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About The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929 | View Entire Issue (March 7, 1914)
1914 MARCH 1914 JIM 1 8 9 1011121314 WIT I F ,15161718192021 6 were Tlitirs- 2232425202728 TheTimes-JIerald Hat The Largest Circulation Of Any Newspaper In Harney County. SATURDAY. MARCH 7. 1U Local News. "Doc" Cozad is in town. Play it safe buy a Ford. Supt. Hamilton and wife registered at the French day. Pickard China and Ubby cut glass make beautiful and useful wedding presents R. H. Vickers was in from his home in the south part of the county during the week. Finest alfalfa, timothy and red top hay baled may he had at the Goodman feed barn is south Burns L. H. and A. P. McPhail were in the city yesterday from their home in the Buchanan section. Timothy and clover seed for sale at the White Front Barn, Burns. -W. T. VanderVeor. I6tf. It sDeakes to the heart through the pocket-book. That's why the Ford is a friend to thousands the world over. 17. R. J. Williams and wife were in from their Silver Creek home this week visiting their new grandson at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Williams. C. E. Kenyor returned yester day from Portland where he had been with a shipment of five cars of the Ball & Kenyon cattle. Ontario Democrat. 7) I 1 II llll A BANK OF Unquestioned Strength Undoubted Security mi H Unexcelled Service it. Ill H flllM HAUUI1AL HAIVIfc J of Burns CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $100,000 United State Depositary ACCOUNTS INVITED jjlj N. II I II...-.I "The Round-Up" you'll 17. town Tonawama tonight If you value your dollars buy a Ford. Otus Slzemore was in this week. Ask for Q brand hams, bacon, shoulders and lard. 14tf. Paul Finke is down from his mountain home. The Burns Hardware Co. has onion sets. Get them earlv. v in town We do job printing. Read the Ford car ad. Butterick patterns at Luna burg, Dalton & Co. 52tf. Break up that cold with Wei- come's Cold Tablets. i I. L. Poujade was down from ; his Cow Creek home the fore part of the week on business. For Sale or Trade for a stallion of equal value, a first class young Jack, Also 3 Gennies, Address T. L Newell, Narrows, Ore. Customer and other desiring u to j MttU their taxes will Pieae .end ! Prestley and George Smyth Tax Collector' statement of the amount ' j t u !. ,-i... uiiu iv. 11. uiunu i 1 1 .um'mil. those from a distance to attend the P. P. P. dance last Saturday night Onion M'a at the Burns ware Co. Dry cleaning and pressing at the Burns Steam Laundrv. 4tf. Frank Cawlfield. of the Burns Narrows stage, has been in town for a few days. Those desiring Chas. Wilson butter should leave orders at the Bums Department Store. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BURNS. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $100,000. THE BANK THAT MAKES YOUR SAFE." ACCOUNTS INVITED. due together with instruction for pay meat of the same. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BURNS, OREGON. Miss Clare Swain, who is the main piece of machinery in this shop, has been taking, a forced rest at home for the past ten days or more with a mild case of measles. The Clay Clemens sawmill is now at its new location and is prepared to fill any order with rough or dressed lumber, also fir lumber; buck teeth and any OUT OF TOWN TAXPAYERS The Harney County National Bank will be pleated to attend to the payment of your taxca upon receipt of your instructions A large amount of parcel post mail that had accumulated at Vale has been started in accord ing to reports receivea nere. Two four horse loads have been special order given prompt at-1 started. tention. 82. For Sale- Registered Clydes W. L. Blott and Justice Patter-j dale stallion, George Chamber son have moved their offices into lain, No. 11872, 10 years old, the building formerly occupied , weight about 1900 lbs. An Al by Walter Sullivan. Mr. Blott breeder and acclimated. Desire had to vacate his office room in j another horse as I have a number the post office building to give! of young mares of his get to breed more room for that office since ; this year. Have also a stallion 2 the parcel post has increased to , years old this spring, sired by such an extent that the present j George Chamberlain, and a num quarters are inadequate. Mr. jber of work horses for sale. Patterson moves up from the Call, write or 'phone, Chas. Wil Jordan building. son, Burns, Oregon. 14tf. i.- " GET MY PRICES before buying elsewhere and SAVE MONEY I carry a complete line of LADIES aid GENTS WEAR also GROCERIES at the lowest possible cash prices I. SCHWARTZ - General Merchandise - masonic Building, - - Burns, Oregon L. Woldenberg of the Blue Mt. I Stage line is in the city looking 'after business. He reports the roads in very bad condition. B. P. Siler has good mahogany i wood and hay, delivered to any place in town. Phone him at residence. lit. If your merchant doesn't carry the Q brand of hams, bacon, shoulders and lard 'phone your orders to Chas. Wilson. lit f. Fred Haines, the Harney mer chant and also a director of the Ontario National bank, was here last Friday, returning from a trip to Portland. Ontario Argus. Miss Hazel Cozad came in Thursday night from her home at Canyon to spend a few weeks with her sister, Mrs. Curtis Smith, and other relatives and friends. Strayed or Stolen One bay mare branded N E on left shoul der, one brown mare branded H I on left shoulder; both ani mals gentle. Suitable reward for information leading to their recovery.- H. Eichner, Harney, Oregon. 14tf Judge Dalton Biggs returned Monday morning from Portland where he relieved one of the circuit judges in the Portland district in trying a number of important cases. He also attend ed the state irrigation congress as one of the Malheur county delegates. - Ontario Democrat. Henry Eichner was the first of this week. E. C. Eggleston arrived home yesterday from Malheur county. Nyals Baby Cough Remedy for baby's caugh at The Welcome Pharmacy. Mihh Ethel McGee ia home from the Drewsey section where she has been teaching. Lem Lowe, the Harney saw mill man, was a business visitor to this city during the week. JuBt remember this: Ford quality is the big reason for Ford popularity. 17. W. R. Heck returned yester day evening from a visit with relatives down in the southern states. Mrs. Geo. Ward is in this sec tion from her home in North Dakota on a visit to her parents who reside near Lawen. People are forbidden from tres passing on the south half of section 13, township 23, range 30. John Seethoff. 17tf. After quite an interval Tona wama patrons will appreciate the pictures again. Programs both tonight and tomorrow night. To Trade -House and lot in Spokane for tract of land near Burns or Burns or Burns proper ty. See Thompson St Deegan. W. F. Hissner is again in Burns looking after his business inter ests. He and Mrs. Hissner spent the winter in southern California. He was accompanied in by E. 1). McCown. C. H. Leonard has purchased the I. S. Geer residence in this city and the family will move in shortly, i his is one or the very desirable homes in Burns and a very attractive place. For Sale A complete and up to date sawmill outfit which con sists of a 50 horse Russell engine and boiler, a heavy Russell double mill with gang edger, cutoff rig, saws, belting and shafting. Can be had at a bargain if taken soon. Reasonable terms can be had on a portion of the purchase price if vanted. Address A- L. M. Care Times-Herald, Burns, Oregon. D. M. McDade, who has been teaching school over in the Happy Valley section, came in Thursday. His school is not yet completed for the term but he had some business here to trans act and took a short vacation. D. H. Smyth and Claud Smyth and wife also came over at the same time. Austin Goodman is ready to grind grain and has a building in which it may be stored by farmers at aiy time. He will grind one day each week and farmers may store their grain any day and get it when con venient. He is prepared to take grain as pay for grinding at the market price. Special price on large quantities, 44tf. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BURNS. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS SI 00.000. THE BANK THAT MAKES YOUR MM SAFE." ACCOUNTS INVITED. A basket ball team from Harney came over yesterday and played a game with the high school team at the public school gymnasium last night which resulted in a victory for the home team. After the game the young people en joyed a dance at Tonawama. John M. Thompson of the real estate firm of Thompson & Deegan left the fore part of the week for Portland and other points. He will purchase an auto for the firm and also office furni ture. He will be absent for a short time only. Estrayed- One red and white muley cow branded a script fig ure four or an oar lock on right side came to my place jn Drewsey about three weeks ago. Owner please come prove property, and pay charges and for this adv. F. J. Upton. Walter Sullivan received a telegram this week announcing the death of his father at the family home in Freeport, Illinois. Deceased was 89 years of age and is survived by his widow. Walter has the sympathy of many friends in this section. We do job printing. Adam George is in th city. Donald Jokisch 1h up from Harriman. Thermos bottles at the Wel come Pharmacy. Thos. Mutton was in the city Saturday of last week. Mrs. Ollio Darsey has taken charge of the Oregon hotel. It doesn't pay to "holler" about "boiler plate" after all. A. Dunn will deliver you wood at any time, having good mahog any or pine. Otf. F. Crowley was among our visitors from Lawen during the week. For Sale One Sawmill com plete, with logging Sleds and Trucks, with or without timber, for terms see H. M. Horton. Dr. Geo. G. Carl is prepared for special attention to all dis eases of eye, ear and nose. Eyes tested and glasses fitted. 60tf. Mrs. John Schcnk will give lessons in Irish Crochet every Thursday afternoon at her home in Burns. 4 . C. A. Haines and wife came in from Portland Thursday night making the trip from Bend in the Collins car. Mr. Haines had been at Hot Lake for treatment for rheumatism and they extend ed their visit to Portland to see their daughter who is attending school there. Hood River has decided to organize a co-operative creamery. Two thousand dollars of the $5,000 of stock voted has already been taken and 276 cows have been signed up. It is estimated that 400 cows will be sufficient to make the proposition pay, and no difficulty in getting this num ber is anticipated. John Seethoff returned some time ago from North Dakota where he had been on business since last fall but has been con fined to his home until this week with rheumatism. He informs The Times Herald that hia sons are going to Metolius as soon as weather conditions warrant and will establish a flour mill there. Mr. Seethoff Sr. will remain here and develop his farm land ad joining this city. POMTICAL ANNOUNCKMF.NTM Far County Cleric. I hereby announce my can didacy for county clerk, subject to the decision of the democratic voters at the primaries on May 15. J. 0. Cawlfield. For County I'rearurer i nereny announce rnywll a andldate Tor nomination for county treasurer, subject to tht decision of the republican voters at the primary election on May 15th. If nominated and elected 1 expect to devote mv time and energies to the duties of the office and to cotiduct it with the same care and impartiality which I have applied to it in the past. R. A. Mii.i.i:ii. For County Judge. I hereby announce my can didacy for the nomination of County Judge of Harney County, subject to the decision of the re publican voters at the primary to be held May 15, 1914. I stand for a fair, impartial, economic administration. J. L. Sit., Drewsey, Oregon. p i. WOMEN'S ACCOUNTS We believe many women do not patron ize banks because they do not understand how banking is transacted and that a bank it principally a place for men. As a matter of fact a women needs the services of a bank just as much as a man. This bank has among its customers a large number of women who thoroughly appre ciate its efforts to assist them in the trans action of their banking business, and no woman need hesitate to avail herself of our facilities We are always pleased to explain the few simple matters regarding the proper keeping of a bank account HARNEY COUNTY NATIOjNAL BANK For County Judge. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for County Judge of Harney County, subject to the decision of the democratic voters at the primaries on May 15, 1914. J. R. Jenkins. 16 Happy Valley. For Sheriff. In compliance with the request of friends, I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of Sheriff of Harney County, sub ject to the decision of the repub lican electors at the primary, May 15th, 1914. If elected, I pledge myself to conduct the af fairs of the office, faithfully and according to law, and to collect and turn over all funds belonging to the County promptly. Hitf Tom Si'racuk. I ""'' The announcemen of R. A. Miller as a candidate to succeed himself as county treasurer, appears in the candidate column. Henan has been in that office before and needs no introduction to the voters. His record is ooen for all to see. Hon. A. W. Gowan, Assessor Donegan, C. H. Leonard, C. M. Faulkner and Mrs. Chea. Dalton and little son were passengers in from Bend Saturday night. All had been to Portland, Assessor Donegan extending his visit to Southern Oregon points and Mr. Leonard going to Reno, Nevada where he had some legal matters. The announcement of J. L. Sitz as a candidate for county judge appears in this issue. Mr. Sitz has been a resident of this county for many years and is one of the substantial men of his community. He has represented this district in the legislature and has been found a conserva tive business man in all his under takings. He would make a good officer. "The Round-Up" Tonawama tonight New Books Received at The Public Library Dr. Elizabeth Ellis, librarian, announces the following new books just placed in the public library: NON FICTION Music -How it came to be what it is Smith. Evolution Gedder and Thomson Story-telling in School and Home Partridge An American Anthology Sted- man. A collection of American poetary from 1787 to 1900. The Reader! Hand Book Brewer. Oregon Historical Quarterly Harvey W. Scott's, memorial FICTION A Fool and His Money - McCutcheon. The Honorable Mr. Lawnish Farnol. Westways, Dr. Mitchell. The Light of Western Stars Gray. Van Clove, Watts. Bendish, A study in Prodigality Hewlett. The Return of Peter Grimm Belasco. (Novelized from the drama.) Puddin'head Wilson Twain The Girl From Arizona Rhoades The Secret Garden-Burnett. With Let in . Virginia -Henty. With Clive in India Henty. A Certain Rich Man- White. (Donated by Mr. C. A Hawley) For County Sheriff. I hereby announce myself as candidate for Sheriff of Harney county subject to the decision of the Republican voters at the pri mary May 15, 1914. If elected I pledge myself to be satisfied with the regular salary $2400 a vear; without the expenses as allowed by the last legislature which will be a saving of $600 a year to the taxpayers of Harney County. Roland Hankins, 14tf Harney, Oregon. For County Clerk. At the solicitation and with encouragement of a large num ber of friends, I have decided to become a candidate for County Clerk of Harney county, subject to the decision of the denvKrutic "oters at the primary May 15, 1914. Wm. M. CABSOLL, 13tf Callow Valley The Burns Hospital MRS. ETTA CUMMINS. Prop. Best Surgical Room and Equipment In the State Outside of Portland. Nice Rooms, Good Care and Com fort for Patients-Reasonable Terms Graduated Nurse in Charge Chamberlain's Tablets for Constipation. For constipation, Chamberlain's Tablets are excellent. Easy to take, mild and gentle in effect. Give them u trial. For sale by all dealers. f The Q Brand"1 Stands for quality In Ham. Bacon. Shoulders, Lard If you want quality ask your merchant for the Q brand stamped on the skin The mild, sweet cure packed by the Geo. W. Young process. If your dealer does not handle it 'phone Chas. Wilson. RABBIT WIRE We have a big supply of wire any heighth desired and at RED-ROCK PRICES m"J ciiUjj;.!i;l!,;!Jlllff,li!j;ijJlilJ,',iPgMJ jw 1?'IW: RRui .' iji -r.:: vrurr Jjj j j? $fe T ' 1 m Rs , v v v ; .f JSjjnjs-Bw-fr. ; ; Qtffc'. ' -T-. T-rf.H.. w. X11, ' The Mothers' Favorite. A cough medicine for children should be harmless. It should be pleasant to take. It should be effectual. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is all of this and is the mothers' favorite every where. For sale bv all dealers. W9ti& ys.w ''WHaT HaVeST BURNS FLOUR MILLING CO. Prices at Mill for preducts: Flour $5.50 in 5-bbl. lot or more. Bran 91.25 per hundred. Rolling barley 92.00 per ton in ton lots or mors. Customers in all cases to furnish sack. PACKING DEPARTMENT Until further notice the following Cash Prices will prevail in selling meats: Hogs, whole or half, lie. per lb. Choice pork steaks, ISc. per lb. " " loin, 20c. Whole pork shoulder 12 l-2c Leg of pork, ISc. Front quarter mutton, 10c. Hind quarter mutton, 12 l-2c. Choice mutton for stew, 8c. Mutton chops, ISc. Hind quarter beef, 13c. Front quarter beef, He. Beef all cuts at reasonable prices. The intention of the Company is at all times to pay the best prices and sell on closest margin consistent with good busi ness management. ittmimmmm::minmim!simu:mimu THE STAR Feed Barn II. KLLIOTT, I'rop. Horses Boarded by the Day, Week or Month CAREFUL ATTENDANTS Good Feed and Reasonable prices Horse 26c pr Head in Hani Baled Hay and Urain for Sale Comfortable Camp House With Cook Stove PATRONAGE SOLICITED ; Tortois Shell Auto Glasses AT SALISBURY'S Accurat Hay and Stock Snl. Price for weighing; 20c. South Main St., Hum. tiiumiittimitttmmmmu::m:ai ' Farm Machinery Don't neglect to order farming implements until you need 'em. Come and talk to us now im mense stock for you to inspect. IRISHES We have handsome sets in China, also porcelain beautiful glassware, ta ble cuttlery, silverware granlteware, etc., etc. Fancy Lumps Paints and Oils Heaters, Ranges Builders hardware Sleds and Wagons Skates, Small Bore Rifles, Shot Guns, Ammunition for all size guns, Tinware, L Onion Sets, Seeds BURNS HARDWARE CO. I NEIL SMITH, Manager I 55IF! w