The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, January 31, 1914, Image 3

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    1914 JANUARY 1914
Statement Of The Condition
first National Bank
of Barns
At the close of business January 18th. 1914.
Hat Tha Largeat Circulation Of Any
Newipaper In Harney County.
Local News.
Tonawamu tonight.
Leo Buchanan was in town the
first of this week.
Rev. E. E. Laurie and Kev.
Wm. Baird are again in this Mo
tion looking after church work.
Nyals Baby Cough Remedy for
baby's caugh at The Welcome
Dr. Griffith went out in the
Denstedt section Tuesday to seel
Mr. ncklesimer who has pneu
Dr. Carl, who was called to
Follyfarm last week to see Mrs.
J. H. Neal, reports the lady
The city council is considering
the advisability of placing more
street lights in various parts of
Dr. Geo. G. Carl is prepared
for special attention to all dis
eases of eye, ear and nose. K yes
tested and glasses fitted. 60tf.
Tom Allen was over from the
P Ranch during the week and re
ports Mrs. Allen in much better
health. He went back immedi
Supt Breithaupt is at the Cum
mins hospital naving had ms
tonsils removed the other day,
Dr. Griffith performing t he opera
tion. He is getting along very
I-oans and Discounts $319,642.26
U. S. Bonds 41,000.00
Bonds and Securities 74,961.34
Premium on U. S. Bonds 1,965.00
Real Estate, Furniture and Fixtures 8,504.92
Five per cent Redemption Fund 1,260.00
CASH 116,55.84
Capital $ 26,000.00
Surplus and Undivided Profits 81,163.62
Circulation 25,000.00
DEPOSITS 432,725.83
Capital and Surplus $100,000.
United States Depositary
Tonawama tonight.
Salisbury has snow glasses.
llalph Beery was among our
Sunset visitors during the week.
The latest in Millinery and a
fine line of guaranteed hair goods
at Clingan's. .
Robt. Drinkwater and wife
came in Thursday to visit their
daughters. Mrs. C. A. Harlan
and Mrs. Clay Clemens.
R. D. Cooper and M. V. Dodge.
the civil engineers, came over
from their Silver creek farms
this week. They were accompa
nied in by D. G. Cooper.
Frank Johnson of the Oregon
A Western Colonization Co.,
Tonawama tomorrow night.
Hot drinks at The Welcome
Mrs. Louis Rath is ill at her
home in this city with pneumonia.
G. A. Fraser is again in Bums.
He is the man who was quann
tined at Harriman for smallpox.
Don't take chances on becom
ing snow blind. Get some glasses
from Salisbury.
The little daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. J. W. Biggs is reported
suffering from an attack of
.. , A
. xi. voeguy is aDseni in
Portland where he is attending
the convention of hardware men
Mil liuiL imr nfliiM Li., .-. ..,..
ii ii' i wwim ( m mo BuruiK
Cooper & Dodge, the civil en- came over trom rnnevuie "eu-lorder8
. ..... i ....,!., t. ,v Lts-klr affor ttw pnmminv !
g.neers took their departure - - TVT-v, -i TUC C,T .nl
vPQtorHav fnr M-ilhenr like to taxes. Me reports nis wue aim - - - w.,. gi. w
yesterday tor Muintur uwt 10 " . !"": . . ... BURNS, capital and surplus
.. . ....,.,. ..nuntinir iriuui iu'hiiii - -.-
complete soundings in connec- -k"-' "JVJr? " JTTZ ItlsMf. THE BANK THAT MAKES
tion with the projiosition to drain ' anu aiso siaie n i mc " YOUR t t $ $ SAFE
the lake which is a part of the , railroad from that town to the , invited.
irrigation nlan of C I? McCon- main line on tne uescnuies ia
nell and associates. The
has to be done while the lake is
frozen over.
.... . X I1C ilk II IIKM Ill'l III III'!. I
work Koing to go. worK to oegtn nel; Hihhi ho. h
The annual meeting of the
J. R. Gould has been confined, stockholders ot tne rirsiwauonai
to his home for most ,f the week ; Bank of Burns was neia iasi
as a result of getting hurt in a Saturday evening. The same
run-away. He drove the team directors and executive officers
out for Dr. Carl on the trip to were re-eiecteo ana aiier me
Fntlvfnrm rn ,.,. Mrs . H Meal business Ol tne MSUlUllon was
and durine the nitfht drive the ! thoroughly gone over
team of colts left the road and ! tors took the necessary steps
ran over some obstruction that ward membership in the new
overturned the buggy. Mr. currency system; also passea um
Gould held to the lines for some necessary resolution to put the
distance but finally had to let go. institution in shape to nanaie me
He was considerably bruised. Indian moneys.
Annual Clearance Sale
The long looked forward to event
is now at hand. Two things have
been uppermost in our mind in the
planning of it. First, our inflexi
ble rule that no winter goods are to
be carried over, and second, and
very important, that last year's
sales records are to be put in the
A sweeping clearance carrying all
our winter stocks before it and
leaving behind a store ready to re
ceive new, fresh merchandise
that's the object of it.
Don't Fail to Attend It
- General Merchandise -
Masonic Building. - - Burns, Oregon
The aged mother of Bert, Ralph
ill at the family home in the
country. She is reported better
by her physician.
For Sale 320 Acres of land on
Cow Creek. Stock, hay, grain,
and household goods. For par
ticulars address owner
R. Drinkwater,
9-12 Harney, Ore.
Nat Henney and Ben Roder
were up from Sunset yesterday.
They conferred with Mr. Hawley
on the new railroad proposition
from this place south and are
enthusiastic supporters of the
W. H. Robins and N. P. Biddle
were in from the Crow camp
section this week bringing a load
of slaughtered hogs to the local
packing plant. They had a fine
lot of porkers that will help to
supply the local demand for ba
con, hams and lard.
The high wind storm exper
ienced here the fore part of this
week and including Saturday and
Sunday was a general storm
that swept the entire coast In
some places considerable damage
was done. We have since ex
perienced some real winter wea
ther, the first of the season.
Among the pictures to be seen
at Tonawama tonight and to
morrow night are some good
ones, Kathleen Mavourneen
is a strong drama, that has a
goodstory and gripping interest.
"The Mouse and the Lion" is
another that will please.
"Deedee's Blind Master" is a
pathetic story in which a dog
takes a prominent part. Some
good comedy too, Usual prices.
There's going to be another
masquerade ball at Tonawama
on the evening of Feb. 13. The
orchestra will furnish music for
this dance and the usual prizes
given for the best costumed and
sustained characters. This is
given by request of a number of
our young people who want
another masked ball during the
winter. Mrs. Vera Welker will
take orders for costumes and it
would be well to make selections
early as they must be ordered
from a distance and it takes time
for them to reach here.
We do job printing.
All kinds of snow glasses at
J. W. Buchanan was register
ed at the French yesterday.
Butterick patterns at Luna
burg. Dalton & Co. 62tf.
Supt. Hamilton and wife came
in from their farm home yester
day. Pickard China and Libby cut
glass make beautiful and useful
wedding presents
Harney county had but a small
dose of the recent storm that
swept the entire coast
Jack Johnston was In from
his homestead for a few days
this week renewing acquain
tances. B. F. Siler has good pine and
mahogany wood, delivered any
place in town. Phone him at
residence, Jltf.
W. G. Smith was making proof
on his homestead Thursday. He
was assisted by Stant Tyler and
Can oil Withcrspoon.
F. L. and H. B. Mace take this
means or thanking their many
friends for their sympathy dur
ing the late illnes and death of
their father.
H. J. Jokisch of the Harriman
high school is in the city on busi
ness and to visit Mrs. Jokisch,
who is teaching in the public
The excellence of the schools
of Burns is the pride of every
citizen. Good results are being
accomplished this year in both
the public school and high school.
R. .1. McKinnon & Son have
established a daily stage between
Drewsey and Juntura. Connec
tions made with the trains at
Juntura and passengers given
every comfort. Fare to Burns
There doesn't seem any danger
of anv fresh people in this section
as it appears about all the stages
bring these days is salt. Last
night's stage didn't have the
evening Portland papers but did
bring 1000 lbs. of salt.
The Clay Clemens sawmill is
now at its new location and is
prepared to fill any order with
rough or dressed lumber, also fir
lumber; buck teeth and any
special order given prompt at
tention. 32.
Krnest Musick has assumed
his duties in the pool hall, he
having purchased an interest In
it last week. He continues to
help at the 1. Schwartz store a
part of the time until Mr.
Schwartz gets competent assis
tance to take his place.
Well, water and sewer systems
are still needed in Burns. What
are we going to do about it,
elect men who are conservative
and favorable to such improve
ment and give them all encour
agement, or shall we wait until
we build the railrhad? You know
both will cost money.
With home cured meats, home
made flour, a fine variety of
vegetables from our own gardens,
fruit and beef, fattened on our
exceptional meadow grasses, al
falfa, peas and grain, Harney
county should takeanlace among
the prodocing sections of the
The Times-Herald has been
trying for some time to get rid of
Mrs. Wm. Hanley. Last issue
stated she had gone to Portland
for an indefinite visit, but she
hasn't. She is one of our best
friends and we have no desire to
ship her out of the country, the
reporter was misinformed about
her going.
Austin Goodman is ready to
grind grain and has a building
in which it may be stored by
farmers at any time. He will
grind one day each week and
farmers may store their grain
any day and get it when con
venient. He is prepared to take
grain as pay for grinding at the
market price. Special prices on
large quantities, 44tf.
The chidren's masquerade at
Tonawama last night was a great
event for the little ones and they
were out in numbers. Many
were in costume and there were
some well sustained characters
represented. The little ones had
a fine time for a couple of hours,
the music being furnished by
Mrs. Curtis Smith. The prizes
were awarded to Regina
Schwartz for the best costumed
girl character, she represented
a Merry Widow," The best
sustained girl character prize
went to Marie Goff as a "scrub
girl." Dolph Byrd, who was
dressed as "Uncle Sam" was
awarded the prize for the best
costumed boy and Nick Robinson
and Wesley Stiter were given the
prize for the best sustained char
acters as Coons."
Funny pictures tonight.
Sauer kraut at Lnnaburg,
Dalton & Co.
The Japs may "start some
thing" yet.
Thermos bottles at the Wel
come Pharmacy.
Mrs. Jones nnd two little
daughters are in from the home
stead near Warm Springs.
A. Dunn will deliver you wood
at any time, having good mahog
any or pine. 9tf.
It isn't regional banks that
Burns is interested in just at
present-its railroads.
Mrs. Thos. Sprague in to under
go an operation today, Dr. Griffith
to perform it.
Soon be taxpaying time and
you should remember to get in
before April 1 this year. The
new law is rather stringent.
Mrs. John Schenk will give
lessons in Irish Crochet every
Thursday afternoon at her home
in Burns. 4
J. P. Cavender has been quite
ill at his home in Burns thin week
but is reported Improving by his
physician, Dr, Geary.
For Sale One Sawmill com
plete, with logging Sleds and
Trucks, with or without timber,
for terms see H. M. Horton.
The way to accomplish results
is to all get behind a thing and
push that's the secret of
Almost every street leading
down from the school buildings
are worn slick by the children
Well, Harney county farmers
raised big crops last season and
found a market for it. Now
we'll just raise more croiw this
season and take the chances on
getting rid of it.
Estrayed- One red and white
muley cow branded 4 on right
side came to my place in Drewsey
about three weeks ago. Owner
please come prove property, and
pay charges and for this adv.
F. J. Upton.
Three men were seriously, but
not fatally, injured Sunday after
noon at 4:30 o'clock, when an
electric railroad speeder jumped
the track on the Oregon & East
ern railroad. H miles w-st of
Vale, near Little valley.
Jack Winans, the new pro
prietor of the Windsor Barber
Shop adjoining the land office, is
prepared to do first class work in
his line and invites a share of the
public trade. Satisfaction in
every respect. 48tf.
According to a Portland paper
the voters will have 13 constitu
tional amendments to vote on at
the election this fall. This will
be a job for the many new voters
who take advantage of the fran
chise for the first time the
The church people are going to
start a vigorous campaign in
Burns beginning with next week.
The first meeting to be held by
Rev. Cleighton will be at Tona
wama Theatre on Sunday, Feb.
8, both morning and evening
Friends in Burns have re
ceived positive announcement
from Gov. West that he is not
going to be a candidate for re
election. From the tone of the
newspapers it seem the Governor
favors the candidacy of Dr. C. J.
room for more
governor In this
Tonawama tomorrow nitrht.
Dry cleaning and pressing at
MM Burns Steam Laundry. Ilf.
Price Penick and wife are oyer
from their Silver Creek home
Remember the ,:ie of lb
agricultural short course, rb
There's still
candidates for
The farmer who doesn't attend
the short courts next month Is
ffoinfl to be the loser.
(iood pictures tonight ami to
morrow night at Tonawama, the
usual programs and usual prices.
Finest alfalfa, timothy and red
top hay baled may he bad at the
Goodman feed bam Is south Burni
Local growers should see to it
that onions are not shipped in
by parcel post next season We
must raise more onions.
From the amount of ice put up
during the last few weeks Un
people of Burns should keep oool
during the coming summer.
F. C. Sets, one of the pioneer
residents of Grant county, died
at his home there the fore perl
of the week. He was a promi
nent man and widely known.
Dr. Griffith was called to Emi
grant Creek Thursday to see
Mrs. Barnett. He reports the
lady better and further states
the snow is very deep in that
Yes Sir
Every man in the Harney County
National is deeplyjconcerned in your
welfare, and will go beyond the ordinary
routine of every'day business to do you
a service, to advance your interests,
from the first day you become a 'deposi
tor of this bank.
Your account makes possible a great
er opportunity for us to render helpful
Harney County National Bank
Owned and Controlled by Home People
The Burns Hospital
Best Surgical Room and Equipment
In the State Outside of Portland.
Nice Rooms, Good Care and Com
fort for Patients Reasonable Terms
Graduated Nurse in Charge
Picture program
Three Reels
Five Subjects in all
A mighty funny Funny tonight
Sunday Pictures
Farmers Ball Friday, Feb. 6
Music by Four-Piece Orchenlu
Old and New Patbomb Will Find the Hest Brands Here
Wines, Liquors, and Cigars
Cood Service, Courteous Treatment
DROP IN Main Street Burns, Oregon
We have a big supply of wire
any heighth desired and at
The high Hchool basket hull
game at the public school gym
last night remitted in a victory
for the senior und junior team
with the sophomores uh their op
ponents, the score being 31 to 18.
Owing to so much going on there
was not a large crowd, but those
who attended report a good game.
It is likely there will be more
games during the school term.
Died At the home of Austin
Goodman, in this city, Jan. 30,
Andrew C. Skienes, aged 20 years
und 21 duys. The young man
had been suffering from pneu
monia and although two physi
cians had worked faithfully to
save his life he passed away.
He had been sick for over a week
and it was hoped he would sur
vive but was too weak after the
hard struggle. Deceased was an
industrious young man with good
habits and was well liked by his
many acquaintances. He had
been working with the Goodman
wood saw all fall and winter and
contracted pneumonia from being
exposed during the recent stormy,
wet weather. He is survived by
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J.
Skienes, three brothers and one
sister, all of whom reside in this
vicinity. The furneral will be
held this afternoon at 1 o'clock,
services being contucted by Kev.
Beebe at the Goodman home.
The bereaved relatives have the
sympsthy of this community.
Pricea at Mill fur product.:
Flour 9S.50 in 5 1,1,!. loU or morr.
Bran $1.25 per hundred.
Rolling barley $2.00 per lull in Ion loti
or mora. Customer in all cain to
furmih mi k.
Until further notice the following Caah
Price! will pravail in telling nieata:
Hoga, whole or half, 1 Ic. per lb.
Choice pork ateaka, I Sc. per lb.
" loin, 20c.
Whole pork ahoulder 12 I -2c.
Lag of pork, ISc.
Front quarter mutton, 10c.
Hind quarter mutton, 12 l-2c.
Choice mutton for alew, 8c.
Mutton chopa, ISc.
Hind quarter beef, 13c.
Front quarter beef, lie.
Beef all ruli at reasonable price.
The iiilrniH.ii ol the Company ii at all
tunr. to pay the belt pricea and !! on
cloaeat margin consilient with good buai
rifin management.
J3ft rfflts. sF-ffl3brV
MgSSsRgirSgBSSsl if ITI. dial gSV 1 Ai
1 P ssf JCr' f T1pbbbbb! sssft B Vl
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imumtmum: tm:m:n:nmm:Mmis:::i
Feed Barn
II. IXI.IOIT, l'r.ii.
Horses Hoarded by the
Day, Week or Month
Good I 'Veil und
Keasonalile prices
lluriiB 2ft' per Head ill II. n n
I lu led Hay and (iruin lor I'.ilr
Com lorl aide Gump House
Willi Cook Stove
Accural Hay and Stock gatsUl
Price for tteighing 20r.
South Main SI., Ilurim
Farm Machinery
Don't neglect to order farming
implements until you need 'em.
Come and talk to us now im
mense stock for you to inspect.
We have handsome sets
In China, also porcelain
beautiful glassware, ta
ble cuttlery, silverware
granlteware, etc., etc.
Fancy Lumps
Faints and Oils
Heaters, Kiinges
Guilders hardware
Sleds and Wagons
Skates, Small Bore
Rifles, Shot Guns,
Ammunition for all
size guns, Tinware,
Onion Sets, Seeds.