The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, January 03, 1914, Image 4

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    u nHHnvn
WTl-' -t"W!p,w"'
Rvwvnnn bwp . b iHcwiinwiMifliii HHHHIHHSWHHBIHH
With All Hit Scientific Skill Man
Cannot Produce Them.
tl le leeslbl Only B.c.u. the Ball It
an Imperfect Glob and In Compan
Mil With It 8ii Much Rougher
Than the Surfaca of tha Earth.
TUB rwtl MM why 11 iMiselmll run
Be thrown an tlmt It will ilesi'i lln- wmi
aerftil curves dtirliiK It"1 prugresis
through tbt nlr Ik that every Mirh ball
baa a sm-fnre nindo up of iniinnlnlns.
valleys, critters, i-niiyiius gorgea, plains
and other IricKiiliirlllcs of ItM BBrfSfe
that, when the illlTei'ciit e In lias la
taken Intu consideration, makes the
onrface of tha earth seem like plntf
If It were paaalbbj t tasks n perfect
ajphara If It were poaalbia to maka a
baaeball with an absolutely imootb sor
face and an exnet inhere-no pitcher
la the world eiinlil make It curve. The
Tar beat pitchers linselmll BBS ever
kaown or prohahly ever will know
BOOM not make the hall lerlate a hull's
beaadth In Its tlluM.
.nd ao while It la partly In the ait
or knack the professional pitcher hns
In holding and releasing the baaaball
aa be throws It. It la nlso due to tin
fact that a baaaball has a wonderfully
rough aurfaee SgBlast which the air
eatchea and turns It that kIvcb It the
It you pass your hand over n plate
glaaa It moves smoothly with nothing
to retard It If you pass your hand
over an unplatted Isunnl you ran feel
the roughness-splinters we call them
Too cannot move your hand as easily
ever the board. This la the name pita
Iple with the baseball There Ik n
rouicbneaa In Its surface that catches
In the air and forces one side about At
retard that aide. This has but OM
reault to make the baseball leave Ita
etralcht course, and In .loins this It de
acrlbea a curve.
This doea uot detract In the least
from the cleverness of tha pitcher who
can ao accurately judge his muscular
control aa to make a baseball curve DO
or down, right or left. Hut tha fact
remains that It la the roughness of the
baseball that makes all his pitching
cleverness possible.
Take a brand new league ball In
your band. It looks to be a parfaCl
apherethat la, absolutely even ami
anlformly round and ns "smooth as
glaaa' And It may be ns smooth as
glass, for glaaa alao has a rough sur
Pot a baaeball under the most poW
erfol mlcroacope, enlarge It mlcroacopl
eally 10,000 diameters, and what do
you eee? The very thing mentioned In
tbe drat paragraph of this nrtlc The
aurfaee la rough It looks like the
landscape In the Alps or Yellowstone
park or any other rough section of the
earth It has peaks, ranges, ridges.
alleys, plains and holes, gulches anil
all aorta of uneven places, and If tin
earth could be tunde as small as a
baaeball It would bo practically a per
fact sphere and absolutely attiOOth
Thla la because the highest mountains
of tha earth and the deepest valleys
would be millions upon millions of
times smaller In comparison with the
rough uneven places on n baseball lr
either the enrth were reduced to the
also of a baseball or a baseball enlarg
ad to tbe else of the earth
If thla were not true the earth would
not revolve ao regularly upon Its axis
It would perform an "In shoot" or
"oat shoot" and curve off through
Even tbe billiard ball bus a surface
much rougher In comparison to Its size
than tbe aurfaee of the earth, and we
refer to a billiard ball as about the
amootheat thing known "As smooth
aa a billiard ball" Is n well known
almlle. For tbe same reason that a
perfectly amooth baseball could not be
curved, a perfectly amooth and per
fectly round billiard ball could not be
made to curve on the table. It would
not take "English," as billiard players
call It when tbey make a bill go for
ward and then roll backward or In any
direction just by tbe manner In which
they etrlke It with a chalked cuo.
Thla fact of roughness causing It to
spin becomes all too evident when a
player forgets to chalk his cue and
playa several shots thereafter If the
leather tip of tho cue becomes atria
It will slip on tbe ball There Is no
purchase with which It can tako hold.
Bat chalk la atlcky stuff, and tin- gran
ulea are large, ao that a veil chalked
eue baa a very rough surface, and this
rough aurfaee of tbe tip of the cue ills
Into tbe rough projections on the ball,
and thereby a ball can be given a lot
of twist In order to accomplish this
Bucceasfully. moreover, tho billiard
cloth nap must tsi new and then fore
During recent experimentation with
regard to the kinetic theory of gases
a Belglun scientist desired to find out
bow perfect n sphere could Is. nindo In
order tbat by the clashing Of these to
getber an Idea might be secured of tho
effect of the collisions of the spberleul
atoms tbat make up a gas Tho proj
ect bad to be abandoned at last be
eauae no machinery could bu construct
ed that would turn out a perfect
apbere artificially, and nature has no
perfect apbere of largo sl.o In till her
many forma of matter. Perfect disks
could be made, but a round brill wits
beyond the limits of human tOOOU
pllabment New York American
Tbe greatest pleasure Is the power to
give ! ,
Legend of tha Moss Rosa.
A German tradition gives tho origin
of the moss roso us follews: An angel
Came to earth In mortal grdse. He
Bought a place of shelter ami repose
after bla labors of love, but every door
waa abut against the heavenly visitor.
At length the angel, being very weary
Bank upon the ground and over him a
rosebush spread like rr tent It caught
upon Ita outspreud leaves tin- fulling
dew wblcb would otherwise have
drenched tbe messenger of love Wnk
lug. tbe angel said to tho rese:
Tbou hast yielded tho shelter that man
A proof of my lovn shrill with thai BbaeS
And the green moss gathered about tha
While tha dewdrops shone like a diadem,
Crowning the blushing n.,w 1
Tbe teacher hud been reading to tho
class about tbe great forests of Amer
ica. "And now, boya," she aiiuouncod,
"which one of you cuu tell me the plno
that baa the longest mid the sharpest
needles r
Dp want a baud In tho front row.
"Well, Tommy?"
"The porcupine " riillinlo!phl,i Led
Took It Literally.
II Is told of the late Chauncey Him
for. wfio beat's the same relation to
New York's "niuMtlolage" that Sydney
U dth doea to London's, tbat he em
ployed In Ids law ofllca a atunted youth
if very trnctnhlo temperament
One day Mr. Khnfnr returned from
It it-It In a lively mood and, by token
I the Madeira he hud consumed, sum
al Hilly Into his private office.
Hoy," he said onrolesaly, "go over
to llii' npoclnl term and sen what In
bin lea I he - - finds are doing up
The late Judge llrady was presiding
OVef the trial of an action Involving
many Interesting iiiestloua of substnii
ile law; BBOjCQ the eourtrootn was
l iptv save for the litigants, their coun
m I and the necessary witnesses. Judge
Brady! kindliness toward women and
children was proverbial, and when
Hilly stood against the railing of the
In Insure, his face barely reaching the
balustrade, the judge noticed him Ini
mediately, lie Interrupted the argu
i menta of counsel and turned to Billy.
"Well, my lad," ho Bald in auave.
judicial accents, "what can I do for
"I'm from Mr. Hhafer'e office," Billy
replied, "and he wants to know what
In bin aea you fools nr up to over
I ere."
Evening Prayer.
tr t havo wounded any soul today,
ir I have caused on foot to go astray.
if I nave walKed In my own willful way
Qeod Lord, foraival
ir I have uttered Idle worda or vain.
if I havo turned nslde from want or pain.
I .. nt I myself should after through the
Qeod Lord) forgivsi
if I have craved for Joya that art not
ir I havo lot my wayward heart repine.
Dwelling on things of earth, not things
divine - baft, forglval
If 1 have been perverse or hard or cold,
'i I I. iv.. longed for shelter In thy fold
v. hi rr thou hast given ma some part to
hold -
Qeod Lord, fnrgtvel
Forvlvo the sins I have confessed to thee.
Poraive the Moral eins I do not see,
I flint which 1 know not. Father, teach
then me
Help me to live.
-C. Maud nattersb
Mr. Egan'a Parable.
In company with other American
ambassadors and ministers Minister
Maurice r'riincla Kgnn, wbo repreaenls
ns at Ileum. irk, sent In bla formal
resignation to President YVIIeon on
March 4- Mr. Kgnn accompanied the
resignation with n note tbat snld Ids
, rttltudc In the matter of resigning re
minded him Of u woman ho heard
j about once, who through financial mis
fortune came to he In distressed clr
eumslai s and for n livelihood had
t rely Mir a few hens she owned. Hire
was .if good birth and breeding and
rery proud, but waa finally forced to
. QUI and peddle egga.
She loot some eggs ill a basket and
allied along the streets, saying:
"llggs. tuppence! Kggs, tuppence!
I hope to heaven iiolssly hears me!
KggB, tuppence!"- Saturday Evening
He Get a 8hoct.
A bevy of colored ladles once rallied
iroirml an unusually ipilrk tiring Bos
i ii reformer and begged him to sign a
i.tlllou Hotter treatment for tbelr
young In the public achools. Excellent
of i oiirse. of course!
Instantly the good soul recogulsod
II e merits of this beautiful cause, and
down went Ids name. Never stopped to
peruse I In' doeiiineut Patted himself
on the back as the bevy withdrew aft
er (hanking lilm profusely.
Next morning, however, he waa quite
a little disturbed on opening Ida news
paper and seeing Ida algnature append
ed to a petition beginning, "We, the
parents of colored children." New
York Tribune.
Scared Out of Writing Badly.
A well known musician, who writes
a very Illegible hand, once sent an tin
rr n.-illy hopeless scrawl to a friend
The hitter studied It a minute, gave It
up In despair and then sat down and
wrote In reply: "I shall be moot happy
io dine with you tomorrow at 6. Kind
est regards to your wife," etc. In lees
than half nn hour hla friend appeared
breathless nt bis door.
' There's some mlsuuderatandlug,"
I anxiously. "I wrote you a noto
a king If you euiild play the piano part
of the trio at lirown'a recital, and hern
you've sent me nn aceeptunce of a din
nor Invitation, but I didn't invite you
10 dinner."
"Well." returned the other blaudly,
I didn't suppose you'd really sent me
an Invitation lo dinner, but I couldn't
read a word of your note, and In that
rase hereafter I menu always to take
11 for granted that you're asking me to
I'or one of his correspondent! at
lenal H (Tender now writes legibly
Awaiting a Chance.
A fanner ami Ids wife In an out of
the way but Interesting corner of
f'rilvvav hail made their only visitor
very .comfortable Indeed, says the
Mamhester liunrillilli Aa the road
ended with the farm and paasershy
Were excessively rare the guet asked
lire farmer why be did Uot try the
effect of an advertisement n one of
the dally newspapers. "Aye," be said,
Hurl's rr line notion, and we have
made up our minds to do It. We are
lust wailing till wo sis- a bit vacant
corner In the Herald, and then we'll
send 1 1 a line or two."
The Principle Still Survives to a Lim
ited Degree.
Much writer has Mowed under I-on
don brldgo since tho British criminal
rouhl defy the strong arm of tho law
by the single expedient of escaping to
I In- nearest church or bospltul and
claiming tho protection of tbe "sanelii
ary," for down to tbe early Htunrt
days (Irent Britain had thousands of
Just such refuges for tbe criminal,
from cathedrals and royal palaces to
scores of towns and cities, whore tho
man guilty of felony could laugh with
Impunity at the oftlcors of law and
in ,ilee for a period ranging up to
forty days. If within that time ho
chose to go before the coroner, clothed
In peirlteucu and sackcloth, and con
fuss bla guilt, be waa free to quit the
realm without any band daring to
stay 1 1 1 in
Although uo aucb asylum exists to
day for the criminal, the principle i
the "saiiclurrry" still manages to sur
vive This privilege refera only to
civil offenses and not to Crimea as In
the olden daya, and yot the privileges
are of considerable value.
x'i efergyiuau can be arrester1 with
in the walls of his church or while he
Is going lo or returning from Ids duty
Bishops and archbishops nro still more
protected, fnr not one of them can be
hnlod before n magistrate even though
the cause Is n crime, unless the king
especially commands It Nor even up
to the present time has any warrant
nn efTis't within the precincts of any
of the king's pn litres. Chicago Trlb
And Their Connection With Stormy er
Sunshiny Weather.
In "Our Own AVonthur" Edwin 0.
Mu lil n. after noting tho Indications of
weather shown by barometric read
ings, thi' variations of tho winds and
their no lug. tho ovor changing
forms of the clouds, shows how tho
colors of the sky net in weather signs:
Ordinary observation has gathered
n great number of weather slgna from
simply tbe ever varying colors of the
sky Among the more familiar mid re
liable ones are:
A bright blue sky Is tho iky of Una
A bright yellow sky nt sunset prom
ises winds, n palo yellow aky rnln
and it "sickly greenish" sky both wind
and rain A rosy sky at sunset nrom
Isom fair weather, but n dark roTI sky
nt sunset promises lain A led sky In
the morning promises wind or rnln.
"A red sun has water In his eye."
"If the sun sets In dark, heavy
clouds, expect rain the next day."
Even n gray sunset Indlcnlea rnln.
Hut n gray morning Indicates, a lino
"When the sun draws wntcr rnln
follows soon "
And. finally, what In this connection
It would be perhaps lbs most reproach
fill of nil noalble omissions not to men
Itnlnhow at night.
Sailor's delight I
Rambow In the morning,
Seller! warning
The Crest White Shark.
The man sating llsh pnr excellence la
ttie great while shark It Is otherwise
known by the name of man enter. Oc
casionally apedmena are seen on Isith
coasts of the Doited States, though Ita
more customary Is III tropical
Millers This frightful creature attains
a length of nearly forty f-et, and It la
able to swallow n man whole Thla
fact Is proveil by an experiment which
sailors nro fund of making when such
a shark Is rs lured The skull tielng
preservisl. thev amuse thoinselvea by
crawling one after another through tho
dlsteinbsl laws It would be nnsnfe to
do this, however, when tbe head has
been freshly CHI Off, because under
such conditions the Jaws will simp to
gether fiercely for some time nfter
ward If anything Is placed between
A Simple Solution to the Mystery of a
"Haunted" House.
The nivalin of a 'haunted" house
was explained In a recent number of
Science It was a large, handsome
structure In Huston's Hack Hay district
I'he trouble centered In lire llilrd .mil
fourth stollcs. where the alinnlieii of
-or v ants and children weie dlstu bed
by strange sensations
11 was a common occurrence for them
to awake to lire night with a feeling of
oppression, 'as If some one were lap
plug upon me." Hounds also vv ore
heard, as If some onu were walking
about or overload (luce a child rush
si s reaming Into the nurse's room,
crying that a in. in was waking him up
and asking why she let lilm frighten
him so In tho morning the children
were pate arrd sluggish, even cold wu
ter lacking Its usual power to enliven
Investigation at length revealed a
comparatively simple, mechanistic ao
lotion lo thi csenno of a large amount
of furnace gas often the sulphur In
it was so strong as to make the eyes
water ami to hurl tho throat, while
the sensations of oppression were mil
al of carbon monoxide The poises
may have been actual sounds coming
from an adjoining house, although any
noises at all would probably be exag
eerated In the minds of persona awak
ened In the night while suffering from
sdsonous gas
The Mother-in-law In Franca.
It Is enough to i hill one's passion for
newspapers lo rerot (tie mother-In In w
ipilps as they are sad. sad Jukea A
mot her In law Is not funny afterward,
be Is onu funny beforehand In
Frame where Ho y do so many things
neatly, thla ii underetood Listen!
Young Itaoul had gone down on his
kins- lo mad. uric, the Widow Lavmolue
and begged leave to marry himself
with lief daughter
"Bui no' said the widow (Irmly. "It
Is linpo.-l !"
lie o a ted Itaoul burst Into tears
Mill I in. It so hard, mon gosset'
said hc l he petite Yvonne la ei
iusie -in. is ravishing, yet there are
iniinv ul Iters In the France A little
of palleoi e"
"Hut in alamo! my dear inadiimo!
now lerl itaoul "It Is you that I re
grot!" New York Tribune.
Buried In Installments.
A well known local character of
Town em I Mont., lost n leg In a
witching yaiil on the railroad. The
railroad boys raised a little purso foi
the victim, who was rutbur down on
Ida luck In other waya aside from the
accident After paying bis board and
hospital bills he went down and
bought a COflln mid n lot In tbe cenio
lory, and had Ids amputated leg hurled
In good style
"Now." lie said, "when 1 cash In
all they will have to do Will be to dig
up the colli n and put tno In with tbe
leg!" Katurday Kvcnliig Host
Tho world is full of rosurrecrJoua
Kvery nlghi Hint folds ua up in durk
miss Is a death, and those of yoo that
have been out early and have aeon the
first of the dawn will know It Tbe
day rises out of the night like a being
that has burst III tomb and escaped
Into life (icorge Miicdonold.
Tip to Sleep Walker.
"Pop "
"yea, my on,"
"I know tho reason why people walk
In their iloeg "
"You gel. Why la Itr
"Because their fuel don't go to sleep "
-Yoiikcrs Statesman
A Case In Point.
"Sumo things are better left unsaid,"
quoted the wise guy.
"Hure," agreed tho almplo mag; "i
vry breach of prom lie mlt demon
itrntcs that "l'hlliidL-l:' la Record.
Increased means and Increased lei
sure are Hie two clvlllsera of man.
II Is "Hsndled," Se to Speak, by th Aid
of a Puff of Breath.
The gold reaches tho "Iwatera" Brail
rr wide bars or nuggets It must be
Aclglind, malted and made Into Inch
.i Ids ribbons before the "beating'" tie
Jus Tha ribbon Is then cut Into Inch
apiares and beiitoli with a hammer
.vlelded by a stalwart workman.
When each leaf has been beaten thin
t Is transferred to n mold, where It Is
ronton again for n period of four hour.
lire boating I accomplished 0 "oans
if n wooden hammer weighing from
loveir to eighteen pounds on a sheep
ikln cushion resting on a granite block.
lire gold lieu leu Is usually '11 or 2-'l
mots Hue. A little nlloy of copper or
liver Is added to make It spread It
SOllld ho Impossible for the heaters to
iiiiulle perfectly pure gold.
Gold leaf Is packed more by tbe aid
f the breath than that of tho hands
I'he operation of transferring a shoel
if almost transparent gold leaf from
rue place tu another la of such duties
y that It Is possible to accomplish It
inly by n slight puff of the breath.
I'he packers are for the most part
(Iris, tu whom, after beating, the gold
oaf Is handed
Tbe girl lift the uiishaped leaf from
the mold wttli u pair of wooden pin
era. Bitten It out on a sheepskin rush
Ion by gently blowing on It. cut It Into
I perfect siMliro, replace It between
the leaves of the tsmk and flatten It
nit with the breath A "book" con
lists of twenty-live leaves, snd n skill
ed girl operator cuu pack seventy
hooks In a day. lliirnor' vv..kly.
Th Only Esplanstien.
"Itcuiomhor." said the fair visitor to
convict '0." "thai stone walls do not
a pi I rake nor Iron bars a cage "
"Well, den lady." repllisl ggsB, "do
warden's anlt'nly got MS liypnotlr.ed
New Toik Times
Try It.
Start out with Hie Intention Of Calling
even thing tv Its right inline and you
will tr urge onu in, ml before you havo
gone I nlo. k i lih ago Nrws
No Caggratien.
"Yoo told in.- you were worth a mil
Ion. air! ' II ml Hint you have only n
pain i Hon ii ' -aid Bla t bars' nsrlnst
"W.I Minimis l.tssi insi , outs " eeld
ittiiih. a- i tu i ei Weekly
Commercial Valuation.
"Polllell' - ol nothing "
"Ye- replied tin- leiitleiiuin of the
old si lioo I'cihnph Hint s w hv people
tin-. Utile re-lus t for It " Washing
"Hobl.l.siai ins to think himself a
Of I iiimii- nut M-rson."
"Whv he emit ev en stand on s street
corner and wait for u trolley car with
out pulling on as tunny airs as If be
were laying a cornerstone" Binning
am Age-H-ors'il
iM i hi si ir.H i .ANiinrrn i
llnrlii. i Urmia, Pel anil., r 1,1111
ftotte I B.ioii) e'ven ibsl Jerne llnm
t,BOlsoa,ol Nerruwe, Oieaos. who, on n.o
tatsir 1, I'-iri. iiisilc Holm I'H.t Rolf) No uas
tor N Km, s. oloti .1. Towiietile MB .Rangeftfl
ft, W 1 1 1, in, lie Mel 1.1 ten. I, .ill. .1 II..II. , ..fli
ul 10 10 Bisks duel t-oin in illation . sol In e, lUlm n. Ih land above dvrtlbet o
ure th itegi.tii and ltertvr,al Sure, Ore
..a in. irt niti Aa) ei laaaaiy, t t
i laltnanl uemee as wtlnsesea r7
K I' Piio.ll, Ml rriu.le pnrell. r'rrifv
SarroB, Mm r-' a SarroB, all .ul Barrows,
W g, r.ssr. Heglntrr
r.n.Ii.sTATKsl.ANIltlKr'H f. I
Ukt'Oo, I lo ton. S.nrllilH-r .'.'., I'JItl l
sot nsl t 4BS
Nqtles le herehy jilvon thai i timlm I Pavls,
ot Kilo, lot-noil, win run.- .'titli l!i'. nisdt-
Horaeeteaa Kntry 'Act ki, iu. to.,. Sa
or WI-. Hertlelr sm. ToWBSklptl H . Kerifi ..
- . W 111. in M, n. n. n i,,el filed null.. ..I In
enllilli 10 llieki' tinnl Three TSf Pieef 10
iiii.ii i lata io Mu. tan, i abova dBaerlbii r ts
l.'lr I lima A Stirriiielr, I lillrul slate! OBIM.I
aloner, at I- lie. ton ua I lie lata da) ul Ian
ns-y. 1'ilt
.aiiiiaul nan ra aa wIlBSBSM
Tiiuinea A Marlowe. John Mo a, I,, in, nil
Hani H. Street, Paul Wi'iiior all nt M!, Oregon
J.- K III sola- l(ilal,t
Oregon Agricultural College
December 8 to 13, 1913
Thin will bt a notable event in
he t'lliu-at iniial history of Oreifot
Farmers' Co-operation will bt
the leading topic of a .stimulating
series of lectures. The week will
be crowded with discussions, antl
demonstrations i n everythinu
that makes for the welfare of th
farmer and home-maker.
January S Iu SO. !
Tha 1 otloge has spun , no eflort to
insko this the inoi I complete short
course in it. hisloi) vi rv w nl
range of i noises will he nUai'Od m del
srni Agtienltural llortleulinro, Animal
llushunilry, lirerv'iig I'oit try Keeping
Meeli inn- Arts, limuoitic Science anil
Arl, t oinrnerce, Inrishv. an I Mils.
NlllUcrnllH leiluies ami all I'll hind in
I'AU.MKKiV ni-lll'I'KATKtN, ul llOlin
ami ithroiul, ulxl mil he i hailing f, s
ture. Make this a pleasant ami piollla
hie a Inter outing. No tuition Accniii
no, lulion roiisonable. Itnilucexl rate
all ritilroails. I'or further inlor nislron
silil roes
II. M. TKNNANT, Uogislrar,
Corvsllls, Oregon
I'linners' llusinoss Courses liy t or
rcsponileiice wltliout tuition.
CALIBER Rspeating-
Rifls in the WORLD.
Mado In two uiotlelsi one
for .; Short it. I'', oar.
Irhlgos the oilier for ..'.' Lorrg
l.U I, I.
i nn v. r .
Ilainlloa U .gg
Short and 18 .Hg
king o lie eiulrlllues.
Send tor lisiiilaouiclv llirli ( ,.i
log mill "ow to Shout
Order Stevaoi Rifle
Pll tola Slid Shntiluna
from your Ileal, a
l. O. Boa B004.
TLar r a -j
IkS a
( ir
Patrons of the A. K. Richard
son general merchandise store
are in luck. The bovs have ar
ranged to give away a handsome
7-piece breakfast set to patrons
showing by a coupon that they
havo traded to tho amount of
$25. Ask thorn about it. 44tf
Austin i.oodmaii is ready to
grind grain and has a building
in which it may be stored by
farmers at any time. He will
grind one day each week and
farmers may store their grain
any day and get it when con
venient. I h .is prepared to take
grain as pay for grinding at the
market price. Special prices on
large quantities, , 44tf.
PNI'I Klis'l'A'I'KS LAN II 1 1 I'M IK,
Hums, Oregon, Ifeceiiilstr I, lUIH.i
Kotlas le hershy given llisl Wllllsni P Huff
man, ol Alulrewe, Orosoll, Willi, oil lleceinlier
I. Ill, niaiie iinaii'iteail Kiilry, Nu. OTlls, for
M'.HVV1, ami si,SW' Seelliui .', 'I'owualilp
IViH llanio a:l R, Vt'lllsiiii'tte Mirl.llsn, haa
tlle.i loll of luieiitloii to insko ttnsl five year
I r. lo , at a l1 tali clalia to the larnl alsive ile
aiillii.l. tuloii- the Itealalor ami Keiolvr. St
llama, Oregon, on it" r 'it. .n.y nl Jaausry
I lalliiant nainea aa w llm-.aea
MelomuB viti.i.oii, Kllaer larlnon, Jusll
K.'ilon. ;liariea 'I lirln-r, all of Ainlrewa, Orrsmi
Wm llHhK, K staler
Appointment of Adminiefrator.
In the mu t tor ul' 1 ho est nl c ol
In. in S, Haves, deceased
Notice is li, n l.v given r hut tin under
signed hns this day lieru duly spHiiuteil
tlrr iiilnuiiialrator nl the iibiive entitled
cstiite rintl has duly tjuiiliflrd. All par
sous huviiiK clniins nguiuat aaiil rstutr
IOC heleliv Miplll'il til J 'I -.rill lllilll
with proptf vouchers to the undc-t signed
al lua irsiileucr near l.uweu, or
nt tin- oilier of i. A. Krinlsihl, his at
torney nt lluriis, OrigOS, dulrd Octuls-r
IS, 1013.
PIlSl pill. heal ion, Octols'i 18, llll.'t.
SlIITr llAVIIS, Aillllllll.l I..I..I .
IIAKNgV MlliUg, NO. T7. I II U g,
gaeta ivery siuniat la U44 FeUra iuii
nl o i III. A to, io,,
rl.l, set-mart N. II.
It.'Sre,. v.oik aa fetlosri Viral SaturMaT Inl
tlalot. aeeuiot Salnr.lav lltel I ' ree , III Inl
saturtla), Seeuiol PSgreSjl fnartli -.litnle
I tool Is-free.
lll'KNMI.OIllig No. 11. A r l M .
Me. la ever) fltel and tlilol ealtrola) In eaeh
month I . , Haul!, VA M
sm Mollor.liea.l Seerelarv
Mt ery (Seun I atel tuuits rmlsv even
ins al I. II tl I, Hall, all ii.lrliu.oa In. II.. I
" ai'i'ii- ante Mill receive cot.Me.iua inii
"o ' M. a ulnae. V 0.
I I . aler I Inl
IIIKNS i llAI-IKIt M). IU.O. g. r
Mi . la . ver a. latol fotirlli kuloleye In
vlaaotitt Hall Iraitln vv, hot, e tt M
y Ha rao-k, Set ti-tarr
tVI.X I A II nr I v ll tlguaia N.t .
M..:.. .. lal atel .1,1 v.lma'la
llvi'lle Ha.l.i ii
Ma.t.e I niaM, He. , , ,
TIM.Ki IKt IK .So ..,, vs. ,,i v.
M.tlaivir) lotirlli lliiirala
ivtsii'l H.n
II. !. , OouttnlSO. llera
I llBIBlhaB Hoiirue Jr.
Mini K. t Itauibarlsln
I VV It Kllla
I .' W ilswley
V VI i rev. loel
llaaai.l ft.1
I I leu Bo II
U S.Seltslora
1 otiKri'aeineu
Aiiorney oeaaral
at ' relan ol slale
I ti-aatlrvr
Sutl I'nl.lli Inalrsi tiun
stale I'rluler
T. M. ii
I- K. V It, t man
VS s Inttilwav
Hole Kalln ,
j f. A. lit in nn-
-iii.iiine nMgsa , i Ues n Sarati
I. n. Hesn
I f A. Moore
loalili I Jutlg l alio,,
Itialrltl Ail. on, i w. II n.o.,.,-
I'etul MM All) ... (j II i.intaol
i In tilt inurl inuilB I tic Oral ll I.. In
A loll tad Oral Monlai In in loin r
lolni H.-iialor c I'.rileli
liilnl lU-loia.-iilatlv. VA. f Hoinait
"I nn iiaiisst :
Oaaaty jmio Oiant ihuinttaon
1 nrk H. I Una to I
Ireaeuroi k A Mhlvr
oirYoynr r. g. Heery
-lo .lit A. K. HI. I.arilaon
Aaaeeaoi j. J. .,.,i,-k-.n
Hi boot ."ii.i'iti'tt'iiileiil I. M II. mil, on
. .moo ij, v,' I ten iim-r
look h.. I-.-, lor m, i, i.iii.,,,.,,,
i oiiiiioaslolii'rs K I" sylveaier
i ii,". lala
oiinl) i i. ml inula l to Ilia' In
Jsttlisr), gsreli. May, July, he,telnl,er an. I
MAsasv 1 1, s i.asii trill
tl.-niai. i VA Ksnu
Mewvsl rranli liav
i ITT aessa
Vlnnii, Sbui Miillit-ialiea.l
lie. -.t.l.-i. . A. M ll) nl
lieaaniet Maliiln VA llllels
Vlsialtal ..II I. Ilnlnia
I II. J. Ilauaeli
l' II i A. I Weleoin"
I Jsiitea l.sliiilil ti
I K. J. M. K It.
M iiiit-B ol llin lollliell every Sueolitl anil
Kouitli Weilni-a't
H -....
Mrs. (Iracc li. Mcnose
Voice and Piano
Methods Used In
jlgtiminoalli Conservatory of Music
Kealdence stuillo And door weal
I'reabyterlan Church
$1500 Reward!
llniiiliiHIMl Niln
1 Iv. Moi-k I'mUM
llnii AmiiiiHtliiii nf
which the uiidi'i
ll( In IllflitU-i,
wilt gJVD i,ihhi no
u'waril for fvi
tlllU'O lUsalljlIK tO
tlm arrral rimI uoii-
W i , . I In I i i.l ii I, i .al r
I y Of I'tsl Ilea Minis I
lug hniitm. iHltl
ur inulei htilong ing
tu uj ul III UIUIII
In aili.ltiun in Hie .shove, the uuiloialguoil
nil! im Ihu kHiuit rum Hi imi InUO.OU (or all bOfMI
t.rmutiit luiist) aliuil bur on botb or ullhur Jaw.
tiiiuK. rtiOOiUwl In olvht iminiU'M Kaiigo
iiHiiit-.. Iftko hihI (luiik tt.uiitiia. iioraoa
wiiti'l whuii iulil.
Nuiiti hut drown liuiaia iulil ami uuly Iu
('' tillUrhi'M,
W W MHt'WN KltH, UrtMOO.
' ; v-v
llsrrariHT.Tsa l.sroirn. j
llrirna. Oragiin Novsintxr IV, Kill, t
Notice le hereby f Ivan that Id M Alhrlaoii,
n! Veiiatnr, llreson, who, cm not 4, ivll.liisde
lieeert l.sml Kntry, No (MM", for sKi4NrV;.,
Nl.'.sW'i, HSMWi-i and NHHKU, Keiilcuil.
I. wiiahlii r a , Hants m K, W lllametlo
Mi'ilillsn. Ii aa niillee ol Intention to taste
Ileal proof, tn e.lal.leali claim to the latol
aliovn ill 'Bi'ilhrtl, liefnre Keslater anil lloeelver,
St liiotia.Ori Ken. on the ifiilh ilsy of Peiem
her. Ill.
I lal inaiil na mea se wlllieasee
K llrnaii, iili'nril, llreson. J r Imiiiaa
of Wsverly, Oregon. A A Tipton, nl Venator,
oii'smi V M. rllehi'ti, nf llsrrlmaii. Oregon
Ws. Kisss. ItegliUr.
Sumpter Valley Railway Co.
Arrival and Departnre Of Trains'
No. 2, Prairie 10:15A.M.
Sumpter 2:35 P. M.
Arrive Baker 4:00 P. M.
No. 1, Baker 8:30 A.M.
Sumpter 10:05 A. M.
Arrives Prairie 2:10 P. M.
No. 1 Makes good connection
with O.-W. R. & N. No. 10 leav
ing Portland 0:40 P. M. and No.
17 from east arriving Hakr 0:50
A. M.
No 2 Connects with La Grande
local 7:30 to La Grande, antl No.
i) (fast Mail) picks up sleeper
there arriving in Portland 7:00
A. M. Also with No. 18 for
points East.
Slock lispeclor, Harney tonolv.
Unmet Address
Winter is the name of a Season, not the
description of a Climate
to th land of Sunshine, Fruits and Flo wars. Outdoor Suort.-Auto Tripe
among th. Crov.e Trip to lb Bead ee Serf Bathing-a-vd th
hundrrda of varied amuarnirnt. for which California is famou.
For handsome booklets des
criptive of California; also for
Fares, Tickets or Reservations
Call on tny Agent of ibe
Oregon-Washington Railroad &
Navigation Co.
jIL ---ra' r
Sfifsssjpaijgfatf .
T - "t ' .- -. ..IT...-
You can buy no better
for target work and all
small game up to
200 yards.
ill ktr". earii. walioX
MM ejBj rear I aa..Ueal SaSsaa.
leal I .1 .aa. far II laeWv.
If You Want ALL The Home News
$2.00 a year
Best Job Printing
You get it all in The Times-Herald For $2.00
Dlreel enaeetieB eUl via
A. H. CURRY, Prop.
Uave HarriiMn Monday end TtturtvaWy
and arrive Wednesday and Selwrday
ear h weak, ronnarting with eositkesm
line lo Dnio. Winnamucra, el.
Jowelor. Opticiun nl
Fine Watch Rrpgirinn A Spt
LONE : -
Meals At All Hours. Short
Ordere and Prompt Service
With Reasonable Rates
Give Me A Call
change of
mcchaanm it
handles .22 short.
long or long-rift carttidgr
perfectly. The deep Ballard
rifling, develop maximum power and
accuracy aad adds years lo the lile of rifles. lenaisiiats ijl
.fttaataaaabloar.ka.a. ' - i.r--a.
alyuutaadeadalaara(aaat.aiaiaanaaalaVHSB. Wsaaaiaaiaiaa
oV'w. cravsmcvaB. rana.aUa ua jalUV laeajea el ear jK-B.
tt Wlllaw Street Na
Physician ami Horgeorr
aoBxa, oiiMins
Physician and Hargerm
Burns, - - Oregoi
Office la new building sontr, of w
baroaae ahop, Main HI
'Phone Main Hfi.
GEO. G. CARL, M . 0
rhyeicUn and Surf.
Haa gleeeaea f tl.. ni
" - - Or
Physician and Surgeon
Narrows, (,,
li. B Svisuasi,. Inn v. "!. ,11,
A. M,B. k. v 0L.
eeaeral fiactlae In. "fum,: -aj
artery har. Kjte, Bon 10)a
DEdHflN ft DENMflN,
Physician, and Surgeons
Calls Bwred prumptly nlghtasj
'Phea Ilarrlman
Hsrrlman, Oreg
Dr- Minnie Hand
Physician and Surge
Wreat Telephone Connection
La won. Ore.
Ufflee Snt door i-aat plioln k-allr
Barns, Or.-a.-ni
OSee room 8 and 9 Maaooii HuiM
Attorney at Le.
Tsegtly Bldg., Hums, flrrgoa
Barns, Oregon.
Burns, On-w.n
Rooms S snd 7 Man. in. liuiltlia
r.rsa luaa qulrklj mail ai rreaoi able
Burns, - - Ort-:oi
Prartieee in tlie Sim,- i ,, rr- nir.l
lore Ibe U.H. I an. I niti,,-
(Jham. H. Loun.-uii.
Attornby- at-i.a v. ,
Careul attention given to Coll
Uona and Real Estate mutter.
Fire Insuranrc
NoUry Public
Blhnb, OaasoB.
Stat Courta and United Stai
Land Office Practice
Three doorsSouth of tho
Harney County National B
Burns. Oroiron.
AstervM, at Lew Notary Pal
Ceeveaa. Meaey Utainr ,
MaaaTBaaa U. S. Land Ollu . PrMtia
tae between Hariri; i i, .111,1;, Salt list
Ml lavaS OBIre
a. a. ooorsi
AS. B. AH. UC a. S.
A.a-'. m 1 v. - .1
QvU and Hydraulic EnRin
Irrigation, Water Supply
Sewerage, Water Power.
BBrvaya, Map, Ketiinstis, Suivurvai
F. C. Dll.LABI) A. (I ) il'lll
rorai.rlj Am BaglBSei I, .inn 1 1 t liitvfl
tu If. a Ret-lsinatititi Bar glui'vi .. 1- iat
las. vAi-.u, 1,.
Eastern Oregon fcngineerii
Barns. Orejou
ohab. w ah a. a. i'.
aso. m. Ay. 1. a. k.
Ditches, Reaervoira, Final Pro
Work, Hydro-Electrie Tower
U. S. Oep. Mineral Work
Gtirt Wtrk A Specially -
Bagaged In Both I'rivnte Ami
Qovcrnaout Utreatu (idnion