The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, April 11, 1914, Image 2

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Don't These Warm Spring Days
make you think of that
you will be needing soon?
Easter is not far away, no doubt
you will want a new suit then.
Why Not Order It Now
And be Prepared?
We can furnish you anything
you may want in the suit line. All
tailor made suits guaranteed to fit.
Call and see us whether
i yon buy or not. We are
always glad to show yon
Clothing Company
Merchant Tailors and Leading Clothiers
I. O. O. F. Building - - Burns, Oregon
Ihr (Etmes-Herafd
Ok Ymi
St. Met.
Circuit Court.
Circuit court has been occupied
during the week with criminal
business, mostly, although some
law and equity cases were con
sidered with arguments and
motions, etc. The case of state
ajrainst K. E. McCay on a charge
of perjury was tried and the jury
found him not guilty. Edwin
Griffin charged with larceny of a
cow was tried and found not
evening Judge Biggs
dismissed the jurors in attend
ance for the term after drawing
a grand jury which is composed
of C. V. Reed. W. W. Drink
water. Henry Eichner. Anton
Egli, H. J. Hansen, W. L BJott,
M. A. Spicer. Mr. Egli was
selected as foreman of the grand
The cases against Sleeper and
Jackson, charged with obtaining
money by false pretense, W. T.
Lester, charged with embezzle
ment, and James and Rose Hen
derson, perjury, were all con
tinued for the term and are set
for trial at the next regular team.
Pacific Lire Stock Co. it
Sued By The State.
(Continued from I'agr One.
were brought to issue the legal
force could be kept busy during
slack times in the water litiga
tion. "While the Pacific Live Stock
Co., claims some 180,000 acres of
land in Harney and Malheur
Counties, including practically all
the watering places and the bet
ter part of the valley lands
throughout the section, the pres
ent investigation deals only
with the lands involved in tic
Silvies River water adjudication
proceedings, those which the
California attorney always refers
to as "riparian."
"The commencement of this
suit should be no surprise to the
"old timers" who lived in the
Harney Valley during the time
the company was dispossessing
and ejecting the settlers from
the "RedS" field. The surpris
ing fact to one investigating the
matter is that action has not been
so long delayed. Fifteen con
tiguous sections, 9,772 acres,
title under which the company
claims based upon applications
to purchase of 30 "dummv"
applicants, not one of which had
ever been in Harney County or
had any personal knowledge of
the land, who were procured by
the hired attorneys of the com
pany, and their applications put
through the State Land Board iVi
July, August and September,
1889. all closed within 90 days
and the titles so secured all corn-
Additional Locals.
Picture show tonight.
W. O. Best was in town yester
day. Onion e s at the Burns Hard
ware Co
The Burns llanlware Co. has
onion sets, (let them earlv.
('. II. Vocgtly has returned
from a trip to outside ioints.
Dry cleaning and pressing at
the Burns Steam Idiuntlrv. 4tf.
R. J. Williams was over from
his Silver Creek home during the
Sixty day oats- at two cent!
per pound, at .lames l'irie, Cow
Creek. 21-L'J.
There's not only remarkable
value, but great satisfaction in
buying hats at Clingan's Millin
ery Parlors everything in millin
ery the best.
C. M. Crandall, an attorney of
Vale, candidate for the republican
nomination for joint regrescnta
tive in the legislature, is in the
city in attendance BpSS circuit
court and getting acquainted.
He is a very pleasant gentleman
R. J. McKinnon & Son have
established a daily stage between
Drewsey and .luntura. Connec
tions made with the trains at
Juntura and passengers given
every comfort. Fare to Burns
Sheriff Richardson went to the
P Ranch Thursday after I sup
posed demented man but when
he brought him to Burns and had
him examined it was found he
was quit sick and was sent to
the hospital. His name is Frank
Well, it dOM seem "wonders
never cease, " as we note this
week ! cal merchants unloading
outside hscoh, hams and lard
made by the big packing plants,
while local packers are shipping
the home product to outside
1 have lost two strawlerry roan
mares very chunky built, star in
forehead, weight aUut twelve
fifty, branded F. T. the F revers
ed, on left stitlle age alxait ight
and nine. Hobbled when lost.
A suitable reward for recovery of
them. Address, 0. T. Stoy.
Harriman. Oregon. 21-'.t.
10 a. m. Sunday school rally.
11 a. m. SMcial Easter Service.
Special Easter music by choir,
under direction of Miss Iniel
Smith, much time has been spent
on the music which will be fine.
Special Easter sermon.
7:30 p. m, special music. Young
people's sermon.
Catholic Church.
1. On Sundays and Holy days
of obligation Holy Mass with
sermon at 10 a. m.
2. On week days Holy Mass
at 0:30 a. m.
All other services, besides
those mentioned above will he
announced in church.
All invited and welcome to the
divine services.
Sick-calls promptly answered
at anytime. Religious informa
tion and instructions willingly
imparted at the Franciscan
Rev. Pius Niermann, (). F. M.
Pastor of The Church of thi
Holy Family.
Sealed bids will be received by
the Board of Directors of school
Dist. No. 1, of Harney, Oregon,
for 100 cords of 4ft. pine wish!
of first quality to bo cut during
months of May or June. The
same to be delivered in the wood
shed (the district will cord the
W(kxI) at the school house in
Burns not later than September
1, 1!M4. The Board reserves the
right to reject anv or all bids.
Mark all envelopes "Bids for
Wood". No bids considered
after May 1. W. L. Blott,
e Per Cent Ixuu Per Cm.
Obtainable o be, liuiUI or Improve
l.'irn , ram li .i ml ii( property r remove
iinriimliruiuf lu lefrntn. Sk-ciuI I'm lie-
Ke ami Rceaoeabai Term L'or pro-
position, .i,ln..i I'liuiucr lril . 157
liiis.ii in.!- , Dallas Tessa,
What Paint Will Do.
Judge Biggs is considering
some equity cases today and it is inR back the apo,, by
win aujourn soon. deeda without oa8of , bin ,,.
likely court
It has been a short term.
Talent of Burns
Lady Appreciated.
Mrs. J. L. C-ault arrived home
from Portland the fore part of
this week where she had been for
several weeks under the tuition
of George W. Reed, a noted
vocalist. The people of Burns
are justly proud of Mrs. Gault's
talents and her friends are pleas
ed when they find others ap
preciate them also. She has de
lighted audiences in this city with
her beautiful singing and it is a
pleasure to her friends that she
is not neglecting its cultivation
by taking advantage of such
teachers as Mr. Reed. The
Portland Journal has the follow
ing respecting her work in a re
cent appearance in Pertland:
Tuesday evening at the Upper
Drive home of Mr. and Mrs.
Carlos L. Reed, George Wilbur
Reed presented Mrs. James Les
ter Gault, of Burns, Ore. , in an
interesting recital. The singer
is the possessor of a rich bell
like voice which she has under
very good control. She paints
dramatic passages with intense
coloring, then outlines delicate
ones with the ease and refine
ment of the artist. Versatility
expresses completely the singer's
chief characteristic. Her pro
gram included many interesting
numbers besides a cycle of songs,
"Ever since I have been in
Harney County there has been
more or less agitation about the
opening of a wagon road to the
south. The peak of a load is
what the settler can pull over
Wright's Point, as it has ap
parently been impossible to get
through the "Red S" field. 4
miles by 7 miles enclosed within
on field in the heartof the valley.
The Act of our State Legislature,
approved Feb. 16, 1887, provid
ing for the sale of the swamp
lands and under which law the
company secured its alleged
title, specifically reserved a strip
of land 30 feet wide on each
side of each line for public road
purposes, onouia tne company
be compelled to fence out the
land which the state reserved for
the use of its citizens there
would not be so much "riparian"
land and there would be no oc
casion for the trouble and red
tape of endeavoring to get a
road petition through the County
'Love's Epitome" the latter giv
ing opportunity to display pas
sionate love and dull sorrow for
one who has gone. ' 'The Shadow
March" was given with exquisite
Other numbers on Mrs. Gault's
program were "The Way to
Arcadia," "Spring Has Come,"
"When the Roses Bloom," "Dear
Uttle Bare Toes," "A Birthday"
and "The Land of the Sky Blue
Report of Murdered
Man s Mistake.
niiem uicnanisoii received a
oaaiy mixed telearam Wednen
day from Sheriff Snyder of Lake
county to tne effect that a man
namea Newman had come to
i.ake view and reported finding a
dead man on Rock creek in the
southern part of this county and
that ho had been murdered. He
asked if Mr. Richardson could
meet him at the P Ranch or in
that neighborhood to investigate
the supposed murder. Yester
day it was reported there was
nothing in the story and last
night the Lake count v shoi-iir
called Mr. Richardson from the
i' ilanch on the phone and staled
there was nothinur to the rumor
stating further he would be over
today When a full exn anation of
the matter would be had.
A clever arrangement of paint
cans and appropriate advertising
material form the basis of an ex
ceedingly attractive window in
Burns Hardware Co., store this
week. A special feature of the
display is a set of old weather
beaten carriage sjioke with half
of the surface of the SPOSSI treat
ed lo one cost oi Acme tjuality
Carriage Paint each spoke show
ing a different color of the paint.
The following statement is made
on one of the display cards: "You
can make your old buggy look
new for a dollar by the use of
this paint. "
With this suggestion and the
very small outlay necessary, we
are sure that all of the shabby
vehicles in this terrirory will im
mediately take on a new ap
pearance. Besides being good for all kinds
of vehicles, attractive display
signs illustrate in colors a great
many other uses for this wonder
ful paint in and about the home.
The display is a creditable one
and well worth inspecting.
While It Lasts.
Nolic lO ( rr.1,1,.,.
Ill IlinCoUiil) Cimrl ( tlir Mali, 11M In
lion, fur llama) .mill y.
In tin' mailer nl Hi. ratalr "I Nllir
ItuMoii, deaBSSsd
Nolur i. SfiaflJI iw-M t lint tin- uuilrr
iaStJ '' larvn ilulj npjiutritrtl milium
tratOf i'l tin- i sliil. ol Nellie lluatuii,
ileiearril, liv nrilrr of the pmlr ul (Ih
jiIkjvc ulitlr.l i-ouit.
All ptrMM ImtiiiK ilaiina aj(ninat
aaul ratntr lire lirrrlir n.ililie.l to pre
x nl (nine ilulv terihrtl n liy law tciiun
fil. to the umlri.iKiieil nl Ilia plan of
luianieaa in IIiiiii.. Orrxoii, willmi an
inoiithi from tlir lUtiol i lie Aral'
tiuu of thia inline.
The llrat ptiMicitliou of na iiotite Ml
i l.r I ill lUv ol April. I'M 4
W i: llt'STON.
V.ln liiiatralur ( II. ratals of Nrllir
Huaton. Draaaai.
Ill llm ( oiliilv Court u( Ilia Slata of
Oregon for 1 1 aim v County
In Ilia Mnlt.r ol 11,0 Katata of Villi,
Huston, li,a nl. nl
Noiire it herrliy (ien thai uuilri ami
liy virtue of an order of uk tumle ami
. nlneil 111 the (timer entitlatl court 111
iliriuntlrr nltlie. aliovo entitled eainir
on the lMthilav "I March, 1U14, I, the
umleraiKiiril, mliii I n 1 -. t r . I . . r of tlir abof
eittnlct! ratntr, will aril at private aale
lor 1 .tali in linml, on ami after Momlny
il. 37th ilav "I Vpnl. 1014, the lollow
iiiK ilearnlaril teul property bcJoaajhtJ 10
a. 11. 1 tatnte, to-wit
An umlivideil one Hall iiitrirat in See.
II, Twp. '.'.'1 aoiitli. Itnnra .'III li. W. l
udthaaaal 7.'. M of L,ta 1 auil 2ia
I.I. k It li'i 111 tlir Town ot Hut iia, llnrnrv
County, (Inrtion ;
Hula will la: received for aiud prnpeitt
a a whole or for either the undivided
one half intereat 111 aaul Sec II or the
.iat 7G fret of laid Lota 1 ami 2
Till notice la piilitiahrd f,.i a prtiod
ol four MNl 111 Ilia
iM-vtapnprr ol aatral circulation in
llaimv Couiitv. Hit-noil, nll hv virtue
of nil onlri ol t he Hon. 1,1.1111 Th. .11111
aon, (adfaj ol the above entitled . mil I.
made nil. I eilU let! on tlir ISth day ..I
March, iuh.
Ihitetl at llurna, OfMOO, tlua 85th
day of .Man h, I'M I
W I;. Illalov
Admiiiiatrator ol tin' ratata "I Nellie
llliati.n, detea-ed
Notice of Final SaHUntMl.
IN Till; COCNTY Col'kT in- Tin.
In thi mallei .1 the eatalr of I'avi.l
s Oram, daccaatil
lie undeiaicnril adiiiimat rat 1 1 1 nl tin
nlrove enlitfrd ratntr, hna hlrd hei
aei'.iiiui liernn, ami the Honorable
(.nun rhoiiipaona, luilirc ol the above
entitled cotirt, hua art Momlny tlir l.'lth
lay ol Apnl, 101 1, ut the County Conn
room at lluina, llnrnrv County, Oic
roii. ua Hie tiuu- anil plm'r lot heiiriiu.-
oinrctiona to aaul account. All '
hatliiK olijectiona tlirrrto arc hrreby ,
in. tided to aparai and prearut the MUM
na aaul time and place.
I - 1 I ut Ilium. llrcKou, I Ilia 7 1 1 1
of March, I'M 1
Dihki H. (in. vita,
A.lmini.trati 1 v ot the ulxive eutilh-d
Oregon Hotel UAKSfcY. Prop.
Comforts of Home
Personal Attention
Home Cooking
Clean Rooms and Beds
Best Table Service
Uhvteeis Trcaloeal
Spring Opening
We extend to all a special re
quest to call and examine our
Dress goods, waists, dresses, skirts
new summer underwear in silk.
lisle, cambric in all styles, hosiery, I
gloves, neckwear, new ribbons,
laces, embroideries, full line trim
ming, silks and buttons
Quality Goods Only
asLfr jaSSSaly-sBHla
He pays for his vanity. The
man who buys a heavy car
sacrifices good dollars to mis
placed pride. The prudent
buyer invests in the depend
able Ford. He knows it
will serve him best and at
lowest cost.
r'iva hundred Hollar, ia the price af a ford
runabout; the lourina car i live fifty; the
town car arvrn fifty- f. o. b. Detroit,
pleta with equipment Cat calalof
partirulara from Burn Caraeja, Burn. Or.
Hold nott-income property when you can
convert it into producing property?
We can do thin for you.
Will you avail yourself of the opportunity,
or would you prefer continuing to hold your
non-producing holdings, paying taxes, losing
the interest on your money, and possibly pay
ing interest tor the privilege of holding.
Remember that the greatest inventor was
the man who invented interest.
Investment vs. Speculation
Per cent
Heavy Shirts
Heavy Uunderwear
Mackinaw Coats
Sheep & blanket lined coals
Sweater coats
A. K. Richardson
General Merchandise
All the news in The Times-Herald tor $2.00
Tlio Bspsrimsnt Stution will
sell u limiti'il amount tif the fol
lowing highly recommended
grains in .mall quantities to each
Swanneck barley. o0 lbs or less
at Ik (This was the highest yield
ing hurley out of 2i varieties
tried on the Station lost year.
shatters very little and i of
Sod quality. )
Sixty Day ()at: 100 llm or less
at 4c (This was third highest in
yield of 16 vaiieties on the Sta
tion lust yeur. It is the earliest
high yielding out known and con
tains ten or fifteen per cent more
kernel DSr Unit of weight than
ordinary oats.)
Shadeland Climax tuts: 200 lbs
Or less at 21c (A good yielder
but two or three weeks later
than the Sixty Days. )
Address your communications
to The Experiment Station.
Orders will be honored in the
order they are received.
The Studebaker Four Roadster is a car of dual type and manifold advantages.
As a Roadster the car presents a distinguished appearance, differing but little
from the conventional type.
When desired, however, it is only a few minutes' work to change it into a
closed car impenetrable to wind, cold, and rain. The Studebaker name guaran
tees appearance, durability and minimum cost of maintenance.
The Pure Bred Imported Percheron Stallion
CROMIER, No. 40332
Will Make Season Stand of 1914
Cromier is a mature horse, weight 1700, good breedn
J. W. Shown.
The SlutJabakar SIX
Touring car . $ 1575.00
l-aiulati-Koadalr, . fIBOO.OO
Sadan - - 12250.00
The Studabaliar FOUR
Touring Car . $1050.00
Dalivary Car
Electrically Started
Electrically Lighted
1 ! $1200
- ii i6o.oo . nsa jyvSBBl
All .kM F. O. U D.l,.i, 4m J .'JSM
'w rtfSsaBal wk iK'i-kyufv E3Kjl9h) i
tVjrfn V' AT --aaaalsW SJW aaaaaP f
Fair Feed Yard
Timothy, Alfalfa and Red Top Hay
Baled Hay For Sale
Fre? Camp House and Feeding Privileges in Co
or i,arn. Customers Care For Own Stock
i 'i
A. GOODMAN, Adjoining Fair Grounds,
i, III "' 2
New Spring Goods
Have arrived and we are now ready to
supply you with your requirements
Dress Goods, Wash Goods
Laces. Ribbons. Hosiery,
Gloves, Embroideries. etc
The Burns Department Store
Write for free copy of the Studebaker Proof Book, containing siaty-four
pages of information on the manufacture of the Studebaker automobiles
Lampshire's Garage, Burns, Ore.
"Bay It Because It's a Studebaker"
We do it right