The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, March 07, 1914, Image 2

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The Better that Men get Acquainted
with our Clothes the better
They Like Them
The styles are the newest and
most pleasing creations of the
country's foremost designers.
The tailoring Is the best obtain
able. The fabrics are all pure wool
and the new collars and patterns
are especially attractive.
The prices are always low
when yon consider the high
quality of the garments.
You'll find us all the time ready to
show these friend-making clothes
It's worth while
getting acquainted
Clothing Company
Merchant Tailors and Leading Clothiers
I. O. O. F. Building - - Burns, Oregon
hf (TJuifs-furafd
0. Y..r
31a Month.
TV.t Month,
ins: of the lawful regulations and
fundamental principles of co
opMMtkn was it made possible
for us to organize what we now
call The Harney Valley Co-operative
This relief can come none too
Olif Wick who has spent the
winter in the mountains working
with sheep, came in from the
Crane Creek hills and states that
many rabbits have wintered in
the mountains, they are especially
thick along the creeks among
the willows. He reports that
they have wintered well show no
signs of disease and as the green
grass is now coming they are
getting frisky, consequently the
fence is our only hope for this
years crops. But the fence will
New Bids Asked on
Canyon Mai! Contract
The Department has asked
for new bids on earryingthe mail
between Burns and Canyon and
notices are posted at the post
office in this city. Bids may be
made in three ways: To carry
all the mail or one may 1 i I for , be a life time benefit as it will be
the first and second Clan nail
alone and there is also a proposi
tion whereby one may contract
for fourth class mail alone par
cel post. The latter pro) osition
provides for seven days each
week or oftener if necessary.
This method of handling the
mails may bring better service
than by compelling a contractor
to take all the classes of mail and
attempt to handle it. The parcel
post has changed the old way of
Carrying the mails on these
Interior routes very materially
and it was a matter that com
plicated prospective bid.- to a
great extent
While there is no olliuial au
thority respecting the Burns
Vale line it is understood the
contract has been awarded as
was stated in our last issue.
flhiee the order has c..m.i'
route all west bound mail by way
of that line it is likely the con
tract will be changed to sorr.e
extent, as it will no doubt mean
more pay.
brought out that alfalfa is a suc
cess under almost anv condition
of climate and soil.
The new officers of the club
are Chas. Wilson, president; J.
C. Leedy, vice-president, Lee
Miller, secretary.
Beef Cow Brings $105.
Raising beef cattle, which is
rapidly on the incren u in Central
Oregon is a very prolitable under
taking if properly carried on.
Kvidenee of this is shown by the
sale last week of a cow which
brought the owner $105. The
animal was four years old and
her weight ran up to the high
sum of U1O11 pounds. O'Donnell
Bros, paid 7 cents a pound.
This cow wu.h one of a bunch
of 24 which O'Donnell Bios.,
bought, of It. K. Crimes of the
Pilot Butte ranch east oftown.
During the past 14 months this
firm has not found it necessary
to ship in any meat, being able
Best Profit In Young Beef
Profits In beef production come
from quick maturing stock sold
at one or two years of age. This
is the theory of the Portland ex
peit livestock men who conduct
ed the meat demonstration for
the farmers and stockmen at the
0. A. C. Short Course. "A man
recently sold a yearling in Port
land for $95 at the same time
that Mb neighbor sold his two-year-old
for $117," said Mr.
Forestel, of tho Union Meat
Company. ' 'There is no money
in feeding steers after they arc
two years old. Tho guin is not
worth the cost and the interest
on the investment, and the meat
sells for one or two' cents a pound
less. A good many growers
think that they want a great big
beef, and then get mad when
they get no more for it than their
wiser neighbors guts for the
smaller and better type. It payH
to keep in touch with the market,
know just what the market wants.
to secure all that has been need
ed for the market in the district and then furnish just that.'
around Bend. The quality of
the livestock has also improved
greatly, they reort. Bend Bulletin.
Alfalfa Secured by
Market Report.
a combination stock and rabbit
We have now waited 20 years
for providence to solve the rabbit
problem, and have come to the
conclusion that God helps only
those who are willing to help
So we have decided to swat
this blighting curse with one
permanent lifetime blow.
And with the combination
fence it will be as the Dr. said
when he visited two patients on
the same trip, it will be killing
two birds with the same stone.
Vivian Gray.
Agricultural Club Meets
And Elect. Officers
City Election Quiet
11m city election held Tin day
was rather quiet and very little
interest shown by the voters.
There was but one contest, that
of marshal, for which there were
three candidates: R. L. Haines,
resent incumbent, J. R. Gould
tndJoeVaoderpool. The former
an easy winner, receiving
votes while Gould captured
I sod Vanderpool 46,
C. Welcome was elected
without opposition as
also Geo. Fry and Curtis
i for ceuncilmen: Hoy Van-
ra elected reeordi
alec'.t.Mi trea u
PBHEVw: nTaw7iR srv-9T --
Welcome wh one of
rr councilman and a
wOl have to be ,
his unexpired term.
are substantial
mj who will look to
i f this city,
have every
ullifv nA
the H
i a&
The Agricultural Club meeting
last Tuesday evening was one of
the most profitable and interest
ing of the series held this winter.
"Alfalfa" was the principal topic
of the eveninsr but this subject
was preceded by other interest
ing numbers.
Miss Bessie Smith rendered a
delightful piano solo and Miss
1 1 Hi Tie Dal ton had a nice paper
on cotton." As this did not
come within the scope of general
use in this section there was no
discussion to follow it but the
paper read by Miss Ruth Miller
on "Labor-Saving Devices for
the Home" brought out several
practical suggestions that were
well received and which could
and should be applied to the
homes of Harney county, such as
the tireless cooker, electric and
gasoline irons, washing machines,
Supt. Breithaupt of the Ex
periment Station gave a general
liscussion on alfalfa, but par
tly the dry farm method of
rowing as a cultivated crop in
s. Mr. Breithaupt pointed
thl advantage of this si a
pereimiig crop oyer grain; grown
for i as compared to grain the
net urns per acre would be
about ; i while with wheat it
would iodueu about $6. This
in the proposition of
v. !ig a j year as the latter
-' die the former is good
M after onoe a stand
:ured Alfalfa as hay grown
ia still the better
one and a
can be grown
over wild hay
Alfalfa is one of the most
valuable cropfc in the country
now. but it never would have
been here if the government
hadn't sent a scientist to Asia to
get it. Something like !H) million
dollars' worth of Durum wheat
was grown in the United States
last year, but there never would
have been a pear of it raised
here if some scientist hadn't
gone into the high, dry stepties
of Russia and found it and
brought it he it It was the
government that first imported
Kafircorn and the agricultural
experiment stations that showed
the government how to raise it.
It was the work of the farm ad
viser that showi id the farmers of
the South how to grow cotton in
spite of the 1m)11 weevil or how
to raise other crops if the weevil
got too thick for them. It was
a farm adviser who showed the
fruit growers of California that
it wasn't necessary to cut down
their orchards in order to get
rid of the San Jose scale. It was
n farm adviser in Connecticut
who showed the tobacco growers
there how to produce tobacco!
that would sell for $2 a pound
instead of for 20 c nts.
If a proper man is selected for
the farm adviser in this county
he will revolutionize manv of tho
farm methods in this county and
materially increase the incomes.
Ontario Argus.
Hotbeds Are Valuable
In Every Farm Garden
Hotbeds are artificial means of
giving seed and young plants
the benefit of summer weather
in early spring. Aside from
their aid in growing crops that
would not come to maturity
otherwise, they have a real
economic value. By their means
enough plants for the home
garden and some to sell to the
neighbors can be grown at a
slight cost. As designed by
Professor A. (1. Bouquet, garden
specialist at the Oregon Agricul
tural College, their construction
is simple and inexpensive. After
the first season there will be no
further money cost, as the glass
may be stored and kept for years.
All other material and all labor
are supplied by the resources of
the average farm.
The pit may be made by ex
cavuting a foot or two below the
surface. The sash is three feet
by six feet, and the frame is
made to suit these dimensions,
rising eight inches above the
ground in front and twelve inches
above at tho back, or north side.
If the pit is made 18 inches deep
it should be filled 14 inches with
manure and six inches with good
loam or other garden soil. After
the Boil has cooled to a safe tem
perature the seeds are sown.
For early green food lettuce,
radishes, und bunch onions are
good. These and other similar
vegetables may be thus grown
early in the spring and late in
the fall, greatly lengthening the
growing season.
"The Round-Up"
Tonawama tonight
Receipts for the week have
been Cattle-1721; Calves-20;
Hogs-54s4; Sheep-5264.
This week cattle trade showed
a few soft spots but was general
ly good. The big Monday run
of steers clipped about 10 cents
off former prices. Since Mon
day the receipts have been light.
Butcher stock on the other hand
was firm throughout Best cows
brought $7 00 and $7 05. bulls
$0 00 and calves $9 00. Killers
have not been over supplied on
she stuff and the market appears
very steady.
Tops dropped back to $8 70
Thursday which is 15 cents under
Monday's price at $8 H. It is
scarcely probable that March r
ccipts will be on a par with
February, but so many unexpect
ed things have occured in the
swine market this year the do
pesters have gone to cover.
Market steady with outlook good.
Mutton and lamb prices hit the
high places this week. Tuesday,
Wednesday and Thursday were
barren of receipts, but Fridav
saved the week and market from
stagnation. Monday was the
big day and fat mutton or lambs
were attractive commodities a
few $6 00 yearlings apeiired in
the run old wethers sold "off
cars" at $5 85. ewes at $4 70 for
tops and $-1 50 to $4 65 in bulk
featured I .ami. demand excelled
supply and the prime fat kinds
found an easy outlet at $0 75.
Catholic Church.
1. On Sundays and Holy days
of obligation Holy Mass with
sermon at 10:30 a. m.
2. On week days Holy Mass
at 6:30 a. m.
All other services, besides
those mentioned ubove will be
announced in church.
All invited and welcome to the
divine services.
Sick-calls promptly answered
at anytime. Religious informa
tion and instructions willingly
imparted at the Franciscan
Rev. Pius Niermann. O. F. M.
Pastor of The Church of the
Holy Family.
Time to think about garden
seeds. A nice assortment in
cluding onion sets nt tho Burns
Hardware Co.
Stockholders Meeting.
Notice is hereby given that the
annual meeting of the Stockhold
ers of the Masonic Building
Association will be held at the
Masonic Hall in Burns, Oregon,
on Saturday, March 14, liMI,
at I o'clock P. M.
Sam Motherhead,
Act. Secretary.
Notice of Final .Settlement.
In I tin Ctniiitv Cuiirt nt tlui HUMS ! Of"
"lion, for llarntty ( 'nun ty .
Ill tin' matter iif the Batata nf .1 I'.
Illckilitoii, ili'ci'Kn "I.
Notion I lirreliy kIvuii "' ' "" ""'
ili-mlgiii'il ailrninlatratiix nf Hit- alimn
I'htltleil ontatr linn llliil tier llnal m i until
Imrrill anil tint tin' lltinnritlilu (Irani
I lii'iim mi, JiiiIhi' nl tin' ulnni' inllllrd
court, liaa ml Monday Ihn .'Ml, iv of
Maitli, lull, nt (lie 'on lily Court Kooin
nt llunia, irttg in, an the time anil plata
lor In'.iriiiK oliji'vtloiia to -mil mi iml,
ami nil Mriiiia limine 0bJQtloDI llirre
lo am lnTely notified to aiwnr mid
pfMMt Urn rami' St ul tlinn and
Paled nt HtiniM, dragon, tllln JHlh
day of February, MM I.
Kihk ('. Khun,
Adn luiatralrix ol tin. abova . ntitlnl
a late.
Brown's New 1914 Spring Opening
We will be able to show you a new and
complete line'of spring 1914 dress goods
in a few days.
These goods, consisting of White Good.
Ginghams. Pongees. Ratine Crepe, Oriental
Crepes. Crepe De Chine. Voils and Etam ines
will be the latest shown for Spring 1914
New Embroideries and Laces
Spring and Summer Underwear
New Gowns, House Dresses. Skirt
Untrimnted Panama Hats for Ladies
The Quality Store I
m r t- -r r
' flaW -gja-- ---'-Jaaam
'J?"aP5L-ay ,
t ''3eP
Buy It Because
It's a Better Car
Modal T
lounni CaW
f b Ortrott
- PwlimUii (, Burn Carago. Burn. Oraao
jf rf
.U i
. s, gfrMfriBI .1 ii ' "
iaaamamaawB.1 MS! ffffll BSBF
1'alttl' Ly
Thin in our buninenn
We hare located in Harney County at
Burns. Office, Tonawama Bldg.
We have large out side connections
who are interested in investments
in this county. These people are
not speculators
Investment vs. Speculation
It will he to your interest to see us
Per cent
Heavy Shirts
Heavy Uunderwear
Mackinaw Coats J
Sheep & blanket lined coat
Sweater coats
Sweaters 1
A. K. Richardson
General Merchandise
All the news in The Times-Herald for $2.00
Eaclualv. for Surgical, Maatical aava Coarfiaamcnt Caaea
"Succaaa in Hoapiul worm la only acta ia ad by cloaa ami led attentat
detaila by trained Altandaata."
The Studebaker Four Roadster is a car of dual type and manifold advantages.
As a Roadster the car presents a distinguished appearance, differing but little
from the conventional type.
When desired, however, it is only a few minutes' work to change it into a
closed car impenetrable to wind, cold, and rain. The Studebaker name guaran
tees appearance, durability and minimum cost of maintenance.
Th. Sludabakar SIX
Touring cau- - - . 11575 00
LanaUu.Roadalar $1800.00
Sadan - . . $2280 00
Tba Siud.bah.r FOUR
Touring Car . $1080.00
Dalivary Car . $1180.00
All frkaa F. O. U. D.I..H
Electrically Started
Electrically Lighted
J. 0. Cawlfield, for many years
aVputy county clerk, hus an-
i papa 1 nounced his cui.ilii.lucy for county
' - ' ' i dark. He is a competent man
1 ' ' A - "' which .iKws$iii ,, (juite widely known Lhrough-
.;. rrfM mil lh. niiritri Mr lnwllw.1,1
:. thte eottatey as vly aj , has resided in this section for
i.itu century. manv veara and nan a Ian
r WWM $1200
JMfl ' JaMM-XaiaaaaaMaaaaaaaM
9ttp KSgmgKKM .TiT $L-f:jis ' " " ' " aHtasa''5,
Fair Feed Yard
Timothy, Alfalfa and Red Top Ha
Baled Hay For Sale
Free Camp House and Feeding Privileges in Con
or Barn. Customer Care For Own Stock.
W. A. GOODMAN, Adjoining Fair Grouni
Write for free copy of the Studebaker Proof Book, containing aixty-four
pagea of information on the manufacture of the Studebaker automobile.
Lampshire's Garage, Burns, Ore.
"Bay It Because It's a Kturi.aiu-
II J a
nave arrived ana we are now ready to
supply you with your requirements
have been added and all goods will be
The Burns Department Stor
We do it right