The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, February 14, 1914, Image 3

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    1914 FEBRUARY 1914
T 1W
Statement Of The Condition
Of Th.
First National Bank
of Barns
At the close of business January 18th, 1914.
Hu The Largest Circulation Of Any I
New.pap.r In Harney County.
Local News.
Go to church Sunday.
Nyals Baby Coufrh Remedy for
baby's caught at The Welcome
J. 0. Buttler was hero from
the Narrows this week after a
load of lumber.
The Harney County National
Bank will be pleated to attend
to the payment of your taxes
upon receipt of your instruction
The Baptist Sunday School will
have an unusually important ses
sion Sunday at 10. Plans for the
furore will be made. An ini)or-
tant new move begins at the
liahlon Hutchens of Harney,
was in the city Wednesday mak
ing: proof on his land. He was
assisted by Arthur Thompson as
ne of the witnesses. Mrs.
Thompson accompanied the party
It. J. McKinnon & Son have
established a daily stage between
Drewsey and Juntura. Connec
tions made with the trains at
Juntura and passengers given
every comfort Fare to Burns
Loans and Discounts $819,642.26
U.S.Bonds 41,000.00
Bonds and Securities 74,961.34
Premium on U. S. Bonds 1,965.00
Real Estate, Furniture and Fixtures 8,604.92
Five per cent Redemption Fund 1,260.00
CASH 116,665.84
Capital $ 26,000.00
Surplus and Undivided Profits . 81,163.62
Circulation 26,000.00
DEPOSITS 432,725.83
Capital and Surplus SIOO.OOO.
United States Depositary
Neil Smith of the Burns Hard-.
ware Co. arrived home Wednes-!
day evening from Portland and!
other points, having been absent
two weeks. He attended the
convention of hardware men in
Fortland and visited friends in
Seattle while away.
John Witzell and wife were in
the city during the week having
some dental work done and at
tending to business matters.
Mr. Witzell is one of our oldest
pioneers from point of residence,
having been here during the In
dian uprising in the 70's. He
reports the water raising quite
rapidly at the lakes and looks
for a very wet season in that ter
ritory. The basket ball game Thurs
day evening at the public sehoyl
gym. between the sophomore
class and the other classes of the
high school resulted in a victory
for the all class team again but
the sophs put up a good game.
The score was 22 to 29. The
Burns basketball team chalenged
the high school team for a game
end it has been accepted. The
game will be played on next
Friday night
Tonawama tonight
Salisbury has snow glasses.
Butterick patterns at Luna
burg, Dal ton & Co. 52tf.
J. E. Sizemore was in the city
this week from his home near
Harney lake.
Don't take chances on becom
ing snow blind Get some glasses
from Salisbury.
W. L Spencer has been in the
city this week, having brought
in unite a load of delayed freight
that had accumulated at Bend.
at The Welcome
Hot drinks
The latest in Millinery and a
fine line of guaranteed hair goods
at Clingan's.
Fred Huntly and wife were
among our Valley View visitors
during the week.
Members of Sylvia Rebeka
Lodge are respectfully asked to
bring refreshments same as re
quested for last social meeting.
Pearl Fisk, Sec.
George Marsden has been over $100,000. the bank that makes
from the Bear Valley stock ranch
a few days this week looking
after some business and inciden
tally took the degrees in the
Eastern Star.
Mrs. Emma Miller. Geo. H.
Bollenbaugh and other members
of the family desire to express
their thanks to the friends, es
pecially the Odd Fellows, who
rendered assistance and sympa
pathy in the trying ordeal of the
death and burial of Mark Ballen
baugh. Sheriff Richardson arrived
home Sunday with two prisoners
whom he had captured in Mon
tana. Last week it was reported
he had but one but the telegram
was mixed in transit Ernest
Esmond and "Pat" Russell are
the men wanted and Mr. Rich
ardson is satisfied he has the
right men although identification
is not complete and the prisoners
will not talk.
before buying elsewhere and
I carry a complete line of
at the lowest possible cash prices
- General Merchandise -
Masonic Building, - - Burnt, Oregon
YOUR t $ I $
Geo. H. Bollenbaugh was here
this week from Plush, having
been called by wire on account of
the death of his brother Mark.
He made the trip without rest
coming through on horseback.
Gus Zoglmann, a member of
the Williams-Zoglmann Clothing
Co., is in the city. He came
over from his Silver Creek ranch
to remain for a time in the store,
as the weather will not permit
farming. His many friends are
glad to welcome him.
Strayed or Stolen -One bay
mare branded N E on left shoul
der, one brown mare branded
H I on left shoulder; both ani
mals gentle. Suitable reward
for information leading to their
recovery. H. Eichner, Harney,
Oregon. 14tf
Deputy Sheriff Terrill arrived
home Thursday with L. L. Noon
chester who is accused of issuing
bad checks. He was held by
Justice Patterson to the grand
jury which meets the last week
in March. Up to yesterday after
noon Noonchester had not been
able to furnish bonds.
I have for sale at a decided
bargain a complete threshing rig
in good order. It consists of a
16 horse Russell engine and a 30
Inch thresher. Engine has been
repaired and painted and is ready
for work. Terms can be given
if desired. For full information
address C. V. F.. Care Times-
Herald, Burne, Oregon.
C. C. Connor, the Umatilla
county farmer who has land in
terests in this section, has been
in for a few days making annual
proof on his desert and looking
after his other interests. Mr.
Connor is a progressive man and
always ready with suggestions
and to do hi part toward any
thing tending to develop the
Married In this city, Wednes
day, Feb. 11, at the home of the
bride, E. P. Sylvester and Mrs.
Katie Calkins, Rev. C. Beebe of
the Baptist church officiating.
Both have resided in this section
for many years and have a wide
acquaintance. Mr. Sylvester has
a fine farm home a few miles
above Burns. He is one of our
substantial and progressive citi
zens who enjoys the friendship
of the entire country. Mrs.
Calkins has been conducting the
Oregon hotel in this city which
she owns but has leased the hotel
and they will make their home
on the farm. The Times-Herald
joins in extending best wishes
for a happy wedded life.
Cook wanted at the Burns
All kinds of snow glasses at
Ask for Q brand hams, bacon,
shoulders and lard. 14tf.
Don't miss the picture pro
grams at Tonawama.
A new ad telling about the Q
brand of meats is in this issue.
Pickard China and Libby cut
glass make beautiful and useful
wedding presents.
A. B. Bennett was in from hiH
home near Waverly during the
week on land business.
On account of sickness Miss
McKenzic has discontinued her
kindergarten for a short time.
The steam laundry was first to
use the electric power machinery
being inaugurated by the Electric
Company. "
B. F. Siler has good mahogany
wood and hay, delivered to any
place in town. Phone him ut
residence. 11 tf.
C. H. Voegtly returned Sun
day from Portland where he had
been for a couple of weeks. He
came back by way of Juntura.
If your merchant doesn't carry
the Q brand of hams, bacon,
shoulders and lard 'phone your
orders to Chas. Wilson. Mir.
W. B. Cameron and family, of
Half Way, arc guests at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Clevenger
in this city. Mrs. Cameron is a
sister to Mrs. Clevenger.
Owing to the 22nd falling on
Sunday this year the nineteenth
annual P. P. P. ball will be given
on february Znth. All visiting
Masons and their ladies welcome
without any formal invitation.
The Clay Clemens sawmill is
now at its new location ami is
prepared to fill any order with
rough or dressed lumber, also fir
lumber; buck teeth and any
pedal order given prompt at
tention. 32.
Roland Hankins, one of the
pioneer farmers of the Harney
section, has announced himself a
candidate for the office of sheriff
of this county on the republican
ticket. Mr. Hankins is well
known to the people of the coun
ty and his friends feel he would
make a gotxl sheriff.
We do job printing.
Funny pictures tonight.
Harold Johansen was in the
city this week.
Thermos bottles at. the Wel
come Pharmacy.
A. Dunn will deliver you wood
at any time, having good mahog
any or pine. iltr.
Miss Jessie Bnrdwell is in from
her school on a visit to her par
ents. Dr. Geo. G. Carl is prepared
for special attention to all dis
eases of eye, ear and nose. Eyes
tested and glasses fitted. Mill.
Mrs. John Schenk will give
lessons in Irish Crochet every
Thursday afternoon at her home
in Hums. 4
Jesse King, a brother of Mrs.
Arthur Thompson of Harney, is
here from Lewiston, Idaho, a
guest at the Thompson home.
Mr. King is looking for land.
Willis Skines, son of W. T.
Skienes, had the misfortune to
have his shoulder blake broken
last Monday morning by being
kicked by a horse. Dr. Standard
reduced the fracture.
The masked ball at Tonawama
last night was quite an enjoy
able affair. There were not so
many maskers as at the former
masquerade, but some fine cos
tumes and well represented
characters were out. Some of
them were disapointed on ac
count of the delayed mails not
bringing costumes until too late.
The prizes were awarded to
Mrs. Vera Welkeras "Columbia."
as the best costumed lady; Mrs.
Fred Clingan as "SufTraget," as
the best sustained character.
Ludwig Johnson as a "Colored
Gentleman" was given the prize
for the best costumed gentleman
and Dorman Lenoard and Ernest
Musick as "Imp" and "Flip"
were the best sustained characters
We do job printing.
Dry cleaning and pressing at
the Burns Steam Laundry. 4tf.
Remember the date of the
agricultural short course, Feb.
16 21
Allen Jones underwent an
operation Inst Monday at the
Cummins hospital Dr. Griffith
performing it. He is recovering
nicely at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. J. C. Welcome Jr.
For County Sheriff.
I hereby announce myself as
candidate for Sheriff of Harney
county subject to the decision of
the Republican voters at the pri
mary May 15, 1914. If elected I
pledge myself to be satisfied with
me regular salary $Z4UU a vear;
without the expenses as allowed
by the last legistature which will
be a saving of $600 a year to the
taxpayers of Harney County.
Roland Hankins,
14tf Harney, Oregon.
For County Clark.
At the solicitation and with
encouragement of a large num
ber of friends, I have decided to
become a candidate for County
Clerk of Harney county, subject
to the decision of the democratic
voters at the primary May 15,
Wm. M. Carroll,
13tf Catlow Valley
in the
will be allowed
at the rate of
I per cent
1 1 rim iiiii 1
Harney County National Bank
Geo. Smyth has been over from
his Diamond home during the
week visiting his family and look
ing after business affairs. He
went over to Silver Creek early
in the week and had Frank Dib
ble assist him in going over his
auto, getting the engine and
other parts in good working or
Austin Goodman is ready to
grind grain and has a building
in which it may be stored by
farmers at any time. He will
grind one day each week and
farmers may store their grain
any day and get it when con
venient. He is prepared to take
grain as pay for grinding at the
market price. Special prices on
large quantities, 44tf.
DiedAt the home of his
mother, Mrs. Geo. S. Miller, in
this city, February 7, Mark Bol
enbaugh, aged 32 years, two
months and seven days. De
ceased had been in bad health
for several years suffering from
diabetes. His home has been at
Canyonville, Douglas County, for
several years but he was born in
Happy Vallev in this county.
He came out from Southern Ore
gon last July. Few people in
Burns knew the young man was
sick and it was not until after
his death that it was known to
the local lodge that he was a
member in good standing, his
affiliation being at Canyonville.
The funeral was conducted by
Harney Lodge. No. 77, I. O. O. F.
Tuesday afternoon, Rev. Dr.
Benson conducting the service at
the lodge room and the regular
funeral service of the order at
the cemetery. Mr. Bollenbaugh
was not married; he is survived
by his mother in this city, his
father, who resides at Canyon
ville, one brother, three half
brothers and three half-sisters.
Revival Services.
Services tonight in the old
Capital saloon. Sunday services
will be in Tonawama Hall at 11
o'clock a. m. 3 p. m. and 7 p. m.
During the week services will
be held every night in the old
Capital saloon building. Come
and hear the singing evangelists.
Hortons Are "Spludging."
The Times-Herald received the
following letter last Saturday:
Burns, Oregon
Dear Editer: As this has been
a noted day via Straw hat parade
for San Diego and Ground Hog
day at our old home Burns. The
weather a Straw hat parade day
were working in unison and both
sides were out in full dress
parade for the occasion about
10,000 people in straw hats of all
sizes and shapes, in light suits
or their shirt sieves were in the
parade, with about a dozen band,
with one or two companies of
marine Soldiers with about 2000
school children nearly one half
of (hem were barefooted. Mrs.
Morton tried to put a shiver in
the parade by wearing her furs
but it would not work as she had
to take them off, she still claims
she could have made a better
impression if we had got on the
shady side of the street. This
is the first time we have been
able to see the sun for only a few
hours at a time since we left
Burns, we were in San Francisco
one week, and it rained every
day except one, the old timers
say that is the first time it has
happened since 62 and 63.
We have been over in Mexico
and on our return to our native
land we were all lined up and
searched by the custom officers
for dutiable goods, the Mrs. had
purchased in Tijuana a 36c hand
kerchief and all that saved her
from paying duty on same while
standing in line she happened to
sneeze and used the handkerchief
as a shield.
We have seen growing outside
red peppers, tomatoes and calla
lillies, in a few days we will go
over to Imperial Valley and eat
water melons. We have already
taken up too much of your time
and space and will
Close with best wishes,
Picture program
Three Reels
Four Subjects in all
Split-Reel- -Burlesque Coraeay
Pretty nlory of a city nan and country girl
A Stroag, Gripping Drama
The Burns Hospital
Best Surgical Room and Equipment
In the State Outside of Portland.
Nice Rooms. Good Care and Com
fort for Patients Reasonable Terms
Graduated Nurse in Charge
Old and New Patrons Will Find the But Brands Here -
Wines, Liquors, and Cigars
"The Passion Play"
Beautiful Picture Story of Jesss
Good Service, Courteous Treatment
DROP IN Main Street Burns, Oregon
We have a big supply of wire
any heighth desired and at
The Q Brand
Stands for quality In
Ham. Bacon, Shoulders, Lard
If yon want quality ask your merchant for
the Q brand stamped on the akin
The mild, sweet cure packed by the Geo. W.
Young process. If your dealer does not
handle It 'phone Chas. Wilson.
I'ru al Mill for productai
Flour 15.50 in 5-bbl. Iota or more.
Bran 11.25 per hundred.
Rolling barley $2.00 per Ion in ton lota
or more. Customers in all caeee to
furnish sacks.
Until further notice the following; Cash
Prices will prevail in selling meats!
Hogs, whole or half, lie. per lb.
Choice pork steaks, 1 Sc. per lb.
" loin, 20c.
Whole pork shoulder 12 l-2c.
Leg of pork, ISc.
Front quarter mutton, 10c.
Hind quarter mutton, 12 l-2c
Choice mutton for stew, Sc
Mutton chops, 15c.
Hind quarter beef, 13c.
Front quarter beef, He.
Beef all cuts at reasonable prices.
The intention of the Company is at all
times to pay the best prices and sell on
closest margin consistent with good busi
ness management.
JpW' Rftfev V .. lSfffmmiT-i
Feed Barn
11. ELLIOTT, Prop.
Horses Boarded by the
Day, Week or Month
Good Feed and
Reasonable prices L
Horaee 26c per Head in Barn
Balad Hay and Grain for 8aie '
Comfortable Camp House i
With Cook Htove
Accural Hay and Slock Hralra
Price) for weighing 20c.
South Main St., Burna
Farm Machinery
Don't neglect to order farming
implements until you need 'em.
Come, and talk to us now im
mense stock for you to inspect.
We have handsome sets
In China, also porcelain
beautiful glassware, ta
ble cuttlery, silverware
granlteware, etc., etc.
Fancy Lamps
Paints and Oils
Heaters, Ranges
Builders hardware
Sleds and Wagons
Skates, Small Kore
Rifles, Shot Guns,
Ammunition for all
size guns, Tinware,
Onion Sets, Seeds.