B Sn Don't These Warm Spring Days make you think of that NEW SUIT you will be needing soon? Easter is not far away, no doubt you will want a new suit theft. Why Not Order it Now And be Prepared? We can furnish you anything you may want in the suit line. All tailor made suits guaranteed to lit. PRICES REASONABLE Call and see us whether you buy or not. We are always glad to show you Williams-Zoglmann Clothing Company Merchant Tailors and Lending Clothiers I. O. O. F. Building - - Burns, Oregon 1 I li'I'loli S ADDITIONAL lo. i . i 'oniiw yiiiki tonight. I'.r.'xl M in town from Hi' Dl . BCCrlon thlfl week. I'Yank Cull i in and wife were in die city i he toxc port of this week, E, E, I'lirin" ton ami u Ift ro expebttil ! ii 1 ) iV"i Portland today. ii.' .in . iin.i ....' i hose new ii's Willi ' uinn Clothing I i I 'i'. ami Mil. II. M ure i epected home from a tiip to i irnin tonight I '. R, , hoi ii .'. B8 over from Silver i In 1 1 Wedm daj lot kinir "in.' bu .... Bffairs. Mr I. A II. Cuiry Of Han nian at the French hut.'l the firs! of this week. II. I''. Hunllj an. I Goo. Uiy ernfl v. . re anion our I from V.'!1 -, iew (his Wwek Dr. 0, I. ('ail is 'i.' an tl for .- "fial a'.l.al inn (.. a! dll ..f eye, and n i ie, . I , . ,i . i ... i',i i. . I r.i i r . - i ... . . iiiii. i r i i . ,,1 li ..IIU WHO Jlllll their Bpn Ed were in the cit) I h omc near tin lake. Thej attended the funeral ..i Mr D. V Cawlflcld. Slock taken to punt mo duriiiR the MMKMk AddresH, .lumen II. Stewart, Burna, Oragon, 10-21. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. After un interval of wjverul weeks there will he the regular Mrvieea at the Presbyterian church tomorrow inoinin,: ainl eveninK. Sunday BSfeool at 1" o'clock, preachiew: services at II and again in the evening at the usual hour. A double quartet choir will furnish music for the erviseH. All are welcome. BAPTIST CHURCH. 10 a. m. Sunday School, Send your children and Come oin- talf, II a. m. service of worship and Instruction, "The Way of Life." 7:.'t0 p. m. service of wor hip and instruction. "The Way Call. .1 Straight." Catholic Church. I. On Sundays and Holy da- of obligation Holy .. Mftai with , 1 1 1 ...i nvi tuiiii .i. ,,....., u, ,ni. Tonawama tonlgbl Time i" think about garden A nice aaaortment In ciuding onion Beta Bl the Hums Hardware Co. K. J, McKinnon Son have eatabliahed a daily stage between Drewaey and Juntura, Connec-I tlotl made with the trains at Juntun and passengers Riven even comfoi t, Fare to Bursa 16. tumuli . I :it:t:itt:itmtttmmimi days' llol Ma tThr .Times-herald A Sad Death llll. I IRST NATIONAL HANK. i' BURNS, CAI ITAt'ANO SURPI Ul tl 00,000 "TUB hank THAT MAKES YOUR $ J $ S i I INVITED. 3 On weel al 8:90 a. in. All other Bervi.OBB those mentioned ahov announced in church; All invited and welconu dil Ine services. Sick-calls promptly answered accounts al anytime. Rellgioui In forma uon and insiruciion ; willingly beaidi wilj b to III. The Oregon Hotel ou.ll HAKSl:V. top. Comforts of Home Personal Attention Home Cooking Clean Rooms and Beds Itol iulilc Sen ice Omrluius liv.ilnienl i. .;::::::.".x:it:::iii: SPECIAL INVITATION Spring Opening We extend to all a special re quest to call and examine our NEW SPRING LINE OF GOODS Dress goods, waists, dresses, skirts new summer underwear in silk, lisle, cambric in all styles, hosiery, gloves, neckwear, new ribbons, laces, embroideries, full line trim ming, silks and buttons BROWNS SATISFACTORY STORE Quality Goods Only :i:::::;simnmrai SATURDAY. MARCH 21. IIU SUBSCRIPTION RATIS , Mrs Mahel Hemhree, wife of I JULIAN IIYRI) - - Manager !.. Hemhree, I he Rile inerchai! ; died early yesterday morning al her home from the refill of hemorrhage on the brain, She an.se with no complaint of lllne o v..r $2.00 Wednesday morning ;:i(l itai s Month. too to (lt, kitchen to prepare th. Thr.-o M..nih. "(morning metJ when she v. - ' seized suililonk wilh a '. High School Piay Success pain In the head and had I helped t.i i, r bed where mirthful lapsed, almost immediately Into unconsciousness after only a iew words I., her lin -hand, eompiel paralysifl followed. Ir. Griffil was immediately called from 1 1 ,ianv "ii ha-, p. en quite al her home in k, She i iv porti il I tl un. in ii ad of gen tl. av. . t li, Bui m:.. I9tf, tin Frani It, V "The Pennant," a operetta waa produced hy the hitfh school .indents last night at Tonawama in a very creditable manner, e pecially under the in circumstances under which the production was staged. Several of the original cast dropped out during rehear- sals and also the accompanist, but they were determined to give the operetta and some of the hoys who never pretended to sing took part anil they got away with them in such shape as was most convulsing. This play was cast and staged entirely within the student body without any musical director and was therefore a credit to the spirit of the school. Each character played the part the best they could and those under standing the circumstances w re more than pleased with the result. The receipts were even greater than they had hoped for and sufficient was realized after all expenses were paid to purchase the Victrola, also a handsome record cabinet and several line records. The students are well pleased with the patronage ac corded them and the praise of their many friends in compliment ing them on the success of the production. After the play the students enjoyed a season of dancing which was followed by refreshments. will ravel, un and Mai constantly until rhUAday nooi I ,, lr but she did not recover consciot! . j . and disadvantages l'ily a1"' stayed with the patieni I in. i imparted at Residence. Rev. Pitta Niermann. ( . I Paator of The church of Holy Family. M. the NOTICK Klt PUBLICATION. i m 1 1 1. u i ie toa i Hurna, i .......... Man h II I M i , r, i . il Wavarlt , o n i ' - Ivov, II . .1 I,, i H I-, . iimii I I, l , ... Ml, t 1. 1,-, I I. .,1 I,, I,.,, Hon .,, make n,.ai on, ,. i, . imnl, luraiahlUh lalm ,. Ilir lan.l !, .:..,! ... i:,v laii'r an.l al Rtirni un .!. ill, .U) ..: tnrll . i.iiti.Niii id, H Mi ......I, ii i , , i, i; . olaman, II ..I ..,i). ,,,,...,,, Ilanlvl .(uir. .,f rt m I , . , t . 11,,'l.irr , , s; . , : i ,n, .' - f i - , J rOB PUBLICATION , NOTICE 1'MIKHriTATKS I.ANHOFH' I a llll r . OflajM, Mai l Ki. IW4.I Null, ,- I. horaby kIvi'h thai Mr. I mi croi lull, ol liar r I n.afi. Dfagon, win, ,,tiA,rll I'., I.". niB,lf Holm ai, a. I Km r. ,s IKI7I, lor K'. -rt '. ami l.il. ;...! :l. h... II., li l, T.iwiiiIiI, r, g, I'.aui.'., HI K, IMIIaiiM-tlr Mirl.llall, I, an III, .1 lit, II. - ..Mlilriill,... In tnak.' filial It.r, .' year ,r. ,r . I,i ctalillati clalin to Ilir lalxl alaiva ,, a, ritM-,1. bafora tlo- i.-ai..,' an.i Ba i.,var al II. una. tir.-ic.ii. "" ll'' 'la) "I Aim. i .n . lalll.at.l tialna. aa ltli,-af. JnrlK I I.oiii.mhi ,,l M a -irl . Or, fou ' I . arjr. !r l.Hnniaii, Mr. iiit.iaii, all ul liar riinaii. t Iraaon Wa P ,ai.i. Ili'i...... - N ... 1 1 . .in with and ... I'e.V The d..ct..r thought ho neaa ever, at that time he could det aigns of Improvement but she died the following moj 'i Mrs. rlembree had resided i Silver Creek BMCO ciildhc.o Bl was a daughter of W. I,. I: She was :'.' yean old last Novel her and her death was a VI ' ' sudden and painful shock to h many friends and relative she had always enjoyed robu health. She was marri.d ' L Hembr light veai ago, is survived hy her lei ' father and mi ther, one bi and one sister. The funeral v. ill be held Hon day morning at 1') o'clock' from the Odd Fellows Hall, Rev. In. Benson, paator of the Presbyter ian church will conducl the I vice. ei . In is in a . ike himself fell in the ! . . hall. It i Davev will ! opposed in the primary bj any in bia party, A. tii ' . o mai has j ieldi d to the ... ; ri. nda and . andidacy for An' tin waa . . at tin laal general .1. ctii n for this pi ice. ell known to the pi .pie of th whi ro he ha n - 111 all his life, lie I man ol Id make a H N.ili.r of Final S lllrnina IN i mi; COUNTY COURT 01 Till I - i Tl. il ORBdON I OR II m i t til'NTY. In il..- iiiiiiii'i 1,1 die (tnfr 1. 1 Dnvi.l S r.iiiir., ilri'rnaril. NOTICI Is I1BRBBY i.l i;n ihnl tin- tiiiilriaiiu'il iii1iiiiiiii i ,i 1 1 . ..i 1 1,, ftlwre riiinliil ratiitr, bu Bl I I .....nil li.ri'iii. mill ll.r ll-.n... il.l, ' .i.ii.i l hompaorw, ud(( ,i i bt ill. I l.'.l . ...lit, ll.ia act M IMIiliiv III,- I ltd l;n ul April, I '.I I I, Ml the '.ill II I V I',.,. I I - III III lllll II-. 1 1. II III 1,111,1 !,,!., .is i be inn. .ma pin, , i ilh l i. ma In Mid .it, ..urn A u li-, in;- oliJMtiOM III. nl II on notified i" appeal .in.l pre ,.i 1 1 .it amil iitnr jiiiiI place. I ' ilea il lliii n, I liri'.u, lln-. , l ,.. .I M.i. Ii, l'H I 1. 1 iii i li U kl St, Ailinilliit i .it in i,l il,, il,., ,-sl Htr ' Js Buy It Because It's a Better Car $550 '.I T ii'". (r Orlroil 20 '.i .- . , ( , Il Caraa. Huraa. Orn Additional Local. Pure bred Poland-China gild for breeding purposes for sale G. W. young IStf Mrs. W'm Weber was in from Additional Locals. the farm yesterday this morning. Mann. I V. evening in thl al tho Summit Hotel, Mr. John B. Wise and Mi I. nil!,' i. roth of Catlow i T. Benson of the l'n bj i. lian church officiating, Mr, brother to Pearl quite well known here, Th i Tim. -II. raid under stand ill make their home m ( latlow. We extend our con 1 gratu I wishes. durir The present corps of teachers n the high school have been re acted for the coming year. The school has prospered well log the year coming to a and the teachers have the lidence and (rood will of the )ts, thus insuring pro- work next year. R. Biggs returned the first i week from Portland where 76 head of beef cattle. ened to strike the day bad the largest run of in the history of the Port Stock Yards. Naturally i eas-ed off but soon regained Mr kr level. The best .,::.; at 91.00 mrougnoui k. r'ni eville Journal. imes H. C. Smith, James -and Archie McGowan ses to a large com- (j( th ir lady friends on jy .,! ,''"' tbe former Kive hundi nl mi Il l. gratif) un: to the many rnendu of Sherifl Richardson to lean, that he h.i . j lelded to their wish, in seek the ..nice ha ai.lv filled for the past few and in ; announcement ap- pear iln tl .Mr. tich ird- tag mads one of Lbs isst 0IIICM1H Harm V County ever liail and hi oot confined to any one political parly. There is 1 Q doubl of his lieiiiR the The local basket ball team wcnl nonpnee of in. partj and it is over to Harney Saturday evening ii he will agaht Nyals Baby Cough Remedy for baby's catiRli at The Welcome Pharmacy. Walter Cross has been down from Trout Creek visiting li 1 wife tin's week. For Sale Jack, five years old and a good foal getter. A .1. Skienes, Burns, Oregon. 1!UI. Null. la Crrdilura. Hi, iiii.I. laiKinil hating U, i Ulj . minted Adminlitrsloi with th. Will anncieil ( tin- Bit all ,,i It .1. .....I I..M in;: duly .ii:tiin. .1 ., l'n li. all ptrioni I11 vim; elafau iln- aai.l i-i.ni will present ilns.ui, iiiik-iI viiilicl to inr nl niv Burns, Oregon, within -m mpnthi I KtiM DATBOH nils 11, , in, il,, Bril ptilillcationul liu'liia Miinli Blif,tOI 1 N M Mn in , I in i lllall,. 1, i il li lln- U ill 1 1 1 1 1 ..... I . iln- Batata ..ill 1 nil . . . NOTICE I'Hlt PUHLICAf.ON Unl iii, .-T.ia- I 1 m. .,1 1 1. 1 . , H11 , ... 111, aoB, Manli .... Ill, Sou,. 1. 1, ,1.1,, thai k,hiii I Nnatll 1,1 an,,w.. l,ia.,li. Hl.o. ,111 ,1.1 I l, 1, 1,, Mar, 1 ,. lull, ri,.,,i'llvi.y, ma,!,- II .1, H.'.ll). Ni .... ., -... n ,Mt. -,-, 1 . 1 - 1; 11 ami Nh'Si.i. h, , 11,111 .1 lownalili Itajta a) K , Wlllainitl. i,..i,liaii, .. 11 , ., ,...,!., i-l Il.l.' 1. II, ,11 I,, mak, I il.nl ll,i. . I i. I. I,, aallblltta , lalm to th, la,,. I ai... a. 1. 1.... 1 baton Iti-ni.trr an.l Ki linn,., in, if, hi. ,,n Iln, .1, li ,1., ,,( April I, It ' iNliiinnt liali'uaaa Hlllic.a.a ll.i, l.,l,i. 1 liallia llarkliaua Ullln.i I 1 lai II . all ol lliini. in, k,,ii Mai, iilr -.1 Niilniwa. Ill, K, ,11. Ma. Inn. BtvMlap - f I asTl llTlt I'l aaaT m I v 1 SsSmmmm -" ffaBaSsiBasAl bWMbjbbjbjnp - mmfmmtmtKmmtmmmmmm I ...... iiai -BBBBBBBBBBBBaaaBBamavjiiaBaaBBmm FOR A LIMITED TIME Per cent OFF Heavy Shirts Heavy Uunderwear Mackinaw Coats Sheep & blanket lined coats Sweater coats Sweaters A. K. Richardson General Merchandise feSaaaaaaaB lint Interior Warehouse & Grain Go VALE, ORKi.ON Wholesale and Kelail Flour, Wire and Nails BLACKSMITH COAI. ALFALFA SEED John Deere Farm Implements and Wagons POULTRY SUPPLIES :&ds0 HARNEY VALLEY HOSPITAL MODERN A DOCTOR ALWAYS IN THE HOSPITAL" Eackiaiaa for Sur.icl. Madical and Coafinemant Ca.e. WE STRIVE TO PLEASE. PATIENTS MAY HAVE ANY PHYSICIAN THEY CHOOSE WHILE IN THIS HOSPITAL Succm in HoiUl work Uo.1, .i.iaad bw cloaa and J,id ...cnlioo I. dria.l. by Irainad AlterwJaol. " DBS. STANDARD and HARRIS, Burns, Ore. and played a Kami; with the t am be vtvm n to of that plaff. Ths Burns team ll the oilin wi-rt' t ii" The annoiinciiH nl of h'rrrl Denstedt aa a candidate for county judflN js found in thja issue. Mr. Denstedt is an Id resident of thin county and one of our substantial men who takes an interest in public affairo. Tom Allen, head man on ths P Ranch of the Hanlev property, and Atty. C. H. Ionnrd have just returned from Luke county where they went to investigate some cattle of the Hanley Com pany that bad been found in (he feed yards of Mr. Muss Tin Hred several head. r A noise, Kiaiin, wiin making regular tripij l 1 tast several years, . lltii'i fin While It Lasts. In BlffaWCiaillil I! in liinenl Slalinn w ill lll a limiti d amount of the i'l lowing "liinlilv reeArnmended main .; in small quantities to saoj) purc,hs sr Swaiiiiti'i. barley: 60 lbs or lss al :: (Thi ' .1 tin- lii;;ln-. I irlil- i 1 1 1 bai I' ) "'i' of 89 varieties Un 'I on the Station laal yasrj shatti i"; very little and Is of good quality, ) Sixl.y ,l)ay Oal.s: 100 lbs or less ai i (This was third highest in yield oi Ifi vai letiei on ths sta tion last year, li la the earliest IiIkIi yielding OBI Known anil eon- tain ten or fifteen per cent more kernel per unit of weight than ordinary oaln. ) lelanil Climax Outs: 200 lbs as. ut iJiv i A good yielder i bio or Lhn weeks later Sixty Day.) your communications neiil Stution, Miiii'il in the FOUR LANDAU ROADSTER The Studebaker Four Roadster is n car of dual type and manifold advantages. As a Roadster the car presents a distinguished appearance, differing but little from the conventional type. When desired, however, it is only few minutes' work to change it into a closed car impenetrable to wind, cold, and rain. The Studebaker name guaran tees appearance, durability and minimum cost of maintenance. I l.r Slud.hai.. -r SIX Touring car . I andau-Ruad,lr-i Sedan 91 5711 00 SI son on szz&o no I In Mm I. I,., I,. , I t ii H luurinf Car - . $1050011 Dalivary Car - . (II6S.U0 AS Pram P. o H l ,i Electrically Stand Electrically lighlei U fofy , 4-M $1200 IliaWn ' a. BlIBaaMlJPBfcBjPJ MjSSSmmm . m Fair Feed Yard GRAIN OF ALL KINDS Timothy, Alfalfa and Red Top Hay Baled Hay For Sale Free Camp House and Feeding: Privileges in Corral or Barn. Customers Care For Own Stock. W. A. GOODMAN. Adir.in.na- PoS- n .1.. ,-..,......, , ,, viiuunua. Write for free copy of the Studebaker Proof Book, containing sixty.four pagei of information on the manufacture of the Studebaker automobile! Lampshire's Garage, Burns, Ore. "Buy It Because It's a Studebaker" OUR NEW GOODS Have arrived and we are now ready to supply you with your requirements..... MANY NEW LINES hare bam added end goods will be sold at thai VERY LOWEST PRICES CAIX OR SEND TOUR ORDERS The Burns Department Store JOB WORK We do it right '.- i taction in tii-