The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, January 10, 1914, Image 3

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    BW JANUARY 1914
fs"lM IT IW IT I F I S
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TheTimes- fierald
lli The Largeit Circulation Of Any
New.papar In Harney County.
Local News.
Tonawama tonight
Joe Carter has squash nt Geo.
Haley's for sale. 7-11.
C. V. Reed and Bert Porter
were up from Sunset last niRht. I
J. H. Anderson was over from
his home near Van this week on i
Nyals Baby Cough Remedy for
baby's caugh at The Welcome
Emory Hill is in the city to
meet with the county court. He
is road master in his district.
Be thinking of the costume for
the masked ball to be given by
the Women of Woodcraft on Jan.
23 at Tonawama.
Commissioner Bain came down
from Harney Tuesday to be in
readiness for court which con
vened Wednesday.
The assurance of your success
for the coming year, and each
succeeding year, depends large
ly upon your business methods.
That a banking connection is
essential to every business is
now unquestioned. When se
lecting your banking connec
tions, you should therefore
choose a bank which has the
ability and the disposition to
serve well its patrons.
Of Burns
United State Depositary
Dr. Geo. G. Carl is prepared
nor special attention to all dis
eases of eye, ear and nose. Eyes
tested and glasses fitted. 50tf.
Lou Bradfield was over from
us nome near urewsey auring
(the week attending to some busi-
Iness matters and renewing ac
Jack Winans. the new pro-
Tonawama tonight
Salisbury has snow glasses.
Hot drinks at The Welcome
Tonawama tomorrow night.
Break up that cold with Wel
come's Cold Tablets.
County Surveyor Beery was in
town this week meeting with the
Don't miss the picture pro- county court,
grams at Tonawama. r t HaBS WM rMrjtpvi ut
James Gilbert was down from the Burns hotel from Narrows
his farm home near Harney dur- j yesterday,
ing the week. Good pictures tonight and to-
The latest in Millinery and a ! morrow night at Tonawama. the
prietor of the Windsor Barber 'fine line of guaranteed hair goods j usual programs and usual prices
Shop adjoining the land office, is at Clinjran 8.
prepared to do first class work in I I. L. Sleeper has returned
lis line and invites a share of the i from a trip to outside points and
jublic trade. Satisfaction in has srone to his homestead.
very respect. 48tf.
P. S. Weittenhiller took his
ieparture Wednesday by way of
'rairie for outside points. He
roes to Spokane to visit his child
ren out win visit foruana
iter he will make a tour of from their home
"alifornia and some of the south-! last Saturday on
ern states, returning to Burns in
the spring.
Frank Dibble left again for
tend Monday with a car load of
sengera. Mrs. J. L Gault
lisses Gladys Holland and Bessie
Smith, Mrs. Leila Millar and
Ed Stallard and wife came over
on Otis creek
a visit to the
latter's parents. Mr. and Mrs.
J. 0. Cawlfield. Ed has return
ed home but Mrs. Stallard re
mained for a few weeks visit
They spent Christmas at Boise.
A telegram received by A. W.
Gowan Wednesday announced
m. Hanley. Mrs. Gault jtoesl that both of the home National
Banks at Burns had been de
signated as a United States de
positary for Indian moneys. This
is gratifying to the people of this
section as it is thought the money
derived from the sale of the
Indian allotments in this Valley
and for the benefit of the Indians
who reside here should be left in
a local depositary.
Portland for several months
inhere she will visit with relatives
ind take advantage of the op-
rtunity to brush up on her
Singing. Miss Gladys returns to
school at Corvallis after the holi-
lay vacation at home. Miss
iessie goes to Portland for a
short visit and does also Mrs.
illar and Mr. Hanley.
Annual Clearance Sale
The long looked forward to event
is now at hand. Two things have
been uppermost in our mind in the
planning of it. First, our inflexi
ble rule that no winter goods are to
be carried over, and second, and
very important, that last year's
sales records are to be put in the
A sweeping clearance carrying all
our winter stocks before it and
leaving behind a store ready to re
ceive new, fresh merchandise
that's the object of it.
Don't Fall to Attend it
- General Merchandise -
Masonic Building, - Burns, Oregon
Judge Thompson came up from
the farm this week on horseback,
the snow preventing his making
the journey in his auto.
Mrs. John Schenk will give
lessons in Irish Crochet every
Thursday afternoon at her home
in Burns. 4
Tule Circle, Women of Wood
craft, will give their usual an
nual masquerade ball at Tona
wama on the evening of Jan. B.
Next Sunday morning the ser
vices at the Presbyterian church
will consist of an inauguration
of the newly elected officers and
teachers of the Sunday school in
to their respective offices, follow
ed by the reception of new mem
bers into the church, and a
baptismal service.
Frank Aldrich, who has been
driving a freight team for E. E.
Owsley, is held in jail on a charge
of selling liquor without a license.
He is accused of taking liquor
which he was hauling in for a
local firm from his freight wagon
and selling it along the road be
tween here and Bend.
Local people were quick tox
take advantage of the new par
cel pOBt regulations permitting
50 pound packages to be sent
within the first two zones. The
merchants have been the ones to
take the greatest advantage as
they can get goods in from Boise
or Baker cheaper in this way
than by freight. It is going to
work a hardship on the mail con
tractors and the post masters are
also going to have a much great
er amount of work to do.
"Uncle Sam" will have to come
to their relief if he expects them
to do their duty and make prompt
Quite u few of our citizens are
planning to leave next week for
outside points for indefinite stays.
E. E. Purington and family will
go to Portland where they will
remain for some time and Miss
Helen will likely again enter
school after a short time under
the care of specialists for her
health. Mm McKinney may ac
company them for a few weeks
visit in the metropolis. Mrs. (J.
A. Rembold will also go to Port
land where Hhe will spend per
haps three months taking ad
vantage of the opera season and
take a course in music. Dr. and
Mrs. H. M. Horton go to Cal
ifornia to remain for several
weeks and John Farre will likely
go out at the same time, his de
stination being his home on the
Deschutes after a holiday visit
with his brother, Wm. Parre,
and friends.
Tonawama tomorrow night.
All kinds of snow glasses at
E. B. Moon was up from Sun
set during the week.
Dry cleaning and pressing at
the Burns Steam Laundrv. 4tf.
The little child of Mr. and Mrs.
James Kennedy has been quite
iNen Dawson was in town yes
terday from his home near Drew
sey. Born In this city, this morn
ing, to Mr. and Mrs. Ubald Cote,
a son.
Ralph Beery and wife were in
the city Tuesday from their home
in Sunset .
Pickard China and Libby cut
glass make beautiful and useful
wedding presents
James Brandon has been over
from Pine Creek this week on a
visit to his family.
Don't take chances on becom
ing snow blind. (Set some glasses
from Salisbury.
Sid Comegys was in from
Diamond this week on business
before the county court.
Mrs. Wm. Hanley expects to
go to Portland next week to
spend a few weeks.
Finest alfalfa, timothy and red
top hay baled may he had at the
Goodman feed barn is south Burns
W. H. Simmons who resided
in this city for some time, work
ing nt the Burns bar. is renew
ing acquaintances. He has been
trapping in the Blitzen section.
The Clay Clemens sawmill is
now at its new location and is
prepared to fill any order with
rough or dressed lumber, also fir
lumber; buck teeth and any
special order given prompt at
tention. U2.
Dr. Benson was prevented from
answering a call for a funeral
service out on Ssilver Creek, by
the advice of his physician. The
Dr. stepped on the ice and fell on
New Year's dav fracturing two
v ror hule sat Acres ol laml on
njCow Creek. Stock, hay, grain.
and household goods. For par
ticulars address owner
R. I) rink water,
!M2 Harney, Ore.
Mrs. Wm. Miller and Mrs. I. S.
(Jeer took their departure this
morning with Portland and Wil
lamette Valley points as their
destination. The ladies go on a
visit and their stay deH-nds uj
on their own pleasure, returning
home when they feel like it.
Austin Goodman is ready to
grind grain and has a building
in which it may be stored by
farmers at any time. He will
grind one day each week and
farmers may store their grain
any day and get it when con
venient. Helis prepared to take
grain as pay for grinding at the
market price. Special prices on
large quantities. tin.
Dr. Minnie Hand and Ralph
("atterson were up from Lawcn
yesterday. r. Hand reports
the health of that community
very good. The little daughter
of Scott Hayes has recovered
from typhoid fever and she also
reports that Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Johnson of Alberson are the
proud parents of a little daughter
born between Christmas and
New Years, but the exact dute
she did not remember.
Mrs. Wm. Stirling and Mrs.
Alex Hanley came in from Bend
Thursday evening with John
Collin:-. The former returning
from Portland where she spent
the holiday vacation with her
daughter, Miss Nettie, who is
attending the agricultural col
lege. Her other daughter, Miss
Agnes, remained down there for
a couple of months. Mrs. Han
ley and babies spent a short time
with her parents in Bend. Alex
went over and came back with
Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Richard
son, with Mr. and Mrs. II. J.
Hansen joining them and Joe
Thompson and wife assisting, en
tertained a large company of
friends at the home of the for
mer last Tuesday evening. A
very pleasant time was spent
playing 500, the honors going to
Mrs. J. W. Geary, Miss Gerstel,
Miss Mayme Cozad and Mrs.
Schwartz, the consolation being
awarded Mrs. Davey. The gen
tlemen who had highest scores
were Ben Cozad, Archie McGow
an, C, M. Faulkner, Sam Moth
ershead, John Gemberling re
ceiving the consolation. A fine
supper followed the hands. Dur
ing the evening Mrs. Rembold
favored the company with u few
fine piano selectione. It was one
of the most enjoyable parties of
the season and was largely at
tended, there being over 75
Fred Haines is over from
Sauer kraut at Lunaburg,
Dal ton & Co.
Thermos bottles at the Wel
come Pharmacy.
Mrs. Rose Kern was in the city
during the week on business.
C. E. Murray and wife were
registered at the Burns this week.
( to, and Thoa. Raycraf t were
in from the Valley View section
Pat Donegan is nursing a brok
en collar hone caused by falling
on the ice.
There is going to be a dance
after the pictures tonight at
Ben Rosenfeldt, the hat drum
mer of San Francisco, is in the
city on his semi-annual visit
For Sale-Two good milch
cows, one fresh, the other will
freshen soon. Mrs. A. Barron.
For Sale One Sawmill com
plete, with logging Sleds and
Trucks, with or without timber,
for terms see H. M. Horton.
Mrs. Beadles, mother of Albert
Beadles and Mrs. H. W. McHose,
has been quite ill with pneumonia
during the past week but has
passed the crisis and is now on
the mend.
The weather has turned colder
during the past few days and
now the roads are frozen over
making travel better. The
stages are late however, caused
by the great increase in the mail
occasioned by the additional
amount of parcel post packages.
John Dnr.-ey and family aie
over from Westfall to remain for
an indefinite time with Mrs.
Darsey's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Chus. Frye. Mr. Frye has been
quite ill and they came to remain
with them until he is able to care
for his work as care taker at the
high school.
A telephone message from
Canyon the other day, stated
that Tom Morrison, formerly of
this place and well known here,
met with very painful injuries
Tuesday night by being kicked
and trampled under the feet of
some stage horses which he was
caring for. He was severely
bruised and his face has scars
that he will carry the rest of
his life.
A. Dunn will deliver you wood
at any time, having good mahog
any or pine. 9tf.
Paper is now made from corn
stalks. Tomorrow, by convert
ing the finished product back
into the raw materials, we may
be feeding the cattle on yester
day's npwspnpers. -Ex.
Gun Club Opposed to
More Game Presenter
A meeting of the Harnev
County Rod & Gun Club was held
at The Times-Herald office last
evening and the matter of chang
ing the by-laws to provide for a
secretary to be paid. The affairs
of the Club arc to voluminous to
expect a secretary to care for
them without compensation. The
secretary wsb instructed to notify
the membership of the annual
meeting next month and add that
the by-laws would be amended at
that time to provide annual dues
in order to pay the secretary.
The matter of a deer park or
refuge where deer would not be
molested and where they could
breed was discussed and there
was a decided opposition to any
more game preserves in this sec
tion by the members present.
They think we have laws pro
tecting the game in this state
ana 11 properly enforced there is
little danger of the deer becom
ing extinct for many years. We
have a large port ion of this coun
try now in game preserves and
the members believe we should
not be compelled to forego more
of our hunting grounds for such
Make 1914 a Better Year
Have you enjoyed the full priv
ileges and benefits of bank service
the past year? If you have not, we
invite you to associate with the
Harney County National, for the
helpful co-operation we will be glad
to give you.
Decide to have a bank account
in your own name for 1914, and
we suggest that you start the ac
count early in the year, at the
Harney County National Bank
"Your Home Institution"
The Governor Imposed On.
County Attorney Sizemore has
instructed Sheriff Richardson to
close the pool hall on Sundays.
Gov. West received a letter sign
ed by Mrs. Lizzie Lippind written
from Burns stating the pool hall
was kept open on Sunday and
that there was gambling going
on there. As a matter of fact
any one acquainted with the pro
prietors or has observed the man
ner in which the pool hall is con
ducted knows there is no gambl
ing allowed there.
The name signed to the letter
is certainly an assumed one as no
one of that name is known here.
The governor wrote the county
attorney to see that the law was
complied with and he has turned
the letter over to the sheriff.
The pool hall will be closed in
complience with the request, but
it isn't pleasant to think we have
people who will misrepresent
matters to accomplish such an
Is This a Compliment?
They talk about running Bill
Hanley for Governor. If Harney
county runs Bill Hanley for Gov
ernor, Grant county will trot out
Joe Combs, and if Joe don't
make a campaign that would re
semble a whirlwind, tornado,
cyclone, Kansas twister and
Chinese Simoon all stirred up in
to a summer zephyr, well, then
we don't know Joe Combs. Blue
Mt Eagle.
The Burns Hospital
Beat Surgical Room and Equipment
In the State Outside of Portland.
Nice Rooms, Good Care and Com
fort for PatientsReasonable Terms
Graduated Nurse in Charge
Teachers' Training
Course In High School
Principal Shirk of the high
school informs The Times-Herald
that the Harney county high
school board has authorized the
teachers training course in the
school at this place and it has
been arranged to provide for it
at once. This is done without
adding to the faculty by rearrang
ing the classes with the present
corps of teachers in charge.
Students taking advantage of
this course are permitted to teach
for one year upon graduation
without any further examination
and also to have the certificate
renewed for another year.
Chamberlain', Cough Remedy.
This remedy has no superior
for coughs and colds. It is
pleasant to take. It contains no
opium or other narcotic. It al
ways cures. For sale by nil
10 a. m. Sunday School.
We are about to start some
thing new.
11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Church
The Great Turn-over, Brief but
important business meeting im
mediately after morning service.
Tuesday evening, cottage pray
er meeting at Mr. Bennett's.
Thursday evening cottage
prayer meeting at Swain's.
Friday evening choir practice
at church.
Pricae al Mill for preduct:
Flour $8.60 in S-bbl. lote or mora.
Bran $1.25 par hundred.
Rolled barley $1.25 par hundred. '
Rolling barley $2.00 par Ion in Ion lota
or mora. Cu.tomer, In all caae, to
furnith aack.
Until further notice the fallowing Caen
Price, will prevail in tailing maaUi
Hoge, whole or half, lie. par lb.
Choica pork steak , 1 5c. par lb.
" loin, 20c.
Whole pork houlder 12 l-2c.
Lag of pork, 15c.
Whola or half mutton. He.
Front quarter mutton, 10c.
Hind quarter mutton, 12 l-2c
Choica mutton for ataw, Si.
Mutton chop,, ISc.
Hind quarter beef, 13c
Front quarter beef, lie.
Baaf all cull al rea.onable price,.
The Intention of the Company la al all
lima to pay the boat price and aall on
cloaett margin confident with good bud
mil management.
I'm i m- i . i r- I.anii OrrHK
Humid, Ore-fun. January 7, 1VI4 i
Not. re U hrLy gtvrn thai Mahli.ii Huh In D
( Hartley, irt'itttu, u li.i, Novum ber M. I'Jl.'
iiikU- H-'int ii'. I -toUr, N" ,h"i. 1"' www,
Hwtluu 4. Tuwiiatili h. itAiigr NW K wll
lauieUr Met l 1 1 Aii. ban hint llOtlet ol I lite III foil
IO make (1 nal i mil mutation I'm .nl to
rlauui to tlti laud abuvu trairi'l, baton Iti'B
iatfi ami Hucvlver. i Hiirna oreaToii, itn the
lllh day of rvl.ruary, l"U
i Uimaut liaunei nltm-ai's
Kohvo N HuirlitMi., Arthur 1 honi..n,
Krvd llsliita. MmniIIi Miuwti, all of lUriiey,
Wu FAKHtt. Register
Old and New Patrons Will Find the BUT BRANDS H re
Wines, Liquors, and Cigars
Good Service. Courteous Treatment
DROP IN Main Street Burns. Oregon
Yabbit WIRE
We have a big supply of wire
any heighth desired and at
33Sjaijz"T t -St2! I Hildr
mmmmmmtm' v. iji 'v,.
1.11 ti-W.7
NATIONAL ruHr'HT Nolli v la he rrby ki i-u
llml (In' laUi'lsi oin'rll..'! tMMOW, I'ltiluai iuj; i
aero, wtthlu tin- Malheur N.tloiinl Kore.t,
OrtKoii. will Ih auhjert to oltluii.tmi mid on
try tin1 provltloiii ol the huinriiad
lawiof Hi" li.lli'l HUICI lhl llli' art of Join
II. I WW (IH Htat , H H). at I hi I'nlh-t Hiati'H land
omr at Hums on i . Ihuim In, i'li Any v
tlni who wan artunlly and In go. ..I faith liilm
lug any of ld land for agil ultnral put Mkgo
prior to Jahiian I, I WW, and hag not ahand u
ad lauit . hai a jrWirure right to tnaki- a
humi'Kiaad entry for the lamH Hftnalh oi u
lad. Bald land wen- llttcd upon thr apnlha
orm-aUvad entry
i.le.t. Hal. I ln.-
lloui of i in- M-rHoiit in nil i. mi.. i halou, who
have a nreferunre right iiilduct to thu prior
light of an
y iiieli net IU i . n uMihI miIi
r applicant ! poi'the-l t" noilic
home tend t nil and lite iileeiii c . hi
! aierclacd pi I or to Keliruan l- ltd 4
on which da'ethe lamln will he auhj ol to
k tllcini in rtndeiittv n) hiiv ijuall fled per v.
Ihe hnida are na lollowa Tliu tjj of NW!,
mm tlon in. T Joh, K. HI 1 ., N M, 40 arrea. a
I Id atlon of 1 hoiuaa Van .andt.of tin ma, ore
gou UUlfl MM Apnrovnl Nov 91, I91S. M
HKl'i'K, Aaalalant t'oinmlialiou'r ol theiien
oral Laud uftlee
Feed Barn
11. KIXIOTT. 1'rop.
Horse n Boarded by the
Day, Week or Month
Good Feed and
Iteaaonable pricett
Horace 2Sc per Head in liarii
Haled Hay and drain for Sale
Comfortable Camp llouav
With Cook Stove
Accural Hay and Stock Mcalea
Price, lor weighing 20c.
South Main St., Hum.
Don't neglect to order farming
implements until you need 'em.
Come and talk to us now im
mense stock for you to inspect.
We have handsome sets
In China, also porcelain
beautiful glassware, ta
ble cuttlery, silverware
granlteware, etc., etc.
Fancy Lamps
Paints and Oils
Heaters, Ranges
Builders hardware
Sleds and Wagons
Skates, Small Bore
Rifles, Shol Guns,
Ammunition for all
size guns, Tinware,
Onion Sets, Seeds.