fMmt&HeMa i I r COUNTY OF HARNEY The Biggest County In The State Of Oregon, Best In The West CITY OF BURNS m The Biggest City In The Biggest County In The State Of Oregon I BURNS, HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON, APRIL 18, 1914 NO. 23 VOL XXVII ,NDS OPEN IN THE SILVIES VALLEY in Area Formerly Government Reservoir Site and not Included in Application of C. B. McConnell and Associates Restored To Entry by The Department The following letter of instruc tions was recently by the local I land office from the Department at Washington respecting the restoration of an area of land in Sivies Valley formerly withdrawn as a part of the reservoir site at the time the Government con- templated the construct.,, of the project. It seems the portion the portion now to be opened for entry was not included in the application of C. B. McConnell and associates who are now promoting the pro ject. The letter reads: You are hereby advised and instructed to appropriately note that on March 19, 111 I. the First Assistant Secretary of the In terior vacated former Depart mental order of June 5, 1!HIU, in so far as itaffects the withdrawal under the first form under the act of June 17, 1902(32 Stat. 388), for use in connection with the Harney Project (Si Ivies Re servoir Site), Oregon, of the hereinafter described land, and by his authority such of said tracts as have not been formerly restored and are not otherwise withdrawn, reserved, or appro priated, or covered by existing entry, will be subject to settle ment under the public land laws of the United States on-und after May 18. 1914, at 9 a. m. and will be subject to entry. Rung, or selection June 17, 1911, at 9 a. m. at the United States Land Office at Burns, Oregon. You are directed to at once post in a conspicuous place in your office a copy of this latter, inclosed herewith for that pur pose, and such copy is to be kept posted for a period of at least sixty days thereafter. Going Out On account my health I must close out my business at once Furniture, Dishes. Rugs Linoleum, Go-Carts, etc. ALL GO AT COST BWBBaWBMBBSaMBSSMSSMBBBMSSBMsaBMBSBMBi Mail orders from my Harney County friends will be given first consideration. Hurry! A. L. HUNTER, Rend. 15c. Per Cake, 2 for 25c. WE ARE AGENTS Rexall Drug Store REED RROS. Props. & The Burns MRS. ETTA CUMMINS, Prop. Bert Surgical Room and Equipment In the State Outilde of Portland. Nice Rooms, Good Care and Com fort for Patients-Reasonable Terms Graduated Nurse in Charge FOR ENTRY Withdrawn For The You are also directed to furnish information relative to the re storation to local newspapers as a matter of news, without ex pense to the Government In this connection attention is directed to the fact that warning i is expressly given that no person Mj TVlr ZZ whatever under ""-v "!TM,:T .T7.v begun alter wiuuirawai oi me land from settlement and entry and prior to May 18. 1914, all such settlement and occupation being forbidden. Intending set tlers are also warned to ascertain the status of the surveyed lands by inquiry at the local land office before making settlement there on. Persons holding valid sub sisting settlement rights, initiat ed prior to withdrawl of the land and who have maintained their settlement on the lands, will be allowed preference rights to make entry of the lands settled upon in accordance with existing law and regulations. These lalias contain no power possibilities and are not subject to preference right of selection by the State under the Act of August 18, IK'M (28 Stat., 394). A portion of these lands is included within an existing forest reserve and such lands will not be subject to settlement and entry on the dates above fixed. The lands are: T. 17 S., R. 31 E., all Sees. 11, 12. IS, 14, 22, 23. 24.' 25. 26. 27. :u. 85; NEiNEi, SWJNWi, WJ SWi, Sec. 36. T. 18 S.( R. 31 E., all Sees. 2 and 11; SW.NW. SWJSWi. Sec. 12: N4NEJ. WJ, SWJSEJ. Sec. H; WjNEl, Wi, WJSEi, Sec. 33; NWiNWl. SWiSWJ, Sec. 26; NWiNWi, Sec. 35. of Business! The Strongest appeal to the most refined taste Is made by Harmony Rose Glycerine Soap Purely Vegetable, Delicately Perfumed Hospital T. 19 8.. R. 31E..SWjNWi, NWiSWi. SISWi, Sec. 2; WJ, WiSEJ. Sec. 11; NWiNEJ, W, Sec. 14; all Sees. 23 and 24. T. 17 S., R. 32 E., all Sees. 30 and 31. T. 18 S., R. 32 E., all Sec. 6; Ei, NJNWi, SEiNWi. EiSWJ. Sec. 3; NEJ. NEJNWJ, Sec. 7; all Sec. 8; EJ. EjNWi, E4SWJ, Sec. 17; EJ, NEJNWJ. Sec. 20; NEJ. SEJNWJ. SJ Sec. 29; SEJ NEJ, Sec. 31; all Sec. 32. T. 18 S., R. 32 E., all Sec. 6; EJSEJ, Sec. 7; all Sees. 8 and 17; NJNEJ. SEJNEJ, Sec. 18; EJ NEJ. NEJSEJ. SJSEJ, Sec. 19; all Sec. 20; all Sec. 30. C. M. Bruce, Assistant Commissioner. LATEST DEVELOPMENT LEAGUE NOTES (From Our I'orlland Corrr.pomlcut) During the past week repre sentatives of the four great rail roads traversing this territory joined with the commercial or ganizations of Portland. Spokane, Tacoma and Seattle in the pre paration of plans for properly presenting the numerous attrac tions of the Pacific Northwest to the tourists who will next year i make a pilgrimage to the exposi tion ut San Francisco. Another conference will be held in about two weeks at whjch time the details of some co-operative scheme will be worked out It is probable that a tourist bureau will be established at some Cen tral point in the Middle West from which efforts will be made to induce tourists to purchase tickets over lines serving the Northwest Btates. The expenses of such a bureau will bo borne jointly by the railroads and the commercial clubs. April 2T has been set aside as "Good Roads Day" in Oregon and on that date it is expected that not less than 2,000 husky men from the Portland Ad Club and similar organizations will don overalls, arm themselves with pick and shovel, grab their trusty dinner-pail and go forth to do a more or less serious day's work on the roads. The O. W. R. & N. Ry.. will run a train of flat cars to various points on the Columbia River Highway and the gas company and various con tracting firms will loan the necessary tools. Governor West and the county road officials will be present to see that the amateur laborers do no loafing on the job. All other parts of the state are expected to fall in line and the aggregate result should be many miles of well improved roads. At a recent meeting of the Manufacturer's Association of Oretron. strong resolutions were adopted favoring common point rates for Astoria. The discrim ination against Astoria and in favor of the Puget Sound and other Coast cities, has been a serious handicap not only to the development of Astoria but to the entire Columbia River Basin. It is believed that the granting of terminal rates to Astoria will be of great benefit to the entire state of Oregon. "Commercial Clubs in Oregon are getting busy," said Tom Richardson after a visit to numer ous K)inU throughout the state. "Salem is a notable example of community union. There is no discord at the Capital City, the entire citizenship is a chorus in its Commercial Club work. Re cently the Club has almost doubl ed in membership and is plann ing many new undertakings for the benefit of the surrounding territory as well as for the wel fare of the city. The Cherry Fair, especially, is to be made bigger and better than ever." Look to Your Plumbing. You know what happens in a house in which the plumbing is in poor condition everybody in the house is liable to contract typhoid or some other fever. The digestive organs perform the same functions in the human body as the plumbing does for the house, and they should be kept in first class con dition all the time. If you have any trouble with your digestion take Chamberlain's Tablets and you are certain to get quick relief. For sale by all dealers. Pure bred Poland-China gilts I for breeding purposes for sale G. W. Young. v 18tf GENERAL NOTES FROM THE EXPERIMENT FARM Preparation of Soil at Station is About Completed and Considerable Area Seeded. Sub-Stations Visited and Found in Good Shape With One Exception. Crops Varied at Farm BY U K. BRKITHAUI'T. The work of preparing the mulch over the entire Station tract is about complete, this be ing an especially favorable spring for accomplishing this work. With the aid of the disc harrow, the surface three inches of soil j has been so loosened that capillary action can take place very slowly, j hence the moisture which has entered the soil during the winter is unable to come entirely to the I surface where sun anil wind can evaporate and carry it awuy. This matter of the early spring discing to prevent the loss of moisture is a vital one with the man who is attempting to fiirmi dry land. Even now, land which has not been cultivated this spring , is practically dry. Seeding is well under way. The field peas are drilled and the grains will soon be in the ground. About fifty acres of peas have been planted. Practi cally all of these are of improved varieties, the Beed of which was grown here last year. By thus increasing the seed of the U-st varieties as fast as they can be determined on, it is hoped to always be able to supply the de mand for "starts" of the best seed obtainable. Quite a large number of varie ties of all crops will be sown again this year. Some of the very poor ones of last year will be dropped and some others not yet tried will be included, so that quite extensive varietal trials will be carried on this year. One year's results aie not sufficient to justify too definite conclusions regarding best varieties, especial ly when the year was rather favorrble. In addition to the varietal trials of the various crops, tests will be conducted with all the important crops to determine more about proper dates of planting, the proper amount of seed to sow, how often the same crop should be grown j on the same land, what crops should follow each other and how many and what crops can be grown on a piece of dry land per summer-fallow. Assistant Supt. Fleming and the writer have visited all of the eight Sub-Stations located in vari ous places throughout the County, this spring and have found things very encouraging on all but one. All of these tracts had one half or more of their area under summer-fallow last year and all were In good condition as regards moisture in this fallowed land. last fall. The one which is not in good condition this spring wus not cultivated this spring with the result that the moisture which was in the soil last tall along with that which was added dur ing the winter came out of the ground by capillary action and was evaporated. As far as the Sub-Station is concerned, nothing can be done but to begin over BUICK MOTOR CARS Fours and Sixes JBWRU ljpBffffiwWnwn FIVE-PASSENGER CAR Most Economical and Moat Powerful Car on the Market for the Money A. K. RICHARDSON. Agt. BURNS, - OREGON again with the fallow, and, since the land will not receive much moisture until another winter, it is doubtful if a crop can be grown before a year from next. All ihe other Sub-Stations will be cropped over a half or more of their area, the remainder being kept in summer-fallow for next year. One way in which the area in crop on the Sub-Stations as well ai on the Experiment Station will be increased to more than a half of the area is by the use of cultivated crops. By growing a cultivated crop, the land can be br.iught through with nearly as much moisture left in the fall as by use of the bare fallow. Of these crops, the best for larire areas is the field peas Potatoes, stock beets, rape etc. . can all be used to a certain ex tent and alfalfa in rows makes an excellent rowed crop to be left for several years, but for large areas to be used for an nual crops, the field peas arc certainly ihe thing to include in rotation with other crops to do with some of the years of summer-fallow, at least On every Sub-Station last year, the peas wore pi imarilly a success. This was also true of the small trials of the various crops that were conducted by more than a hundred residents of the County. There was hardly a single failure with peas re'iorted. Grown in double rows and cultivated, they will make a paying crop where grain fails and leave moisture in the soil for next year besides. Before passing the subject of the results obtained on the Sub Stations and with the small trials sent out last year, it may be said that the most success was had with the crops in the order in which they are written: Field peas, alfalfa, oats. rape, wheat, barley, flax. Very little success was had with corn, only one trial reaching maturity. Potatoes did well on the Sub-Stations as a rule. Western Rye grass made a good showing at Harriman, though not as good as alfalfa and peas. This year, seed has been sent out to a large number of people over the County in small trials, for plan ting demonstrations tracts and for use on the Sub-Stations. This work is now being done under the head of Extension Work, the funds for which are appropriated jointly by the Coun ty and the State. It is planned to hold many institutes during the summer at these various tracts. A considerable quantity of seed has also been Bold at the Ex periment Station this spring. Quite a good many of the farm ers are beginning to look to the Station as a place to obtain a start of good clean seed of tested varieties of grain, peas, etc. It is not the plan that the Station should become a competitor of the farmers in the growing of grain for market, hence nothing but the beat obtainable seed will bu offered for sale at any time, and this at such prices as will enable it to be bought only for the purpose of getting started with better seed. This being about the season at which interest is centered in seeding wheat and oats, some results from these crops will b Kiven from last year. Tests were made as to the proper time to plant and the amount of seed to use of these crops. It appears that spring wheat should be sown about April 15 to 20 and at the rate of 36 pounds per acre on dry land. The oats seemed to do beat when planted about April 20 to 26 and at the rate of one bushel per acre. Yields of the various varieties were obtained in the order given below. Common spring wheats: Variety Computed Yield Fretes 34 32 Galgolos 3161 Selected Bluestem .30 81 Early Baart 29 03 Spring Ghirka ..26 01 Selected Hay ne Bluestem .24 34 Preston Fife 23 63 Little Club 23 49 Erivan 23 12 Minn. 163 Fife 20 92 Wellman Fife 1816 Marvel Bluestem 16 98 Rysting Fife 13 66 Cole Hybrid 1316 Durum Spring wheats: Variety Computed Yield Marouani ...... 24 21 Pelissier . 22 40 Saragolla 19 94 Yellow Gharnovka .19 40 Arnautka ..18 57 Bledur 17 23 Beloturka 16 94 Purple Durum .15 26 Polish wheat (Giant Rye) 15 10 Kubanka , 14 71 Oats: Variety Computed Yield Black American.. 62 48 Silvermine 61 16 Sixty Day 69 79 Rustless. 58 11 Siberian .66 11 Kherson ... .53 31 Minn. 26 52 89 Colorado 37 62 23 Canadian 48 54 Shadeland Climax 48 34 Quaker ... .42 43 Shadeland Challenge 43 16 Sweedish Select.... 39 93 Burt 31 25 Some of all these grains have not been listed because of duplica tion of varieties in various strains etc, but enough have been given to illustrate the importance in determining upon the correct variety of any grain to grow. The difference between the best yielder and the poorest yielder in any of these tests is great. Another thing not to be overlook ed is the superior yields made by the common wheats as compared to the durums. Probably the best of the common wheat is the Selected Bluestem, third highest in computed yield (by "computed yield" is meant the yield as cal culated from yields obtained from "check plots" of one variety planted several times among the other plots to get a comparison of the producing power of the soil from which each variety of grain was grown), but in actual yield the highest of all. It is an extra early maturing bluestem and, of course, represents the highest type of milling wheat. The most notable thing in the table of oat yields is the place the Sixty Day oats took, being outyielded only by the Black American, an oat that must be and is discriminated against be cause of its color, and the Silver mine, a rather too late variety for most farms here. And this yield is all the more indicative of the value of the Sixty Day oats because of its having been made in a year that, with much later summer rain, was especially favorable to the later varieties. Found a Cura for "1 suffered with rheumatism for two years and could not get my right hand to my mouth for that length of time," writes 1 A'f L. Chapman, Mapleton, Iowa "I suffered terrible pain so I could not sleep or lie still at night Five years ago I began using Chamberlain's Liniment and in two months I was well and have not suffered with rheumatism since," For sale by all dealers. ELECTRIC POWER FOR WILD HORSE COUNTRY Plans Perfected for Constructing Plant On Wild Horse Creek to Serve a Big Territory for Irrigation. Lights, Household Appliances and General Power. Capital All Subscribed The installation of an electric power plant near Andrews is re ported by J. B. Balcomb, the civil engineer of that section. Mr. Balcomb writes of the pro ject and states he believes this is the first instance in the county where electricity is to be used for cooking and heating purposes but he is mistaken, as it has been in use in Burns since last summer, some families using it exclusively for cooking, ironing, running sewing machines, etc., when the power is on. Just at present the power is not on at all times, but when the water power is used to drive the machinery the powor is available at any time. Mr. Balcomb writes: "You will b interested to know that plans have been per fected to construct a Hydrc Electric Power Plant on Wild Horse Creek, near Andrews for the purpose of furnishing power for irrigation pumping, electric lights and household appliances. "Contracts have all been sign ed for these various uses; this being the first instance in the county I believe of using electrici ty for cooking and heating. 'The money has all been sub scribed, and plans are being pre pared by the writer, who is to have charge of construction and operation, as Executive Engineer for the Wild Horse Power and Milling Company. Work has al ready been started, and will be pushed vigorously the latter part of the season, so as to be ready for the winter and sprint; demand for light and power. "Mr. John R. Jenkins, of Happy Valley is one of the men locally interested. Those back of the enterprise assure ample financial support, and those tak ing power have loyally pushed the project, knowing that it means a great development this summer and next for the Wild Horse and Trout Creek Valleys." THE FRENCH HOTEL DAVID NEWMAN, Prop. Strictly First Service, Fine Commercial Sample Room In Connection, Reasonable Rates BLUE MT. Daily Line, Burns SCHEDULE: LBAVK AKKIVK Burns Sam Canyon City Ml pa Canyon City 7am Prairie City .. 10 a m Prairie City ... 2:30 p m Canyon City 7 pm Burmi laMOl Fare, Burns-Prairie City, - $ 8.08 Round Trip, - - - - 11.00 Express Rates 2 1-2 Cents, Prairie to Burns PLEASANT, SCENIC ROUTE ALL THE III L. WOLDENBERG. Prop. i THE WELCOME la The Place to Trade -WHY- First: Promptness, accuracy and fair dealing.' Secend: We carry a well assorted stock of Drugs, Chemi cals and Druggist Sundries. Third: We guarantee every article we sell to be just as represented or your money refunded. If you ere a customer of ours you know this. If not, be come one and be convinced. J. C Welcome, Jr. Market Report. Receipts for the week have been Cattle-1929, Calves-17, Hogs 3147, Sheep-6743. I Cattle liquidation has !een i much more liberal during the past week than in the previous six day period. Beef prices ruled firm on Monday, especially for smooth light weight steers and fat cows. Three cars of grain fed baby beef featured the sea sion by selling at $H 25. Cow top $7 00; heifers $7 2T; bulls $6 25; stags $7 00 and calves .$9 Monday and Tuesday were the most active days in the swine pens and sellers were successful in forcing buyers to bid a nickel more for the supplies. A few davB ago the trade was stagnant with a downward tendency, but improved demand set choice light stock up to $8 65 where it ruled firm all this week. Sheep house trade has been bullish from the openidg to the I close of the period. Best shorn 1 weather sales reached $5 65 and 1 ewes $4 50. Spring lambs of extra choice quality sold up to $12 00 with a keen demand pre valent with the fancy Easter trade. Sheep house receipts liberal, wool yearling lambs firm at $7 00 to $7 10. ATTENTION! To my former patrons and ethers: I have decided to remain in Burns during the summer, for the pur pose of supplying your wants in ! Groceries, Furniture, Carpet?, Stoves, Building Paper, Wall Paper, etc. . at the same low fig ures, 10 per cent above actual 'cost. W. F. HlSSNER. For Sale 10 head of good, gentle work mares, average weight 14001bs. , age from 5 to 9 years. -B. F. Campbell, Burns, Oregon. 19tf. Class. Splendid Accomodations, Headquarters STAGE CO. and Prairie City 1 PHARMACY