flte fpttte r i If 11 CITY OF BURNS The Biggest City In The Biggest COUNTY OF HARNEY J The Biggest County In The State County In The State Of Oregon I r s Of Oregon, Best In The West VOL XXVII BURNS, HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON, MARCH 14, 1914 NO. 18 A J -4v-1 IN WP ASKS FOR PROTECTION OF RECLAMATION FUND Sinnott Asks House to Have Money from Lands Secure Water. Amendment Offered Would Have Public Lands Funds Spent for Reclamation. It Was Rejected by the Committee Common Sense Comment On Present Tex System A Washington dispatch to the' merit. Sinnott will offer it of Journal says: Representative n house. Sinnott precipitated a lively de bate in the house committee oti irrigation and public lands today by proposing the following amendment: School Rally Featured By Dairy Demonstration ine puouc scnoois 01 un-nu" !are hoirinninur to teach what the That it is hereby declared to ' people want taught. Practical be the duty of the secretary of dairying has been incorporated the interior in carrying out the ' in the st.noo 8y8tem as one of provisions of the reclamation law as far as the same may be prac ticable and subject to the exis tence of feasible irrigation pro jects, to expend the major portion of the funds arising from the sale of public lands within each state (and territory ) cont touting! thereto for the benefit of arid and semi-arid lands within the limits of such state (or territory); the ten projects of industrial club work, and is receiving the attention its importance demands. Fourteen clubs were organized in l'olk county last fall and their members have carried on the work of testing milk and keep ing dairy herd rocords for three months. Results are very gratify ing. Baboees: testers were placed provided that the secretary may , m these fourteen schools by the temporarily use such portion of said funds for the benefit of arid or semi-arid lands in any parti cular state (or territory) contri buting thereto as he may deem advisable, but when so used the excess shall be restored to the fund as practicable to the end that ultimately and in any event within each 20 year peiriod after the passage of this act the expen ditures for the benefit of the said states (and territories) shall be equalized according to the pro portions and subject to the con ditions as to practicability and feasibility aforesaid." Sinnott submitted an argument showing the unfairness of the present system by which Oregon has paid in $10,000,000 and re ceived only $3,000,000 Sinnott paid a compliment to Secretary Lane, who, he said, was doing the best he can with the limited funds at his disposal; but Lane, he declared, will not be secretary of the interior always, and it was important to have the statu tory law corrected tocontiol fu ture secretaries of the interior. Members of the committee ac knowledged the justice of Ore gon's claims, but took the posi tion that passage of the bill would be hampered by Sinnott's amend school boards, and their use de monstrated by Professor W. A. Bair, the Agricultural College specialist in charge of the work. About COO cows are on test in these fourteen schools. Their milk is weighed every day, and taken to school on the fifteenth of each month to be tested. The tests are supervised by the teach er to act during vacation. Re cords of the amount and butter fat contents of each cow's milk for one year are kept by the contestants. A cow demonstration was given by Professor Barr ataschoo rally in Airlie Saturday, February 28. Five cows had been led to the school house by members of the school board and other persons, and were used for scoring and judging by the teachers, pupils and parents assembled. Some very good judging was done by a number of boyB, who excelled their teachers in scoring and placing. The effect of the dairy school work is already quite noticeable. There is great interest in types of cows, puredred bull, balanced rations, sanitary production, and cow' records. Many residents expect to see the dairy industry grow rapidly. The Portland Telegram offers the following pertinent sugges tions regarding the tax questien: Paying taxes this year is caus ing more howls and complaints than usual. In the first place they are too high. In the second place, there is a pyramiding penalty for every month that they are not paid. In the third place, money is scarce. And in the fourth, fifth, sixth and other places, it is not con tended that there is really any need of dumping all the tax mon ey into the County Treasury in a lump when the county doesn't need the money for immediate use. There is steadily incieasing demand that taxes be paid quar terly or semi-annually, instead of citizens being forced, under penalty, to pay the taxes in a lump. Consider the poor taxpayer. Persons who have not ready money to pay their taxes and yet who wish to avoid the heavy penalty, must Inirrow from the bank. The average individual in this position must pay the high est rate of interest, 7 or 8 per cent, for instance. The borrow- FORM ORGANIZATION FOR ELECTRIC ROAD Drewsey People to Promote Line From Riverside up Malheur to the Logan Valley. Estimated Billion Feet of Timber Tapped. Only Practical Route to Bring it to The Markets A large mass meeting was hold by which this timber can be mar- at Drewsey last Saturday for the purpose of promoting an electric railway from Riverside up the Malheur past Drewsey, to tap the timber belt near Ixigan Valley. keted, there is absolutely no doubt but that this road will be built in the near future John & Johnson ft Sons, the promoters of the large power pro ject n the Malheur River, have A permanent organization was agreed to furnish the necessary formed with the following officers power to operate this road. This elected: President, J. L. Bits; Vice-president, I. M. Davis; Sec retary, W. I). Baker; Treasurer, C. W. Drinkwater. A Committee of Finance was elected consisting of the follow ing members; J, Edwin Johnson, B. E. Dunton and John Oti This committee will commence immeadiately to raise funds by stock subscription for the purpose of making preliminary surveys will be a cheap line to maintain, as the tonnage will all go out on a water grade, which will require but a comparatively small amount of power. Mr. John F. Johnson will have charge of the engineering of the road, and it is expected that ar rangements will bo made by the date of the next meeting, March 21st. for surveys to be made. LATEST DEVELOPMENT LEAGUE NOTES (l-'i nil Our Portland Corrcupomlrht) A campaign in which all the states of the Pacific Coast are ; actively joining is that now being ! made to secure an amendment to the present parcel post regula- I tions affecting the mailing of seeds, bulbs, plants, cuttings, i etc. Under present provisions, I these must all take a flat rate of one cent for two ounces, which means that the man who mails some plants to his neighbor five miles away pays exactly the same postage he would if mailing them to New York. This is such a manifest dis crimination against the farmer, the gardner and the seedsman who hopes to build up a business in his own locality that commer cial clubs, granges and hundreds of individuals are addressing spirited protests to their con gressional delegates in Washing ton. Every additional letter will help, and it is hoped that readers of this paper will use their best efforts toward securing this amendment STOCK RANCH HOME STEADS OF 640 ACRES Bill Introduced Making This Possible for Stock Raicing Purposes. Ranges May be Leased, but the Homestead Laws Shall Remain Operative Within Such Districts, is Report A bill has been introduced in Congress which proposes to au thorize the President to establish gracing districts upon the public land of the United States which, when established, can be modifi ed or revoked only in five year periods, the districts to be under charge of the Secretary of Agri culture and leased for grazing with right to the lessee to fence wie unci leased, me Dill pro vides that the homestead laws shall remain operative within raising stock on a large .scale vanishing with the proposed new laws. er may get the money from the land incorporating an organization I p L. S. Co. Shipping Cattle. The Strongest appeal to the most refined taste is made by Harmony Rose Glycerine Soap Purely Vegetable, Delicately Pcrfnned ISc. Per Cake, 2 for 25c. WE ARE AGENTS-- Rexall Drug Store REED RROS. Props. THE WHITE FRONT LIYERY, FEED AND SALE STABLE We have ooniined our business entirely to the White Front where we are prepared to care for our customers better than ever before HORSES FED FOR 20c. PER HEAD AND UP Baled Hay and (irain for Sale at Market Prices. Good Hay in Stack $4.50 Per Ton. Delivered in Burnt, $6.50 Per Ton I The Burns-Vale Stage Line .(i-llour Schedule from Railroad Close Connections Made With Trains East. Cofortable Conveyances for Prssengers. Fare, $10. Careful Attention and Prompt Delivery of Express and Freigha Entrust ed to Our Care. Freight 2 l-2c. Per Pound. R. J. McKinnon & Son BURNS, - OREGON bank in the morning and pay the taxes, and this money may be back in the bank by 3 o'clock in the afternoon. The County Treasurer takes the money which Mr. Taxpayer has borrowed at 7 or 8 per cent, and puts it back in the bank a few hours later, and the bank pays 2 per cent to the county for the privilege. So the bank makes ti per cent, or something like that, for allowing a few dollars to be taken out of the vault for less than a day. If the transaction is by check it may never leave the bank at all. No urgent necessity of the county demands the immediate use of the tax money. The tax money is rolling in, and will re main, for the greater part, in bank for months. There is an agitation on foot that the taxes be paid quarterly, so the burden will fall more lightly on the tax payers bv giving more time to meet the rates, and the county, receiving its tax fund in four installments, will not be incon venienced, but will have the money as it is needed. Quarterly payments will not work a hard ship on anyone, and will do away with the necessity of borrowing by the taxpayers. County Court. weights and per day for engaged in County sealer of measures given $5 every day actually work. J. L Caldwell appointed an ex tra deputy of the assessor for three months at a salary of $100 per month. County surveyor instructed to re-locate certain portions of county roads. Final report of Chas. Wilson, roadmaster of district No. 3 ap proved. High school building insured for $2500. P. II Atkinson, who was hurt while employed on the county roads, was awarded $198.85 in full for his injuries. Hoard of road viewers ordered to view county road petitioned for by E. B. Moon and others. Same order on road asked by W. H. Byram. Same order for C, P. Jewett road. tlohn Smyth given license to sell liquor in Andrews precinct. A. S Whitney appointed con stable for Valley View precinct. Bert Stillson appointed janitor at court house and yard at a salary of $60 per month. Salary of stock inspector in creased from $350 to $4000 per annum. Maurine Jones, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Tom Jones, was selected to represent Vale in the forthcoming contest between Vale and Ontario. At the tryout held at the High school auditor ium Friday night Maurine show ed such marked and phenomenal ability that no doubts exist as to the result of the Ontario contest to take place March 27. Vale Enterprise. 10 oc Known as me mainour val ley Electric Railway Co. StepB will now lie made tointer ert capital in the building of this road. The large timber owners are already interested in this un dertaking, and the sentiment here is that the large timber owners are expected to furnish the capital for the building oi this road. It is estimated by competent men that one billion feet of tim ber can be tapped by this road. As this is the only practical route Walter M. Glenn returned the first of the week from Echo, Ore., where he suerintended the feed ing of 1,650 head of Pacific Live Stock company beef cattle the past winter 1,000 of which were shipped to the Portland market last week. He returned to Echo Tuesday to assist with another shipment and the culls that are left over will be shipped with 1,000 head that will be shipped from Huntington to California next week. Ontario Democrat. n, D tl . r, . . . . ! uch districts, except, that the The Portland Commercial Club ltnnn ... ,k . shall have his improvements, shall not be subject to settlement without the consent of the lessee. It is proposed to enact a bill whereby a citizen of the United States may take 640 acres of land for stockraising purposes. The bill is called "A bill to provide for stock-raising homesteads." The land will be subject to entry only after the land has been sel ected and designated by the" Sec retary of the Interior, says the Public School Teachers Elected for Coming Year. At a meeting of the sch'ol board held Tuesday afternoon the following teachers wer elected for the coming year: Y. IM. Sutton, principal; Miss Lena iHarkey, 7th grade; Miss Hodder, 6th grade; Miss Cawlfield, 5th is co-operating with the Oregon Civic League in an attempt to relieve uresent rnnHirinna in Portland in regard to the unem ployed, and on request can se cure the names of a considerable number of people who are anxi ous to secure employment on farms throughout this state. Any inquiries in this connection addressed to the Portland Com mercial Club will be given prompt attention. Neva Knid Miss Mrs. Miss BUICK MOTOR CARS Fours and Sixes Price 8Q180 rjrio $1483 HE J U i ' WWSS bba am ffipl I ) ymZc!& enC. .. iwmw rfmMmSKx MOwM ksXmT 'mm e?JA m JPrioe 81879 a. bBbsSi 'si ' W hi HsHsm'l JE3r-ioe 81185 Price 810SO Dates for the International Enterprise Livestock Exposition have been Homesteaders who are in a fixed for December 7-12, 1914 at stockraising country may take an the Union Stockyards in Port- nutation m..imt t,. ,. n, Most Economical andJMost Powerful Car on the Market for the Money A. K. RICHARDSON, Agt. BURNS, - OREGON land. The announcement is made thus early in the season in order that stockmen and ranchers may have a long season in which to prepare their exhibits. General Manager Plummer states that this will probably be the only first class stock show in the count ry at which no entry fees are charged to exhibitors or; admission fee to the visiting i public. The premium list is tht largest and most comprehensive ever ofTered in the Northwest The first annual short course for farmers conducted in Crook County by the Oregon Agricul tural College has just closed an extremely satisfactory session. The registration for the course was 250 and the average attend ance 180. Farmers attended from all parts of the county, some ! coming a distance of 60 miles and remaining throughout the week. The Crook County High School and the Prineville Com mercial ('luh are given much Credit for the success of th course. Market Report. Receipts at the Portland Union Stock Yards for the week ending March 7 were: Cattle, 2962; Calves. 26; Hogs, 5386; Sheer. 4016. Cattle run Monday was the largest in the history of the yards, 2700 head being received. Prices eased off but almost regained their former level Tuesday. The receipts the latter part of the week were light. Best steers selling throughout the week at $7 65 and remain steady at that price. Swine liquidation was also large, choice light stuff closing at slightly less than last week. Tops dropped to $8 50 and $8 60 Monday in bulk with three loads at $8 70 week's range averaged $N M) which is about ten cents under February level. Sheep house activity was limit ed by. a short run and the trade absorbed everything in sight greedily. Both wool and shear ed stuff was offering with prime fat wool lambs selling around $6 80 wethers $5 75, yearlings $6 00 and ewes $5 00. A differ ential of 50 cents was made for sheared stuff. Sheep market lias a decidedly upward trend. grade; Swearingen, 4th grade Frankie Clark, 3rd grade Graham. 2nd grade; .Miss Helena Swain, second primary, Mrs. Frances Kelsay first primary. The primary grade has become so large that it is necessary to have two teachers. All the teachers with the ex ception of Misses Cawlfield and Swain were re-elected, as they have been teaching in the school, but they have been changed around in thegrades. Mist Gra- i nam anu missawearingou remain in the same grades they have taught during this year. Chronic Stomach Trouble Cured. There is nothing more dis couraging than a chronic dis order of the stomach. Is it not surprising that many suffer for years with such an ailment when a permanent cure is within their reach and may be had for a trifle? "About one year ago," says P. already have to make a total of 640 acres. Instead of requiring a portion of the land to be cultivated, the government will require a certain amount of permanent improve ments to be made. Under the proposed act home steaders in the country designat ed by the secretary shall have 90 jH. Beck, of Wakelee, Mich., 1 days after said designation to se- bought a package of Chamber lect contiguous land. Iain's Tablets, and since using The government proposes to 'them I have felt perfectly wel'. retain all mineral and the land is I had previously used any ihuti to remain open for prospecting. I ber of different medicines, but There are a large number of none of them were of any list minor provisions, but the main jing benefit." For sale by all object is to permit the taking of dealers. grazing land in tracts of 640! acres. Stockmen see their ranges broken into and the possibility of Nyals Baby Cough Remedy for baby's caugh at The Welcome Pharmacy. THE FRENCH HOTEL DAVID NEWMAN, Prop. Strictly First Class. Splendid Service, Fine Accomodations, Commercial Headquarters Sample Room In Connection, Reasonable Rates BLUE MT. STAGE CO. Daily Line, Burns and Prairie City SCHEDULE: LEAVK Burn Canyon City Prairie City Canyon City nam ... 7am 2:30 p m . . . .7 p m AKKIVK Canyon City Prairie City 6:30 m 1(1 u m iiin II-. City, li lli. ml $ a oo 11.00 Fajre, Burns-Prairie Round Trip, Express Rates 2 1-2 Cents, Prairie to Hums PLEASANT, SCENIC ROUTE ALL THE III L. WOLDENBERC.IProp. The Mother' Favorite. A cough medicine for children should be harmless. It should be pleasant to take. It should be effectual. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is all of this and is the mothers favorite every where. For sale bv all dealers. THE WELCOME PHARMACY Is The Place to Trade -WHYH First: Promptness, accuracy and fair dealing. Secend: We carry a well assorted stock of Drugs, Chemi cal and Druggist Sundries. Third: We guarantee every article we sell to be just as represented or your money refunded. If you are a customer of ours you know this. If not, be come one and be convinced. J. C. Welcome, Jr. 1