanl
aale ae aforrauid
li. l-'or a decree that plaintitl or nut
party to auid auit may become a pur
chaaet at aaid aale, and that plaintiff
may havr auch olbcr, luithcr and dil
ferent relief aa to tlie court ahall ton.
equitable and juat, or aa the nature ol
the cauar may retinue
Tina eutnmun la act veil upon you In
publKnti hi thereof for en ennaecutite
weeka in the Tiluea Herald, a weekU
new "-r, puhhthed al Itiiina. Ilnrnev
I'ounty, Oregon, liy order ol the Hon
Orant Thoimieoii, county Judge ol aanl
county, ulmh order i- dateel April 2lh,
I'll I, die date of the tlrtt pulilicatmn o!
aid iimiuoiia April 2.'ith, I'.il I. ami
the laat pahta ntion ilierrol iirlng June
i;ih, JilU
J, S I ooa,
Attorney for Plaintiff
Notice to Creditor!.
Ill Hint on nt Court nl the Mate ol Ore
gon, (or Harney County.
, In the matter ol the ealale ol Nellie
Hufctou, decvaaed.
Notice ib hcrctiy gnen that the uoilcr
' aigranl haa Irccu duly npMiuled adminis
trator of tlie rotate ol Nellie Hum
We do job printing.
aL" x
Tortoi. Shall Auto Glasses
Oregon Hotel
Comforts of Home
l Personal Attention
Home Cooking i
Clean Rooms and Beds
Best Task Serriu
Ceirtesis Trcalaeat
Spring Opening
We extend to all a special re
quest to call and examine our
Dress goods, waists dresses, skirts
new summer underwear in silk,
lisle, cambric in all styles, hosiery,
gloves, neckwear, new ribbons,
laces, embroideries, full line trim
ming, silks and buttons
Quality Goods Only
He pays for his vanity. The
man who buys a heavy car
sacrifices good dollars to mis
placed pride. The prudent
buyer invests in the depend
able Ford He knows it
will serve him beat and at
lowest cost.
Five hundred dollar, it the price of a Anro
runabout; the touring car ta five Mty; the
town ear irrrn fdty- f o- b. Detroit
plete with equipment Get catalog and
parti, nlar i from Burn (.! Baraa, Ore
Class sillgtTS Would speak SO dlS- j ,ecaretl. I.y i.r.ier i.f tlie ,udKe of tlie
tinctly in singing. Mr. keed
! sings with facility in Knglish.
Uerman and Italian, and his spe
cialty is Wagner's music. What
a splentlid Ixhengrin he would
Seat sale is on this afternoon.
also Wednesday afternoon, Friday
Women of Woodcraft tomorrow
afternoon at the cemetery, 2:30
o'clock, when the monument
erected overjthe grave of the late
Mrs. Grant Kesterson will be un
Post Mistress Mamie Winters; veileL Tg ceremony ja publie
received notices and posted a those who desire mav attend.
afternoon and all day Saturday
Unveiling ceremonies by the of next week. Mail orders re
ceived in the meantime will be
reserved the first time the ticket
ofliice is open after receipt.
Tickets $1.00 and 75 cents.
thorn asking for new bids on all
tttaJI routes leading in and out of
Burns with the exception of the
Frineville line. The Vale line is
In he abandoned so far as coming
troox that place, the new bids
ring from Juntura and calling
Bar mail only three times a week.
Us ia going to meet with a pro
i ham the patrons of that
Mrs. W. T. Lester and two
children, who have been spend
ing the post winter with relatives
and friends in Kentucky, arrived
home last evening, coming in
from Juntura in the McKinnon!
auto. The little daughter was
born since Mrs. Lester went'
away last fall.
One of the largest and
10 a. m. Sunday School.
11a. m. Church service, and
4 p. m. very important meeting
at the church for members.
8 p. m. Haccalaurette service
at Tonawama Hall.
utiove eiititlei! court
All pcreon baring claim agiuttal
uil eatatr are bereliy nutitieil in j.u
aeot aaine iluly verifier aa liy law m,uir
kiI, to tlie uiiilerai-iieil at Ilia place of
Imeinrea in llurna, Oregon, within an
mi n til from I lu- Jaleol the Brat puhlua
tion of i liia notice.
The llrat jmliliciition of thia notice in
the -Ull ilay of April, l!U
Ailo imalrator ol tin- catate of Nrlhc
lluaton. IVreaaeil.
SO acren, 70 acren farm land, good improvement,
5 room house, barn to stable 10 horses, 8 acres
fenced hog tight, 3 1-2 acres in clover, small or
chard, wood shed, chicken houses, well, S miles
north of Grangeville, Idaho, telephone, rural
mail, daily Can deal this for good wild hay
land, and some cattle. Price $6500. What
have you to offer?
THOMPSON & DEEdAN-Real Estate Dealers
Burns, Oregon
Per cent
Heavy Shirts
Heavy Uunderwear 9
Mackinaw Coats
Sheep & blanket lined coats
Sweater coats
A. K. Richardson
General Merchandise
Time to think about garden
seeds. A nice assortment in
cluding onion sets at the Hums
Hani ware Co.
Picture show tonight.
Cleaning, pressing and repair
ing a Specialty. Ladies' clothes
as well as mens. Williams-Zoglmann
Clothing Co.
Tonawama tonight
The Pure Bred Imported Percheron Stallion
CROMIER, No. 40332
Will Make Season Stand of 1914
Cromier is a mature horse, weight 1700, good breeder
TERMS, $10. INSURE, $15
J. W. Shown.
tat from Drewsey on this way. One of the largest and must
aa they have had the benefit of enjoyable parties of the season
a daiiy mail for many years and J was given by Mrs. Ben Bruwn
tot going to submit without yesterday afternoon at her beau-
word to a reduction in the j tiful home in this city when she
sfcvic- entertained a large company of
1 trains do not run daily to her lady iriends at rive Hundred.
at present but no doubt borne lb guest were present and , glasses were troublesome, and
iama will justify a daily an expre&sea aeiignt ana apprt-: looking, and trying to the
ciation of the pleasant and gra
cious manner in which they were
entertained. A nicely served
luncheon followed the hands and
the company remained until quite
late. The table honors were
awarded to Mrs. E. K. Purington
and Mrs. G. A. Rerobold.
u the immediate future,
when the line gets on
1 this uniry where it is ac
ta than n much greater
will be created with
11 traffic coming and
by that way.
, Kttstor returned
ng by way of Bend
rfltH-n in California
he renaraliy spend his
He in looking well and
rttji-i ,ie baa eajayad the winter.
m says ha might haw stayed
aaer feat it was so done to the
dean lis that b felt aafar up
in Harney County, not that
averted to giving the
. . liftla "brash" but
m ww --
meet them on
Notice Ta Craattter
Notice ia hereby given tbat the uoilrr
aigaed baa been duly appointed adiiunia
tratur of the eetaU of Jaauer Haeia,
daotaead, by Iba County Court ol tin
Slat of Oregon, lor Harney County
All pcraoaa haying claim againat aaid
eatate are hereby notified to preaent
tlicm. duly verined aa by law required,
to dm at the offlco ol my attorney J. H.
Colt, in ilurua, Harney County, Oreaon,
within ail noutba from the data oil In.
Dated thia I6tb day of April, lull.
J. P. WrruHU.
AdaiawtratoT of eataU of Jaaper
It used to be true that bifocal
nd trvinff t
yes. It is NOT true of
KRYPTOKS -the new kifrw.l.
that look and wear like plain
gUsaet, but give perfect near
and-far vision.
perfectly and comfortably? If
not, your eyt-s should lie exam
ined and fitted properly with
or spectacles. It will save you
many a headache and prolong
your eyesight. I have every fa
cility for examining and fitting
your eyesHcietititicilly and do not
ask any fancy prices.
Will be in
Burna May 14 to 31
The Studebaker Four Roadster is a car of dual type and manifold advantages.
At a Roadster the car presents a distinguished appearance, differing but little
from the conventional type.
When desired, however, it is only a few minutes' work to change it into a
closed car -impenetrable to wind, cold, and rain. The Studebaker name guaran
tees appearance, durability and minimum cost of maintenance.
The Studebaker SIX
Touring car
The Studebaker FOUR
Touriag Car - f 1060 00
Delivery Car til so on
AH rriaae F. O. B n,.
Ekctricalljr Started
EkctricaUy Liatf
I 11 $1200
vCwflrS LkVr V ja.C5y
Fair Feed Yard
Timothy, Alfalfa and Red Top Hay
Baled Hay For Sale
Free Camp House and Feeding Privileges in Corral
or Barn. Customers Care For Own Stock.
W. A. GOODMAN, Adjoining Fair Grounds.
Write for free copy of the Studebaker Proof Book, containing sixty-four
pages of information on the manufacture of the Studebaker automobiles
Lampshire's Garage, Burns, Ore.
"Buy It Because It's a Studebaker'
New Spring Goods
Have arrived and we are now ready to
supply you with your requirements
Dress Goods, Wash Goods
Laces, Ribbons, Hosiery.
Gloves, Embroideries, etc.
The Burns Department Store
RKetjeaatiaa Qaicaty Carat
"My sister's husband had an
attack of rheumatism in his arm,"
writes a well known resident of
Newton, Iowa. "I trav him a
1 ..i -. m i i . " . OI Burae, urvaun. Mi,..
iHittlt- tit ( nam he rutins Liniment i'mmimd ,nn;
which he anplied to his arm and F aVaSS V mV
I MIKU -I l K is
hurt. Oreaaa
Nlllll lltlKlffl,, .!.. Ik.i VI
..i It ... - - "
on uit' nt'xt momintr the rhouma. " k k,
.. -- nu b h, ii.ji.. ..,
luni ...... ........ if W 1 .t- . "!
'mi" o nunc. ror
au aitHI umiir ikl Inltili
onra -ar loi-.t.i
atxe JravrlU-d. u-l,.i, i..- It
relnar. at Huru. nrron. on ll.
none. For chronic
muscular rheumatism you will
lilld Mllllimir liottar Ikanrkmk..
Mai. 114
Burna Hotel
Iain's liaiaaa. OIJ W.. -Ill fewajaai name aa lluva.
... - 'mill. kMutu ojf ail , au. ueorgw tun.,
dealers. ,. en oi sum.
i war.