The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, March 07, 1914, Image 1

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The Biggest County In The State
Of Oregon, Best In The West
The Biggest City In The Biggest
County In The State Of Oregon
NO. 17
gonian Correspondent Tells of The
Short Course and Impressions of
Bigness of Central Oregon Country.
Pioneers of the Right Stuff Capture
Wilderness of The Last West
An Shannon Mnnme. mntra- vou can set m is to ride in, over
i i - i rii ..ii... hj-.b tUn haiImmi nt
Ine writer ana specim cninu iov mun dim m '"""
ud.nt of the Oregonian, was Bend. You travel mile after mile
during the agricultural short and mile after mile, over a road
ourae, had a splendid dlust rated as smooth as glass; over a vast
rticlein last Sunday's Oreponian flat country whose far-encircling
criptive of the course and her hills maddeningly recede-you
ipressions of the bigness of the never gain on them for a single
. ill ! .. i.. ..,.,... ami if.Mi K.,.vin ti wntinar
larney country, one u in nwm iw j
irt: if these people nave put up a joo
The most curious school in all on you if you're really doing a
tie world has just closed its ses- sort of treadmill stunt; traveling,
kon nt Burns, over in Harney traveling, traveling, mile after
County, the Oregon Agricultural .mile and hour after hour, under
lollege Short Course. It lasted ! the same blue sky, over tne same
le week and it drew its stud- level land, and never getting
-nearly 200 men and almost anywhere.
amy women trom a rauius ohiu.uiwmihnbhhm
160 miles. One hundred and gloriously, birds fly up from
fty miles, mind you, to be travel- sagebrush and grease wood in an
in the dead of Winter, throujrh ecstasy of song ana motion; saucy
iowand ajrainst bitinp winds, jackrabbits dodge tne caranawe
iwn by horees! nippy air tingles your skin and
At no place in all the world and arouses you wun iib ionic
u this spectacle ever been seen into life and enthusiasm, for
efore, and, I believe, it may whatever is or is to be.
Bver be seen quite the same ' Small cabins of upright boards
in. Forrailroads and electric at vast intervals tell of the home-
will, before many more steader and neat new school
inter sessions become history, buildings tell oi nis uuamy.
lire the face of the great All day long you do this.
Hand empire, change the great-1 Traveling all day, every hour
St pioneering now going on on , with a good car, a careful, minute
se face of the earth into modern saving driver with never an ac-
iral life of the highest order, cident or moment's delay, you
has been a privilege to "attend . may get into Burns bv nightfall.
Miool" the past week in Harney I And all day you've just seen
auntv. country and still more country,
You see. everything about it is tin your eyes acne wun country.
tremendously big; so unthink- A yu Know ine msixucwra
)ly, appallingly big. We've tn tne snort course are coram
I heard the figures over and over Dy me same route, mw
hpard that ! students are on the road, man
ner again; we ve
larney could swallow several
tes and not choke; we've been
kid it's the center of the most
Bormous area of land untravers-
by a railroad in the United
ites; we ve seen many state
ments about its millions of acres
arable land, but we get used
the sound of mere numbers,
id they cease to make an ltn-
ession. A million acres, a
oBsand it's all the same to
blunted ears.
The way to really get an im-
Iression of the thing is to come
fight into it, And the only way
ing their way to school from
north, south, east and west,
along the splendid natural roads
of the ranchvrs' paradise.
They are traveling day and
night, many of them, to be there
on time, traveling with teams
and farm wagons, or horseback,
against the wind and the sun,
miles and miles and miles, from
way down in Catlow Valley, 100
miles to the south, where 300
families are hpmesteading in
tents; from Wild Horse Valley,
125 miles southeast; from Bear
Valley, 75 miles north, and from
Bfla3sWa3ife' "
The Strongest appeal to
the most refined taste is
made by
Harmony Rose Glycerine Soap
Purely Vegetable, Delicately Perfaad
ISc. Per Cake, 2 for 25c.
Rexall Drug Store
tye have oonlined our business entirely to the
White Front where we are prepared to care
for our customers better than ever before
Baled Hay and Grain for Sale at Market
Price. Good Hay in Stack $4.50 Per Ton.
Delivered in Burns, $6.50 Per Ton
The Burns-Vale Stage Line
36-Hour Schedule from Railroad
Close Connections Made With Trains East
Cofortable Conveyances for Pnwengera.
Fare, $10. Careful Attention and Prompt
Delivery of Expret and Freigha Entrust
ed to Our Care. Freight 2 l-2c. Per Pound.
R. J. McKinnon & Son
many more valleys with exciting
names which I cannot take time
to tell about.
They're on the road to school.
It cost something for these
men and women to pack up and
prepare to be away from home
for a whole week in the dead of
Winter when there's stock to be
fed. It's taken a lot of planning
and arranging with neighbors
neighbors miles away. It's cost
something in energy and courage
to make the trip through the
cold Winter air, often in a jolty
farm wagon.
It's meant something for wives
to pack in their little children
and come along, or run the ranch
in their husband's absence. And
money is not plentiful with many
of these ranchers. The home
steader is just getting his start
in the dry land, and every penny
has so many places where it just
Nothing under the sun but an
indomitable punwse and rock
ribbed courage and determina
tion could have made them hear
and heed the old copper bell that
rang out from Burns, summoning
them to school.
I wonder how people in towns.
who won't go a dozen blocks in
the rain to hear a lecture that
might stimulate them in the art
of living, would fail to see those
200 odd families assembled here
through such hardships as their
very presence bespeak? I tell
you it (rave me a thrill. It made
my heart beat with pride in my
countrymen and women.
"They're Americans," I couldn't
help telling myself , "andOregon
ians;" and I felt jolly proud to
call myself an Oregonian. too.
I think we all revere the mem
ory ot our pioneers, ana we
should, for a braver, finer thing
was never done than the captur
ing of the wilderness of the West,
and taming it. But I want to
tell you that there is going on
right now over in the Inland
Empire" as brave pioneering as
ever marKed tne lives oi our
fathers and grandfathers whom
we glory in honoring. Then let's
give them a hearty hand grip and
an eye-to-eye recognition that
will let them know that we of the
out-land where most of the peo
ple live, appreciate their great
Back to the school. Burns was
ready for them, and they didn't
need to have brought their lunch.
The county court put up the
money and the Commercial Club
did the managing. Hotels and
homes were thrown open to the
jruests, free feed provided ior
teams and people alike, and the
pavilion at the Fair grounds was
rigged up with a cooking stove
and supplies as a sort of bache
lor's quarters. Here the single
men bunked, cooked their meals
and exchanged notes between
Discussions waxed warm over
soils, alkali treatment, dry farm
ing and irrigation, while potato a
were peeled, bread was made and
coffee boilid. These ranchers
can get up a meal that's as tasty
as a womm ever evolved, find
while they're doing it the range
of their talk bespeaks the wide
scope of their information. I
tell you, it takes intelligence to
be a dry farmer, and the broad
scientific knowledge these young
men displuy would put to shame
the narrow little circle in which
the average city clerk or employe
revolves. The dry farmer digs
out and proves his knowledge, it
hasn't heen handed hjm alto-:
gether ready made.
Tl.f Forty Ysar Test
An article must have excepti
onal merit to survive for a period
of forty years. Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy was first offered
to the public In 1872. From a
small beginning it has grown in
favor and popularity until It has
grown in ravor ana popularity
until ft has attained a world wide
reputation. You will find nothing
better for a cough or cold. Try
it and you will understand why
it is a favorite after a period of
more than forty years. It not
only gives relief It cures. For
sale by all dealers.
R. J. McKinnon & Son have
established a daily stage between
Drewsey and Juntura. Connec
tions made with the trains at
Juntura and passengers given
eyery comfort. Fare to Burns
Homesteaders Taking Steps to Protect
Themselves Against Rabbit Pest.
Will Combine Credit of Members
to Secure Finances for Fencing out
Jacks. Organization Completed
at eight per cent per annum.
Membership in the association is
not restricted to farmers, but to
any one who resides in Harney
County. A membership fee of
twenty-five dollars is charged,
to be known as The ""'' "oiiur oi which iiiiimi uc pum
('ountv fvOmrative ! in cash and the remainder in the
(Contributed. )
A meeting full of portent to
the future of this county was held
at Valley View school house last
Saturday, February 28th. and
resulted in the organization of
what is
Association. This is the first
step in organizing against the
jack rabbit Rabbit drives,
bounties, poisoning and various
other devices have been tried at
different times, but the rabbit
has remained on the job in in
creased numbers, ravishing the
farmers' crops and forcing many
a worth v settler to abandon his
homestead. The farmers now
propose to quit raising grain to
feed more jack rabbits and try
raising crops to feed to live stock
and to sell. They are going to
fence their lands rabbit tight as
fast as cleared and let Mr. Rabbit
hop to the sage brush for a change.
It may mean less prosperity for
the rabbit, but it is believed it
will make more for the rancher.
The plan contemplates the
purchase of fence in carload lota,
direct from factory and to be
paid for in cash. Through the
association formed the several
members will be given time, up
to three years, in which to pay
for the fence purchased, interest
! form of a non-interest bearing
note. These notes will be used
I in financing and obtaing credit
for the business of the association
.....1 ...... ....,.'.. ..11 Ifru ..LI!....
' UI1U y UUI ,iii u-t-iiiK tin ii.i vuiiKn-
' tions. The liability of the in
dividual members is thus limited
' to these notes. It is simply a
. scheme of pooling or combining
' the credit of the members, and
is imtterned after the credit as
sociations of other countries.
All purchases will be made
through the association and all
obligations of the members will
be made to the association.
Fence will be furnished to the
members at actual cost.
The meeting at Valley View
was well attended, there being
over fifty persons present, and a
more harmonious and enthusiastic
gathering could scarcely be
imagined. Mr. C. A. Hawley
and others had prepared articles
of association and a complete
code of rules and regulations for
doing business. These were
taken up item by item. read.
explained and adopted and the
organization perfected. Practi
cally every person present signed
up for membership and the
organization will probably have
more than one hundred members
before this reaches the readers.
The meeting extended a rising
vote of thanks to Mr. Hawley
for this services in assisting in
the organization of the company.
The management of the as
sochition is vested in a board of
five directors, whose names are
as follews: C. C. Babbidge, A.
H. Curry, H. J. Jokisch, Wm.
Gray and S. M. Talbot Mr.
Babbidge is president; Mr. Jok
ish, vice-president; Mrs. Vivian
Gray, secretary; and Arthur
Whitney, treasurer. There are
no better people in Harney
County than are represented
among these officers and dir
ectors, and with the affairs of
the association in their hands its
success is assured. Any one
wishing to become a member, or
who desires more information
concerning the organization,
should write to Mrs. Gray at
Harriman or consult Mr. Hawley
at Bums.
On account of this association
should omit the part that the
secretary, Mrs. Vivian Gray, has
had therein. She began the
movement over a year ago, and
although turned down time after
time she kept up the agitation,
and to her, more than to any
other person, is entitled the
credit for bringing this organfza
tion into existence.
Engineering Firm Planning to Harness
Waters of Malheur and Transmit
to Big Harney Valley to Aid in Ir
rigation. Electric Railway From
Riverside to Timber Belt Possible
A few weeks ago The Times
Herald received a letter from J.
E. Johnson A Sons, the well
known civil engineers who are
installing an irrigation project
at present in the Drewsey coun-, The
try, to the effect that they would
have something of interest to
publish in the near future re
specting a power project they
had under consideration that
would prove of interest to the
people of this section. This week
Fours and Sixes
Price $12180
Price 81483
jUhn iJ I ,ipii2 k?V sx
Price 81873
Price 81183
Price 81030
Most Economical andMost Powerful Car
on the Market for the Money
il'ii.m Our I'. .Mian. I Coneipomlcnt)
"See the Big and not the
big city," is the appeal to be
made by the business men of
Portland to the people who will
come west during 1915. Unless
a vigorous campaign is conduct
ed, nearly all the exposition
travel will be direct from San
Francisco to Portland with no
stopovers in either Westirn or
Eastern Oregon.
To perfect plans for an oner
getic campaign to influenc
travelers to visit the smaller
communities and see the state
itself rather than spend all of
the time devoted to Oregon in
the city of Portland, a meeting
will be held in the parlors of the
Portland Commercial Club on
Thursday, March 12. Delegates
will be present from all the com
munities which were represented
at the development convention
recently held in Eugene. Also,
at this meeting, plans will be laid
for a big convention to be held
in the near future in the city of
Salem, at which all the counties
of the state will be represented.
Announcement has just been
made that approximately 45,000
acres of land adjacent to Flora,
Long Creek, Monument, lieech
Creek, Enterprise and Baker has
been set aside for homesteading.
This is classed as semi-arid land
and will be subject to the en
larged homestead act. It will be
ready to be filed upon on and
after March 9, and original en
trymen will have the right to
Ale on 320 acres.
The Beard of Governors of the
Poitland Commercial Club has
passed a resolution, to be for
warded to Secretary Franklin k
Lane, urging that the Owyhee-.
Malheur irrigation project be in
cluded in the Government irriga
tion planed for Oregon, It is
pointed out that dies. proio-cd
projects contain thousands of
sens oi fertile land which is now
useless and always will be so un
less it can be supplied with water.
Portions of the land which are
now irrigated by private ditches
are raising splendid crops of
grain, alfalfa and fruit
Calling attention to the fact
that this year is the 50th an
niversary of the establishment of
the salmon canning industry on
the Pacific Coast, Governor West
has issued a proclamation naming
Friday, March 13, as "Salmon
Day," and urges all the people
of the state to not only use salmon
freely on that date, but to take
special pains to call attention of
other sections of the country to
its value as a food. A large
Chinook will be sent to President
Wilson and the Oregon delega
tion in Congress to be consumed
at that time.
a letter outlining the project has
ueen receiver wun permission to Another item in connection
publish the contemplated action
of this firm. It is one that has
had the attention of engineering
concerns in the past and has also
"Owing to weather conditions,
we have been unable to make
complete surveys, but we are
sure that the installation cost
will not exceed $15.00 per acre.
purchaser will be given a
long time, probably 10 years in
which to pay this first cost. The
above price will probably include
all motors, pumps and other
equipment complete.
"This ulant will also furnish
power to Drewsey and the other
towns with reasonable distance.
this power plant is the building
of an electric railway from River
side up the Malheur to the timber
belt. This is a jtood feasible
been investigated by people hav-J route, and there is sufficient
ing a similar object in view. The power for this undertaking,
installation of such a power plant "With the added development
is certainly desirable and there that this project will bring it will
is no doubt of it being a feasible undoubtly mean electric railways
and profitable proposition with in Harnev Vallev
the capital to develop it
The Times-Herald herewith
publishes what Mr. Johnson
writes in regard to the prejec:
"We have filed on an excellent
power-site on the Malheur River.
about 20 miles above Drewsey.
Our first unit will develop at the
lowest water season, about 2500
H. P. During the spring months,
there is sufficient water to de
velop twice this amount
"Our plan is to carry the bulk
of this power to Harney Valley
where we expect to sell it to the
settlers for use in pumping water
I from wells for irrigation. As
you are of course, aware, there
Is an inexhaustible supply of
underground water throughout
Harney Valley which can be
found at depths ranging from 8
to 20 feet
"This plant will furnish suffi
cient power to irrigate easily
50,000 acres of land. We have
filings on 10,000 H. P. and as
fast as condition permit, we
shall add other units and develop
more power.
we nave ample capital in
view to install this project, and
there is little doubt that it will
be constructed in the very near
future. We believe this is an
undertaking which will meet
with the approval of every man
in Harney Valley, and any as
sistance you could render this
movement through your paper
will be appreciated."
Chronic Stomach Trouble Cured.
There is nothing more dis
couraging than a chronic dis
order of the stomach. Is it m.t
surprising that many suffer for
years with such an ailment win n
a permanent cure is within their
reach and may be had for a trifle?
"About one year ao," says P.
H. Beck, of Wakelee, Mich., "I
bought a package of Chamber
lain's Tablets, and since usinj?
them I have felt perfectly well.
I had previously used any num
ber of different medicines, but
none of them were of any last
ing benefit" For sale by all
Strictly First Class. Splendid
Service, Fine Accomodations,
Commercial Headquarters
Sample Room In Connection, Reasonable Rates
Daily Line, Burns and Prairie City
Can y on City .
I'r.trlc City
Canyon City .
2:30 p m
7 p in
Canyon City
Prairie City
10 a in
12 II. Kill
I u.oo
Fare, Burns-Prairie
Round Trip,
Express Rates 2 1-2 Cents, Prairie to Hums
It The Place to Trade
First: Promptness, accuracy and fair dealing.
Secend: We carry m well assorted stock of Drugs, Chemi
cals and Druggist Sundries.
Third: We guarantee every article we sell to be just as
represented or your money refunded.
If you are a customer of ours you know this. If not, be
come one and be convinced.
J. C. Welcome. Jr.
Tonawama tonight.