The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, January 31, 1914, Image 2

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    The Better that Men get Acquainted
with our Clothes the better
They Like Them
--The styles are the newest and
most pleasing creations of the
country's foremost designers.
The tailoring Is the best obtain
able. The fabrics are all pure wool
and the new collars and patterns
are especially attractive.
The prices are always low
when you consider the high
quality of the garments.
You'll find us all the time ready to
show these friend-making clothes
It's worth while
getting acquainted
Clothing Company
Merchant Tailors and Leading Clothiers
I. O. O. F. Building - - Burns, Oregon
8ht iiaUf-itmtt
0. Y.r
SU Mo.lK.
TWm Month.
I 00
The proposed line of railroad
started by local people from tertaining.
Burns south to a connection with Piano solo
through lines to San Francisco is
a feasible proposition and la a
line that would eventually be
built by some railroad system as
it opens a bijr territory and from
what is said by those familiar
with the territory it la an engine
erinjr possibility, more suitable
to electrification than steam, how
ever. Should those instrumental
in starting the move meet with
favor from the (iould road and
San Francisco financiers and no
formidable obstacles met from
other railroad sources, it will he
a great thing for the country.
This route has been in vet
by railroad people. Col. Hollibird,
Harriman's confidential man, has
gone over tne ground ami me
Gould people have also investi
gated it By diverting tuch a
big territory to the San Fran
cisco markets direct and the
completion of the Panama ("anal
it is almost certain business in
terests of the California cltj may
be relied upon to give the build
tag of such a line active support.
, Agricultural Club
Meets Next Tuesday
The Burns Agricultural Club
will hold its regular meeting next
Tuesday evening in the assembly
room of the public school and an
exceptionally fine program has
been arranged for the evening.
The general public is invited to
attend this meeting as it promises
to be of much benefit to the en
ure community besides very en -
The program is:
Florence Hoffeditz
'Home Sanitation,"
Mrs, J. C. Foley
"The Hog Industry in the
Middle West," C. A. Hawley
Violin solo, Alex Eggleston
The program will start at H
Report of Library Club.
The Times-Herald knows that
Harney county has some of the
best horses ever raised, not ex
cepting Kentucky, therefore it
urges the farmers to bring them
in to be judged during the short
course. Remember there's going
to be free hay and table room at
the fair grounds and Mr. Leedy,
of the high school, should be
notified at once of what stock
may be brought in. The stock
judging is not going to be con
fined to horses only, however.
Beef and dairy cattle, swine and
sheep are also wanted. The
manager of this great religious
hasn't ascertained whether Prof.
Scudder is going to lecture on
poultry and call them animals
or not, therefore cannot advise
as to chickens. The writer is a
good judge of chickens after
they've been properly prepared
in the domestic science depart
ment, however, so bring in the
The Library Club met at the
home of Mrs. Farre, on Saturday
January 24.
A number of items of impor
tant business was dispatched with
Mrs. J. W. Geary presiding. The
Literary program consisted of
three numbers: An excellent
paper by Mrs. J. W. Bigg, on
"A Journey up the Hudson,"
was particularly interesting, as
it was purely reminiscent, of an
actual journey taken by Mrs.
Biggs some years ago.
Mrs. Carl read an able paper
on "Yellow Stone Park" and
"Niagara Falls" illustrating the
same with some fine views.
"America" was the closing
number, sung by the club, with
Mrs. Farre at the piano.
Religious Services
At Tonawama.
The farmer who has watched
the work at the experiment sta
tion, made intelligent observa
tion of conditions on his own
farm, applied methods promul-
by Supt. Breithaupt, Prof.
Br, Thos. Shaw, Bill Han-
and The Times-Herald, and
ids the short course Feb. 10
is going to have a bank
mt after harvest nexl fall.
we can't get a railroad any
way we'll build one our-
This scheme has been
ited for years by "Daddy"
Mne and Mart Brenton ho
me some one should net to
The committee in charge of
the arrangements for the religi
ous revival to begin in the city
on Feb. 8 has secured Tonawama
Theatre for that purpose for a
part of the time. Beginning
with Sunday Feb. 8 there will be
preaching services at the theatre
both in the morning and in the
evening. There will be no ser-
ices in the churchas on that day
other than Sunday school in the
morning. Rev. Cleighton will
also preach in the theatre Mon
day, Tuesday, Wednesday and
Thursday evenings. There will
be no services on Saturday even
ing but again on Sunday, Feb.
15, there will be two services at
the same place. On this date
Revs. Lewis and Mathews, both
noted singers and preachers, will
join in the religious work.
It is expected the revival ser
vices will continue during the
week following, but as the thea
tre has been engaged for the
short course the religious services
will likely be held at the church.
lished reports are to the
that the Huerta uoverment
ico is being supplied with
jition by the Japanese.
Uetl Cough M.dnin. for Children ,
"I am very glad to Bay a few
words in praise of Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy" writes Mrs.
Lida Dewey, Milwaukee, Wis.
"I have used it for years both
for my children and myself and
it never fails to relieve and cure
a cough or cold. No family with
children should be without it as
it gives almost immediate relief
in cases of croup." Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy is pleasant
and safe to take, which is of
great importance when a medi
cine must be given to young
children. For sale by all dealers
Local People Pro
pose Starting Railroad
(Coiitltiiitjit front I'ngr On.)
definite information with refer
ence to further construction on
these projected lines, and what
has been done so far is of no prac
tical benefit to this country,
in fact doeH not r lieve the
situation at all. It is our firm
belief, therefore, that the time
has come for independent action
on the part of the people them
selves, and we therefore recom
mend that the proposed road be
built and that steps be taken
immediately to organize for that
purpose. We have faith in the
ability of the people of Burns
and Harney Valley to seek and
obtain their own relief from this
intolerable situation, and we re
commend that they at once pro
ceed to the undertaking, confi
eent in their ultimate success.
"To that end we recommend,
as an initial step, a temporary
organization for the purpose of
determining the most desirable
route for such road, its probable
cost, methods of financing the
undertaking, nature and charact
er of the proposed railroad com
pany, and generally to perfect
all necessary preliminary ar
rangements. "We recommend further thai
every efTert be made to interest
not only the citizens of this
town and vicinity but also every
one in any way interested in the
development and progress of the
country naturally tributary and
adjacent to the proosed line of
road, to the end that the whole
country lie united in a common
effort to secure transportation
facilities. We believe that pra
ctically every rancher and farmer
in this entire country can be in
terested in thi matter, and we
would leave no stone unturned
in the effort to secure their un
qualified support and co-oera-tion.
This movement should be
in no sense sectional or local, but
rather a united and determined
effort to obtain the relief to which
we are, and for many years have
been, justly entitled.
"Your committee are unani
mously in favor of each and all
of the foregoing recommenda
tions and beg leave to hope that
they will be favorably received."
At a largely attended meeting
held at the Masonic hall last night,
called by President (iault of the
Commercial Club, these resolu
tions were adopted and the gen
eral feeling of those present was
favorable to going ahead with
the proposed line and arrange
ments were made to carry the
work forward.
The president was authorized
to appoint a general committee
of nine to have charge of further
ing this work. This commi' tee
is authorized to appoint sub-committees
and all the promotion is
to be under their supervision.
The first matter to be taken up
will be securing sufficient funds
by subscription to send men over
the route to ascertain the best
way, after which a committee is
to be appointed to compile statis
tics of the country, gather all
data ne essary respecting the
resources of the territory, the
business a railroad would get at
present and'what the possibilities
are when the territory is develop
ed. Armed with this represent
ativea will be sent to Salt Lake
to confer with the men who are
financing the Surprise Valley
railroad which is to be built this
year and is considered a subsidi
ary of the Western Pacific. This
seems to be the logical connec
tion for a north and south road
from this section at present and
as the line to Surprise has already
been financed and in course of
construction it is considered these
people will be receptive to the
proposition of extending the pos
sibilities of the line.
Should the proposition appeal
to the Salt Lake financiers it is
the plan to invite them to go to
San Francisco with Burns repre
sentatives and place the matter
before the . I ran: .portal ion and
commercial people of that city.
With such a big territory as the
goal it is not questioned but San
Francisco will respond.
Those familiar with the pro
posed route state there is no dif
ficult engineering features to
overcome and the line can be
tied on to the proposed Surprise
Valley line by building not to ex
ceed 180 miles, all of which is
easy with the exception of about
60 miles which will only be fairly
heavy work.
This is an important movement
on the part of this section and is
one of far reaching effect. The
men who are at work mean busi
ness and arc confident of meet
ing with success. It is not a
Burns proposition, although fos
tered and started here, but one
that the whole country will join
in. It vill open up a big isolated
territory that has long been re
tarded through lack of communi
cation and transportation and
people interested ' along the line
will enter into the scheme with
entusiasm. It is a feasible rail
road line that will pay dividends.
Great Area of Land
To Be Reclaimed.
Will R. King chief counsel of
the reclamation service, told some
interesting things at the Pro
gressive Business Men's luncheon
at the Hotel Multnomah in Port
land recently about the work be
ing done and in contemplation by
that department of the govern
ment in the way of redeeming
arid and swampy lands in the
western and southern states.
Mr. King said that $80,000,000
had been invested by fhe govern
ment in reclamation projects in
15 or 16 states. The money, he
said, was a loan without interest
to the people and was supposed
to be repaid in ten equal install
ments after the projects were
completed. This benefit, givon
to the western states, was not
shared by the other states, he
Mr. King said that the secre
tary of the interior has started
out on a new basis. He had
placed the reclamation service on
a commission form of govern
ment, appointing five commis
sioners. Mr. King said that Oregon had
as many good projects not yet
undertaken as any state in the
union. He said it was like two
states in one. The eastern part
was dry, "even in the 'wet'
counties." he added facetiously
and the western ortion got all
the rain it wanted. For the pre
sent, the best outlook was for
the arid section, the Deschutes,
Baker and Harney valleys.
The western country was rea
ching a condition where it was
difficult for private capital to
handle irrigation projects, as
when they were built with pri
vate capital they must pay inter
est upon the investment, ne said.
In Baker county alone there were
80,000 acres that could be reclaim
ed by the government. An ap
portionment of $800,000 had been
made for the west Umatilla pro
ject, and about $3,000,000 had
been spent on the Hermiston and
Klamath projects.
Mr. King said that Oregon had
contributed more to the reclama
tion Bervice than any state ex
cept Oklahoma, but at the pre
sent there were no available
funds for the work. He said
that a recommendation had been
made to congress to loan the de
partment $100,000,000, and he
expected that $200,000,000 Would
le invested in reclamation pro
jects in the next ten years.
Homes would be placed where
they had never been dreamed of
and the taxable property would
be doubled in value in all the
western states, he said.
The one serious defect about
Oregon, he asserted, was that it
had not enough state commission
ers to adjudicate water rights.
It Bhould have been seven in
stead of two and instead of
$2400 a year the salary should be
as large as that of a circuit judge.
The matter should be put up to
the next legislature, he said.
Harney and Malheur counties
alone would keep one man busy
for 18 months, and at the present
way of operating, it would take
anywhere from 10 to 40 years to
adjudicate the state'B water pro
Seek Species of Rare Deer.
In pursuit of specimens of
rare animals, to lie added to the
collection being made by the
state, Stanley 0, Jewett, natura
list, and O. J, Murie, field assis
tant, arrived in Bend this morn
ing on their way to Davis Lake.
They will leave tomorrow, ac
companied by district game
warden C. M. McKay and deputy
warden John Riis.
The particular species which
the state game department is
seeking in Central Oregon is a
white-tailed deer. This animal
is not found in many localities in
the state and Ib rapidly becom
ing extinct, hence the efforts of
(lame Warden Finley to secure a
speciment for mounting. There
are several of these deer in the
vicinity of Davis Lake and the
party of hunters will endeavor
to get at least two adults before
returning to Bend. Bulletin.
One of the McDuffey boyB ia
reported nick with pneumonia.
10 a. m. Sunday School. Start
ing a campaign.
11 a. m. service of worship and
preaching. 7:30 p. m.
Tuesday evening, union cottage
prayer meeting at William
Thursday evening, union prayer
meeting at Presbyterian Church.
Friday evening, sociable. Those
in school seventh grade and
above and all over same age not
going to school.
Saturday afternoon sociable those
in the sixth grade and under.
Public cordially invited.
Catholic Church.
1. On Sundays and Holy dayB
of obligation Holy Mass with
sermon at 10:30 n. m.
2. On week days Holy Mass
at 0:30 a. m.
All other services, besides
those mentioned abort will be
announced in church.
All invited and welcome to the
divine services.
Sick-calls promptly answered
at anytime. Religious informa
tion and instructions willingly
imparted at the Franciscan
Itev. Pius Niermann. 0. F. M.
Pastor of The Church of the
Holy Family.
BRUM SriT(l.NiiUrri
HuriiN. tir.gmi. J.nuaiy ." lull.
Noll, la alwn tli.i Kiln Meml.ll, of
ll.rrlm.ii. ort-KiHi. who on Jul v 17, IWft. in.rlr
1 1., mi, .1. .,1 I ntrl . ' Inr NW,. -..- linn ll.
loWiiBtili.W - . liana.. IS K... Wlllaiiifll. M.rl
ill. n. Ii.i Mm luiMrr i'l Int.lillon To M.ka
Pinal flu' yrar I'ruoi, in , iil,llah '!. hit to ih.
t.ti'l WTO, linr. KvHl.tor anil
HaclV.r, .1 Hum Oregon, OH Hi. Ml!, .l.y ,,r
M.i' li IH4
I t.lm.lll M.llM. . rt UlO'ftB,
J. in.. W. Armllrotilf .ml Joint If H.iiii.11,
liotltof f'rlftrelou.or.tfon. Anion,' I ui,,.,tii,
ml HI, I, II. Inn both of W.v.rl),
I iM'Bnll
Wh I o r ,
U-41 Hum. Ml I.I.I No. 0t1M
i mikii hiatkh i.and orrtric
Minna. Oregon. im .iulir IN. ltflA.
Nut I re la hrrrl.y gfTMUaM IJM Nnrtltrnt I'arlAi"
Katlwav Cumpam wbaM POM fll lilrra la
wt l'fttif. Ml a day of Decern.
br tola Ale-l In th iRlr tu application to
avian-1 under llta .ro toloBl of tin art of Con
grrai abpr.itrt) Jnl 1. UVM W Htal Bf7 AtfUj.
HKUAWWfkM Ifl I 27 M.. K. M Km I W U
rk-rlal Kn 07l7'i
Ati) and all i- nnin lalmlng advi'rat'ly t lir
landa it. if r-.l, or dralrlnK nujwl Uhiih
il the mineral ' tiarai'lrr ul (In- laud, or (or auy
ollit-r i.aa.ill to t(n- In Blipllt'BUt.
--Mould Ale tticlr a.Tfdavlta of proteat In Ihln
uffiie on of l.t-lnrr IMC ? rl lav of h Lrtiary
Wm. r'tkni, Ki-iitalri
We reserve nothing. All Dry
Goods, Dress Goods, Furnish
ing Goods and Clothing to be
included in this Sale. Prices
are reduced so that evetything
offered will move.
The Quality Store
ll i. Ih mi. nio. ii of li.,- Burn. Flour
M.llint Co. lo pay I 1-2 ctnli por Ib. for ; """"
good, milling whoat n.xt vr.r
I. ai vl. w , ffrrynn, I .ri-nit.rr :' , I 'I
m.r iil. i. a Hh
Nutlet U lirrtU) itlvou that Anton H"aMa- M
ar, of Kit, orraou ulin, OB AUfimt ft 19)0,
made llowrttvailhiitrv,'., for MVW'
Km- 14, NHK', MICHK. Hri-. 1., SWi. h. i
ih. i) a, lottuahlf 1 H . lunar .M K WilUui.-Ur
Matldlau. Iia fli.l uotli ofiiitentloii to !ak
flual tlirao aar .'roof, to naUMIah rlaltu to
Ins laud Boova d-. !' i i.i r..r harlot
Hbarntan, I' - i oinmleeUiiif r, at Kif OrOfofl,
on Hit iii da of Fobnaori i i
Claimant namiaaa wiiir,n
Jiriii hitri't. Henry Mroot K-lwar-l Hirnt,
Jim Hllaon all of r'if, OfOfOfl
J I Id WafA, Itrylatt r
Dntn MnM Lavo orrici
flurni, iiiricim, IX't-rmlMtr ."' r-i
HoitOt U livrrl.) gUili that Joa A J
ItUlIt ka. ol Hiiftia, UropOO, wliii on April .'.'.
IV).' oiadi lloinrnti ml Knlrj N 0
lt i. HW, NW , H. I; .ot I and HE'NK'4
KtM-tiou 1. Tuwnablp ao H (tan-' '
Wlllaiti. It.' Mrrlillan, Ma lllr.t notho of )li
IrniMm to inaka final (omuiutattoi. Proof, lo
riiai'llaM i-in n tha land abova dMorluotf,
beforv UcKta tr and RooolVor.ol Hum a. u. kmi.
on (lit lain day of Kenriiar). 1914
Claimant i.miirit ayltnoojH
iiNii i n Lowla, of Morrow, una in Hurt-h
u tiiimu. Jay -a t ay. botn of Rorna tyrogou
I boooon J-tit of Narrowo, tin
W M F'kI l.n-'- i
Hurna, iir.ftni, January i, I'M I
Noll, v la he i ) glfOP that MahN" MH b U
of Harney, orrtfnn, w bo, on Nnvrmlxr H. Iftl,
mad Itouii -alrad I ntiy No mill, (or SU1,,
Hoclloo 4. TownalHii a ., Ilaiipe i."a K Wn
lamatta Mrrldlau li- filed uotlroof intention
lo make Anal oinutntalM'ti Proof lo oolobliih
rlaltu to th' land abo doaerltn d, u ion ttog
lata r and Hrr.Uer ni Htirnn flroynn uiilbv
Mil! day ol 1 I'l.riii.j. lull.
i laimant namra aa m tiio-aa
KiiMiNi N Huti tun a, Arthur I innni "ii
Kred Hallo I, Man tl la hhowti, all ol Hatffti'y,
W ftaur. RvilaNr
It rouat b good aland of 60 N)- i, . K() PUBL1BATION,
Iba. lo the nuahel, free from other grain
taad and amul. Hard wheat will bring
15 conta por 100 more than aoft
I he Company recommonda Turkey
Rod for fall aowing and Blue Stem, Min
noaota Rod and Auatralia White Chaff
for apring aowing.
MutUM, OtaggMa, Jatiuar) , 1VU.
Notice la hereby gt-TM lhal Jatnea M COltrlll
wheat I J fnrtia, Oregon, -a ho, mi July I. l"oy, made
Homeatead Kntry, No ttci44. forsU' .-wilmi
VI, Tuwnablp H.. Kange K. Willamette
Meridian, haa filed gotiof of IntowtlvJi to n ake
final three ear PrOOL to latnhlliti claim to
the land alnne deai rll-e.1, bofot Hogltter and
Keielrer, at Burin, OrogOB, oa the knli day of
K Miuari, i'ii
Claimant nam- WltnaOM
tMn-rt Wo id. AHhtI ll Oago. klleo i Hen
net, t: A Hwet-k all of Hurna Orogptl,
w m r ihni Recta 1 1 1
l have on hand a number of work
horses- i( IriiifjH and mares--for Hale.
I have instructions to sell at once
and for cash and will make the
prices right.
J. W. BIGGS, Burns, Oregon
in tin; coi'nty coiikt oi nii;
III tin' lllilllrl ol t lit- ratlltr of A. C.
l.y mil, ilecrimcci.
I Ik iiMilrraixilril linn Iktii ilulv mill tr
Ktiliitly iiipoiiilrtl uiliiiinialrittor of tlir
(-atittt' of A. C, l.yuili, ilrecKM'il, by or
dor ol tin- lloitoiithk- Ctaiil Tlioiiipaou,
('otitily luil-i of ll.ii n. v County, lir-
All aariOM liavintl cluiuia aguinat tin
aiiiil cNlatr an- notitii'il to prcarnl llu
anir, tltily verified aa liy law u-iuirrtl,
to tiic aaaaralgaal at " MtAaaaial
l.iiwrn, OrrKon, williin aik inonlha from
the Ural pulilu atiim ol lliia notice.
Iiulril at Hurna, Onijoii, tliia MOili
iluy of January, 1014. I'irat pulilu u
lion of Una notice, Jauuai v ,'U, I'M I.
(Ogaatt) iiakky caky,
Ailiiiimaliutot for the ralulr of A. C.
I.ymli, ilriraietl.
Excluaiv. for Surgical, Madical and Confinam.nt Caasa
"Suoru in Hoapital work i. only attained by cloa and akillvd attention to
tlrl.ii. by tl.nn-il AltrntlanU "
DRS. STANDARD and HARRIS, Burns, (Ort-.
12 lbs. - - $1.00
50 1bs. - - 3.60
lOOlbs. - - 7.00
A. K. Richardson
General Merchandise
Fair Feed Yard
Timothy, Alfalfa and Red Top Hay
Baled Hay For Sale
Free Camp House and Feeding Vr i v Hones in Corral
or Barn. Customers Care For Own Stock.
W. A. GOODMAN, Adjoining Fair Grounds.
The Owl for Busy People
Dally train each way
between Central
Oregon points and
Portland. Tourist
sleeping car (Berths
$1.00) First class
Save a Day Each Way
rrom Central Oregon
avo lU'iul 8:30 u m
Datchutaa S:48 p ir.
Redmond 9:10 p m
TorrehoniH' 1:24 p ni
Culvar 10:02 pm
llvtattm 10:20 pm
Madras 10:30 D m
Arrivts Portland S:10 u m
Prompt ditpatch of freight, between Central Oregon and Portlan
and Portland and Eastern tiea,
Coiinoctions mado in Portland to and from Willamott.- allej
Astoria and Clatsop Heachpointa, Pujret Sound, Spokano. Montana
Colorado, St. Paul, Omaha, Kansas City and Chicajro.
Parts, Time Schedules, and other information by letter, or upd
application to
R. H. CROZIER, J. H. Corbett, Agt.
Aaal.Can'l Paaa. Agonl, Portland, Or.. Bend, Or.
W. C. WILKES. Awt. Gen'l Freight & Pa. Agent, Portland Ort
To Central Oregon
Leave Portland ' 7:lKpi
Arrive Madras ':00 a I
Metolius (!:15ai
" Culver 6:28 a i
1 ' Terrebonne 7 :0S a i
Redmond 7:28 a i
" Deschutes 7:48 a j
Basel .voo a i
The Strongest appeal to
the most refined taste is
made by
Harmony Rose Glycerine Soap
Purely Vegetable, Delicately Perfnmed
15c. Per Cake, 2 for 25c.
Rexall Drug Store
Have arrived and we are now ready to
aupply you with your requirements
have been added and all goods will be
The Burns Department Store
AH the news in The Times-Herald for $2.00