The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, April 18, 1914, Image 3

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    ' .
1914 APRIL
E15 14 15161718
Hae The largeil Circulation Of Any
Newspaper In Harney County.
W T F Sl
1 2 3 4 1 THE W
8 91011 . .-. w -awr
WRMi9M. iai.m.RriajmMt MjmJnMM.
of Burns
Offlclally designated as
Depositary for
The United States
State of Oreaon
county or Harney
Postal Saving's Funds
Individual Indian Accounts
nil : II ill
his ranch V
Individuals, Firms, Corporations and
!lt" Associations of Southeastern Oregon
have selected our institution as their
kanLinir ntvta
Let Us Serve You
Pictures tomorrow night.
Be sure and see thoe new lien
Williams-ZoRlmnnn ClothinR Ca
nr ulmwin.r
,"-,., ..1:,:
r ratlin viowun linn ui-tu vimim
relatives and friends in this city
during the week.
Local News.
Tonawama tonight.
Fred Tipton was among
visitors during the week.
Break up that cold with Wel
come's Cold Tablets.
Ed Egli is in from
home at Wagontire.
Butterick patterns
burg, Da I ton & Co.
L. H. and A. P. McPhail were
in from their farm home near
Buchanan yesterday.
Finest alfalfa, timothy and red
toD hav baled may he had at the
Goodman feed barn is south Hums
Dave Davis, who was called
from his home in Portland to the
bedside of his father, was renew
ing acquaintances in Rums the
fore part of this week.
Misses Emma Buchele and Rosa
Beede came in from the Buchele
homestead yesterday. The young
ladies looked the typical "cow
girls" when they arrived on
The Clay Clemens sawmill is
now at its new location and is
prepared to fill any order with
rough or dressed lumber, also fir
lumber; buck teeth and any
special order given prompt at
tention. 32.
J. J. Patterson is in receipt of
a letter from J. C.'Turney in
which he states money is rather
tight, but he hopes to be in Burns
between the first and tenth of
next month to prepare for active
work again at the oil well.
Thermos bottles at the Wel
come Pharmacy.
Clyde and Van Embree were
in the city this week.
Timothy and clover seed for
sale at the White Front Barn,
Burns. -W. T. VanderVeer. 15tf.
No Trespassing All persons
are forbidden trespassing uon
my premises known as the Miller
Springs place west of Bums. No
turning in or driving of stock
through the place without ier
mission. Trespassers will be
prosecuted. W. E. Huston.
D. A. Brakeman, the Waverly
merchant, was in the city Thurs
day. He has been doing a lot of
farming and has his entire home
stead broken up and in crop be
sides some more land. . Mr.
Brakeman is a candidate for
commissioner on the democratic
ticket but his name will not ap
pear on the ballot as he was mis
informed as to the date of filing
his petitions. He had understood
he had until the last of this month
to get them in to the county clerk
but the time expired on the l.rth.
Dean Morton is over from
I Diamond on business connected
i with a water suit in the circuit
1 court, testimony is being taken
' before a referee.
There's not only remarkable
value, dui great, saiioiucuuii in
buying hats at Clingan's Millin
ery Parlors everything in millin
ery the best.
Ernest Smith, a son of Mr. and
Mrs. W. E. Smith, arrived home i
this week from Washington I
where he had been for several
years. He is here on a visit and
expects to remain only a short
time. His many friends are(
pleased to greet him again.
1 HO .JUIHUI tlOOO Vi. MIC ..... ..vj
County High School gave the
Seniors a nice party last Satur
day evening at the home of Judge
and Mrs. Wm. Miller, their
daughter. Miss Agnes, being a
member of the class. A very
enjoyable evening was spent by
all who attended according to re
port. The home was tastefully
decorated for the occasion in the
class colors and the games, music,
etc., which occupied the company
for a time was followed by re
freshments. The teachers of the
High School were also guests.
- before buying elsewhere and
I carry a complete line of
at the lowest possible cash prices
- General Merchandise -
Masonic Building, - - Burns, Oregon
Tonawama tonight
The Burns Hardware Co. has
onion sets. Get them earlv.
C. V. Reed was among our
Sunset visitors during the week.
For Sale Jack, five years old
and a good foal getter. A. J.
Skienes, Burns, Oregon. l'Jtf.
G. L. Hembree, the Riley
merchant, was in town last Mon
day looking after business affairs.
Pickard China and Libby cut
glass make beautiful and useful
wedding presents
James Gilbert was down from
his home near Harney the first
of the week, making the trip in
his auto.
Just received a nice line of
new winged collars they are the
latest. Williams-Zoglmann Clo
thing Co.
C. A. Bedell and wife took
their departure last Wednesday
in their car for an extended visit
to Portland and other outside
... N
Henry r ries and wife were in
from their Iron Mountain land
holdings this week. They ex
pect to leave next week for Seat
tle and later go on to Alaska for
the summer.
Mrs. W. G. Bard well went to
the Alva Springer home near the
lake Thursday and returned yes
terday accompanied by her daugh
ter, Miss Jessie, who has just
completed a very successful term
of school in that district
E. B. Waters, former post
master and county clerk, has re
turned from Portland and other
points after an absence of over a
year. Ed has many friends here
who are glad to welcome him
back. He will remain here for
an indefinite time.
Mrs. Cozad and her daughter.
Miss Maime, who have been
visiting with the Farres and
other relatives of this city for
several weeks, took their de
parture Wednesday for their
home in Canyon City. They
have many friends here who will
be glad to welcome them on any
future visit.
R. E. Green and wife were
here from Harney this week.
Mr. Green purchased a half sec
tion of land from the Coloniza
tion Company last fall and came
in recently from his former home
in Washington with a ten-mule
team and necessary equipment to
develop the place. He is now at
work and will soon have a nice
farm home.
: : a .N
i,. m. rauianer ana wue,
Archie McGowan and wife and
Mrs. Henry Dalton and little sons
went to Juntura Wednesday in
Mr. Faulkner's car. Archie and
wife went over to bring in some
of the new Ford cars recently
shipped to that point for distribu
tion from the Burns Garage.
Mrs. Dalton goes to Vale to visit
with relatives for a time and will
attend the Odd Fellow Grand
Lodge as a representative of the
local Rebekah lodge before she
Nyals Baby Cough Remedy for
baby's caugh at The Welcome
George and Tom Raycraf t were
in the city the fore part of the
week on business.
Dr. Geo. G. Carl is prepared
for special attention to all dis
eases of eye, ear and nose, lives
tested and glasses fitted. W)tf.
Cleaning, pressing and repair
ing a Specialty. Indies' clothes
as well as mens. Williams-Zogl
mann Clothing Co.
Mrs. Millar has received 'some
new millinery and more is now
en route. See her at the Schwartz
D. R. Thorn and I. Foster were
in from Silver Creek during the
week, the former on business
and the latter to consult his
physician, his health being quite
Andy L Hunter has an ad in
this issue. He is compelled to
dispose of his furniture business
in Bend on account of his health
and is offering his entire stock at
cost. His many Harney county
friends may find some real
bargains in that line if they need
anything of that character.
Read his ad.
...... ........ .... . ...N
married weonesiiay in ims
city, Albert D. ( awltield and
Mrs. Nellie Shafer, Justice Pat
terson officiating. Both are well
known here and have many
friends. The young people will
keep house for the present in the
C. A. Bedell residence. The
Times-Herald joins in extending
best wishes for a happy and pro
sperous life.
Austin Goodman is ready to
grind grain and has a building
in which it may be stored by
farmers at any time. He will
grind one day each week and
farmers may store their grain
any day and get it when con
venient. He is prepared to take
grain as pay for grinding at the
market price. Special prices on
large quantities, 1 tl f.
Died This morning, at her
home near Buchanan i o : office,
Mrs Raymond, aged about ''
years. Dr. Carl was called to
see her the first of the week and
found her suffering from tuber
culosis, complicated with a near
attack of pneumonia. We have
no particular information but un
derstand she is survived by her
husband and three children. We
also learned it is the intention to
ship the body east for burial.
Felax Syr and wife and little
daughter and Robert Thompson
are late arrivals from Missoula.
Montana and are very favorably
impressed with this big country,
so much so that they contemplate
buying a team and making a
thorough tour of the section to
Bee if they can find lands that
suit them. They want to make
their homes in Harney county
and we feel confident will by
taking this means of really seeing
the big country.
The many friends of Miss
Helen FitzGerald in this section
are anxious to see her win tor
queen of the Rose Carnival and
are sending in their votes each
day as they are clipped from the
Portland papers. The young
lady was born here and is a niece
of Ed Waters. She has been
making her home with her aunt
in Portland, her mother, formerly
Eva Waters, having died several
years ago. Miss r itztieralu leaus
in the contest at this time by a
good margiue.
Mrs. G. A. Rembold, tfie
popular and accomplished music
ian, has returned from Portland
where she had been for the past
three months and is ready to re
sume her work with her many
piano pupils. Mrs. Rembold
studied while in Portland and re
turns much enthused and anti
cipates accomplishing great
things with her pupils. She be
ing a home product, is loved by
many people and her accomplish
ments are appreciated. She is a
Boston Conservatory graduate
and has always kept abreast of
the times with her music, never
neglecting an opportunity to im
prove. She is an artist in her
line, in fact, and the young people
who have had the privilege of her
excellent instruction have been
fortunate. She spent the winter
in company with her friend, Miss
Maude Ragon, who is also well
known by the people of this city.
They thoroughly enjoyed the
Grand Opera season in Portland
and Miss Kagon may spend the
summer vacation period here
with Mrs. Rembold where she is
sure to receive a warm welcome.
For County Survayor.
I hereby announce myself as n
candidate for County Surveyor,
subject to the decision of the re
publican voters at the primary
election to be held on May 15,
19 4. Frank P. Cowan.
For County Judga.
I hereby announce myself n
candidate for county judge, sub
ject to the decision of the demo
cratic voters of Harney county at
the primary election May 15, 1914
and I hereby pledge myself if
nominated and elected, to work
for an honest, economical admin
istration of the county's business
and a lessening of the taxpayers.'
burdens. L. N. Stallakd,
Drewsey, Oregon.
For County Commiaflonar.
I hereby announce myself a can
didate for county commissioner,
subject to the decision of the re
publican voters of Harney county
at the primary election May 15.
W. H. Robins.
For Sheriff
After persistent solicitation
from many friends throughout
the county 1 have decided to enter
the race for the office of Sheriff
to Micceed myself, subject to t In
decision of the democratic, voters
at the primary election to be
held May 15, 1U1 1.
a. k. Richardson.
For Shariff.
1 hereby announce myself as a
candidate for the office of Sherill
of Harney county, subject to the
decision of the republican voters
at the primary election to be held
May 15. 1914.
Austin Goodman
For County Clark.
I hereby announce my can
iiidiicy for county clerk, lubjeel
to i he decision of the d mouratlc
voters at the primaries on M.'i.v 15,
.1. 0. ('AWI.I'II.I.Ii.
For County Sheriff.
I hereby announce myself M
candidate tor Shci iii of Harney
county subject to the decision of
the Republican' voters at lh pri
mary May 16, 1914. I And that
I am obliged to change my an
nouncement as tiic law aoes not
allow it as it was.
Roland Hankinh,
14tf Harney, Oregon,
For County Cmiiminioner.
I hereby announce myself a cin-
dididate for County CoRimia lion
er, subject to the decision of the j
democratic voters at the primal)
election to be held May 15, 10 I.
If nominated and elected I will
try my beat to give the county an
economic administration.
D. A. Brakeman,
Waverly, Oregon,
For Sharif.
The U. S. Government
The State of Oregon
The County of Harney
and the
City of Burns
Your I ionic Bank has earned the Confidence
of the Nation, the Sl.ite, the County and our
We want yours YOUR account is just as
valuahlr to us as thine we have mentioned.
YOU will receive the same consideration and
Harney County National Bank
Burns, Oregon
''Your Home Institution"
For County Survayor.
I hereby announce myself a
candidate for the office of County
Surveyor subject to the decision
of the voters of the democratic
party at the primary election
May 15, 1914. C. E. Beery.
For County Judga.
I hereby announce myself a
candidate for nomination for the
office of County Judge, subject
to the decision of the republican
voters of Harney county at the
primaries May 15th. If elected
I will give my entire time to the
office and to the best of my ability
will insure an honest, faithful
and impartial administration of
the county's business.
II. C. Levkns.
For Joint Repraaantativa.
I have consented to become a
candidate for Joint Representa
tive from the district composed
of Harney and Malheur counties,
subject to the decision of the
Republican voters of said coun
ties on May 15th.
Frank Davey.
For County Judga.
I hereby announce myself as a
candidate for County Judge of
Harney County, subject to the
decision of the democratic voters
at the primaries on May 15, 1914.
J. R. Jenkins.
16 Happy Valley.
For County Judge.
I hereby announce myself as a
candidate for County Judge of
Harney county, subject to the
decision of the republican voters
at the primary election May 15,
1914. F. Denstkdt.
For County Judga.
I hereby announce myself a
candidate for the office of County
Judge of Harney county subject
to the discission of the democratic
voters at the primary election
May 15, 1914. I stand for a just,
economical and business adminis
tration. J. P. Withers,
Harney, Oregon.
Hals ir f I
tu. "'a ilsF1''
For County Clark.
In the belief that my service
during the past year, as County
Clerk, has been satisfactory to
the public, I hereby announce
myself as a Republican candidate
for nomination for the office of
County Clerk of Harney County
at the primary election on May
15, 1914.
18tf R. T. HlJUHKT.
For County Treasurer
I hereby announce myself a
andidate for nomination for
county treasurer, subject to the
decision of the republican voters
at the primary election on May
15th. If nominated and elected
1 expect to devote mv time and
energies to the duties of the
office and to conduct it with the
same care and impartiality which
1 have applied to it in the past.
R. A. Miller.
In compliance with the requi I
of friends, I hereby annound
my candidacy for the office "I
Sheriff of Harney County, sub
ject to the decision of the repub
lican electors at the primary,
May 15th, 1914. If elected, 1
pledge myself to conduct the af
fairs of the office, faithfully am1
according to law, and to collecl
and turn over all funds belonging
to the County promptly.
Dili" Tom SPRAGUE,
For County CIpih.
At the solicitation and will,
encouragement of a large num
ber of friends, I have decided to'
become a candidate for Counts
Clerk of Harney county, snl
to the decision of the democrat!
voters at the primar) May 15
Wm. m. Carroll,
18tf Catlov Vallej
Haled Hay and (irain for Sale at
Market Prices. Good Hay in Stack
The Burns-Vale Stage Line
CloM Connections Made With Trains East,
at both Juntura and Vale. Careful Atten
tion and Prompt Delivery of Express and
Freight Entrusted to Our Care.
R. J. McKinnon & Son
Pricea at Mill for produt la:
Flour $5.50 in 5-bbl. Iota or more.
Bran $1.25 per hundred.
Rolling barley $2.00 per Inn in Ion lots
or more. Customers in all caaea to
furnish tacks.
Until further notiie the following Caah
Pricoe will prevail in telling meat:
Hogt, whole or half, I c. per ll.
Choice pork tteakt, 15r. per Hi.
" " loin, 20c.
Whole pork shoulder 12 l-2i.
Leg of pork. 15c,
Front quarter mutton, 10c.
Hind quarter mutton, 12 I -2c.
Choice mutton for slew, 8c.
Mutton chopt, 15c.
Hind quarter beef, 13c.
Front quarter beef, 1 1c.
Beef all cult at reasonable oricet.
The intention of the Company at ail
timet to pay the beat pricet and aa on
clotett margin contittent with good Ijui
nett management.
We have a big supply of wire
any height h desired and at
ml tjj TgiWajjy
Trtois Shell Auto Glasses
timmimmm. mtsamttitmmtmmi:
Feed Barn
ii. ixi.iott. Prep,
HorHCH Hoarded l ( lie
Day, Week or Mouth
Cood I Veil and
Reasonable prices
lliii'MN 25i- nr lliiul in Hum
Hiilril Hay ami drain I'm Salt'
Comfortable Camp House
With Cook Stove
An unit Hay unit Shirk Seal..
l'ricea fur welxhinK -If.
Koulll Main HI., Ilium.
Farm Machinery
Implements of all kinds
in -tfeek: Seeders, Plows,
Disc and Drag Harrows.
I a
i j
rf ';
Machine Extras
Builders Hardware
Paints and Oils
m Virginia Granitswarc
Something New
in connection with the sale of this
handsome graniteware Inquire