The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, March 21, 1914, Image 4

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ay Which th Affletien May
Titers la bo cure for stuttering This
doe not mean that aa stutterer cau ha
cured far from It hut that then- la M
treatment which la MM M BRM If
MBttam be taken In i IiIMIkxmI. wlirn
th aaUcUon la Brat noticed, and aSfa
fuily treated hi can sninetliues I' ''""
4 aad, generally nun h MaftaVMl
Dr. rrank A lirtant of Now York.
writing In tin- ItoooiM. sss
th flrat thing to lo l to MnUM Mara
that then- hio no iilisim. ti.m In tin
throat or MM Ml h M MtMrMd ton
alia or MMMM Tli. rMM MMN ho
taught to hroHtho through hi
deafly ami glawtj aa hahll llo MMM
act be allowed to ax'k artata BSCttad
nor when laitgliiiii; or irtlni: or in thr
paruxjams of wboonlaai rough llo
moat never ho tikiol All mm tt
excitement most In- rMMTOo CMali
air, aonipiiloiia ctMBitHOM plain, noiir
lablng food motler.Ho i'it. Iw ami
;.lntT of alc-p In a l:irk MOM are (
Mental treat u t i of grsat tanpor
taace. Any MMMaNB th 't lll Increase
mental MM ass "r Ifawparahle
aloe. Tne stutterer mibi U Impreaa
ad with a deir.. to
only a bail hahlt II
i-.une w hat is
must I- par
eoaded to the treat art I I
tag correctly TwM, brj tenM, mi
trSBt work M the part of hi parents
teacher and iilnsi. hm. "III M era. In
ally cure MaaMtt, or at MaM aa Im
prore aa to make the affliction cease to
be aerlona.
Hew One of the World's Graatstt Seng
Birds Wss Discovered.
Many years ago a tu.-iid employed ly
Mlaa UaMfl, I famous dan. or .f the
Royal Opera In BMekhalaj wai grraa
a holiday by ber mistress and set out
to take a walk. PMMMI I Isatbhl little
boose In the paaaaM . ttaa of tka i Ity
ahe heard a child's rat e. which seem
ed to ber wonderfully fresh an. I lieautl
ful. and, looking up. she m a little
giri sitting near the nir.dow Mtiglng to
a pet kitten In great Ml MMM she
rushed to her mlstres Sas1 Mad her of
the exquisite HM M h id heard
Mlaa lundls-m was MBasrarMl BkSB
Ocal, but finally went to the boOM and
beard the sweet smug Bha, too. was
ooBTlneed of the great natural MMJtf
of the child's Toloe nn.l rsewftsd It f..
Croellna. the singing master or tin
Croellus was also MMWMI kejti
cal st first, but at Miss LnatbaTga re
quest be. too, went and. standing on
tbe sidewalk, hoard the .tiii.l sing
Enraptured In turn, lie MM '
Bake manager of the awnad "era, and
arrangements were made ly wM h the
tittle girl aang for tbe count
8be was at once taken as a lr.v pin, il
la the Royal Opera school tad then
after recelred the tst t . 1 1 Swe
den could giro The child was Jenny
tiad. the famoua "Swedish Mvhtln
gal" Ladles' Home Journal
Not Much Doubt.
Ssreral Americans In Loatdoa rgMM
ly applied to an agency f..r an MMM
bfJa in wblch to go sight-. s n . Then'
waa difficulty In getting aaw M Ml I
abort notice, but when the k uir ar
rlred a luxurious MMMkM I ar was
placed at their disposal. The hauffeiir
prored well Informed. Win n BMJ re
turned they remarkisl that they had
sever had such a car or such a drtrer
Tell. it Is not often that one like
this la far hire." was MM r. ; Ml
you notice the coat .-f arms M the
door? That autonj..hlle Ulonga to
Lady ," naming one of the wealth
lest American hetrexses married to an
English peer, "but he Is ..tit ..f town "
Tbe Americans who bad tin- uae of
Lady 's oar are womlenni.- whether
ahe or the chauffeur enjoyed the urof
Its. Detroit Free li-ss
She Investigated.
What Elsie's sister araMad to know
was where Elale gut thai bMallfll sil
cr mounted walklnt; all. I. But Elsie
didn't want Elsie's sister to know, an
Elsie's sister got ENIe'i. father to ask
-I found It," Elale PMtlatlf inform
ad her father, "floating like a s. tnsmer
oa the wares one dav wtVM I waa
But two daya later BaTM'l slt,-r said
to Bale
"Come tell me' Vh:it Is h!s name?"
"Name"' repeated BMM t'lankly.
"What do you meanV"
"I mean, dear." said Klsie's sister,
"that last night I triad to make that
stick of yours float In the l.nii. :ind
wall, darling. It Matr I'eanon'a
Playing Beth Ends.
"I shall bare a fari-ucll MM In
America." explained the pr.nili.eM a--traas.
"And then you will retire from the
stage forever, eh?"
"Not at all. My ui.inagcr la even
now arranging for a Mad MM home
aeries on tbe other !.! " Washington
Toe Frank.
A bashful man who vMted a girls'
school was ;lke1 li the Ii:i-tros to
aay a few words to the pupils
"Scholars." he Mat, I hope you will
always lore your aches! .mil your
teacher aa much aa 1 d..'"
Tableau (jiggling pupils and a
hluablng teacher Iuiiloa Tslagl api
Gave It Away.
"Did you ever -t.s ka?"
"No I nre ti.... - gam
bling. I. m the geiiiletiir i arha It Hnrsl
ray money knew Instfer ' Wask
Simplt Transpot'tien.
One of the rirtlsls kasl Just flnl-liesl
atngtng "Hall) In Our Alley" The
aong apiwared to aff.s t PfSJBaa, I gave
klm a dig In the nl.s m.l liiijlred:
"Upset you, old luanV
"That aong," he feefM i.rin.- t..
my mind an In. Iileut of Maaj
agn wblcb hais.ius when I was a
I riy. How well 1 r.iiieinle r ihe MM
motion, tbe wall of Ihe QMSfM
sbrleka of the MStar! I a Utile
alster named Hally. nml MM isy we
were playing marble twe tin in
alleya'i when all of n MbMm MilJ
swallowed one of in) baM 'glassies ' "
"But what's the aaasMrtlM with the
songT" I aaked
Tbs alley In our Sally." fog
eon aa bs edged away I ..ii.I.hi An
Kbsny Backed Brushes.
When you eltaiu tbe il-n.i
aa your toilet uhie rub pafraMMB Jelly
oftr tbe backs before you wash tbe
bristles, as this prevents the soda or
ammonia la tbe water from injuring
ts ebony The Jelly should" sfter
ward bs removed by polishing tbe
Palmare' Traaoe'lee.
I he painter Hoeetllne wife would
n.-ver allow her hnaband to bring a
t oat to Ida atudlo "That la the
ii n.l of my life." aald Hoecklla.
... .rente without a model la almost
-Ihle. while to employ oue would
nt once mean to lireA with my wife"
I lie episode la recalled by Ir Augelo
s ltappoHrt In "Famous Artlata and
Tlielr M islets"
V not her atory la of l.ucretla del
I iile. the cold, unsympathetic, exacting
v MM who waa adored, married and
lamortiillaed by Andrea del Sarto.
She oiitlhed her husband by many
years, dying at the ago of eighty -seren
in LBN after Dol Rsrto's death
1 i. opa .11 KmMill was one day engag
. I In Capital "The Birth of the Vlr
uln" In the Church of the Annunciation,
rioroncc. when au old woman or her
art ' church stopped to watch Ida
wot and. pointing to the central fig
ure In the painting, aald, "That la my
portrait' t etgbty-ali aha wm
proud to proclaim herself the widow
of the Immortal artlat to whom she
I ad gtren so little peace when be waa
Qoed Tempered Turtles.
riace a nutnlier of different kinds
rym sues in turueo iu iuwu ntnn.v
and the forbearance which la elhlhlted
, . -t i a -...-11 .....
nilgbl well I a lesson to man mg
and little will crawl about heedless of
.i.h other's comfort or security from
MUM A small painted terrapin, for
nataaeo, will clamber aolldly orer the
bead of a MM anapper. and the
. Iinucee are that tbe latter will merely
duck Its heed or more to one side eo
that the claws of tbe former will not
Injure Its eyre. There aeema at such
times a look of patient resignation or
sullen submission, which would Imme
dtabtrj change to Barege resentment
and fierce attack if a man made a bun
.Irislth lav.t of tbe commotion Tbeee
i reatatM appear to bo able to dlstln
cnlsh between "no offense meant" and
! li iillasMl mauling. Walls they sob
I M to the one. th will fight orer the
nthsr, If fight baa not been prerlously
tin ishisl out f tbem - Kansas City
st ir
A Story ef Labeushers.
jilaitclierv'a popularity at Frank
.onlliig to hla own account as
..-1on la 'The IJfe of Labouchere."
sated nil a very simple basis (Irest
I'.rltalu was represented at the diet by
ir Alexander Mulct, one of tbe roost
paassMr chiefs to be found In the eerx
, ,,
"Rut I waa even mors appreciated
than my chief," hs would relate, -and
1'ih Is why Sometimes there was a
t the court. whWb we were e
psetsd to attend At my first ball sup
per I found myself nsit to a grandee
cortreous In stars sod ribbons Tbe
servant came to poor out champagne
I shook my head for I detest cham
pagas Tlie grandee nudged me and
said. 'Ijot hlin poor It eJt' Thla I
did. and he explained to me that our
host never irnve bis guests more than
one glass So. you see. If I drink
yours I shall bare two." After this
there used to be quite s struggle to sit
near me at court auppers"
Stepped His Talking.
In tbe memoirs of IJ Rang Chant?
the great Chinese rlceroy. commenting
M his visit to Russia, refers to the
manner In which the exar ami all the
hlL'h officials appear to be eurruunded
hy wonld lie assassins "I do not think
I would like to exchange positions with
the c-xar even to bars tbe fine csarina
as wife and my choice of tbe ran-st
t.-a " says tbe statesman. He adds
tli.- following sue-dote, which seetns
to show that be would bare been quite
it MM In tbe atmosphere of saaaasl
ill. .n which be believed to exist In
st Petersburg: "Ones in Tientsin a
l..v fi How came Into my courtyard
an. I told the banner captain In charge
that he Intended taking my life He
hail ii long piece of wire and aald he
was going to hang me to my own gate
l-osts I had to have hla head cut off
bafars he would atop talking"
Pen Picture ef John Paul Janes.
John Paul Jones wm something mor
than a sea fighter. After his great
Mttat he knew brilliant daya In Parts.
a hen- yueen Marte Antoinette paid
MM attention and Invited him to alt
MMM her at tbe opera All the great
ladles ran after him, and quits a few
MtteMsty loat their hearts to him An
Mueriran woman who met blm In Bar
Is wrote thla account of him "lie la
small of stature, well proportioned.
soft In hla speech. May In hla address.
polite In bis manners, vastly civil, un
.let-stands all tbe etiquette of a lady'a
toilet as perfectly aa be doee the mast.
sail and tigging of bis ship. Coder
nil the appearance of this aoftnesa be
Il MM, enterprising, ambitloua and ac
tive" Ns CHsrtf.
Tbe prince of Monaco, who, having
hail both sa English and an Amertrati
wife, knowa whereof h apeak, aald
of marriage:
"Thmtigb marriage a Frenchwoman
gains her liberty, an Engllah woman
loses hers and an American woman
eontlnuea to do a aba likes "
Wslcorws Caller.
Visitor What lovely furniture!
Mule Tummy --Yea I think tbe man
. .. l-nighr. It from Is avrry now be s-.l.l
It. Anyway he's alwsys calllag IsM
don Tit lllta
Matr, menial
Many a man who faara bs will not
win h.r after be knowa her a little
while fears be will -New Orleans Pic
A man perfa-ta himself by work mu h
more than by reading Caiiy Is.
Enltrtammsnt Far All.
"A pretty girl ran get a lot of enter
taloment out of ber mirror." observes
an exebauge.
True! Bo ran a plain girt who thinks
she Is pretty Boston Transcript
Ns Decaptien.
Wife You deceived me. When you
married me you ssld you bad a Job on
the road HubWall, eo I have oaly
It'a a long time In arriving Baltimore
A Freethinker.
tt'llllt I'tw. what la a freethinker?
Au unmarried BUB. my sou
Maw-You go to bed. Willie. Clacta-
uatl Kuqulrer.
Flag Bunting Teat
Tlie Hulled Htates gorernmeut test
f..r MM In bunting la all hours' Im
aasrslon In salt watsr and all hours'
exiMieurw lo tbs sua.
He la not many who yields to flu of
anger, but he who wields composure
atnl kindness. Mares Aurellua
Tlie Forty Year Test.
An article must have excepti
onal merit to survive for a period
of forty years. Chamberlain's
Couifh KtmeHy was first offered
to the public in 1S72. From a
small beginning it has grown in
favor and popularity until it has
grown in favor and popularity
until it has attained a world wide
reputation. You will find nothing
bettor for a cough or cokL Try
it and you will Ululi i stand why
it is a favorite after a period of
more than forty years. It not
only gives relief It cures. For
sale by all dealers.
Notice of Final Settlement
In the Coin t Court ol the Stale olOt-
eiton, (or ll.iiuev Coiintv.
In the matter ol the MMM ol .1 I'.
Iii kinsun, deceased.
Notice i licrelo gi t-ti that the un
dcrsigncl .l minis! rati n ol the sU.vr
eutitleil estate has lllisl her Dual account
herein and that M Honorable tirant
Thonip on. jiiiIk'c ol the abotc i milled
oiiiiI, liosl Moii. lav the Itotti Uv ol
Manh, pill, nt the Comity Court Ra in
at Burns. Dreg u sa the time and place
lor lniariiiK okfaotlOM to said act unt,
and all MfMM having abgMtiMM Nass
to are hereto netlaW to apai atnl
Jiresvnt the rauie ut aaul tiiio ami
Iateil at Hums, Oregon, this '.'nth
dav ol lihruary. I'M I
Kosk 0. KN,
Ailn inislratrix ol the aloe riitill.l
Rums l.i.l So Ml
sin ! iti i r.- i asm nrflCI
Hnrua. Mftrrh I 'II
S..t;. i i liiTt h jf itrn l tiati tii .Ntf Ihrrii l'irn
Hall mm T l'.nii.i v sh,.. pott i.lfjf r Iilri Mil
Pftdl yinu hJU l Ms) 4 1 ft i . r Mmn h
I4U Vfl l tl, iiAIki Its l.i-h in I.
tsrtr I uti'lrr liif- ur lt,.n of I t m t (
tfllMi'H"l 'ti I I VI !! e7 tji
I .. wtiiKi . . k l
' ' I at i N . t
, CI nt tlilntii ailiutrl) ll.t
Ion p ! .1 . o rairlng t.i Mbjftw I 1 ii
o! ! hr ilt(tirnl . ti r- ttf ol tlie- li. urMfii v
u'tir" f. . ti 1 1.- dflfMjaftl li at-li- (
Ui.ttl M laaVl ';-. .-I r,,aet III Mil'
M I " a , i.! lyll
H r nir, h-gtatr.
ItHITSOti ra I t4 irri
I . Is-M sf i 11 I
Sun. it I id M( atocii
m. "f WtH Urnftii mhn tattai u
ttiaJf n. . i - So
Ww I..r , .. tu i,,r M oniU.
Kai.cP rasa - ha flimj
tiutlrr uf lfaUa) . matr ftaa) Ihtra? iMI
proof. It. ratat' i ,ftim t thr !i .1 lUm J
icrlt-l. l-i.;r. !ms -!.. Tiaan. t lle4 ."(aip
i ointrt fc! ilie-r at I U- ' r f.ti , u I ) ) t b la
o( (
l lairoaiit Iiiiim aa tfl
I bartr A. Iia 1 V V II A a ,
J.s ;. M m ' .'
HlHs.a I
I Mill. -I Ur I IMi .iSKIi
laiaf las . fMagoa. rsorasr is. nil i
SOT ii.i: I . -
Nuller I.litrtl.f alirs that K.lwar.l H I'andli
nf Fllr. liiriii m h un Juh I IS Itio aiadr
Pissil Lane kn .-j v.. ...,, lui st1. f.'.
' ' -r d i-tti. ti'..', isp i ..n r
loan. hi). :l uuih Kaaf.. .-. ICaJS. WllUfsrlb
M-M.!l.n. baa r. .1 n..ll... ol itiunltt.u I. Mil.
final p. -.1 t... .ia' ah elaJaa le lbs Ian- obev.
IsarrltH-.t bafars I ... I .o-.rtian. I i.lteit
SlsUr. I ourtnl..loiu r. at lilr. . i rrfnti .tilh.
..I i i; . ill
. ast aaaisa sa wltaaaasf
I'tttWjaa. x.lolpli llanari.. llanrr I n.i.
II u k.i... .. ai. ..i gllauraasa
J., k Brssass, Ks .
lITallNTrtal.tltlp'ti i
t'.uroa crraj.ju Kiraar 14. ifli (
N li. v ia t,rrrty . rro (bat Ruben Ju!.bata
o Miriit) iTiar,., sh.i oo M, ?, IU utal
Hutnr!ras Ytmf S. HX-i fur V ' ,
- I'.wntbll. ti . KaJBgr Q r. 'l!.ttr laUniiot. t.. taak
alab tah iia t.i
lb land ibnit dasacrif. r an Krgiit. r i-.i
. .. .lav i
Hi is, 4
ar. t t.autaa a m .tliraa
rt H Mor-1,1.1. Jam
bit ol Han cj. urrij n
U M llIU KtK sit f
I M l KS -i i i r- i ami .it'. I. g
Burat. uregui.. Irl.rusrt .'I. Itll
Notlre 1. t. train given lhal Irthur ! tlttin
(if Narrun. ur, ..u w hu, uu Jan l. lit:, mad.
II .m... .. i tnirr . ;i. ,n,li
It, r.isu.hl. jr. anulh. Htiisr l rat)
Wlllsiii-'lr M. rt tin... I. a. filed sollra ul Intra
Una Co mat. Bii.l I, inu'.iioi. '.,Mt I., -.atat.
II. h . laliu lo ih laud itrnr destriul. baton
BScutlsr .nl I:.-, i.irr. at hnri.. nirr n et
the 7th da ..I ABffil ITI4
I la I Him I nanlta aa ItUetaea
kat aaeksa i besierKsevi K tiinmaii.
II t 1'ili.n i ...l Nain.n.. i ireson
W a I itat kegl.i. r
i Nirni -i sits i inii mm r,
Hum., memo Msrrh ". itll 1
Sou. . I. bstsby gives thai Arthur samut I
a bin.,), ul Lswsa uragea wi.o on Augnai I
...v uia.ii ii'iiirt,, ao r.uiry. - U u OI
,. - nl loan.l.ii. .'I s. Ksnrs J.U
C, Willasnelle Mrrlllali. h.t flls. Di.ln r ul
iBtenllun In make final tares I'rouf. lo tt
ISLIl.r. , lailll lo lilt larr.l abut .ten. rll-.l 1.
furs Kea'i.i. t an.l Reeereef at Hurna. iir..'g..i. :
ul. Hit I3th.l.til April. 1.11
i laliii.i.l aainat aa wttueaats
Allre.1 H Hlmuei. ,,l Hurot Ortajta
Ttu.nia. I:a)iralt Julia iludlr.1111 Altb-.i-'
saiirntrr. ail uf Jjis. n llrrgoi,
Wb r.aat awBjMsM 1
I'Nni DBTATUI Mi ul'llrg, I
i....,. in, (,in. rsannry t. ttii i
sirr .... : .si,
.NiHICt I. tin. I T fntu Hi. I l.ittur lain.
of Jlsmplcii un tot sbe,e Man h :9ll
madt . !.. t. nlr, N,. u I ., ,., NUSsc.21
Towo.bil..'.' u i larntlte alerl.llai.
lla rt'a-l iiIIt of , Uufl n u, ruatk
fttftyM . .-ar lira,! Is. eUli,lli I 1.1 It. I., I
laoa-r .lrat !!!: .). lat-fut A (((.
waits' uaiaiiajwBtr. ai ntnn i..n r-z.ti on
ibr Hlh -lay of April 1 4
Malm a Ml i.aiitt-aav it(iras
BsjTt Mr aa, ll..rai Kitk.tii . )miu VI
hr Irk ley. ail ... (lroa.
MlaaiilTer, -lauft.f nraaMMj
IsM, y ti a.. km- Kf Ulrr
i arras Mamb LaTB MfSM
linn.. Uisgsa, Mar, li iu. lli i
Noi. .ti. (trea lhal rrsak ku.liaia
ilsarrffaa il i ) ilslataslrsk. Insane ut
... lo. in.. I.
lleataalaa.t Kstrr. Na rH.Vr l..r "W M
ii i t . Wlli.airllr i I in. nili.e io aisSe
flaal Hire, 'tar i i..l la eatakiash ,Ulm lo
tbs Isnu su.iv. it. atriU-l. baluttl' g Tullorb
I r. i ointrii.aii.i.. r .t lii.ufltie. at rveiklet
lirea-ori BS Ilia kUk SB) f April. .U wilnesatsi
Msrj kuUl. I ... Juboasa. J Har.liuju
t i,.t.. i , k . . . . ..i Hat ti.,. brssss
Ws r.stt Keilalrr
- ' - - .--.- ..vsssssBtBBBMBl M
atwarBaV4 '
vs-rvna. ru" SPiciAL CATALOQ AND PayiCCS
i nr AJTAVtmLL riAtfllNLRY CO
tfOWAfH.WetSM. tOarrtAs0. one
l'siTiiStTa orrn '
ilium. Orsatin rbrnry v. leH
N.KIr.. l hirrli lion that lyrrsua W
k.-llxsit of llarrlmmi. nirBuii who, on Man h
t, I mi ma Ir ll..n. lr
. ... i'SV ee
nli-H'." , sshlpJSH. Kse
ni, wnisai.ii. m
lutrnilon t.i ii -
Rnsl llif-iwii Proof.
rstsMlth rlstm
! Unit lUlf ltrrlti4Hl.
lKforf RrilttrrMti'l HrralTtrit Burfii, OrfflH.
ultlhr tHrA rlaf ol Mrrh. IffU
Ulhiint nam. a aa allnNN
R. H i llrlni ) J Itaim. all f
Harrlifi.itratfiin Q K Thoinpattti. of at
W vj r.MiiB. Rotttfrr,
1 SITSIiHT.TB. I.ARD llrrtlS, I
Dura, iirssoa. Fi-bratr in, tU. I
WeUaslabotsaj ivm thai Aiiraimii a Bennioi
..f iirssoa. wlo, on mi 17, isnr
Msrrb II I'M' .Hi " la. tfl'.'. rrsprrtlvsli
mails ll..lio-.test Knlrf iNo tJSSI SSllsl Mas
...r H'.Ni., i. ',
-',.r I SKNW-ss.) ari.R,.ks'llHi
t T.iwn.hli. 17 H, llsngs A g, Alllamsllr h. Klisl tin'o. ol li.irnll.u Is
m. kc nn.l llw Tear pnsif, 10 ralahll.b rlalm
la thr Ian. I aUivf.- ilesi rlttsd, liet.iia Hefl.ter
i..1 Hr-nloi sl Hurna. iireain. oa Ibr asli
.1ST aj Mao I.. Ill
i I. n.air. a. llnmw
B f
sad ii. -r i olmiaii alt of Watetlr. orsana
l.l. tWatalrr
1 177) Mnri.a?
i RjTson .m LAfDorrtcs. -
(Uinta, nr.-icou. F.-bniaiy 4, lull
Sa lifrl (rti that ihr Nnrlhrri!
I iric Kallwai I o4BMgi)T, b aoai ufn
aitltraa la M. I'au; VI uiina.ita i M b t li. Irh
di) of Jaituai r iiu nia Iu itiia t.mre- ha at
tli' alum ttiwifil tniJtr tha kruv.iniia of tin
art at i ougtrvaa, appruvad July 1. Iftja ,ju Hiai
a7 .MO. M Itrti.ltsxJ t. lh Art . . nifi
t'prw. Mav IT. I'Aji-, 1U CUNB',, v,
M a K Jlk W M Hatflal No. 07lV
Aay and all partoti t Uimlug alrratJy the
,'aiula .I,., r iibi-.i, ur tlasalrlna to tiiri l laaw-ataJH
of lb ailtn-ral char (tf of th (ami. or .-r ai.
-Ihtr rraaoii tolhf diap-wat toa'i'i-ant abould
fllr Ibclr alDdarlta of iotal la tbiv ... n
or terror the rtr-1 day of March Itll
Wat . K., ., ,
flBITaa M,t Last. Ilrri'-s
Hun... in..!. Stsrrh 17. 111
s otl, . I. htrtl.y BtVea Ibst William Wads, nl
Starrowa. Orpasm who un Jstir fi. law nil.
tluiaestt-a.t Rnlr s.. av. -tnsl No iatt7. fur
g'. Section I t..Vn.hl t a.. Ksuss II
Wlllsutaltt Mtrltllsn ha. flled nullft' of Inlti
i Ion S .ar Float tU. T, ar .r..f 'o a.l.l-' l.
risim t.i tbe Ui.'i aasva .laKma, baaSei
ifap Ntslstsr atol Mr. rl. .i a Hu sa, (reas
0. Iht Snl it.i ol ftsrll ISIS.
I lalmllil i line at aHsssaaa
Jobs Slllrl William Psnn. 'r i.rfs
salHtM Ur. lei ha.t II. In.. ..1 ..1 a-
l-ii... Ulraws
s r ..... Krflsrrr
In ihe t'luuii i ..irt of tlie St ,ie
Unaroa f.r ll.uut-y CoaM),
Helen I. I '..... ill. m , I'Uiitift, .
llrmv l li.-isllon, I rlfn.l.itil
To llcniV i ('. IlilW. tlie BfeaWN
named ik-lciulant.
In iIk- iiaior nl the stiitr ofOrrfpMI
nm me Ion bs rrspirsted to apar nml
.niawer to complaint in entitl
rd soil within six wrrks from the date
of tbe bint pulihcitiou af this summons,
ami il ,.ii tail so to aoswrr, for want
thereof the I'laiuliiT will apply to the
( nun for the relief prayed lor in hct
complaint, to wit . that tbe bonds ol
matrimoiiv n.nv raisting brtwern
I'laintitl and DeCrndaot Is? dissolved,
and that I'l. until! luxe n divorce ale
I That I'lainiilf have the care,
MMaSrl mi. I control of tiugrne Henri
3 That ri.iintifl hair lu.tgtoeut Im
her costs an.) .hstiurseinrnta herein in. I
fur such otlsri ami further n liet n to
oiuitv may rrtnin.
Tina MMMOM i publialie.l in Thr
Tunes llriiil.l, a weekly irwaspri
Pu)iIi.Ih-. nn.l ..I "rnrral circulation in
ll.'iiuri Cuuiiii. Oregon, by order ol
tbe Hun Maltun lligge. iudt,-r ol thr
ulxnr i utitlcil court, duly made un the
anth d.iv ..t I .hruary. lt14, whah aaul
order directed that this MMM 1st
puldislied for ;, of sit weeks.
The first pul.ln. etiou ol lu sunimuiis
is nisile in Icliruary 'i, 1914.
J W, Hi......
Atturnry lur I'taiutiff
Dl tt.'i
III Nl -
s Fiiarc'a. v.-
7 quit' 1 1 rt h
Ar- -.
Rlf lo No. 425.
list Pries a s -,o
7S-J0-ja.J2 sad J, i..
I ir Rnu Audi lA.lur .
Hill.-s alvi fur
ni.l.i .1 In fancy
grades, ar rant Bssasr
Sendfw h.nV
& tool comun,
' o. Im S004
$1500 Reward!
Ifurolaaiiii Nt tgwla
I Ifr ftt.M frottM
Hob Abm ut
writt-h the utidrr
icttaaj la inrinti r,
will hf li.uv tai
reward fur l
daK IraxttuK to
itn an. at and cou
vlrlloti of an; (ar
17 or is r lira ai. mi
Dg hurar r.tlii
or mnlwM boWtaVf lti
' i ally uf tit nir-m
In 0.1411101. i thr lUnr, thr Bdrraif ne-J
...fera ihr aam A0 ou for ft! 1 hortoo
hrarxtrit bora .i.,Hl Ut on Ueth oralthrr )a
Hraa.l frsi-oi.laal tli rlgbl nmniti Kanfc
HontVjr. I akfl bmm .,ulitUa Hiirtvasj
vsittd alii i ao.o!
Ktoa hoi frown bur a aolJ and only la
nrgn fuiniiri,
W W kHOWN Mlt.uruat
i x A-t assr
. i" J
BBaMMi lAaf SM
af V
Dew I aVy
V4bBTV ' k-s
jft'TnM fl
t'sirsi. Stirs. I tsnririu . I
Mam. (irtfuii. Mao h II. lull I
Notice It bt reby iilisn that Jsba C. Tenpls.
of I'rlnesluii.Ctregiin.whu. un June 97 lew, marls
lli.ntsstesd liairt No suv. Herisl No. SJNC, for
SlsSi selloa . js s Hangs a g,,
Wllllamstl Marlnlsn hst Slt.t none of Istan
llun Iu teaks final are yt proof to
elslta ta tbs laad slrots ilsserlbeS. bsfors
Heflister sad Rseslisr. si Hnrn., iirtsos. on
lbs tub ilsjr of April isll
. Islmsat hamasBS wlliisssss
Ml. lieal Hale. Fred II. Ir If rt I, g Will
lama, ller.rrt II Wllllsma. all el Irlaerlua.
I'MITBb stats. I .SI. urn. I. I
Hants, ur. ton. t .i.rusr) l. Itll I
Notice It btrrl.t (Tsn Ibsl I rsd (I Im.i.
..I Narrow. Oregon, who. on March A, Itut, II. . ii ir. lead Ruin No OMrD, tor S",HW',
and S',HK', Seelloa 7. Township Kl ., RtatTe
btW r. . Wlllaiiiall Meridian, has tllt.l nullra
.it fatenlliiii to make flnal Hit rtar proof, to
rtlslillah risim to Ihe land sb.ivt daerlted.
Iisfortc f. Tullo. b. r a i ..nuiilsaionsr, sl
httoHIre, at Hsealat. ureion. mi Ihe JKIh iltl
ol Mai. ti. Itll
i Islsaasi name. a. witnesses :
Wsltsr kiddle ol I'lainonl. Drrson Ties
M.sll, rrssk Kneny. Jsrrjr A wise.sll ol RSI
rows Orsgon.
Ws risaa. Keaisier
ihksiv i.iiin.r, no. 77, i ti o r
Masts start siardar Iu odd rents Hall
sl 7 to i. n Jamas Shatard
I li I US.I). Seertlsr. N.ll
Hsgrs work st follow. Ural lal
llstott sreond Urtl iHarsw, third
salarday. aseend lissrren: fourth Hslurrls..
Third trearss.
Bt'SNSUlIMIt Ho. it. l i M.
MssSStTvrr Irslsnd iblr.l Mutdst In esrb
rro.oih w a ilaaaa. w m
sm Muihersbesd serrtisri
M IpggN A
Meett tvtrr tersitid ml fo'ini Fridtt rtan
in st I ii. i. r. tun ail nwtraenra inttted
Pes sepllrani. wtlt re-.l" ..-i.os.sia trsal
meat. M a alias. V
W T. leslsr i itrt
BI'BNS l IMn KB N.i. to ii I.
Mswta tvrrt aeeoiol an I lourili I asolait, la
Saa.uO. ii. , Lite liall.m H M
Uuii. Ibompsoii e. rtiari
SVI I KKIHk All li roll II- No I
Ssslsstrri iii.ii.ij.1 Wrdanfts)
l I .. aSatst i. N u
fssrl ... k.. -.. t
It I H I IHI IS .No e. S
IS. .(...) I. .ill. I, S, liift.l..
'null I .
asalM ie.liet. . Itrt
urtli I AI. IHHKl I.ISt
a-rara- .ISS....S
. i l.aii.lMrriaiD
liar r :. r
I W I llanlry
I N J -iii..i
A M i raw lord
tltwtld Star
Hsa w oleou
T S Kat
AtlurWST He Una.
seerssart ul slais
I iruirtr
SUnl ful. Ill li.nlrse'lui.
stale Prtatsr
i A I'bureblll
w I Uoaiwat
Kohl Satin
. T A
saarssas Js.ttea
: usoll Harriett
II.. i
r. A M
ninth ji un isi uirraicT.
MMM Jodtt l.a.lou Hitss
l uuntl Aliurni ) k Masslurs
Iresll i uurt tsswts the first Moods J la
Aanl aad firat Muutat ta llitobar
lolot BsaaM Mil Hrss.ta
I.Ul.l RetrrnawnLatlts S I lliiloari
luitrt tain:
i .iuiiI) l.iifr ..rai.t 1 i.i.uiuaon
i.'ierk k T lluthri
trsassr.r k A Miller
swrTStur i g. hisr.
Bbsrtg A k . ' J J lK,ae(an
Sebudl siluertMsiiden' I Mlfttsiilua
i uroosr a . ictratar
Siuet Inti.s-u.r Jaba awUtsrt I it I' riyitaSSar
rTbos Halo
l uuol) usrt metis lbs liar Wednesday la
Jaasart. Msrrh Mst. July. HuleBibar and
Nov si bar. i I a kASli MMMM
Stgialii Wat fairs
tsealtar sou M..:herthesd
UTt tl SSI
Mstur. BB1 nutbersbss.l I
KseuMlar. K..t Van Wlakle
Trwasorar lleuri ilsllon
Marshal. K 1 . Halloa
II J llsasaa
luuacllBteo v Welrwmt
I Jain, a lSSOwture
I H.J MrKlnnon
MasSloas uf the OanTJjM nrli Saeund and
rimrth Wa.lnta.1
isi rv
aaslwaT Q -sbIH- -JgM aaV
1 aaMBa1Vs;s-VMMIsMBB mjmj ttaJafc ' jCJ 1
Refinishing Marred
Shabby, scratched pieces of furniture that
are unsightly and a discredit to your home can
be made to look bright and new at slight ex
pense and you can do it yourself.
stains and varnishes at one ODeration. mvinir m
all kinds of surfaces the elegant
jSsVflaAstl. laS
Hnrnt. oreaos, siarrh il itll I
Nolle. It hsislit llTSB Ihsl Wtlt.r I' holt
lo'd. ol nlts(e Oresoti. who, or, A"
mads Additions! Hoatsslesd Knlri, No esiaV
l.ilotl M',MPliFi-. He. I. T. 77 ,
K.nasn r. tnd sksfii serllon li Town
lhli 27 S . II g. Wlllsmetle jleildlan
bat Alsd nrdles ef Intention lo mtar Anal
tbrwe-TSSr srrKf toaatahllah rlalm to tlit land
shots drserlbrd, Iwfors tbe HsslMsr tad He
.titer, sl Sums, ureses, on the IMh dsj of
April, nil
i Islmsnl Damn st witnesses
lieorftj llsll. i Issd srhut. Kan liunulni
Hi rt Punning, sll of oltsss. ur. ton
Ws raaas. Keg'ttsr
Sampler Valley Railway Co.
Arrival aa. Drfarttrc Of Traaa
No. 2, Prairie 10:15A.M.
Sumpter 2:35 P. M.
Baker 4:00 P. M.
No. 1, Baker 8:30 A.M.
Sumpter 10:05 A. M.
Arrivea Prairie 2:10 P. M.
No. 1 Makes Reed connection
with O.-W. R. & N. No. 10 leav
ing Portland 7:00 P. M. and No.
17 from east arriving Ilaker 6:50
A. M.
No 2 Connecta with l-i (irande
local 7:00 to Ia (irande, and No.
9 (fast Mail) picks up sleeper
there arriving in Portland 7:00
A. M. ilso with No. 18 at
10:45 P. M. for points Kast.
You can buy no better
for target work and all
mall game up to
200 yards.
VL -
i taJaflf" J ' . -T
sTBBBasTsK Tl t tlsBBBTX
MatsswMaisaSsSs .. I..,
snBJBswsnsnsBBBBBBjBBK v gr BBkwssrst sMMnaWAnbrggsyga, iMMaWssaMMi BtBBMI MsM . ' 'Ml
jBfS9 'fc'ataaW i i at f eAaasv. A ppaasl MjafAsn
k --- - - AS . tt
jBaqPIr aaaSl il. I. mt na ttnnww an I I. ew ..- . v-
If You Want ALL Ik Hone News
$2.00 a year
Best Job Printing
able, lustrous surface of beautifully
finished oak, mahogany, walnut or
other expensive woods. Call for
color card.
Hardware Co.
The Bums Hardwara Co.
onion seta. Gat them early.
Jeweler. Optician and
Fine Watdt Repairing A Spe
(II OKOli FOON Fitaa.
Meals At All Hours. Short
Orders and Prompt Service
With Reasonable Rates
Give Me A Call
awraasP of
loaf os
perfectJy. The deep BsJWd
rirLng dsrveiopa maiarMn power and
accuracy aad add yean to the He of rifle.
S. J, Banjajja, aw. - ShS a
T --) nwnnja
effect and dur
WmKSFmSSB' bjaade
s wwEst-1 KOg off kjtia (tm CMnnaft
Physician aM ,.,
aoaas, oaco
is CU. CBflv
Pbyalcian si. i
Barns, - - - or,.g0
OftWa la as w baMtafa i vtt
barosassl,... - .,
Vksas Ms
Jmm and fsorgeM
'aata riuliai
Physician and Surgeo,
Narnrws, q
a. astsBssas, Mai
a. a., i.
Osnersl rrsetiee i
artery la, i,.
auK3. oatctjs
DEHHnfl & DENMflN,
Physicians af)fj Sargeoj
Calls saevered rr,,., ,.m. .
ras Harriman
HaFMman, Oreg
Or- Minnie Hani
Physician and Sur
tliicci lelcplx.n ... aactliaj
La wen. Ore.
t. E. HB MrLi
fTtlcsr Ural .1.. r .at , : .. ;., vgi
Burnt. Orrtron
Bl'BJta, Osa...)N
Oates Oijpoaile Tonawam Kaska
Attorney at Law
Vsegtly Bldg . Barns, (irsssi
Attorney -a I-1 .aw.
Burns, Oregon.
Burns, Ureuii
Boossa 6 and 7 Itaeoai. HialM
gana hsmaa suieklT na i. . . awl,
Buma, Oraja-
IsaMtttM in the ut- t r:asl:
tors tbs U.S. LanJ Of
Chfk, H. Iai.h itxl, -
Careful attention given : Cal
tioo and Real Kalai. i ,utn
Fire InMiran.e
NoUrv P
Boaxa. iik v
State Courts ami I'm ted SB
Land Offiet Practice :
Three doors 8.111 th .,f rW'
Harney County National!
Burns, t'rt .
AMssrsrsy sl Us Nolsr.IV
we, , R . want
S. LaaaHltiK.
OaVre bstwsaa Hart.. , alS
SB LatBa oa, .
Bairn a.
a f Ouorat jb,
asss a as. aoc. c. 1 ,., . ..ail
Civil and Hydraulic Engiai "
Irriifation, Wat ti"
Sewerajfe, Wat. r ! wit.
Bnreeta. bt.,-, K,,,,..,,. -
F. 0. Hit 1 1.1 . 1 igw
"wtatsrlji Aaat BSArlaa. i Hat
UP. Rsvlastalluo, ,, bt
Fastera Oregon tninefrtl
Com pan
an. ami imhuik tvffi
aaras, On(.g
B.'Ulh Iw)
A. H. CURRY. Prop
taavaa Hsnaaa Meda aid Ts
- ssnrtee WetlassstU) and JaS
Iaraaa, MBBManBBJ a Sb tsj
" - Bass, a 1 as. aW .
will' a dry cloth