r i r CITY OF BURNS tttlra- COUNTY OF HARNEY ounty In The State The Biggest City In The Biggest The Biggest County County In The State Of Oregon I Of Oregon, Best In The West VOL XXVII BURNS, HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON, FEBRUARY 7, 1914 NO. 13 W aW ' ,S Mtmw. - v DISCUSS WATER WORKS AND A SEWER SYSTEM Representative of a Contracting Firm Makes Persenal Investigation and Gathers Information to Place Be fore Bonding Houses. Must Have Both Systems to Meet With Favor The city council hold a special meeting Tuesday evening for tee purpose of consulting with I. Iv Bufton. a representative of a contracting firm with head quar ters at Portland. Mr. Bufton came here to look over the possi bilities of installing a water and sewer system in Burns and want ed such data and information he could secure to place before bond ing houses to ascertain what their attitude would he should , we decide to vote bonds for such I purpose. The Times-Herald understands that bonding houses have not points ami immediate action along the line of voting bonds will de pend to some extent upon how his report is received by the bonding houses. Result of Public School Examinations. The following are the names of those who received a grade of 80 per cent or more in one or more subjects in the Eight Grade examination just held: Eight Grade, Burns Ray Skions, Ed Goodman, James Young. Elbert Taylor, GROUP OF LAST WINTER'S "SHORT COURSERS" JUDGING HOGS. LATEST DEVELOPMENT LEAGUE NOTES I III I M lBJMBMSMBasJSJBJMSMMSJSBJSJSBasapWfli ' i-iay. 111 "fiTTEat'T ' ""gf' 'MIT1 11! !' "-H T i ' j ' attain iMiTMliftMBBM. Eaffl jIk , m ill 1 ' bU II Wm-rill fcA,A,rWMlL Jh & " in&far -4 fsrfst1 "ft JXffSSk" fife w I J'l' P M HHsfll "sflsisSSSSSsl Efc ' L 8 H "' "99CwAflHMB ' - smBki iiiHiinttsA'sMTW' i Tffliwff ' AsVHHstfsPV Stock judging is one of the interesting and practical features of the Agricultural Short Course to be conducted in Burns the week of February 16-21 inclusive by instructors from the Agricultural Col lege. Prof. Potter will be assisted in this work this year by E. B. Fitts, professor of dairying. The r ,. i free use of stable room and hay at the fair grounds during the week makes itnttrnctive to farmers to """" I LJ ! . - -t- B .. J! Oliver, Nellie Reed, been very favorable to financing Kjchardson. Carmen bonds of towns that have no rail road connections in the recenl past but there is a decided optim ism shown recently and it is now considered a favorable time to bring such investments to their attentions. With this in view it was the desire of Mr. Bufton to secure such information possible, together with a personal Investi gation and discussion with the feeling of the people of Burns. noting the character of the lu-i-ness structures, the relationship of the town to the commercial interests of the country as.an in dication of its permanency. The gentleman remarked the substan tial business bio ks, the modern school building, the immense volume of business of the two banks and the general prosper our condition of the commercial business of the town and is fav orably impressed. He will place this information before bonding houses for their consideration. There are few, if any, property owners in Bums but are in favor of water and sewer provided in adequate system may be installed at reasonable cost. Howev r, it is the opinion of many that we should not attempt it unless both may be installed at the same time, as water works alone with out the sewer would not bring in revenue to justify the outlay and assist in taking care of the inter est on the bonds. Mr. Bufton took his departure Wednesday morning for outside Henrietta Donegan, Ella Jennie Cook, Ilda Hayes, Elliott, Helen Thompson. Seventh Grade, those receiving K0 per cent and better in Physi Physi Physi oeogy: Charles Cawlfield, Pat Donegan, Ellsworth Egli, Ralph McKinnon, Neil Miller, Alex Sweek, Willis Skienes, Taylor Huston, Celia Byrd, Agnes Foley Violet Harkey, Rhea Rhine, Francis McGee. Sixth Grade, those receiving per cent and better in Physi olegy: --Everett Eggleston, Llew ellyn Hibbard, Milton Brown, Raymond Horton, Bernice Har key, Georgia Fry, Gladys Mc Kinnon, Hazel Hibbard, Leora ' ioodlow, Marie Egli, Mary Ows ley, Margaret Seethoff, Ruby Dickenson, Regina Schwartz, Dorothy Sayer, Cora Shepard, May Riggs. District No. 42, Harriman Florence Talbot, Belle Fitchett. District No. 18, La wen Lulu Hayes, Othel Gotf, Earl Sitz, Allen Sitz. District No. 41, Lawen Bertha Carter. District No. 21. Van-Greeta Anderson. District No. 2, Harney- Her bert Irving, Susie Lowe, Lee Clark, Lolo Howser, Leora Han kins, Robert Lowe. District No. 29-Emil Stone, Nellie Huffman, Ethel Turner. Hazel Turner. Note -Returns from the ex amination are not yet complete. T - - bring in stock for judging purposes. Those who contemplate bringing stock should notify J. C. Leedy Things That Never Die. Box oars have been fixed up here for a temporary depot and (From the East Side Literary as soon as weather conditions News, edited by Vivian Gray. ) settle down work will be started The old year now reposes in the on the new stone depot, past, Embalmed are the remains which could not last. Hatred, deceit, treachery, envy and shame. Have marred its once untarnish . ed name. This was its body of useless waste But its soul was progress its pas.' . word haste, Its motives were pure as an angel's prayer. Unselfish was its mission diligent its care. The kind deeds of the past year will never die The battles fought then now in victory be Could we but strive as this year glides past, To accomplish something that will last. on a harp Bub- through the THE BURNS HOTEL DELL DIBBLE, Prop. Centrally Located, Good Clean Meals, Comfortable Rooms, Clean and Sanitary Beds First Class bar In Connection, (live Me A Call THE WHITE FRONT LIVERY, FEED AND SALE STABLE We have oonfined our business entirely to the White Front where we are prepared to care for our customers better than ever before HORSES FED FOB 20c. PER HEAD AND UP Baled Hay and Grata for Bale at Market Price. Good Hay in Stack $4.50 Per Ton. Delivered In Burns, $0.50 Per Ton The Burns-Vale Stage Line 36-Hour Schedule from Kailroad Clone Connections Made With Trains East Cofortable Conveyances for Prssengers. Fare, $10. Careful Attention and Prompt Delivery of Kxpresa and Freigha Entrust ed to Our Care. Freight 2 l-2c. Per Pound. R. J. McKinnon & Son BURNS, - OREGON One pure breath lime Will live to echo years of time. Some battle with self will uplift the race And prepare us to meet the Master face to face. P. II. Gray now residing in Crane Creek (Jnp met with a painful accident one day last week by slipping on the ice and falling on a bucket which he was carrying at the time, a broken rib was the result. He was do ing as nicely as could be expected until two days later when the house caught fire at the roof and Daddy regardless of broken bones climbed on top of the house with a pail of water. With the help of Mrs, Gray and Ira Clark who was hailed while passing, the (lames were extinguished. Since that time Mr. Gray's con dition has been more serious. Dr. Denman was called and gave what relief possible. Ralph J. Rimer our Pleasant Valley school teacher Is casting about for a location intending to make our country his permanent home. Having wandered away from the East and crossed the continent because as he express ed ' 'there seemed to be nothing there to stay for" he has been agreeably surprised at the wait ing opportunities of our country and the progcssive spirit of its people. Railroad Prospects Brighter. t , Judging from present indica tions and current rumors, rail road operations will be resumed with vigor as soon as weather conditions permit, and an effort will be made to push the steel through to Riverside at an early date. L. C. McCoy, the engineer in charge of the construction work, thinks that they will be able to get to Riverside by the first of AuguBt, if not sooner, as they will shoo tly the crossings be tween here and that point and afterwards put in permanent bridges, as they done between Juntura and the tunnel last summer. There has been an element of good fortune in the past cold spell for the bridge crews below here, as the freezing weather checked the water from flowing off too fast and taking out the false works and coffer dams built in the river channel. If we have any amount of cool weather for the next month, the snow will go off slowly and will not Market Report. Receipts for the week have been Cattle-748, Calves-15, Hogs 5243, Sheep-6243. Cattle liquidation has been ex tremely light this week and busi ness not very brisk. Packers are showing a preference for prime hay and grain-fed steers weigh ing from 1060 to 1800 pounds. Of course, this variety is com- paratively scarce and most of the transactions are in medium and heavy bullocks. Reef outlet is narrow. Decreased receipts have cause floods and the consequent undoubtedly had a sobering effect damage to the temporary bridges. Work on the bridges is being pushed by the new management and it is hoped to get the steel all in without any delay on ac count of floods. We expect to hear of building operations at Riverside just as soon as the boosters of that little townlet are assured that the steel will get in there this year, and on prices, but trade is not active f.i yet. A few good butcher ca: -lie were sold during the week, but the market was slow. Bulk prices were as follews: Prime steers, $7.26 to $7.60; prime cows $0.25 to $0.00; Heifers. $6.50 to $6.75; Calves, $8.00 to $9.00; Bulls, $5.50 to $5.75. Swine prices climed to $8.15 Thursday as receipts have been win ue K.au to see maiourg grow vcry Bmal, 8ince Monday when as it is better to have the country J the 8econd largC8l run of tneyear developed and towns built than ' urrivcdi Buying was brisk all to have expanses of sage brush weok and price8 maintained a from which to draw trade. 1 8lronR fronL Bulk of choice Every new settler that comes to ; liKht noga brought $8.00 to $8.05, this section of Malheur county is1 but occasional 8ae8 were made just another booster for this sec- ... , ... w ir i)mB,i MmH tion, and if the road wasn't built on and towns were not developed, the settler wouldn't be here and we wouldn't get the benefit of his presence nor would we get the country developed and put in a productive condition. -Juntura Times. Moit Profitable Age and Types of Beef Cattle. Successful livestock growers as well as dealers in livestock and meats, must know the market demands and then grow animals that will meet them. This is the cardinal principle of the industry as announced by Mr. Forestel, expert buyer for the Union Meat Company, in his livestock de monstration before the Oregon Agricultural College Short Course Students. Farmers that raise livestock for beef and pork, often aim at the production of animals as big and as fat as they can be made. When those farmers take the 1 nek to the markets they are disappointed and often angry be cause it brings less per pound than the smaller animals. Beef animals are sold with the highest margin of profit at from one to two years of age. A grower recently Bold a yearling steer in the city market for $06 at the same time that another grower sold a two-year old for $117. There is no profit at all is car.y ing be f animals after they are two or three years old. It was further pointed out that types should be developed that carry high percentages in the choice parts of the carcass. Everybody wants porterhouse steak and prime ribs, and these cuts must bear the loss of the chuck, which is about 42 per cent of the dressed beef. And then people wonder why beef is so high. Hut growers will profit by knowing the facts, if they choose their beef types accordingly. Ci mi Mm' I'lirtlnml Correspondent; What is expected to be the most important session of the Oregon Irrigation Congress ever h 'ill will be called to order at the i Imperial Hotel in Portlrnd on I February 13 and will last for two i days. It is expected that fully 200 men. representing all sec tions of the state, will be in at tendance. About 40 organiza tions of water-users, ditch own ers and commercial bodies ntw belong to the congress and each is expected to send five delegates,' William Hanley, president of the congress, has announced that one of the most important pro blems to come before the busi ness session at that time wiil be: "How too Finance the Individual Projects in Different Locations and Give the Owners the Right to Install their own Irrigation Plants." It will be contended that each municipality or project shall have the right to make its own rules and regulations in the same way that a private cor poration handles its own affairs. On the night of Feb. 14 a ban quet will be given to the visiting delegates at the Imperial Hotel in celebration of the effective work done by the congress since the last session. Equipped with stock from the Oregon Agricultural College, car rying expert instructors from that institution and also a number of farmers who have proven that hog raising and dairying are profitable pursuits in Oregon, the Southern Pacific demonstra tion train will start from Inde pendence on the morning of Feb. 2, concluding its trip at Albany on the 14th, in the meantime having passed over all S. P. and P. E. & E. lines. Arrangemen's have been made for two lectures with demonstrations at every stop. This train is intended to take the advantages of the Col lege direct to the barn door of the farm and stands for prac tical farm education. ARMS EMBARGO TO BE LIFTED BY PRESIDENT Wilton Preparing Executive Order to Permit Importation of Arms Into Mexico by Both Sides in Revolu tionary Struggle. An Anti-Foreign Uprising to be Guarded Against A late Washington dispatch says: That President Wilson was preparing an executive order raising the embargo on the trans fer of arms and ammunition from the United States across the bor der into Mexico, was persistently reported, though without confir mation, today. Despite the fact that the re port was unconfirmed and that neither at the White House nor at the state department was any one found who would discuss it. there was high authority to the effect that the story was true and that the order would be issued tomorrow. from coast. the former place to the Identify the Insect Then Apply the Spray. Sprays should not be applied to plants to rid them of insects until it is definitely known that the insects are harmful. The mere fact that they are present in considerable numbers is not sufficient warrant for Spraying. they may be harmful, but again they may be either rw utral or beneficial. If they are injurious, they should be combatted, but if tlicv lire ln'iwif 'wifi 1 )li,. .jI.'.mI.I It was understood also that the be encouraged, since it is definite ly known that the destruction ot the natural enimies of harmful insects has done much to increase the number of harmful pests. "Begin the work of control by carefully studying the insect, " says Professor H. F. Wilson, en- cabinet had discussed the em bargo question. Secretary of State Bryan and Secretary of War Garrison would say nothing, but apparently were aware that some new move was about to be made in the Mexican situation. Advices to Bryon indicated that i tomologist in the Oregon Agri President Huerta was becoming cultural Colleire. "If you can desperate and the state depart- identify the insect, and it is ment was momentarily expecting ' harmful, then apply the standard news of Ton eon's capture by the; spray according to directions. If you cannot identify it, then rebels Orders to Admiral Fletcher were believed to have been issued this afternoon for the American warships at Vera Cruz to be ready for any emergency. It was plain that a serious a n t i - Amei icin demonstration was looked for in Mexico City with the h flint nf th.' imli'irir Believing that alfalfa growing on .,, which M the is of vast importance, not only , afternoon progressed, was tacity to the livestock interests of the admitted to be on the program The bustle about the navy de- to be brisk and to dale has taken care of the supply. The sheephouse experienced a temporary slump this week, as killers drew off unexpectedly, and mutton and lamb sellers had considerable difficulty in dispos ing of their stock, especially if quality of sheep and lambs grad ed less than prime. Wethers were unsteady and about 15 cents lower. Ewes fell a quarter and lambs an equal amount the early part of the week. A few top sales were made Monday at the same level which ruled here ten days since, but business was draggy thereafter. Bulk prices on Friday were; Prime yearl ings, $5.00 to $6.86; Prime ewes, $1.50 to $4.75; Prime grain-fed lambs, $6.50 to $6.75. Poor quality mutton hard to move at any price. Hw .. Your BoiUr? It has been stated that a man's stomach is his boiler, his body is his engine and his mouth the fire box. (s yoqr boiler (stomach) in good working order or is it bo weak that it will not stand a full load and not able to supply the needed energy to your engine (body)? If you have any trou ble with your stomach Chamber lain's Tablets will do you good. They strengthen and invigorate the stomach and enable it to do its work naturally. Many very remarkable cures of stomach trouble have been effected by them. For sale by all dealers. Estrayod One red and white muley cow branded a script fig ure four or an oar lock on right Bide came to my place in Drewsey (.bout three weeks ago. Owner please come prove property, and pay charges and for this adv. P. J. UPfen. Tonawama tonight state, but also in its relation to the up-building and maintenance of soil fertility, the State Sup erintendent of Public Instruction has set aside the entire second week of March as "Alfalfa Week." Every school in Oregon, including the one-room country schools, will be expected to place special emphasis on the subject of alfalfa. In the lower tirades this instruction will be in the form of story-telling by the teacher and comments and ques tions by the pupils. In the upper grades, all the written composi tion of the classes will be on the subject of alfalfa and its relation to other industries. The "Passion Play" For Farmers Week Tonawama management has secured the three-reel feature the "Passion Play" for the Agri cultural Short Course week. These pictures will be seen on the evening of Feb. 18 and it is the intention to secure the ser vices of Dr. Benson, pastor of the First Presbyterian church, to lecture during the production. The two evangelists, Revs. Lewis and Matthews, who will be here at that time assisting in the re vival services, will also be asked to render vocal solos between the reels. This feature has been secured by the management at a price that will permit the pro duction at the regular feature prices of the house. Upon first being advised of the date of the short course Tonawama management begun to figure on some good pictures for the farmer visitors and later learning of the revival meetings it was decided to secure a feature that would fit in well with all concerned. Two shows will be given that evening, thus making it possible to seat all who may desire to Bee the "Passion Play." This pic ture of the life of Jesus Christ is one of the most instructive and interesting ever placed on a Bcrene. partment indicated that prepara tions were being made for excit ing developments in the very near future. Admiral Fletcher, it was said, had plenty of marines at his com mand and undoubtedly could pro tect the railroad between Mexico City and Vera Cruz and cover the escape of foreign colonists note the effect it has on the plant. If the plant shows signs of insect feeding, the visitors that cause them are eating in sects and can be controlled by arsenical sprays. If the plant shows curled leaves, wilted sur face, creasing, uneven and dis colored tissues but no nibbled areas, the visitors are sucking insects and can be controlled by contact insecticides. But of the plant shows no signs of damage the visitors are probably either neutral, or predacious insects in search of harmful insects that they feed upon. The plant often shelters the hunter as well as the game." Finest alfalfa, timothy and red top hay baled may he had at the Goodman feed barn is south Burns Dr. Geo, G, Carl Is prepared for special attention to all dis eases of eye, ear and nose. Eyes tested and glasses fitted. 60tf . THE FRENCH HOTEL DAVID NEWMAN, Prop. Strictly First Class. Splendid Service, Fine Accomodations, Commercial Headquarters Sample Room In Connection, Reasonable Rates BLUE MT. STAGE CO. Daily Line, Burns and Prairie City 8CHEDULE: LEAVE AKKIVK Burn 6mm Canyon City ti:'ii) i in Canyon City 7am Prairie City 10 am Prairie City 2:30 p ni Canyon City 7 pm Burn .., 12 noon Fare, Burns-Prairie City, - - $ 6.00 Round Trip, ... - u.oo Express Rates 2 1-2 Cents, Irairie to Hums PLEASANT, SCENIC ROUTE ALL THE WA Y L. WOLDENBERC.sProp. THE WELCOME PHARMACY la The Place to Trade -WHY- First: Promptness, accuracy and fair dealing. Secend: Wo carry a well assorted stock of Drugs, Chemi cals and Druggist Sundriei. Third: We guarantee every article we sell to be just as represented or your money refunded. If you are a customer of ours you know this. If not, be come one and be convinced. J. C. Welcome. Jr.