1914 APRIL 1914 s M 6 E13H1516 2627282930 W T 8 H)U 1718 19202122232425 S TheTiiues-JIerald The Largest Circulation Of Any Nawipapar In Harnay County. SATURDAY. APRIL II. MM Local News. Tonawnma tonight. Hreak up that cold with Wel come's Cold Tablets. Hutterick patterns at Luna bur. Dalton & Co. 62tf. Ceo. Hall and Claud Selni were up from VoltaRe yesterday. For Sale 10 head of Stood, Kentle work mares, average weiirht 14001bs., aire from .r to 9 years. B. F. Campbell, Burns. , Oregon. 19tf. ; H. K. Donnelly, the engineer in charge of the field work for State Water Board, is again here taking measurements and observ ing the spring run off of water. Special Easter services tomor row at the Presbyterian church at the usual hour. Dr. Benson will preach on the "Resurrecion" and the choir has prepared some fine music for the service. Usual services in the evening when the subject will be "Sympathy of Jesus." Austin Goodman is ready to grind grain and has a building in which it may be stored by farmers at any time. He will THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Burns CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $100,000 Officially designated as Depositary for The United States State of Oregon County of Harney Postal Savings Funds Individual Indian Accounts FURTHERMORE OVER 1,000 Individuals, Firmt Corporations and Associations of Southeastern Oregon have selected our institution as their banking home. Let Us Serve You ACCOUNTS INVITED Thermos bottles at the Wel come Pharmacy. Peter Snider was up from Albritton during the week. 18tf Tonawama tonight Pickard China and fcibby cut glass make beautiful and useful wedding presents l-'ni- Sa1 .lark, five vears old Pure bred Poland-China gilts jan( a ROod foa Ketter. - A. J. for breeding purposes tor sale skiene BurnB Oregon. IStf G. W. Young. Tom Cleveland and wife are C. B. McConnell came home ! over from their home near Van grind one day each week and Tuesday evening from Portland, l0n a visit to relatives and friends, farmers may store their grain Salem and other outside point. ! M Millar ha8 anv day and get it when eon- , ... J .... TZ, - Uk) u nromriM m tsJraJ Ju3t received a nice line of : new millinery and more is now V , l.-i tout Wiiiims.ra? matin Co- store. market price, hpeeiiu prices on i ,. J large (luantities, 4-Uf. 'tnmgL-o. yrvi CUngSD has started the Mr- I.wv Beard a daughter Kal,h W- Eckhardt is here building of a residence for C. A. S - addUhttr ....,;' s court stenographer Harlan on an acreage track near of R. J. McKmnon, i here.froiajactmK as cou" sienograp "" her home in Dakota on a visit ft Muring the present term. Steno- river her father and brothers and grapher Walker being occupied R. C. Tullech. U. S. Commia sisters Mrs Beard is wefj ' elsewhere. Mr. Eckhardt is now sioner and general booster for known to the pioneer people Praeticisg law in Boise, but was Catlow Valley, was in the city this section, having spent he formerly located in Ontario. .during the week on business, early life here. She finds coqj jee Caldwell and wife left; Cleaning, pressing and repair siderable change in the country town yesterday for their farm ing a Specialty. Ladies' clothes but many of her old time friendji llp the rjver ami wji again take as well as mens. Williams-Zogl-are still here with whom she hajs up ranching. It seems the pur- matin Clothing Co. had a pleasant visit. chaser of the property who had The Christian Science Society The high school students anflwn " charge for some time faculty spent yesterday In b. could not meet the payments and servance of Arbor Day by cleai had to give up possession to the up the school grounds, removing i rinnal owners rocks and planting some shade j When one observes the great trees in the forenoon. At the fiooc 0f water now covering a noon hour they all took luncheon great portion of the valley, at the domestic science depart-1 threatening to wash out the roads ment prepared and furnished Itf'land ruining crops on the lower the students and the afternoon ; iands adjoining the river, we wonder why we have permitted such waste for so many years when it could and should be stored for use later in the season when it is needed. was devoted to literary exerfoisa and music. It had been Intend ed to have a game of baseball but the grounds were too wet OH account of the high water. GET MY PRICES before buying elsewhere and SAVE MONEY I carry a complete line of LADIES and GENTC WEAR also GROCERIES at the lowest possible cash prices I. SCHWARTZ - General Merchandise - Haaonlc Building, Burns, Oregon will have services in their new rooms in the II issuer Bldg, at 2 p. m. Sunday, April 12th. June Ingersol, who lived in the Drewsey section for many yeara and used to take in all the race meets here and other Eastern Oregon points, is in Burns re newing acquaintances. He has been in the south for several years following the races, but returned to Drewsey some time ago where he is again making his home. . Tom Allen, foreman on the P Ranch and other Hanley Com pany property, has a new Ford runabout and has been more or less a nuisance in town this week. He was threatened with arrest for speeding and when he finally got the "tarnel thing" so he could hold it down and guide it, he spent a good portion of his time "tooting" the horn and otherwise attracting attention. The new is wsaring off by this time, so he is not so "obstreper ous. Ben and Leon Brown returned the fore part of this week from San Francisco where they at tended the celebration of the golden wedding of their parents. They report their father and mother both in good health and quite active for their age. Ben informs The Times-Herald that the road between Burns and the county line toward Bend has been repaired in fine shape and that one may go just as fast as they care to ride, aside from a short stretch on the Sage Hen hill. P. S. Weittenhiller received a telegram Tuesday afternoon an nouncing that his daughter was in a dangerous condition at the family home in Spokane Buffer ing from an acute attack of ap pendicitis. He started immedi ately in his auto for Bend to reach her as quickly as possible. His son, Clyde, who had to remain here on account of being confined to his room with a case of mumps, received a telegram Wednesday stating she had undergone an operation and was recovering nicely. Mr. Weittenhiller has evidently gone on up to see her as he has not returned. Pictures tomorrow night. Born - Sunday, April 5, 1!14, to Mr. and Mrs. Alma Davis, a son. Be sure and see those new lies WilliamH-Zoglmann Clothing Co, are showing. Born Friday, April 10. to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McKinnis, a daughter. Nyals Baby Cough Remedy for baby's caugh at The Welcome I'liiiiiiei.-i TT ,. ., . N norn inursuay, prn v, w Mr. and Mrs. Starr Buckland, a daughter. Finest alfalfa, timothy and red top hay baled may be had at the Goodman feed barn is south Burns Timothy and clover seed for sale at the White Front Barn, ii........ w 'v v.. ...i.. -v..... ir.tr Tr:; Mrs. i. ti. nouanu reiurneu home Monday from a visit with friends and relatives in Malheur county. Mrs. Wm. Berg came up from Lawen last week with A. S. Swain and spent a few days in the city. Dr. Ceo. G. Carl is prepared for special attention to all dis eases of eye, ear and nose. F.yes tested and irlasses fitted. fiOtf. Thos were in town a few days this week leaving Wednesday morn ing for Bend. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BURNS. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, 1100,000 "THE BANK THAT MAKES Belshaw Prune treeB No. one quality from 1 to 4 years old at 20c each delivered by Parcels Post purchaser paying transpor tation. Chas. Belshaw, Mt. Vernon. Oregon. 21 -211. POLITICAL, ANNOUNCEMENTS For County Judgr. I hereby announce myself a candidate for county jude, sub ject to the decision of the demo cratic voters of Harney county at the primary election May 16, 1014 and I hereby pledge myself if nominated and elected, to work for an honest, economical admin istration of the county's business and a lessening of the taxpayers' burdens. L. N. Stallard, Drewsey, Oregon. For County Commitilontr, I hereby announce myself a can didate for county commissioner, subject to the decision of the re publican voters of Harney county at the primary election May 15. W. H. Robins. For Shariff After persistent Bolicitution from many friends throughout the county I have decided to enter the race for the office of Sheriff Button and his motherf0 succeed myself, subject to the decision of the democratic voters at the primary election to be held May 15. 1014. A. K. ItK'IIAKDSON. For Shariff. YOUR $ $ I t SAFE." ACCOUNTS j )(.re,v announce myself as a INVITED. L.ttnfjj,at.e for tne office of Sheriff Supt. Querist of the P, L. S. of Harney county, subject to the For County Clerk. I hereby announce my can didacy for county clerk, subject to the decision of the democratic voters at the primaries on May 15. .1. 0. Cawlkield. For County Shariff. I hereby announce myself ns candidate for Sheriff uf liurney county subject to the decision of the Republican voters at the pri mary May 15, 1914. If elected I pledge myself to be satisfied with I he regular salary $2400 a vear; without the expenses as allowed hy the last legislature which will be a saving of $00 a year to the taxpayers of Harney County. Roland Nankins. 14tf Harney, Oregon. For County Judgr. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for County Judge of Harney County, subject to the decision of the democratic voters at the primaries on May 15, 1914. J. K. Jenkins. 16 Happy Valley. For Shariff. Co. has been in town this week decision of the republican voters at the primary election to be held May 15. 1914. Austin Goodman. fiaSsBaKHSBHafiBHS BBS mi looking after business. He has fully recovered from his recent illness. To the Indies You are cordi ally invited to call and see the new styles and beautif ul materials for tailor made suits, made to your measure and a perfect fit quarenteed, highest class work manship. Clingans Millinery Parlors. Kmmaline Hale. Agent. Tax Collector Miller and hisas-H sistanLs have been doing I rus'h inir business the past week and have not caught up with the is-: candidate for nomination for the For County Survayor. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of County Surveyor subject to the decision of the voters of the democratic party at the primary election May 15. 1914. C. K. Bkkky. For County Judgr I hereby announce myself a suance of receipts as yet. Mr. Miller says he cannot give de finite figures at present but thinks all but about $40.0011 of the tax roll is in. the total being over $181,000. J. J. Patterson received a telegram from J. C Turney this week announcing that the Central Oregon Oil & Gas Co.. had been granted a permit by the SUite Corporation Commission t sell its bonds and complete its work. This will allow the work on the oil prospecta to resume as soon as sufficient funds can be secured. Dr. J. W. Geary left here Sunday in his auto for Bend, be ing en route to Curry county in response to a telegram announc ing that Frank Rasnick had been drowned. Mr. Rasnick formerly lived in this county and was back here not long ago on a visit. Dr. Gearv was associated with him in a business way and has gone to look, after property interests of the deceased. According to re ports no one witnessed his death but his team was found at a ford in the river and later his body was recovered. ...,N A trade oi considerable magni tude was closed this week when Judge H. C. Levens trailed a large tract of land in the "Wel comville" section to W. K. Iliss ner for the business corner in which the pool hall and other business concerns are housed. Mr. Hissner had been desirpus of making a change of lia-ation and preferred property that would not require so much of his personal attention. Judge I .evens was "land poor" and wanted a revenue producing property, therefore the trade was soon consummated when they finally got together. A most enjoyable social affair of the week was a card party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. F. McKinney Thursday evening in which Mr. and Mrs. H. B, I'ur ington were joint host and host ess. The hospitable homo was beautifully decorated with ferns, pussy willows and cut flowers, making it very pleasing and at tractive to the guests present. A large company of their friends enjoyed their hospitality and ex pressed their appreciation of the good time provided. Seventeen tables were occupied by the players, the high honors for scores going to Mesdames Gault, McGowan and William Miller. the consolation going to Mrs. Ernest Musick. Judge Levens, Al Welcome and Hon. Frank Davey were awarded the prizes for highest scores of the gentle men, Ernest Musick capturing the consolation. Refreshments were served. office of County Judge, subject to the decision of the republican voters of Harney county at the primaries May 15th. If elected I will give my entire time to the office and to the best of my ability will insure an honest, faithful and impartial administration of the county's business. H. C. Levens. I For Joint Rapraientativa. have consented to become a candidate for Joint Representa tive from the district comjiosed of Harney and Malheur counties, subject to the decision of the Republican voters of said coun ties on May 15th. Frank Davey. For County Commiuionar. I hereby announce myself acan dididate for County Commission er, subject to the decision of the democratic voters at the primary election to be held May 15, 191 4. If nominated and elected I will try my best to give the county an economic administration. I). A. Bkakeman, Waverly, Oregon. For County Judga. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for County Judge of Harney county, subject to the decision of the republican voters at the primary election May 15, 1914. F. Denstedt. For County Judga. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of County Judge of Harney county subject to the decission of the democratic voters at the primary election May 15, 1914. 1 si and for a just, economical and business adminis tration. J. P, Withers, Harney, Oregon. In compliance with the request of friends, I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of Sheriff of Harney County, sub ject to the decision of the repub lican electors at the primary, May 15th, 1914. If elected, I pledge myself to conduct the af fairs of the office, faithfully and according to law, and to collect and turn over all funds belonging to the County promptly. 16tf Tom Spracue. For County Clark. At the solicitation and with encouragement of a large num ber of friends, I have decided to become a candidate for County Clerk of Harney county, subject to the decision of the democratic voters at the primary May 15. 1914. Wm. M. Carkoll, 13tf Catlow Valley For County Clark. In the belief that my service during the past year, as County Clerk, has been satisfactory to the public, I hereby announce myself as a Republican candidate for nomination for the office of County Clerk of Harney County at the primary election on May 15. 1914. 18tf R. T. HUGHET. For County Traaaurar I hereby announce myself a andidate for nomination for county treasurer, subject to the decision of the republican voters at the primary election on May 15th. If nominated and elected 1 expect to devote mv time and energies to the duties of the office and to conduct it with the same care and impartiality which I have applied to it in the past. R. A. Miller. BURNS FLOUR MILLING CO. Prices at Mill for preducts: Flour $5.50 in 5-bbl- lots or mor. Bran $1.25 per hundred. Rolling barley $2.00 per ton in ton lots or more. Customers in all cases to furnish sacks. PACKING DEPARTMENT Until further notice the following Cash Prices will prevail in selling meats: Hogs, whole or half, lie. per lb. Choice pork steaks, 15c. per lb. " " loin, 20c. Whole pork shoulder 12 1.2c. Leg of pork, 15c. Front quarter mutton, 10c. Hind quarter mutton, 12 l-2c. Choice mutton for stew, 8c. Mutton chops, 15c. Hind quarter beef, 13c. Front quarter beef, lie. Beef all cuts at reasonable prices. The intention of the Company is at all times to pay the best prices and sell on closest margin consistent with good but. ness management. alJ9i Bsas BJBP5', Tortoii Shell Auto GlaMea AT SALISBURY'S msimimumtr.tmtimmmmimmiimo THE STAR Feed Barn H. EIXIOTT. I'rop. Horses Boarded by the Day, Week or Month CARKFUL ATTKNDANTS Ggod Feed and Reasonable prices Horaea ittr per llvad In Barn lialed Hay and (.rain fur Hale Comfortable (amp House With Cook Stove PATRONAt.K SOLICITED Accural Hay and Stock Hcalea Prlcea for weighing 20r. Mouth Main St., Hum. tlllUIHIlt The Farmer And His Bank. The Harney County National Bank has had the privilege of conserving the financial interests of many farmers around Burns, who have enjoyed a full measure of good bank service. It is the desire of everyone in this institution to become a greater force for good in the money matters of more farmers. We are equipped to do this, and invite your business with this pur pose in mind. Harney County National Bank Burns, Oregon THE WHITE FRONT LIVERY, FEED AND SALE STABLE Baled Hay and f.rain for Sale at Market Prices, (iood Hay in Stack The Burns-Vale Stage Line Close Connections Made With Trains Katd, at both Juntnr:i and Vale. Careful Atten tion and Prompt Delivery of KxpresH and Freiurht Kntrtwted to Our Care. R. J. McKinnon & Son BURNS, - OREGON till RABBIT WIRE We have a big supply of wire any heighth desired and at BED-ROCK PRICES , f .. erSBBfcaTTy AaV UvBBBaW K.' RafaBF ! X. ' eJaaaiaTrXaal aBaBBBBaW KsePiLjaaaBe V skaar .aaaaali:aSBTsjaaia5arl -igBaaat' -s. T rWaKalt I -JfaRaL j.. A aam y.7 jP3(H aaaaaV Farm Machinery Implements of all kinds in steck: Seeders, Plows, Disc and Drag Harrows. Machine Extras Builders Hardware Paints and Oils GARDEN SEEDS Fancy Virginia Granitcwarc Something New A KITCHEN RANGE GIVEN AWAY in connection with the sale of this handsome graniteware Inquire I BURNS HARDWARE CO. I I NEIL SMITH, Manager I