The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, March 21, 1914, Image 3

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1914 MARCH 1914
Statement Of The Condition
Of Th.
First National Bank
of Burns
At the close of business March 4th, 1914.
la Tha largest Circulation Of Any
Newspaper In Harney County.
Local News.
R. L. Hnss was ui from Nar
rows yesterday.
Mrs. Geo. Cobb and daughter.
Miss Hazel, arc in the city.
Pickard China and Libhy cut
Mass make beautiful and useful
wedding presents
Finest alfalfa, timothy and rod
I top hay baled may be had at the
Goodman feed barn is south Burns
Timothy and clover seed for
(sale at the White Front Barn,
IBurns. W. T. VanderVeer. 15tf.
Customers and others desiring ui to
tattle their taxes will please send us
Tarn Collector's statement of the amount
due together with instructions for pay
ment of the sane.- FIRST NATIONAL
Rev. D. K. Laurie, Supt. of
IMissions of the Presbyterian
church, arrived here Thursday
land will spend a few days in the
city with Dr. Benson, the local
I,oans and Discounts $332,494.09
U. S. Bonds 41,000.00
Bonds and Securities 82,508.57
Premium on U. S. Bonds 1,965.00
Real Estate, Furniture and Fixtures 8,504.92
Five per cent Redemption Fund ' 1,250.00
CASH 101.653.91
Surplus and Undivided Profits
$ 25,000.00
Capital and Surplus $100,000.
United States Depositary
Thermos bottles at the Wel
come Pharmacy.
Afthur Thompson was over
from Harney yesterday.
Butterick patterns at Luna-
burg. Dalton & Co. 52tf.
Russell Smith is nursing a case!
of blood poisoning in his hand
The Clay Clemens sawmill is
low at its new location ana is
prepared to fill any order with
jugh or dressed lumber, also fir
lumber; buck teeth and any
special order given prompt at
tention. 32.
"The Capture of Aguinaldo
two reel feature picture, will 1 on his homestead.
an interesting historical event
fnr fhp I'hiifiren nt innawsmi uuoi icvct-.
tonight. There will also be The
Sheriff and Miss Jones" and
"Mental Science" tonight. Usual
rices, 10 and 15 cents.
D. A. Brakeman, postmaster
ind merchant at Waverly, has
innounced himself as a condi-
Idate for commissioner at the
primaries. Mr. Brakeman is a
progressive man and one who
yould take an interest in the
welfare of the county should he
chosen to fill the office to
irhich he aspires.
P. S. Weittenhiller returned i
Tom Allen is over from the P
C. A. Demaris was a business
visitor the fore part of this week.
Those desiring Chas. Wilson
butter should leave orders at the
Burns Department Store.
Lee Wilson and wife were in
. 0 .. fn-. the city from Narrows Wednes-
A. B. Bennett was up from , . . ,
... . , . . . f day on land business.
Waver v vesterdav making proof
Henry Trowbridge and Iim
Harrison are over from the Iree
nice line Of ,. t l .f,,, nmvirimi
new winged collars they are thethey nm, what thpy want at
latest. Williams-Zoglmann do- rjKht prices.
thing Co. TH FR3T NATONAL BANK 0ff
S. W. Lay the and Mr French j BURNS, capital and .surplus
were among our visitors from the $100,000. "THE bank THAT makes
Harriman section during the JOURs $$ safe." accounts
wee a.
For Sale A 3B ince Studebaker
wagon, rack bed. nearly new.
Address D. V. WlLFONC,
19-20 Iawen. Oregon.
The Harney County National
Bank will be pleated to attend
to the payment of your taxes
Home Wednesday alter an at)- uoon rec-,nt of vour instruction
, 1-----
ence of several weeks spent in
the middle western states. He
inds conditions quite promising
In that territory anu iooks ior
considerable activity in real ea
Since the subject of hypnotism
has been more or less discussed
during the past few days in con
nection with recent events the
te in this section as a result of picture "A Battle of Wills" will
aany from the middle west com
ing out to invest. Mr. Weitten-
le interesting to many tomorrow
night at Tonawama. This aub-
Jiiller thinks that when the rail-! Ject is in connection witn anomer
Toad gets to Crane Creek we will picture. lxve in a leepee on
have no further trouble in petting j the same reel. "Exploits of Tom
r,r,la in or.,) the mihuennent ! BUlier 18 a inree-reei mhw.
development of this big agricul
tural section.
that will give some thrills for the
same evening.
before buying elsewhere and
I carry a complete line of
at the lowest possible cash prices
- General Merchandise -
riaaonk liuildiiiK,
- Burns, Oregon
N. O. Oard. who formerly
lived in the vicinity of Lawen,
but who moved with his family
to Ohio a few days ago, has re
turned to Ontario where he writes
he expects to make his home.
The sons of the late Abigal
Cawlfield desire to express their
thank to the many neighbors
and friends who extended aid
and sympathy during the illness
and death of their mother.
Strayed or Stolen One bay
mare branded N E on left shoul
der, one brown mare branded
H I on left shoulder; both ani
mals gentle. Suitable reward
for information leading to their
recovery. H. Eichner, Harney,
Oregon. 14tf
J. A. Eberle has purchased the
Mrs. David Carey residence
property that has been occupied
by C. A. Leonard and family
and will take possession upon the
Leonards moving to the Geer
residence. This is a well improv
ed home property and one of the
attractive places in that portion
of Burns.
For Sale - Registered ClydeB
dale stallion, George Chamber
lain. No. 11872, 10 years old,
weight about 1900 lbs. An Al
breeder and acclimated. Desire
another horse as I have a number
of young mares of his get to breed
this year. Have also a stallion 2
years old this spring, sired by
George Chamberlain, and a num
ber of work horses for sale. -Call,
write or 'phone. Chas. Wil
son, Burns, Oregon. 14tf.
Judge II . C. I -evens has an
nounced as a candidate for county
judge. He was judge of this
county for one term and Is there
fore familiar with the duties of
the office. Having his business
in such shape that he can devote
his entire time to the office should
he be elected is a matter that
will bring him support, as it is to
the best interests of the county
to have a judge right at the
county seat and always in a posi
tion to care for probate other
business coming before the court.
Another matter that is of par
ticular interest in the roads. By
his devoting his spare time to
roads it will bring this important
work more directly under the
supervision of the court. Judge
Levens enjoys the confidence of
a large number of substantial
men throughout the county and
they have confidence in his
ability to give good service should
he be elected.
Pictures tomorrow night.
C. A. Volmer was in from his
farm home during the week.
Wm. Catterson was a business
visitor to our city during the
A, Dunn will deliver you wood
at any time, having good mahog
any or pine. 9tf.
W. H. Robins and wife were
in from their Crow Camp home
this week.
Len Vickers was circulating
among his friends in Burns
Mrs. Niss Hat was in from her
home this week visiting friends
and attending to business.
Cleaning, pressing and repair
ing a Specialty. LadieR' clothes
as well as mens. Williams-Zoglmann
Clothing Co.
Charley Beckus and A. Mc
Kenzie were among our visitors
from the Narrows section during
the week.
for Sale- Une sawmill com
plete, with logging Sleds and
Trucks, with or without timber,
for terms see 11. M. Morton.
Scott Haley was among those
up from the Narrows section
Wednesday to attend the funeral
of Mrs. D. A. Cawlfield.
Mrs. John Schenk will give
lessons in Irish Crochet every
Thursday afternoon at her home
in Burns. 4
Will 11. Potter is back from
Idaho where he spent a few
weeks during the winter and has
again taken up his residence on
his land at Egli.
Attorney J. W. Biggs returned
Wednesday morning from a
business visit to Portland and
Salem. He came in by way of
L. M. Foas, traveling freight
and passsnger agent of the (.
W. R. & N. Co., was interview
ing our business men early this
week. He returned to Bend on
Supt. Gilcrest of the P. L. S.
Co., who had been iuite ill at
Drewsey, has recovered suffici
ently to be able to go to Ontario
where he will remain in the
hospital until he has recovered.
T. C. Albritton has just re
turned from a trip to Juntura
and reports that town lively and
with considerable activity. He
states that Gallagher and Bruss
think they're going to have the
best town on the line.
To the Indies You are cordi
ally invited to call and see the
new styles and beautiful materials
for tailor made suits, made to
your measure and a perfect fit
quarenteed, highest class work
manship. Clingans Millinery
Parlors. Emmaline Hale, Agent.
Estrayed One red and white
muley cow branded a script fig
ure four or an oar lock on right
side came to my place in Drewsey
about three weeks ago. Owner
please come prove property, and
pay charges and for this adv.
P. J. Upton.
Charles E. Beery, the present f
county surveyor, has announced
his candidacy to succeed himself
in that office. Mr. Beery is a
very capable man and has given
excellent satisfaction during his
term and will no doubt be re
turned by the voters.
Austin Goodman is ready to
grind grain and has a building
in which it may be stored by
farmers at any time. He will
grind one day each week and
farmers may store their grain
any day and get it when con
venient. He is prepared to take
grain as pay for gnnding at the
market price. Special prices on
large quantities, 44tf.
The Times-Herald raised the
salary of the stock inspector to
Such an amount in its report of
court proceedings that one of our
good citizens who always has a
grouch when the court, or any
one else for that matter, spends
a dollar, is said to have suffered
a stroke of apoplexy. The com
positor added one too many
ciphers was all that was wrong
with it
The Monday morning exercises
at the public school last Monday
were given by the third grade
and Miss Hodder had her pupils
Chas. Owen was down from
Silvies during the week.
Sealed bids will be received by
the Board of Directors of school
Dint. No. 1, of Harney, Oregon,
for 100 cords of 4ft. pine wood
of first quality to be cut during
months of May or June. The
same to be delivered in the wood
shed (the district will cord the
wood) at the school house in
Burns not later than September
1, 1914. The Board reserves the
right to reject anv or all bids.
Mark all envelopes "Bids for
Wood". No bids considered
after May 1. - W. L. Blott,
For Sh.riff
After persistent solicitation
from many friends throughout
the county I have decided to enter
the race for the office of Sheriff
to succeed myself, subject to the
decision of the democratic voters
at the primary election to be
held May 16, 1914.
A. K. Richardson.
For County Judge.
I hereby announce my can
didacy for the nomination of
County Judge of Harney County,
subject to the decision of the re
publican viiti. rs at the primary
to be held May 15, 1914. I stand
for a fair, impartial, economic
J. L. Sirz,
Drewsey, Oregon.
For County Judga.
I hereby announce myself as a
candidate for County Judge of
Harney County, subject to the
decision of the democratic voters
at the primaries on May 15, 1914.
J. R. Jenkins.
16 Happy Valley.
Far Sheriff
I hereby announce myself as a
candidate for the office of Sheriff
of Harney county, subject to the
decision of the republican voters
at the primary election to be held
May 15, 1914.
Austin Goodman.
For County .Surveyor.
1 hereby announce myself
candidate for the office of County
Surveyor subject to the decision
of the voters of the democratic
party at the primary election
May 15. 1914. C. E. Bebry.C
render a "Dixie Land" program
that was very entertaining and
interesting. She had recently
received a box of southern
vegetation from a relative and
this proved a great help to her
pupils, none of whom were fami
liar with the tropics. The orange
blossoms and other specimen t re
ceived were much admired. The
Monday morning exercises of the
public school are of a character
that reflects the practical train
ing our school children are re
ceiving under the able instruc
tion of the present corps of
For County Judge
I hereby announce myself a
candidate for nomination for the
office of County Judge, subject
to the decision of the republican
voters of Harney county at the
primaries May 15th. If elected
I will give my entire time to the
office ar.d to the best of my ability
will insure an honest, faithful
and impartial administration of
the county's business.
H. C. Levkns.
For Joial Representative.
consented to become a
for Joint Representa-
I have
tive from the district composed
of Harney and Malheur counties,
subject to the decision of the
Republican voters of said coun
ties on May 15th.
Frank Davey.
For County Commissioner.
I hereby announce myself a can
dididate for County Commission
er, subject to the decision of the
democratic voters at the primary
election to be held May 15, 1914.
If nominated and elected I will
try my best to give the county un
economic administration.
D. A. Brakeman,
Waverly, Oregon.
For County Judge.
1 hereby announce myself as a
candidate for County Judge of
Harney county, subject to the
decision of the republican voters
at the primary election May 15,
1914. F. Denstedt.
For County Judga.
1 hereby announce myself a
candidate for the office of County
Judge of Harney county subject
to the decission of the democratic
voters at the primary election
May 15, 1914. I stand for a just,
economical and business adminis
tration. J. P. Withers.
Harney, Oregon.
For County Clark.
In the belief that my service
during the past year, as County
Clerk, has been satisfactory to
the public, I hereby announce
myself as a Republican candidate
for nomination for the office of
County Clerk of Harney County
at the primary election on May
15, 1914.
18tf R. T. Huohet.
For Canal, Clark.
I hereby announce my can
didacy for county clerk, subject
to the decision of the democratic
voters at the primaries on May 15.
J. O. Cawlfield.
For County Traasurar
I hereby announce myself a
andidate for nomination for
county treasurer, subject to the
decision of the republican voters
at the primary election on May
15th. If nominated and elected
I expect to devote my time and
energies to the duties of the
office and to conduct it with the
same care and impartiality which
I have applied to it in the past.
R. A. Miller.
For Sh.riff.
In compliance with the request
of friends, I hereby announce
my candidacy for the office of
Sheriff of Harney County, sub
ject to the decision of the repub
lican electors at the primary,
May 15th, 1914. If elected, I
pledge myself to conduct the af
fairs of the office, faithfully and
according to law, and to collect
and turn over all funds belonging
to the County promptly.
16tf Tom Sprague.
For County Skariff.
I hereby announce myself as
candidate for Sheriff of Harney
county subject to the decision of
the Republican voters at the pri
mary May 15, 1914. If elected I
pledge myself to be satisfied with
the regular salary $2400 a vear;
without the expenses as allowed
by the last legistature which will
be a saving of $600 a year to the
taxpayers of Harney County.
Roland Hankins,
14tf Harney, Oregon.
For County Clark.
At the solicitation and with
encouragement of a large num
ber of friends, I have decided to
become a candidate for County
Clerk of Harney county, subject
to the decision of the democratic
voters at the primary May 15,
Wm. M. Carroll,
13tf Catlow Valley
Chamberlain's Tablatt for Constipation.
For constipation, Chamberlain's
Tablets are excellent. Easy to
take, mild and gentle in effect.
Give them a trial. For sale by
all dealers.
Break up that cold with Wel
come's Cold Tablets.
Pri.-rs at Mill for preducts:
Flour $8.50 in S-bbl. lots or mora.
Bran $1.25 par hundred.
Rolling barley $2.00 par ton in ton lots
or mora. Customers in all cases to
furnish sacks.
Until further notice the. following Cash
Pricas will prevail in sailing meats:
Hogs, whole or half, lie. par lb.
Choica pork steaks, 15c. par lb.
" loin. 20c.
Wholo pork akouldar 12 l-2c
Lag of pork, 15c.
Front quarter mutton, 10c.
Hind quarter mutton, 12 l-2c.
Choica mutton for staw, 8c.
Mutton chops, 18c.
Hind quarter beef, 13c.
Front quarter baaf , lie.
Beef all cuts at reasonable pricas.
Tha intantion of tha Company is at all
tunas to pay tha bast pricas and sail on
closast margin consistent with good busi
ness management.
m .j
; 0- " H SjgggaNOlggggaV9rT jVggggj
TortoU Shell Auto Glasses
Feed Barn
Horses Boarded by the
Day, Week or Month
Good Feed and
Reasonable prices
Horses 25c per Head in Uarn
Haled Hay and Grain fur Hale
Comfortable Camp House
With Cook Stove
Accural Hay and Stuck .Scale
Prlcea for weighing itOr.
South Main 81., Hums
BjVI'I'sKR security for
A tin box, desk, bureau drawer or
or iron safe may keep your papers in
ordinary security, but they are scant
protection against destructive or evil
Your papers demand absolute pro
tection which you can secure by having
a Safety Deposit Box in our Safety De
posit Vaults at a cost of less than one
cent a day.
Harney County National Bank
Burns, Oregon
The Burns Hospital
Best Surgical Room and Equipment
In the State Outside of Portland.
Nice Rooms. Good Care and Com
fort for Patients Reasonable Terms
Graduated Nurse in Charge
The Q Brand
Stands for quality In
Ham. Bacon, Shoulders, Lard
If you want quality ask your merchant for
the Q brand--stamped on the skin
The mild, sweet cure packed by the Geo. W.
Young process. If your dealer does not
handle It 'phone Chas. Wilson.
We have a big supply of wire
any heighth desired and at
fcfittMaajissTraTrrraTisirWSi.i aesej ' lu.iMSjr" ii JBgT V '' 'ivvf .IT ' a "awg
jaVsssfff 1 Lh'rwr
r,cr'HSsn r "r r iH
i!iniim!ii!ini)iiiii!i'ii'iiwn EKitTmnmmgTTi i:r
arm Machinery
Don't neglect to order farming
implements until you need 'em.
Come and talk to us now im
mense stock for you to inspect.
We have handsome sets
In China also porcelain
beautiful glassware, ta
ble cuttlery, silverware
granlteware, etc., etc.
Fancy Lamps
Paints and Oils
Heaters, Ranges
Builders hardware
Sleds and Wagons
Skates. Small Bore
Rifles, Shot Guns,
Ammunition for all
size guns, Tinware,
Onion Sets, Seeds.
asaBssaawBSssaaaasaasai mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmwfl