The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, February 28, 1914, Image 1

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    fP) PtfW
The Biggest City In The Biggest
The Biggest County In The State
County In The State Of Oregon I
r s
Of Oregon, Best In The West I
NO. 16
1 1 -USUr I X
? W4
Those Taking Short Course at Corvallis
Favor Vigorous Campaign. Scant
Plurality of 100 Students Declares
for Providing Money for Construe
lion by Some Form of Bonds
Progressive Oregon farmer ing. The effect of good roads on
unanimously favor good roads; the pleasure of rural life was ad
with a single exception they vaneed by 29 farmera. The in
favor a vigorous rondbuilding creased value of farm lands was
campaign; about three-fourths of named by 16 only. Stimulation
them favor good roads chiefly of immigration was named by 14.
for the reason that Reed roads Fifteen said that good roads
benefit marketing; an over- would do more than any other
ivh.lminir mnior tv avor hard one imng io Keep me uoy on
fi,.i. mnHa' a sliurht majority the farm
SUIAMWW a www. -
while six stated that it
was the most important factor
in the "back to the farm" move
ment. One of the answers
named the tendency to consoli
date rural schools as the chief
favor supervision by a state high
way engineer, man .i riwm
plurality favor providing money
for road work by some form of
TKot U nroorressive Oregon reason for good
farmers hold these views it the I The influence of automobiles
Oregon farming body is correctly jn the good roads movement is
represented by 100 Agricultural .'very pronounced even if somc
floUege Farmers' WVk students j what contradictory. A number
who answered a questionary on of farmers who own automobiles
mnmAm that was spnt to them I thoueht that the influence of
by the extension division. The j auto owners and drivers is an
following summary published in important factor in pushing along
an exchange, is taken from the the movement of stood roads,
list of 100 answers received: One farmer stated that while
Number in favor of good roads, auto owners are pushing the good
100; of a general roadbuilding j roads movement that are doing
campaign, 99; number giving lap in a, planner that ia not gen
better markets us the principnl , erally beneficial to good roads for
Value of good roads, 78; number, farmers, and sometimes very in
in favor of supervision Dy ran
highway engineer, 43; of a bond
ing system of finance, 32.
Uifiuntv views on some or the
other important points covered , ers suggested a tax of $210 for
py the questionary are shown in (every machine that is licensed, to
the following summary: j run on the road
jurious to them. One ol the
farmers who stated thflt te e
puiise o good roads ahould be
assessed against automobile own-
Xptaber in favor of dirt sur
face roads, 12; of providing;
pipney by special road levy, 28;
by appQtionrnerit from general
fund, 26j combined National,
sate and county fund, 4; by as
sessment of adjoining property,
8; by high automobile lieenes, 2.
There were 33 who expressed
In this connection it may be
well to note that though auto
mobiles are though1 to be help
ful to dirt roads and to have but
little effect on concrete pave
ment, they are very detrimental
to macadamised roads, They
damage the crushed rock surface
by blowing away the rock dust
themselves in favor of having the, which has been crushed by steel
roads constructed under the sup-: tires before it has an opportunity
fcrvision of district supervisors. ! to re-cement: Lacking a Cement
Jix of these suggested Unit the oase, e roc.k partite move
local supervisors be deputies of about independently and gather
the highway engineer, and .some in uneven bunchefl along the
believed that no one should be , roadbed.
Btnmtted tq seme as road sup- j As t the value or gooa roaas
prvisor until after passing satis- ;in better market facilities, the
factory examination in road con-' following are some of the real
StrmjtjqB, e'"9 oeiepieq fwmm w""""
Among the many rea ens ail- ot reppes.
y Mfe4 in favor of good roads a One said it costs farmers more
number were extremely interest- to haul their freight four miles
Centrally Located, Good Clean
Meals, Comfortable Rooms,
Clean and Sanitary Beds
(jive Me A Call
First Class bar In Connection
We have mm lined our business entirely to the
White Front where we are prepared to care
tyr our customers better than e?er Men
Baled Hay and Grain for Sale at Market
Prices. Good Hay in Stack $4.50 Per Ton.
Delivered in Burns, $6.50 Per Ton
fbe Burns-Yale Stage Line
36-Hour S -bed iik- from I tail road
Close Connections Made With Trains Kaat.
Cofortable Conveyance fpr praeepger.
Pare, 110. Careful Attention and Prompt
Delivery of Express and Freigha Entrust
ed to Our Care, Freight t l-8c. IVr Pound-
R. J. McKinnon & Son
to the local depots than the rail
road charges for hauling it from
the depots to Portland. Another
suggests that good roads leaaen
the strain on vehicles, horse flesh
and temper. Another says that
good roads secure maximum
speed at minimum coat Another,
that they enable the farmer to
market his crops when quotations
are at the highest point, without
the necessity of paying storage
charges. "To provide continu
ous traffic througout the year,"
is another sentiment. "We are
further behind European farmera
in this than in any other rural
matter," any a another. "In
Europe it costs 10 centa to haul
one ton one mile, and in Oregon
it costs 30 cents or more," aay
another farmer.
"If a horse could vote, we
would have good roads in a short
time," comments one farmer.
Another favors good roads be
cause he was stalled in muddy
roads "with 12,500 shingles and
one of the best teams in the
country." "It relieves farms of
much of their drudgery when
served with good roads, for tey
are economic, social and moral
forces jn rural life, " said another.
"We can never expect maximum
results from agricultural efforts
until we secure good roads,"
says another farmer philosopher.
"They beget a spirit of pride and
self-respect which soon manifests
itself in many other things, " is
one man's correct reason. 'They
cut the string that ties the
woman to the farm through pe
long Winters," says a home
loving farmer, "while another
thinks that good roada would do
much to relieve the woman of
the tedium of an isolated life.
Concerning the effect of good
roada on iarm values, a fanner
says; "A farm 10 miles from
town on good roads is worth $26
an acre more than the same farm
in miles from the .ame town on people will do more in tliisiv.
a rotten uirt road. Anotner ; spect than tiie average Western
savs that it will bring the cultva-
Representative of Practical Farmers Are
Looking for 10,000 Acres of Agri
cultural Land. Like Big Harney
Country and Will Make a Further
Inspection Again This Spring
B. F, Johnson, local represen
tative of the Oregon & Western
Coloniaation Co., came over fwm
Prlney!lle early this week in com
pany with Messrs. Grntch and
Kucknoff. who are agents for a
large colony of Russian farmers
desiring to tind lands where they
may settle and engage in tilling
the soil. These farmers have
resided in this country for from
8 to l(t years and are practical
people. They are represented
as having sufficient capital to he
gin farming right and would make
good oitiaens as they would at
onee begin the development of
the land. They desire at least
10,000 acres and the colony may
be increased to such a number as
will require many times that
The Times-Herald representa
tive did not get to interview the
gejitlepiun while here but is in
formed they are well pleased with
the big Harney country and will
return here early in the spring
to make definite election!, pro-
1 vided, terms can be made and the
land they desire can be secured.
Practical farmers of this char
acter is needed at tin time to
develop tin big agricultural sec
tion. As a general rule these
farmer who has not been educat
ed to real hard work along the
line of developing a country.
Princeton Notes.
Mich Haley returned from
Hums, where he lias been on a
business trip.
T. B. Hill, Princeton's ener.
getic farmer is preparing to take
up his duties as road supervisor.
Kd. Maher. who is driving
stage from Harriman to Andrews
was heme Sunday visiting his
wife and baby.
Messrs. Hrady and Reynolds
have returned home from trapping.
tion of the land and the culture
oi the citizens to a condition of
high efficiency. Another names
increased land values as a certain
effect of building good roads,
and facetiously concludes that
the main reason for good roada
is that building them would be
setting a good example for
Corvallis and other Valley towns
to iouow. wne man, woo uvea
at hcho states that roads are
good enough, that the people are
too poor to engage in expensive
road construction, and (pat more
good would be accomplished by
securing Government banking
for revenue, "Tp fight indirect
taxes, tariff and excesses in in
tesest and transportation charges
U more profitable than to build
good roads,''
Burns Public School
Report for January.
The following is a report of
school district No. 1 for the
month ending January 28, 1914:
Pupils from last month 196
Readmitted 67
Total 862
Pupils dropped 78
Pupils on register since be-
gpiing of year marked "R" 241
Pupils pn register Bince be
ginning of year marked 'E' 8
Mrthocltit Myiulot RiHHMunanSi
l'baiiikilin' Couth Rama
Rev. James A. I-wis, Milaca,
Minn., writes: "Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy has been a, peed
ed and welcome guest In our
home fur a number of years. I
highly recommend it to my fel
lows as being a medicine worthy
of trial in coses, of cold cough
and croup." (live Chamberlains!
Cough Remedy a trial and we
are confident you will find it very
effectual and continue to use it
as occasion requires) for years to
some, as many others have done.
For sale by all dealers.
lli. mi On, l',, Hn, ill OorrcapooilcnU
At the great development con
vention held in Kugene on Feb.
19 it was the unanimous opinion
of the delegates that there would
be u statewide exhibit of Oregon
products maintained at Ashland
during 1916, A meeting to dis
cuss and definitely determine the
cost and other details of such ex
hibit will be held In the Green
Parlor of the Portland Commer
cial Club on Thursday, March 12.
All the members of the last Leg
islature who can make it conven
ient to be in Portland on that
date are urged to attend. Also
state officials. Representatives
from all the commercial clubs
will be welcome and all the com
munities, represented at Eugene
last week will name special dele
Of course, under the law no
member of the legislature can
give a definite pledge as to an
appropriation to be made in the
future, but as a citizen, he can
give his opinion as to the common
sense of such an exhibit as will
be under discussion. Ten thou
sand dollars will construct the
building, pay for gathering t.e
products and for every other
character of work up to January
I. lUlft. when the Legislature will
meet. Twenty-five thousand
dollars will pay for the entire
work. The Portland session will
welcome suggestions pro and con.
H. Cratch, the agent of a large,
colony of Russians which desires
to settle on Oi egon lands, was in
Portland a few days ago. He
states that these Russians have
been in this country from 8 to 10
Would Create Farm Land Banks Em
powered to Make Long Time Loans.
First Mortgages on the Agricultural
Lands Used as Basis for Issuance of
National Land Bank Bonds
Market Report.
years, and that they want a tract postal savings banks may
The rural credit bill now before , secured by mortgages or deeds
congress is expected to be of J of trust on said lands.
greet interest to the farmers
says the Journal.
It proposes the charterinor of
privately-organized, competitive, Receipts at the Portland Union
farm land banks empowered to Stock Yards for the week ending
make long time, first mortgage February 21, have been cattle,
loans on agricultural lands with- j 1634; calves. 4: hogs, 5702, sheep,
in the state in which any given , 6269.
bank is located. A big week on this market.
These mortgages may then be particularly the first half. Offer-
used by the bank as basis for the ings of butcher cattle, cows,
issuance of what are to be known heifers, etc., were extremely
a national land bank bonds, and short of trade needs compared
the rate of interest on farm land with steer consignments. The
loans may not exceed the interest best quality grain fed bullocks
paid on national land bank bonds sold at $7.80 to $8.00 and cows
by more than 1 per cent $6.75 at $7.00. Hull trade .
The banks are not to receive 8'0W' but calves ruled linn. After
direct government aid because it Monday receipts were not as
is believed that in a country so heavy as expected,
agriculturally rich as the United! Hogs were the real sensati .in
States credits ahould be so good, ? tne Period as they opt ned up
loans so desirable from the view- on Monday at $8.65 and got to
point of the investor, that private' 8-75 Dv Wednesday in the face
enterprise ahould be able to op- of a deluge. The bulge was not
erate them satisfactorily. a spasm either as it maintained
Indirect government aid is. a,firm front r'Kht up to the cloH'
however, nrono! in that H. of the week. Buying ol swine
Oyer six and under II
Over 9 and under IS
Over 12 and under 14
Over 14 and under 20
How it Your Boiler?
It has been stated that a man's
stomach is his boiler, his body is
his engine and his mouth the Are
box. Is your boiler (stomach)
in good working order or is it so
weak that it will not stand a full
load and not able to supply the
needed, energy tp your engine
(body)? If you have any trou
ble with your stomach Chamber
lain's Tablets wil dp you good.
They strengthen and invigorate
the stomach and enable it to do
its work naturally- Many very
remarkable cures of stomach
trouble have been effected by
them. For sale by all dealers.
Timothy and clover seed for
sale at the White Front Barn,
Burns. - W. T. VanderVeer. 16tf .
Fours and Sixes
OPx-io $Q180
Price 81483
Prioe Q1879
I2ioe $1183
JPrice 81000
Must Economical andJMofsl Powerful Car
on the Market for the Money
oi nut less than 10,000 acres of
grain land. They are said to
have plenty of money to put into
a good proposition where they
can build up a community of!
their own. The colony consists ,
be used to purchase national land
bank bonds, as may funds held
in trust in federal courts or es
tates in charge of the federal
courts. It is also expected states
will use public funds in the
of about 200 families at the pre- securing of national
sent time, but their agent states bunds, also life insurance
that within a sjiort timv thf'panies.
number will be increased to 2.000 ' The plan briefly described is
to 3.00P, and that each family ! intended to aid farmers in devel
will require about 160. acres of lopment of their nrorjerties. Other
According to the annual report
of the Rogue River Fruit and
Produce Association, which ships
about one-third of the total out
put of the valley, 369 carloads of
fruit were shipped during 1913,
163 cars of pears, 206 cars of ap
ples and one car of peaches.
Prices for the crop are exception,.
ally good.
Value oi Forage Crop
For Growing Pigs
Farmers and pig growers do
not always appreciate the value
of green feeds and succulent
pastures for their animals. Too
often the hog i considered a
scavenger, apd his ability to use
waste IS regarded as his chief
value. However well he serves
this purpose, be will pay well for
good care, feed and hoyspig.
rorage crQpa are especially
bene(cial to young growing ani-
mals. It is possible to grow them
much more profitably and suc
cessfully when a good green field
of palatable and nutritious pas
turage is provided. Experiments
and practical farmers' experi nee
prove that gains in weight are
made at less cost on forage than
in the dry lot. Brood, sows can
be carried through, the season on
pasture, at less cost than when
grain fields are entirely depended
upon. Foraging induces the ani
mal to exercise and obtain fresh
air, and these prevent diseases
being contracted, and when the
animals are pu,t in. the fattening
pen tpvtv flams are unusually
rapid and profitable. The green
feeds eaten are of much value
just to keep the pig's digestive
system in good condition and the
appetite keen,
bills are to besubmitted covering
short time loans for purpose of
helping farmers tide over the
season between planting and
harvest, or to aid in moving
Loans are t to bo made for
more tha,n 38 years, to complete
to,e purchase of agricultural lands
i mortgaged, to improve and equip
' Ulti.l. lUHfla ,AM .IWM-'nt.l.llMfll .
f,v (1 4MM 4VI gl HUilUI til IUl
posea, to pay end discharge debts
was spirited and competition
among the killers to get stock of
any weight so long as it had a
smooth finish produced a real live
Lamb transactions carried off
the honors in the sheep hous
Several lots of medium grade
ewes went over the scales, and a
bunch of yearlings at $0.00 com
prised the bulk of mutton sale.
The best grain lambs sold at $6. 75
the first shorn stock of the sea
son arrived this week.
Th Best Cough Medicine.
"I have used Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy every since I have
been keeping house," says L. C.
Hames, of Marbury, Ala. "I
consider it one of the best reme
dies I ever used. My children
have all taken it and it works
like a charm. For colds and
whooping cough it is excellent."
For sale by all dealers.
Strictly First Ctass. Splendid
Service, Fine Accomodations,
Commercial Headquarters
ainp Room In Connection, keasonabk Rates
Dnt You It.
Some say that chronic consti
pation cannot be cured. Don't
you believe it. Chamberlain's
Tablets have cured others -why
not you? Give them a trial,
They cost only a quarter, For
sale by all dealers.
Lost A plain bar pin, either
at Tonawama or on the streets,
with the name "Isora" engraved
upon it. Finder please return
to Gemberling's jewelry store.
Daily Line, Burns and Prairie City
Canyon City.
Pralri City
Canyon City
2:30 D
.7 i hi
Canyon City
llui n-.
MP i in
10 a in
Fare, Bur-Prairie City, - - $ 6.00
Round Trip, - - 11.00
Express Rates 2 hi Cents, Prairie to Hums
Is in riace to Trade
Firstt Promptness, accuracy and fair dealing.
Wo carry a well assorted stock of Drugs,
cals and Druggist Sundries.
Third: We guarantee every article we sell to be just His
represented or your money refunded.
If you are a customer ei ours you know this. If not, be-
i sum be convinced.
J. C. Welcome, Jr.