J I Making the Little Farm Pay By C C BOWS FIELD . ! times, I w ITU a kwo rlrmand for vegetable mill fruit, farmer have a cbanee to etftire fur larger ;.ntlt limn they .in- tin from grain growing or dairy hie HUM! agriculture l the iiihhI of the iiiii ximiiier farm mitt iM'tter eultlvatlmi There mIuuiM lie the great aat poaalblc range f iirtsltiotlon when markets a're Matt rem-hotl. Knrtner and their aon n ml (laughters should aim to pnnliue nuviltle8, or at least articles which are not commonly un derttood by landowners and for whleb good prices are tuiM A few gardeners make a large profit from salalfy. sometime called vegetn bis oyster. This la one of the neglect ad products for which there Is a quick sale. Many prefer It to the oyster, whose flavor It has a hint of, with all the disagreeable features of the bl valve flavor left out of It. It can I tsjsjbsal In many ways. Aa a soup. aer-! nlth bread or crack- era. It la l i-ii rii. 1 11 r rletl. either by Itself or In a hatter, It la quite aa ap petising as the real oyster when cook ed In that way. Boiled, allced lengthwise, when ten der and fried In butter, like the par anip. It aoon becomes a favorite. Especially la salsify a valuable addi tion to our somewhat limited list of winter vegetables, because It can be dug In tbe fall and stored In ihe cellar. or It cau be left In the ground over winter and dug In the spring, when It will be found deliriously fresh and of fine flavor. Tbe culture of this plant Is of the simplest It likes a rich garden loam made mellow to tbe depth of a foot and a half. Sow It In rows for con venience In cultivating and keep down tbe weeds. If the seedling stand too thick In the rows thin them out so that tbe plants will lie at least two Inches apart Sow quite early In tbe season. Watcb the catalogues of reliable seed bouses for novelties. The Trophy marked a new era In tomatoes and was really tbe lint with smooth ex terior and solid Inside. We had bad smooth tomatoes before, but they had big seed hollows Inside and all that we had with solid meat were exceed ingly rough, like the mammoth Chlhua baa. But the production of the Trophy waa a success because It put this solid tomato Inside a smooth skin, and ever since It has been the effort of breed ers to keep It there. The best efforts ef tile bnjeden should now be devoted to the raWlntetiniire of tin- earllness of tbe extra early sorts, with Increused smoothness. Tbls has been attained In tbe Earllans, Globe. Success and others. Then there are the cucumbers of which every seedsman has bis special strain. Of these I have found that there Is nothing better than the com bination of the White Spine and Long Green known as the Davis Perfect It la longer and slimmer than the White Spine and earlier than tbe Long Green and. in my opinion, deserves Its NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. UNITED STATta LAND firm ft Burns. Oregon, April 1, 1114 I Nolir Is hereby givsn thai Uivln r Young, of Narrows, Orsgon, who on Nov. JS, am! A ill , 114, respectively, mule Hiimealeail guttle No HMOen.l07!MS. tor HV.N W,. sw .. See ;i an.l Nt,N WW Sertlou loTownsliiti SIS Range ... Willametts Meridian, (Norlb Malheur bake) ba fllee notice of internum i.. make final rive rear Proof, loeauhllab claim to ibe land above described, before Hegticr and Receiver, at Burn. Oregon, on Ihe Litri day ol May. tl4. I lnim.ni name aa wltneese Ray Pu. all, Helen Duiall. lltsrlee Needham. all of Narniwa, Oregon. Ham Hrtroti, of Ilium, Oregon W. Passs. Reglater NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. lisivsoHTtvaa l.asi nrrira. i Hume. Oregon. March It), i "I i I oiln it hereby given that frank Ktswreta .. ii. nil. ,i of s-rrd i irleiienalroh. luaene. I Heckles. Oreeon. I who, on April JU. Ill in. Homestead kbit ry. No LWV..D. lor sv , vv 'ii' ', .7. SKi.NI1, and sr.'.Mi1,, section ... ruan.hlii 34 S. Range . a. Willamette M.Tiitian baa nicl notice of Intention to make anal three year pruol. la estatileeh clehn to the land above described, before t". K Tulloch. I' S i oiiiiiilMlolicr. at lila office, at heckle;. Oregon, on tbe I.Mh faa of April. 1414 i lalmaut names aa witnesses Mary Kudlata. Roe Johnson. J Hurdugo, i narlea Heckler, all of Beekley. Oregon w rasas. Register NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION I'siTiDSrarssbaMDOrrii s. Burns. Oregon, April I. 111 Suttee la hereby gives that I)r Minnie Hand. of I swen. Oregon, who, on March J. 111, made Homestead gntrj No. Onal. for MKV, See Hon 30, Township M . Range saW .. o lamelle Meridian, has Hied notice of Intention b make final Three Year I'raol to eatalill'h claim to the land above described, before Keg Ister and Receiver, at Burna. Oregon, on the nth .ley of May, 114 t'lalmant name as witnesses James . Hog. I- Halle; Have, James J. Heattr, all of l.awen, Oregon, Ralph f'atteraon. ot Venator, ttregon W. rasas, Register 1-ar Cmt Leu Psjr Cweit. Obtainable t.. bin, linilil g aftvJ turtti, rniirh tiiuliiiv nnicrly or remov 1111,'tittilirunrt I bcrcb urn, Sici-ial I'rivile gta nuil Kr.ii.uiiil.le I'rrtns Fur pro i.iiiii.ni, nililnis I'tiiiiiirr leit , 1837 Buik.Ii MIiIk .. ImII.'h Tons. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. L'kitbp tivavsa l.aenorrics. i Hums. Orsgon. April 7, hit t Notice is hereby given that Caroline lltillon. ol Rgll. uregnu. who, on May J. 1410, insde Desert Land Entry, So. 04T,a, forrlEV Section IS. Township M s Range -'4 T. , wllUiuelte Meridian, baa Sled notice of Inienlion io make float proof.to eetabllab claim to tbe land above described, before Ibe Register and he reiver, at Burna, Oregon, on the IJtri day of May. 114. t lalmaut nameees wltusssee Alfred T. bouavan. Robert I. Hutton t'harle. w t'timmegye. Tomes llult.iti, all of Egh, Oregon. We lii. Reglslsr Never follow tbe fall crop of lettuce with lettuce, for It Is sure to be at tacked by tbe wilt. This crop needs a change of soil as often as possible. It Is easy to raise lettuce in the winter in a room that has an even and moderate temperature. Tbls is better than mid summer lettuce and sells at fancy fig ores. Lettuce is raised with least trou ble la apring and fall. When soli can be worked In the spring lettuce, radishes, onions and peas abould be planted in the open garden. All of these can stand con siderable frost It Is well to put In some early potatoes. The early vege tables bring big profits NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION I'N.Tgh -Trijtt I A4n Optic... i hurna rrctfi.ii, April 7, I'M i JS..UCJ '.a hricl'V Klvni -bat i roll it- HijI'.iih Widow of Hmittl K Huituii. tlec'.l , ol Rgll Oregon, who, on irlolwr 10, 1910, mat.- H.-u stt-rttl kUlry, No. .ulir.'. (Of rfWjU, -r'i..n 13 luwosblp At)., Ktvnf-.M K . MllemeUe Her lien fiu It leJ DOtltf of Intent inn to make (ltiMi Klv Yr I'rool totaubllab rUint la thw Un-l Ui-p t.Mt'rltMpd, before Kriilr , i Ke.-i i Burut, Oregtoii. o. the Ulh tlr of Mi;, j-h i ' Itimnnr noi.p wHtjeu-- luve Newraan, ot Burnt, Oregon huK W. ' iitninff TS Hobert I- fin lion. Thorn i Hutton. all of Kll. Orroa. Wig YAnum. Km ftier NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION L'.N'ITKDriTATKif I.NH DWCIl hnriii. nrvcoii. April I, ii Nutli'r U herebf ' " that Thottiaa lluttoi . of Kfli. orefoD, who. on June -. J ". maiL Moiurtel Koirf No. UWIT. for WNK, NWWHjKStM NK1" '..Section 4. Townsht,1 Jr. Ka:.gf M K. Wtltamette Merttltau. baa fll.o notice of Intention to make final five-year Proof, t eatabllab claim to the land alxiv le acrlbad, i.efore Kegtatrr an) Receiver, - Burut Oregon, on the 1Mb Amy of May, l -l i rleimaut namea aa wltneaeea liave Nvman, of Burna, orosun. l(rr. i ':.. i. I'harlea W Cnmnrf yt, Hobrrt l Hutton, all of Knit, uracon Wat. ra Keglatrr EI0TI0I KOR PUBLICATION. i -irai. MTaTna l -i Orrit a Burna, Orefon, April io, ivn Notice la hereby given that Krenci- al. Am. -.if Burna, oreon, who. on ii tber ;. iW'v ma-le Homeatea! Kntry. No.utma, for N'tNK, SW NK'-anu SW'rK't, he tion )'. Towuabli-...- itmir '. K WlTlaraelle Meridian haa fllfi tiotlco of Intention to make Final three yrai Proof, to ealabltah claim to tbe laud atwv.- ! bribed, before the Kea-later and Receiver, . Burna, Oregon, on tbe m day of May. I u i lalmant namea aa wltneaeea Hugh M. Tipton, William Kay, Lafavaltr Perry. Htauton Tyler, all of Bur m. Oregon. WW. raai, Kegtater. SOTiCl KOK I'IMH.ICATION I -MTKIHTA I KH I AMMlKriCK, IturiiM, nrtKiii, April I, Ittlt I Notht 1m iMTt'bv gifgg that Alllaoti I' Raj craft, of I aMi. OrogOQ, who un ..n-inl.. i ".', I'Wk made Homaatea.1 enlrv u OMMI, h NK1, rWcllon t, rownphln i , Hanae :(.". K , WlllanoMK Meridian, '- "ltd notice of liitcni..n (o irakc ttnal Ibiaa ear I'rtMtf, to catabhati claim ' the lnd above dtarrlbad before Roglati-r at.. I Reratvar, m Minnv Oragog, on the i mVi day f May, 1911 4 lalmaut n antra mm a Itneggi a S. W hltnc, . of Lunrii. I'M'tton. It vshit n. of Hun oragofj U corgi Max raft, May J Itayrrad. Loth of Law an, urt-ioit Ww KAHae. Kiai-'i r NOTICI FOR PUBLICATION. cm 1 1 u vtA rn i v.mi ufitcR IturtiM OngBtli April I I'll N.iticc La l. rag) f?t " lln-l Kiln. K 0 ngtr, of lawin. Uragoti. bo, on .ei rmlar ' i HU made llotneateatl Kutry N.i if.W, Utr W W . MaetloD I, TownahlpJH Houih, Rannc :t Kaat, WHUmetle Meridian, baa rilc.l notice ol i .ten lion to meat, ttnal thru- yrar Proof, lo calab llah claim to tbe lanl nor tfawarlbad, lefore Reifliter and RoOa)lTr, at Bitrn. Oreiou, on lba i.-'b da, m mi i mi t'lalmant nano ai a llnagaag A VMiiittiu o W. Uayi raft. Mary J Ma) -raft, a. I'h.HiirtM l;( raft, al of I -.in, 'ire on , vj I iimt, Regtalef ROT.CC K()K PUBLICATION, lMin..-nn' iot.rrntt I Burn-, 'ifrgon A-ril I. IHt I Null c la hereby licit Ibgl hai'ld Kgf a. of liunii, urea. ii wth.i on Ko vain bar i- raet. made Ho met lead Rntrj Ko tWgV, f..r oetton ". i.uMi-h r i , Manc tt I ll Imiirttc McrbllMii. bafl Bled nolle.- ( int. itlun o make Anal (lie vgaVf gfgaM. t tat.iutt claim to the laud fcaWtl eeriteel Ix-fon-tbe R.-Klatcr and Mctciit-r, ri Burn. Orrtfun Ot tbe l.ttb day of Mai 11 i Claimant namea ai with ' Jamea I! Munvurd. Jo, ph Hill. Itoatrga tirvcley. Men Borland, all of Burn,, Orciton We Kannk K.-tx'-tt r NOTICI KOK PUBUCATI0N I'm t kii i TtJ lard orrici Kurni, Oregon. April I, 19)1 Notice g hrrrl.y gttrog that Mi-c K. I' ati .t Oroville, Oragoa, who. og Man ti u. Itbl made latoart land Kntry. No wrw lor, IWU, WU UK' and hV.1 Nl-'i. wevllonf rn ahlp W , Range tt B . Wtllanietie Merld'aa, haa fllctl iiii'i't' il i t .'ion 10 makv final gfojpf. to aalggltab claim to lba land aboie de crtbade before M l Diohnor. I' H mli aintu-r. al lit" ! al Intilo, 'irt'imii. un ' lie I tth d) ol Mat. IBM i u i mi en i M.'miM a linagtag (,,.,- i, iv t . . ' -i M . i..vm Melvln l-ae. . gdtrgpt J. i.'alloa i OragoB Wk Kaaatt KegtalT NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. I Nr. 'ir,,l iMiMiri.) J!iii Uf I irargaaj, A pi il I , l'M ' Sii'Ih' hereby given tbal Man ' Raicrafl, ..f i a van -n. j ... , r it inadf Hoaealea'l Rn OBani for NWIa, 4grtfon iv. Ton I Wlllam.''. Merl bad BNed i.oii. .-..f In tan t loo to alalia ( i 1 1" Vaor Frool lo at iiiiah claim i ibe lnid atanta -T.e.cMts'1 bg tora Reglatar and Hi t RoDg nrrguo on tba l in .1m ..( Mai ( lad mat t naaaee aa wll'.i aai . m .v hiii. i . ol Burna. "r. gu Vi blin. i . '..-irrf. Maii! I iiootaa May cralt. ail of l.awen . t irci haa, MfgtM r NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION UrtlTgll STATRH LANtiOPnt'g. Hume Oregon, Mere" in. 114. lies Is herelii given that Kre-I llaar.nt wntiiin August i, t'.w. itisue I. swell, tlregtt M 111. .1. .! I- I "trr. Nil IMMI. fur W'.NK.', Still ., Heeilnn "1 luwuanJii .:. n., ii.iipi. i ', K . WlllHiiiell.- Metlill.n, lias niel liiltlie if Intention ti n h flnalJhre rear proof, lo ."i.lll.li claim In the lafffl alnire ileserlbett helore Keglster ami Keeelier. st Hurna.tlre r m lusOTthiley lit, Will, nil i I. unset namea as witnesses I It Wllfnng, Wsnl Wsller. .:itrls Itsrg, tlltu Neiitie. nil . if I awett, Oregon We r.ass. keglster NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION INITH' ffl A I Rl IvNII OKrilK Burna, ttregon, March ii. IVU NfUte la barcby given thai Otto J Netttxe, of I ancn tiregou, who. on June , Iviu, mad. Homettead Rntry, No iMavn for RvNWl4and w.M-'. Kant Ion l. I'owi.eblp H M , Range :'lt .. lllameltf Meridian, haa filed not lea of iiiicni ion to make filial throe year proof, in elablgb claim to ihe land almv deaertlMtd, before RagUtvr and Rerelier.af Burna, tre goo, on the imb ttg o. Aovtl, I li i 'lalmaut namra aa wlltieaaeg Alfred Meat. hrl. Ilrrg, Ororgc Retley, frag Haag. all of l.awen, Oregon M a fgantli Reglater. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. I'sitkii HrrtBi Un Orricg i Burna. irigun. March .., 1WI4 t Notice it hereby given that Jiillna Karn.of liar rlman, Oregon who, og Nov em be r gL Iwua, made llomeatead Knlry, No in.! I, tut h'hK1. nl K'triW', Hoc a., Tt.wnablp ifl B, Ranged K.willaineit.t Mardlan.baj tiled notice of luteu tion to make Itual live year proof, lo eetabllab claim to the land above deat rihed. bfjforn Meg la ter and MecelVtr, al Burna, Oregon, gg the Mb day of Mai. IN. Inlinant liamne aa Itne-eea (rant Tboutpaon, Oton Thoiniain. Jikgaph Fitchct, S i rnoii Kent, all of Wav-uly uregou We KtNKi. Itcgiater N0TICR Kolt IMIHMIIATIoN. I'MTit' gg ATgg l4Htorrta. ( Burna. Oregon, Mart b If, IUI4. I N.ttlce la hereby lvei. tbal t'arl J ollgard. ol Klelda, Orrgoii whit, on Iietetnl-er a. aogi made iteeert I ai-i Rnlry n. oaa-u lor lMW,, I ota a, Hen 1 , i - - , k X R . and !" , 'A ' . HfM-tlou BA, lownablp 17 H,. Mange XI R. Milan.-it- Merlillau, haa tile.) notice of In tendon to make Itual I'roof. to eatabllab claim io the land gbovw deerrlbod, twifore M J. ot tin nor. V, fl ontmiealoner. at bla offlri-, al Im-iiIo. tlrogOB, on the lib -lav d May, 1414. t'laltnan' name a wltneaeea Log r i oobyjr. r Andrew Oragon UgvM lfenliaugh. of Mrlila Oregon, i aiio-rou M irimble. id Alidrewa, iU.g.oi i brlaiian I ollgard, of Klelda ttregon V4 a rau Hegtalvr. NOTICE FOF. roiUOAllOlf. raiTgu T4Tga LaftBB omen. Biirna. Oregon, March W. lull i Notice la hereby that Rdwln 1. Newell of Narrowa, orrgon, who, on 0g I, i-dueiid Mare.i n, lull, reaped Ively, made Homeaiead Rntry. Noa. IKrfiMOtlftSvtt for H1, ',. Re-. IU, hW4 HVV'.. Mac 17. NUNW',.Hec. U 1 . tf . M R III, and NRiNRV Heetlon .1, rowgawlg 3ft H Kange m K , Wlllaui' It- MerldltJI, haa tiled notice of Intention to make Final three year Froof. to eeiabllah claim to the land above (. rrlbad, before Reglater ami Receiver at Hurna, Oregon, nil the fih u i t April. 1-ti claimant namea aa wltneaaea. Ren Roder, rbarlea Macghaua. William T. franra, all of llurtia, Oregon, Mamile Newell, of Narrowa, Oregon. WH. I tr-r. K'glMlri NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. I'sitib frTs l.f) firrtrs Hums, oreana. Msrrh V, 114. tMlee Is hereby given that Andrew J i. rsves.nl Vnllage, tlregtin, who u.i Jsntiaif n rssi, mane itnmssteal gnlrr K.i KSM, Herlsl k ; NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. kip ; i ni.'ii nrrit'UI, ItlRKI'TOHV Tars iiasuns: II H Hell. I. u i .nisit SSMi.n BSrMf (lelleral tiuvsrmir il.n ( i.i. treasurer -ni.l I'ulilli i net i vii iii.ii stale Primer nupreiae Jsdgas IGeii. K. rbatnberlaln lllsiri Isns W I .i i lev t N J BBOtl A M. rrwfnri n.wsl.l Went lien i He. ill T. II Kay I i Imri'liill .liui.livsy Unlit gakln I A UeBrlile tieo M Harnett K s. H.sn r A. MiH.re NINTH Jl'Ult IAI. IHHTKIt.'T IllBlrlrl Ju.lge i-.ii... , Hlggs I uiititv Atluruev '"'i H Htiemore I Ircult t uurt niseis Ihe first Monday In April and Br. I Monday lit lletoher Joint Senator lolnl Repreeenlallve II It, .ink.' W. K. Hi .iii.ii t.iinry ll.assvi regim He i.i NOTICE KOR PUBLICATION fNITEIlriTATKHLANlJorril k, I lkevlew.Oreguo. April 7. I'Ml I nor coal i.aso Notlre la bsraby glvsu tbal vtesler ytreet. .,l Klfe. uragon, Wbo, OB April ."tlh ism. uis.l. Atldiltonai Hotnsatead Entry. No taUT. lot ,,. NSHV1,. Neetlon It. Towusnli. .1 soutb. Range Kaat. Willamette Merldao, In. filed aoilce of In eutloti to make tbree seal proof, to eetatillnb elalm to Ibe lead above ! .i.-lne.i. belore I baa A. Nbermau. United ttate KummlaeloBer, st rifs, ttregon, on tnv Zld da; of May. 114. i lalmant namea as wtineaaea I'.ui W Werner, Branson Bogue. mauley HalfourkMward rtlreet. all ef Pile. Dregon. Jaa. P Btauga., Keglster. LANDLORD AND TENANT. An agrtUitnt between a luntlowner and another person that the Inner ahail oeeupjr and cultivate a farm belonging to th former and that each shall fur nish part of tbe seed, Implements and Block and divide tin- products or re ceipt! from their sale does nut create partnership, but the relation of land lord and tenant. Tbe owner and tenant of a farm leased for a term of yeara upon an agreement to divide the produce equal ly are tenants In common of the crop. If no time for dividing tbe crop 1 Bxed when u farm Is let on shares, tbe division Is due when the crop U harvested and la overdue after a rea sonable time has elapsed since It waa garnered. A tenant's agreement to deliver to tbe landlord half of all the crops 1 not fully performed until tbe shares stave been divided and set apart. Tbe title to cropa grown on tbe land rented to a season cropper ami tbe right to tbeir possession are In tbe landlord ssaitlt but claims are satisfied. A cropper's share la due only when bo crop Is harvested. A cropper baa Interest In the growing crop that be kill or mortgage enept In caeca Where tbe statutes provide otherwise From CJreen's "luw For the Ainerl tHW Warmer." NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. CNITgll STATK.-I I.ANU orrit K. I.aksvlew, uregou. April 7, 1-1 I SOT COAL LANoe Notlre la bereby given thai I'.ui I' Msrner of Pile, uragon, who, on Oct. Is. i-iiu. m '. Homestead Entry. (Ael Feb. IV. IMS) i No. own. lor MWJfavU, swNE';. avWNWU, n'.mw',. -lE'.HWt,, hertlon JO, Towuahlu I Hoiilh. Kaug. a Ksst. Wlllamstto Meridian baanlad BOtle In IBtentlon Lo make flue! three year proof, to subilsh claim to the land above descrtlm). Ijetor I has. A. Herman I', ri- Commlselio" I at Kile. Uragon. on the OA day of My, mi ClalsBBBt namea a witnesses Joseph Mueller. Welter Ksrlww. James A. W ilson. Wesley rllreet, all ot Plfe. Oregon. Jaa. P hi suae., Reglater Hun. a Lfctt g)a ' NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. I M TI D tfAl at. I lWD ol-1 l I Burna, oregoti. MgffOa. 4. I 'I otl r la Iter b - i ' n 'lia' 'lie S'or1hrn I'ncIIIi Ball war CuWpauijr, oboga !' t aMi gg la it. I'aul. -Inn., a.iia. iigiiMittli-'R) of H i ii flie-i in iii olBca Ita pgllcgU lo octet t uutler the nroi lalnna ol Ina act if i nit greeaai-nroifl Juii I. laVg -i-i .. gg J I ,,t It I llOO T. 1 aH K H r. . W H m 7. reriai N.. UTMi Any aut ell iM-raoim . lalnilug adieraclj Hie laiola lea rl'.e. ot awOirtgg lO obfcicl U-t jiim ol the mineral tiara, tai of lba lajM, or to an iiher rt-iioD t the (llafMiaal to apll eat .li. -nl.l Bl Ihell itiiUili. of roleal In lliU ofji.w on t.r ch.re lh .'Tlh lai of -rll 1 -H V M KtHHl. Hrglatn IKuii'4 I la' S.i HOTIOR KoK PUBLICATION ( mtki -r. raa I.ani (jrri a, Burna. Oregon. Man h IT, Hill MotSOg bgnt.1 gtgg tl.al fl.e NofhTtt 1 aellli Katlaay ' ompanr, whtat? poat oftlee iiIim la Bi. Iaol, Minneaotsi haa thii 17 il lay of March I'll, hie In (hia ontog ig an plication i" ' loci uu4i-r the nrovtalooa ' lba l of i ongraag, aoj.f..iel July I, lajg fgg Mat lg r.A) K' (.f-V', - KUK.n.M 0U al No OTaW. Any all. tall MrgOOg elalinllig ad arte W t lie laa4a daocrluoo. off tlagliing lo oMaol bo auae if the mineral herarte rof llie lan-l, gf tor anf otboi It aaoti to the fHaMial toajillranf,iloolt file Ihelr atfltlav ita of nroteai in thi oatoo. og or balora lba iiit uy t May ItH W e lr4NHa. Itrglaler NOTICE rOB PUBLICATION, IMnii - r rri l ii Ortli Hutrii, Oregon, Mart h .'... I 'J 1 1 i NoUt e la hetehi ttiveri rhal lalvtn loula Jouea of ..iiag... Ulegoa, wh, on April ft. Iffgg ma-le llomeatoati loiry No a-iU rial Ho. OSftcn. Ijr Louj.x, I. and KUnW'v Hr. tion 7, Towiiahln .'7 H Itallge tj Y. . N lllainetl' wrrldlan haa tll-l notlee ..f in Ifnl hn U inalie llnat ll . year ioof. lo eatahllan i lelm in dm lend oboVa gegtcrtbad, bafOfg Kegiater ggd BocnlffOf ef Burn. Oregon n lh Jith .lav Mi'. I'll lalmant niinr m vallneaaea K 1. ageftngor, I Marahall loin hunn. I'laud H hug ill til Volla We K0TIC1 yon PUBLICATION DMrTRU i i i i AMHirriiK. Burna. Oregon, atgffgi il, Itfla Not a h lel.V glien thai J'.aei.h K Kaa I ..! Met kle). Orwgoli, wbo. U NoivluU-r I. I'lu . ad. iumeaiead Kotri No. oAlel, lor wUVgfl, anl "'4 t it. and N'.Mt1, Beriiaiq H, loWnelkl) I HaUgt Itef, it ll'iS-i ( Mrr MfgO, ! 0)e. itott.e i.i liitrUlliMi lo make ll .al three ear I'toof lo aiahllah fflalm loth and ah'i dag Ml ft. l lorg Begin' al Ke .ii.r, at I'.iirna. Iirtgttn, on tne lib 'lajr .)f gel I'll laiuiant Mgiiiti ae OlUiaggOg Waller ft.- i Lm I." I.tmul Vi..tl rianb - inlla'tt V ll) fan. a .- 'fit- f- gort rt - K.aaa Brgi-tf r NOTICE I'OK PUBLICATION i sirsn Mt.Ta.l tstiiirvtis. t Iturii. .if. son 4Bil 1. 114 t N. .llie Is her. I i si, en that le Km Medley. or I'oriletid iitegioi. who mi Mai r ln. ms.le iMwerll anJknlry. N.i mi. l.r.'.M.', ..-',. ne. 1 m,l. ... ... 1 . - It nt sndi,si, Asriloa 3. I...u.hi. H Kauge at E. VMIIauietl. M.tldlall h. a Bled ntl.e of intention to in.... rli. si I'foof. lo IS 'ahllsh i '.tin to llie Istnl abev de.. rllied, be mfi Keg!. let and Ke.elief, at Iturll., I iiegnli . Hi ihe 1411, .lay of Map, I'll jalasaal nsmes ss Mitnesaee I hsrle. S.e.lhsin. K...S BUBgBV. ' hsile. IVileoti. Matin- V I lw.ii. . .11 of ttiirtt,. uregou Wis. Pis. Healster loillilr Judge t'lerk treasurer surveyor iherllf itehmil Huneilnteiuli . . I urotter Stork llispet tor i nniilitselfi tiers t.isni I hirtn neon K I llllghet It A Miller K. Meery A k. Klrhsrilsou J J ISillegSIl I. M ll.u.ilioii i. W II. .i i... r Jottn Kol.iiis.oi ik I' itvlvester I I hoe Haiti I'ounty t'oeft mttta the nr.t Wedneadny In Jsuuary, Mareh. May. July, Heplember and Noviber. "4BT.. for WUEI,. Heetlou XI, lowliahl .... L- .11 . ... U --..II k. n . rviviige ni r. , .. i.iaMiei.e a.iiin.n, nwm notlee of Intention to stake final flvea-yeer pti.if. to eetahllsb elalm to tks land aleivs d. - r I lied before Keglster end fteteiver, st Hums i iiegim, on ihe .lb day ol Map, 114 lalmant tianiss .. witnesses Alfred Mrshll of Voltage, uregon lleorge W. Hlmmons. of Ulsmond tlregon. Mry Marahall. Edward Anderson. Imth of VoltBfl. ttregon We Pssa. ttegislrr N0TI01 KOK 111 KI ..CATION. i mitsii kvavbs I.anii tlrsn s llnriis. orsgon. Mareh ttl, 114. Notice I hereby given thai Jer.e A i .In of Itilep, uragon. who. on May l. IVIU, ma.le Mneiestsed Kmry. No. iweiuo, lor Ki, ee.lini ' ', InwnshlpZIH . Mange J k , VVIIlsilieMsMerl .it-., k.. e:.-.1 ,..ii. nf Intention to in.fce rius) Ibree year I'reof, loeeuhllsli elalm to the I land aliove oeaernieil, leiur. iwi""i "''' Keeelver. at Hums Oregon, oil Ihe Uth lsy of Msy. 1914. i islmstil names as elltiess. s II Ii I'Kll.W.I'. I'Srll.H, P Mutter, J I twell,ll of llllei Oregon. Wa. Ksass. Keglster I -iTsi. -rr.Tg. I ssoOerit s I Hums, tiregon. April 1, 114,1 Notlee I Ureby given Ihsi Ads Ysnsahof uregon, wnu. on ncsisrw, iee. otMB, It .'ie1 w I lamella Narrows, tlresofi. who ui.ile Ifomeatead Entrv No .. vV'slt In fownshlti JA H . Kane Meridian, baa Hied notlee ol Intention tessaae nnsl five rear proof, to establish elalm to the land bove deeerltied. before keglster end Keeelver at Hums, llrsgnn. on the IWri Bay Map. 1914. t lalmant names aa wllnissaa Rav Inivall. Helen Hut.II.I barles rledksm. .11 if Narrow, uregon sm Hsrroo, of Bern. nt" .. P.... k.wUer NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION fNITKIIHTATRg I.ANbOPPIC'g. I Bsraa Oregon, March , 1I4 i Nolle Is hereby given that Beobls f. i I... r of llsrrlmsn. (iregoB, wbo, on Usssai bsf If I'lltt. rneda llomestesd Entrv, No. Swilo for NvV',. Het'llon 14, Township Jf S , KBg a E,, vyillsiuetie Meridian, ha Bld nolle of Intention lo mske flusl three year I'roof, to es tahltsli elslm to rhe Isnd aleive deserlbed. be fore Ki-gl, ter .i i ;t. -eel v.r. st Hums. Oregon, on i.e.-tii dsv of Msy 114 i lalrnsnt lisinis ss witnesses' Jousthsii Hsrtlt-tt. Henry f . rrenrh. both of llarrltnan, Oregon. Ir 1.. Sleepor. ol Hnrns. Oregon, I. M..lmnieriiisnn, Harrlmsn. Oregon PABBB. Keglster PROFESSIONAL CARDg, CARL C. GRIFFITH Phvalc'lan ami Bar acaiig. OBEOi I. CXI. CBAfv Pbysiclaa ami IW(ei a Bnrai, - Qngn Off lot in oear building emu i, hsrneas shop, Main 'Pbone Main 16, I H .Ira, V. tAHL, M . O. i aad HMrgeon TaasawaUBus Muiidin. Ot Ihe n OiKO. lesstsl stlsaMae in., diw.m Bw.BBiawBS. " - .A . -aa. gaaaa. g, g. 1 -o orrn a. grgiaier Maror. Ke'-.mlr, Ttfaaurer Marehal. W in Ka r r M-.fherahi U ENGINES BOILERS e mm HJilGHGtWD MACHINERY WRITt rOR 3PEOAL CATALOG M0 PWCM TH E A.HAVERILL MACHIHEFy CD. 5POKAHt.WA5H.-TOrTTIAND.0Rt- fAMJOSECAL. HARLAN A. HARRIS M.O Pnyeician and Surgeon Nairawa, Ores, O. I.ti.auu. A. a . a Uerl Praellce Btugery Him V. .1I.M,, " - "at ' -usle 'Kilgg Eye, N,Me st. I rbA) tlVT BI'Bsa iiiiiii' llie. - Meetings or the Pourtb V..-I ...' Hill Mnlll. r.I.eS.l Koy Van Winkle lleiirv tMHun ..It I.. Halt... I II J It. us. n (A.I Veh ome I Jam. . l.aoiehtre It J Mi Kin Hon n.i .-. ..nil a-"! The JOHN I.KM.Irltl.lNl.. Tttarlin REPEATING RIFLE You can buy no better lor target work arid all small gome up to 200 yard. gun NOTICI K(K PUBLICATION I'Mtf sn HT.rss l.sshtirrti B. f Hum.. Oregon, Mareh jr.. BPM I Sutlie I. hereh) given that Ituhy Talhott of Ifarrluiau. uregon who. on July IS. rJB. made Huinealeed Kmry No t44', fur -r.',. -e, ttun It, Towiiahlh a M . Kange .ci k . Vvillatnetli Meridian, has Sled notlee of Inietitton to mske Qlisl three yesr proof, to ellshll.il i.lm to the land ab.it e il, serlheil, teilore Reglater nd H.-eelier at llurna, Oregon, on Use 7lb lev of Ms. I' II t lalmant n.me. .. eltlle.se. W llll.n, g lirsj il. II I'liri',. Heur. i Irrui Ii. i VI lal'. itt. a,l nf Harrltttau, Oregon a t-.aaa. Hegi.l. r gg Oregon. fllM, kegl.tel Tenpsvp, not truulile, makes the nils y of uiowl men's ami women's Uvea. A aeartsn Youth. . eejr raining hard one Bunda and tike tittp bey asked hU mother If they irgw'i shag to Sunday school. ' 'iBBssPF' dMr'" b answered. Baddy and It's raining too Ibad.' aa," said the UtUe I'url Mat yeaterdap and w trat tw iast iraa." rSredtately made prep Mim' Home Journal Olste't Pmi Her. ita m' dear," began TSppier wkai he arrived home along iMuVt get a car befuyiti." m, toe, war eerr refrwiti bis Paj s a atari er4Mt Trai: raertleft Net. fasitioiin In taat pter, ttw last awaae a bat tbTre kw j .. .utA-ygaVjg pv NOTICE OF CONTEST. LXITTD bTATta lAD IFVIt'l . Burna, Oregon, April 14. 1VI4 1 To Andrew Twarosek of Narrowa Oregon, Con tea lee: Yoo are hereby notified thai tdweril v vttli wuoglvea Narrowa, Oregon, aetata ooat oMread.lreea. ili'l on April 14th 1914. Ala In thia office hla (?iily corrol-oralel appll'-atlon in on taat and aecure the cam ellatlon.uf your Home tend atutrrHertal.No oaftVl, made Ma, I.th,i"Mi for .(.'.kJ!'.;, Hec. 18W14HW,.itri . NK'4 NE'4.8ac. M. SWJ4NWJ,uf HarlJun .13, Ton ahip r, South, Kanga at, Kaat, Wlllain.!' Mefltliaii. auu aa groiiutia ioi uie cwumtbi un alleeaa that aald Andrew Twaroaak. haa wholly abandoned aald laud fur n-rr thru ilx mouiha laat a aai ana hf n;vr aetiW'i ri l up4u or cultivated aama Von are, thr.tf.nnr, lurtner notinui tnai tin aald allegatlona will be taken aa rt.nfeaaed, and your aald entry will be canceled wlihmit furihtr right lo ie maru, eiinvr i, ion rnia ,fTi.i- or on auoeal. If you fall to file In thla office within twenty daya after the KOI Kill nublleallon of thia uoilt-e, aa ahown below, jrour anawer, under oath, aj-. in. ally rvaond llig IO I IiCBr liiciaittuui pi n rm , tiigi'i in-1 with due proof that you have gerved a ajggf ..f your anawer on tba aald couteatant either in peraon or by regtatered mall. Yougbould atala In your anawer Ihe namcof tliepoatulTlrelaowblua you deal re future notht-a tot aanlto you. Wn. Kaaag. Heglater l-atauf Mrat publication April 1Mb. 1914 Data of aacoud publication April 2Mb, 114, Ink of third publlratlen Mar .nd. i'jll Data of fourth publication May vnb, 1I4 CONTeEST notice. UglTgg WTATaVI La Ml. OpfM . Burna, Oregon, April Utb 1.14 To Mark Zaremba of Narrowa, Oregon, Con Iggtgg You ara barabv notified that Edward O. Wyelh who glvea narrows, uregon, aa ma ,..ai offli NOTICI KOK PUBLICATION. UNKI HTATKH I. AND f)Krlt:K. Iiiinia. Ciregjoa. April .ft. I'll Noaifgg la ht-rt-hy gi.en that nrotl M. Hrown, of Burm, uregon, who, -u Iit omUr ,;1. I 'In, made llotnaetri Kntry. No OrrVi, for nK1-, K'NK.,Her I and V,Nk.K;Mlon IX Town ahfp 'Mr . Ita tig.- "h , V l lain. tl t rldlalt. llga filed nolii-t: of Intention to uiakr final three year proof, to tatahllali tlalm to the land AbOTg daggntjatd, lafera log ltglater and Ke eelver at H.ni.p Oragps, og tiit- ..nh day of Mar. t rM. i lei in ant nain. h a irl'gtglgl llermau H Marka karlag i , fia, John I'leralorf. all of Narrot - Oregon 0-el K It row ti, of liurna. Oregon Wm Kaaag, Keglat. r. NOTICK KOK J'UHLICATION. I'Hittt, HTaTga I, ami nirnt Urn i. a. Orrgon. April l.l. I lt NtXlra ia hiMi'hy given that Harah Vllaa. ot Hurna. oiegon, who on J line i, Ivlu, and June JO, lull, ragpttrllvel) . inadt Mi, no Ulead gut nag Noa IH:- , f-.r T,',nl -ee KI; HUhat1, andHKl4r.H'4 -.- lloDSJ.TuwggblpJlli, Baiigu M K , Wlllieiu.-M.' Meridian haa riled noilca ul Inienlion to ma k' Until iu. yagf I r.,ol toeatali llah elalm to ih.- laul above iltgorlWoTb flora Kegialer and It. -eirer, al Burna Oregon, on ihe 'JJeHb da i'f Mn 1 'I l Claimant gggftgg H w Hiit-aaea Jaeol. If. flora, III' hart) He. age, lleury I'. liter. Otorge 11 Vilaa. allif Burna. tiregon. Wat KaKHg, Keglaiar. .NOTICK KOK rUHMCATlON I'NIIltOnTATKH I.AN)OKKH'K,( Burna, orgjfog, ftprll i , in , la h reb given Unit K4iht)4 r i BkWkas, n a TH 10ST ACCURATE 22 CALIBER Repeating Rifle in the W0R10, M ul - In Un aagBgjjgftji ongj for .-.' Slmrt U. 1. rar. trilkti Um irthgff for .ijJ leong1 iijih- ii r. STEVENS "VISIBLE LOADING" RIFLE NO. 7a Handles 15 .M Short and It .trj f long rillo t-anrKlgr. S. n.i fur liiiiiii..mn Ii tlli..lri.l.,l Hi fie fair, kig nntl ' ' How to Sliieit Weil ". Mi r Slsvees Kfles riflolssed J!k,truns fruin .nir U.uli t STEVEN8A11MS & TOOL COM PAN' a. o. aa soo4, i un rn 1 1 i ai i a TaslM Model 20 Walioat duasje el avtychiaiaa it lawsawB -22 ahort. long or loot-rifla cartrirlajw perfectly. The (Jeep Ballard rifling develop majurnum power aad accuracy and adds yean to the life of rifle. 1hsjMfjShg BJ.alewBflsiiai.nl slfaii ininainiili n ...kelejkWesUi TsTwew wewew. m )ff,jimmL eaasn gjaaW aaawalf atssrj aaWJajs"! aajjsjjgg . 4teCvajaeai eaawaert aakftwaa. aaHawWgaa bwbbsv I iinlis lani ilrla ikwpem 'imiiiir -tt ' wkkaeaaeaaaVBwalaaa. Asreslv.nnis nle AA ear see aVstar. eVetaSui ni. 7fo 77Zarti rarmJ G . ,-i.. e Wawser gtieal Hev Hs.es. Cevaat. DBS. STANDARD auaaa. oatxcoN DEggflg & DENMAN Peystclans and Sargeons OalU answered protur.tly nigl.t org, 'Pnona Harriman. Harplman, Oregon Jerwalea. pttoiawa wsoA Eenarrevei'. Kim- Wauh Rrpairlog A Spe cialiy. I sail g aa.oo A v'JT r "ij. jBL'jm 1 I wtw-f-L. $1500 Reward! 1 In. llfegtlB, t S I . tiirliissii.l Nevsila I Ive faoal I'rutee. lino AMiK-lstliin of elilih the tiniler .Igtteii Is ttienitMr, will gtve It.tsjrj tat 'i ..."I for efl seaes iee4iBg to ihe arrest sml ron Vletiotl tit atljr tsar. ty ir lartles slesl- it.it tinreea eattl. 'it tiitilea leilouglug nit .if It metn- ksjsj lit BiMlliiin iii tin, sl-.e. the tmilsrsigne.1 tiger Ihe .sine .ni.l It lou . iv f, ,11 horse l.rsti.le.1 horse sh.el bar on Both sr either Jw. rlrauit re. (ii.l.. In elglit t-ouotlea Hants Harney. I eke ,,,,t Cfget tnuntlee. Horses teste. I when so, .1 Nuns hut grown horses ex. I I anil mi If In rge l.iin. he.. vV W IIUllVtN rile. Uregon e'J We do job printing. If You Want ALL The Home News READ THE TIMES-HERALD $2.00 a year Best Job Printing Dr- Minnie Hand Physickn .and Surgea wt Telephone Connection La wen. Ore. a. E. HIB6ARD -DBKTIST Ottlstw ftret il...r ra-t ,,,,i,, t , . rJ linrias. Osajsju) W. C. BROW.N, DENTIST. Offl. Boaaa, Oawasoa. Ulrpusite Touawatua Huiljjjaj M. A. BIGGS Attorney at Law Tasjsrlly Bidg., Horn... Oregoa C. A. REMBOLO Attorney- a I- Law. rkir-ns, Oegon. J. Sumpter Valley Railway Co. Arrival aad Departure Of Traiu Departs No. 2, Prairie Sumpter Arrivea Baker 10:15 A.M. 2:35 P. M. 4:00 P. M. .gajatalflr 5ji5 kW U.KB'-riMm M mB ssaaaasaaas-r ah-- '"saa.-BaBSBBBBBBBSw Null. Kelli'gir .'! ll.r iniati, llregini, n ho, mi Mareh ,ti, J07, in. le lliinn .le.i.l entry, ! So. Ul . for htt'.nl-1,. Hi,rlw c 4dresa. did on Alyrll 14th, lull, file In ill, ,11 to ol your this GfBcs bl duly corroborated nnllf'ftllou lo routt nd secure tue eaneeiiaiiuii of your te May ll.,aaleed Knlrv. Serial No OttiVJ. ui. ml. lulo. lor tne HWiJIK'., HK'.iiWl..ol Met tlonW, adlbsNWi.HKt,.and ibe NkTgNvV'... of HectioB IT, TowDshlp J7 Honth, Kange A Kaat, Willamette Uerldlau, and aa groiiutls t... his eoutest h sllegss Ihst ssltl Mark .arsuit'. ha wholly absiidoned said laud for more llian all mouth, lsst nasi, sml has never t f'Ultl Ivatetl same Yoo are, therefore further notified Ihst the Mid allegations will taken a ion fussed and your aald entry will becauceled without fnrtbet right to be heard either before tbls ufBe or on apnaal, II you fall to fl la In this oas witblB twiuty days alter Ibe rol'KIH Saktl4wieB of Ibis uotlo. as shown below, rogur answer, under oath, oeviric)ly reapoud lag to taVB HgBfl0Bf of eoutest, together wftk do proof tkal you hv aerved eopy of war answer ea tba said coutcetaiu . it tier in Wl o, re..... w.. Mttlxl. rlded upon Tea should stals lu our snwr tbe uame ol I post oBa to wblok y ut lo )HU in post o ao BMBjwigB IB SB B Igslar! publication April 1Mb 114. sefeteoaw vubjici OS desire future WM. raaas, Register Bill 1Mb 114. cotlou April ib. IKI4 shlluitlou May lad, M, .. 114 t'yrenus w No '.WW, Mirl.l Hee .' anil SKSiSk',, Bet Hon 1, TuwrablM .9 H , gangs il V... Wlll.iuell. MrllllSli, has llleil null. , ul llltellltoli t.i iii.ii.' Ilnsl die nar I'r m.I, log tahllsh I Islm In 11, ,- I. nil aliove ill. i llluiil. he fnrn itigUter stiil ilet liter si Hnrns, Oregon, un tin- .".Hi lay ul May, I 'II t laltnaiii eame. a. BllnsSBM Itiilieit Iiiii. Ii. mi ho It Annum. Ski., I I' Itlildli , Visiter i, I lark, sll nf llsrtl insii, Oregon. Vt u Ksass, Iteglaler Notice lo t retltlors Tile liililct siinil having1 U'iii ilnly iiii iii mi I ti I Ailtiiiiiiali.iliH uuli llie Will iiiint-seil ol tilt' BatatC ul l;. C. I.utik, deOgUSgd, and bavilMJ ilnly itlfilllii'il u BUt'li, all iH-raiint aavlag luiins aguinst tlic auitl rslitle will ii.'miiI I lie same pruLicrly verilicil In me al my ogjjtj in Hurna, OfajJpMi, within sit inuiiths PROM I'ATI'. !' THIS iin'i.v thitlisi aabfeV alintl ill 'whit It is M.inli -MkII'.iII Wm. Mn i at., Aillllililstl, tt'H Willi llkt Will illltlt eil ill Departs No. Arrivea 1, Baker 8:30 A.M. Sumpter 10.05 A. M. Prairie 2:10 P. M. No. 1 Makes Kod connection with O.-VV. H. & N. No. 10 leav-ink- Portland 7:00 P. M. and No. 17 from cant arrivin Baker ti:50 A. M. No 2 Connects with Ia Grande local 7:00 to La Grande, and No. 9 (fast Mail) picks up sleeper there arriving; in Portland 7:00 A. M. Also with No. 18 at 10:45 P. M. for points East. LONE RESTAURANT til Ok ( il I OON H, op. a Meals At All Hours. urgent anu frompt Service With Reasonable Kates Give Me A Call OsvBwssit Tlawew-Meraia BwtlaUauj a a a Short J Paint Kitchen Floors Don't Scrub Them Avoid the backache and sore knees caused by scrubbing bare floors. Painted floors are easy to keep bright and clean, are attractive and very inexpensive. ACME QUALITY FLOOR PAINT e gives a hard, durable, sanitary finish for floort, steps or any inside surface to be walked on. easy to keep clean and hard to wear out. You can apply it yourseli It dries in a short time. Offered MILLEK ATTORNEY AT LAW Burna, Oreguti. Roome and 7 MatuniV BuilJltg " ealckli me, is at rsiiiiB!.. ma CHARLES W. ELLIS LAWYER Burnt, . . Oregon Praetiose In the State I'.mrt.i auj ke lore the C. B. Laad Office. tJha-B. II. Isootmixl. K ATTOajIBY-AT-I.AW, A tJaraful atUotiou given to Cottkr tioaa and Real Estate n)man. aire lngurai, ,. Notary Public Bvaas. Oaaaoa. A. W. GOWAN ATTORNEY-AT-L.W Stota Courts and United .tita Lend Office Practice Three doors South of the Harney County National But Bums. Oretfon. Fav-Aarit: davey AJeaeassrjr at Law Notarv rM Lsm Revi.wkg S- Uawl Off.. . PractK . llBlllI liaVcw between Hsm.i ,, Ssllai.ltal aast Land oac. aseklTaa, - Oregon a D. Ooeres g ,t ass. m aa . a . , .... . COOPER & DODGE Civil and Hydraulic Eniraa. Irrigation. Water Supply Sewerage, Water Power, reye, alau, BallaTiitn m i ..-rvata BURNS, 0RKt;t K t ' lll liBII 'faswrljl AaL guglnerr I r. N Beelamatluii Her A.t' Par sat gllirt r Vt,. I Ul nata lwk sJTErito D- -pa. in aPPropnate and attractive shades. -at-a a f.jLi s9 iJLi Eis.ern Oregon ragiiieeriif Company CIVIL AMI ItlKUTION EKi Kans, Ormiin Direst coataectiona aoulh via HARRlMAN-ANDRtWS A H. CURRY. Prop. Ueae Harris a MiMkaVay and Tkna aawJ arrives Wee!r.s.d.y and See ting with se