The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, March 28, 1914, Image 4

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"Itlepatay" U an tnatanre of a new
faaaWsa word for an old thing Haoou
cJaa It "sympathy" between two die
tant minds laaak Walton similarly
explained Dr. Dunne', vlilon Id 1'arl
of his wife and dead child, observing
taat It two lute are lining to an ex
act harmony and one Is track the nth
or aounda." Scottish highlit nders. who
wwsid koTo been ptiuled by the wonl
"ttoapatby." have long been fa ml lint
with too Idea for which It stands. An
drew Lang quoted the rase of a po,,r
highland woman who wrote to her en
h Olaagvw. "Ihiu't ha thinking too
ell of ua, or 1 uliiill lie seeing oit
some evening In the hj rr "
My father once had a curious tele
nathlr stftlrnrf 1 1 - was tlressliiK
hi bin tieilrnow one morning when In'
Oddenly no the face of a Stvtcli
arrant girl ..intiirtitl with agony. In
Sna lookln.- gins before lilm Hi
wast downsinlr ! tin- kltcSsa nod
feoad the girl writhing In n fit upon
tho Boor, her SACS exactly he had
tt In the mirror Uimlon Sped a-
Beneficial Esef-eVee-
Bxerclse to lie Uiiefl lal must do
tneee thing
rtrot.-It mut slightly Im-renae the
strength and force of the heart beat.
0 as to Improve the circulation and
do away with any tendency la slugglili
awon.t It mint sllahttr nulckcn
ad deepen the breathing rate ao that
pure air I. drawn int.. ''"""
leaa Impure air la left tteblnd
TWrd -It ...niatate Into nor
lal artlvlty the myriada of glnnd. In
the akin whoae duty It la to rid the
body of a part of the poisonous sub
stances conatantly te1ng fortniMl with
In ua.
Pracdcally any exerclae. If c.rrl.,1
with the correct decree of modcr
atatm. will accomplish these n-inlta
and oo dervee the term "ttencflVlal
aotarctaa." The tronhle N that imlulg
d In paat moderation a I moat fery
of exervlac can do more harm
good -New York World
Tha Greeting af Democracy.
T' etory that the kal.ter ataal
tjo tetl bla Ititlinntea. .le. lur.-a Mr. Wil
am Armatrong In the W.umtn'a Unci
alne. concerns the vUlt ..f hla I. roth. r.
Prince Henry of PrgaatB, t,. America
The Incident uapiiened Jnat aa the
prince waa landing at New York He
aide blm on dock atood Ailuilml von
Tlrpltg. On the thx'k waa I gagaM
Prom Ita mldat a
called. "Henrj. Henry T
prince did not iituleratitnl that
Che hall waa mentit for him until the
admiral, amlling broadly, said. "Your
.royal hlghneaa. I think some one wants
to speak to you "
Then Prince Henry looked over to
ward tbe human megaphone, who still
aontlnued to bawl out hla name. See
tagT that be had caught the royal gaie.
Cho owner of tbe voice abonted.
"HaWa Bllir
Net Sam's Fault.
Sam Snedeker. tbe cotumUtuiry man
and held In tbe community to be a
good churchman, annoynl the mlnUter :
axttameJy by getting up ami walking
ot of the church while the sermon :
waa In progress.. Tbe preacher spoke i
to lam about It.
It tan't my fault, doc." Sam pro- (
toatod. "Ifa a port of affliction I got" '
The preacher told Ram he'd ttetter j
aaa tba camp doctor. A few daya later )
tha twaacber met tbe doctor ,
"DM 8am Snedeker come to you for I
sPtPtoar asked the preacbn-
"Taa." aald tba doctor, "'but I told
aaa I couldn't do anything for him "
"What waa Sam'a affliction 7"
"Aaatetloa! Ha didn't aay anything
haajt that Bam aald bed tf.-n trow
Mtgtg jspa by walking; te hla sleep ."
Maw Xejrk Poat.
MilHont Msrgsr.t.
aQBttaat ariiHlatl women were known
to KnetarMl before tha enffragettea, on
aft whom Baa to Henry VII a chapel
bataw'a mother, with bar braaa efflgy
kjr Torrlglano. She bated tbe Turk.
aad atsp made, aa Camden reports, a
asWRrting; offer to the chlralroua of ber
day. "On tba ooodltlon that prince
aa? Cbriataadam would combtee them
pattaa aod march agalaat tbe common
, tba TBrk, aba would moat wlll-
ttao than and be tbalr lann-
to tba eama." That position of
to tba crmaadara would have
m m aaajr aaa, for tt waa tha fash
lam to make rowa to change no on
ewWTJiJhliil. aaatfl tba hoi aaaaOcber
WaWftaatwIttaad -Oktrttyt ttewm.
tsa sf Cha eights ta be remembered
Al Sftartaigsl, paid Qm Ear. H. O. Fe
tjata, awrarlng at tbe KoyaJ PtkatUafTaph-
I aelety. was taat of tba poetnpa 4a-
ata lattara among tha eewgra-
at eaats8a aw mnmlay. thereby
: Maaastf assay a weary wa.
aii Mall Otaaatr.
Tha Ward iaspreve.
at 8t aaesat is wtsajra, ta
or flats gore i, la ike
tt tbnn pitttitaty ttta epvo
! tta Xragttsb word. Milton atsas
af Inereaae. Only to
If agaM did tt take an tbe
rSsgaJfleatlos. of MaaWiac.
Is aa unaoriabta eaaa,
I swt e'bould say aa, Wby,
cfsw wtglsart irrea talk ta ata
SKSMtl Eoijulrer.
Vary Trv.
talk aixrui yourssHf la asgav
l be done so murji hums
attar row bare left.
Iraj Sufi.
waa trytiig to UmA a
tho mps to Ms wHfat,
;tlra. B too it
Mi tire IrMwaa
Use cstswatr a frteact
at .m twaaa, rttr
be ret. lied "Auk tho
ssaasl Pspar.
I te wrifrni
ataVgamWI '' rllti oa either M
ruiarklphla k.
Ttrsver SuspieteJ It UeAH Than.
-Wbrtj did you find thai
"A boot a rpasrtor af s atteoto sftaV
1 coax-a-rrred that be ao longer fait that
Ufa would not be worth Mvlag If b
tstglste't liar a mV'-Jlifcgo Hecord-HsraM
It la by prssanrs af asted in Hsfrtad
amtarggarl - that the native mettle of a
saaa Is KsPtad. -Lowell
Eurep.n Neetelfla For Wet Africa.
There la a wonderful charm about
Waal Africa, aaya Major Tremearne
In 'Hume Auatral African Notes and
A i actfOtaV which few European mn
off. Then b tolla of a man
'o. after llTlng for tan coueecuUve
laaia In a lonely part of aontbern Ni
geria, made np hla mind to bare a trip
I, Mil. mid allied away In aplendld aplr-
The Oold toast porta wora part of
Wi-l Africa, and ao ha managed to
make blmaelf fairly at home while
there, though the Ufa on board ahlp
waa already beginning to bore hlni.
ami he wtahed that ha bad never loft
NtgaVaV Sierra Leone be did not like
mi all. aa It waa not tba Weat Africa
watch HpiM-nled to htm. and ha began
to kng for bla boma In tba buab. Aft
er leaving that port aod with no alght
of land la cheer him ha becama dee
panto, and on arrival at La. Palmaa
I... declared "I ahall go no farther. I
inuat return at once. I Bare had quite
enough of Europe "
Open Windewe at NlaM.
It la difficult to gat doctors to agree
and to agree with tho patient listener
I af lean 1 had been a alava to the
otvn window, tba fresh air at night.
That dtx-trlne of tho open bedroom
a IihIow waa ay obaaoalon. bat recently
doubt crept la Br accident tha lied
raSSt window bad baoa closed, and I
" "'' "'''? m
i t 1 1 n. '.fully aod woka rafftwoeu
There waa oo ve
j nu.,n of ,. ,,.,., medical variety
" " .. . ,nurMl... , . ,. I)roK
, f w g
,.,,,.. a. ,,,. m. ,,., i
, ' lm ' Z TV . . ,
,iMi nil iiiiiiitiii nmH a aiaap smsaaaap as ass-.
want freah air at all.
l-ook at the animate!
When tbey
"" ' ,th "uffl-t noV
I i ... ,a Mtt.l ..! fhi kiuie Willi la
lllw-.T " 4I ..uia, mhv m w -.... ..
iHtet for them. Abut yoar bedroom
in.luwa at night and open tbem In the
: i... ruing" And when I reflected oa
the dormouae and tit dog I am en
. .mrHgeil to tack my naaa with tbe
"(tier imltuaU Ixwdon ( 'hrualvis.
An Old CadaUa't rlptaet.
He la an old cruldla o aa aaat coaat
. . .i i r .-. mid Ixlug a aoUtd Sgura oo tbe
Mnka he eudeavore aa far aa poaalblr
I ' . t.hlle only for thoroughly rftV lent
gattofg (K-caslonally. however , bpHuda
himself nct-otiiiiaiiylng a "fooaier." and
n tueae opcgalona hla dignity la In
I iir.M
i ne day recently ha found blmaelf
lilting to an old gewttWnaii who
wag out. clearly, mora fur aaarclae
t to ii for the love of tbe gamp and who
iv.m playing shocking golf
Ity tba time tbe twelfth bole waa
reached he bad leen In moat of the
hunkers en route and had succeeded In
lirc.-iklng a club "I think I ahall give
up thla bole." he remarked at hut to
hi indignant caddie "Na. na." re
tattad the old worthy bitterly; "feen-l-li
the course, air feaoleh the course
Y'e've gotten other four clubs to smash
yet an' nine bunker toe dap It lnT'
l!.iagw News
A Mererfpl Frmr.
A young lady from tbe city waa go-
Ing one aiiimuer lo make her first visit
to it cousin In the country. At tha ata
Hon she was met by tba cousin, ami
aftof a half hour's drive he told her
ttiey were approaching his farm
In one of tbe broad fields that met
the young ladyya attentive eye atood a
windmill, and gathered ground It. some
tnndlng and some roatlnlrg. were
-d-veral hoga
Well, that beau anything I ever
henrd ofr exclaimed the fair one "1
didn't know that you fanners were eo
"What does T' queried the country
Tkat over yonder." replied tbe city
girl, petntlag a pretty linger 'Most
think of having a fan out in tbe field
to keep those hoga cooir Christian
Endeavor World.
Courage of Deepalr.
I'rnfeaaor UcCoy of Melbourne unl
verslty In a bonk about snake eipefi
ments tells a strange etory Illustrating
the eoiirage of despair. Putting a
mouse Into a boi that contained one
of bla captive cobraa, be watched tbe
reptile glide slowly toward It Tbe
mouse shrank terrified Into a corner
and tben when tbe cobra 'a flattened
band waa within an Inch of It It sprang
Into tbe air and alighted on tbe back
of tbe neck af Ita foe. It aat there and
clinched Ita sharp Utile teeth In tbe
reptile's flesb Tba cobra could not
abake It off. and It bit deow and deep
er until tha cobra lay dead.
w. g
Uneasneelseie Memory.
The memory of eleepwalkera Is oe
caalonalty prudtgloaa under tho Influ
ence of tbe domlnattag Impulse that
mores them. There la aa laetance of
a poor and Illiterate basket maker,
who was unable to read or write, yet
la a state of sleep ha woold preach
fluent aaiBwaa, which wars afterward
rarognlced aa bartag formed portion
of discourses ha waa acensrtoroed to
hear In tha pariah church aa a chll.l
gaora than forty yaaaa before. Quite
as strange s esss of "nneoiiacliu
Ba unary" la referred to by Dr. Alter
tSBMlMa. A girl given to aleepwall lug
waa la tha habit of Imitating the violin
with bar Itpe, giving tha preliminary
raagaa and aeraplng aad aoarishing
with tha almost Sdeilty It puxslnd
tha ahyatctaa a good deal until he aa
cetrUUad that when a fblld she Uveal
la a room adjoining s fiddle who often
preformed on pp rtulla te bar hearing
-Pearson's Weekly.
A fabet Haaaa1 feet.
whan betas la fswAVsH was noted as a
ntavrnry caiitar, waa asry fond of tbe
rtftty of ladles and was a great fa
rarite with them. Tat ha never mar
rtad, aad te his lattar yearn ha tissd
ta regrat sMat havtaw eVWaS ao. Sogers'
ttel Uf was wHti sjart syraam be
1 KJ'f'-sABtjJ'Bt SjOp aaWs lafgagV asWaisWn wwsaWaAagu9amfl may
had atrer aeaa. At tha arid of tha Eetsa
deal aaaaoa aba said to hint at a bail.
"! go tassswraw i Worthing " Ha did
not go with Iktr. aosas Usostha tttor
ward, assJaaS ttf aeaaawta. be Ssw that
tha atffrntktn sf srary wa was draws
towanl a largo party that bad yost en
ttwatt, te Ua eWtttar af wbleb was s
tegy tesjateg oo th am af her has
Storjipteg forward to aaa this
aaty, ha fvaad It was Ms
0 Itwtff bar i;;alsitig tba oatfcmt sf
a IIMi '..w uatiute ago.
Wbaaw i, -. by it r
i . fruoa
Inaftwtry nsyg daMa, watts
liit-reaaetii Ibeui.-Boiijaiiile P rsuklla.
I WftSsVpt ttAaP, and saw tlfee
Tha Forty Yaor Teat.
An article must have excepti
onal merit to survive for a period
of fortv voars. Chamberlain's
Counh H'Tiictlv was first offered .
to tho pulilic in vfi. r turn a
.a a niM.i .
small In-KinninK it has jrrown in
favor and popularity until it has
drown in favor and popularity i
until it has attained a world wide
reputation. You will And nothing
better for a cough I I ookL Try
it and you will untui stand why
it is a favoriti- aftir a .H-riod of
more than forty years. It not
only givrx rvlitf It cures. For
sale by all dealers.
Notice oi Final Satleanet.
In the ('..on! I ..urt al the liale oi I ii
egon, (or Harney i'..unlv
In tlieliutl.r .l II.. eatule ot J 1'.
HI. km still, tleccaae.1.
Notice i Ion l. (,'iten thai the un
ileri'igiie.l s.litiiniatralti t ol the above
entitled estate haa tilc.l I.. r ilnal mtotint
herein anil Dial the lloiiorali liistil
Thnniii on. a4fJ8 ol (ha above t mulrd
court, haa at I Motiila) tin-.kith. I t '
Match, 1914, lit the t'oiinly Court I it 111
at lluiiia. Otag ii. aa Hie lime and i Ucc
for hearing ..l.jccuona to aahl ace uul.
and all pera-ma bftttag ohjecliuns i here
to are liareh.v to apiear ami
prrsvnt the nusr pt said time an.l
Hated ut llunia. Oregon, tine sail,
day of l.l.riisry, 191 1.
Rosa C. Kaaa.
Ado lllielf a'm ol the rlilltlcl
liiirt I l.t R
I'liiu. -! t ir.- i 1Kb nrrii'g
imim. ii.j'-n Mai. at. MM
-1 .;,.. gertaawa I'a. in.
Ita l a.F t ..i.i jii . eboes ..m e add res" la
-a I's.n. Mlaut sola, has this ilk ua? ol Mao I.
tall ..led i.. 't. a uates lis appllrarioa i.-
aeie. I un.l.r 1.," ; -... 1. 1. ilia ..I I . a- 1 i.f I . I.
n ." S . .. IX. ' -la-
I ..... . d t n u
lay a a i ..... lain. ins sdveraeif b
leads tieaeri . . .ft., ic I.. ..i.(.-. i heeswat
ui IPs saleaesl - i. .is Mi ..' fbs land t n. a.
a b.-r h a '" ai t 11. el.
.ti-.u.d r. a-i '... ..' i r..ief in ii...
oitie, pp ot i- a day sf April aWt
a I .B. Kt,i
UT D tahe-i Lai., or
Iji.iv ;. ' laa r v It, l-U. (
4 Ml'
No-iigui,. . ,- baljohat. M Krli
r, i'f i-ii -i ItflO,
madt iltinu tv, i . l , - iwi S
tlteJIw f,.I W -ft.. t I . aVMlll,.
Hiii(r .- ftt WtlUM"U fiiii bMlfl
-ib4- !l'al Ihttat )rl
pfOtlf, t.- i ai a a i 1 . r lr.i. 1 .i r '1c
tscn i V '-t fun- i -i. I it it -.-( It p
i onin..l'ti'i. il I. a i. I. )' . 4a)
tit fi !l
l Uiliimitl UsjlaHa - wltit
I lillln lnvl, 1 , -. tl A a. ii
Juvrph Mulirr. .11 ..f r ItV Oljfam
J At r HlU'iI'e Uc,ji rr.
ram i i . :i i a mi. rri. r i
I atsrlee. Osagea. iimarj i. i.ii i
Sl o.l 4f
Rotlee lahercby git. n Ibat ldsa'411 II ndll,
uf Plir. Oregoa .1 n feat 1 ih 1 -w md-
rparl land Ratry, .. DM 1 t r.', gRi.
-I , let - ,N', ,,, Saarl
Toao.blp .J .uil. Kaog. a I..' ailla.aetle
M.-ri-llan bag glwd ti.'li- "I iuicnli..ii lo issbe
Qna) prowl l" teleUle'. claiai lo Ihe land abut
esarrikad, hatem 1 i.aa a -lermio. i niied
"talea . oBimtealoaef , si nt. ttragon. . the
fab .Is; ,,t April, 1 1
Islu.snl nam. a wllneasaw
I'rtenya. t-. I. Ilanaoi llsr.r J A Itat ta,
MM Kuaarll. all o( rife ureaoa.
laa V 111 asms, Regie ei
NOTICK hoi; I'lHl.HA'l Ion
l'llti! iM.urri.l f
Horn.. .t.-gui. retTttar; ;i. ian I
Meii.i: la hcr.-br x.t.e iimt Hub.n
i. bra J....O n.i KeuUa it.,ia..t.
',t"'v,dV'n,r;'.'N;.'r;::rrw.':ih.r,lwWi.he.i ,r . period of .., .
M. lostighlp Tl . Usage i.. r. Wlllsaaeua I Th first uuUii stioo of this summon
Man Itat.. ' aa : - ! - ..ll.-e ..f inUnllon lo tsske . . .
Klnal three t..- I t.. lo r.ubll.b ., i
the land ab..te daatl. I.. I. t for.. Ilrglab-r and
Rrrelver, at tlllttia "tgV!..VIi ll.ei.lh
reel I
'ay ..I
to, lit.
rlalraanl naiiiea aa stipe
;,.. ..i.u-rt.rt II Murrlaou Jtaa K. sue
1). W ii, .sin Krlak. ail ..f Harney, drrgvii
W r.Sai Rrgl. rr
I MlKli r-I If-. M (Mm
Hum, Ofetjtoii. rrbruavry .'J. ))
N.. tl,- ip Ur ft-lM trtti ii that Arthur H lUlm
uf Narrow. Ui g.u. w ho. on Jan 3, 11, inttilr
Motnrftlta-t .;,tf- tv.. Tt . f,r I---U 3 ariM 4
Atfrttori ii ruwaibJj .- mmu.Hmur 31 r.mmt
W lllani' Itr M . lias fl.wi Tlutttg. ot hilrh
tloD lo makt ii iln(i t'rtkoi, i,pHt
list) t lal m lo tha Ian 1 Jhrrw 'lira- rlU-'l, helori
Kfilalt-r aoI Raifirrf at Hurita. Ontpm, M
Hit- Till dtt ( April i
( lalmai.t tiaauiaaa w itm aarsj
ha Harkua, I In atnr K os u, k Illluiaii
II K I Nil man. alt of Ntimai, frr-gjou
tt r-KB. lu.ui.r
mil i. -i 1 1 1-1 tMitirrit rt
lluri.a. Marrh :. I -it i
Sou I bacatay givpa Ibal grtksr Heinuel
"iiiii.i .,. oi iwt'ii. ur.aoii m uo on Auatial
."-, ItlO. mail- II-.; .' au al fciiirir Nn urnu,i-
K , Wiliarnrttr Uerldlan, I.e. died In. In ,. ..!
. 1 ' lis I r.i.u .s K US igr ...'a.
Rangr H
In lent lun l.. ii, a I . final litre., .ear I'rta.f. lo M
Isbliali . lalin t.i i to- lend al.tre detrlu..l, Im
lore It. gl.l. r ami lie. elfer al tllirn, (lrre.,ti
on the I..U. lay ol April, lall
I laiuial.l I. el. tea aa will. rear
Alfred ii Wkiiaey ..t Haras, Uimej
Tbomaa llnfflnlllf, Arthur
-aim Ii '
. sll of f a.n itrrg..ti
rSt Heglalet
1'RHKI. ITATM I I Mi OPflca. I
Lakeview. Oregeo, febraary gf. i.ii i
SOT IOl I gpp
ria bt I. t-y alien llial'l h.'Uta!' gwlng '
ol llsrnpton. itr. a.m slin. i. Man ii I'll. Isil.
made I... meal. ..).,, Ii., S.. ...I ., I.., M.,....
Town.l.lp-v .'! 1 H lllaiuell.- sletldlst,
h It'. I -I In lent I. n lo make lit,. 1
TkrwYesr I'roofi., 1. 1. 1, t lh. I,d
sbtIM dr. rllK-.l. btfort A. M K.lgg. I I.II. . I I
eUealebsfi by gives i )i..uia c
dlalt-a ..iiiinlealoi.i't, ai n, iirrg..n. m,
me iar in Aptn, i it
t Isluiaai naniea a. witneaare
Hart Meesa, Mora..- Pronging, Jaine. II
Hrlrklry. all i.l II. in .l.,n tlragoe. It...
Slsuger. Hlsufler iiregt.n
ISA R Riansaa, Rrglllrr
UaiTgbST.TS. I l. ufl, g. .
Hume i
itigi.ii. Mar. ii o, mil
Pell, la hereby alt
il lhal k in Hal.
Kpenatrob, Inaan of
.1. Apill si. luio, mail.
ifl.srillari i.f Prist li
Town-kip Al
Martdlai. haa i
. r.- , r " .4, ihm-iiiiii n ,
at , Wlllamalla
rinCaufluu to maka
ataa. lirT ra fi4. lu uUa.. rlalm lo I
UDaalhtv.Uwiiiepi.baM9(' K lullwb.
uitiiiilMi"iirr, at itlapwtr at HaKklcj.
OMMg.uiiljurrilMli) ut I
Hlaatasvau win.ratvgt
Ifar Kh-IIibU. U-aa-. J hutrou. J lani,a.i I
aMl HwA-klej.ailol ftiacklar. Orrgoo I
Wa rutu keguur
vWitsu atATM mndopph .
tuoi.a. Oreettn. March tt. loll
Mnilr. la hereby gleeti thai rr.d !. or
Law.n, Or
annua uimi i
aa. tail. link ilgtlm til
Ittr Ian.! atie deerrlW.!.
,,,. ,,, .,, ,r, r,,.,, ., nn,.i,.
gun. . the 7710 " " !""."
Claimant nam. a aa wliltisi.
I I. w.ll.irig, Sisr.l Wsller ::hrle pr. nil
Netttre. all el l.awen. orewtta Acli.r
l nitkh HTsTlts I UD orritg
Purna. n.efi.n. March u. tali
v.. ii.a la hereby aeaa thai otto J Settis.
nt loses Oregon, b.i nn June jr., lytli t..a lr
lli.mralea.l Knlty. No w. tor gl,Hi ', aiel
'. " BOeHoa in, Tewt.sbla -H S , Hansa
t g willametts Mrriilian. has alert ii. n. e
..I laletillun lo make tbrso eat ir .. .1 l..
ratal. llab taint t.. Ihe Ian. I above described.
solar Heieier sn.l Keceltsl. al iimne. 0r
...... ..n ihekMli .ia; ..i April, mi
. iaiinanl ttamea aa nllnrast Steal, 'bill Hera. ooie Kelley,
I . I II. a all "I I aw.n, utafon
W a Fapaa, healater
NOTIOI Koit '!HI.k:atin.
Canal. Kratsa I. tar Otroa
Ii .1.. .iteatin, Marti. 17. ml la hereby (lien thai William Wa4e. at
Sarrowa. itreaoti who. ua Jan .". Isua. maile
lli.mealeart run. No ..; serial No u7 for
I , rill ii I " nahli. a . Kssfe si g .
Mlllsmalte Maritllan. haa Blett not In- of h.ten
l..i b. .i ill- rinal flvo year .r.-4. toeiial.llah
.lain. IO ilia Ian.) share desrrlb!, bslurs
ihe RVllsler ami fte.alitir si Hurt., itrrcot.
to! ifat ol (,ll Uli
t'lalmsul name as witnoases
l.ibti Nltael. William Imntt. It ..enrge
i aa.aei.i. Mr. kl'bar.1 Haines, s'l ol Par
...i, itragen
W a r.ass. Keglaii r
Netice le CreaUters.
Tl. .. ' -- - I .. .I..I- .S.
ill. airier.) OHiing i.tii iiho ..(r-
Iituintrtl Ailttnnistrator with list Will
iinneaeil of the l.ainic of I'. C I.uak,
lecraaed, and having July qunlilir.l na
s'i h, all persona hnvinf claims against
the smtl estate will urvarnt the saute
properly vrntietl to rnr at my ..flier in
' Hums, fpVBJpM within ai montha
' ptililicaltoii of which la M.i-vh J lal I '.ill
Wm Mil l m,
Aduiilltatralor with lllr Will annrletl ol
the Katntrol V I I.uak, Kxrliaeil
I" tlx t'miijl ' urt :!; M.itr ..I
llrrcoii f . . r yjararj Count t
Helen I. OaOtaVaW, I'L.titiff. .
llearj I1 Goodlow, lirleadanl 1
ft llfiiry l. ... II i 1 he ithovr
nniHsd uVa.ii)iiji
In the name St cttr sttu Si Oftgpr
you are herchv relocated to apsrar uml
answer to comilnint 111 theahtive cntitl
rtl suit within an tarrka from tier date
of the first publication of this sumrtions,
and if yuu fa i, Jo answrr. (or want
thereof the I'laintlfT wlil apfay . t Ik
t'ouit for the relief prayed lor In he r
complaint, to -Ait. that liar boude ai niiionv now flirting hrtwern
i'laintifl ruuj ).l-.i.l.uit lit .liasolvctl.
and that I'lmniilf havf n iUorrr ale
J I list I'laiutitf buvr tbe rare,
tust.djr uud e.,nlri) ol V.oprnr llenrt
Ii Thai riamtifl have tudguerul lot
her coats and iliehurseinrnla larrrin nntl
for sorb oilier nrul further ri hef as to
ouity may rrtain.
Tha summons la ( n, Tier
Ttiites llgynld, a weekly newspaprr
tulilishr.l iiml .I k'srurral ctrculrtii.ui in
Harney County, Oregon, by onlrr of
the Hon Ihilton lUgga, judgr ml the
al.r rntitlrd court, duly made on tbe
Mh day of l.hruary, IHU. which said
ortler tltrcclcd that t his lummum I
' matle oa l-gtiruary iN, J'jl
J W. iluoi,
Attorney for llalntiff.
nifeii rawer r.
Rlfla No. 425.
JS-JsVjsS. arf M
Cm Rem. Auto lx. :.i.p (
uu:.l. r. ( a
aawnat aosiiti.
Our "wagh PasysrpTrV
Kill" Imi fur- beje
WWn.l In fancy
SaJn. Am yrjr Osmar. '
K i.d b ti.uet-to " Ir , .
P. O. litis 5004
i.Hicopri iai'.s.
fa I H A A W"s It
U A P tflfl I) AllinMll
V 1 11 II I K li kl U I'll
,T Hill I 1 It WW II I I I
I i 'li a
Jf'Miilaau.i Ntrva)a
IsiVa r. . ro1i(
tlua A a., latti.ii of
whlcli tfir un1r
laiifl la meialirr
Wlll fla. f I IIMl UU
rewarri fur vl-fli'iin-
ItatllOB to
the atrial rtful con
wit titMi uf any par-
iy or ,-arura atral
I ti al ) . .til .
" -" m. tatif
Or utulva lii'loiigiMK
,". 4111 J Uf lit Hi. n.
lOavtldltiou in ibu iidiir, tha laliaala-iii
tiffrra ibe aw. urn tot. tin ion aVun ia i..e .n ...,....
............ . iar JTL. "V -----
""". 'T ,MW "' " w,n ' "'
mtMJ moi-iawi In right rountlai rung
Harti , Lai and t rook cuuatlaa lloraaa
raiwp4 wbaa watld ""
twiw wmo ww.
N ul frown aurtag aold aad oalr la
argw tuuijaa,
y fY.yitpw.N m., (nrngom.
win. wnn nil". ', . "
Iluaaaatean a.mry, -.. w.n, wi " " -
K'.NVVU, eeetloa 90 Tnwnablp M a, Kane
I at Willamette Merhllan. Iiaa alert nollre
,if fntenlloD te a aba final Ihrea tear rtr'tt. la
. I. . . . ..... . MM.MVt. ..
m .aU
I aasB am-' jm
lfas1l B
& aim
t. aa. aa
I'sitsi. BvtTaa I at. inn . I
Haras. Oref.m. Msrrh II. lail I
Nolle I hereby gltes thai Jobo t laaapl
ol rrlnreton itrefon.who on Jnna 71 tsoa,matf
lli.insstesd gntry No San, Serlsl No Ojssa, tor
. aetloa tt.. Teeuehlp JS a rtange tf g .
WIlllsrsMI Meridian haa riled not its ..I Inuu-
il..n t.. make Anal rive year proof lo eetsbllsh
ctslm lo tha Isod sbove deerrthed asHrl
ks!efr sod, st gurus, orsgea, oa
n.e i lib day of April Mil.
claimant namsaaa witness
Mi. besl Msley Kred H. Patera, I. g Wlll
lama, i.eotge II William, all of rrloi-atos
r.aas. Regtatar
L'alTin er.Tsa l.asi. orrn a I
puma, oregoa, March ju.
Notlr I harahr that gdarla I. faearell. of
varr.iwa. oregoa, who. on orl I MIS aad
Marti . ivii, rp.iltry. made Horaaetead
g.iirr No esasspijss lor SUU. Her. M. ),
aW'. rle 17. NHMWU.rlor fr.l.PI K. l Ei
and NgtNg section .1, township J P.,
Kssgs at g , Willamette Mrrl.llsn. fia flled f lutat-lii.ti lo make rtnsl llirae-yesr
Proof. I.. taMlab i lalin ut Ilia land sbove d
arrlW.l, rasters H.-gl.ter and Kereirer st
llama. Oraaeo. on th th day of April. MM
claimant namaa aa wllnaaaeg
en Rodsr. tbarlss William T.
Fiance, all ot Bsraa. orecoa, Mensi Naw.n.
of Nsrrows.
Wa raa. Kaiater
HAk.NkV UllKlR, HO. 77. I. U O P.
Meaia vry siardsy la odd rliow Hall
llajya Isms Phet s'd
I 0 IOB.1). He. retsrt N.I.
Hsgra wort ssfo'luw rirsl Saturday I ol
tlslorr second Maturdsi ritat I'efre , third
sataraWy, rirot,f) (tegre: tonrth rismrdsy.
Third IVgtae.
UlggSMlltt.gHO. 7. A I I M..
Meuteri Inlaid Ihlps Moadsy In Mt
mooih a i flaaag. w m
Ham MvOterebred wnun
M lltgPN A
MeA tery second snd f.iuitt. Friday .ten
lag at I n i P. Hall, all nelrbsors Invited
New sppllrsats will r.eitre i ..l te..oa trest-t.-ei...
ma tltga. V tv
a T. Ielr. i lark
Meetseterr eecoi.-l ai.l l.ailh lond). In Ha.. Hale Ha.lou. M
I fbotnpsou, s. . trier.
TLVIA RihRkAH i.r.-nrr
biger 1st si... A.1 Wednesday
II..1 Jau.ea 11 N t.
frail Hal Hr .. j
ti i Rt in I. a., t.i. a ..i a
Mraaaa.r.) ivona ati.taia
Suasn I'oirn t. s.
Ileaaei t'lsrt
urrit iai. in ur. T.ipv
i' a ssaaaaM tajea r. t ubwhi e
I Harry Lane
i i llswlrr
t N ; Miini.n
a u i sawftRnl
llajar1 Pea'
iWlf 'l.rWl
1 n Kay
I A t fit. I. if.
a l" liunlwat
Robt get I ii
T A Pt Pride
( less li Harnett
Aiutraey usstrpi
Mtrtr vl eur
1U(d I'ul.llr Inatrarllor.
ll I'rlsUr
tuprfi) J4f
: k e. ptsn
U -.r
loalrlt t Jadl iwllun Rigs
i .Mint r A in. in.) ..... tliHiuii
I Irrwll t trsrt meet IP tret Monday In
April ud t'M Mwbsy ;i (.nlvlair
u.lni Senur w
I It Bro.,1.
V ii i it
..let RepreearntaUra w
rueeai :
i mini Jatlf
t.tsrg "
t.i Tb.rmpaoa
R T iluabri
e 4 witirr
A k
1 I-oO
srboul Na per It lend, at i
Murk iBIMrWr
i ommtaaif.t.eea
I M llamiitos
. W i le eraser
;..l.u Roblneon
.a. ' eylMl.r
rjl.. Rain
t'oanty i van meet iter list Wdueday ta
Jsnsst). ggt.b Mar. Jei srptrmber ad
Passat p, a. . .. mrmi
Wm Rsra
Reiter e.n. Mothergbrad
civv - tun
asm Molbrraawad
K..y Van Mtatl
llenrt l-a.-.t.n
..k I.. Ilsiur
I II J. Hanaro
( A, t Wlcoie
i Jem. bsmptmr
. i. J klrglnoon
Mawttng of lb toanrll etery senond snd
r.isrlb ..! .ai
imSammsJ IBhWttesgj
9m-alf - ae-W H -Infassw
J0&KJ - NMJI "" iS
V"'Cf5l lfTlB-r-Jals1i'm V'1 9
X.CVt El-f.r I lajJJjMM IrXmnw
: nil? i tmi"i
Paint Your Own
you can do it yourself and at little expense.
It's easy to give it a beautiful, hard, brilliant,
varnish-gloss finish in black or rich approprttti
is made especially to give to buggies, carriages
and vehicles of all kinds, a tough, durable, glossy
finish that will look well and wear well. Plm
ideal finish for
feme PrsTta Lst omra, i
M.irr.a, Orepea. March II. Mil I
t..lla I batabr alaes Ibat Walter 1 km.
I.... i. or voiiaae tt
trepoa, eke, ea April 1. il
mad Add.llonsl Homld Knlry, Ro
onai Homestead Roiry, Re aew
IvWg.WWH.aer IS.T 77
and tflpju Per lion ii Town
sag l g . WfHsmelle Meridian
to. 101 1, aasaw
able tl a Rat
bat Read n.dlce ot Intention 0. make fas!
lire year prtMtf 10 tabltab eUim l lb land
above aaarrirted. the Heglaiar gad R
.el?f, at Hstt.a. i.regnn. on th 1Mb dy of
a pro. ai.
. Islmsnl nature aa wltne
'.aorge; Hall. ( laud Rrhug, Karl linsnlng
Hi rt Panning . sll of Voltage, orepoa
Wa rAsss. Per tier
Sampler Valley Railway Co.
AirrtriJ ami Depart Of Ti
No. 2, Prairie 10:15 A.M.
Sumpter 2:35 P. M.
Arriyaa Baker 4:00 P. M.
No. 1, Baker 8:30 A. M.
Sumpter 10:05 A. M.
Arrives Prairie 2:10 P. M.
No. 1 Makes good connection
with O.-W. R. & N. No. 10 leav
injr Portland 7.00 P. M. and No.
17 from east arriving Baker 6:50
No 2 Connects with lea Grande
local 7:00 to Ia Grande, and No.
0 (fast Hail) picks up sleeper
there arriving in Portland 7:00
A. M. Iso with No. 18 at
10:45 P. M. for pointa Kant.
You can btn BO better
for target work and all
mall game up to
Clarke Sela.
m pu "n (.-ZsEg
i w mmmsKmmmmmmamm
If You Want ALL The Home News
$2.00 a year
Best Job Printing
settees, flower stands, porch furni
ture, garden tools and all surfaces
that must withstand exposure and
hard usage. Ready to brush qq
and the label tells how.
Hardware Co.
The Burns Hardware Co.
onion seta. Get them earlf .
.Toweler. Optlciau and
Fine Watch Ki-pairinB A Spr
n ,
til Oktii; FOON P.ap.
Meals At All Howra. ilwrt
Orders and Prompt Serriec
With Reasonable Rate
Give Me A Call
long eg looa-nria
prrfrctl,. Thg 4mm Balard
riBiBg deveJopa maximutB power sad
accuracy aad adds yean lo the We ol raW
zsr w
wGBKWA W kaadU .22 aUn.
mdeeaamasaW Aa i .a i aTfUeisai
SI WaVmgseaa'lew Hawass. Cas.
rtyaMan at.. I I
kOaUtS, dkf
-. UJ. CBflfiy
fbyalrian anI f,t..
Baras, - - - Orgfoo.
Ofllas la oaw building r,,Jt,, ( ,.,,
harneaa abon, Mam h
Thone Main Bf,
fftiatat and Surgeon
aSaaasASa. ia-ig V,Ptafc.
aiCi;" " a., ."j:;:-,
avptay p.r. e,. r-, , , , , J"
WlHlfirl A DEMUflN
fcysiciios aod Sargeoos
Cafla aaewerad Dr.r,t,tla .l.u.
.-.,.. .j , . ,,( ,,r pj.
HaVrlroaa, Optqar,
r- Mi, Hand
Phyrician and Surgcoa
Wrapn fMforp Uinneitrua
La wen. Ore.
a. E. H B Ar0
'r"J""n I fltoi.. g sJWrj
Born. OrvtroD.
W. C. BROvvn,
Bcaaa, Osstsus.
OaVas Oppoaiu Tanawaras Boildiaj
Attorney at Law
aagtly Bid, . Bsraa, Orrgoi
BFns, Oregon,
burns, Oreguu
S and 7 aUeooir Buildlsj
aa aaltkly mad t raonaUpj
". - - Oregoa
Praatieas in the 6Ute Court ana b
no tha C. 8. Lnd Office.
Ohaax II. fecmaixfJ
'awroawY-AT-! ,w,
Oawaral attention ejjren to Cal
and Keal festatt- uiattsa
Fire Intturanrr.
lfoUry Pul,lc
Bumi. Stasjoa
8wta Courts and United Saw
Und Office Practice
Three doors South of ths
By County National Bat
Burns. 0remn.
Aaa. nay at Law Noisrv faW
famaaga.imi, ss.. l.., n..,.lai
Mawsaa u. s. Um, oiik. i,..i. I
'aa.kei.ein II.,,., ,
asS Laaa Omr.
Bursts. . . Ore
aaoeeeaa u x :vc-
asas a. sa. sac c a ... ,11
Qvd and Hydraulic Engifl
Irrigation, Water SuppS
Sewerapre, Waur l'owet
areaya, map, aattw . . m"
9. V DiLuaai.
a. ' i ti'dP
P.. Ky
arsaarljr Ami r ,
ra. a Seiimi.Hie,r
Fistcrn Orejon I'aioeetif
Cmt AMI IKIIdAlmv hijlw
Bfris. Ortjiui
IMrwct DStpjleftiona pap h va)
A H. CURRY. Prep.
--. Hsrrisaaa M.nd.y .,d TVps
ata- trnra Wasame.) sttd Saaa
. G. CARL. M. .
gasmsfaaaa Ssal Nargeon
-lta,"wwsssi RJwlldl.g
wWamt aaasama ea Sb 1 1 1 i a.
.... lv :i."
twasalk. nannailiag .iK see
nlDesas, Wfmmeeauc.. etc.