! COUNTY OF HARNEY The BiggMt County In The State CITY OF BURNS The Biggest City In The Biggeit tmra- County In The State Of Oregon I I Of Oregon, Best In The West l VOL. XXVII BURNS, HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON, APRIL 25, 1914 NO. 24 f SPte . fb--if -v 4 'V Mtmm t0 "" GENERAL HUERTA OF MEXICO TO BE SPANKED Reported That American Troops Have Taken Vera Cruz Without Firing a Shot. American Charge d Affairs Was Not Assassinated. Local Men Offer to Organize Cavalry Troop The United States is going to show General Huerta of Mexico that he must respect the Ameri can flag and has resorted to force to do it. At the time this is written, Friday morning, very little of a definite nature is known the publication today of the exact text of the following portion of the remarkable statement which President Wilson made to the newspaper correspondents con cerning the Mexican -situatien: "1 want to say to you, "gentle- here of what has actually taken, men, don't get the impression place at Vera Cruz and Tampico, that there is about to be war be one rumor, or rather press dis- tween the Unite States and patch in the Portland papers Mexico. That is not the outlook states that American troops had at present at all. occupied the former place with-J "In the first place, under no out firing a shot, while another conceivable circumstanoes would telephone statement is to the effect that the town was bom barbed and there was boom loss of life. A telephone message lateTiuns- clay evening staled thai tr.o re- I port of the assassination of American Charge d'Allairs O'Shaughnessy was a mistake plans to meet that special situa- I we fight the people of Mexico. We are their friends and want to help them in every way we can to recover their rights, govern ment and laws. "I am going to congress to present this special situation ana to seek congress' approval of my and that American troops had been ordered out along the border. When General Huerta re! to comply with the demand of this government to salute the flag and thus make amends for the arrest of some marines who had landed at Tampico for supplies, President Wilson asked congress to sanction his course in compell ing the recognition, this was ;asked Monday and while the lower house acted promptly up on the resolution the Senate de bated the matter. It wasn't a question of not giving authority to the president to use force but the language of the resolution. Some of the members wanted to make it war on Mexico while the president evidently wants to avoid war. President Wilson gave out the following statement respecting the situation, to the newspapermen: The White House authorized on. It is only an issue between this government and a person calling himself provisional presi dent of Mexico, whose right to call himself such, we have never recognized in any way. "So that I had a feeling of un easiness as I read the papers this morning, as if the country were getting on fire with war enthusiasm. 1 have no enthusiam for war. 1 have an enthusiam for justice and for America's dignity, but not for war. "And this situation need not eventuate into war if we handle it with firmness and promptness. " Some of the senators do not want the matter to stop at the Tampico incident but to also ask i pa ration of the long series of outrages against Americans in Mexico. This view is not accept ed by others and the debate caused delay. Considerable enthusiasm jwas (Continued on page 2) Presbytery Appreciates Our Support to Church. Rev. Dr. E. Benson, pastor of the First Presbyterian church of this city, who attended the meet ing of the Eastern Oregon Pres bytery at Sumpter last week, brought back many good words of congratulation and apprecia tion of'that body to the business men of Burns who have so liberal ly contributed toward the support of the local church. They had not expected the church here to be entirely self supporting this year and when Dr. Benson in formed them that his officers were determined to build a new church in the immediate future, arranging all the finances during the summer and fall and be in readiness to begin active opera tions on the structure early next spring, they were most agreeably surprised and pleased. The chinch has the good will and support of practically the en tire business element of Burns and its friends are loyal to such an extent that the officers feel confident a new structure suffi ciently large to care for its needs for several years to come. The subscription list gotten up and so liberally signed to care for the paslor's back salary has been extended to cover this ex pense for the year. The trustees find it unnecessary to make an active canvass for this support as friends of the church volunteer. Several have expressed a desire to help who have not placed their names on the list and they may do so by calling at The Times Herald office. POWER PROJECTS ARE IMPORTANT FACTORS Development of Electric Power on The Malheur Beginning of Activity in Putting to Beneficial Use Natural Resources and Opens Possibilities, of Great Things in Harney Country LATEST DEVELOPMENT LEAGUE NOTES AI TD DDATTTrn r a r- BIRDS BECOMING PESTS Percy Johnson ering firm of J. of the engine-1 much magnitude, has been start E. Johnson &'ed on the south of the Steens Going Out of Business! On account my health I must close out my business at once Furniture, Dishes, Rugs Linoleum, Go-Carts, etc ALL GO AT COST Mail orders from my Harney County friends will be given first consideration. Hurry! A. L. HUNTER, Rend. I do"1-''" The Strongest appeal to the most refined taste Is made by Harmony Rose Glycerine Soap Purely Vegetable, Delicately Perfamed 15c. Per Cake, 2 for 25c. WE ARE AGENTS-- Rexall Drug Store REED BROS. Props. The Burns Hospital MRS. ETTA CUMMINS, Prop. Best Surgical Boom and Equipment In the State Outside of Portland. Nice Rooms, Good Care and Com fort for Patients-Reasonable Terms Graduated Nurse in Charge J Water Permits Issued. During the quarter ending March .'list. l'Jll, State Engineer, John II. Lewis, issued 154 per mits for the appropriation of water, including 8 permits for the construction of reservoirs. Under these permits it is pro posed to irrigate 28,994 acres of land, develop 21.968 horsepower at an estimated cost of $2, 500, 000. The following permits have been issued in Harney County, during the past quarter: Gust Lund of Andrews, for the irrigation of 40 acres, divert ing water from Skull Creek in Sec. 22 Tp. 36 S. R. 32J E. J. K. Klink of Canyon City, has secured a permit to store 10 acre feet of the waters of Diamond Creek in a reservoir in Sec. 30 Tp. 16 S. R. 31 E., and also has a permit to apply the Btored water to the irrigation of 20 acres. Walter Ross of Andrews, for the irrigation of 30 acres, including domestic supply, diverting water from the Serrano Springs in Sec. 1 Tp. 36 S. R. 33 E. W. O. Best of Riley, for the irrigation of 200 acres, diverting water from Silver Creek in Sec. 17 Tp. 23 S. R. 26 E. Mountain section. With the con struction of the Silvies irrigation project more electric iwwer will bo developed that may be used during a greater portion of the year without interfering with the irrigation project and the power possibilities of Emigrant Creek arc no small item that may be utilized in connection with other units. These natural re sources have all been noted in the past but conditions have not warranted their undertaking up to this time. for the use of electric energy in ' the Harney Valley. He found j Railroad Men Inspect the people very tavoralily im pressed with the project and ready to use a OOPjMf Ms)j .... . ,. ,, , A. amount should it be transmitted! fi tht! Johnson,"- v. K. w. anun.s party ot 'officials, am veu in a special car i on No. ( Wednesday evening. After a few hours here, the I guests of H. W. Doohttle, they were taken to .luntura, where they iiisiected the new road and returned in time for No. 9 this Sons, was in the city a few days this week, having come over from DrewBey the fore part of the week. Mr. Johnson states his Arm is now engaged in the survey of the big power project on the Malheur river between Drewsey and Logan Valley and that they find the possibilities even greater than they had anticipated' Suf ficient power may bo generated to furnish immense power. Mr. Johnson was investigating sentiment in this section and al so ascertaining the itossibilitics' 1 1111111 Our I'ortlnnrf Corrnpomlcnt) Plans for corn shows to be held next fall and winter are now being made by officials of the O. W. R. & N. Ry., at the same time the seed corn is being distributed among the farmers of the state. Cash prizes from $5 to $25 will be offered, the en tries to vary from the best single ear of corn to the product of the best acre, with boy growers given special inducements to compete. It is stated by those in charge of the project that this year's acreage will be ten times that of last year. The Port of Columbia Com mercial Club has recently 'been organized at Astoria, taking the place of the Astoria Young Men's Booster Club, Temporarily formed some time ago. The purpose of the club is to promote the com mercial, industrial, agricultural and social advancement of the Iwer Columbia. "Nothing less than 40 feet where rail and water meet," was adopted as a slogan. Water Fowl Which "Uncle Sam" Will Not Permit us to Shoot Destroying Grain Fields and Meadows. Crane And Geese Reported Numerous all Over The Eastern Oregon Country Work West of Juntura Thirteen carloads of household goods, representing the belong ings of fifteen families, have been received at Bend within the few It appears other sections of Eastern Oregon are suffering from the ravages of birds in the way of destroying crops, as well as Harney County. The white geese have been digging up the meadows of the people in the neighborhood of the lakes and many have done more or less damage to the grain fields. The following is a story from the La Grande Observer: "Sandhill cranes are develop ing into a pest to farmers of Grande Ronde valley. Although protected by the federal game laws, the huge bird is devastat ing acre after acre of wheat fields in Market Report. to this Valley. Mr. states it can be brought to a dis tributing station in this Valley at a distance not exceeding SO miles and at a very small lossot energy. With such power within reach Coyotes Die of Rabies. Many coyotes are dying in vari ous parts of the country, ap parently from the rabies, accord ing to owners of sheep and stock who have been out on the ranges recently. Many dead magpies are also reported, infected, it is thought, from feeding on the carcasses of the coyotes. In Lower Powder Valley especially does this condition prevail and also in the Burnt River district. Look lo Your Plumbing. You know what happens in a house in which the plumbing is in poor condition everybody in the house is liable to contract typhoid or some other fever. The digestive organs perform the same functions in the human body as the plumbing does for the house, and they should be kept in first class con dition all the time. If you have any trouble with your digestion take Chamberlain's Tablets and you are certain to get quick relief. For sale by all dealers. N. O. Oard, who recently moved here with his family pur chased two lots from E. A. Brown and has started work on a new residence. Mr. Oard who is a contractor is doing his own work. -Ontario Argus. there is no reason lor not irrigat ing every tract of land that re quires it throughout the territory from the shallow surface water that is so abundant. Additional units of the power plant may be added as needed, according to Mr. Johnson and should the railroad get within the boundaries of the Valley this I season, which it is confidently ex-: pec ted it will do, and the railroad people desire to electrify from' that point to Burns, the Malheur i power project could thus be utiliz-; ed. The people of this city huve contemplated such in the past. The power possibilities of that stream had been investigated by , local people MOM time ago with a view of using for such purpose when the time was right, there fore there will be no quibbling about things should it be neces- vening. Mr. Farrell had nothing special for publication, but it is under stood the line will be pushed west. The tracklayers are now several miles out of Juntura. Ontario Argus. Water For Dairy Cow.' Water requirements of the dairy cow are not always given the attedtion they ought to re ceive. Aside from the large amount of water used in milk production cows will drink about i0 to 80 gallons a day if they are given that amount of fresh, clean water. Some of the world's re cord cows have drunk as much as 270 gallons a day. Since milk has a large percentage of water I i;ii I muv vi- iiuu -iv fiirnHfa . 1.1 j! l. . . -.. .......... .,,. ww.ivauoiMi.Tun niRnini annor-ammoi i were received in February, and LrJnrr nH rlanuu ,. h.An Thousands of them are often seen on one farm, and every according to present indications April will break all record". The newcomers are all families in good circumstances, with com plete outfits of farming imple ments and supplies. One farmer brought his own well drilling outfit, and among their other possessions is some of the best stock seen in Central Oregon. Plans are being made to erect the mammoth flagpole donated to the Panama-Pacific Exposition during the latter part of the month when the Rose Festival Queen and her maids visit San Receipts for the week have beenCattle-1797;CaIves-21; Hogs 4014; Sheep-2492. Cattle steady to firm all week, demand good and buyers clean d up everything in sight. Prime light steers averaged $7 75 to $8 00 in bulk lots, with several cars of exceptional stuff moving at over $8 00. Cows $7 00 and heifers $7 25. Bulls steady with last week. Hog receipts fairly liberal and price advanced to 8 75 and $8 80 the middle of the week with one this valley, and. beina oro-1 ' wpp-"? l"e marKtl al " leaftM .nn.r..nim.i jJy- lhe Portland market IB on a par with any other American market The most of the sheep house transactions have been in the lamb division, $6 75 being paid for fairlv good stuff. Southern Oregon and Idaho points con tributing a number of cars of spring lambs. Prime yearling 'wethers $5 75 to $6 25; prime migrate, much damage will be JZiStt " done. Farmers aver that with- 3 75 to 4 5a out exaggeration it is safe to say that as high as five thousand I ATTENTION! have been known to light on one T , ... field in a day I Toniy forn,er P-tron and ethers: . ' . I have decided to remain in Burns farmers have adopted spear of what they touch is ruin ed for they pull it up by the roots. So serious has the pests become that farmers are hastily com piling petitions and memorials to to congress to have the law chang ed. Unless the birds decide to Pre ' durino" the summer, for the nur- n ..-. i . . .. .. .L- fm ... rrancisco. ine poie is oi nougias cauuonaxy memoas. iney snoot pQgg 0f supplying your wants in fir. 246 feet long, 5i feet at the off shotguns in close proximity ! r.rooerieo Fnmitnrp r.imVi . .L. u:j ...:..! .. i .. ' nnng ai stoves, Building Paper, VV a 1 1 butt and weighs 93,000 pounds. sary for Burns to do something j in U .!arf quantities of water are reiuireu 10 pruuure me iiiiik. toward securing railroad connec tions direct to the town. The Drewsey people have or ganized to bring an electric line up from the main line to the immense timber holdings above that town and they an- confident of the success of the undertaking as the owners of the timber are ready to finance the line. Esti mates made on this project in dicates there is sufficient timber to make the road profitable for at least fifty years and with the local tonnage naturally develop ed along the line it is a feasible proposition and one that will ap peal to capital. The development of the great resources of this territory is in its infancy along many lines but with the advent of the railroad and the settlement and cultiva tion of the immense farming territory the putting to use of these resources will be taken up and developed to their capacity. Another project of u similar character, although of not so Not only that, but high milk pro duction demands the digestion and assimilation of a great deal of nourishment, and water is needed in large quantities for these purposes. The best water is from springs or deep well, says W. A. Barr, O. A. C. and Federal dairy agent. Ponds receiving drainage are especially bad, be cause they contain disease germs and because the water is not re lished so that the cow really drinks all she needs. Found Cur for RhaunuktUm. "I suffered with rheumatism for two years and could not get my right hand to my mouth for that length of time," writes Lee L. Chapman, Mapleton, Iowa "I suffered terrible pain so I could not sleep or lie still at night. Five years ago I began using Chamberlain's Liniment and in two months I was well and have not suffered with rheumatism since," For sale by all dealers. Pure bred Poland-China gilts for breeding purposes for sale BUICK MOTOR CARS Fours and Sixes FIVE-PASSENGER CAR Moat Economical and Most Powerful Car on the Market for the Money A. K. RICHARDSON. Agt. RURNS, - OREGON Wool Sale Over State. Fifty thousand pounds of wool were sold at Echo Wednesday re Hrts the Oregonian. The exact price was not known, but it is understood to be high. This wool which is all that has been shorn at that point so far, was chiefly from mutton sheep. A little contracting has been done in Eastern Oregon in the past few days, amounting to about 15.000 or 20.000 fleeces, at 15 cents for choice clips. Buyers have made offers to contract in the Pendleton and Heppner sec tions, but the growers there are inclined to hold for the sales days, which are only six or seven weeks off. . Throughout Eastern Oregon sheepmen express a de termination to await the regular sealed bid sales, yet dealers be lieve wools will move fast after shearing starts. A little shearing has been done at Castle Rock and at Arlington, and operations will start in the Pilot Rock country about April 20. About 30.000 pounds of wool have been sold this week at points on the Columbia River in Washington, between Roosevelt and Plymouth. The prices range from 13J to 16 cents. to the birds without tnem, inus scaring them away only to light on adjoining fields. "State Game Warden Svans was in the city last evening and Deputy Leffel conferred with him about the crane question. The game department suggests that farmers scare the birds away without killing any, which in it self is a temptation for the big specimen of the bird family is choice meat" Onion se s at the Burns Hard ware Co. Paper, etc. , at the same low fig ures, 10 per cent above actual cost W. F. Hissnek. Mrs. E. L. Wilson, represent ing the Pacific Coast Rescue and Protective Society, was in the city this week and informs The Times-Herald she met most en couraging contributions to the work from our citizens for which she wished to extend her thanks. Picture show tonight. Weed Peat of Oregon. Oregon's most pestiferous weeds will be named, described, and illustrated, and the methods of eradication pointed out, in a series of stories to be run in a leading state daily and a farm paper of Oregon. These articles are prepared by the department of Botany and Plant Pathology of the Agricul tural College, and will contain a great deal of interesting and use ful information. Those published in the daily will deal with weeds forbidden by law on farms and roadsides; those in the farm journal with the most common and objectionable weed pests at the different seasons of the year. The articles will serve to acquaint the farmers with weed enemies and methods of their control, and also place definite and useful knowledge of weeds and their treatment at the disposal of the public schools. By clipping and filing in scrap books this infor mation may be kept from year THE FRENCH HOTEL DAVID NEWMAN, Prop. Strictly First Class. Splendid Service, Fine Accomodations, Commercial Headquarters Sample Room In Connection, Reasonable Rates BLUE MT. STAGE CO. Daily Line, Burns and Prairie City 8CHEDULE: LKAVK AKRIVK Burn m Canyon City 6:30 p m Canyon City 7am Prairie City 10 u m I'rairl. City 2:30 p m Canyon City 7pm Burn 1 'J hook Fare, Burns-Prairie City, - - $ li.00 Round Trip, - - - - 11.00 Express Rates 2 1-2 Cents, Prairie to Burns PLEASANT, SCENIC ROUTE ALL THE WA Y L. WOLDENBERC. Prop. mmmmillimimillimiimmmmB-s THE WELCOME PHARMACY la The Place to Trade -WHYH First: Promptness, accuracy and fair dealing. Secend: We carry a well assorted stock of Drugs, Chemi cals and Druggist Sundries. Third: We guarantee every article we sell to be jut as represented or your money refunded. If you are a customer of ours you know this. If not, be come one and be convinced. J C. Welcome, Jr. 'i G. W. Young. 18tf to year.