H4 JANUARY 1914 MMIT IW IT F 131 TTT"ff2T3 5j8.789K 1121314151617 1192021222324 512829(50311 Statement Of The Condition Of Tie First National Bank of Barns At the close of business January 18th, 1914. 'heTimes-JIeraia1 i The Umil Circulation Of Any Newapaper In Harney County. SATURDAY. JANUARY IT. ISM Local News. RESOURCES Loans and Discounts $819,642.26 U. S. Bonds 41,000.00 Bonds and Securities 74,961.34 Premium on U. S. Bonds 1,955.00 Real Estate, Furniture and Fixtures 8,504.92 Five per cent Redemption Fund 1,260.00 CASH 116,565.84 honawama tonisrht. A. Dillard was in town this ek. loe Carter has squash at deo. bey's for sale. 7-11. itarr Buckland was in town Iterday. lyals Baby Cough Remedy for ly s caugn at ine welcome .rmacy. en Vickers and family were this neighborhood this week Iting relatives and friends. ., i t ii ---' o ininKinn oi inu cwuuin v masked ball to be given by Women of Woodcraft on Jan. it Tonawama. the registration books have opened at the clerk's office all voters are now invited to and register. r. Geo. G. Carl is prepared special attention to all (lis ps of eye, ear and nose, hyes led and glasses fitted. 50tf. E. Loggan is assisting Trea- ?r Miner in senuing uui m Is to taxpayers ana win oaa le as aeputy aunng ine uix lecting period. tt UTinAtia tl... nnw tii'il ' ... Uonnmon l:at RntlirdAV. stor of the Windsor Karoeri"" " In adioininar the land office, is I The latest in Millinery and a pared to do first class work in $563,879.35 LIABILITIES Capital $ 26.000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits . 81,153.62 Circulation 25,000.00 DEPOSITS 432,725.83 $663,879.35 Capital and Surplus SI OO.OOO. United States Depositary ACCOUNTS INVITED Tonawama tonight Salisbury has snow glasses. Hot drinks at The Welcome Pharmacy. Tonawama tomorrow night. 0. W, Cobb was up from LftOM during the week. Break up that cold with Wel come's Golil Tablets. It IW: .11 a a a- ee, Ana. KTa V JOnn YYllZeil WOO uuiruill UK- a- . D. M. McDade has gone to 118 rows yerw. , Happy Vaey 8choo, Don't miss the picture pro-; . nm. niiriniK "" " '" un- ley Co. has been making a tour of the ranches. All kinds of snow glasses at Salisbury's. Tom Allen was over from the P Ranch Thursday. Butterick patterns at Luna burg, Dalton & Co. 62tf. Dry cleaning and pressing at the Burns Steam Iaundrv. 4tf. Fred Huntley was in from the Valley View section Thursday. J. W. Grant was in from Waverly Sunday registered at the French. Pickard China and Libby cut glass make beautiful and useful wedding presents ''Born In this city, Saturday, Jan, 10. to Mr. and Mrs. John Rhine, a daughter. Don't take chances on becom ing snow blind. Get some glasses from Salisbury. Finest alfalfa, timothy and red top hay baled may ho had at the Goodman feed barn is south Burns About four inches more snow fell here Tuesday night. Wed nesday the weather turned de cidedly warm and it rained some. Mrs. II. Richardson and family desire to express their thanks to the many friends for their kind ness and sympathy during their recent bereavement, A meeting of the atookholders of the Harney County National of Burns was held this week at which the surplus of the institu tion was raised to $44,000. J. II. Anderson was up from Narrows yesterday for the pur Iose of making proof on his homestead. He reports all the snow gone in his neighborhood. R. J. McKinnon & Son have established a daily stage !et ween Drewsey and Juntura. Connec tions m'ade with the trains at Juntura and passengers given ...-.....' ...... . r. ... t I. .... ,.. 1 1 .. . . . i-vii i"iiim'ti. i .ur iu iniriirt I grams at Tonawama. Dr. H. Denman was up from line and invites a share of the die trade. Satisfaction in Iry respect. 48tr. A. Sweek has gone to out- i points on business and plea- He will visit Portland and em, also nis motner in ine lamette Valley and his son, us, who is a student at the ;e university at Eugene. sn (jozaa anu wire. ueo. rny tooK tneir departure ior Syon last Monaay aiter a sant visit with relative and bids in this city for several is. Mrs. M)zau anu ner uaun- Miss Mayme, remained for indefinite visit with the fine line of guaranteed hair goods at Clingan's. C. B. McConnell left Tuesday for Vale and other outside points on business. He may go to La Grande before returning home. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BURNS. CAPITAL AND JUKfLUS 1 100,000. Mrs. John Schenk will give lessons in Irish Crochet every Thursday afternoon at her home in Burns. 4 W. E. Smith took his departure Tuesday morning for Pendleton, Portland and other outside points on business. Tule Circle. Women of Wood- the bank that makes : craft, will give their usual an- SAFE." ACCOUNTS tres. Kill Baraweii, wno cares ior I stock and is general teamster the Flour Milling Co., saw Be deer in tne lane Between fns and tne mm last ween. fcy had evidently Deen unven the higher mountains to the th by the deep snow and were ring their way to the desert ere they range in winter. O A llnoAn l o. niuciou'" YOUR $ $ $ INVITED. B. P. Bennett has been suffer i ing from an attack of pneumonia but is reported Improving. His many friends hope for a speedy recovery. W. D. Huffman. and Elmer Carlson were in the city Thursday on land business. They report a deep fall of snow in their section but it had mostly disappeared when they came over. The Lakeview Examiner re ports the death of Mrs. Eliza Venator at that plac on Jan. 7. Deceased was the mother of A, and Ira Venator, well known stock men of this section. She was 83 years old arrived home from Baker the holiday Annual Clearance Sale The long looked forward to event is now at hand. Two things have been uppermost in our mind in the planning of it. First, our inflexi ble rule that no winter goods are to be carried over, and second, and very important, that last year's sales records are to be put in the shade. A sweeping clearance carrying all our winter stocks before it and leaving behind a store ready to re ceive new, fresh merchandise that's the object of it. Don't Fail to Attend It I. SCHWARTZ - General Merchandise Hasonlc Building, - Burns, Oregon nual masouerade ball at Tona wama on the evening of Jan. 23. Little Ruth Patterson has been quite ill at the home of her par ents, Mr, and Mrs, J. J. Patter son, but is reported improving. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BURNS. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $100,000. THE BANK THAT MAKES YOUR $ $ $ t SAFE." ACCOUNTS INVITED. Fred Barron and E. C. Durall were in yesterday assisting J. H. Anderson in making proof. They were bragging about the fine climate of their neighborhood near Narrows. . Miss Mary Fry Saturday evening where she spent period visiting with her sister, Miss Evelyn, who is attending school there, and other friends. The Blue Mt. Eagle boyB are bragging about dandelions being in bloom over in their town, but we can go them some better. If they'll step into The Times Herald we'll present them with some very handsome roses in full bloom. Rev. Dr. Babbidge of the Val ley View section, who performed the marriage ceremony joining Miss Nena Haarstrich and T. S. Steven in wedlock, sends in a re port to this paper. The ring ceremony was used and impres sively entered into by the con tracting parties. Following the marriage, Dr. Babbidge states a very" pretty baptismal ceremony was performed when Mr. and Mrs. James Paul presented their voung daughters for baptism. Mr. and Mrs. Haarstrich stood as God-father and God-mother for the children. Mild cases of measles have made their appearance in three families in Bums, perventing the children from attending school, all of the homes having been placed under quarantine. Evelyn Byrd, Annate Leonard and Belda Schwartz being the victims. The other two children of the "Byrd flock" have not taken them as yet and it was a mere accident that it was discovered to be measles, as there have been a few cases of cliickunppx and Whep the family physician was called o"er the phone he said it was certaiply chjekenpox as he had heard f no tiatjes of measles. However, he was invited to call at the Byrd home and make sure when he found measles. ;i The Clay Clemens sawmill Is now at its new location and is prepared to fill any order with rough or dressed lumber, also fir lumber; buck teeth and any special order given prompt at tention. 82. Married Sunday. Jan. 11, T. E. Jenkins and Mrs. Osborne, Justice Patterson officiating. Both are residents of this city where they will continue to make their home. , Sauer kraut at Lunaburg, Dalton A Co. Thermos bottles at the Wel come Pharmacy. A, Dunn will deliver you wood at any time, having good mahog any or pine. !Mf. Two auto trucks, arrived here from Bend Wednesday with freight for local people. Henry Long is again mingling with his friends in Burns after an absence of a few weekB on the Owyhee. For Sale One Sawmill com plete, with logging Sleds and Trucks, with or without timber, for terms see II. M. Horton. Although notice of the call for reports of condition of National Banks on January 18 waB not re ceived by the First National Bank until yesterday, their re port was prepared In time for this publication and appears in another column. Asamidminter report, it is unusual in that it shows a larger cash reserve and increased deposits over its last published statement of October 21st, 1913, which was made at a time when business conditions arc generally at high water mark in this section. Library Club Passes Resolution. At the last meeting of the Ladies' Library Club a resolution was adopted favoring a Cargenie library and a committee was ap pointed to carry out the wishes of the club in that respect. ThiB committee is to hold for a year unless the work is accomplished in less time und the members ure empowered to act fully in the matter and report to the Club. The ladies named on the commit tee were: Dr. Elizabeth Kllis, chairman; Mrs. J. W. Biggs, Mrs. J. C. Foley, Miss Icher and Mrs. Julian Byrd. Mrs. ti. A. Rembold, president of the club, also desired a publish ed statement to correct an error respecting the amount netted by the club at the recent benefit en tertainment. The total receipts at the door amounted to $186.25 Sale of scors, $10, making a For Sale 320 Acres of land on Cow Creek. Stock, hay, grain, and household goods. For par ticulars address owner R. Drinkwater, 9-12 Harney. Ore. Ed Stallard came over from his home on Otis creek the fore part of this week and was ac companied home by his wife who had been visiting at the parental home for a few days. Ed states the roads were not extra good, they having considerable more J Fathers. snow over in that territory than here, total of $1.2T pense of the $77.17. leaving $lli.08. Following is a list of books re cently added to the library mak ing a total of 2042: The Iron Trail The White Linen Nurse, The Way Home Desert Gold Ijiddie ... Wonderful Adventures of Mills Ijigerlof The Linder Box - - Daviess Cudjo's Care - - Trowbridge Above books bought by the Club Missions und Missionaries of California Vol. 3, Engelhardt Donated by the Franciscan The total ex production was a balance of Beach Abbott King Grey Porter Austin Goodman is ready to grind grain and has a building in which it may be stored by farmers at any time. He will grind one day each week and farmers may store their grain any day and get it when con venient. I lei. prepared to take grain as pay for grinding at the market price. Special prices on large quantities, 44tf. The first alphabetical half of the Five Hundred Club gave a party at the Masonic hall Thurs day night at which the other half and the husbands and a few friends were the guests. There Were ten tables filled by a hapny company and those present re port having a very pleasant evening. The high honors were awarded to Mrs. H. C. Levens and Mrs. C. F. McKinney and for the gentlemen, A. C. Wel come and Judge Wm. Miller. A nice luncheon followed the hands. ti... I T a T .....I ,.ir.,... ;.. ....... X IIC U. 0. 1'ilMll illllir ID IHJW located in The Times-Herald building having moved to tin new quarters the first of this week. It had been the intention to move Jan. 1st but the vault door was delayed and thus pre vented the occupancy of the rooms. The office now has ade quate room and convenience for the transaction of its business with an enlarged counter and desk rooms, a contest room, large vault where the records may be safely stored at night. The latter will be equipped with omnibus trucks containing steel shelves for the records, another convenience that will he much appreciated, au soon as they ar rive from tlio factory where they were constructed. Messrs. Done gan & Loggan and the Harney County Abtract Co, will occupy the quarters vacated by the land office which ia to be thoroughly overhauled and arranged for their business. Valley View. (Communicated.) The Valley View Grange held a booster meeting at the Valley View school house Saturday, Jan. 10 1914. The Grange was called to order at 10:30 a m by Master George Cobb. Six new applica tions were voted on and accepted by a unanimous vote. Nine new members received the 1st and 4th degrees. After disposing of considerable business of great importance the master declared a recess for dinner. The ladies had prepared for this occasion in bountiful fashion and all present welcomed the abundant supply of good things set before them. The afternoon was taken up in the installing of the newly elected officers. This was an open meeting and many visitors were present to witness the installation. The following officers were Installed by Past Master George Cobb and Thomas Raycraft: C. C. Babbidge, Mas ter, Henry Huntly, Overseer; Annie Babbidge, Lecturer: Mrs. Huntley, Treas. ; George Kay eruft, Secy. ; Thurlow Wilfong, Steward; Hazel Cobb, Lady Asst. Steward ; Bessie Hoffeditz, Chap lain; Albert Rose, Inside Qate keeper; Joe WHlneoker, Outside Gatekeeper; Mary Raycraft. Flora; Daisy Carter, Pomona; Birdie Shay, Ceers. Past Master George Cobb and Master C. C. Babbidge were the speakers of the day each deliver ed a very able address pertaining to the great work the Grange is carrying on in the interest of the farmers. Master Hubbidge then called the Grunge to order and appoin ted I he following standing com mittees fur the coming year: Ex ecutive Cemmittee: Prof. Jokisch Guy Shaver, Arthur Whitney; Finance Cemmittee: Thomas Raycraft, George Cobb, Arthur Whitney, Relief cemmittee: v. : Mrs. Guy Shaver, Will Cobb. The grange has taken in 17 new members at its last two meetings and we are informed there are more to follow at the next meeting in February. We believe Valley View has the lar gest and strongest Grange in Harney County. Mr. (has. Van Zandt has pur chased one of the cows from the Harney County National Hunk herd. The Vulley View Sunday School meets every Sunday at 10:30 a. m. Everyone should at tend these services and show their appreciation for the good work this organization is accomplishing. We were very pleased to hear the Hon. County Court had grant ed ns a voting precinct at their last session. Wo certainly ap preciate their action in this matter. Mr. Lloyd Culpexpcctsto have his new house completed in a few days. Lloyd should be very proud of his new home as it will be tlio first in this section when finished. Miss Emma Johnson the popu lar young school teacher of Val ley View has been awarded first prize in the cake eating contest that took place at the school house last Saturday. Miss John son devoured three large layer cakes In just six minutes and thirty seconds by official time. Funny pictures tonight. Mrs. B. F. StilUon is very ill at her home in this city. Born To Mr and Mrs. Everet Foren. this morning, a daughter. NO. Mil. Ic.iM.n uf the condition o( lln- HARNEY C0UNTV NA 1 ON M HANK ol BURNS .1 Hnrni, in the Hi,te n Oregon, at tli, cloee of limine... J ni. l:ni Ml .'iti( re. Umn.atitl lllltiiuiil. .I7..M0M I 4 You Could Benefit By having a Harney County National checking account. You would have a place to deposit cash, checks and drafts, where these funds would be better pro tected than in your own custody. You can withdraw these funds at will, or transfer them to others by means of your personal check. The benefits from your account cost you nothing, and you would enjoy the privileges that an acquaintance at this Bank holds foJ each of its patrons. Harney County National Bank Your Heme Institution" Your Business Solicited Overdraft., wummI etui urieet'tiretl 1,10ft 7r t'.H Homle to eo urs i In ui.il. m lii.Muw V. N. M'Jti.l, loK-i'iiru fotlal Havlrnu l.OOUOO D,l Bsasssa bsste) t.aoouo lliinl.. vi into.'., i.lr M.WaiEl Hanking lion... fnrnllura and future. I AM 77 Dun friiui National Hank, tnot ra- ecrva atfnrita) 1 ' ' " ' Inn. frntu MSpl .nd IMv.tr H.uki anil Hanker., Trnt f outpenlt'.. .ltd Having. Hank. Bl W Due from .irovi'i rva.rv agent. 4A.M7 'ib Cheek, and nth r ra.h itetna H67 :A Notra of other National Hank. U.UU fractional paper ctirraRcv, nutria tid c.h,a t 03 lawn I. Mnagv KaagHva m Hea, vtg ,. . I. IIG.eM .VI U.al Tender Notee ".'.) I: o'i . Redemption fund with t' H. Treasurer, (f per rattl ol clnula tlon) W.MJU Total tXO.KU V. tTm. Capital aloeg paid Is.... I ....uuum Hurplua fund.. 44.UUOOU riidtvpled profit., lea. eaien'ea and laiee paid M National Hank note, out.i.ndlug la.tuutu Individual depoelU eulijerl to i hei k I ,'ii.M'i 'M lleinaud terllOtatr. oldrpuell JDOUu Tlmetenlflrala.ofdriMi.lt . v0. Certified Check. ' " t'aahler'. check, nut. tending I :ui : I'oetel Hevlnnelteonalt" 'rat 97 Hllla pa.alile. Including ol, ligation for iiiou. i borrowed . '.O.OUUOO Total M M HTATKtlKDHKHtlN, I Countr "1 lleruc. 1' I, l.epu -V li'own. f'aihler ol the ab-'ve named bank, do eulctuuly .wear that the above autemuhl I. true to the beet of iu kuowlrdgu al.ll belief I i'N M. Blown, t'aililei Hutierrlbed and .worn to before tne tht. 17th day ol Jan., mil A. W. lloWAN Notary Public. .Seal I Correct .1 tleal K U. A J. M aft KiNNev ItKMeoi.D IUITON Director! BURNS FLOUR MILLING CO. Pricse st Mill fa iwocluctai Floiir $5,50 in 5-bbl. late or more. Bran $145 par hundred. Rolled barley $I.a3 per hundred. Rollins barley $S-00 par Ion in Ion lot. or mora. Cu.tomer. in sll oa.a. to himieh eeoka. PACKING DEPARTMENT Until further notice the following Ceah Prices will prevail in telling mesial Hog., whole or half, tic. per lb. Choice pork leek., 15c. per lb. " loin, 20c. Whole pork ehoulder 12 1.2c Leg of pork, 1 5c. Whole or half mutton, lie. Front quarter mutton, 10c, Hind quarter mutton, 12 l-2c. Choice mutton for etow, $c. Mutton chopa, 15c Hind quarter beef, 13c Front quarter baaf, lie Reef all cut. at reasonable price. Tha intention of the Company ia st ell. lima, to pay tha beat price and el us doted margin coneittent with eyed bu.i neea management. t mm Muuum, .Hiuuuawtmimurjui! ui THE STAR Feed Barn H. ELLIOTT, Prop, Horses Hoarded by the Day, Week or Month . CAREFUL ATTENDANTS , Uood Fvwdftftd aaolIc prioen Horses etc per tiesd in llsm Haled Hsjr and QrrtlA IV stale Cumfttrtabltt Camp House With Cook Stow PATRONAGE SOLICITED Accurst Hsy snd Stoek Srslea Prices for weighing 20r. Houth Msln St., Burns mntimmnmmnnmmiTnmmrmntttM The Burns MRS. ETTA CUMMINS, Prop. Best Surgical Room and Equipment In the State Outside of Portland. Nice Rooms, Good Care and Com fort for PatientsReasonable Terms Graduated Nurse in Charge THE OLD STAR SALOON BRENTON & HICKS, Props. Old and Nsw Patrons Will Find the Bkst Kkani s Here Wines, Liquors, and Cigars Good Service, Courteous Treatment DROP IN Main Street Burns, Ore&o.i RABBIT WIRE We have a big supply o wire any heighth desired and at BED-ROCK PRICES JjSji! Farm Machinery Don't neglect to order farming implements until you need 'em. Come, and talk to us now im mense stock for you to inspect. DISHES We have handsome sets In China, also porcelain beautiful glassware, ta ble cuttlery, silverware granlteware, etc., etc. Fancy Lamps Paints and Oils Heaters, Ranges Builders hardware Kwr ?Tr Sleds and Wagons Skates, Small Bore Rifles, Shot Guns, Ammunition for all size guns, Tinware, Onion Sets, Seeds. I BURNS HARDWARE CO. I NEIL SMITH, Manager