The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, January 10, 1914, Image 4

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Scrap Book
On Better.
1 Cramps btillt n cruiser for tha
Imui (orernment aome years nm.
thara wcr a MM f lluasliin
aval officer at tin- mM AnfJS tin
MWH of lta construi-tinn After tin
feaat bad bean tecaptad t in- Ruastana
r a dinner In Wnslilnittnn la fata
brat tba event nnil Imlteil I ho lintlil
era and the men who had fafatshol tin
armor piste, ami so on When It CUM
titu for feaaati the RaaataSi prapaaad
tba bealth of the cinr. drunk It ninl
trashed their KhMSSM on tba Boor, This
sasairrt the Americans, who sakad
why the Rnsslsnii
wiic litcnklnu
tba (tsaawara in
thiit fsaMon
" llcetiiisc." It
wns ex 1 nl tied
"Mint Is tba en
loin In Ota conn
try. Whenever
we drink to MM
cinr we Ineiik the
Kinases ho they
may ti e v e r be
profiined ly nny
less Worth.!
Two dnyii Inter
th steel men khvs a return dinner
lb time for t ousts eniiie. mid the heiid
Steal man fsve one to the president of
a Dulted States.
After the toast ban drunk the
bead steel mini Krnhbed the titlle'loth.
yanked It from the tnhl, sent every
thing on It to the floor nnd smiished nil
tba dishes The noise eould he henrd
two blacks away
"Why do you do that?" nsked the
sstonlsbed Russians.
"Because." said the hend steel mini,
"when wa drink the health of tho prosl
aat of tba United States we not only
break tba classes, but everything else
aa tba tabla! Saturday Evening Tost
Ts Friendship drink, and then to t.ove.
and last to Loyalty!
Tils first of these were not enough
Without tho last, through whom we provs
That Love Is Love and rlatit enough
What Friendship's self may be.
So hare's to Loyalty I
A sword he wears, but never a mask
go all the world may see
lavt Friendship sot him sny tnsk,
Oe Lor no question doth ho aak.
Bat draws his sword and doea his task
Asd sorer takes a fee.
So hero's to Loyalty I
Madison Csweln In "Tho Kepobllc-A
Little Book of Homoapun Vr-ae."
A Simple Mlstsks.
la a part of the city where the con-
doctors 00 the street cars still C08M
around to collect fares (iisirge Cohan
recently Jumped on a car Tho con-
doctor collected
fares and went
to tb rear of the
aar. Mr. Cohan,
wishing to b
aaar tbe exit left
hie aaat and took
another nearer
tba door. Tba
eond actor mean
time, on the look
ant for passen
aaBgera, aaw, aa
ha thought, a new
ma taking a
aaat and went to
collect hla fare.
tins is OH1 v
Mr. Cohan put his band In his pock
at and offered the conductor n coin.
"Thla la only a cent," snld the conduc
tor, handing It back.
"Tea," aald George slowly, "I know
that I paid my faro when 1 wan In
tba other aaat This time I supposed
you were taking up a collection."
Chsnco Hsd His Chsnco.
While the New York American base
ball team was training In llcrmuda n
cricket match began between a couple
of tba island teams. At 4 o'clock ev
ery afternoon the teams used to knock
off and drink tea. Mr. Chance, the
Mow Tork manager of the baseball
artists, viewed the cricket gnmo with
disfavor. One day he stood upon the
aide lines, Idly watching It An out
flatder made a brief run nnd caught
a little popup fly. "Well caught, air,"
roared an English enthusiast. "Well
eaaght, air." Mr. Chanco was pained.
Pretty soon another outfielder rnn for
long bit and failed to catch It. Tbe
cricket fan at Chance's elbow approv
al anyhow. "Well run, sir," ho bel
lowed. "Wall run." Mr. Chance glnr
aa at him. A moment Inter an In-
tried to run nnd fell on Ids
It waa Chance's chance. "Well
fsjO. air," ba shouted. "Well fell."
Settled tho Question.
"I was In a German barber shop In
Maefcton," relates a railroad man,
"yjhua a nervous and excited German
fbjtow dropped In to be bnrbered II"
waa rary nervous Indeed I suspected
it ba wanted to catch n train At
Sty rata, b was so nervous that he
0dnt keep bis sent lie began par
Jag up and down the Moor, waiting Ids
(asm, aad as this did not seeui to calm
b) ncrra he stepped outside and lie
fa) paatog up and down tho sldownlk
eajne back In a moment and ills
much to his horror, that some
kad got In abend of him and hud
1 too first vacant chnlr. The nerv
1 Ulan stalked up to the head barber
aaMartngly and said:
"If a man comes In uud goes oud.
Ma b rentr
Tb bead barber lookisl at him
gly and replied with dignity
! awipbasU:
baa. but be ain't.'
Itever that meant,
1 quit effectively."
it ended tbe
ay Made a Tactful, it Ignoble,
Retreat to Safsty.
Ming story of the adventure
man had with an Irritable
by u correspondent of the
Field. It contains a hint I
useful to some reader w ho
liter find himself In u aim!
hie situation.
had a hull that hu thought
docile Out) day he was
Walking behind the herd when
any warning tho bull turned
atralght ut him He hud a
1 La bis bands, and ho struck
With all his might over the
aeveral times, when I he
For the moment he did not
to do and thought It win
blui, when he icuiciii
one had told him that
not attack you If you lay
threw himself Hat on his
Btintitrrl for help, and three of
Who were not fur off cmue
I (ba rescue.
got within about twenly
them to come 011 their
Er ,
and lu this wuy they
t ion then was what tb do. Tbay came
to tho conclusion that th only thlrit
left its for all of tbetn to retreat back
wind on their hands and knees This
tin did, nnd lha bull, never more than
ii wnd off, followed tham up with his
hcid situhtly on one side. Meanwhile
he snorted and bellowed, and hla eyes,
showing all th whites, looked, the
fm mer wild, ns If they would coma out
of hla hend. At last tba man reached
the river bank, slipped over the edge
I and so escaped.
They Cut s Queer Figure fere 8IV
sddlos Were Invented.
Undue ym-en ('Htherlne do' Medici
kI nited the fnslilon of sidesaddles hj
baring it Ihihi'iI slung on tho left side
of her horse to support her fot all
poor women rode on a pillion behind n
111:111. All women of the better class
lode nstrlde
A htdy to prepare for tiding bent
forward ajgfl took hold of the lower
hem of the buck of her dress skirt.
drew It through between her legs and
wrapped her skirts around her legs
down lo her knees, then folded the rest
of her skirts across tba front of her
Then sho drew on a pair of large
trousers, tho legs of which ended Just
balsa) the knees, where thay war
sewad to the tops of a pair of clumsy
tilling Units. The upper part of the
trousers wns open In front, and the
tlips folded ncrosa the iH-rson and fas
(nod by n bund around the waist A
hood was worn on the head, nnd a
musk protected the face from sun mid
miller. She rode on a man's saddle
.1 1 nl wore spurs nnd carried a quirt
(riding whip) looped on the right wrist.
The same stylo and kind of quirt Is
now used by our western cowboys
and plains Indian and waa formerly
1 airlcd by the Cossacks.
A lady In riding costume, whether on or on horseback, waa anything but
i graceful figure.
nnr great grandmothers rod on aide
snddlea, but their great-great grand
mothers nsle astride If they belonged
to the gentry class.
Oaf plains Indian women, even when
they changed their buckskin skirts
that came to the knee and their buck
-kin leggings for the long calico skirt
of white women, always rode astride.
Washington Post.
In the Days When Clothes Were Dyed,
but Never Washed.
Ill the mutter of the wsshlng or
clothes, not to say the washing of
themselves, our ancestors were a trifle
l&I The laundress of the twelfth eon
Miry must have held a position which
was practically a sinecure, while II
seems within the bounds of possibility
that In those days she did not exist
it nil There were, lusootb. few gar
ments which would stand washing,
and the dyer was driving n brisk trade
before the laundress was even thought
of A little dye must Indeed have i-ov
.rod 11 multitude of spots
In the days of the Tudora and Stu
nts washing wns I trifle more In eM
dance than formerly, but those articles
Hrbl h were permitted to find their
way Into the "buck pan"-as the wash
Ing tub used to Is' called Were few
Mid far between The wealthy of the
ml Idle ages got over the difficulty f
. ditnlhlng clean underclothing with
inimltlve simplicity by not wearing
, any, while the lower orders wore
nana aoaaaa garments thst would
10 doubt have "shrunk In the wash."
! To prevent any casualty of the kind
1 hey remalinsl unwashed
Velvets, taffetas nnd richly dyed
silks, such ns those worn by tho no
I lililty nnd gentry, could not, of course,
lie washed, and should nny person of
L;h degree be the possessor of a linen
ddit It was a thing which was csro
fully made known to sll his friends
and relatives as being extremely la
tnode ami a lit subject for eongratula
1 Hon. but washed It never waa for fear
1 of Injuring Its pristine beauty. Lon
don Taller
In ninny parts of the world Greece,
, for Instance the believer In witchcraft
: -till gets hold, by book or by crook, of
hair, nail parings nnd so forth from
in enemy's head and hands and burns,
borlaa or does something els with
them In order to entail unpleaaant con
-ospiouceH upon that enemy. And unl
raraal folklore reveals the concern of
n.igi-s to dispose of their own balr
unl null clippings to prevent an enemy
front getting at them. Australian 11a
, live girls, having bad a lock of hair
itntotl from them, expected apoedy
death as a certainty. London Tele
Virtues of th Nura.
Sir William Osier In a lecture at
.1. .litis Hopkins training school named
the seven virtues of the nurse: "Tact.
u 11 hunt which no woman can be sue
1 ess fill and her chief protection In tbo
mechanism of life; tidiness, it being
the primary duty of a woman to look
trail; taciturnity, which should ba cut
tlvatad as a gift; sympathy, gentleness.
the birthright of a nurse; cheerfulness
nid charity, the last snd greatest of
ill "
'I didn't exactly know how
the missis this morning," I
to take
ild the
lady's inald to the cook
What did she sny?"
"When I remarked that I was afraid
her complexion could not ba Improved
by cold cream she told me I needn't
nib It In " Baltimore American
Most of Them Do.
"It only needs determination to live
11 hundred years," says n well known
health writer A great many people
lime determined to live a century or
die In tho attempt and they have died
In the attempt New Orleans IMcay
iiin .
Good Plsn,
It Is 11 good plan while waiting for
your ship to come in to kill time by go
ing to work to earn something. -New
1 11 leans licayiinc
"lis a wise saying. Drive on your
own track. I'liitarcii
Ths Word "Poultry."
1'oultry. according to the definition
given In one standard encyclopedia. In
cludes "tbe whole of the domesticated
birds reclaimed by man for tbe aako of
their Mesh and their eggs." Tha word
comes from the Latin "pullus," which
could mean n young horse or donkey
as well ua a chick (tba English "foal"
la akin to this), through tba French
"poule," 11 fowl. Hut It Is curious that
"poultry" bus no French version, tbe
nearest equivalent being "volallle," or
"olsenui da baaae cour," blrda of tha
low yard. German In Its daacriptlre
way knowa poultry aa "federrlch,"
feather callto
OWoront Now Prom What It Waa
Whin Olokons Vlsltsd Us
When Pickens canto over to America
some seventy odd years ngo there wns
one large table In the dining room for
the pnssengers. The tlrst officer sat at
the hend, cnrvlng tho turkey with all
the grnce he could eointnnnd between
'urches Of the good ship, trusting to
rrovMoin-e I hal the gravy would not
tlop over. The passengers sent their
plates along the lino nnd walled for
their helpings
Today I he dining mom of a large
ship looks like the dining room of a
due hotel It Is Just as exquisitely ap
pointed nnd has every good thing to
cat that can be found 011 land. In
fact, one or the new ships has a res
laiiriint mimed after n famous one In
Now York, and the two keep III touch
by wireless ho that the melius, day by
day. are the siiine Think of Inning
your dinner nrrnnmsl by wireless -
vour macaroni by IMiconll
The dining room Is divided up Into
a number of small tables, so that you
can have your own party, with only
half 11 doxen of you, with your own
waller, Instead of sitting nt a long ta
ble nml passing your plate, as Dickens
The development of the wonders of
cold storage has done more than nny
other one thing to make life on the
ocean wine one long round or Joy.
'old storage gives you the best In the
world lo eat mid every day of the
year V world traveler wns telling me
the other ilnv that he hud eaten grape
fruit every morning nil around tbe
world The ship on which he sailed
put In n Inrge amount of lea cream
made In New York, mid 1 in days later,
when ho ariivisl in San Francisco, he
wns still eiitlng New Y'ork lee cream
Harold tiirlslle In Leslie's.
Early Saaon Customs snd tho Advent
of tha Flowing Veil.
In the old dins, ns now, th bride
generally dressed In white. From early
Saxon times down to tho eighteenth
century a bride of the poorer elnsaea
came to the wedding arrayed In a plain
white robe as a public wanting that
since she brought nothing to the mar
riage her husband was not responsible
for her debts
llrtdes soon began to add some little
touch of color Mine was for constan
cy and gns'ti for youth, but In some
places these might not be used be
muse of feuds between families having
these tints In their liveries Yellow
might not be worn, ns It stood for
Jealousy; golden might not. ns It
mount avarice
The Anglo Savon bride went to the
wisldlng with her hair hanging loose
us a sign of frisslom. hut upon reach
lug her new home Immediately h mud
It up as a algs of submission In the
days of Shakespeare the veil Ix-gnn to
take the place of the (lowing trexnes,
but this, bowarar, was not orlgtaaJ
with the Itrltlsh. for centuries earlier
the Unman and Hebrew brides had
worn yellow clls, while the enrly
liirlsthius of southern Bill II H had en
rale pad both man and wife In one
large cloth
WltiKoier was lacking, however. In
i;orgeou!itHH of drss was cuiiipeitsat
isl among ail the nations by the pro
fusion of flowers chosen for their slg
nltlcance I'nele Itemlls' Mngsxlne
Horculaneum and Pompeii.
t'ollliell was burled lu ashes or light
scoria, while Mcrrtilnnciiiu was en
IoiiiIhhI In lava, which, after cooling,
hiirileiiisl Into a itinlerlal of the con
sistency of marble, nnd we thus have
the explanation of the fact thnt w hllo
the Mist city has long been unearthed
the latter Is still largely covered with
Its ancient Invn shroud. Kxcavatlona
an- (oiistantly goinK uu at llcrciiliine
ii tn . and the work will In nil probabil
ity cniiuuc to tho Mulsh, but It Is not
likely that any especially Important re
sults will accrue, since the life of the
two cities wns practically the same
New Y'ork American.
Rationsl Lovo.
"The ratloui:! rather than the ro
mantic view of marriage Is tbe ona
most In fgror with tho young people
of the twentieth century." said a well
known etigciiles expert In an address
III Cleveland
Th rational view will make for hap
ilei inarriagra And this rational view
Is iM-.iuliriilly Illustrated lu two quee
tlons a little dialogue running thus:
"''Will yutl always loci nieV
win ion aiwajra ba luiabtor"
New York I'lliUlie
Antiquity of ths Census.
The Idea of the census Is almost aa
old as baCtOrj Itself King Altiasls of
Rgyid look a census of Ida people 500
veiir. bef Christ The Athenian eo-
toii established n I ciisiis for the pur
I use n( r.i 'Minting taxation We learn
Ib.M hIsm : I Ii II C. Sculm Julius
toi.i. a is of Koine During the
'linos er lb, dark ngen the census
rtrnpi isl Into oblivion, but was re
lived agMllt about the Is'glnnlng of the
eighteenth 1 eniury
. you must forgive
enemies "
"Do oii objis-t to that?"
"Not altogether There's soma of
cm I might as well forgive I ain't
big enough lo tick 'cm "-Louisville
Courier Journal
Ths Ususl Way.
Donas Won't your meeting ba very
lute If all the members nro going to
take part In the debute? Mrs Dorcas
-Win no ilear! Weil ull apeak nt
'Mi, e -Is
A Heal Born Lady.
The word "lady" has bee 11 variously
dellncd Perhaps the best test, how
ever, of "linlj likeness" Is that cited by
G. W K Itussell In 0110 of his books.
"A good woman who let furnished
iipai Imciils In 11 country town describ
ing a lodger wiio had apparently
'known heller days' suld: 'I am posi
tive sho was 11 real born lady, for she
hadn't the least Idun of how to do
anything for herself. It took her hours
to peel her potutoes'" The admira
tion of the worker for tb "out of
work" Is one of tho slraiigest phenom
ena of our modern civilisation. Lou
dun Graphic
Elogant Discourse.
"I wants to hu proscriistliiateil at da
lies' corner."' said Mr. ICrastu l'lnkly.
"You want to bo what'"' demanded
the conductor.
"Don' loae your temper. 1 bad to
look lu de dlcilonary mnys'f beXo 1
round out dot 'jirosiTustluatw mean
put off.' " Washington Star.
Lucky Horseshoes.
She 1 10 yon hullove In horseshoe
aa uii emblem of luck? lie Yao, if
they are un the winning bur. Lon
By th Ntlv They Are A.oerded
Dainty Dlh.
The Idea of eating rat Is so repul
elvo to ua thnt we cannot Imagine aurh
thing unlaaa one were driven to It by
starvation. The people of Uganda.
however, aat rata not from neceaalty,
hut iHicntise they Ilka tham. Hie rat
of Uganda, however, la rary different
from the little crentiira that gnaws
holes In our cupboards Tbla rat la
much larger. It la more than a foot
long and I therefor quit a stibstnn
tin I animal nnd aa well worth cooking
ns a rabbi 1
The wonderful thing about thla rat Is
that it has two mouths, ona behind the
other. The first mouth has a pointed
ralllke nose and Is furnished with two
rows of slim p white teeth, with which
It biles off Its food and passes It on to
tho second month, which ll plnced Just
above the throat. This mouth also bin
two rows of teeth, but one long slender
tongue serves for both seta of grinders.
Hats are not only eaten In Uganda,
but they are regarded as a delicacy.
The king among his many retainers
lias one whose duly It Is to furnish tho
royal table with rats A rat catcher Is
not an exalted person usually, but In
Uganda he Is lookisl upon with respect
and walks with an air of dignity, lie
goes out rat hunting dally and general
ly Hilda his gmiiu among the young
ha un mi treea or In any place where
fallen fruit or berries may he found
for this la what the rat Uvea on Bleu
dor shoots of bainbon or banana or
fruit uud leaves are his food, ami this
diet makes his flesh tender and whole
The Curious Old Cliff Dwellings of the
Nstiensl Mesa Verde.
In the Mesa Verde National park. In
southwestern Colorado, are ,'Hi clni
dwellings, of which only the three lar
gest have boon repaired The lurge-l
ruin, called CHIT palace, stands about
a thousand hart alsnc the bottom of
the ciinyon and ,'MSi raw) Is-low the top
of the ledge Ml the houses comic I
snd ppall Into one another, (he ctitln
settlement forming s 1 rescent iilsuit
:UX) fist In length from I lo end
As we contemplate these silent ruin.
It Is hind 10 believe that ut one time
they lesoiiudisl with tlie hum or Indus
try. the laughter of 1 hlldren. I he dron
lug Of priests ,mh tin. strident efj of
the sentinels culling the warriors b
battle Ph.- duellers of these ilium
dolled 1 oiniiiiiuKlis have left 110 writ
ten ns ord. but Hie shape of the struc
tines mid the relli s that bine 1 1
dug from the debris of rcnturhsi glie
sonic idea of how these ssplc llvisl
mid tunv'isl and had their being
The main houses were bull! on a
ledge close to Its front, and bark of
this wns tin open space thnt answered
the pursise of 11 court, a street, a play
ground or a place for Indiislrlni pur
suits, such ns weaving nnd (lottery
nnil. me At Intervals along the front
WOrg towers nnd bastions, and III the
Interior were klvaa or sis-ret chambers
used for religions .leimmles In ev
ery village were storehouses to pro
vld a supply of provisions lu time of
war or failure of crop
Leiflh Hunt's Chsstio Home.
A curious description of Leigh limit's
House, where the poet llcd with lila
wife and all children Is that given by
Carlyle. ns riK-nrdisI lu "Uulletln and
Itevlew of the Kents Shelley .Memorial.
Home '
'Hunt's house excels all yon have
rer read of- a imetlcal tlukerdom
without parallel even lu literature. In
his family room, where are a sickly
large wife and a whole ahoal of well
conditioned, wild children, you will
rind half n dozen rickety chairs gnth
"rid from half a dozen different buck
iters On those and around them and
over the dusty table and ragged carpet
lie all kinds of Utter- hooks, papers.
eggshells, scissors and, laat night
when I was there, the torn heart of a
half ipiiirtcrn loaf Ills own risun he
kees 'ciMiei '
Oregon Agricultural College
December 8 to 13, 1913
Thi.s will In- a notable event in
the educational hiatory of Orejjon
Farmera' Co-operation will he
the leadinjr topic of a stimulating
aeries of lecturea. The week will
be crowded with dlscussionn, and
demonstrations i n everything
that makea for the welfare of the
farmer and home-maker.
January O to "to. 1014
The College lias spurcd no effort to
miko this the moit complete Jttrl
course lu ll- lilstoiy. A VefJ unl,
range of com see will he offcnsl in Ilei
ral Agricultural Horticulture. Animal
Husbandry, liii-rvug I'oii Iry Keeping,
Met Ii. Aits, hoinctic Science ami
Art, Commerce, l-,,rcstry. an I Music.
Numerous lectures and ill-cu sin n
KAHMKKS" Cll-dl' Ii
anil abroad, ami will be a hailing f s
Inre. Mske this a pleasant nml prolltn
Id winter outing No tuition. Accou,
iiuslatiiiiiH reasonable. I.'edui c.l rsteaon
all railrosds. I-or further information
II. M.TKNNANT, Registrar,
Corvallls, Oregon
Km mers' lliisinesa Courses hy Cor
respondence without tuition.
4 Hill crto-titi
for t,iv Liju..t
name of North
r "HighPowtr" Repeating
KITIO NO. 428.
I Ut Price . $20.00
.ZS-.30-30-.32 aad .35 csutie.s
Vmo Hutu. Auto Lwuliug t sit
Our "High "ower",
Itlltcs also fur
nished in fancy
grades, a yesr
tjeodlW tislgjwwie, in-
Mine 1 uilu,
P. O. lion
w l x A
5004 2filf
R. J. McKinnon & Son have
established a daily stajre between
Drewsey and Juntura. Connec
tions made with the trains at
Juntura and pansentrcrH given
every comfort. Fare to Burim
Lskevlcw, Oreson, NuvemtifrM, (III.!
Malice ll hereby ft vim that 1 K Pevll,
..I HI,-. Mr. i.a. who, all June MHb I'Uii, insile
lloairstcsil Kutrr I Act rib It. WOT , No. UlUWft
tor ',, soi-tliili Sll, 'l'iiwilllill'l H . I(ii(e .'!
K . Willamette Meridian, bail hied mil Ire ul In
leiiilini to make I'lnal Three- Year Proof lo ei
labllab delta to the Islet slsive ileerrltied. Isl
fore 1'bsl. A, Hberiiisu, I'lllled State. Im ia
ilonur. si Kile, lire inn on the 1Mb day of Jan
claimant names an ivltnreeee:
Thomas A Marin.. John Mel aebem, Wll
Maui II. street, laid Wemcrall of file, (Ireiun.
fee, r Snauss, Hsglller.
Itiiritl, iireion, ileeelnber 1, lull. I
Nollec Ii heroic glvsa thai William Ii Huff
man, at Andrew!, Oregon, who, oil Ifecenilier
I. lit 1, meite lloinelleeil Knlry. Nu 07 1 III, for
NK',n'i, ami si,aW4. Heclliin 2. Timillhli
Hi' Maine- XI K. Willamette Meridian, baa
filed notice of intention to mike tinal five year
proof) to claim to the land alsivs de
scribed, before the ttegliler and Kerolvir, at
Until. , Mrion, on Ibe 1'Jttl day ot January
Claimant names ai wllaeeeee
Solomon Alhorenit, Klmer Carlson, Juaa
Ih-dnti, ;-iar!ee Tamer, ell uf Andrewe, Oregon
Wit. I ASSK, K 'Kl.ler.
Appointment of Administrator.
In the mutter ol the ml. ate of
Iroru S. Hayes, iln-rasc-d.
Notice is hereby given thnt tier under
signed luii this tiny berii duly spHiintrd
t lie- iiilnumitrator of tlw above entitled
estate nnd hits duly Utiliflril. All s-r-sons
having claims iigninit snid ritntc
arc hereby rriuirrl to irrscnt them
with irosr vouchers to the iimlcrsignrd
at Ins residence licit r I.uwrn, Oregon, or
nt the olhic of (I. A. Itrmlsild, his at
t unary nt lltirni, 1 i-.m. ilntrd Octolsrr
'."a, 1013.
l-'irst ptiblicution, (K'toher 2G, IU1M.
Sll ITT IIaVIIS, Adlllllltsl 1 .itui.
HAKNKY Ullii.K, NO. H, 1. O 0 f.
Meet, every Slurdar In mid fellow Hall
et7:n i ia. A. Iluiin,
W W i, .,ul. I, Seeretari N. (I.
belter erarl aa fo'loan Hut Saturday lin
iiaturj anoint Satiirdat Klial Hxgree; ISIrrt
i.iurila), Seeuml Dagrsel Iniirtb M.iurda),
llurd 1'earee.
Meeta every Bill and third ..iu,.l., In eerh
nii'Stb. I ...Haul!, w M
Sata Mtalier.bra.l serrrlar
Meet. Mill .rr I K , , ,,,. p- I I . I ) , .,1,
till at I ii ii , Hall, all nelrbonra lavllod
New appllianla will roeelvi ii.t.rle.iue
""'. U.A SK... V 0
W T. I . ., i t'lerk
in kns oHAma ho.t,o a i
Meeta every ereuln I and l.iurtb h.Midaia. In
Mut.hi. Hall rrsskle Wetoasse W M
r Ha Sweel. Hts-retary.
itlvu KKHrKAH Dfuaaa nu ..
Haataaivj istaadan ii...i
, . Ilwlle lMlH, s M
sstlae I r Her sn ,
ri'l.Ki IK. I.K NO Ms, W.
Ifaataararj laaita foataaai
Main Unit. i
llraler liisMlinaii, riera
orricui. iiiaxcToHv
ITATB naSllilS :
UH Heuamre HuurueJr.
Mi. ., K t'bambarlaiii
l W It Kllla
' "iitir. aaiiiri.
Att.iruey Helieral
Sec rotary ul sute
auin i-ubitr laetraauae.
SUIe I'rluler
W Has,. ,
... A. M l rawlor.1
.... Dlwal.l Weat
r w lieaaou
T. II Kei
I. K. A l.lerruan
vt rf lnnilwav '
I. .,l,i l.aan.
I A M. Ill
. ' Ueo ll
I, H Hean.
I r. A. Moore
liaitou h'ai
W. II. Itrooar
0 It i ...... ,i
-iii.relne Jatl
NINTH ll l.n l ll
in, i ,i. i Jii.ta..
Inalrlrl 4110101
I ' l'llt V I'l.t Ally
i In nil .unit uieela the Brat M..i..lar lu
April ami in.i Muuilar In 0kC
Julol HeneUir
Mai ll. in-a. i.lallvr
W I'arrlali
r ii. .....I.
uoiisrv naaaiv:
I'uiiiitr Ju.lie
I r.-aatit. i
oaool , I trill
I .,i..lir i
Slurk I
i.ianl I liuiiiietiii
U 1 Hiiliel
K A Miller
f K. Heory
A. K. III.
1.1. I in ll. a II
I. M Haliilliiiu
ll, W. Clvaaai
irk i .... I.
John In, i. in.,, ii
K. I', riylvvater
illi... Ilaln
t'. ly I'.iurt uiri la the Mia Wednesday lu
laniiai). Marih. Mar, July , hrleiiii.r and
auin r. a. i.asi. .urn
v in Karre
Iraill Hairy
MT. anise
Minn, SAM Moll.. -lelirsd
It. . . i-n . A. M n. i i
Cirsanrri V luleri
Maralial ..Ii I., ilslnia
II, J. Hatiarli
i-nin.rllMit ii A. I Vvrlrunir
I Jaint-a l,aiiiialii.r
I H. J Mi ktlituili
Metiliuia nl tliii i ,iiiii,-ll rii-n Sei-unit and
Knlirth Wrdlirad
ui(!ti.:i;iiii::iij;imi::;imi::::::i. ::..;;
mrs. ijrace n. menose
Voice and Piano
Methods Uaetl In
jjgCinciiaa.ti Coaservalory of Musk
eti-sldciutf Mudi" anil .door west
I'resbytarlan Church
$1500 Reward!
Tin- 1 Ui-wOli, fa I
ll'UltlaaUll. Ni'
1 m awak Pntw
tllltl AfMHK'Ilallon III
which 1I10 under
alumni la liiriiilifi'
ifwsnl for 1 vl
ilunrti luadlUK to
thu arrant mitl ooti
vlt'tltm uf itiiv m
iy ut iMtiia sitiai
liiK Imim'i. villli
01 Miillna lit'luiilnK
it any ut tla nivtii-
In ailtlllion to tho a.Mive, thu un(lrlrutjil
i.itria tin- ainu coudll Ion Li ir.i (ur ,n hursai
linutled bout aliu-l bar on butb or ellhar Jaw.
Ilraiul ii'voitlwl 111 rig, hi roiiutlva HaiiKj
tlarnuy, lake ami I'rotik ('uuutl, Horfttfl
Nena but (rowu buraa aold ami only In
K' htiui-liaa,
W W HHOWN Mia, Oranou
. . .
tin rue, Mreson, December 1,111s.
Nntlee If hereto flvsn (hit Jime ataarf
A, nler. ,n ot Narrowi. irenti, wlin, on Nn
emlier I. I'll'J. merle Homestead K.ntri Nu
b.r NKU.Mii'llun W, Tnwnililli H , Itlllie n
1 , Wllliinette Meridian, iia.nied itotlneof In
ration to make final com imitation proof to 1 n
taldllh elalni In Hie land almve di arrlbed, be
fere the Kealiter and Hecelver, at Hiirna, ore
ion. mi tbe inili day id January, lull.
'Illmint pamea aa wllneaiei
K I- llurall. Ml.a (lerlrtide llurall. Kreil A.
Karroo, Mrs. r A Barron, sll of Nirrowi,
WliTuil, Heilater
Sumpter Valley Railway Co.
Arrival and Departure Of Trains
No. 2, Prairie
Arrives Baker
10:15 A.M.
2:35 P. M.
4:00 P. M.
No. 1, Baker 8:30 A. M.
Sumpter 10:05 A. M.
Arrives Prairie 2:10 P. M.
No. 1 Makes (rood connection
with 0.-W. R. & N. No. 10 leav-ino-
Portland 6:40 P. M. and No.
17 from east arriving Maker ti:50
A. M.
No 2 Connects with I .a Grande
local 7:30 to La Grande, and No.
0 (fast Mail) picks up sleeper
there arrivinjr in Portland 7:00
A. M. Also with No. 18 for
points Kaat.
Stack laspetlsr, Haraty Caaalj.
Home Address
Hiirns. Ore
Winter ia the name of a Season, not the
description of a Climate
to lb land of Sunshine, Fraita d Flowere. Outdoor .Spoil. Auto Trips
among Ike Oranga Grove -Trips to tha Boothe-Sur( Bathing and the
hundred! of varied, (or which California ii famous.
For handsome booklets des
criptive of California; also for
Fares, Tickets or Reservations
Call aa lay Agent of the
Oregon-Washington Railroad &
Navigation Co.
You can buy no better gun
tor target work and all
small game up to
WO yards.
If You Want ALL The Home News
$2.00 a year
Best Job Printing
You get it all in The Times-Herald For $2.00
Direct connections louth via
A. H. CURRY, Pro.
Leaeee Harrlman Monday and Thursday
and arrives Wednesday and Saturday
sack '.tree, connecting with soejllwrn
line to Denio. Winnomucca, ate.
Joweler. Optician nl
Fine Watch Repairing A Spe
-: LONE : -
oi:onni: FOON Proa.
J Meals At All Hours. Short
a Orders and Prompt Service
a With Reasonable Rates
S Give Me A Call
change of
mechaaam it
handle .22 abort.
long or lona-rifla cartridges
perfectly. Tho deeo Ballard
rifting develop maximum power and
BBfM. Ill
accuracy and adds year to the Ua of rifle.
ssyfeeasaasaianiiillieclsnaAafcHaaaeieselear .lt-ileiaW
msibiaiejeaeealfaijae. Aaeauveaeoae iuV Aak eae east elaalae.
SSSlS 7 Md Inarms C
-.a-fwsi, VWUkrlkMi Mm Mors. Cosam.
PfiVii;iii ami '-.i-k., ,
Pbyiiilan an. I
Barns, - - - Otitje
Offloa ia aaw building soutt, .,f VTai.
baroaaa slinp, Mam st.
'Pteona Man
GEO. G. CARL, m.
Mejrgfefau aad SurKeaa
IsTssswaaia flullsj,.
.... . ,,f n.
laasj WmI.
Physician and Surgeon
Narrows, r
. B.OtASiuaa, area, v.
A. a., a S.
Oouarai Frsstls tir .--
Surierr tar. By,
i f.U
DEHMflN & bhtiMH.
Physicians and Surgeon
t'alli ,'aniwerad priitniitly nibta
Thoaa Ilarriruan
Hsfrlmsn, Oregon
Dr Minnie Hand
Physician and Surge
Wract THopbonc Omnccuaa
La wen. Ore.
OfHca fint door rat plmUi ittltn
Borni. Oregon
Boaaa, Oishon
OfJIca r.Kinn H snd it Maaoalt Hoik
M. A. BIG(.S
Attorney at Lar,
Voegtly Bldg., Uurna. tlregaa
Burns, Oregon.
Burns, Uragon.
Boonia S and 7 Masom. I ..idn
'' s mlrklr aiads at ie., i .1,1, ,
Burns, - - ( ireffj
Frartiraa in tin- Sini,. t .. n in. I
for the C. H. I jiii. I urn,,
Jhem. H. Leonaixl,
Attokkey- at-i. a V, ,
Careful attention given to t'oli
lion and Real Entut-- nmtten
Fire Insuramv
NoUry Public
Boaas. Oaaaos
Stata Courts and United Sts
Lauid Office practice
Three doors Sou th of the
Harney County National B ,
Burns. Orefron.
AH.ora.oy at Law Natarr 'u
Cea'traatia,, IsUa., loanm, . ReeieeajJ
Aim ail, u, a, 1,4 oilu, Frsctke
oaee beAaeeu Ham, v inniii5 ,, .1
aad Laud urn, .
a. D. Oooras
us, a. am. eor. a, s.
n, M. s. .-Ol'.,
Civil and Hydraulic Eittfflj
Irrigation. Water Supply
Seweraare, Water Power.
Harvar. Map, Kitiinatns, ,-iis-rTaj"
a. 0. I Mi i ii,i,
raruirlv A eel Knilneer
lutl.a aot'lauitieu Ker
A. O I mat
lin hief
.Un . t
Wsslei in
Eastern Oregon Engineer!,
laras, Ortgan
chab. m. Ana. a. 0. nan a.
Aao. u. ah. i. Pa b,
Ditches, Reservoirs, Final I'M
Work, Hydro-Electric Tower
U. S. Dep. Mineral Work
-Cairt WarkASpeclili-
Hlagaijed lu llolli Private Aial
tiovcrnmeut Htraatu (lainii
aide 0 him. The. cues
don Opinion.
IS j -i