The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, February 21, 1914, Image 3

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    1914 FEBRUARY 1914
w I t I r I si
Hu Tha Large.! Circulation Of Any
N.w.p.p.r In Harney County.
Local News.
Go to church Sunday.
Dry cleaning and pressing at
the Burns Steam Laundrv. Itf.
Nyals Baby Cough Remedy for
baby's caugh at The Welcome
Walter Cross was in during
the week visiting his wife and
grand daughters.
Timothy and clover seed for
sale at the White Front Barn.
Burns. -W. T. VanderVeer. 15tf
For Sale or Trade for a stallion
of equal value, a first class young
Jack, Also 3 Gennies, Address
T. L. Newell, Narrows, Ore.
The Harney County National
Bank will be pleased to attend
to the payment of your taxes
upon receipt of your instructions
Ira Mahon and wife are among
those who spent the week lure
attending the short course. J.
P. Withers and wife were also
over from Harney for a part of
the lectures.
R. J. McKinnon & Son have i
established a daily stage between !
Drewsey and Juntura. Oonnee-1
tions made with the trains at
Juntura and passengers givtjn '
every comfort. Fare t Burns
Mrs. C. C. Babbidge was in
from her Valley View home
Thursday. She reports Dr. Bab
bidge busy and happy, eating as
manv square meals in a day as
she will prepare for him. He's
been kept busy haulinV hay for
his stock and cuttine .sagebrush
to keep the fires going all winter.
Unquestioned Strength
Undoubted Security
Unexcelled Service
AND SURPLUS $1000,000
United States Depositary
of Burns
Tonawama tonight.
Five reels of pictures tonight.
Butterick patterns at Luna
burg. Dalton & Co. B2tf.
Break up that cold with Wel
come's Cold Tablets.
Prof. Jokisch of the Harriman
high school took in a part of the
short course during the week.
Pickard China and Libby cut
irlass make beautiful and useful
wedding presents
Jerry Merritt has been an in
I torested member of the short
! course class in agriculture during
. i the week.
We do job printing.
Hot drinks at The
W. T. VanderVeer and wife
are among those from a dis
: tancc to attend the short course
during the week.
The following township has
been surveyed and the official
plat of survey will be filed in the
local land office April 1. 1914:
Extension Survey of T. 2(5 S., R.
30 E.. W. M.. North of Malheur
Lake The Land Office will be
I will be going Boon to the mil
linery market and will be pleased
to attend to uny special orders
my customers may wish.
Aura Clingan.
Owing to the 22nd falling on j Chauncy Cummins is over from
Sunday this year the nineteenth j"8 he Westfall for a visit
annual P. P. P. ball will be given with h'8 a Will and look after
on February 28th. All visiting ! his business interests in this
Masons and their ladies welcome i county. He is always glad to
without any formal invitation. greet his many friends in this
J city where he made his home for
There are some men in Burns several years,
that hope the domestic science
course of the past week will Strayed or Stolen--One bay
MM mH ..nlh. Thpv'vn mare branded N E on left shoul-
gone on short rations because the
prepared to receive applications w,fe has been, too busy with the
for the entry of lands in theectures to be at home long
above named township on and ,,nouen to iret more than one
after the 1st day of, April, 1!)14. 1 square meal a day.
A. E. Brown has been in from' Ed Southworth and family
hiB Indian Creek ranch attending I have been over from their Bear
the short course during the past Valley home during the week at
week. Mr. Brown is one of the
"students" from along distance,
although we have others from
Lake and Grant counties in atten
dance. Mr. Brown is accompa
nied by his wife who is visiting
her sister Mrs. Geo. Smyth.
tending the agricultural short
course and visiting Mrs. South
worth's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
C. A. Sweek. The Sweeks had
all their daughters at home dur
ing the week together with all
their grandchildren.
before buying elsewhere and
I carry a complete line of
at the lowest possible cash prices
- General Merchandise -
Hasonic Building, - - Burns, Oregon
der, one brown mare branded
H I on left shoulder; both ani
mals gentle. Suitable reward
for information leading to their
recovery. H. Eichner, Harney,
Oregon. 14tf
H. N. Fobs, the Harney county
booster, arVived " home from
California the fore part of the
week to look after some business
affairs and will return to Cali
fornia as soon as it has been com
pleted. Mrs. Fobs, is still with
her parents down there but ex
pects to be able to come home
with her husband in May, when
he comes to again take up his
For Sale A complete and up
to date sawmill outfit which con
sists of a 50 horse Russell engine
and boiler, a heavy Russell double
mill with gang edger, cutoff rig,
saws, belting and shafting. Can
be had at a bargain if taken
soon. Reasonable terms can be
had on a portion of the purchase
price if wanted. Address A. L.
M. Care Times-Herald, Burns,
Bill Hanley arrived home
Tuesday morning from Portland
where he had been attending the
irrigation congress. He was ac
companied by Miss Monroe a
magazine writer and special cor
respondent for the Oregonian
who is reporting the short course
and ft'ao gettintr material for
some magazine articles. Mrs.
Hanley didn't return with him
as she had contracted a case of
measles and had to remain in the
metropolis with them.
Mrs. I. Schwartz and Miss
Gerstell were hostesses to a large
party of ladies yesterday after
noon at the hospitable Schwartz
home. Something over 76 ladies
of this community were present
and enjoyed an fternoon at cards.
During the afternoon Mrs. Wm.
Farre Bang the "Star Spangled
Banner" and Miss Louel Smith
sang "America," it beingsonear
the birthday of Washington that
the ladies decided to honor him.
Mesdames Mace, Wilson. Leon
ard, received prizes as the high
est scores at "600", Mrs. Geo.
Smyth being awarded the con
solation. A fine luncheon was
Cook wanted At the Burns
Ask for Q brand hams, bacon,
shoulders and lard. 14tf.
Don't miss the picture pro
grams at Tonawama.
Finest alfalfa, timothy and red
top hay baled may be had at the
Goodman feed barn is south Burns
Tom Allen and wife have been
in from the P Ranch during the
week visiting friends and attend
ing the short course.
B. F. Siler has good mahogany
wood and hay, delivered to any
place in town. Phono him ut
residence. 11 tf.
If your merchant doesn't carry
the Q brand of hams, bacon,
shoulders and lard 'phone your
orders to Chas. Wilson. lit I.
Lost A plain bar pin, cither
at Tonawama or on the streets,
with the name "Izora" engraved
upon it. finder please return
to Gemberling's jewelry store.
The Clay Clemens sawmill is
now at its new location and is
prepared to fill any order with
rough or dressed lumber, also fir
lumber; buck teeth and any
special order given prompt at
tention. 32. .
Supt. Gilcrest of the P. L. S.
Co. came in early this week from
his California home where he had
been since last fall. He is here
to look after the business of his
company and start the spring
work on the several ranches in
this part of the state.
The basket ball game lost night
between the town team and the
high school resulted in a victory
for the former. It is reported
as a very rough game and the
winning team had the best of it
because of being heavier and
more experienced.
J. H. Anderson and wife are
in from their fine farm near Van
to take in the short course and
visit with relatives and friends.
They live in one of the garden
spots of Central Oregon and with
the assistance of scientific know
ledge gained at the short course
will increase the products of their
profitable farm.
Austin Goodman is ready to
grind grain and has a building
in which it may be stored by
farmers at any time. He will
grind one day each week and
farmers may store their grain
any day and get it when con
venient. He is prepared to take
grain as pay for grinding at the
market price. Special prices on
large quantities, 44tf.
A very enjoyable diversion of
the week was the production of
the Passion Play in pictures at
Tonawama. Dr. Benson, pastor
of the First Presbyterian church
gave an explanatory lecture dar
ing the period the films were
thrown on the serene and Miss
Louel Smith added greatly to the
enjoyment and interest by sing
ing the "Holy City" in a charm
ing manner.
When the grand jury meets
next month the manager of this
great religious weekly is going
to ask them to indict Jim Ander
son as a chicken thief. He was
here attending the short course
and yesterday asked where be
could get a pure bred Rhode
Island Red rooster. He was told
to go tn the Byrd ranch and
take a young bird. The mudam
and general boss of the place was
out visiting and Jim proceeded to
take our finest old bird and get
away with him. He's breeding
We do job printing.
Funny pictures tonight.
Thermos bottles at the Wel
come Pharmacy.
A. Dunn will deliver you wood
at any time, having good mahog
any or pine. 9tf.
For Sale One Sawmill com
plete, with logging Sleds and
Trucks, with or without timber,
for terms see II. M. Horton.
Somo of the schools of the
county had vacation during the
short course and teachers and
pupils turned farmers.
Dr. Geo. G. Carl is prepared
for special attention to all dis
eases of eye, ear and nose. EyeB
tested and glasses fitted. Wit f.
Mrs. John Schenk will give
lessons in Irish Crochet every
Thursday afternoon at her home
in Burns. 4
Many of our farmers friends,
oven in the immediate vicinity of
Mums brought their entire
families to Burns for the short
course and spent the week at
the hotels. Others in close came
in from their homes each day.
Jack Winans, the new pro
prietor of the Windsor Barber
Shop adjoining the land office, is
prepared to do first class work in
his line and invites a share of the
public trade. Satisfaction in
every respect. 4Ht f.
Wednesday evening the school
faculty entertained the agricul
tural short course instructors at
a dinner prepared and served by
the domestic science classes of
the high school. There were six
courses and under the manage
ment of Miss Cowgill was most
charmingly served and thoroughly
enjoyed by the guests.
For Sale Registered Clydes
dale stallion, George, Chamber
lain. No. 11872, 10 years old,
weight about 1900 lbs. An Al
breeder and acclimated. Desire
another horse as I have a number
of younu mares of his get to breed
this ytjar. Have also a stallion 2
years old this spring, sired by
George Chamberlain, and a num
Iht of work horses for sale.
Call, write or 'phone, Chas. Wil
son, Hums. Oregon. 14tf.
Dean Calvin of the Oregon
Agricultural College Domestic
Science Department is a booster
for home products. During the
demonstrations at the High
School the past week she has af-
wuys taken pains to bring the at
tention of the housewife to home
grown products and she finds
them of the best. There was a
complaint that the flour of local
manufacture was not up to stan
dard but Mrs. Calvin says it is
good flour.
The Farmers Will
Help Themselves
they have and giving notes for
the balance, shares to be $26
each, these notes will be placed
in a local bank as security on
wnlch to raise sufficient money
to get the wire.
Should this prove successful it
is the intention to put in a tele
phone system on the same plan.
Mrs. Gray discouraged the
bounty plan and showed that this
is already a burden on predatroy
animals with no appreciable de
crease in them, or at least figures
would indicate such to be the
case. She had figures to show
that during the first year this
bounty was paid, from June 7,
1909 to the same date the follow
ing year this county paid out
$4911: for the corresponding
period for the post year it was
A meeting has been called at
the Valley View grange next
Saturday, Feb. 28, to complete
this organization and arrange to
order the fence. The Times
Herald is pleased to note this
disposition among the farmers
to help themselves in such
matters and holies to see it a
success. We have not considered
that a bounty on rabbits would
bring any relief and would be a
very expensive experiment. In
fact the writer has stated it
would be less expense and more
practical for the county to buy
the fence rather than place a
bounty on rabbits.
Stockholders Meeting.
Notice is hereby given that the
annual meeting of the Stockhold
ers of the Masonic Building
Association will be held at the
Masonic Hall in Burns, Oregon,
on Saturday, March 14, 1914,
at 2 o'clock P. M.
Sam Motherhead,
Act Secretary.
I "" ill
When You Invest
The important thing is to know that
you can realize on every dollar you
invml Safotu ikon rnmaa (,yml
in - "V ....,., .vuiw
Inlereit Earning Certificates of De
posit, issued by the Harney County
NationalBank, offer an ideal invest
ment, since the fundahave the same
protection' as the' bank's general de
posits. Srinnlrl rwrJiairin jtrteat vnnVnn fnali
k --. j ..
these Certificates for their face value,
without waiting for the time when'they
are due.
Harney County National Bank
Burns, Oregon
1 I
The farmers of the eastern
part of this valley have started
a move in the right direction to
Kel the best of the rabbit pest.
They have organized and will
co-operate in securing the neces
sary fence to keep the rabbits
from destroying their crops the
coming reason.
At the evening meeting of the
short course Thursday night C.
A. Hawley made a talk on rural
co-operation, outlining a plan
whereby the farmers may be
greutly benefitted by working
together. He was followed by
Mrs. Vivian Gray who took up
the plan of going together and
securing wire for fencing. Legal
uuthority had been consulted and
plans are made for a legal organi
zation and from what the writer
can gather a corporation will be
formed with a capital raised by
each member puting in what cash
For County Sheriff.
I hereby announce myself as
candidate for Sheriff of Harney
county subject to the decision of
the Republican voters at the pri
mary May 16, 1914. If elected I
pledge myself to be satisfied with
the regular salary $2400 a vear;
without the expenses as allowed
by the last legislature which will
be a saving of $600 a year to the
taxpayers of Harney County.
Km. ASM' Hankins,
14tf Harney, Oregon.
For County Clerk.
At the solicitation and with
encouragement of a large num
ber of friends, 1 have decided to
become a candidate for County
Clerk of Harney county, subject
to the decision of the democratic
voters at the primary May 15,
Wm. M. Carroll,
13tf Catlow Valley
The Burns Hospital
Best Surgical Room and Equipment
In the State Outside of Portland.
Nice Rooms, Good Care and Com
fort for Patients Reasonable Terms
Graduated Nurse in Charge
Old and New Patrons Will Find the Best Brands Here -
Wines, Liquors, and Cigars
Good Service, Courteous Treatment
DROP IN Main Street Burns, Oregon
Tortoit Shell Auto Glawea
The Q Brand
Stands for quality In
Ham. Bacon. Shoulders. Lard
If you want quality ask your merchant for
the Q brand stamped on the skin
The mild, sweet cure packed by the Geo. W.
Young process. If your dealer does not
handle It 'phone Chas. Wilson.
J ' JtMUMIlVATiQ;; -.
The Strongest appeal to
the most refined taste Is
made by
Harmony Rose Glycerine Soap
Purely Vegetable. Delicately Perfumed
10c. Per Cake, 2 for 25c.
Rexall Drug Store
Pricet at Mill for product.:
Flour $5.50 in 5-bbl. lot. or morr.
Bran $1.25 par hundred.
Rolling barley $2.00 par Ion in Ion lot.
or mora. Cu.tomer. in all ca.ea to
furni.h tacks.
Until further notica tha following Ca.h
Price, will prevail in tailing meat.:
Hog., whole or half, lie. per lb.
Choice pork tteakt, 15c per lb.
" " loin, 20c
Whole pork thoulder 12 l-2c.
Lag of pork, 15c
Front quarter mutton, 10c
Hind quarter mutton, 12 l-2c.
Choice mutton for ttew, 8c
Mutton chop, 15c
Hind quarter beef, 13c
Front quarter baaf , lie
Beef all cult at reasonable pricet.
The intention of the Company it at all
timet to pay tha bait pricet and tall on
clotatt margin contittant with good buti
natt management.
We have a big supply of wire
any heighth desired and at
Feed Barn
Horses Boarded by the
Day, Week or Month
Good Feed and
Reasonable prices
Home 26c per Head in Barn
Haled Hay and Grain for Hale
Comfortable Camp House
With Cook Stove
Accural Hay and Stork Beak'
Price for weighing 20r.
Houlh Main St., Burna
Farm Machinery
Don't neglect to order farming
implements until you need 'em.
Come and talk to us now im
mense stock for you to inspect.
We have handsome sets
In China, also porcelain
beautiful glassware, ta
ble cuttlery. silverware
granlteware, etc., etc.
Fancy Lamps
Paints and Oils
Heaters. Ranges
Builders hardware
Sleds and Wagons
Skates, Small Bore
Rifles, Shot (Jims,
Ammunition for all
size guns, Tinware,
Onion Sets, Seeds.
m i
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