The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, January 03, 1914, Image 2

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7Jr OTT' jvW"
We want to talk to you about that
Overcoat you need.
The only way to enjoy this brisk weother it by
wearing an Overcoat.
Come in ann see us about It.
Clothing Company
Merchant Tailors and Leading Clothiers
I. O. O. F. Building - - Burns, Oregon
Thr iflimes-fwafd
On. Y..r 2.00
Six Month! 100
IWh Monlh. -7S
I on the other hand what is it
jroinjj to do to a large number of
lopritimate business concerns in
which many dollars are invested
;ind the men have been a factor
in the building up of the sec ions
where they are in business. If
the home merchant can adjust
himself to the new order of
things and compete with outside
houses he will enjoy a larger
trade than before.
his political career or that he is
not honest, or sincere. He is
neither fool nor crook but he
should be despised because he
has tried to enforce the law.
Strange accusations. It must be
because ho is too honest and active
He remembeis lo well his oath
of office. He is too decent. He
has a foolish notion about being
straight". He is not a dissem
bler, a flatterer or ii jelly fish.
He seems to hold to the idea that
laws against immorality and com
mon dNM should bt in forced
.mil for this reason he comes in
for his excoriation. His indict
ment is his justification. His
accusers have hurled a boom
erang. We do not endorse all of
his official acts and at times
have criticised him harshly for
what we believe was tho mis
take of honest judgement. When
he makes an honest mistake then
we can make an honest criticism.
West's political strength might
possibly be torn nssunder by an
attack on some of his policies.
You can not break a man down
by accusing him of being decent
and honest and trying to enforce
the law and unless the lin- of
attack is changed the next
Governor of Oregon will be
Oswald West. Blue Mt. Eagle.
Evangelistic Services.
ff What Poor Ads Lose
will a merchant lose
in one year if his salesman
as only one-half efficient?
Suppose a salesman worked
ten hours a day he would work
600 minutes in a day. It' the
salesman was only one-half
efficient, or did one-half the
work he should do, he would
lose his employer : ti M minutes
a day. Now if the salesman'!
salary is $3.00 per day and he
lost his employer one minute
a day for a year he would lose
his employer $1.74. But if he
loses his employer 800 minutes
a day for a year he loses $1.74
x300 or $522 a year.
In this way it is not difficult
for a business man to tell
what he loses with poor sales
men. Poor salesmen have, in
many instances, been one of
the causes of business failure.-.
Now the merchant must
ever keep in minu mat mere
is a direct relationship be
tween a salesman and an ad
vertisement. Both aim at the
same result sales. Hoth are
guided by the same principals.
The only difference is that
more ability is required to sell
goods through advertising. If
a $3.00 a day salesman can lose
his employer $522 in one year
by being one-half efficient, it
is interesting to know what a
$3 advertisement that la only
one-half efficient loses the
Suppose the merchant puts
a $3.00 ad in a paper with
1000 subscribers. If the ad
didn't produce a single sale or
stimulate business it was whol
ly inefficient. But if the ad
were 100 per cent efficient it
would influence a large par
cent of the 1000 subscribers,
and secure temporary, if in
deed not permanent, custom
ers. It is easily seen that
hundreds of dollars may be
made by an efficient $:.00 ad
vertisement, and hundreds of
dollars may be made by an
efficient $3.00 advertisement,
and hundreds of dollars may
be lost by an inefficient $8.00
It is more important to have
efficient advertisements than
to have efficient salesmen and
it absolutely necessary to a
business to have efficient
Mr. Lane an Optimist.
Reviewing Secretary Lane's
land Mlicy the New York Times
says he "has written what is al
most a prospoctus for the devel
opment of the National resour
ces," It calls him "an optimist
as a speculator in futures and
cautious as a conservationist,"
and says:
Practical men will find some
things to their liking, and those
who think that conservation is
more important than use will find
something to their dislike.
Practical m n know that con
servation is use and that use is
the highest form of conservation.
Being a practical man, who
knows the public domain from
personal acquaintance, not from
The Presbyterian and Baptist
churches of the city have united
for an evangelistic campaign.
They propose to hold union cot
tage prayer meetings twice each
week, on Tuesday and Thursday
evenings. The cottage meetings
this wtek will be on Tuesday
evening at Dr. Standard's home
at 7.30 p. m. On Thursday even
ing it will he at the home of I,.
E. Reed at the same hour, Evory
ono is invited to these services,
but especially the friends living
in the vicinity of the meeting.
It is tho intention in the near
future to call in the services of
Rev. Matthews and lewis, well
known Christian workers to as
sist the local pastors in their
work. The interest and assist
ance of every body is solisited in
this movement, looking to the
moral and spiritual welfare of
the community.
Miss Helene Swain returned to
1 jiwen this morning in company
with her father after spending
the holidays in Burns. She will
resume her school work Monday.
Stating the election laws of the
state provide that when any of
their provisions are uncertain or
ambiguous, the usual custom
shall be followed. Attorney-General
Crawford rendered an opin
ion advising all county clerks to
close their registration books
May 1 for the primaries to be
held on the 15th of that month,
and to re-open them as soon as
possible for registration for the
general election.
Buttcrick patterns at Luna
burg, Dalton & Co. 62tf.
Clean seed barley, the six row
ed variety, raised on new ground
and entirely free from other
seod, II cents per lb. Vic.
Gibson, Burns.
l.alpvlnw , onK hiTi-niliiT .'7, rl:t.(
NOT 001 y l.NIN
N.itli ' Ii hcraliy itlVftll Hint Anton Hoaaliapli
nl Ml,., onjMill. ahn,
mail. Ilmniaiiml I lr, Snuwii',, lor HW
Hit H. N',HK',. MK'.Mr,'
tlotl ill, Towiilhlh '.' n .
Il ! tha intention of tha Burnt Flour
Milling Co. to pay 1 1-2 null par lb. (or
food, hard milling wheat nam! yaar.
Il mutt be good and stand a taal of SO
lb, lo Iha huthrl. fraa from olhar graip
ad and amut. Hard wheat will bring
IS canU par 100 more than toll whaal.
Tha Company raconunendt Turkey
Rad for fall towing and Blua Slam, Min
nesota Red and Auttralia White Chaff
Mr. Lane has learned this for tpring towing.
He tloes not regard as a SEED WHEAT FOR SALE AT MILL.
corporation oKre every man who
wishes to use any of our natural
resourses, but puts the man to
! work on such terms that, for ex-
and snch surplus ample, it a coal mine is (level ped
It is foolishness to expect water
conditions to be allowed to con
tinue in this section as in the
past. We must have the rights
water as we have put to benefi-1 the people get coal at competitive
cial use. It doesn't make any I prices, no coal is wasted and the
difference who has the distribu- operator makes money. He puts
tion of this water but it must be corporation to work developing
used to help develop a greater! power on terms which insure that
area of this big Valley. The the more power he develops the
overflow lands will be made more more money he makes, yet the
valuable and produce a greater cheaper power becomes to the
and more profitable croo than , consumer. He would not forbid
under present methods and ever OH of coal lest we exhaust the
one concerned will be benefitted, supply, hut he would use it with
No one will be permitted to hog, out waste and at the same time
water, therefore the country will provide a substitute to be used in
prosper as never before. the time when there is no more
The conservationist who fears
ine mg outnts nxe me nanny to U8e our ,,.Ujonni resources lest
following and P. L. S. company jthey I)(. ,.xnaiistl is a pessimist
of Harney county send their re- ;and a miHl., for h jmairines that
presentatives out to boost for the J tht, future ha8 nothing jn 8tore
settlement and development of : for humanity and that we must
im r. i -r.T, - I ' ", ! ' ,
lake, lew Or.'MOn, DsoffJSjBM II I '1
HOT tklAI. t.AKI.
Notice It hrreliy given .hat Urn,, M Hal
Ikiw. o hi,-, orvirun, who. oa July 1Mb lll
tntile llniiii'Ki.-t.l KOIry. . u -i, fin N'(.-r.
W II, ami SK.',. .'.l W.NWV i lion J
The new parcel post regulations
whereby 60 pounds may be sent
any where within the first two
zones is a problem that will keep
things guessing for a time at
least. Just what effect it will
have on the country merchant is
yet to be determined. That it
will tend to lower the cost of
living there is little question, but
Oregon and then get into the
manger and horn off everything
: in sight. They have contested
the water users of Bear valley
and Silvies valley and likely i
the end will own all of the water
i like they do a great part of the
' land and then go braying over
! the country talking about settle
ment. Tne big land holdings are
the curse of eastern Oregon and
their action is doing more to
bring about the single tax,
where the whole burden of tax
ation is thrown onto the land
than all other forces combined.
They will either change their
tactics or the people will hand
them the opportunity of paying
all of the taxes, when they bold
up vast areas of land from settle
ment they ought to have to dis
gorge with the tax money. Blue
Mt. Eagle.
The Eagle boys are a little hard
on our big land companies in this
country and look at the dark
side. The step to adjudicate the
water rights of Silvies River is
the first step in the right direc
tion toward the development of
this big section. Of course the
big companies are going to fight
for the water they consider be
longs to them but it will be found
in the final reckoning they arc
not going to have any more water
than they can beneficially use.
You know, boys, courts are tak
ing a different view of the water
problem these days than in the
past and no one is going to hog
hoard what we have lest we
starve. Mr. Iane is an optimist,
who uses what he has, but,
knowing it cannot last forever,
uses it carefully and seeks a new
supply. Oregonian,
Masonic Bodies Install.
Governor West has been the
public recepient of scathing de
nunciation through the press.
When the lance of justice lays
bare this criticism a revelation
comes to light. He is not accus
ed of being ambitious or of trail
ing his official robes in the mire
of pointed politics. It is not said
The joint installation of the of
ficors of Burns Lodge. No. 07, A.
F. & A. M., and Burns Chapter,
No. 40. O. & S , waB held last
Saturday evening. The Star of
ficers are: Lizzie Dalton, worthy
matron; C. M. Faulkner, patron;
Emrna Gowan, associate matron;
Ieona Thompson, secretary ; Veva
Smith, treasurer; Caasie Smyth,
conductress; Etta Jones, associate
conductress; Sarali Farre, Ada:
Hallie Smith, Ruth; Mrs. Faulk
ner, Esther; Leila Egli, Martha;
Frankie Welcome, Electa; Wyno-
na Smith. Warder; E. C. Eggles
ton, sentinal; Louel Smith, organ
ist. Mrs. Frankie Welcome was
installing officer assisted by Mrs.
Mothershead as marshal. The
retiring matron and patron were
each presented with a token of
appreciation, the presentation
being made by Mrs. Julian Byrd
on behalf of the Chapter.
The Masonic officers are: W.
A. Gowan, worshipful master;
L. M. Johnson, senior warden;
A. O. Faulkner, junior warden;
J. C. Welcome Sr., treasurer;
Sam Mothershead, secretary;
Henry Dalton, senior deacon;
Curtis Smith, junior deacon;
Julian Byrd, senior stewart; H.
.), Hansen, junior stewart, E. C.
Eggleston, tyler. J. L. Gault
acted as installing officer and was
assisted by Jake Welcome as
A fine banquet followed the
ceremonies and a large number
of members and visitors enjoyed
a profitable and social evening.
n ,-. w '.. -, i ,ioi, . .
TnwmhlrH. Kan,-. .':. I llltlllHIi M.TIillui,
hat flletl notice of Intention to laaaa three
Year I'roof, lo etltl.llili i ttlit, to the Inn, I Sbo'
ileecrlhe,!, liefnre ha. A Hhcrmtn. II H.
lonimlttloii.-r . tf Klfr Oregon, on Itie Will
1ty of Januar, ,1914
! 1 lallntat ntmct it w ItncMct
Jamra A Wilton, l-tnl Ucrner, A. Itoo.a
backer, all of Kile. Oregon, .Sad i Mima
of Harriet. Ortentl.
u- r in n,.i. Ileglner.
i mim. HTA1KM I.ANH OfFlOS,
ItUTiii, OttfMa I'i'f ruiUr , I'M
Nolli . N iirn-l.y jfWeil that William II naiil
nf Wavrrlv. Oregon. Who OQ June I". IVlO,
made JluMiatrii Klilry, No (Ha f.,r M-.'
HtH'ilnn 'Mi. : M , Katigt .t.i K . Will
amend MVr.llan, li rllrl MtlMOf Iriientloti
to uiakr fliml tlirpi- rmt proof, (o I'fltaMlah
claim toflm lain. i alur daMlibod. bfor (tofta
li r ami Iterelvrr. at Huron. Oregon, on tin
I? lh .lay qJ January. 1 'it
Claimant uauife an wtlnea
TnoinaaH Hill. Hlrain K. (rale;, II. I, Van
ooreti, II. ii i y N Mananer all of Wavroty
Wm K.aai, Li-Kim. i
lltirna, Oregon, Itri ember XI, I VMS I
Nnttre la herehy given thai Howard W
Holmea, of llurni, Oregon, who on Mej.t . If,
made Hotoeatead intry. No uMtt, lor " w ' ,
HectlonM), TowiiaMp H . Manga .11 K , Wltlam-
u Mi-rldlati. haa filed untlreof Intention lo
make final five year inmf, in eatahllgh claim
lo (ha land above dem rlhe.1, hefore Heglaler
and Receiver, at Hurtte, Oregon, on (he ;t li da.
January, ItM
rial man t uiniri a lli.raaeN
Hay Orreii. rbarlea Mlgga. Johu II (Jould K.
I Maker, all nl llurni, i iregon .
Wm. Kahhk. Keglaier
II AllgilNl R lull
Hee V NW'a. Fee
lUnge.M I . W'lllniiielte
Mei I.IIkii, hue filed tiotli'r of Intention to make
flnnl three ittar IToof. to eaulilleh claim in
llo- lailll HIMtVa defi'ilbinl, before i liHrlea A
Sherman. D. H rommlaaloner. at Uln, Oregmi,
on lb.- . i b dav 0l Kehrnarv. I'M I
Claimant nnmeaaa ayllOCMM
lopjei.h MlMi-l. Ilelliy MUeel. I I Alt I , I HIreet,
Jim Wllaon all ol Klfe, OfOfon.
Jie K IlLH'iRfa, Heglaler
('HiTkn HfAafH liANh nrri'R
lluoii, Orogon, hei einlx-r '.', H'lH.
Notice a htrcby given that Joanph J.
Kuali-kN, of Hlii'tiN, Oregon, H ho on Arll '.',
I'll.', made lloin.'Hi I rniry No. DNtB for
Idti 4. HW'4 NW'4l Hec 1: lot 1 ami HK'. NK'4,
Mi-. 'Hon i, Townablp gfl H,, Hange I- ,
Willamette Meridian, haa filed iioilca of lit
trnilon to make Dual t'ommuUtloi, I'ronf, io
eaiabllah claim In the laml gboTfl deai rlbed,
l.'fore Hegla'ci and Iterelver, nl Mil rim, oreguu.
mi Mm iH. da) of Kniirtiary, I'd I
( lalmant name aa wltngigosi
tharley W. I owla.of Narrowa, Oregon Hugh
M I li Jay W Kay, both ol lltirna, Oregon
I inn.lore Jelby, 0 Narmwe, Oregon
Wm r.oinr, Heglaler.
11NITKD HT.ITII iMilll'Hi'l I
Minna, Oregon, IHMpggjf '. I'M 1
To Daley Mmlth, no JefTiba of inikuowu ad
dreea, ( oaMttM
Von ui. horeby in. nil.. I thai Ward I rank
n tin who gl via Harrlinan, Oregon. aah la noil
ofllot addroaa.iHd on DooomMrvtb, IvlS, Ilia In
thie oftli e hlk dot) i orrohomiel ill l nn (o
itinteal and ki'eiire the catirellal Ion of your
hoiiieatead. (Act Kib IU. Iwnn, Kerlal No UMI0
made Mareh Mth, 1'JlA, for HK'4 o Heelloll IV,
am) I be K't of N r V "I HoethjO M. and the
of the N W'a. of Kttellon "', Townahlp Ml, hoiith,
Hange At, Km(. Willamette Mert.llao. and aa
grounda for hli contoal he allagea thai haley
smith, now JefTr Ira, uuver made aattlfmeul,
teeidenee or Improventeiita ufHtn aald entry,
that ahe abandoned II and left tin ooonUl
lutmedlaielv alter making the entrv, and hai
never returned to it. or cultivated aame, but
thai abl abandnniueiit cniitlnuea io ihU time
and for more (ban all mnnthe )at iaat.
oh are, thervfure, further nnllflnl that the
aild allegations will Im taken hy ttila nltlte aa
bav lng tweii i oiifeaaed by M. ami your aald
entry will beeanreh l tberenmlrr whhout your
further right lo Im- heard therein niter bOfofO
thia ortlt e or on aal, If you fell lo file In ihla
office within Iwrnty date alter the KOi'HTH
niil.ll. a' .on nl IhU notice, aa ahown belnw.
Vnur anwwer under oath, im 'cifli ally meeting
ami rep..iti. ling lo theae allegatl.iiiff nf conleel ,
or If you fall will. In that time to tile In tbla
ottlce due proof thai you have mi I ) a copy of
your aiiawcr on the ,anl intitentanl either In
peraoli or by regletere.l mall If llila aervlc la
nade by the dell very of t flOp J of your imwrr
to the conteaiaiit In DOrgOO, pfOOf of aueh aer
vl emio Im ell her the nald colt leaf a ill 'a written
u k mmli igmciii of hla rerolpt Of il p.
aimwlng thedate of n re. tint, ol On aflldas It
of the err eon by whom the rfellyery waa made
etatlug w hen and w here the copy waa di liver
e.l if made b) i-gliter'! mall fin mi f of emit
en ( e mull cotiilit of the affldav II of the per
mo I y whom tha gCp) mm mailed, elating
when and the poet office to which It waa mallod
and thia affidavit inuat be aeioutpanled by the
poaimaater a reielpi fOf lite letter.
You ahoold elite in yuUf amwer tha name of
the fioal ofllcd 10 arblofa you deal re In ure
imMi gg to be aelil In ,.in
vVm KARag, Heglaler.
I'i'e nf Ural puhlleallon ie emlier nth lM.
liati of tooood onblli atloit i iiiIh r .ii, Lil3
Italeof (bird put. IM alloit In. emlc,-r f7. I'll
Hate of fourth publh at Ion fgOUgf) , L'M
Nolic lo Creditors.
In i lie iniiUrr l the KfttaU d John II
t ijuiTll, ilcirnactt.
NotltM il hcicliv flftQ litiil llu timlct
hiihi bag been Uppottlted ai.tmtiiitrn
tor of lln. aliovc Unlitird tutu t liv niiKr
of the Uii, I'.r. mt riiuniiaoii, Judr of
the UOUOtjf Court oi llnniMv County
OrcK'ni- All ptrMMM lUMrinj claiinn
.if.iinst auiil catntc air lictcliy imiiticil
to prWVOl them ilttlv vciiltcil aa bj law
iritiirril to the Ailiiiitustralor fat ..urn.
Oregon, in to J W Blffo hk attorney
at lii nllnr ,il lliinis, OrtgOfl within nix
omtlM Iron tiir data of the .Wat pui,ii-
ealiou of thia order.
Iiiat publication Nov. 92( 111.
Aduiinigtiator Ivalate of ohu II (inr
rttts ItcvcaHril.
We reserve nothing. All Dry
Goods, Dress Goods, Furnish
ing Goods and Clothing to be
included in this Sale. Prices
are reduced so that evety thing
offered will move.
The Quality Store
Ptrttgg KTATata l.AHt orrirg, i
Mnrna Oregmi, December U, WM
Notice la bereby given that John J Uardner.
ol llurna, Oregon, who, on December '.', I'"1",
matte lli.meatea.l Kntn. No U1U4U. for K'jHW t
hectloii 4, Townablp '.' H . Range Ml K . w Ilia
metlo Merlillan. baa nu-.l nullie of Intention to
make final tbiee year Cronf, to eataMlab claim
to Ibe laml above deacilbeil, before Keidater
ami Herelver, at llurni. Oregon, on thelatlh
day ol January, 1VM.
t lalmant namea ai wlliiaMea
1'araoi'i A Hyde, Frank KKrlil. OrOffgf
Jameaoi . ' heater Dalfoi. all of Hnma. Oregon
Wm Fahnr. Heglaler
Ijikevlcn, Oregon. November I; I i.
NOT COAl. t.Nlt"
Stilb-t la hereby given (bat Clarence I .eater
White of Klfe. Oregon, who. on Juxiin 'li,
IWin, male II eaieail Kntry (Act Fob II, Ifttf),
.... for nK'a NW',, MW-i NK' lK',
i:'N', .HoM-tlisii 17. Towmhinvl - l:-n. .;
K V lllainelte Mcrhtlan. haa HI. .1 until e nf li
tviitli m '.. make final I liter Year I'mif lA g
tablleh ( lalm to Ibe laml alio.e ileai libgej. .e
lore ('haa A Htivrman. U H I oin m m i-.i -r at
Kile Oregon, on the loth ila of Jamiar), I H.
I lalm i i namea aa wltncwea
ltiKth rtreel, Hfalilee Haltotir, K-l i r I
Htieel. John I'aiiM'h all of Klfe origin.
Jan Y Hi ana,. Hoejtetg
lliiriiM Oregon, NoMinlH'r at, Uwi
Notice la hereby ftVeMI Dial Ma U hi! ing. FOf
merlr Ida '1 timer, of Iturne, oreg.m, wbo DO
March 4. ni. , made Mmneolea.l Knit-. So ."'l .
serial o. Oaiinv. foi rK'4 Koclion IA, iow iblji .o
H , Hange Hi K . VYiliHincMe Memiiaii. baa rlte.i
notice nl intei.tlnn lo make Hi a! Bfl yeMI
priMif, lo eitabliah claim to the laii-l bOH
a rlletil, lett tore Krglxler ami ttorolvor. al llutn-,
Oregon, nit the Mb ila of January, IVII
t' lalmant nami a ai m ItaotVM
i.fiii)'.' . U luting I rank J W hit llig. Krank !
Maker. Frank 0 Jackemi. all of lltirna. oregun
Wm kahhk.. Reg ater
Hurm Oregon o Decroil-er l. I'l .
Nutu-e la hereby glveu that t UrTonl oraua
beck, of Narrowa, Oregon, who, on January U
IVII. made Mnmcilcat Kntry, No. UoJia. for
KHM. M- N''.,tt't W'4Nv4,
HoeUon ft. Tonabli -ti m. Hange Tw K.
H.mth Malheur I ake, V. i II a incite Met Id la u. haa
filed notice of Intention to make final tluee y ear
priMif.iu i atabllnh claim lo the land above de
i'illd. t.etorc Keg liter am) ltccelr, al
Hurm. Oregon, on the JOtb day of January, 1 -ll
i lalmant namea aa wltnraeea
Knee C Kern, i.eorge W i awlllehl, William
1- llarria, Kcmler I. Ilaai, all of Narrow,
Wm Kahkk. Heglater
And bo is my full line of
Allover Lace, Embroidery, Flannel Shirts,
Woolen Hose, Lined Gloves, Woolen Un
derwear and the
Work and Dress
I also pack one of the Rest Stocks
of Groceries to be had anywhere
A. K. Richardson
General Merchandise
Potatoes Cabbage
V 1
llHCTIti HTT I.ANIi.lrr.i . I
Hum,. OrsfSS, I in liar 'iH, IVtl. 1
Nnrl,e la tieraliy iflveii lliat Kriient Kuitenu
lar.un.iif llurni, oreKtin. whu, 00 Mav . IM.1. l.eo. HO, 1VI0, reibefllvely, n.,!.- II -
ca,l Kntry, N :t:7l, Hnrlal (Utjuaiiil No. taut.
torNK'4,Hei- tl. Mi, HKi,. Her, .Hanil H'HW,
II,, ii '.'.' 'Iiiwi.iIiIi. v.'iri , ICancaill K . WllUni
, Hi- Merlillan, liaa fllerl n.HIre nl In.i'iillnu la
ma.e flnnl rive year riHil, tn eitatill.h I'lnlin
tn the laml above ,!, .1 ill.w.1, before Kficl.ter
uii'l Itnralver, al Hum., Oregon, oil the :mili
lay ol January, IVII
t laliuanl uauiea aa alluewe.
W. T. frame, lit-n Koiler. N. Iletine), K. ".
kyttii'.toii all i( llurna. Oregon
Wa. IAaaa, K.i... r
l have on hand a number of work
hones--geldings and mares--for sale.
I have instructions to sell at once
and for cash and will make the
prices right.
J. W. BIGGS, Burns, Oregon
llurna, Oregon, lieremhejr i., iwiy 1
Notice ii hcrehy given that William rtrej
Htulth, of llurua, Oregon, who, on Nov. 6 iv ,
made llouieatead Kntry No UUlu;, fur rh' .
NWJ, K'v eW'( and NW'4HIC'4, Hactfofl 'I
Tuwnahlu ;'.'. H, Hange .'h K VMIlameite
Meridian, haa file. I notice of luteutloti
to make Hnal 1'omniiitalloii nrnnf, lo entahllak
claim to thii land tbovg ag 1 1 bod, before It- n
later and Hecelver. at llurna, Oregon, un I he
Mth day .i January, 1VU
i lalmant Oamea U w itiierma :
Htaut Tyler, larroll Wltheriooii, A In. it
Cote, K- ""erry, all of Hurne, Oregon
Wm. Kahhk. Iteglaler.
llurna, OieHon, Ihi embei 1, IUI.I
Nolli u la hereby given ihat William I' Hurt
man of Andre, Oregon, aaslguue of Kd win
W. HuaJdlng, aaalgnee of Kannle Drake
Drake, Anna leek end Hvrtd A Kllng II... H(,le
helra of Oaorgo A r ling, dereaaed, ban lih t in
tllll (dlh e Ilia liilli Htloli loeiili i llli'li i ,
Hon 'inx., He v lead Htaluteaol the Mulled hie tea
ine nn'iiwi, nee. i, i , ;in n., it ;i.i K , W M
Excluaive (or Surgiial, Medical and Confinamanl Caaaa
"Succaaa in Hoapilal work ia only attained by cloaa and .killed attention lo
detaila by trainad Attendanta."
DBS. STANDARD and HARRIS, Burns, (Ore.
The Owl for Busy People
Dally train each way
between Central
Oregon points and
Portland. Tonrlst
sleeping car Berths
91.00) First class
Save a Day Each Way
Heilal r.o u,.
laud dcacrlhcd, or dealrluu lo
Any and all iuraona claiming ad verel the
ud dcMcrthed. or dealrluu lo ohleet Ihiisiiu ..i
(be mineral i heracter of the laud, or for nn
Fair Feed Yard
Timothy, Alfalfa and Red Top Hay
Baled Hay For Sale
Free Camp House and Feeding Privileges in Corral
or Kurn. Customers Care For Own Stock.
W. A. GOODMAN, Adjoining Fair Grounda.
From Central Oregon To Central Oregon
LaatM Bend 8:30 pm Leave Portland 7:00 pm
Deschutes 8:48 pm Arrive Madras i;:00am
Redmond 9:10 pm " Metolius fi:l.". am
Terrebonne 9:24 p m " Culver 6:28 a m
Culver 10:02 pm " Terrebonne 7:08 am
Metolius 10:20 pm " Redmond 7:23 S
" Madras 10:30 pm " Deschutes 7:43 am
Arrives Portland 8:10 am " Bend 8:00 a
Prompt dispatch of freight, between Central Oregon and Portland
and Portland and Eastern cities.
Connections made in Portland to and from Willamette Y.illey,
Astoria and Clataop Beach points, Pujret Sound, Spokane, Montana,
Colorado, St. Paul, Omaha, Kansas City and Chicago.
Fares, Time Schedules,and other information bv letter, or upo"
application to
R. H. CROZ1ER, J. H. Corbett, Agt.
Aaat. C.rn' I Pa .. Afent, Portland, Ora. Bend Or
W. C. WILKES. Asst. Gen'l Freight A Pas Agent,' Portland Ore-
ii.Iiit ii'ttBou. lo r lie illaii.iKal to ainillcant
atioulil nla thulr altlitavlt of .i,,ii-.i ),, n,i.
odtca on or t.i'l.iii' tha Iwtjtttay of January, lull,
Wn.fiui, Hantatar.
Klrat iiiililliatiou liwiriiilHir IK, lui:i.
Iat imliili allot, January 17, lull.
The Odd Fellows are going to
that there is a taint of graft in install their officers tonight.
llurna, orasou, Daoaauar, , lym.
Nollca la liaraby ln that lliu Kiik , Il
Marali, ol Hum.. Oregon. Mho on Anll li, luuu
anil J li im , lul'J, rvaiii'i'llvvly. niacin lloiim
aluail Kntrloa, Noa Uikll'i U.III7. Inr NW'.tiiil
NK1., Hni'llon li. li.wiiahlii.iH , Itaiiiiu tl K.,
VI illaiin-M. Mariillau, haa nloil uollru of Intfii
tlon to maki. Klual Ihruu yuar I'ronl.,
claim lo tha laml aliova Uaacllrtil, Errfora
lual.h.r ami Itxciilvur at Uulua, Oraaoti, on
urn i. mi us; ui January, iui i
clalinaiit namea as
iiavi Miliar, u H
I Itoee.l A Miller, all
Ueyuoltla, 1
ir itnrna. oieaou.
Rexall Drug Store
Is now prepared to supply your
wants In every thing along the
Holiday Line.
Have a Look Before Buying
Heed Bros. Props.
Have arrived and we are now ready to
upply you with your requirement.....
have been added and all goods will be
The Burns Department Store
All the news in The TimesrHerald for $2.00