The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, February 14, 1914, Image 1

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The Biggest City In The Biggest
County In The State Of Oregon I
1 he Biggest County In The State
vr uregon, Best In The West I
NO. 1
Program of The Week Published For
Benefit of Those Interested. Sub
jects Cover Entire Farm Industry
of County. Agronomy, Animal
Husbandry, Domestic Science
For the benefit of many who hogs. Judging light horses ar.d
wish to attend the agricultural sheep. Judging dairy cattle.
short course which opens next Judging beef cattle.
Monday morning, the program Note -A period for each of the
for the entire week is published above subjects every day. The
below. By consulting this one first subject in each division on
may ascertain what day or i von- Monday the second Tuesday, etc.
inK any particular subject is to Illustrated Lectures for Even
(1'ioin Our I'm iliiml Correspondent)
Leaving Portland the morning
of Thursday, February 19, a spe
cial train will be run over the
line of the Oregon Electric carry
ing a party of 126 or more boost
ers, representing practically
every line of business in this sec
tion, to attend a great convention
at Eugene for the purpose of
stimulating interest in the "Buy-
your- ticket - through - Oregon
movement which was inaugurat
ed several weeks ago throughout
the whole state. The train will
probably stop at all the impor
tant towns en route for the pur
pose of taking on all who care to
Most Profitable Method of Harvesting
And Marketing is Feeding to Hogs.
Estimated Produce $1.00 Worth of
Pork for Every Bushel of Peas and
Leave Land in Fertile Condition
In former articles on field pens,
it was brought out that the Gold-
ling Meeting (40 minutes) - Mon
day, types and breeds of horses;
Tuesday, types and breeds of
hogs and sheep; Thursday, types
and breeds of dairy cattle; Fri
day, types and breeds of beef
Monday P. M. Lecture -Care
Mmy and the daily subjects in of the sick room. Mrs. Dolman;
tach are proposed : Demonstration Hot Breads.
Course in Soils- The compost- Mrs. Calvin.
ion of Soils; the important physi- Tuesday A. M.-Demonstra-
and chemical qualities ot soils; Uon Cooking for the si. k. Mrs.
be taken up:
For the Agronomy work, four
Ihours perday would be required
(preferably one hour in the morn
ling, two hours in tne aiternnon,
land one hour in the avening.
Under this arrangement the
following four courses in Agro
make the trip. The Eugene
uwnmerciai uuo will make ar- en Vine and Prussian Blue, ex
rangements to entertain at least
1,000 delegates.
That the movement is already
having a good effect is indicated
by the statement by the Pacific
Coast representative of the Pen
nsylvania Lines that probably 90
percent ot tne ban rraeisco wheat under
travel in ivio win include uregon ditions. The
as a part of its itinerary. The
convention at Eugene will be
I held for the purpose of laying
plans to induce that travel to
take advantage of stopover pri-
leges in a great number of Ore
gon towns instead of in the one
large city.
dc necesaarv in
double up i In'
the chief soil types of central
)regon their qualities, use and
handling; judging soils; alkali
oils and their treatment; mam-
ining and improving soil
Course in Crops Dry farming
crops; growing tne wneatcrop;
jarley, oats, emmer ar.d rye;
field peas; alfalfa in rows; main
lining and improving soil I
Course in Tillage Practices
Soil moisture; moisture conserva
tion; dry tarmmg tillage; soil
Mowing and hard pans; handling
rrigated lands.
Note A period for each of the
kbove subjects every day. The
Irst subject in each division on
lonrlay the second Tuesday, etc.
Course in Evening Lantern
Calks. Some college dry farm-
crops; machinery for the
sntral Oregon farmer; the use
id value ot tarm manures;
liodern agricultural edueation.
Breeding, feeding and manage
lent of horses. Breeding, feed
ig and management of hogs.
breeding, feeding and manage
lent of sheep. Breeding, feed
sg and management ot dairy
ittle. Breeding, feeding and
lagement of beef cattle.
lutter making on the farm.
fudging draft horses. Judging
Dolman. Afternoon, Lecture
The growing girl. Mrs. Calvin;
Demonstration Miss Cowgill,
home dressmaking.
Wednesday A. M. Demonstra
tion New ways of using dried
fruits. Mrs. Calvin. Afternoon,
Lecture Bandaging. Mrs. Dol
man ; Demonstration - Deserts.
Thursday A. M. -Demonstration-Food
for the convalescent.
Mrs. Dolman. Afternoon -LectureEmergencies.
Mrs, Dol
man. Demonstration The use
of canned food. Mrs. Calvin.
Friday A. M. Demonstration
Salads. Mrs. Dolman. After
noon, 1 .ecture Feeding the
school children. Mrs. Calvin.
Demonstration Meat Cookery.
Mrs. Calvin.
Saturday A. M. - Demonstra
tion School luncheons. Mrs
Calvin. Afternoon. Demonstra
tionCakes and cake making.
Mrs. Dolman.
The above program will be
varied to suit the wishes of the
ladies in attendance at the meet
ing and each day from 15 to 30
minutes will be given to answer
ing any questions that may have
been placed in the question box.
This question box will be answer
ed at the close of the afternoon
With a capital stock of $641,
the Corvallis Cannery, operated
by the Benton County Growers'
Association, did a business of
$66,000 in 1913. The establish
ment packed 17,860 cases of
fruits and vegetables, making 38
carloads of 36.000 lbs each.
Growers received approximately
$12,000 for raw material.
Out of a total Government ap
propriation of $23,460,000 for
carrying on reclamation work.
Oregon receives $1,220,136. Of
cept that these are sometimes
sold under other names, are about
all the varieties of field pens now inches
obtainable commercially. Yields
of these varieties on the Station
have been given. They have
been contrasted in yields with
like dry Inud con
broadcast method
of seeding has been compared
with the double row method
And the danger from frosts has a
neen discussed. We will now order to mulch the surface of the
take up the growinir and dis- toil and dWrov anv vnnnrsa ,U
posal of the field pea crop, both coming oa This may suffice in
on irrigated and dry land and the way of cultivation, but it is
with the two varieties already likely that one OT two Cultivations
mentioned in mind, hoping, how- between the rows will be of
ever, that before very long that benefit These cultivations should
the Experiment Station will have be given with a shallow working
determined upon better varieties Cultivator K that a mulch will he
and that the seed will have been maintained to conserve moisture
increased to such an extent as to without going deep enough to
give every one interested in the destroy the plant roots. The
The seed should be placed
deeply Into the Ml. One cause
of failure with (his crop is the
shallow planting of tan given It
The seed should be placed at a
depth of from three to four
In order to get the seed
SO deep it ma
some .soil; lo
springs on the drill parts used m
seeding by removing springs
from the unused parts. Of
Course, the land should be well
disced before seeding is done.
.nisi heiore the peas come up
harrowing should be given in
crop a start.
Field peas can he grown upon
about any land in the County
that will produce other spring
cropB. They should never be
planted on land that overflows
or becomes very wet at the sur-
Tonawama tonight.
this amount about $600,000 wilL ,uce ut"cU!. "'" planted very
be extended on the Wt lima. !t,arlv' tnev wi" drown out. Land
tilla project, nearly the same
amount on the work jointly being
carried on by the Government
and state, and the balance will
be allotted to the Klamath pro
ject. The good roads excitement has
invaded Polk County. The Dal
las Commercial Club is making
an effort to secure a bond issue
of not less than $600,000, with
which, it is figured, practically
nil the riti.'s nf t In. coiinl u i-mi I...
connected bv a hard HUrfftPfl ' field peas mature, it is not ad
road jVisable for any one who has ir-
" i rigated or otherwise cold land to
The Santa Clara PoUto Grow-; Dinnt them. On tha .l.i u
er's Association of farmers near 0f iana tne (;0den Vilu v,mo,
peas should not be cultivated at
all after the) begin to blossom
for it is detriment t' the plants
to be bruised about after they
have reached this size.
The method pf harvesting will
depend upon the way in which
the grower intends to dispose
of the crOD. In ease he wishes
that is to be planted to field pees to produce seed edtirely, the peas
should always be prepared in the ean be cut with a mower or self
fall. Spring plowing can scarcely rake reaper In some instances.
be done in time to plunt the crop In order to work these implc-
when it should be planted and is meats, the land must be pretty
a poor way to farm anyway, free from pieces of brush and the
The man who plants any kind of POM must not be too rank, Where
a crop on spring plowing is al- the vines are very rank, the
WBys behind time and gets poo- ordinary buck rake with a Strong
pay for his work because he gets wire woven about the teeth near
small crops. the points will do good work in
Owing to the lateness with pulling and bunching the vines.
which the Prussian Blue variety Where neither of these method.-.
Centrally Located, Good Clean
Meals, Comfortable Rooms,
Clean and Sanitary Beds
First Class Bar In Connection. Give Me A Call
Eugene, has just sold three car
loads of spuds at 80 cents per
cwt. and are holding from 12 to
14 carloads for better prices.
The association was organized
for the purpose of developing
better potatoes, for co-operation
in fighting disease and insects
and to aid its members in secur
ing better prices.
will work, the hay rake with
strong boards bolted about six
inches from the ends of the teeth
will pull and bunch the peas
pretty well. But, ordinarily, the
farmi i who grows oeas will keen
some hogs to clean up the ground
after he has harvested What seed
he wants for his own use and to
sell. With him it is not essential
It is absolutely necessary that l,,al llu' ground be entirely clean-
peas be planted earlv. The seed ''ll "' 'U8- ,le lil" use any
mellioii Dial
turned upon the Mas
Young bogs, and other animal
too, make i tter gains In pro
portion to the amount of feed
consumed than do old animals.
A hunch of thrifty young hogs
turned upon pea patch will re
turn more clear money to the drj
land farmer, and the wet land
farmer too no doubt, ihan he can
obtain from most annual crops.
From the time the pijfs go on the
peas until the time they are
marketed, they .should be given
all they will eat A pig should
always have all be will eat. If he
is to bea money making machine.
t Stunted nigs are alwavs mwa
at a loss. A hog should weigh
two hundred pounds at seven
months of age and be in condi
tion for the market. Farmers
who grow hogs on starvation
rations and market them at two
.... i,.... j .
wi mite juurn oi age never Know
I what it takes to produce such an
agricultural monslrocity or it
would never be dona.
Following are the results of a
hogging oir test made with Gold
en Vine pet upon a dry tract of
land. The peas were produced
under summer fallow conditions.
tney probably yielded al.ooi
thirteen bushels per acre. An, i
finishing tiM pea patch they were
finished up on cracked peas and
wheat, two parts of peas to ti-
of wheat, and the results are also
Number of pigs Uj
initial weight of pigs, ,s 788
Initial weight each pig lbs 62.61
Initial cost of pigs 868,16
Date turned on peas .July 2",
Hate taken otf peas Oct. 3
Weight when taken off, lbs 1586
Gain in weight from peas lbs 7 Hi
nnmoer oi acres ot peas 4.26
Gain in pounds per acre 17,r.r
Value of peas per acre $16.82
Pounds of cracked peas con
sumed in finishing hogs
Founds of cracked wheat
consumed finishing hogs
Gain in weight of hogs, lbs
I eas at three cents, wheat
per hundred s ;.,
Peas and wheat ligun d
equal, per hundred l'.h;
These hogs averaged just about
two hundred pounds each. Iiv
weight, and were about i u v n
months old. Fourteen of (hem
weighed 277S pounds alive and
President Farrell Says Oregon & East
ern Will be Extended West From
Juntura as Far as Possible During
Year. Expected to Reach Harney
Valley Before The Work Ceases
Hie announcement 0f President Farrell of the O.-W K &,
N. that the Oregon ft Eastern Railroad would be extended west
from Juntura verifies the confident prediction of several local
men that the lino would be puthed to Harney Valley this veer
Last Thursday'! Cortland Journal says:
Between 85.600,000 and .. 000.000 has been authorized by .
he directors of the Union Pacific system for improvement, ofi
the O.-W. K. & N. This covers almost Mtatlo tho nou,.!
asked for in the budget prepared by President J. D. Farrell
and Vice President J. P. O'Brien and sent to New York on
New Year's da .
This news was brought back to Portland today by Mr.
I'.inell himself, who has been in New York nearly three weeks
In consultation with the directorate. The money is to be dis
tributed In general improvement of the lines in Oregon and
Washington It does not include any expenditures that may
be entailed by prospective new lines, for which snecial atmro-
priationj are to be made.
It does Include, however, provision for the extension of
the Central Oregon line, which is being built westward from
ale. and is now operated as far west as Juntura. This work,
Mr. Fan-ell announced, will be pushed beyond Riverside as far
as possible.
What is Your Income?
be by certified check, money or
der or draft. Personal checks
Only a few days left in which cannt be accepted.
to Ale your income tax statement. Partnerspips as such are not
Applications for blanks can be uotrevuired to make income re
made to any bank or Coimtv turns, but the members eomnris-
Milton A. Miller.
al Revenue, Port-
dr. ssed out 8676 pounds.
coinage ot :).. values are flgur
ed above at this rate. Such 1
should be used, leaving the Prus
sian Blue for those having sandy
or foothill soils of warmer nature,
upon which this variety will do
very well.
We have oonfincd our business entirely to the
White Front where we are prepared to care
for our customers better than ever before
Baled Hay and ( imin for Sale at Market
Prices. Good Hay in Stack $4,50 Per Ton.
Delivered in Burnt, $6,50 Per Ton
The Burns-Vale Stage Line
.(6-II our Schedule from Railroad
Close Connections Made With Trains East.
Cofortable Conveyances for Prseengers.
Fare, $10. Careful Attention and Prompt
Delivery of Express and Freigha Entrust
ed to Our Care. Freight 2 l-2c. Per Pound.
R. J. McKinnon & Son
Market Report.
Receipts for the week have
been cattle 1276, calves 3, hogs
3403. sheep 6102.
Cattle liquidation liberal on
Monday but very light the re
mainder of the week and outlet
somewhat improved for limited
quantities of choice light grain
and hay fed steers and two loads
at $7 80 Monday featured. Bulk
for six days sold $7 26 and $7 50
butcher stuff slow. Small sud
ply of cows, bulls heifers etc.
All prices steady at the close.
Swine trade had sensational
rise this week. Prices jump from
$8 10 to $8 40 and $8 50. Bulk of
light hogs sold $8 15 and $8 35
but several sales at the higher
figures were made. An extreme
ly short supply, eager demand
for live hogs by killers all over
the coast, severe cold weather
East of the mountains scarcity of
finished stock ready for ship
ment were the principal factors
having an influence of the mar
kets aviation.
Sheep house activities was in
its first power Monday and
Tuesday, drain fed wether sales
off cars at $5 75 and ewes at
$4 65 featured. Lamb top was
$6 50 with a considerable quanti
ty offered. Trade is weak for
poor grade mutton but seems to
run to fancy choice quality. Re
ceipts have been about twenty
percent less than for same period
a week ago.
of seed per acre is ample, forty
five pounds on dry land and sixty
high percentage of dressed meal
Is very rare and would hardly h.
believable without a look al the
hogs. These hogs were pro
nounced oy Mr. Hansen, manag
er of the Hums Packing Plant,
B "The best hogs 1 have ever seen
in quality of the meal and in the
small amount of waste." They
surely were solid meat of One
qualitjr, showing well that MR od
pork can be grown here as from
corn, anil at a profit.
In conclusion let it be said thai
peas are well adapted to the cli
mate; that they are adapted to
dry land com! it ions; that they
can grow in competition with any
other crop so far as yield is con
cerned; that they are of high. 1
feeding value than the graini ;
that they enrich the soil Upon
which they grow; that there is a
present market for the crop
turned into hogs; and thai tin
crop should be considered as one
of the most, if not the most, im
portant annual for this coumv.
Treasurer or to
Collector Inton
land. Oregon.
Penalty of $20 to $1000 for
failure to Ale returns on or be
fore March I 1.
Fine not exceeding $2000 or 'information to M. A. Miller,
imprisoniiK m not exceeding one lector, rortland Oregon
year or boil) ai the discretion of
the court for making a false or
fraudulent return.
liven person having a net in
come of $3000 or over for calen
dar year ($2500 for year li13) '
IllUSt make a return! : wino-l.. The Be.t Cough Medicine.
I ' person is allowed an exemntion "I have used Chamberlain's
"i $800band a married person Cough Remedy every since I have
$4000. (For year 1913, March 1 been keeping house," says L. C.
to December 31, the exemption Hames, of Marbury, Ala. "I
allowed is $2600 or $3388. 33. consider it one of the best rome-
All payments due on your in- aies ever use(j- My children
nave au taicen it ana it works
like a charm. For colds and
ng the firm providing their in
dividual incomes reach $3000
($2500 for 1913) or over are to
make returns.
If in doubt regarding any part
of the law regulations write for
ror yearli13, the law operates
only from March 1 to Decern I er
31 so the incomes, deductions
and exemptions are figured accordingly.
come may be remitted at once or
.ou cm nave uuiii ,iune ;ui in u,!,,. mi, ui. vn.,
It to pay. Payment must For sale by all dealers.
Tonawama tonight.
germinates at a low temperature """W Uli" win .10 rapid work
and the nen o-rnw ihirimr..ol in gathering t he .eas.
weather better than during hot Pans can be threshed hy the
weather. If theplanting is made ordinary grain separator. A pea
late tne vines may not set pods - miouiu no uaeu ami tne
at all because of the blasting of cylinder pulley should be lagged
the flowers during hot weather; Up BO as to run at half speed.
and they may not ripen the pods A" but a lew of the concave
set because of being caught in u lt'''ln abouW be removed and
fall frost while yet green. Field uhoul half ol the cylinder teeth,
peas should be planted during the '" this way the peas are not
fore part of April, never later t'-ilL'k,,l but are well cleaned be
then the twentieth of April, eauiil the cleaning part of the
From fortyfive tolxty pounds machine continues to run at the
normal speed.
Hut we must not pass over tin-
on the wet lands, most important method of dis-
rianting should bf done with' BOSing oi the pea crop. Pen seed
the grain drill. Most drills do sells well, fifty dollars per acre
not crack the peas, though some being quite possible on any dry
do. If the drill cracks the peas, land at present prices, There is
it should not be sued hut another a possibility of a market for peal
drill obtained in someway. Crack- for the production of split peas
ed peas seldom grow. Hy closing BJ are u-i in soups. A pea can
up three of the holes of the drill nery is another possibility in the
and leaving two open etc. the way ol s market tor ibis emu
peas can be placed in double rows Hut the certain market for all
about twenty eight inches apart, time is the hog.
Planted in rows in this way, the When the mn m m b f.i fl
peas can be cultivated if neces- hogs, there hj ,, worry about
sary to kill weeds or to maintain harvesting and threshing and
inuiui uii uib nun bu uiui (oere kimimi processes with all the
will be as little loss of moisture expenses attached. The grain
by evaporation from the soil as farmer pays out a nigh percent
possible. The conservation of ugj of the value of his crop in
the moisture so that the crop gets tin.: lung bills etc. Peas ure
the full benefit from the moisture harvested and turned into u hid,
in the soil probably accounts for priced product aaav ofm1..-u..iin,r
il !.. 11 . ; -- ,vv,,,a
llo, lllllllkH III.. ,l.i . . L 11 t -
'" i jriciuo 10 ue gotten oy siiiiuiv urnintr ho in m th.. ure lour or an our o,.k ,,,, ..;,..,
,.,, , " ne" ,)UU'"- llw ,mtfs Uo u cleaner side came to my place in I Irewsey
drilled m all over the ground, job than uny harvesting imple- about three weeks ago. Owner
,... .un. WBU aiu in KciuiiK inoiit mat can . ver be devised, please come prove m-onei-tv. and
trictly First Class. Splendid
service, Fine Accomodations,
C mmercial Headquarters
11 pie Room In Connection, Reasonable Rates
Daily Line, Burns and Prairie City
How it Your Boiler?
It has been stated that a man's
stomach is his boiler, his body is
his engine and his mouth the fire
box. Is your boiler (stomach)
in good working order or is it so
weak that it will not stand a full
load and not able to supply the
needed energy to your engine
(body)? If you have any trou
ble with your stomach Chamber
lain's Tablets will do you good,
They strengthen and Invigorate
tne stomach and enable it to do
un worn naturally, many very
remarkable cures of stomach
trouble have been effected by
them. For sale by all deah rs.
F.strayed One red and white
muley cow branded a script liu-
li a m
7 am
.'ill p in
1 aiiMin City
Hum-. . . .
lilll II .
(an. 1111 i tj
Praii ii' 1 1 j
(aa.MHi ii
Fare, liurnM-Prairie City,
Hound Trip,
Exprt Units 2 1-2 Cents, Prairie to Hums
:.'!() p in
10 .1 in
1 ' nooi
$ H. 00
pay charges and for this adv.
P. J. Upton.
sunngnt to tne vines, thus bring- They will produce ubout one
ing about a bushy growth with dollars worth of pork for every
pods well distributed over the bushel of pats In the field and
hIiik 1. hint iii...'.l ,.1' ;.,,. .. 1 I 1 aL 1 11
- " iuuijuomi,uiu loavo tne ianu 111 a good state of I Kitmur .,if,,ifu ,, .u j
vine tip as in the case of the fertility. Sahrf-I ! 7. E LW.!Wfc' " d
crowded thick seeding. ' m
Is The Place to Trade
First: Pronipli et, accuracy and fair dealing.
Secend: We carry a well aisorted stock of Drugs, Chemi
cals and Druggist Sundries.
Third: We guarantee every article we sell to be just as
represented or your money refunded.
If you are a customer of ours you know this. If not, be
come one and be convinced.
J. C. Welcome. Jr.