affWiWBWIr lw WWBW8ffi The Better that Men get Acquainted with our Clothes the better They Like Them Because: The styles are the newest and most pleasing creations of the country's foremost designers. --The tailoring is the best obtain able. The fabrics arc all pure wool and the new collars and patterns are especially attractive. The prices are always low when you consider the high quality of the garments. You'll find us all the time ready to show these friend-making clothes It's worth while getting acquainted Williams-Zoglmann Clothing Company Merchant Tailors and Leading Clothiers I. O. O. F. Building - - Burns, Oregon that wo are a success in the hog business as we raise fine ones; the farmer knows something of the ration to fatten them, etc., but i h dairy cow is a new departure that is destined to bring greater returns and offer a much more profitable field of di versified farming to the Harney county man. 1 he use of pure 1'ivil sires as emphasized by Prof. Fitts should be heeded by the local breeder. He has Riven convincing proof of the advisability of this and we should profit by this information. $hf ffliuirs-'ltrraftl JUUAN BYRD SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 21. Itt I SUBSCRIPTION RATKS TV.. MMlk. seeding the soil to grain after the first cultivation is an absolute erasta of seed, money and energy. ' To MS the real homebuilder, MnMT the man with limited means and nearly always with a family, who H ttles on an arid or semi-arid homestead, to support his family. (mild a habitable house, dig a deep and expensive well, clear. fence and plow his land, purchase farming implements, seed grain ul hay for his horses and cows. haul his wood, etc, etc, and live on his claim for three years, (with Profitable Week for Harney County Men (Continued from page OOP, ( Railroad Must Come to An Accessible Point In discussing the railroad situa tion with people who are familiar with the Riverside country it is found that it must be completed to a few miles this side of that point to make it available for freighting to this section. It had been pointed out to the rail road people before that the build ing to Riverside would be of no advantage to this Valley as it would be a very expensive pro position to build a wagon road that would make it possible to haul loads from that place. D. A. Brakemun was discuss ing the situation with a repre sentative of The Times-Herald this week and he is familiar with the country as he has been in,..,u.!iki!ML ,i;m..i. upiKiiuiiK " " " on,i ikt. ,.k,(, f ;i ,-,. past several years. Mr. Brake- i ' .. ni :: ...n ...i man states that with a few miles introducing Mudi matter and of ,lroad th,S s,de of " mulches, preventing evaporation ,ll!r1ltt" ?, .' .w arwl ,..,..e., lh.. nllfnli mr, Snipping IIIIO WHS WIM 3 WIU "" ..,. ....... -j .. ., . .. ,. .:,l.;a. be controlled. Ky distributing " wou,u """ "'- ' """" this alkali it doesn't do any ""P6?, " ?nd, nads C0U d i...:..i i.. th. ..i.. : be built then. In fact it would live way of getting rid of alkali not Tire much "f4 buj,,d!n entirely is by leaching and wash- t0 make ,f8,,ble t( bnn ing it off max,mum ',a('8 'f0"1 tne ra"" Yesterday afternoon Prof, i ro , . , , , , Hyslop took up alfalfa as his! Th.s matter should be impres- first subject. He advises BOOS M uPVhe ""'" P0' a"d other crop on the land preceding , tr t0 ,nduce them to1 br,nK th this crop, but if it is to be seed- ,ine far P088' imtJ ed on new ground to fallow it for I800" M ,l can l done Mr one season to get a good supply ! naniey lo,u us mt mnvr """ of moisture and to insure success ! that the line was started with thPirmiiiidshniilfUioinnnriilatiwi. 'he express purpose oc tapping I 00 The best varieties for the dry farm are Baltic and (Irimm. It should 1h plantei in a single row 3 to :ti feet opart and drilled in to u depth of 1 to 1J inches deep. Sow from 1 to 2 lbs to the acre. After it has come up it should tx 1 the Big Harney Country and that it will not be a profitable investment until it has given the products of this big section an outlet. The only way to do that is to bring it near enough that products may be hauled out and cultivated to destroy weeds and ' aecun shipments of freight in I SHOULD WORRY! Well, well! The Times-Herald did publish a comment from the Bend Bulletin respecting tbede- only a source of expense and not make a mulch to hold the mois ture. The following spring it should be cross cultivated with a the iivrwifinn nf fivp mnnth,t;n'ii year during which time he may I spring tooth or disc harrow or by chance find employment at i weeder. as it must be thin, the ordinary farm wages) when it is ferred homestead bill introduced J contributing to the . 0. , support of himself or family, is i by Congressman hinnott It was nt t. nmhih.tnrv I plants to be at least 8 inches apart in the rows or even thiiner where the moisture is scarce. . . - . . . next to nrohihitnrv ' Alfalfa is sure to be a successful clipped with the intention of "Give the poor man a chance; , hr' on dry land and makes an making some comment but oocop- allow him, say three years after joxcellent crop for seed, hay and ed the notice of the manager date of entry to establish resi-! pasture. and was published without, uence upon neianu. require 01 He also recommends rape However, it doesn t necessarilj """ "" i,uu w "' , ... ... , , annual proof of improvements follow that this paper condemned ami cutivation in the local land the measure because of publishing office. After that length of time this criticism. It isn't the cue- the land should be in such a state torn of this ureal re ltnMl8 to e ill OI cultivation that It WOUlO OMl-I , t.u fi, I !.., ...III I attention to what it baa d or nari,-v llPPfrt afamily and the fl ,. .. .. . , , en try man should be required to' """" J11 uav" lu " ""k8 wi" contemplates, but since the mat Bn0w two years residence on the do well on it. Of the roots he ter has come up we publish be land together with the actual recommends the half sugar beet low an editorial that appeared in production of the soil as a basis and magels as the best these columns on May 17. ol la-; tor patent" irof Hyslop went into de-tails year that may throw some light jon potato culture and planting on where it stands on the land The agricultural short course j giving his hearers many good laws, and especially the Sinaott wct.k is now an established annu-1 pointers on this crop, bill We are too modest to even. a) event in Harney county. Tin The domestic science and art suggest that our congressman ,irst one was an exPeriment and , features of the short course have might have received some point- tr f,ne iust cloned has Rhownibcen no less interestinar and era, as ne isoneot tne lew wn. the great benefits to be derived do not take this great religious and that the farmersof the coun-weekly-which is certainly his . tv recmiize It that thev annreci- Me may never even nave att. jt and jU8tify the sending of assisted this vear by Mrs. Dol this arti.le, as we didn i insirPtnin tn this nlnro pneh ' man and their talks and demon it must be at a point that may u reached by freight teams other wise shipments will be made to points that are available. Importance of Live Stock to the Farmer (Continued from jiage one) gives them a greater interest in the short course. It had been arranged to go to as a , the Bell A vesterdav afternoon successful and profitable crop in j to judgJ but the j,, ma(i). this section. Also root crops for j, change in the proRnun and tht. succulent foel fore stock in j time wa8 devotod t wlurw at winter. Rape will bloat rattUli The Times-Herald has not the space to devote to u more exten sive discussion of Prof. Fitts' excellent suggestions on animal husbandry. The information he imparted has been practical and will help local growers. The illustrated lectures have been most instructive and inter esting and largely attended by both men and women. The sub jects were well handled and of general interest NOTICE TO CREDITORS. IN Tin: rot NTY 0OUR1 OP TIIR BTATB OP ORBGON POR IIARNKV COUNTY. In 111 iimtlrr oi ilw r.wdr of A. C. I.yncli, ItiiiI NOTIOS is iii;ki:iiv ciivin that (lir undrriiKnnl Ima tn iluly iokI rr Ifiiljii I v iippciiniril ndmimitriitor of (lir cilnlr nl A. ( l.ymli. ilrirnwil. Iiy or (Icrufllir lliinoriilitr i.rant TIiiiiimiii, Cuoiilr Jii'Ik' ' llnrnry County, (lr gon All pmOM hin rlaium nxniixt I lir tliil C.lnlr hit imiOIh-.I to pri-wiif tlir uninr, iluly vrnlml n liy l.i r.uirnl. to the iiiiilrriiKticil t In. rciilrnc nt l.nwrn, llicgon, witlnu ttx montli. from tin llr.t piiblication ol (fall iioticr. Putril ill llurnt. Ongae, llii' .'10th iImn ot .tiitnl.ii . loll IiimI ptililirl lioll of thin nolK'r, .1,11111,11 v Ml, 101 1. (SiKnr.l) IIAKHY CAKY, Ailminiiitiiitor lor tlic rlntr of A. C l.ynrh, dMMtfd CONTEST NOTICE. I'NITri. rrTSTMl IHOOmOoX lluriio. OrrjfMit. Klirusr II, l-'H ' I ii i tmr'rs K Hhswtnsstr of Dlsint.iiil, nrpfon utitrst li-ii sir lisn 17 uutiflc) Ihnl Kslbh Ho' I who !? Folly rsriii, trrg.u so tits mt ..ffi.esii.hM. ill. I on l.-i.rusir 11th. ItlLtflt lit tills offlic hi iluly i-rrttoraf I pBllttultW o t intral iml irrui t lie rnili hnlluti of your lluitifsi'ft'l Kntrv 'Art rlrun i 1 " Ssrtsl No U.t. msl KrplrmU'f .v.-l. l-l.', ftuN NKU HW'.NK', I 'W, W(sr . , of-r.llou '.. hip.I SW'(f', .,1 -.,11... .,vf nolilti W. Hiiuih. Kinic M Knt. MrillsMftU Mf-rlillsit, siol frooBdl for Ms '"' t !.- allegro thst sal) iltsrl-o I Vbsvm krr has liulijr han 'Ion. .1 ositl nlrr, I isl h . . t stbliaho1 or maintain") a reel-In nt in'lu any Imnrovr iiisnta thrrroti. an-1 I m SDMMtM hlmSrlf ami tiangrd his rrthl. ti . . I h. r. from over sib. a the (Isle uf ratrr You sri lhrrtfor, hoflloW noitnl Ids! the MM sllecatlotii will Uieti so tonfessstl. so.) your ssl4 ititrjr will l-r teWM without further right to l-e hrsr.l either 'h lore litis (B or mi sfwal.lf ton fall to file Itithlo offti e within twftity 'lata aftrr the K"I'IUM atloti i,t this noil., ao obow u rtalow, four si'iwrf, Uh'bf Mlh, -' iflcslly reapuri.l Ins to these sllegatlouo of . en teat, tosrsther with duf 1 Mm I that rsjsj Inn- re-l s cony of tour atigwrr on the sal1 ortf!ant either In peiaoi or hy r.glsfrrr-l mall You ih..ul'l elatr lu nmt tll the nsmeof Uir i-a(oiTlr o lo whi b urn tleslrs fnttirr rtotl t to u- Mat! '.. ion w Farms. U(Ialr Imie ol first bul.lUs'ion Kelruar Hth. II4 Dste of serund .uhln atltiu rt-i.iuari .1. I'-U. ISlS of I fair. 1 .ut lr -at Inn Kel.rtiai) I 'It Hair- of foiiMh u Mh sin u. Mr h 7 t ; (14071 lturnsW7 H0TIC1 W)R PUBLICATION I MIKIl HTATK I AND Or'rhlr, f Ituriia. re got i r'ehruar i t U t Notu.- is herein given that tfip Northern laiif.. UaltMai m y . w b- w (-st offtra a-lliiM lo 14, I'au! .11-1 ou llu- 10th .lay of J at. uar I -U. tlla lu thlg offl' ho sp ill. a I Ion to oelert tiniler t lo i.rov lalono ..f tin a. t of . in r i, -.i, mi, i, i , Vl i July i, m tm tMat SV7.ft30.ea SBtOHMftd bj ll.e .t.f oiigreM " tin nn 1 all tero. U l ! et-rltjsd. M of the ml ncral t harart. r of othsr reason to the 4israt tosr-iMrant ehotil me irteir anujanta oi ,i.Mri m tlila ..nt.r -r H mm ti Ml -lay if Msrth, lilt Wn r4St. Krgitcr nareaa. i'""fi a i . . ii" t,K-. wc. as. I n -ti e. e v r-riai o OTIsa ne UitnlDR Blwrn-ly the euee ' the .an., uf fr oar il-l Brown's New 1914 Spring Opening We will be able to show you a new and complete line of spring 1914 dress goods in a few days. These goods, consisting of White Goods, Ginghams, Pongees, Ratine Crepe, Oriental Crepes, Crepe De Chine, Volls and Etamlnes, will be the latest shown for Spring 1914 New Embroideries and Laces Spring and Summer Underwear New Gowns, House Dresses Skirts TAILORED WAISTS Untrimmed Panama Hats for Ladies BROWNS SATISFACTORY STORE The Quality Store NOTIt K FOB PURUCaTIOH I'Mitii timLiM'Oiri, i Hum", "irtfon Jiduii) "'; .,. I llu Mm.lrll. ol llftrrltiiitn iii.-ioii. who on lull 17, IMi tna1r II,, It ..I. '. I : A n,,,, I , ruwn.hli - UBgi I : Mrl llMtl hu f' ftOUCl ! lliu-ulli.o lu inftke Filial ft..- mat I'n .if. to ratntiiuh rtlm to Inr (nil !. 1rriiUl. hmiotl Htflttr MBit Htrrllil l Hiiro OfMOtt, OU lln h 'III n( Ml, I, ! ,11 tftltfiatil nainra UHMBJ Jam S rltilroii( ami Jam.a H Krimrtl, ImiiIiiiI lvln alon. nrrfnn. Antou Mati-ivltj I 1 I llallua I. lb .1 Maiarll. nra ,,, a I .... Il.l,r Notice lo Cradilor. NoiH-r la hrrclir given lu all whom it max ioiiit'ii that the umlrriiK.xil hav- i iii liren ilulr upiotnlril mlminiitrator of tlie calatc of OTTO !. IIIRSCII,' llrt-riiafil, anil having mi tlir Uth I ol l-rliruary 11I14 ilulv iiialiliril there I for. nil jirraona having i lam: agninat the estate of tniil Olio I'. Hirm h, Or-I (Tiiaeil. niuat prevent auvh ilniina dulv to the umlervigneil at hu rrai ' deiKc nt SJLBT, ORBOOH, on or lie-I lore ix month from ilatr of the ftrvt iiilili. alum of thia notice vthich i dalril Vlnuarv 14, 1H14. VV1I I. rllKOCU, Ailniimvtr.itor HOTI01 KOK ITBI.IBATION. I t'sirsb Mtstbs I.asmts j H'irmi, (ireson. febrsary 10, tu I Nollielsbt-rebi flvso tbat Ai.rsbotn H Ben net I ' of Hatrilr. orrf.-l who. on Oit. IT, 1' Marrh 11. 1.1; sad AO II. .I2, rrse-i I eel) ! mads Hietel Knlr (No .IJ! Hartal NOS WO.0MO" B-1 0S.TJ for HW'.Nai, -'.- , t-JS - . .r'SI'aM.I nw sr , xrrtUiii , 1 Tnobli. 9 H. Range M K. trll,m-lr i NfvrMlen. has fleI notlc ( Intention mare rlnsl fles-fasr prMf, to estsbltoh rlaisa I.- tbr land sboTf .esrrlb1, le(urs Keglsfer elier. stHuftt in-fji , on tbe JUth Uy .1 Mat. b. 114 ( ialtuant n a tare so a tin H r Cteela. t ' H. t -Ufa..!. i.arles Ar n-ibt anl Kt.y ..letnas all ol n oref.o Wn r.RSa KeBate- NOTICK KOK I'UBLICATION. ruiTKb ktaTss Last. QVfJM Home, ifrafun, lNrresslr J9. 113. Sotire i uareby glrru thai Juaw-bh J NOTICE TOR PUBI.H'ATIOM. Kuatrka. ul Btirna. urvaoa. bw on Ai-rll B, 111. raada llumaatraif Kmr tin (oaati lr U 4. . SVUtcr. I. lot I aid tSt. aerttun I. Tiwtiatni .' K.. Kaor .- I . tlllaiarlla MarlJtaii. baa nia.1 oorlra at In Iron. ,u lo inaaa rlnal I utomnlallot. I'r-iof. l.i . ataMlati rlalm In lh laail al ilrarrlld, I. orlorr Kralatvl anil Kei lwr. al Hilrht. Ilrrfuo. , on tba lata day ol Vauiuan. I M ilaimaDl nanaa aa Mnraaa i harti-r w lwla.of Narr.iva. lluab j II 111, ' ,ii Ja In Ixilh ., Ilurna lllr.iili ', I -.lli al!,.n lo hrulun Jrllri. "t Sinual, i;rfon Ha aa. K.l.lrr beneficial than la.-t year, liean Calvin, who is very popular with the ladies of this section, was sen instructors to oosa nun a copy or it. i.ut t.. n.-v.- V(.ar It ja pogojbje to get the strat ions have been ver' helpful one was sent to Mr. Teal. It ()ate of the course in the future to the large class of ladies who isn't always best to make com- at a tjme w,en m0re may take have attended every session. As meat on these things without be- ajVantage of it, but whether this ! was the case last year, this de "8 8Wnat informed and for ;s accomplished or not, we must partment was better attended the benefit of our neighbor M' : have a course everv vear It has ' than the farm lecture. The now recipes and sugKestions of these rs ihi.-iiii.. i,ih,i llacna. hi. . bar . nil. la ban to aivi u itiai lha sartiirm rariflr Hallway I out fain . a boaa l "V r- aililrraa la M I'aul. Mil.,., ..; ),' I,'.. .-,0, larof liri.-n. oar ivu ai.i in in ,,m aclai I 1,11,1, r Ih u. 1. .,), ,, lb avl ol lull if.'' an-t,, . i ,. i i. ia a tii v7 ajpj. si ,-.', ri l, i . K .-.. Kaal M i rrVr ;:''"u'ttu', h1 notice for publication other rvoLM i.. li.r i., apf.iiraai. Horos. "fefon. Fekraary y. ll bou.i Ale l heir amdavito ol rr.rteat in tblt Notlrv is tasreby glvsa tbat kflo C. Wibjun, s-srorf zr-f.i ia I ri.ruar , formerly Ems i MHUr ol arroora, Oregon, 1 who, uu May 3s, 110. made Homesload Kntry. .o.wi,fc.i. rofirT' ?er itn.i Kisrr tlon 17 Township - -h . Uause St K , Willamette Meridian. S,Mb Malheur lake; has fllad M.rt.. ,,( (i.tetitloo t.i mate B a1, tbier .r ptouf. U iO'ablai r I aim t'. 'bo land aU.fe tie Btitbod. balore Krirtal r and Kn.urr a. liiirni.Orrfi.ii .u tb I'lh Isjul Mnb 1 It lalmant nasso ss wlti sss Ii is it... n.i..fii..... f ik. R...t PL-.- L ' hrlV Heaht.u. Aleian-lcr Mikrni bU W H Kmr.i, It. lt . Great 7 DAY PRE-INVENTORY SALE Men's Women '8 and Children' SHOES Regular $1.00 to $5.00 Shoes E 50c. to $3.00 A. K. Richardson General Merchandise HARD WHFAT HIGHER. r C SneK. lae oauonai was prim- l)00n a grii&t factor in the suc- Mler the caption "Make The ces8 of farmers during the past ' vear and the result from the in- toftr,0Beph ,N-, Te'ri !,',t,r structions this week will be far aSHBa tao settlers view ,. ... the working of the public I md ,nort' caching and th.s will con kws abouid be given att. ion tinue as time goes on. The ac ta cedar to assist the t'oii .-. i v;.- tual attendance of farmers and ladies, with the intelligent lectur es on proper food, care of the sick, sanitation, home conveni ences, etc , were to the point and appreciated. The Times-Herald reprtsenta- NOTICE rX)R PUBLICATION Cmtbi. -r.TB UNI tirrtt s , Burns, orefon r'ebrttary 17, lvit Nutlcw Is hershy glteo that t yreono A KellocB, ul ilsrrlrnan. ('refon. whu, on Msreh Jh. Iwf. msds llomealesd Kntrf No tjSM. rterlai So flUtisv fur wW ',.l.,. -'j""'. Hoc . sad HK'a.HK1, Koctlon a, Township Jo . Hsosa M K . Wtllsmette M.rblian bss fl lent But Ira uf dual H-tar I'rikol. to establish rlalm i intenllwn lo trski- ths Isnd shots dea rlte. walSfa Rawloter and Kn elver, st Burn ireou on the .' .1 -lay ol Msrrh. 1U Claimant naraee as witnesae K Hnrahsrdt. Ki Helm. J J llstsa, all of ilarrlnisii. Oragon ti h I b. nip-..u. .( laav rrly, orecou PiStcS. Hegla'fr. Milling Co. lo pay I 1-2 cants per lb. for good, hard milbng wheat nasi year ll mutt b good and eland a last of 60 lbs. to the buolirl, frac from other grain swad and smut. Hard whaat will bring IS cants par 100 mora than soft wheat. hern, tee W li-on. all of Str-vOf, Ure WH rilll. Res later NOT1CK KOK IT HIslCATION. I'NITKli HTaTIU LAND iKr(K. Burn. t.reun. Ki-bruary . IU. . Kotlcsj la bereb. Uen thst Howard W tlo.tue. of Burn. Oregon who on pt -. last made Hxtneatral entry. No unr;. I.r '4 Hata-llnli X) TllbB liahli. 'In U.ll. (I k Ulllam Tba Company recommends Turkey ' eiia hlertdlsn. has a led nmi.-e of Inieniion u iMsiar i.nai nit jear t.i. hi ifiii.inn i (aim lo tba land abovs dt-SH-rlhad. before Kegtster and Receiver, si Burn, t.regon on the Wtlt dav Msrth.lffH lalatsnt names ss witnesses Hoy orren K. 1 Maker. hsrlas Klgga, J.bu H teauld all uf Burnt, nregon w a r'asBB. Kegtster Red for fall sowing and Blue Stain. Min nesota Red and Australia White Chaff for spring sowing. SEED WHEAT FOR SALE AT MILL WORK HORSES FOR SALE I have on hand a number of work horses- -geldings and mares for safe. I have instructions to sell at once and for cash and will make the prices right. J. W. BIGGS, Burns, Oregon ? Commission in arriving at ;. their evident desire to get every tive has not had an opportunity Coll- tOOnelusionandenabli .t to ,,,1c:i,l.. rwin. hao ' to viwil lhi ilermrtmont rlnrin,, 'JCslSmTS'i raged instructors and con- the week, but learns that the from heincr iirnetieal i-; not vinceu them or tne sincere aesire registration up to last muni was Bow best to remedy for knowledge by local farmers. ! W9. Ihis certainly is a good , matter that concerns every' and prospective .settler. SO carefully consider- 'Brovides that no iat- isaue until the expira- BSM years from date of BSt the entry man must hav residence upon six months all. i It he must, beijii, Second year cul:i- tban one-sixteentli, with the thinl cultivate not of t h.- the lio the In a mere ti meet t such the to , showing and encouraguiK to instructors. The instructors take their de parture this afternoon for I'rine ville where they will hold a short j OOUraa Of the same character as j has been conducted here during 'next week. They are well pleased i with the attendance and interest shown. Th-y will find a hearty welcome upon their next visit and even a greater interest shown. Report of Attendance of High School. The following report of the at- It is rather early for the snow to go off, but we have the advan tage of a soil that is ready to ab sorb a great amount of moisture and less will run off to the lakes and lost than in some former years. The ground is not fn-z-eii to sny depth and with the soft weather it will thaw and allow tat moisture to enter the ground. Farmers near the water source are anxious to stop this waste of water every spring that com. s down and damages their crops and llows on .o the lakes where it does no one any good. Storage of the flood water is absolutely tendance of the Harney County i ury and each year it is al- High School is one that should lowed to run off th developm ml "'" tht people proud us it isn't f the country is retarded another, likely another high school m the ..t . . . t. . . . . i . niiutv u tit hit nil' FOUR LANDAU ROADSTER The Studebalcer Four Roadster is a car of dual type and manifold advantages. As a Roadster the car presents a distinguished appearance, differing but little from the conventional type. When desired, however, it is only a few minutes' work to change it into a closed car -impenetrable to wind, cold, and rain. The Studebaker name guaran tees appearance, durability and minimum cost of maintenance. Tba Studabakar SIX loo. in, car ... SI57V00 .alBBflSBMaBaaa..- tlKUXallf MUlrd Electrically Lighted Lannau-RoaaUtrr .'-,.. Ian $180MiO ttttd.00 Tha Studabaki , FOUR Sounn, Car . . SI 00.00 Dalivary Car . . SH61OO All Pn, .. a-, i, 1, u,UltU . .ii-. It must be stored, wheth sr "Uncle Sam" is to do il by taking a mortgage on his own uo ity as advocated by some, r private capital given ine BBSS. The Tiroes-Herald notes with satisfaction the interest taken by local farmers in dairying. It is thing to learn about and of the future industries of section that will be moat pro- state will dance: A vi ragt daily a v MM Whole number of tinieo tai.l 1M Whole numo. 1 : d aba. ni 104 Tola! number of pupils on register 60 Total number of pupils in attendance 60 Class Av. Daily Times Days Attend. Tardy Ab. Senior 98 I 0 2a Junior 100 0 0 r ijj $1200 HARNEY VALLEY HOSPITAL MODERN A DOCTOR ALWAYS IN THE HOSPITAL' Kacluaiva for Suraical. Medical and Confmemrat Caac WF STRIVE TO I LEASE. PATIENTS MAY HAVE ANY PHYSICUI THEY CHOOSE WHILE IN THIS HOSPITAL "Succaaa ta Hoap tal work u oary altaoaad by cloaa and aiullrd aitrni.oa detail, by liajnad Attaradanta." DRS. STANDARD and HARRIS, Burns, On I Fair Feed Yard GRAIN OF ALL KINDS Timothy, Alfalfa and Red Top He Baled Hay For Sale Free (amp House snd Feeding- Privileges in t'orflr or Barn. Customers Care For Own Stock. W. A. (iOODMAN, Adjoining .raaT Ground aasaWaalamaBsamaBsaaaslaaBaaaWsammmBamSBBBs t u wnie tor tree copy of the Studebalcer Proof Book, containing uxty-four pge of information on the manufacture of the Studebaker automobile Lamps hi re's Garage, Burns, Ore. "Buy It Because It's a Studebaker" OUR NEW goe: Haw arrived and .e ar SOW rt.,r supply you with your requirements... MANY NEW LINES have bean added and all goods will be sold at the VERY LOWEST PRICES CALL OR SEND YOUR ORDERS The Burns Department Sto Wo have a greater pre Sophomore UH4 7 6 8 CI sent interest in pigs but we know Freshman iHi.H 2 2