The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, April 11, 1914, Image 1

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The Biggest County In The State
Of Oregon, Beat In The West
The Biggest City In The Biggest
County In The State Of Oregon I
NO. 22
Drought-Resistant Seeds Sent out by the
Department of Agriculture Brings
Good Results and Establishes Gen
eral Use of Valuable Crops. The
Alfalfa and Peas Beneficial Here
The Department of Agriculture is very promising in the south
during 1913, under an appropria- western portion of the Great
tion of Congress, distributed ap-! Plains region as an article for
proximately 27,(XX) package of human food,
drought-resistant field seeds. I The most promising and im
Each of the. packages contained j mediate results that are expect
a sufficient quantity of seed to ed from the distribution of seed
plant 1 acre, and this when sue-lot dry-land field crops are the
cessful supplied the grower with 'establishment in general use of
seed for a much larger area the two valuable crops Feterita and
following year. The crops in- Sudan grass; the making avail-
eluded in this distribution were ,
improved hardy and drought
resistant alfalfas, new varieties
of field peas, improved strains of
millets, Feterita, and Sudan
grass. Those in charge of this
distribution have rendered the
following report as to the results
obtained from
the planting of
these seeds:
Feterita, a grain ami forage
sorghum similar to katir and,
milo. and Sudan grass, a wild
form of sorirhum somewhat
tkar millet ilomi n-it rat-'
ed beyond a doubt their Immense
value to the country. Notwith
standing the extreme drought
which occurred throughout al
most the entire growing season,
these crops came to maturity and
furnished forage where practical
ly afl other crops failed. Seeds
of these varieties are at the pre
sent time greatly in demand and
command a price far in excess of
the ordinary sorghums or millets, j
The Amraoti and Bangalia varie- "" for BaissSlsi
ties of field peas demonstrated! goffered with rheumatism
their superiority over the com-jf(. (W(, years and could not
mon strains for dry-land farming m( my right hand to my mouth
and have created for theme Ives
a strong demand in sections
where they were tested. New
millets also proved very promis
ing, and, so far as can be de
termined from one year's results,
this improved alfalfa will go far
toward establishing this crop in
sections too dry or too cold for
the common strains.
In aAAitinn ti llfillfil Kit l-l'it a. '
and Sudan grass, the distribution
this year will include field peas,
millets, improved strains of
sorghums, wheat, and Te'pary
beans. The last-named crop is
especially drought resistant, and
he JmM Ktv "
15c. Per Cake, 2 for 25c.
Rexall Drug Store
The Burns Hospital
Beat Surgical Room and Equipment
In the State Outside of Portland.
Nice Rooms, Good Care and Com
fort for Patients-Reasonable Terms
Graduated Nurse in Charge
You can buy no better gun
for target work and a
small game up to
200 yards.
Tk I It mm Mirl at.l
Will ! .. r. iJ. .! 'ill. mil r.ur i.4ii.iul a.iii
mi 3 HWH l.r il I.J.T.
able of hardy and uTougni-resisi-
ant strains of alfalfa which
virtually will make this crop a
success oyer large areas where it
can not now be grown success
fully ; and the introduction of new
and highly promising crops
among which may be mentioned
a new sorghum, the reed variety
a semisweet sorghum which is
highly drought resistant and
valuable both for grain and for-
lage, and me lepary oean ior
numan ioou.
Seeds of these
new crops are
not as yet staple commodities on
the market, and a distribution
such M has been conducted will
go far toward making them gen
erally available to farmers in the
dry-land sections.
As for the broader aspects of
the project, it is largely to the
crons just indicated that the
farmer must look for success in
dry - land farming.
for that length of time," writes
I,ce L. Chapman, Mapleton, Iowa
"I suffered terrible pain so I
could not sleep or lie still at night.
Five years ago I began using
Chamberlain's Liniment and in
two months I was well and have
not suffered with rheumatism
since," For sale by all dealers.
The Clay Clemens sawmill is
now at its new location and is
prepared to fill any order with
rough or dressed lumber, also fir
lumber; buck teeth and any
snecial order given prompt at-
ten tion.
The Strongest appeal to
the most refined taste Is
made by
Harmony Rose Glycerine Soap
Purely Vegetable, Delicately Perfsned
change of
mechanism it
handle .22 short,
long or long-rifle cartridge
perfectly. The deep Ballard
devaloos maximum power and
accuracy and add years to the hie of rifle
Th. Jul kip ouctiai la ifc!.. tuuUtm my powdv ..
mlialMlUonUil Th. mi, meiiMaM &!!!?
. . . I , .i U.I aiuJ .11. .w. .i.m k . ui.M IMNl 4m. ,w,t"ii
iL.wn C4jamui Uun. iMiiov.Ufl uM MJU.-MrtJiula ?
nr 22 ijuiU
U.l.huhiiIii. A il ..uiiiS. Ml'
l. JUIM,
7Aeffiuflnirarms Ca
41 WllWw SI...I Nw H.....CW.
Another Pioneer Pastes.
The death of Jasper Davis at
his homo in Harnev last Monday,
April 6, marks the passing of
another respected pioneer of this
county. Mr. Davis had been ill
for some time, although he had
visited with friends and relatives
in this city only a couple of weeks
ago. He was 74 years and one
day at the time of his death.
Deceased was born in 1840 in
Iowa and grew to manhood there
uniting in marriage in 1862. Two
years later he moved with his
young wife to Kansas where he
served as sheriff of his county
for a term and later as justice of
the peace, leaving there for the
west in 1880 making the trip with
mule teams, settling in Union
county. He moved to Harney
county in 1884 where he had since
resided. He engaged in the
mercantile business in Harney
for a time later disposing of it
and devoted his time to his farm
that adjoined the town.
Eight of the ten children of
the deceased survive him and all
were present at the family home
at the time of his death, one
daughter. Mrs. Boyd, of Coos
County, and David, a son resid
ing in Portland having arrived
before his death. The other
children are Frank, Peter and
Chas. H.. all of Harney, Alma,
Ira and Dot L., all of Burns.
His wife died in 1804 and Mr.
Davis was married again in 1000
to Lucy B. Coleman, who sur
vives him.
Mr. Davis was a man of gener
ous impulses and never lorgoi
the hospitable ways of the
pioneer. He united sound sense
with strong convictions and wan
candid in his criticisms, out
spoken in all matters. He was
a member of the Presbyterian
church and Dr. Benson, pastor of
the church in this city was called
to conduct the funeral service
which took placf? from the family
home Tuesday afternoon. Several
friends from this place went over
to pay their last tribute or re
spect to an old friend. The be
reaved relatives have the deep
sympathy of many friends in all
parts of this county where Mr.
Davis was so w II known.
Prevent Fly Breeding
By Cleaning up Grounds
A little more encouragement in
race suicide offered the fly would
go a long way toward exterminat
ing the breed. Since breeding
places are requisite to fly "pro
duction, they offer the most
promising point of attack. This
plan also provides for making the
place more attractive by clearing
it of garbage, filth and litter,
which are mostly the birth place
of the big fly families. In ridding
the premises of this refuse the
fly race is strangled at the
If rightly managed this clean-
ing up process need work no
special hardship on anyone. Much
of it may well be done by child
ren under the direction of parents,
schools and civj clubs, which
should hire some one to do the
heavier tasks and provide prizes
for the children who do the best
finishing up work. In some
places the prizes may be offered
for the neatest and most sanitary
home premises, and in others for
the best kept city block or other
district. This work would in
crease the comforts of living and
the sale price as well.
Full directions for carrying out
this part of the crusade against
the fly are given in the College
bulletin, How to Conduct a Fly
Campaign prepared by the de
partment of Entomology. Other
features of the bulletin dealt with
are ridding houses of (lies, con
! struction and use of traps and a
list of dangerous diseases spread
' by the fly. Free copies may be
had by writing to K. D. Hetzel,
director of Extension, for them.
Ask for series 2 No. 20, and stale
how mau you wan'.
Cough M.dnin. for Children.
To j much care cannot be used
in selecting a cough medicine for
children. It should be plea
sant to take, contain no harni
' ful substance and be most effec
I tual. Chamberlain's Cough Rem
edy meets these requirements
I and is a favorite with the mothers
of young children everywhere. i
For sale by all dealers.
Cate Filed in Circuit Court to Recover
Title to 27,000 Acres Alleged to
Have Been Secured by Fraudulent
And Illegal Practices. Lands In
volved Valued at About $500,000
Suit wbb commenced in the
Circuit Court of Harney County
last Thursday, wherein the Slate
of Oregon, as plaintiff, seeks to
cancel the deeds and recover
title to about 27,000 acres of land
now claimed by the defendant,
the Pacific Live Stock Company.
The complaint sets forth that
the State of Oregon, by A. M.
Crawford, its Attorney Central,
and C. B. McConnell, special at
torney, at the written request of
Governor West, brings the action
to recover certain lands therein
described for the reason that Un
title to the same was seen nil by
the defendant by fraudulent and
illegal practices and methods.
It is alleged that prior to 1888
Henry Miller. J. Leroy Nickel,
David Brown, Charles Lux, N.
H. A. Mason, andT. M. Overfelt.
in their own proper persons and
as comprising the eororutions
known and designated as Miller
& Lux and Overfelt & Company,
and W. B. Todhuntcr and John
S. Devine, together with oilier
persons to the complainant un
known, entered into a conspiracy
and illegal agreement to defraud
the state out of the title to and
possession of the lands; that by
said wrongful and unlawful plan
the above named parties, aided
and assisted by certain attorneys,
agents and representatives em
ployed by them, solicited and
procured jhtsoiis to make ap
plication for and lo purchase the
lands for the benefit of said con
spirators, or such persons or cor
porations aa should be designated
by them. That the Pacific Live
Stock Company was organised
in 1888, by said Miller, Nickel,
Brown, Miller & Lux, and others,
for the purpose of taking over
the business of said partial and
succeeding to the title to the lands
theretofore secured, and that
thereafter the corporation,
through its directors, officers,
agents and employes, continued
the same wrongful and unlaw
ful methods and secured much
additional land, to all of which
the Pacific Live Stock Company
claims title and asserts posses
sion and ownership.
The lands involved in this suit
and specifically described in the
comnlaint are located along the
Silvies River, in the Harney Val
ley and in Silvies Valley in north
iwn Harney and southern Gran!
counties. They comprise 6,240
acres of School Land, sections Hi
and 3(i, of the present alleged
value of $9"1. 600; 10.82: acres of
School Indemnity, or lieu land,
of the present value of tl62,846;
and 9,773 acres of Swamp Land
of the present value of 196,s1fi0,
a total of SJfi.MI) acres of the
I present alleged value of if lfl .:!".
The complaint was filed by C.
B. McConnell who returned from
Salem and Portland last Tuesday.
In discussing the case Mr. Mc
Connell stated:
"It is a matter of general
knowledge throughout the west-
Fours and Sixes
Fx-ioo $1183
Most Economical and Most Powerful Car
on the Market for the Money
em states that advantage has
been taken of the administration
of the public land laws and that
titles to lands have been secured
by divers ipiestionable methods.
Where these were in small pieces,
or even in larger tracts which
have since been cut up, and all
have passed into the iiossetsion
of innocent purchasers and the
spirit and intent of the law- the
settlement and development of
new country has not been de
feated, it should not be, and I
believe it has been, the policy of
the federal government, the state
or its citizens to insist upon a
close investigation and strict
"Where a monopoly, however,
has been built up on fraud and
is continued In defiance to public
lolicy it should not only be in
vestigated but tore to pieces.
"Any one familiar with the large
area of agricultural land in the
Harney Valley with its abundant
water lesources. and with the
natural conditions now prevail
ing must realize that its develop
ment and settlement are inevit
able, and in order to secure their
greatest beneficial use the tlood
waters must be controlled and
properly distributed.
"The Pacific Live Stock Com
pany secured the greater portion
of its holdings by fraudulent and
illegal methods and now openly
and boastfully use them to block
development. Us every move in
connection with the water situa
tion bears out this statement.
First an attempt was made to
remove the proceedings for the
adjudication of the water rights
from the State Water Hoard,
created ami consuiuieu u.v our
legislature for the sole purpose of
i uiuuilir mill i i-nnnmii'ul ail I list
.. ,i,.. II mi rouriH- next
111.-Ill, W HH- .V . ... V'V., ..
it paid the legal fees under pro
test and brought suit against the
Water Superintendent for the
recovery thereof, and lastly it
protested each and every claim
in the entire water-shed, filing
203 separate and distinction tests.
Someone on the river must have
a legal water right.
"In addition the company
spent a lot of money last year
and constructed ditches over
lands in the proposed reservoir
site in the Silvies Valley, lands
claimed by it for years and from
which not a sage brush had been
removed until the site was want
ed for storage purposes.
"Superintendent Oilcrest has
repeatedly stated that 1 and my
associates would never construct
the proposed reclamation works
because bis company owned both
ends of the project and would
not permit it. Atty. Tread well
of San Francisco has threatened
that the matter would be tied up
in litigation for ten years, and
the filing of said contests Indicates
that he is planning to that end.
It has occured to me that if the
question of certain land titles
(Continued on page 2. )
n jj
(I'roiii Our I'm i In ml CorrrspomlciHl
Of ureal interest and import
ance to the entire Columbia
Basin is the prediction made re
cently by Major J. J. Morrow,
engineer in charge of this dis
trict, that river steamers would
be paused through the Celilo
('anal before the first of next
January. The past month of
March was notable in that more
actual progress was made on the
canal than in any other single
month. From end to end the
great ditch is the scene of ceas
less and effective activity. Locks
are being constructed, gates in-
stalled, the bottom of the canal
is being floored with steel bars
over which is poured thousands
of tone of concrete, the sloping
sides are being riprapped in one
place with reinforced concrete,
in another with rubble masonry
and in still another with great
blocks of lava rock, according to
the character of the backing ma
terial. At the head of Five Mile
Rapids a little band of men is at
work boring holes into the rocky
walls of the gorge, carefully ex-
, amining the material brought up
by the drills and carefully re
cording their observations. These
men arc the pioneers sent out by
the states of Washington and
Oregon to determine the fcasc
bility of constructing a great dam
across the river at this point for
the purpose of installing the most
powerful hydro-electric plant
west of Niagara Falls. The river
is only about 200 feet wide at
the bead of the rap ds, but the
depth nearly equals the width.
That the wheat farmers of
Eastern Oregon do not spend all
their eoin in the purchase of
more land to grow more wheat
is indicated by figures supplies
by the automobile dealers in that
section. Within the past six
weeks buzz-wagons to the value
of $08,000 have been furnished
to Umatilla County alone and the
other wheat counties have taken
nearly as many. The wheat
growers ivith large acreage find
the automobile a necessity and
they purchase them as a regular
part of their business equipment.
The directors of the Sheridan
Fruit Growers' Association have
within the past few days pur-
i chased a three-acre tract of
on which to erect an up-to-date
plant for the handling of f-uit,
herries, nuts and vegetables, A
shipping and storage warehouse
will be built at once and other
buildings will follow as needed.
The location has 500 feet of rail
road siding and is closed to the
business center of the town.
Market Report.
Receipts for the week have
been Cattle 1253; Calves 3; Hogs
4200; Sheep 3008.
Cattle market steady to firmer
this week. Best light weight
steer top up to $8 00 again. Bet
ter beef demand as Easter ap
proaches. Butcher stock in good
j position, with strong call for
choice cows and heifers, which
are selling from $6 75 to $7 00.
Hog market irregular with a
weak tendency, and tops hover
ed around $8 70 to $8 75 most of I
the week and closed $8 60 to I
$8 70. Receipts continue liberal.
A firm sheep house with both
mutton and lamb on higher level.
Wool wethers at $6 50 and ewes
at $5 25 are 25c better bids than
those ruling ten das ago. First
1914 spring lambs selling "off
cars" at $10 00 and $1075 featur
ed the late session Liquidation
did not meet requirements.
Look to Your Plumbing.
You know what happens in a
house in which the plumbing is
in poor condition everybody in
the house is liable to contract j
typhoid or some other fever, j
The digestive organs perform I
the same I unctions in the
human body as the plumbing j
does for the house, and they .
should be kept in first class con-. j
dition all the time. If you have I
any trouble with your digestion
take Chamberlain's Tablets and
you are certain to get quick
relief. For sale by all dealers.
Time to think about garden)
seeds. A nice assortment in
cluding onion sets at the Burns
Hardware Co.
Modern Equipped Building Erected at
Cost of $8,000 to Care for Home
Products and Increase Profits of
The Producer. An Enterprise of
Merit and Importance to Country
An enterprise that means great-
er development and wider market!
! for home products was inaugurat-
ed last fall when producers of the
country got togetheV and pur
chased the Flour Mill, later tak-
ing up the matter of a packing
plant for the direct benefit of the
producer, and incidentally, the
consumer as well. The venture
met with public approval almost
immediately, especially among
the farmery. The encourage
ment toward a greater produc
tion of hogs and the opportunity
created for profitable disposition
of what was then considered an
over-production of gram, was a man will be laced in charge of
source of gratification to them. , the plant when it is ready for
In order to care for the imme- operation in order to utilize every
diate output and furnish financial j part of the product economically,
relief to farmers the board of as thus the producer may receive
directors of the organization con- a better price when flio entire
eluded to takeover the local meat product is taken care of" with the
market, which also included a least possible waste,
small packing plant This gave
relief pending the erection of a W. H. Hogan has just sold 244
larger and more modern plant, acres of his 304-acre ranch locat-
This move not only gave the ednearShelburn, to A. ('.. Porter,
producer a market at home but at a consideration of $13,000. Mr.
also furnished the consumer a Porter has been residing on a
most satisfactory product that is small place two miles east of
equal to that shipped in and in Albany and will immediately re
most instances preferred as the move to his purchase to make his
consumer naturally desires his home. The Hogan ranch is one
home product, especially if it is of the best in that section of the
of superior quality. The home county. - Oregonian.
cured meats and lard have given "
general satisfaction. straight at it.
The erection and equipment of There is no use of our "beat
a modern packing plant of suf- ing around the bush." We
luieiit capacity to handle the might as well out with it first as
businesa of the country has had last We want you to try Cham
careful consideration since last berlain's Cough Remedy the next
fall. Personal representatives of time you have a cough or cold,
the organization have inspected There is no reason so far as we
other plants and gathered valua- j can see why you should not do
ble information as to arrangement so. This preparation by its re
am! equipment to the end that I markable cures has gained a
now those in charge have plans j world wide reputation, and peo
perfected for one of the most pie everywhere speak of it in the
complete, modern packing plants highest terms of praise. It is
ever erected in the Pacific North-1 for sale by all dealers.
west. The building is to be of '
stone 40x80 feet with cement We do job printing.
Strictly First
Service, Fine
Sample Room In Connection, Reasonable Rates
I M iJpmI
Daily Line, Burns
Burns ..Sam
Canyon City Tarn
Prairie City IM P m
Canyon City Tpa Burns
Fare, Burns-Prairie City,
Round Trip,
Express Rates 2 1-2 Cents, Prairie to Rums
la The Place to Trade
Promptness, accuracy and fair dealing.!
We carry a well assorted stock of Drugs,
cals and Druggist Sundries.
Wa guarantee every article we sell to be just
represented or your money refunded.
If you are a customer of oars you know this. If not, be
come one end be convinced.
J. C. Welcome, Jr.
floors and equipped with every
modern device necessary to the
efficiency of the plant. The es
timated cost of the plant is placed
at $8,000.
The contract for the building
has been let to Jamej Shepard
'and is to be rushed to completion
as rapidly as possible. It will be
near the flour mill where stone is
right at hand, thus reducing On
cost of the structure, and also
; on account of the utility of the
efficient water power already in
stalled which is sufficient for
both the mill and plant.
A competent and experienced
Class. Splendid
and Prairie City
a mm i
Canyon City
III in
Jf ti.00