The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, January 03, 1914, Image 3

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W T " F
2 3
a .i i- i
7 8 910
Burns. Ore., Dee.
I The Large!
Circulation Of Any
n Harnejr County.
Local News.
lonawanut tonight.
sure to write it 1914 now.
town this
ferd Tipton was
Carter has squash at Geo.
fey s tor sale. i-ii.
tip Stoy and wife are up from I
lr home in Crane Creek gap.
lyals Baby Cough Remedy for
ly s caugh at ine welcome.
the schools will resume their
Ik again Monday after the
day vacation.
Irs. Millar is selling ner nui-
Iry at reduced prices until it
pld out. See her at once.
)hn Hoes has returned from
hsit to his mother and will
tin take up his usual work.
thinking of the costume for
masked ball to be given by
Women of Woodcraft on Jan.
it Tonawama.
larshal Haines had his big!
w plow out alter tne storm.
has cleared the walks in
tty good shape.
r. Oeo. u. Carl is prepared,
special attention to all (lis-
ps of eye, ear and nose. Eyes i
bed and glasses fitted. 50tf.
low is a good time to start
se rabbit drives. A few
lusand disposed of now will
be missed much perhaps, but
one has an idea that it reduc-
the number to eat our crops
:t summer.
ck Winans, the new pro-
;tor of the Windsor Harbor
p adjoining the land ottice, is
pared to do first class work in
lline and invites a share of the
lie trade. Satisfaction in
Iry respect 48tf.
was finally decided to not
eat the musical program given
intlv for the librarv sis a
lefit for the high school with ! will meet witn Mrs. inos.
Ich to purchase a Victrola. Sprague on Wednesday, Jan. 7.
high school students will Election of officers for ensuing
an entertainment for that year will be held at that time.
Ipose later. J A delightful sleighing party
frank Dibble started to Bend) was given the young people of
ixuiov mm-nirwr with an,, thin ulace Tuesday night, the
41 0AJ JISaIlll (ill mi i ' er -
of nassnirers but found the party going out to tne couniry
Li tri mni.ii ,irifi..,i tr, i,,-.L-.. home of Mr. and Mrs. 1. o. ueer
TT LV IIIUi II Ui ii ' 'i IV limn'
headway, therefore returned where they had a good time witn
jr getting out about 8 miles some dancing, returning to town
n a . . 1 1 1 ..II 1....1 I i i i ,.w -.i .11 Of fill'
im Burns. Alter me road is u ,UII",W" " v
be broken the autos may make hospitable home of Mr. and Mrs.
hilar trips. I. H. Holland.
20, 1913
To our Friends and Patrens:
The year now drawing to a olose has
been one of the most satisfactory and
suooessful of our oareer. During the
year of 1913 a larger volume of busi
ness was transacted through our insti
tution than during any previous year in
our history. Within the past sixty days
more new aooounts have been opened with
us than in any like period heretofore,
while our books now oontain a larger
number of depositors than ever before--a
silent tribute to the faot that our
business methods have met with the pub
lics' a generous approval and that our
banking policies have proven right un
der the exacting test of time.
During the past year we have in
creased our office force, have further
perfected our carefully devised system
of handling the large volume of busi
ness committed to our charge, and have
added the newest and latest office
equipment, so that we are now enabled
to render better and more efficient
service to our patrons than at any time
in the past
With the approach of the holiday
period we extend to our many friends
the season's greeting We desire to
thank you for your past patronage, for
the kindly words of commendation that
have brought us new friends and pat
rons. That the New Year may bring you
one and all prosperity and plenty is
our sinoerest wish.
With best wishes for a Merry
Christmas and a happy and prosperous
New Year, 1 am,
Very sinoerely yours,
J. L. dault,
Tonawama tonight.
Salisbury has snow glasses.
How about those New Years
Hot drinks at The
Don't miss the picture pro
grams at Tonawama.
Mrs. Katie Winters has been
on the sick list during the week,
but is better.
The latest in Millinery and a
fine line of guaranteed hair goods
at Clingan's.
Geo. Hall was up from Voltage
to take in the big dance Wednes
day night and help to celebrate
i the advent of the New Year.
The Burns Fire Department
gave a very enjoyable dance at
Tonawama on Wednesday even
ing, lasting until early morning
on the New Year.
The Presbyterian Indies Aid
Tonawama tomorrow night
Herman Huh was up from
Iawen Wednesday.
Break up that cold with Wel-
Welcomo come's Cold Tablets.
C. W. Lewis and wife were
the city a few days during the
Isaac Foster was over from his
Silver Creek home the first of
this week.
Good pictures tonight and to
morrow night at Tonawama, the
usual programs and usual prices.
Tonawama tomorrow night.
Joe Clark was down from
Harney Wednesday.
All kinds of snow glasBCB at
Merchants of Burns report the
holiday trade very good.
Frank Clow and wife have
been in the city this week.
Miss EvaDenman was up from
Harriman during the week.
Dry cleaning and pressing at
the Burns Steam Laundrv. 4tf.
Chas. Owen waB down from
Silvies Valley this week renewing
Pickard China and Libby cut
glass make beautiful and useful
wedding presents
Don't take chances on becom
ing snow blind. Get some glasses
from Salisbury.
Jess Alberson was over from'
his home at Alberson during the
week on business.
Finest alfalfa, timothy and red
top hay baled may he had at the
Goodman feed barn is south Burns
Henry Keisenbeck, who re
cently underwent an operation
and was confined in the Cummins
hospital, is again able to be on
the streets.
J. M. Hoffeditz and wife came
in from their home in the Valley
View .section yesterday. They
are in on business and to visit
their daughter, Miss Florence,
who is attending high school.
The Clay Clemens sawmill is
now at its new location and is
prepared to fill any order with
rough or dressed lumber, also fir
lumber; buck teeth and any
special order given prompt at
tention. 32.
A. K. Richardson asks a chance
to figure on your winter supply
of goods. Will meet prices of
any outside house. Give him
your order and get his prices be
fore rchasing.
Thermos bottles at the Wel
come Pharmacy.
I. S. Tyler was among our
visitors from Sunset during the
10 a. m. Sunday School.
11 a. m. Service of worship
7.30 p. m. Church service a
Big Fish Story. Victrola prelude.
Tuesday exening: Cottage
prayer, meeting at Presbyterian
Manse, with Mr. Holloway.
Thursday evening: Cottage
prayer, meeting at Mrs. E. B.
Friday evening: Choir practice
at Church.
Catholic Church.
1. On Sundays and Holy days
of obligation Holy Mass with
sermon at 10:30 a. m.
2. On week days Holy Mass
at 6:30 a. m.
All other services, besides
those mentioned above will be
announced in church.
All invited and welcome to the
divine services.
Sick-calls promptly answered
at anytime. Religious informa
tion and instructions willingly
imparted at the Franciscan
Rev. Pius Niermann, O. F. M.
Pastor of The Church of the
Holy Family.
Annual Clearance Sale
The long looked forward to event
is now at hand. Two things have
been uppermost in our mind in the
planning of it. First, our inflexi
ble rule that no winter goods are to
be carried over, and second, and
very important, that last year's
sales records are to be put in the
A sweeping clearance carrying all
our winter stocks before it and
leaving behind a store ready to re
ceive new, fresh merchandise
that's the object of it,
Don't Fail to Attend It
- General Merchandise -
Hasonk building, - - Burns, Oregon
Mrs. John Schenk will give
lessons in Irish Crochet every
Thursday afternoon at her home
in Burns. 4
Walter Sullivan has closed hism
real estate office for the present
and has associated himself with
the pool hall.
R. H. Brown, the Diamond
sheep man, was in town several
days this week on business and
visiting his many friends.
Tule Circle, Women of Wood
craft, will give their usual an
nual masquerade ball at Tona
wama on the evening of Jan. 23.
The Oregon Prosperity Edition
of the Pacific Northwest, Phil
Bates' booster monthly, has just
reached this office. It has ex
cellent articles descriptive of
the counties of the state and
will result in much inquiry from
all parts of the country.
The Baptist and Presbyterian
churches held a watch party
gathering of a religious nature
at the latter church on Wednes
day night in which the congrega
tions and ministers of both
churches joined. They spent a
very enjoyable and profitable
Farmers of Oregon and Wash
ington who have determined to
make corn one of their crops
next year are to be given free
seed by the O.-W. R. & N., but
only under rigid contract that
they plant, cultivate and harvest
in the manner prescribed by the
company's crop experts.
O.-W. R. A N. Com
pany Budget.
According to a Portland paper
the officials of the 0.-W. R. &
N. have asked for an immense
sum for the coming year in car
rying forward the work of the
railroad for this year but noth
ing is asked for the extension
from Juntura west to this Valley.
Just what will be done we are
unable to say. It is possible this
work lins lii'i'li l.rnvifli',1 tir in
R. J. McKinnon & Son have) some other way, or possibly the
established a daily stage between i directors in New York may make
Drewsey and Juntura. Connec- provision for it At any rate it
tions made with the trains at 'is confidently predicted that the
Juntura and passengers given! line will be extended to this
every comfort. Fare to Burns Valley during this year.
Another "Chinook" and rain
yesterday made things rather
sloppy. It is giving us some
more snow this morning and we
are assured of a great amount of
moisture for our crops the com
ing season.
Suit Against Oil & Gas
Company Settled.
An important matter that will
be of great benefit toward ex-
jploriug the possibilities of oil in
' this territory was settled this
Miss Clare Swain returned ; week when the suit against the
lome Ihursuay evening from a nramotincr comiianv hv rrediliir
visit with relatives and friends j was dismissed thus giving the
in Portland, Dallas and Wallowa. ' company an opportuity to again
She spent the holiday period at i proceed with the test well now
the latter place with her sister, down over 1000 feet J. C.
Miss Bessie. Turney left for Portland this
Henry Richardson closed hisl week where he will interest peo
Capitol saloon on the last day of ! P' in tne proposition and attempt
.-.... I I 1 . . . i , . ,.,I I. . . . .
m IU !.;. 1UIIUB Willi WIIIV.II ll irn
Dec. and will not engage
business anv more. Wo are in- secute the work. Considerable
formed he has disposed of what money has already been spent in
stock and fixtures he had to 'securing a good drilling outfit
Thos Jenkins and machinery is pronounced of
We've had a variety of weathe
during the week. Considerable
snow has fallen and on Wednes
day it rained and a "Chinook"
wind melted the snow to some
extent, later it froze up and after
the snow drifts are once pene
trated and the roads cleared we
are going to have fine sleighing,
therefore mails should be re
ceived early.
L, Woldenberg, contractor on
the Prairie-Burns stage, was in
the city this week looking after
his business affairs. He came
through the holiday rush of mail
in good shape, having put on an
extra four horse stage one trip
to care for the big mail. Now he
is facing the additional parcel
pout rate that was inaugurated
the first of the year and as yet
this is an unknown quantity.
0. O Jetley is in from his
home in the Warm Springs stc
tion and is interviewing parties
interested in the proposed tele
phone line from Burns to that
territory. He is meeting with
encouragement and it will likely
be put in early in the spring.
Ben Cozad, accompanied by his
mother and sister, Miss Mamie,
and Mrs. Geo. Hagny, arrived
here from Canyon Tuesday even
ing. They are here on a visit to
relatives and friends and some of
them will remain for some time.
The Cozadcs are guests at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Farre and Mrs. Hagny is at the
home of her sister, Mrs. Win
The teachers who went out to
spend the holiday period with
home folks and friends are going
to have rather a hard time getting
in for the opening of the schools
on Monday. The autos are not
making very good headway in
the deep snow, Jay Salzman
having come in from Bend but
had a hard time, breaking down
out on Sage Hen. Frank Dibble
tried the roads again yesterdav
morning and did not reach Silver
Creek until 3 o'clock in the after
noon. Thos. S. Steven and Miss Nena
Haarstrich will be married at the
family home on next Wednesday,
Rev. Dr. Babbidge officiating.
Mr. Steven is an industrious
young homesteader of the Prince
ton section and hears a good re
putation among his many ac
quaintances. His bride is a most
charming young lady who has
resided in this county for several
years. She has made proof on a
homestead and has also been
among the successful teachers of
the county. The Times-Herald
extends congratulations in ad
vance and wishes the young
people a happy and prosperous
the bent. With no debts hang
ing over it the concern should be
able to raise funds with which to
sink the well deeper and find
what the prospects are down
Gas has been found in many
places in this Valley and there is
every reason to believe there is
oil in paying quantities, this be
ing bourn out by scientific in
vestigation and so far the test
has shown the geologists to be
right in their predictions. It is
to be Imped they may now pro
ceed without any further delay
and establish the fact that we
have oil here in commercial
Mr. Millar ha at ill H. M. Morton umpl.i of work of
Mrs. Florence Powelson
The Udie. of Burn and vicinity ara
invited lo call and them, day or
avanlng. Order taken for any
character of decoration, monogram
initial, etc
Price at Mill for preduct:
Flour f 8.50 in S-bbl. lot or mora.
Bran $1.25 per hundred.
Rolled barley $1.28 per hundred.
Rolling barley $2.00 per ton in ton lot
or more. Cuatomer in all cae to
furnih aack.
Until further notice the following Ca.h
Price will prevail in .elling meat)
Hog, whole or half, 1 Ic. per lb,
Choice pork (teak, 18c. per lb,
" loin, 20c,
Whole pork .houlder 12 I -2c,
Leg of pork, 18c,
Whole or half mutton, lie
Front quarter mutton, 10c.
Hind quarter mutton, 12 l-2c.
Choice mutton for tew, 8c.
Mutton chop, 18c
Hind quarter beef, 13c
Front quarter beef, lie
Beef all cut at reasonable price.
The intention of the Company i. at all
time to pay the beat price and tell on
clo.e.t margin conaitnt with good bui
ii.k management.
Sauer kraut at Lunaburg,
Dal ton & Co.
Dr. Harrison was over from
Drewsey to spend New Year's
day with hin family.
Miss McKenzie has arranged
to begin her kindergarten class
on next Monday morning in
the offices of Mr. McConnell.
ror sale une Huwmni com
plete, with logging Sleds and
TruckB, with or without timber,
for terms see H. M. H or ton.
"Beneficial Use" is Basis of
Right to Um Water
Under the laws of water rights
as established by legislation and
court decrees in the arid states
of the west, the final test of a
right to water for irrigation is
that the water claimed shall be
put to a beneficial use. A ex
pressed by the laws of several
states, "beneficial use in the basis,
the measure, and the limit" of
rights to water. These laws,
however, do not attempt to de
fine "beneficial use."
At a conference of the project
managers of the United States
reclamation service and repre
sentatives of the department of
agriculture, held at Salt Luke.
November 112-15. a resolution at
tempting such a definition was
adopted. This definition is some
what long and detailed, but in
substance is as follews:
A water user is entitled to that
"amount of water that will rend
er him a reasonable maximum
amount of good with a reason
able economic handling of the
water." He is entitled to the'
protection of the state in this
right, but, in return the state
nllU fl triirllf tii iLlomwl thai .. '
use reasonable care and judge
ment in conveying and using
water and cultivating his crops.
The conference adopted also a
definition of "economical use,"
which was in substance as follow.-
Since the water supply avail
able for irrigation in the western
states is adequate for only a re
latively small percentage of the
entire irrigable acreage, the
fundamental standard of economi
cal use must be the financial re
sults acomplished per acre-foot
of water applied, rather than the
yield per acre irrigated. In fut
ure development the doctrine of
beneficial use must in many oases
merge into or be supplanted by
that of economic use. The doc
trine of beneficial use looks to
individual interest; that of
economic use to the general wel
fare of society as a whole. So
far as possible, water charges,
systems of distribution, and re
gulations should be so adjusted
as to make the interest of the
individual water user coincide
with this public interest. Port
land Journal.
Wciirly CM), islnins rcttttig$
and Best UJih.
tor ll fleiu tnv
Harney County Datiottal Battle
at Hum, vioon
The Burns Hospital
Best Surgical Room and Equipment
In the State Outside of Portland.
Nice Rooms, Good Care and Com
fort for Patients Reasonable Terms
Graduated Nurse in Charge
Old and Nkw Patrons Will Find the Pest BRANDS Here
Wines, Liquors, and Cigars
Good Service, Courteous Treatment
DROP IN Main Street Burns, Oregon
Beit Cough Medicine (or Children
"I am very glad to say a few
words in praise of Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy" writes Mrs.
Lida Dewey, Milwaukee, Wis.
"I have used it for years both
for my children and myself and
it never fails to relieve and cure
a cough or cold. No family with
children should be without it as
it gives almost immediate relief
in cases of croup." Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy is pleasant
and safe to take, which is of
great importance when a medi
cine must be given to young
children. For sale by all dealers.
We have a big supply of wire
any heighth desired and at
Malt. ''.;
NATIONAL hiKlMl Null, r la IhTpI-JT KIM-tl
Uial ihf laii-U ilfhrMU below, t'liihrni Tun W
UrW. Within till' M.illnin Nallnilrtl POTtlt,
OrSgODi Will he auliji't t In at'ltlt'ii cnl ami oil
try UMK Hi' prOVlUOOl ot tin hinn utoMtl
IftWBuf tin' I'nUi'il MU' an.l tin- h. I .l .hint
II l 111 (HtHiitl , J J) Nl tlir In I lt.l Hlntfh lalitl
urtl.-f at lUirni im I Thru y l j I Any Ml
Hit mIio wan acliiftlly ami In g"."l faith rial in
I Ug( any nl pi.t Uinta (or k i nllnial nurpogs
nilm l.i . I, IWK., a tl h Hot Uhalnl It
t-ii imp, hat prsftonnrs r'ghl lo insit
hnmi ntfNl fiilM fin thl Im.iH t M OTCtl
plf. I Mi til Ihii.Ih wt'fi Mtri Upop tin- ilh a
llulla Of I lit nriM.ns mSttteOUVl baloff, W tin
havr (iroftTt in - ilulii Uhjtct 10 i'" pHci
1 1h l U, All) lutftl tolllrr in 'V M'l lit- 1 1
ill I. i or aniihi mil .um 1 1 llo. I to malt i'
iniuiv Ism . uiM si. 4 tin prsfsisBst mum
i mi. IhiiI iMi.. i in Kuhruary i I 'U.
mi wliitli iUui thu laiiil will b anhn i t (u
ftutlltiuit'iil ami tiutry by any ijuallMt Mrsttr,
Tin lamia art m fullow Tm "KL ..f N4
Hmllitn IU, T. JOH , X .11 K, W M, in u n ..
lilli iitlmi ill I liiimub aii all II nl IIiii nk I II .
on l.mti. '."'; Aporovid Nov !, luitt, ('. M
lllllVh AMMlMtnnl i uiMiiilMkUiiii i .tl tin-Kin 1 mil i Ml.
Feed Barn
II. HUOTfi I'rop.
Horses Hoarded by the
Day, Week or Month
Good Feed and
IteaNonable prices
lioraea 2&c per Head in Uarn
Haled Hay and (irain for Hale
Comfortable Camp House
With Cook Stove
South Main St., Hum
Farm Machinery
Don't neglect to order farming
implements until you need 'em.
Come and talk to us now im
mense stock for you to inspect
We have handsome sets
In China, also porcelain
beautiful glassware, ta
ble cuttlery, silverware
granite ware, etc., etc.
Fancy Lamps
Paints and Oils
Heaters. Ranges
Builders hardware
Sleds and Wagons
Skates, Small Bore
Rifles, Shot (inns.
Ammunition for all
size guns, Tinware,
Onion Sets, Seeds.