The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, March 14, 1914, Image 3

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1914 MARCH 1914
Statement Of The Condition
Of Th.
First National Bank
of Burns
At the close of business March 4th, 1914.
H. The UrMl Circulation Of Any
Nfwtpup.r In Harney County.
Local News.
Play it safe buy a Ford. 17.
W. A. Welty was a luisiiu'.ss
visitor during the week.
Pickard China and Libby cut
jrlass make beautiful and ns.l'iil
wedding presents.
Geo. Cobb was in from his
home in the Valley View soil ion
Finest alfalfa, timothy and red
top hay baled may be had at the
Goodman feed barn is south Hums
J. P. Withers and Jasper
Davis were down from Harney
Timothy and clover seed for
sale at the White Front Ham,
Hums. -W. T. VanderVeer. 15tf.
R. E. Reed, of Diamond, was
the purchaser of a Holstein cow. j
from the Harney County Nation-!
al Bank herd.
It speakes to the heart through
the pocket-book. That's w hy
the Ford is a friend to thousands
the world over. 17.
Frank Dibble and son Willie
and Buck Bower came over from
Silver Creek Sunday to shoot at
the trans with the boys.
Iioans and Discounts $332,494.09
U. S. Bonds 41,000.00
Bonds and Securities 82,508.57
Premium on U. S. Bonds 1,955.00
Real Estate, Furniture and Fixtures 8,504.92
Five per cent Redemption Fund 1,250.00
CASH 101,653.91
Surplus and Undivided Profits
$ 25,000.00
Capital and Surplus SIOO.OOO.
United States Depositary
Pictures tomorrow night.
Nat Henney and Fred Gehrung
were up from Sunset Thursday.
If you value your dollars- you'll
buy a Ford. 17,
James Gilbert was in from his
farm Wednesday.
lust remember this: Ford
quality is the big reason for
Ford popularity 17.
Albert Oakerman was over
from his Silver Creek home
during the week.
Be sure and see those new ties
Williams-Zoglmann Clothing Co.
are showing.
People are forbidden from tres
passing on the south half of
section 18, township 23, range
30. John Seethoff. 17tf.
To Trade House and lot in
Spokane for tract of land near
Burns or Burns or Bums proper
ty. See Thompson & Deegan.
. i .
We do job printing.
Read the Ford car ad.
Hutterick patterns at Luna
burg, Dalton & Co. 62tf.
Henry Jennings was in the city
on business yesterday.
Scott Hayes is up from his
home near Ijjwen.
Break up that cold with Wel
Onion bo's at the Burns Hard
ware Co.
W. II. Morrison was in town
during the week.
Dry cleaning and pressing at
the Bums Steam Laundrv. 4tf.
Those desiring Chas. Wilson
butter should leave orders at the
Burns Department Store.
Cu.tomer. and other, de.irina ... to Break UP that Cold with Wei- ,
MMh ,.. will pie... nd u. . Comes Cold Tablets. m Vray " wile were in
Ta Collector-. tatement of tlir a.,,., unl 1 Mi- fit V from the Hammail SCC-
due together infraction, for pay. Carroll Cecil and Isaac Foster tion yesterday.
mant of the am.. FIRST NATIONAL wrre over from Silvi-r Creek tin- .. . . .
I" --- I'lire llfl I'll 'iniLI hinu T,e
The Clay Clemens sawmill is
now at its new location and is
prepared to fill any order with
rough or dressed lumber, also tir
lumber; buck teeth and any
special order given prompt at
tention. 32.
The Harney County National
Bank of Burns, is distributing
free to the farmers of the County
Minnesota 23 seed corn, a variety
suitable for this section and ad
fore part of this week.
breeding purposes for
For Sale or Trade for a stallion W. Young
of equal value, a first class young' THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF
Jack. Also 3 Gennles, Address BURNS. CAPITAL AND a u R P L u s
T. L. Newell. Narrows, Ore. JSJf "THE bank THAT makes
The Harney County National R p siior hn annA nmlminnu
Bank will be pleased to attend wood and hay. delivered to any
to the payment of your taxes place in town. Phone him at
upon receipt of your instructions residence. 1 1 1 f
R. T. Hughet has announced ' A. H. Curry, the Harriman-
his candidacy for county clerk. Andrews stage man. was in the
apted for dry farming. The! Mr. Hughet has held that office ! citv yesterday on business. He
seed corn was procured from C. 'since the resignation of Ed
L. Smith, Agriculturist of the! Waters and has been a very salis-Oregon-Washington
Railroad and factory and accommodating
Navigation Co. officer.
Some of the members of the' Dr. C. C. Babbidge, the alfalfa
Rod and Gun Club were at the farmer of Valley View, was in
traps Sunday afternoon for a town Thursday and his friends
shoot. The scores were not very didn't know whether Louis Hill
high as the boys are out of prac- had just dropped in un-announced
tice. It is the intention to move or not. Dr. Babbibge has grown
the traps to the fair grounds a fine crop of "alfalfa" on his
where a permanent place will be face and if he is as successful in
fixed for the traps and necessary ' bringing results from the soil the
pits and proper platforms will be rabbits will have to go some to
constructed for shooting. get the best of him.
before buying elsewhere and
I carry a complete line of
at the lowest possible cash prices
- General Merchandise -
Hasonlc Building,
- Burns, Oregon
reports the road over Juniper
very bad.
Strayed or Stolen One bay
mare branded N E on left Bhoul
der, one brown mare branded
II I on left shoulder; both ani
mals gentle. Suitable reward
for information leading to their
recovery. -H. Eichner, Harney,
Oregon. 14tf
The local post office has re
ceived word that the mail from
the east is now to be routed by
way of Juntura. Just what the
arrangements are we are not able
to find out at this time, but it
will make quite a difference in
the service from that direction
and change the contract of R. J.
McKinnon & Son.
For Sale A complete and up
to date sawmill outfit which con
sists of a 50 horse Russell engine
and boiler, a heavy Russell double
mill with gang edger. cutoff rig,
saws, belting and shafting. Can
be had at a bargain if taken
soon. Reasonable terms can be
had on a portion of the purchase
price if wanted. Address A. L.
M. Care Times-Herald, Bums,
For Sale- Registered Clydes
dale stallion, George Chamber
lain, No. U872, 10 years old.
weight about 1900 lbs. An Al
breeder and acclimated. Desire
another horse as I have a number
of young mares of his get to breed
this year. Have also a stallion 2
years old this spring, sired by
George Chamberlain, and a num
ber of work horses for sale. -Call,
write or 'phone, Chas. Wil
son, Bums, Oregon. 1 it r
Died At the Cummins hospital
last Tuesday afternoon, William
Christian. Deceased had been
suffering with kidnev trouble for
several years and his death was
not unexpected. He was an old
time resident of this county,
having been employed by the P.
L. S. Co. and other big stock
concerns in the early days. He
was well known to all pioneers
of this county who are sorry to
learn of his demise. The Times
Herald was unable to ascertain
his age. He had no relatives in
this section. The funeral was
held Wednesday, interment in
Just received a nice line of
new winged collars they are the
latest. - Williams-Zoglmann Clo
thing Co.
Miss Monroe, the magazine
writer, was in the city again
Tuesday. She has been gather
ing material for some magazine
articles in this section.
J. W. Buchanan and wife and
Mrs. Will Gates were in the city
this week visiting at the home
of Roe Buchanan and wife.
Mrs. Gates' daughter is a pupil
in the high school.
Geo. Smyth has been sojourn
ing in the city with his family
during the past few days. He's
no earthly good on the ranch
during this period of the year so
Press is glad to ship him.
Estrayed One red and white
muley cow branded a script fig
ure four or an oar lock on right
side came to my place in Drewsey
about three weeks ago. Owner
please come prove property, and
pay charges and for this adv.
F. J. Upton.
Austin Goodman is ready to
grind grain and has a building
in which it mav lx stored bv
farmers at any time. He will
grind one day each week and
farmers may store their grain
any day and get it when con
venient. He is prepared to take
grain as ay for grinding at the
market price. Special prices on
large quantities. 44tf.
Tonawama tonight
Feature pictures at Tonawama.
John Witzell was in town this
Thermos bottles at the Wel
come Pharmacy.
The market price imid for
chickens at the Oregon Hotel. IK.
Merman Ruh and wife were
among our visitors from Uwhi
during the week.
A. Dunn will deliver you wood
at any time, having good mahog
any or -pine. Btf.
Robt. Drinkwater and wife
came over from Cow Creek
yesterday and are guests of their
daughter, Mrs. C. A. Harlan.
Cleaning, pressing and repair
ing a Specialty. Indies' clothes
as well as mens. Williams-Zogl
mann Clothing Co.
Dean Morton was over
his home in Diamond Valley this
week renewing acquaintances
and attending to some business.
ror aie une .sawmill com
plete, with logging Sleds and
Trucks, with or without timber,
for terms see H. M. Horton.
Mrs. John Schenk will give
lessons in Irish Crochet everv
Thursday afternoon at her home
in Burns. 4
Sir Fobes Burke De Kol 3d. a
two year old pure blood Holstein,
was purchased by H. F. Huntley
and others of Vallev View, this
is one of the three registered
bulls shipped from Wisconsin by
the Harney County National
For County Judge.
1 nereny announce myse f a
candidate for the office of Countv
Judge of Harney county subject
to the decission of the democratic
voters at the primary election
May 15, 1914. I stand for a just.
economical and business adminis
J. P. Withers,
Harney, Oregon.
For Counly Clara.
in the belief that my service
during the past year, as County
Clerk, has been satisfactory to
the public, I hereby announce
myself as a Republican candidate
for nomination for the nflW nf
County Clerk of Harney County
at the primary election on May
15. 1914.
18tf R. T. Hughet.
For County Clark.
I hereby announce my can
didacy for county clerk, subject
to the decision of the democratic
voters at the primaries on May 15
J. O. Cawleield.
We believe many women do not patron
ize banks because they do not understand
how banking is transacted and that a bank
is principally a place for men.
As a matter of fact a women needs the
services of a bank just as much as a man.
This bank has among its customers a large
number of women who thoroughly appre
ciate its efforts to assist them in the trans
action of their banking business, and no
woman need hesitate to avail herself of our
We are always pleased to explain the
few simple matters regarding the proper
keeping of a bank account
To the I .adies You are cordi
ally invited to call and see the
new styles and beautiful materials
for tailor made suits, made to
your measure and a perfect fit
quarenteed, highest class work
manship. Clingans Millinery
Parlors. Emmaline Hale. Ao-ent.
Mrs. Ollie Darsey. who re
cently took charge of the Oregon
Hotel, reports trade good at her
popular eating place. She is of
pioneer Mamey county family
and is well known to all the old-
time residents who are sure of
a hearty welcome at her hotel.
For County Treasurer
1 nereov announce mwr n
andidate for nomination for
county treasurer, subject to the
decision of the republican voters
at the primary election on May
15th. If nominated and elected
I expect to devote my time and
energies to the duties of the
office and to conduct it with the
same care and impartiality which
I have applied to it in the past.
R. A. Miller.
A B. Whitney and wife are
home from a visit to their daugh
ter, Mrs. John Kessler, over in
Idaho. While the Kesslers are
nicely situated with a fine farm
home Mrs. Whitney told the
manager of this great religious
weekly that she was glad to be
back in Harney Valley and has
no regrets that her home is Here.
Mr. and Mrs. Kessler are enjoy
ing good health and are prosper
ing in their new home which is
on the Snake River under the
Twin FallB irrigation project.
Principal Sutton of the public
school handed this office copies
of the Springfield, Lane county,
papers in which is the annouce-
ment of Mel Fenwick as a candi
date for representative. Mel
stands on a good platform, as he
most generally did while a re
sident of this county, but he
didn't seem to stand so well with
the voters in final results. No
doubt if Mel makes an active
campaign in his district and will
enlighten the people for instance
on the subject of "perkapesha"
he II pretty near win.
Married Wednesday evenintr.
March 11, at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Isaac Schwartz in this
city, Mr. Ernest Musick and Miss
Gertrude Gerstel, City Recorder
Van Winkle performing the
ceremony. This was ope of the
most complete surprises that has
ever been pulled off on friendB
in this city as their most intimate
friends did not know the marri
age was to take place that even
ing. Both are very popular young
people who have resided here
for several years. The bride bus
been bookkeeper in the I.
Schwartz store for some time
and Mr. Musick was also employ
ed there for Borne time resigning
his position only last month to
associate himself with Walter
Sullivan in the pool hall. They
left immediately after the cere
mony for Alex Hanley's country
home where they have been since
but they will return to Burns to
morrow evening. Mrs. Musick
expects to resume her position
in the Schwartz store for the
present at least and thev will be
domiciled in the Schwartz home
for the time being. The Timen-
Herald joins the many friends
in extending best wishes for a
happy and prosperous married
The present spring weathei is!
helping to dry up the roads but
it is rather a slow process, as the
melting snow has saturated the
soil and it is going to take some
time before the roads will be
settled sufficiently to permit
travel in a pleasant way or with
any certainty as to when one
will reach his destination.
Claud Smyth met with a very
painful accident at the Allen
Jones home last Saturday. He
was assisting in driving some
hogs and while using a heavy
whip the lash came back striking
him in the eye with great force.
A physician was called immedi
ately and for a time it was fear
ed the sight was gone, but his
doctor states he is much better
and he is confident he will save
the eye. He is being cared for
at the French hotel.
mL L!L . .N
ine nign waier nas made 11
necessary for the light plant to
start its gasoline engine and as
yet it hasn't been entirely ad
justed, therefore the service is
not as sure as in the past.
Manager Dwyer wishes to an
nounce to patrons that if one
"blink" is given the lights they
may know the interval is for
changing from gas power to
water, but if the usual three
"blink" signal is given they had
better look for a candle as it
might be some little time before
the electric lights come on again.
For County Judge.
I hereby announce my can
didacy for the nomination of
County Judge of Harney County,
subject to the decision of the re
publican voters at the primary
to be held May 15, 1914. I stand
for a fair, impartial, economic
J. L. Sitz,
Drewsey, Oregon.
For County Judga,
I hereby announce myself as a
candidate for County Judge of
Harney County, subject to the
decision of the democratic voters
at the primaries on May 15, 1914.
J. R. Jenkins.
16 Happy Valley.
For Sheriff.
In compliance with the request
of friends, I hereby announce
my candidacy for the office of
Sheriff of Harney County, sub
ject to the decision of the repub
lican electors at the primary,
May 15th, 1914. If elected, I
pledge myself to conduct the af
fairs of the office, faithfully and
according to law, and to collect
and turn over all funds belonging
to the County promptly.
16tf Tom Sprague.
The Burns Hospital
Best Surgical Room and Equipment
In the State Outside of Portland.
Nice Rooms. Good Care and Com
fort for Patients-Reasonable Terms
Graduated Nurse in Charge
--" ' ' -s -
The Q Brand
Stands for quality In
Ham. Bacon. Shoulders, Lard
If you want quality ask your merchant for
the Q brand -stamped on the skin
The mild, sweet cure packed by the Geo. W.
Young process. If your dealer does not
handle It 'phone Chas. Wilson.
Plical al Mill for product.:
Flour IS.SO in S-bbl. Iota or mora.
Bran $1.26 por hundred.
Rolling barley 2.00 par (on in Ion Iota
or mora, Cuttoaner in all ca... lo
furnjih eacaa.
Until furth.r nolica (ho followina Caeh
Price, will prevail in .ailing mania:
Hug., whole or half, lie. por lb.
Choice pork tenke, 18c. par lb.
" loin, 20c
Whole pork ahoulder 12 l-2c.
Leg of pork, I Be
Front quarter mutton, 10c.
Hind quarter mutton, 12 l-2c.
Choice mutton for .tew, 8c.
Mutton chop., ISc,
Hind quarter beef, 13c.
Front quarter beel, lie
Beef all cut. at reasonable price.
The intention of the Company at all
lima, to par be beat price and .ell on
clo.e.t margin conaiatant with good buai
ne.. management.
For County Sheriff.
I hereby announce myself as
candidate for Sheriff of Harnev
county subject to the decision of
the Republican voters at the pri
mary May 15, 1914. If elected I
pledge myself to be satisfied with
the regular salary $2400 a year;
without the expenses as allowed
by the lost legislature which will
be a saviiiK of $J00 a year to the
taxpayers of Harney County.
Roland Hankins,
14tf Harney, Oregon.
We have a big supply of wire
any heighth desired and at
For County Clerk.
At the solicitation and with
encouragement of a large num
ber of friends, I have decided to
become a candidate for County
Clerk of Harney county, subject
to the decision of the democratic
voters at the primary May If),
Wm. M. Carroll,
13tf Catlow Valley
llefflTl dJS jfl "g .VgV,. JgeTs aWeeS !El 'f "
ittiJKmlKSE&KSWnfiMffmtSv ' WH,.annnnU-antfal WT sSLI "' r
AMLmS B J ...Lmi .. -- -4-
'' Wx'JJ
Trtou Shell Auto CUtset
Feed Barn I
II. II .l.lti'l-l . Prop.
Horse a Boarded by the
Day, Week or Month
Good Feed and
Reasonable prices
Hornet 28c per Head In Barn
Baled Hay and Grain for Hale
Comfortable Camp House
With Cook Stove
Accurst Hay and Mock Bcalaa
Price for weighing 20c.
South Mala 81. , Burnt
Farm Machinery
Don't neglect to order farming
implements until you need 'em.
Come and talk to us now im
mense stock for you to inspect.
We have handsome sets
in China, also porcelain
beautiful glassware, ta
ble cuttlery , silverware
granlteware, etc., etc.
Fancy Lamps
Paints and Oils
Heaters, Ranges
Builders hardware
Sleds and Wagons
Skates, Small Bore
Rifles, Shot Guns,
Ammunition for all
size guns, Tinware,
Onion Sets, Seeds.
7 fl4srb'
the Burns cemetary.