B THEFTS IN HOTELS Trapi to Catoh Quests That Have the Souvenir Fad. DETECTIVES AND DIPLOMACY. THe Twi Cemblne In a Very Efftotlv . Way te roil the Effort, of Thoie Who 1 Peel It Duly o Holp Themeelva to Fine Llnan and Silverware. The row -ertecl artlm of thr- tWOM At toctlroa of all Hi Inrire lioM In Ahum tea ha rarafnUf astractsd tba potata from two eixtwlitle Bssalisat itortsa, the flrat. aiM'illHHl to Ailoli- Rltohla. who, when naked inn o if aba had aval been In KMuawn rity. repilad. "1 nn'i aat rvnii'inlier. lni( I HI look among Bay towel hihI aaaj," n ml tin' Mcond tba more pathetli' imrriitlvr of tlir yotmg man vv Im wit obliged to Break aff hta MMmaimnl bacUM it in rati the dining room of u Btrga liotrl artth hla flanoee a iiiiiiiIhm- of forks mil apoona fell from tin- llWTaa of Bel gown, for the Baaae iictrvtivi't have derived a "ayatrni" wbaraby tba man me woman who wants to tuke a sniiw nbr from a biff hotel flmK bat patb be set with almoMt Inaiirtiinmitiililo illill calties. Tba matter Is rarrltil n with tba greatest artftilne. TIumv no ml "hurt feellugx." M BSasS broken, iu arraata made. Tba bouse datattllM simply attract tba unrightfully attarlioil nil hi, m u palalaaaly aa they extra. t the petals from old atortes, and In the groat ma Jorlty of caaaa tba frustrated "borrow at" never known at all what bapjpanad to blm. Flret tba detect! v la rovltlel ultli a complete list of everything which la owned by tba hotel- every partlcla ol ltaen, allver, aoap. etc Then he dele gataa the reoponalblllty for the care of (bam to varloua bead waiter, waiters housekeeper and rhnmliermaliN Then he gets a list each day of new arrival and of those who having re malaed a few daya are preparing to leave From those list of oecuplod rooms the detective calculate the areaa where trouble might paaalbly braw and Into these he goe ivltli his aubdlvKed list and a cliu.kliiK up Tba chambermaid la required to give a exact accounting of every pises ol abe bas supplied to the man or n who ts about to leave. This is to torn taken to the laundries, where a balance Is made of those .sheets, towels. ate wblcb have come out of sack room. If there Is a BfSCBM liuluiuv tba matter enda there, but woe to the wo rasa who believes that the towels aba placed carefully In her looked trunk will not be "missed " Her trunks and bag on their way downstair are almply carried to the basement floor aa if by (Bases, and there the honae detective, with the aid ef a Rkaleton key, goc iBWWgll them fa search of lost hotel linen It la very gently removed and ctteek ed up on the houaemald's list, and the trunk Is carefully repacked and re locked. Nothing Is left to lira warn big that the search has been made. and nothing la ever by nny remotest chance said to the departlnc goat) Sbe la aent cheerily on her way re joicing and is usually perplexed out of all raaaon to account for the fact that tba towels and pillow cases that she knows well sbe put Into her trunk have mysteriously dl.siippoar.-l Do you suppose for a moment that this la an extreme case ajar even a rare one? It happens on an averticr nee a day In every large hotel In New Tork and with almost na aatOOSd lag frequency in Huston. PblmdafpbU and Chicago And In the case of silverware the matter Is almost a simple, tboogt remedying these theft requires taking tone your confidence at least the loan aba paya the bill, for every waiter has had fate eye trained to count up the all verware while he Is placing the ringer bowls, and If so much as one small apoon la not where it should he It Is sjaaaatoBtationsly placed upon the hill The hotel graciously leaves It to the discretion of the escort an to whether at not the culprit shall be told But at toast It doea not penult him to he en tightened only by the lelated method of a leaky sleeve. Again, the bead waiter will gators you that this bsppetis. not once or twice, but ceaselessly ''Many a woman that thinks she's got away with it would 13 serprlsed t know that It 1 down In black and white on her escort's aback ami that ttotb he and the hotel know just how many apoona and forks she Is taking heme with her." aold one genial iiend waiter, who viewed the business with onaiderabte Indulgence. New York Times "ranch Fairy Tale. rrench nursery llternture If poor In rhymes Is singularly rich In fairy tolas. Three of the world's greatest fairy tale writer were French f.a Fon talne. Charles Permult. the OoBBtsSi CAnlnoy. Of these three the gnats I to tbls particular line wag navtoabtedl) Charles Perrnult. to whom we owe TJIaderetla." "Pus In Hoots" and "Bluebeard" But IfcaOeantaM Ii'Aul Bey gave ns the "Yellow Iiwarf" ami "Beauty and the Heast." To Antolne Oaltand, anothcT Frenchman, we have to render vhanfca for the first Furopean translation of the "Arabian Nlglit." Tyondon Chronicle. Every right action and truo thought acts the seal of Its beauty on the per son end the face John Ituskln Wsntsd ths Solids. Tommy went out to dine at n friend's house one evening When the aoap was brought Tommy did not touch his and the bnatess. looking over, Rnlil: "Why, Tommy, dear, what' the mat text Aren't you hungry tonight?" "Yea," replied Tommy, "I'm quite hungry, but I'm not thirsty." Judge Subtle Schema. Flret Jeweler Aren't you afraid to iosve those diamond In a front win slow at night T Second Jeweler Not with ay scheme. Just before 1 go glome I sail In a little Hlgn on them reading, "Anything In This Window " js)aajai New. Verbal Brand. "Bow do you manage to keep such .a clean record with ao -many of your cranky relation'." "Juat use soft aoap."-Haltlinore .American, i Be Slow to Throw. After a. man hue thrown u rock he, avian times out of ten, wishes he had it back In bis hand. -I'bllndelplil.i lod- LONG TIME FARM LOANS. B.mpla and Easy Credit Syetem That Oparatss In Europe. 'i lie standard length of Hum In ICu ro c for n long time farm loan la fifty i.. i yean. For such a loan at the preaenl time tho rale la 4.8a per cent divided as follew: Interest a per ci ol, administration JUS per cent and ainoitUallon (payment on principal) BO i r i nit This rale will pay both principal ami Interest and repay all charges due to tho bank In fifty-four yuan As this will seem almost In i i edible to some student, I will give a concrete Illustration of how It works It ih.es not depend upon compound Interest, hut upon I ho fact that, though tba rate of yearly payment remains the same, tho charge for Interest anil administration Is constantly decreasing i. cause they are computed on the principal utn which Is constantly be lug repaid; therefore the proportion which Is applied toword the ropayiueul if the principal I alwnye Increasing. (Me Illustration, If tho debt Is II, hki the debtor will pay 2B.2fl every rij month Of the first payment, I'.t) will go for Interest, SI.7B belongs to tho Lank, atari S2.B0 I applied to tho repay tnanl Of tba principal. When the debt is half discharged, however, this dls filliullon will bo greatly changed. Tho otrowar win pay $2.12(1, aa usual. Of 'lis amount only $10 will go for Inter i t. M cents will be retained by tho '.nk. while irt.:i7 will lie applied to he ills, hargo of the principal. The lual payment will lie almoat wholly to tba payment of principal, a the first me went largely to the payment of interest III thl way one-half of 1 i cent will repay the principal In itt.v four year, provided a constant Baf Bleat I maintained on the prln l.al for Interest during the entire period ltepresentntlve Halpll W. aloes In World- Work. ORIGIN OF THE HARP. Evolved From the Lyre ef tho High Pn.it ef Osiris. The history of the plauo counts aa a day quired to tho harp We have authentic records tluit as early a tsim C the tirst lyre wa evolved from Hie Bind Of the high priest of u His. Mho In one of Ills dally walk along the banks of tho rlvor Nile found mi empty III! Using shell spauned with dried Ugainonl Hapienlng to strike a, he noticed that It gave forth ploa lag sounds, and he at once made an p iiinmini on tho plan of the tortoise .Hell From the lyre It was but ao easy tep to the harp, now the most famous instrument In the world. Mlleelus, one of the rh..onlcau prtU, carried 11 with Dim In bl conquest to Inland. ami there he planted It among the mo sic loving tvits In USO It. f The royui in-iiuiiiciit i.e. iime a controlling fen tine In iliiinll. ill worship, and the harp kri or bard ranked with royalty, the prophet and the priest. The drulds advanced the harp from eleven to thlr t in., strings and crowned their ef foils In lis Improvement by the evolli tl..ii of the pllUr, which has ever Nliice i, .nn.l uiiivcrMul adoption Our modem harp consist of forty Ove or forty seven string, aeveu cd I ..no for eiuii note in the octave ml the woiulei fill Instrument share. With the pluno and organ the faculty if being autonomous- that I" to say. It :a. sis no accompaniment and furnishes . oth malnfll and harmony. Miss l,o ..tin Da I. I In Ki'W York Tribune Tws Ideas, I'll, a iiindldale for congress, said i . Jonathan, another, during a heated debate "I think, sir, you have but one ..l.a In gout bead. It I a very small one. and If It should swell your bead Mould I urst." Jonathan, looking at the bure nud ,.n, -nihil lu.a.1 of his opponent, re plied "Well, I think you haven't one in your head and iumat had. There has bang OM ratcblug wxvuud the outside trying to get In, till V b"s in, heil all the hair off your head Hut it didn't get In. and It never Bill.' I'rl was silent. Chicago News. Hindu Confectionary. I.Ike the AiiioiUvmi girl, Hindu girls pre passionately fond of sweet thing. ii if their candles, sadu, Ja very mill h like our plain sugar candy It ts mule of augur and milk and flavored wltli attaf of roeee, Ouddhlkabal, or hair of iiiiddhit, Is one of their moat popular ... cot meats U l w dhlled i.e. iiusu It Is in One, long string Ukt wrini. elll. This Is made of augar and renin from buffalo's milk, wblcb Is exceedingly ri h. Earth and Moon. diameter of the earth la 8,000 ii. -i. II.--, The diameter of the moon I 2 1 ' ".'' miles The nearest approach of the surfaces of the tw bodies Is 210, ITT miles The mean distant from il nth Is 2.'IH,W0 miles, the max imum distance which may be reached i.elng 2fl2.S80 mill Thii moon's sur face contains about U,(WS,(MM qijnrn mill's or nearly four times the area or Kill'ope Still Saddsr. What could l.e more ad than a man Million a loimtry'," feelingly asked Hi" Ugh school literature leach er of her cLihs "A country without a man," respond ad a pretty girl Just us feelingly -Woman's Home Companion A Burgioal Op. .Hon. iislomer rnlse. I his hand, and her, pausing In I' h operation of ' him. Iiiilliie.it his head "Mr?" i' gUH," said the customer. - Thi the I slur "(ih l,..li(..i. lilohe GIGANTIC WATER WHEELS. Creaking, Oroanlng Menston That En livsn; a City In Syria. llama, In Byrls, says a writer In the Wide World tiuga.iiiB. Is famed far it huge wuter wheels, locally kuown us naiiia There are four of them, and they ure driven by tba river Or antaa. which flowa through the town Fiuh of the wheels bean a dlstln giilhhed uswm, and the visitor to the city Is made awara of their presence long before be aeee tbein by tbe creak Ing aud groaning noise wblcb greets his ear. At tint It suggest a pipe or gun and later a braaa baud practicing The wheals are built of s dark mu hogaiiy, wblcb gives them at a die tnnce the appearance ol l. n Tbe lar gout of tbem boaata of a dlauatar of seventy-live feet and bl declared to be tho biggest water wheel In existence The iiuuru are erected on what Is known aa tint undershot principle that Is to say, tbe' aye driven by the water striking them et their base They serve not only .to supply the town with water, but alao Irrlgata tbe ad Jneent garden. Tho wheels never stop, summer or winter, and day and night their creak- Ing and groaubig are beard- In tbe mininior months small boy may al ways be I i Lathing 111 the river In the neighborhood of the wheels, and for a small coin they will get In be tween the spokes of (ho wheel and nl low themselves to bo carried around many time or hang on the outside of the wneel ami drop back Into the wa ter when halfway Dp BUILDING A RAILROAD. What It Meane Whan the Centraoten Begin Operations. With the right of way established, a great army of men fUte Into the Held The company dot . not build Ita oh n road It Is turned over to contrac tor and Is usually let In aortlona of n ..in BOO to oihi in lies Tb intractor mut II vo up to cer tain sp.s lil.iilloiis, Just aa though he were building u bouai and he fur nishes every thing-men, teams, ma chinery, food and iniilerlal. Few poo pie realize hut till means A con tractor iiium he very near to n king. For Instance, there Is tho Ilutelton sistlon In tho mountain. It Is less than '.'(HI miles In length. Define a single shovel or pick was engaged In the building of thl section the con tin, tors hud to equip themselves with il Heel of deiiuilioats at a cost of S200, (Kio liny luiil to Liilld acores of egging at from g'.'.(KK) to 11,000 a camp. Kiich ..r tlnas centers had to lie stock ed Mllh provisions. Kuppllc and mate rial almost before a builder wse brought In ltefore these contra, tors moved a shovelful of earth or Arid a single blast they bud spent over . msi.iHKi Ijnh contractor' camp la like a mall city, with It Ktorea. hoai Hal, acores of sleeilng shacks, kitchen, dining rooms, wii rehouse and barn Jilllic Oliver furwood III lslle'a Tha Ruaaian Frontier, One feature In w hi. Il Hie Ituulau frontier differs fi I her I the com plete Ignorance of those living near the border of what lie beyond. A correspondent of the Autocar aaya lint he called at the Automobile club in lireslaii, hoping lu gain some Infor mation "The members received me most kindly and did ajl they could to help but explained that they never nsaad the frontier and had no first Hand kBOWksttga i he Gorman cost. mis otllcer. living I'm ten veins within yards of Itusshi. spoke no word of Itus slnn. and the Itusslaiis bcynud the cliiiin ssikc no Herman. "There Is a neutral atrip some three or font yar.ls wide between ilinsla ami tlcruuiny. along which many Itus shin sentiics are posted, and mounted Cosxuck pass at short Intervals, rid lag the boundary " Vrk Hun A Van (had Shrine. "What of your trip abroad?" "My wife vvas gseply dlanpiKiliilcd In one thing She britrd SlinkeM-nre' llllllle till I I 'M " "WellV" "Hut she also Miintcil to pay a visit to the luL of lilogones "-Ivsnsas City Journal CRAFT ON THE GRIDIRON. rVh.n th Carlisle tndisnt Outwitted Harvard's H.ghbrow. Ill football a rull tlcld run from I Irk. off tf touch. low li Is n i.ne pi. IV. " lice It was ma.e U a I'm lisle Indian, who .oleic. I (lie long ill lance In 11 gillie iigain-i Harvard, n, t. :il IB08, and did no bj lb .iilllct. Mlllest Nlratiieui ever i ei cinili -il liy a redskin iisin Ills pale f ii. isl Liollici The llrst half had I laaad with the lu dlana In tbe lead live points to bubs Harvard rsjiened the l.nttle by aeudlng a long kl k to Johnson .,u Carlisle' the v aid line Tim ludl, in quickly ran back to ni.'.'l Johnson nud formed a cotiipa. t inn---, ground blm Within the risesse of this mas of player John son slipped tho Lull beneath tbe Lack of Dillon's Jersey, will. Ii had Is-en es Racially made to receive and hold the ball ill. 'II the Lull (till sle(lv tnnaferrrd and bidden. Jobnaon inter isl ii whoop sii.il as Cambridge hail not blind sine Mi.- days of King Philip's war, jivi Jic.lniitly the bunch of in dlun seal t ris Ii, nil dins ttoBg Some rail to the right and gnnig In tbe left. some oblique!) and some straight up the center of Hie tloiil. radiating In nil diris'tii.ns tike the epekea of a sTkaai The rrimsoti ntayera, now upon ihein Iraikisl lu vain for I be ball, ilumfoiind ad, ruiuilp : 'loin ..tie opMineut to nu other Meanwhile plllon wa riinning straight ih.n li the held ... 4$ to give hi opponents the least opportunity for a Ride or rear view and conspicuously swlni'lng bis nuns to show that they dlil not bold He Lull Thus, without being dele ed he pa-. sod through the entire Han ml team, excepting the captain fall It .Manhall. who wa "oveiing Hie deep tup klleld. Obeying liistiu. Hon union ran strnl lil ii Marshall. The latter, a gaming Ibnl Hie Indian Intended to block Ii i Holy slih'KtcppisI the far lisle plaici and us he did so be eiiiiciu pi of the cii'.i moiiM and un m. uilcil hnl c on I III' Lack of Dillon llisliinllv iii'lnliig that lieiu 'Vila the lost hall v iihhnll turiiey ilnyl sprung at Dillon bi Hie hitler was well on bl way ami pil.kly crossed I bo Hue for a lou.ini.iuii Parka II Davi In SI Nicholas LARGEST KNOWN ICE CAVE. Wond.r, ef th frgitn Grotto In tha Daohstein Mauntn a few jcgara ugo oine uietubera of tho Austrian Speleological society dls covered In the Daehslelli mountain sou in erii which ure among the largest In Btiraps Dim of those grot toe, the liiiiKltildluul nil of which I fully BJMO reel long, moreover turned out I" offer nililll lomil Interest by its truly euownoiis Ice masse and was found to be the (ingest known Icocave In tho win hi Though a scorching sup uiay be hiujilim oiii-lilc on the hare mountain rock, ibcic D ..I vi ii j m n,n Icy wind blowing fhrnngh, this underworld. freezing everything within Its reach Only Hoiiictlmc when the outside temperature lanKu between 82 and 41 degrees (' and s CQUipsriHIvcIv warm ruin peneliatos through the lis sure of the rock, entering right Into tho cavern will (hern l a temporary calm and distinct melting of the lew 'file Daehslelli Ice cava comprise seviHj! domes filled with lee, which comiiiutilcatH wlh one another through a iiuiiiI.it of frozen galloi'les. An leu crevice Ml feet deep and I III foot In width traverses the floor of the cavern Ittft feet from the entrance, (llguntlc I en pillar were found to tower on both edges of thl chasm, In the depth of which ibei'ii unfolds a fulry l!ku Ice BOBner. Ileyond the abyss tho oaveru widen out In In a mighty dome (Trls tan doino, as It Is called), where a ihiiIi. l.e Nliect ica. 'ilea from one wall to tbe other, carrying ice stalagmites of the most fiiiitiiatle shapes Helen tide American FOfTMAfKrr, M COIL. Condition en Our Plenet While the Process Dsvsleped. What may bo aald to bo tba slrnn gest period through which our earth haa paaaed la the one that waa reepon slble for tbe formation of coal. Tbe planet la described aa having been at that time flat and smooth aa to aurfaco and peculiar aa to vegetation. The continents wero Just beginning to rise above the ocean and tbe laud bad not yet become dry. Mountain rangea had not iiilsen from the swampa, and the atmosphere waa thick with fog. In this stale of affairs there sprouted and tlourlslusl l ho plants whlcb wen laler to furnish the world with Ita coal aup ply Those plant grew aa big aa our lar gest tree, taking deep root In the mo ra and nourishing like the lush gnio In inoll meadow bind and do teloped Inln the strange ilinpee now found In tropic vegetation. The foreet lookisl. the scientists assure us. like denes growths of weeda, rushes and minus fern Home of tbem gnw In the shape of cacti, having aplaea all over them Thl kind of vegetation was very rich In earlion, which It de rived from the warm, moist atrooe phere Then the million of yenra roll ed by, tbe forests of giant weeds wen burled by dcMlt of earthy material ami the chemical change took place which slowly changed tbem Into coal. This process ccimod with th carbon Iferous age, o Hint when the preoiit supply of conl I dug out of the ground there will lie no more.- Ki change Sealed Ordara. The custom of having warnhlpe sail .iinlei Healed onler arose fromthede sire of ii.iii Itliue power to prevent the plana from becoming known to the "liemv In the AUleileiiu uuvy such order isilne from the president and .ire dellvensl to s commander of a ship r squadron by a coutldeiillsl uus.cii CM who know nothing of their eon lent Hnmcllinc they are lu liphoi lint tl.ey an alvvavs seulisl vvllti the .III. nil seal ol the navy dcpnitim nl iicl the pi.kage . uitiMit be opeiusl un n. I he tliue nnirkisl oil II. which I- i-oiilllv several hours nfler the Ii i leaving i"rt Hv thi pncaidbm he nevvsiniers ale prevelllisl from II -Ing pieinalurelv tbe inmenonl- v 1.1, h iiini Is' of the greabsil liuisii .n. e and the spies of the etieinv in. . nib-nil iisele so far a their nbll ly to discover the sis-ret of such mo eiui'iit Is . on. ermsl Pf.mroii For Memory. The prlniii.-e of old was credK.-.' llli a iiosll 'mil a well s a supci -lllloiis value I. veil now In some niinlrj pnrts n disistlon of primmse eaves Is supposed to restore a falling uioniiirv. and In lOJkf, when CBsPSPSf nn.te hi "l.ondon Dls.isary." the pilmrnee was reganl.sl as an almost universal paiuoi-a. curing "convulsions, falling shkness. pnlslcH. etc.." and .ficiigtlicnlng 'the brain. aeiiNoa and ii iv egl eisllugl) ' And even the healthy did not disdain In eat It. for prtiurose pusly was nine u popular Lancashire delicacy - Family tKictor Youthful Indspondsnos. "Father." uld the fair girl, "I have arranged a very Im-sjrtunt Interview for you thl evening Harold I going to cull on you." i'o make a formal nspiesl for your tlillnl I supisise?' "Not nl all He wants to look you over and aS how you would do for a father Inlaw" Washington Klsr. Condensed. 'Here Is un urtlcle on 'How to live a Hundred Venn' " "Teat and the whole subject can lie condensed Into I wo w'onjs " "Whnt ure HieyT" "'Dop't die" - Cleveland I'laln Dealer i he. rfnliiese can hecuuiB s habit, mid it Is wonderful how a gl habit of this kind will help us oer hard places Chronic Constipation Cured. "Five yearn bko I had the worst cane of chronic constipa tion eyer knew of, and Cham berlain's Tablet cured me," writes S. f. Fish, Brooklyn, Mich. For sale by all dealers. NOTICE KOit PUBLICATION t'NlTRIi HTATBB It Nl On l V. I Hume.. ihi-st..i, lift tmtol H, If II I Ntitlir is tiershv flfM "'"l Krtii'Hl Bnin 1 Brst-ii nl Muriy, on it.ih nlm, i.l Mmv .'. I'm linil INt i, 141" traiH, tk jr. . .).' Hun . Bt..l Kul ry, Ni .l'.;i. Hi-iUJ uJi.j nimI v...i. -for NK1 . Him- MS, NU MU, 9mW M h'b1, Hvt'llnii 37 Tiiwnililu AH . ItmiNcii h , WiIUih ett Mfriillsiii. Iinb It it iiini I linfiiili.n h inatii' hhl HtM (TMI pmnf, Ul i-BUIillsh rUlli in the ImiiiI nli.., it, ig rllit'il, tf 4r I(i'kI-i'' I Ih flu r .t ltir 'i.,'iM. tin ihfl 0 I lay ol Jaiiusir, in I laltaaiil i.sn.u mi . un in... I.. W. T. Krsine. lieu llinlef N II v K 1-llKl. pl.il. Hll ol llil.ii l.fl'K.ill WS K Vl-.i , ltcyli.lt NOTICE FOK WBWCATION tiNUM. sTATgg LASO nirpiog llurn. no K.a. 1 1 . in. is i B, en. i ...I.. . i-1.. .. I., nu n id ,ii wiiiiau. ii ureal ol Watvrl), Unuoii, Hll... nil June in, - mailu llenui.l. '.! Kali), No IX-vi .. ..r NK' SdvIIoii in, Towui. It, s , iumio' . .i k . w nl mni'lic Mtir.llaa li.. nir. i nolli . ..i laisnlloii lo wake ill. si three i..i prisil, to oiiilili.li claim I.. I he U ml mI.io . .leacrlLe.1, !,.(. ni' Hcyi. lor and Itiii-rlri i, at lliuna, llrsgon, un 1 1, . ..... .ay ol i.iiuiii, 1 'il ClftuisJll iisiiii." aa v, lln.'aai'a lurau, llinii 1. llOllliW If un I lima )lrin K c,iB, i. Vail Kanrr sll ..I v av.-rly. orenoa Ws ftaaa. K.m.i, DIG CAnlE IIUN'i'i;UK' -I'M'Tih ""' liiu rw-'iih f game of North Amcru:. TEVE?. r 'tesaru,,- Urtffa- ' M0.00 .U-M-lhM SIM) 40 Csaa-Wf , Lao Hum. Aul.i l.ulliin luili.i... OarfM II I flu alia, fur , nlthod lu faiuy gvaoes. gin Send for bsmlaotua, u.w uaacaiaius. I. tTIVENS ARMS ft TOOL COMPANY, P. O. Una 5004 cmcoki rsiu. fSS--- a. . . . BSUtl SO Mats 4JI ( aaaataler .aarL7,eaam'VBas! !! I Mlf We do job printing. ChamberUln'a Cough Remedy. ThiH remedy has no superior for coughs and colds. It is pleasant to take. It contains ro opium or other narcotic. It al ways cures. For sale by all dealers. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION liNivan rT i,a i limes, (' liura. Oreann, Deaeatbtl 7:1. una I Nolle i berabt glvua ihai William Uaorsa siultli.ol llaraa, nreguii, who, on Nov. 11 It!, mi. il.- llomvltaad Kalrv No. ISUW7, for SK'aj mWi. kiu sWi. suit V.nvi.alill. H H. Mans .' K . Wlllauo'lta nn',i.f' i, .wiinn ... Mril.llal.. 11 Ali'.l nolle- ,,f llilriitloli to uiaa" n.'sl ion. i.oila'l. 111 iroof, tn eatal.llak .lain, to tile lull. I al.nv.' .IsliTliasl, nenir nri Mr 1 tha l.t.'i nt.'l Ksilii'l al liuriia. . ireani., on an 'la. ut Jalinarv, lull , 1.0. , h.i. tiutiica aa wllnnaara Slant friar, i arrnll Wliliniain. AIIstI i Ootoi K Kerry, all ol Hurlta, nreon. Wh. Kaaa. Ilsflner NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION I MIKH HI A I KH I, A NO IIKKLK. Ilinna. llo'Smi. lu-rrmlirr I, Itll N.ali . la Inoi'l.) alvi-ii llnl VMIIIani H Una man of Andrw, llrvaon. saitaum of K.twln HpftlillMK. itt'' l.irtfc.', Aiingt Cmik ml nl i aiii.ic orate, ia.ua I svici A nine H. i' sola li. na of ...nrufl A Kiln, .ti-csaard. l.a" flli'd III Ihla o aiir lua ahpllrallon toautar itmlar ise. lion V a.. IL 'tla.il Slmuti ol Hie Lulled Stale., Ih. NW'.sW'i, Nee. ,T in s,, it aa K . W U Urtgoa M.rlal Nu.lKlt.'i in, and all (ici.oii. i-lalnilua sdvsrai'ly lh lalol ill "i ilhe, I in ilralrlnii lo oil.'. I Isteallaa ol ih ii.iiiciai ebaraetsl of Hie laud, or lor any in 1, it reaata. te Hie .11 at 10 ai.i.ltiant. alniuld Illn llielr affldaill ol .r..leai in llila nlll a ,.r In 'Ion- Ho luili.lat of laullai), I'JH. Wa raaaa. Keslaii.r. I liai iiuhllealluu Lei ml" 1 II Ml I (.a. 1 lailiilrsllon January 17. lull, N0TICK FOR PUBLICATION t'NITKhHTATKH I. ASH 'tKrM'K, Hums, I'rtKnti I'"' fiiil't r , k, -t I Vol Ire In h.i. 1m pltfii tllBt Hi' Kuatriif 1 Mn'si. -.1 luiiiiB. urnt'ii. nho.in April li, 1VHW ml Jun A, It'li, rs.HTilvi'ty iiiadn Monir Bit-.) KlitrlM, Sim tiAuiMbii. tut NWLiuil Nh'g, rtrnitin i.i. itiwniitip r. n ., itaogv ' r.,, ifUmtt'lf Mrii1lttli. tma (IN'-I DOtlra 0! int. i. Hen la iiitsk-- Musi llirw r I'HHif. tutxla.lllh la. I HI tti I In- laixl nji.tnr ! 'illrt'l, L. ft.it- l.t'KlBlrr Bll'l HrirUtif, at BnniB, OMMaisal. Un- rn t-t .lay uf Janiiaf), ttM. ( lahnaiii iiauira aa witnraarB Haw Miller. I H leiioLli, John I' Kay. llk. ,1 A Miller. all -f limns on gnu Ml riNHf, It.glhl.l OCTBTfgS. HAHNKY l nl. or, NO. 77, I. U O 7. Mrvla ivi'M Slurday III ild.l l cliim Hall al 7 10 . in lamia Mil. aid i it und) . sn reiarv N it, li.gic .ml a.to'loM, llril Halurday Inl- Halnri a... noi Salurdai Utal In if. - . ll.lr.l ssieraar, SeeeaS beaeeat tinirih Haturday, iinr.i pesreSi BI'HNHI.IIIMIK Nil. 91, A I V M. Mis'l.rvi-r) flral and third Monday i.i.a. I. ill. vv a loiwan. W M Sam Moihurahrad Hreratart M IDBSM WuiiliMKS UK AMM.H A Mrula arsry aecoi. i ali-l loiiili lii'lif .tfii llli al I II II Y Hall, all lll'lr'nsua li.lllcil Nvw a, I'll. an. a will leirlvr initilfti.il lual uifir. vi a aleast V i vv i teeter. icii Ml' HNs .11 Ml 1 II .". iii. ii K I Mii-la .'via. a.-i ..ml and fourlli k iiudaya. lu vi..."..' Hail i iiai. Detlee w m i i in. . i iiini'iiaoti. statatan 'llol I.l I V II I. Loll. I No 4. "I'llmoo lai and Sil Wi'.ln. .. , y i.m .in i ii. n I'csrl I let, Krr -.i'i Jf TI'I.KOTsVM.K Be I.'.. W.nf W. Mcclaitari (iiunli Wr.ll.ia-lay smau Kuiau li N Beau iiisi.iiuau. cterfe IKKH'IAI. TTt HlllKi'lilKY OHKooS (lie. I I liaiiiln-rla II I Ha. i I anc i llawury iM "luio.il A M r raw turd U KH.iuli.il l iiiiiii aalni i. A II. .III. , Hall. 11 iiiitoriiiu -e. rrlary nl Mali- 1 rraaiiri-r UI. I'lilill. InalMii ' Htatn I'M. ilc: irl". nvi li.ii W ijlooil T.A.K , J I lillft lull' vt h tuniwai ii.. i.' UI T A MfMii-l- 'a-" n Iturmii ' t af, Ht-ftll. I r A. MiNin- saateais . ,., NIN'III l I'M IAI I'lillli- 1 naiiii i JmlMti liftlton HlKKt i uiiutt AlUifu) (toil N Hlften mo lit ult ourt isit't-ig. the Brit M April ml fiiBi MniiiUy In iii t..Ui i'Ui In iulnl Hnlur Uilui IU'iutM'tiUtl fill MT t'tiunt) JuiIk CUrk I i. aaiui nurvvkur Hherllf AMt'Mur rtrhiMil vuti'tii-t ihIi ni V II Hruokti W . I Human HMMI (rani I i.uiiin,oh It I MiiKhit a I K A M i- Jl la I Hory A k- Ki.liariU.iii J. J. lNMInatall I. l Ha.Mii holt (I. W. t'lv.vuiirr John Kuhlutuii ,K. I. oyUfK. i .Ki-i.i Htuck liiaiit-rtttt i nil . ;. iaalinK-1 I'niitiii ( i im'b nam fttuntv t tuiri nulla MM nix WtMliittaUJe.) Ill Januaf ) , Alan II Ma , Jul) , HMatVMMN H'l Nuvftnbei. HANfisv. I- H I.ANK tlPm f It'BiBU't M ui Kai re It - Il hu Vii bt IsM-tVl I in hi -."- all), f. . HAM Mnllit ishi'iul H t, i. i . It' an Winkle Tiomuim! IJiHi., i, i, m Marshal. . . (' . II II J. llftlKMI, ItllllH Mill! I' t A. 1' ' "III' I Jaint a i miii t. i i it J Mi kinuiiii MlTlllista l lilt olIIM'll i'Vtl r-.trtllfl (Will KtiHith Vi.lnial uji:t!i!inii:ujiiuii.tinmtlHi.:i;::::: i. Mm, (Jrtttc Ii, McHostr E iMawn Voice and Piano vitllioda lew hf ICCiociiaattl Cooservslory uf Mask Reside'"? htiitlln lllil UlrOr wpi I'resbylerlati Churvh tlittmtuntitiuuiimiimuttKUumu $1500 Reward! 1. I'al avail a rrutoi' Hull Asaui Ut .1.11,111 ol . Wltluh IllU Ulnli-1 alulnxl In liieinht'r. L wril Kill' ".IAHI wi luwaflj Mf fsel- deiii'e luailliiK Im inn aiu-ai ami mm vii Hun of un par l y or parties lal iiiK niiratii. taiiin Of tuulea lu'longliiH Ni i,y uf Up inviii berk. In a.liiiiHMi luthu aUiva, Hie uinteieiiiui uffurk the ituio uuudHluu ftfiOO.OO fur til luiraui brkiidutl bone ebutl bar on both or either Jaw. Iiraml ruOOltlviS lu ulbt i-tiuuilea tUii Harney, Lftke mihI ("look i ounllia llorana wotod wbuukoltl. Nod but grown lunna eold an. I only Id erge buiM-lica, W W HKOWN rife. Ureaoo JiiVaV' . ' m & I NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. UNITS!) gTATSS l,ANP tirvwri num., Orsinn, Daramber M, una t voile li loo'i.i glvaa thai Howard W lloli.ira, of 11.11 iii. Una who on H.l , law, iau.li' lloinial.'a.l riilrr. No UMM, lor SW'i, no Hun mi low mill . ItH , Its 11 11 K Wlllain ills M.ililla.i l.aa nl.-.l n.ill'i'iil III lanl Ion I.. a .in iinal Ova rear proof, n. latslilliili I'lalin to III land aliov ilwrllsiil, Irtilnrii ll.'lHli r and Haoalrar, al hurua, lri'ii'i, onth-vsili .! January, ItH claimant nan. ca aa wltuaMaa Mar Kcrrii 1 hailai l(l(n, J..I111 It (Iniild. K. . Maker, all of Hurni, 1 iraajin.. UK. Kasss, Kasltlar. Sumpter Valley Railway Co. Arrival and Departure Of Trains Departs No. 2, Prairie Sumpter Arrives Baker 10:15 A. M. 2:36 P. M. 4:00 P. M. Departs No. 1, Baker 8:30 A. M. Sumpter 1 0:05 A. M. Prairie 2:10 P. M. Arrives No. 1 Makes k(xkj connection with O.-VV. Ii. & N. No. 10 leav ing Portland 6:40 P. M. und No. 17 from east arriving linker 6:80 A. M. No 2 Connects with La Crandc i i 7.01 i t f:rfln,. ) KXl f.JU tQ 1U drutlUi ind No. ! (fast Mail) picks up ilMpcr there arriving in Portland 7:00 A. M. Also with No. IK for points Fast. JOHN ROBIN? ON Stack laspeclor. Harsey Conitj. ' IhirilA A 3 1 1 1 . lliir.., ( lr IN CALIFORNIA Winter is the name of a Season, not the description of a Climate LET US HELP YOU PLAN A VISIT to the land of Sunshine, Fruit aud Herri, t.uiii... r 5r..i t Aeto Trips num. il.a Orsngs Crovr Trip to th Beaclies Surf Bething- nd the hundred ol varied amuirmrnU lor which Cslifornia i fmou. ROUND TRIP TICKETS AT REDUCED FARES For handsome booklets des criptive of California; also for Fares, Tickets or Reservations Call on my Agtot of ibe Oregon-Washington Railroad & Navigation Co. I SsssT"!! ' BaBjgtpi ENGINE - SBOILLRS WfvlTL FOR SPECIAL CATALOG AND rICB..S THE A HAVERILL MACHINERY CO. SPOWArtr.,WA3M. POWTLAND.OWt SAN JOStCAL Th, Jtlarlm WfEATWQ RIFLE You can buy no better gun for target wotk and all small game up to AW yards. rasi'lee tmi nrar 'VxitrvIlB M fad fe JSSfifftatBkW. V J d. w c aastnsrttvua.. ra&BBr j,rriairtej Ua. l-aBBVW i i . a i If You Want A IX Tbe Home News READ THE TIMES-HERALD i . t 92.00 a year Pest Job Printing L You get it all in The Times-Herald For $200 Dirsct connection aoalk via HARRIMAN.ANDREWS SUt A. H. CURRY. Prop. Leaves Harrimsn Monday end Tbareday and arrives Wedneadey anal Saturday aarh.waalt, coniaecting with seathevn line te Denlo, Winnemecca, etc. JOHNUKMBKKLING, a-'t.-. -.- m .aajflMaalataV Jtiwolor. OpNolaMa '"' I'ifiiriavtsi'. Fine Wiitch KepsiririK A Spe cialty. eeeeeeeeeaeeeeeaeeeeaaaae e : - LONE - : - RESTAURANT ill.Oltill: POON Prop. Moals At All Hours. Short i Orders and Prompt Service With Reasonable Rates ! Give Me A Call a OtrasssMe waa-irel eeeeeeeeeeeaeaaeeeeeeeee RUSSELL mm ijRADE ilAtrilNLRH - SAWMILLS - THrTESHJiRa Model 20 Without change ol mechanism ii hand .22 short. long or long-riaa cartraJae Perfect!. The dceo Ballard rifling develops Bvaaimuea power and accuracy and adds yean to the Ws of rifles. "r.'.a fmifr.mmii,m imaaeaiaaal awaba.a. -n--i : I . ; I i r alaa oukt. atnnal. waai ewe. WiaV epl aAa. naia naaiiamayapaaMU, aweaais r J2-Blila a Bare. iuVAi 1 1. oai. f 7Xe ZffarYtsi )r WiSaw Streat New Har fl PK0FRH8I0NAT, CA CARLC. GRIFITH I'liyslelan ai .1 I nrge.ii SUSHI, OHKUo,. J. CXJ. CBARy Ptiftlclsti ami Bnrgaoa. Borng, - - on Office la new builiIiiiK s.,i,t ( B lisrnees shop, Main Ht. ' 'Phone Main ,. GEO. G. CARL, M. 1 aricta)ai and Nurgeoa Tbuiwbss "ulidla. " . Hh I HARLAN A. HARRIS h Physician and Surgeon Narrows, q. D BStasdass. hiim, . ., ""' ai,,. U.n.i.i 1'ta.lli. i,, BBJBfl l. I ,. J DKS. STANDAB1 SUKNS. ORECON DEMMIrl & DEMMflN, Physicians and Surgeon falls nwered pruaiptl) M,!,t, Tlioiio Harriman. HaFWman, Oregon taBI Jot 121 wa Dr- Minnie Ham " Physician and Surg Job dm Ha QIM 1 ter Wrect Telephone Conaasejj La wen. Ore. l. E. HiBBPiRD DEKTIS: OtBee first door t-a-t pb. ,, aJfl Barns. OSsaae din 4 thr eve tbt has jodi the the W. C. BROWN, JD3B3STTIS: Bcbhs, Oaaao Ofllee room 8 ami !i Masonic hi M. A. BIG(;s Attorney at Itw invi oft Voegtly Bldg., Burn. Oreji 1811 I I ' A 3- A. REMB0L ot Attorncy-at-l I"' othe Burns, Ongon j,, othe WM. MILLER T ATTOHNKV AT I W Burns, Oregon Booms S ami 7 siaw u 1 m. raiai leaaa qslrkly ma.ia at lbi ana flair. ins; i sent corni Jod CHARliES W. ELLIS LAWYER Bums, dtaU ing J quae faUo . Aal viait ChBaaasV li l ..". nil av . n aaa'v ATTOKHiSV-AT-l tW Careful attention rivet I C lions and Real Estut. mall Fire In- , Notary I'lihlu Boaiis. Oaasoa koo tha. Torn this ad 01 AfU OB t fear! with A. W. GOWAN ATT0RNEY-AT ! V State Courts and United S Ind Office Practice Three dtwrs Sun u i I um Harney County Nationgj j Burns, pin;.., FRANK PAVEY AHerney at 1 aw N. larvl Caaaayauio., Monr, yif AUau.S.Lall0ll., . I ..ik OB, bataaan Uaruv. i ftul ui! I ..nd once. Buraa, . . Orr.-on I fi PntM '' B-a.o. e. a. ,.,... .. ,. a COOPER & DODGI QvfJ and Hydraulic Hnglf Irritration, Water uppl Sewerajre, Water l'owa Bnrveya, Mape, Kaliniuo- Miper PfJRMft PKEv;t)' . O. Uiwlu, Ba I.. 1 ll. Nm C . t a ... ar. reraiarlj ami. Bsgtaear luf, nev'lsuutiuu Sar lee, Eastern Oregon rngineei Compam dVH. AN-9 JKIIUIIUN i.Mitf Birss, Vrt(uij JEAN BART BAI CO . u. au a. a. r. mi. i. i.l HYDRAULIC UMilNES " 1 ii i Ditches. Rateryoirs, linal Work, Hydro-Kin i, ., Fp U. S. Dep. Mineral VVor or Wotia A Specially - aagaged hi Ilolh I'm ut ia Uuvriuiaent 8treatu OafiaJ 1 I II 1 ALBBRSON - - UKBO