The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, December 27, 1913, Image 4

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by a la
Daring hot wonthor ninny farmer
bar troohl with tour nltfr. fchla
cao-es much lOM nn only to tin- farm
or who keep one or mof eow for
farollv iis, luit I'sporliilly lo (lio tlnli.i
wan who retnll liln milk or iiiiw It I"
dealrr In tho i II) 'I !" iloiiliT uoual
If pay only one half price for sour
milk or refuses lo acceid li nl anj
price, thus enlitillUK heavy inis to lln
Sweet milk run !' prodtocod and da
llvercd In prime eimlllloti lo tha cm
tomer In the luillpal auiniuor weather
writes a Kentucky dairyman In lln
New BtiKlmxl Hoiiirstood I hnve t a
fa years slilp;i i nillli n distance uf
lifts sov, i li a. the milk In'lnu. three
hours on the train, and have not hnrl
a drop of sum- milk during that llm'
These ihlpmetils ranircd from sixty to
ninety aallnns n tlnj During about
half of this time the milk whs (hipped
In eight nml trn anllon can the re
malnder of the time In qnnrl and plnl
Good awtet milk depend m two
item cleanliness ami cold tampan
tore. To aectire these the followlna
rules shonlil be ebserved:
Hstp the taw's adder rimm bofora
milking. A clean damp doth can !
Red foiled cattle originated In 111
eet of KiiKtiuK1 and ars an oM foal
puitsw bread They ire s""d mii.
rs ami skat 1 1 Vtf oa Bash maily
and quickly whan put on tattsalni
feed Tiir eew shown is i.imi, own
ed by A l Arp Of Iowa III nu
he yielded; It pounds of miii
conlulnliix lis.9 pounds "i butter
faL lis in m s .11 she ni
pounds uf milk with 1st pounds of
butter fst. tlio totsl for tare rear
bslnc S0.6T2.T5 pounds Of milk con
taining SSftIS pounds or butter tut.
need for this porpoo nml can be en
rlad In the pocket of tin- milker. Duly
a fw seeniids are raqolrad to wipe th
udder off liiinusll.-itrly before Delta
nlng to milk the COW. In my experi
ence this simple expedient has worked
Be careful Dot to allow naife, dual
or dirt to fall luto the milk. They
are all laden with gertni Henna eaoo
tho milk to aour. Tin' i ran ear the
number of gonna the iuk'ker the sour
bag will acenr. V paH with a sinull
spelling will lie vary helpful In keep
log out dust and other illi t
TJse Ihe mill; pall for po other pur
pose than fur milking Some dairymen
use It for watering Uio horses mid
slopping the hogs ami then wonder
why the milk sours
Cool tho milk Immediate!' by run
ning It over a milk cooler "r by Im
mersing In cold spring or Well water.
The animal heat must, be removed !
fore piscine In enns or Imttlisl for de
livery or shipment If leccHsnry to
hold the nhjjlt'a milk for sliliniit un
til the next iiiernltii: It aasOOld lie held
at a low teniM-rnturc. Ootd springs or
well water In a wooden or metiil tank
of proper size lo hold shipping cans
may be used fur this purpoao. If run
nlng spring water Is at band Hit a will
serve admirably. In emuo cases the
milk or cream may be lowered Into a
cistern and kept cool until time, for
shipment If eare Is exercised milk
can be kept sweet without be, but a
supply of lee Is very desirable.
Another Important point wash all
vessels carefully i:auiliio frequently
In the aiiK'les to see that no acCTJBWUi
tiou of yellow, slimy casein material
collects, as this will certainly cause
rapid souring. After washing aeaid
all vessels with Iwvllltii; water and place
In pure fresh nlr until ready for use.
If exposed to tho sun so much tho bet
ter, as sunlight Is the liest germ killer
and purlQer.
Grooming Heavy Horses.
Horses left ungroomed and umlrled
are liable to skin iiilments, sore backs,
collar galls a ml parasitic affections
Chills and Illness also follow In the
wake where animals receive faulty at
tention In this respect Half nn hour
twice a day on groontilUI Is time well
spent Many IIkIiI draft horses have
their bodies clipped, and not a few tfi
clipped all over clipping enables the
animals to do the work more easily
and facilitates the keeping clean of the
body. The profuse sweating seen with
a heavy coat Is molded, mid the risk
of subsequent 'hill Is made less The
week after clipping H, however, dan
gerous for catching cohl, and the con
slderate horseman always clothes the
animal at such a time when standing
or takes his loin cloth with him
Treatment For Pink Eye.
Influenza, often called pink eye, usu
ally contracted by contagion lu strange
stables, should lie treated us follews:
Bandage the legs from feet to body
with soft straw or hay rope. Allow
the horse nil the cold water he wants
to drink In each pailful of water dis
solve two teaspoonfuls of snltpoter.
Three times a day give him ten drops
of fluid extract of belladonna leaves.
one dri if lluld extract of gentian
root half a leaspoonful of saltpeter
and four talilcspooofuls of whisky In
some water as olio doso. Knrin Jour
Instead of looking upon com
petition an the baneful and anil
social prim Iple whl li It Is held
to be by the generality of So
clallslM, I conceive that even In
the present Main of sislely mid
Industry every restriction of It Is
an oll and every extension of
It. even If for n time Injuriously
affecting some cIiinn of laborers,
Is always an ultimata good To
bo protected against competition
In to be protected In Idleness, lu
mental dullness, to bo saved Ihe
necessity of being as in live nml
as Intelligent as oilier people,
and, if II Is also to be protected
against being underbid for cm
ployinent by a less highly paid
class of laborers, this Is only
where old custom or local and
partial monopoly has placed sonic
particular class of artisans In a
privileged position us i . impaled
with Hie root, ami the llino has
come whan lb Interest "f unl
vernal uaprevotnant la no longer
promoted by prolonging the priv
ileges of tho few. John Htuaii
Ita Course From Chaos to I...
Hopeless Death Struggle
The First Is Shown by Jupiter, the
Secentl by tba Earth and the Third
by Mara, While the Moon Shows the
Empty Stage After the Play Is Done.
No stage as ever set fur Midi I
liimody as Ihe planet Mars present
II Is the last net In Ihe iliania of
world' history I
The iirst it i in such drama cousUrts
nl scenes from chaos The huge plan
,i Jupiter offer us a ipectai la of thai
kind III Ms stiviiiuliitf bells of llilck
cloud and lis whirling vapora, low
lug like sleani nlnno a furnace
ihe R Hid at Is represented by the
earth, With Its fertile crust. Its tool, III
lgoralliig atmosphere and Us life an
Ciinlng seas that give birth 10 th
clond which, coudeii.Ung 00 the
mountains, furnish the rains and set
i lie livers flowing-
The do-dug act Is tho role of Mnrs.
(here Ihe seas hae vanished, the at
muapban has thinned nob lb rivers
llitf disappeared, the ciiutlnents have
I hi ued Into deserts, and life, driven Into
i comer, Is buttling against llnal 01
nn. lion
Thai there Is yet Intelligent life oil
Mars Is the universal heller of all Ihe
observers whom Mr Lowell has rath
end about him at his lingstiilf ob
tnrratory, where thoattraordlnavr ph
uouieiia of that WOndafful planet an
Judltsl ns nowhere else In the world.
.More than Hint, they toll us With
.hit lihiisislng emphasis thai Ihe poo
pla Of Mai's, compelled by BC0lty,
hive ileicloped a coininaiul over Hutu
nil forces which would seem iiilrncn
Ions If exhibited upon the earth
With them It has become simply a
luestlou of brain power again i Hu
Imiiitmale power of nature
i'hey have nights mid d I) of the
same length as ours. They bae sen
sins almost precisely cm responding
with ours, except that they are each
twice as long I tut their means are
dried up. no rains fall ithoiigh there
My bo dWa), and nearly all Ihe at
iiMMpuerti moisture b alternately loch
is up III one or the other of tin- p dar
lu such a situation no icgetntloti can
flourish unless artllliially stlmflbttl
by a gigantic system of InU.itlon An
Without i e'tetalloij anlinil existence I
Hut whence can Hu1 Inhabitant of
Mars derive Hu water needed for Ini
IS t Ion I The nnswir iiv c:i Is that 111
get it periodically from ttm inciting or
the polar snows Itelm: without i
Hid risers they tune Do other s
of supply
nil Mars the reign of universal pa CO
must have begun ages ago, Introduced
not by moral or sentimental Coll hi
eratlons. but by the necessity of unit
Ing all the engineering skill, all the In
'nlhe powers and all the ph
fofTe of tho entire popnlitl f till
planet lu a cowman battle for life.
Tl lily thought of their luveiit"i
is of Improved menu for controlling
the (JOWly lessening siii.plh i.r D10
line that once lu about two or our
wars may lie drawn WJ In in one
of the poll's While the summer sun
dilue Is dissolving lis thin snows
This universal comeiiir .iilmi or men
I il energy upon a single aim Is eon
..lied as liming developed upon Mar.
a knowledge of the hidden force '
nature such as has up to the p
inn lj lns'ii dreamed of 00 the earth
We have Just begun to learn how to
no electricity iii the mechanic mis.
Inn I ba7 may lime nulls ked Ihe sis ret
roii es inctoaad in the atoms of matter
Which our si lence has recently assured
iis exist Without showing us bow to
utilize them
Only by such sappositlons can th
canals." hundreds of EOliaa wide an I
iliiiusjiiiils of miles lung, be in count. !
lor. If. nr. the Flagstaff observers In
slot those objects oro really of aril
II i l ollglll II should be said, how
put. Hint III Mr Lowell's opinion Hie
band called canals lire. In fact, Ini
gated belts
The real canals within tliclu are in
risible, while the progressive Barken
lug or these belt, as the polar melting
he-lenses. Is due to the growth or veg
I'tntlnn stimulated by Hie water
fler the world life draina dole
heic Is left an empty stage, mid thli
Is represented by the union Tho lunar
world baa lost all its water lis trag
ih is Mulshed The acton are all dead
Millions of years ago there limy luive
been battle fo lire there like that
wlih h now appears lo be raging on
Mars And millions or years In the
future Ihe stage of the earth will prob
iWj be set fur a similar tragedy I'm
to II yes or the overlook)!
'. age n intie lha keopofl re's Dgurei
AH ,in .kv'i a Kings,
tl I III tlir Hull-In anil suns nr-. I
M Pus
HaiTetl I" Hervlss In New Vmi. lo
folding a Cost.
Here Is H.e win to fohl a man'
w hen you want In pack II lu a
or a trunk. I.ny the coat out perfc 1 1 j
flat right side up Spread the e!
out smoothly, then fold thorn bad it
the elbow until Ihe lioltOllis of Ihe
pttff are eton wilh the collar Fold
the rOVOn back mid double the colli
uer folding It Oil tho 'enter Hen in
Smooth out all wrinkles and lay II mi
i lei el lOrfBO III Ihe Irllllli
Half the Joy or lire Is III little thin
l.ilieu on the run liavld Start .lord hi
A Thought Daatroyar.
Mrs. Illnks- Now Hial yon have u lit
tie son and heir I think you ought lo
stay at home evenings and think ghoul
Ids future
Mr. Illnks -That's Just the I I.I.-
lie raises such an eternal I
have lu go out to think -I'mk.
Getting Monotonous.
Maud The say thai Jack, baa woo
ed nnd proposed to no rower limn ton
lOlhel Vi-s, and he's breathed Ihe
suinc vows over and over until Ihey
are thoroughly vitiated Ronton Trail
Time Honored Tradition.
"I ordered pork mid beans ill. In t IV"
"Certainly, bos.''
"Well, here's tho pork?"
"Why, boss, you know Ihe pmk Is
only a polite llctlon " IjiiiIuvIIIc Cou
ricr Journal
The Usual Way.
"f'ltul'u lllul 111, I III, , I, Ml, ,11 llf It III, Mill
to make her husband beat the carpet "
Mow was that decellruW
'Hhi wnnleil to throw iliii.l In Ids
ye."-Baltimore American
Orsng Blononi and Other Things
Strewn by the Wayalda.
0 MANOR IiIoh i me iipt i
but ii i-i bad I'm in to qunrfvl
w illi ' i nr liiislmnd as to which
ill v mi paid Ihe I e for tl
en von I :nc I i idOd Ihe "cat' Il "I
I'' dmii dim Ihe glory of y
li n ih it li" was only
a minnow
He tat Iftlled If your husband holds
mi In III h i i I don'l
!il ,n In hold fOn upmi Ills I "p This Is
an iiiiseiillinculal
When n ' ' IU bci nine Ills
,,,, , I, U ,c nn, btfOra U inning Hie
I tt li' have II evamliied by a good law
i , i
Aboiil one WOrmm In every flfly can
i .1 U,'j I I oelt ihe ollicl
1, .,- it ii-ni in- t i , ,,-. . --
i I.... I...II... I..., f l,ul
Mi me n,iinei m-iirinii,
ild be If they lhed and
nr,. I, ipple i a inn Ihoy know ih i h
ii nc
If Mm i. -in by hlntlfig that your
i mil or dale and thai m.ii
,,i new furs yuiir Inisliaml will le
Up (he money for I new lint c.liull.v
1 1,,. :,.v i ic i woman I lha op
husband thinks "she la il sweet.
I Utile tiling, but well, hurdh mv
equal menially " rOW hungrier for
i.ive when lief iilTeiiloiis are Starred
I, a i o a mini loses his appetite
in love ami turn In business or I l
I he lic-l way to cine a liusbai I ol
pond so inn
nne l lull be vv in bit ti u
No mallei bow dlanppolntad you uiaj
i c in husband, ooror ravool thai
i.i i M him tic might dlaeto I idle
i : i tint would i
little heap look Mi'.v sinull
a patlrn I nay uffer i '
, . "LI bill he W III li "
II b 'ih are chilled
' , . i mlglll be able to iiiukc an nn
.,t v mi h - ban i. but if yon did ya
Would ,llw . I I'i it All
win. i an tngellc wife -Torroll
I.OM- II lllld :- III l.lpplll' oil's
Vtry Considerate.
S. lottti I are nn, rlilallv
i bci none mora o in in i er
l:,li, i;, ri'i'in piofcNsor He Mil I
one day hi w lie placing II large D IU
I I I -1 I'll hi lb' k
I in,-. in';" he Inquired
Why. this N MUlr wedding lllinlici
replied ! wlf
'., I, I ,1 - 1)1 Well, let nn- l.ll'iu
w :,, ii ..ii i icini around, nd rn rr
ne" Fun
Noture'e nenion Wsy.
".Mi." nun mil!, i ITof H I h l
i-tpher in i i ! idn Irol
r. i uttering dl I I
i. nine h! . eqill l" 'I I. el nil
., , un '" III I'i
tins hu d '
"Yep i '--'' i "'
lli ! nice, P. 'hold the h il I ' HI l
faCllltf are lei ."-li n iVe but
they are In ever way innplc fo ii
!"i: i ' B '' J
A Fisture.
1 1 1 -1 e "II ell h ill -It Ills
i I h.lll oil. IIS llqlllll I lie."
'(Iron ( lupiiei : Then that'a a liy I
, ani l n Ici "ii r til
Aiuciii nu
The deacon wool on n fi lb hot n
rlrcus eiileilalnniiiil Ills pnotor re
innuslralcil wllh lllm on Ihe w i
ness of ao doing Th deacon an
swen ii
"Why. Mm see. pnotor, i bad d d
bOOd li' l" ami I Ihotigol II in;.
body out ot Hi n
seal w h o might ! ti irmed bj the i" '
i ii nn c ' .Sew Verb Time
. . nttltad in ihe Jap
laud mailer was nee,.
sin y, i :ii"i fur Ihe ho il
Interests of Ih count, If tho
I failed lo mi as
pledged legl i.iiiin
I i " telling what vln
-, dabod might have
stir up a leall.
rilOtioaOl episode I
bofora many years
of Unit .ii ii ii
ih a in annul heir righi
In villi I gl nil got ei niniiil by
a i muni--ion sent from Wiish
in nn, simply hocauae native
horn I, I'inic i w in outnumber
mid oiitrdl i in-ill. ( 'n II fin ii ! i
bus ic ii i h r loespn from
rfnwuil iiiiiioiph prockebj
IliK oil the high hill's lb
I look f r dow n the alley dim
i'o w here tho gurnet in the era I
I'.ui in. fnlnl iignltcd the gic i
earth' rtm
The hiiiue lights i"l Ihe shadow
i d rgta
i he.! i ini. I i hills far and
U'ee I.e." HI llgllls t Illi t III'M'I
i'o pi'llll I In- feel Ihe hiillie
ward wn
'i'hey send icros Hie Iwillghl
i hem word lo lieinis w ho
foil II I
Fiuii H a Ml ill- Hull liiighllv
in n . ik the place of love and
eu, III It.- still's nl caiih. w ho e
I I n .low n I In- viilley dim,
' i llghi I., love as Ihey w I
in baaveua fur light us to him!
.iiliui Wallace l'eiuii
It la curious how much faster a
nlii'i 'in bump uliing when you ro
riiniiln t aflei li ih, in w lien you nro rid
lug lu II Vew Orleans Plrayitn
-'' ' .. . '. ''
WAO: .. A'Nl) idORALITV.
IP i nonsense
: I Unit ii il who Is lin-
".111 lend a
., d I think
wages linie nothing lo do with
Ihe qlll all II ol ' alll.l . ami Ihe
Iris l! " 'ic Ihe llrnt
Hon thai tho
I " let ly
I,. i mti ini i, ir course
Wo will nil hni c t", see that
nlneil life pnld wages
II III li lie-, i un live, but
n Pi false nml ililiculoiis to as
i, 1 1 Ihul Iheie In il dlrci rein
' ii" in Ihe VI ages oT won
i , Ih. Ic mmnllly. And
woi I i, , , i . era the llrsl
III lli i mil anolher Indl
I il. Ink, thnl Ihey are
i helpers. Miss
M " in
I nil i 'Ol'HICAL.
! Miy wise man that
i Hull ir n ei in weie per
nil ihe ballad
ire who should
r ,i nation An
i i, i, in i
.Many n d ini croun temptation
line guy colors
that me but skin deep. Mat
lllOVJ I '
i, : i i r la I i, "I" Is the
magi i Iho iimiri bi t as or
I, I. RB nll.Vthlllg iiillli'S nVrOBS
him in ot it i'iw- wbi li
h, lines I u III lll'haril Itilll
I Hie man im
efll niiikss liK
id,, nn " It baa no power
' or w illiln Mar
l!i, I'll
i ! to Imcll
! 'II 'Mil ll
.- - I
bill I I llloglll"
OR m.ii tor
In lloliis I'lln't 111
.mi ihe laws "T
i. (wearily) An I
,f nr,-
Pretty Close.
"Is he j '
"W, ' I. d, "Von
! i ii rr Usi but mosey la
I deal easier
Hum II ' -
i tual dandyism
le .t hers -Mir..
Lit TK.
i i n i i
. II, I.M
be, in gi
,, ..
. ItsMS,
i id i
ulai ,. ,i ii. ,
un . ,,
i i,.r "
Hi .iilrr
, w n in I li I',
i I. -nl.. : Pairli,
'I". m.,.
IIhiiri- a
I I II I t lllllll ,.,,1 III
, i t-ni I'I, Nil lo ,
, ,
" itat ,,i jsn
. nt, II
i ,., . ii, , ,
i ilen ' .
Oregon Agricultural College
DsHJeaabe 8 to 13, 1913
notable event in
the educational hiatoryof Oregon
i i i inn will be
tho I' adin . i ipic of a itimulatinfl
.ciii Tin week will
h crowdi 1 liissmn;!, nnd
n fVi'iyiliino
Hint : i. I fare ( tht
fan imo-moker,
January A lu .lu. 1014
tbul p.
... i ...I, jilele ii .11
I Mil .' III.
-i "III e.l III lie
Hni I leu 1 1 lira Anii. il
Hub. i . n I'llll H Im eiiii(,
Mi eh nn, i I-, I 'inn I,,- - ,. i,i ,. ,un!
i', ' i n mi Mmci
N 1 1 in, ' Iii en iluu "i
I Alt Mi , i l'' l; I Hon. ,i
.ling I s
liic. a , ' i .in ,i ii pn.ljla
bin wlnti ling No tuition Ai
ii,.i III j, n- I, ,1' I ,l,lr l.'eilniN'd ratesoli
il i.nin ids, i nf inrihci Information
II. M II NNAKT, llcalslrar.
t'orvallis ilregim
I ii no i ' i in im a i '"'lines by i "'
ri i nl, -, ii li'.u' tuition,
I .ii:JUi4VJ
5r oo x".i o !
i .tvdwoo looi v
l hi nil juj I'ti.iS
MiaiMj su -yupuxX
A.iiit ii Miau
811 ON 311 MAS
, i, ii.i-l mny -aura ,H,
p rr-ot-ot-sj-r
ubj .jmotWH,,
, i .nana
Sil'J V. L
f . I . V Jk
. " 2tf
I -,u
I ' "
! I OssMa
ft' SKMf ' W-
I'atrons of the A. K. Richard-,
Hon ift'iioral merchandise store,
are in luck. The boys havo hi -ranged
to (five away a handsome j
7-piece breakfast set to patrons
Hhowinir by a coupon that they
have traded to the amount of
$25 Ask them about it. 44tf
AuHtin Goodman is ready to
Ki'inH Krain and has a building
in which it may be stored by
farmers at any time. Ho will
grind one day each week and
farmers may store their grain
any day and get it when con
venient. HeliB prepared to take
Krain as pay for grinding at the
market price. Special prices on
large quantities, 44tf.
liurnv, orrRou, tritntir I, lulfl.i
Noiltf I hvfhf k! vcn Ihftt Willi., in Hun
milljOl Nmlri'Wi, Ort-Koii, who, un )t-rrinMT
I I ill, mad lloiii.iiffi.i KiiifT, Nn. ii7i mi, I.. i
M '.cW'i nii'l H'jHV;.. Hoi-dtin 9, Towiiahij.
IA RoaSffi N , vViiiM..titt Meridian, lis
illi -I hOtlCoJ ol ItiiriitMui to iiitthf dual flv n
proof, tn aluiilluli i IkImi to I In- Uixl hImivh d
i till.. , bvfortl flit lOlatPr iinl Kinilvit nl
lil 1 1 H . IlrVffOB ltl the l.'lll 'Uy of JSIIIIRM
I 4
i Ini Hu' nl iMini'a HI il in iMMft,
nl niii ii MIk-isiiii, Klini-r 'arlaoii, J It KM
I.-. .l.iii, i lmrlta 'I'tifiM r, )l r A ndmwn, Ortn
i, Oregon
11 -slater
I inn,.
Appointment of Administrator,
In I In- inn! lei nl llie mtntr of
Inula S. Hayes, decrascd.
Nut ice is lirri'by K'V" I but tin- iindii-
leiiiil lie tins day br.-n duly aiMiintrd
llir ndniinistratur id tin- above entitled
i ..I, ile nml ban duly iiiiilill,il All j w i
suns buviiiK elaitns iix'i'usl snid retail
un Inieliy i,iiuiii lu present lliein
willi n,,K'i voiicbrrs tolbe undersixoeit
nt Ins iraideufr near l.nwt'ii, Oregon, Of
III I lie ollli'i id' ti. A KiUlllxdil, bin :il
loiiiry at limns, flireun, doled (K'tulnri
28. 11H3.
I'iret pillilicatinn, IKIiiIn-i 16, IMS.
HtiiTT Havkh, Administrator,
MAHNKV I nliiiS, NO. 77, I. O O V.
Mesia even niunlar in oil.t 1.1110. Hall
. 11. A I'lin n .
, ,,...ii.i. aasraiari n. i,.
I'"J", uink loUiiwi I II. I "-nl iilinV I I.I
'In'ii'i n, 1 oiul Sallinlai First 1'i-an,; Hit.. I
-iilul'IS), nee.iliil I,-kii-. loinllt halilnlni
I 101. 1 lii-wrr,'.
in iiv-i Minor, no. 7, a. 1 1 m ,
Mni'le iivery flrst ami tlilnl -elluiUi Is eerl
in. .nil, I . '.null, tt M
Ham M.iii,, r. In. ait nerri-lan
Maaia rnOaj 1,
Ilia at I 11 11 I. Hall .11 ,,,ri (mi t ,, n li...
.n m-,1i, i,ta will ,i.., i..iw,ii i,i-
i"""' M A align. 1
tt I li.!. r.l lolk.
itriiNH lii.M'iKK bO. eo.o k. i
Mi, la , 1, ti .inn,! ami fourth,la)i In
' Hell I lankn- tt.-l. in, , tt l
nin Sm-ek, Hoi ralary.
JaMaofetj laiantlil Wednreda)
111 11 II,- Hall. , 1 n,
Mn.ln,- I ,..,t nr.l, Ki ,- -., 1 -,
I' 1 Un 11. n.. li ,. a'.iil.
Mi-nta i-n-rj fourll, I hdlaila.
Van. 1 Morton
in -!. 1 ion-linen. a rk
evATa oaanos
t' H BaeaaO I Juiialliau Huur,,,-Jr
In,-., K tiauiberlalll
iW II Klli.
1 ".il'iomi'ii I J V llasl.)
All.iru. ) loi.nal A. at. I rawloril
""'""I .. .... nivinl.l tti
-'. In,) ..I Male I a llrlia.n
''earner X. n Kai
-iiil I'iiI.ii. n, aim. -,..., ,. I. K Al.lrrinai. 1
MM l-llliler n nlmnlaiil
II. .1,1 Kah In
I A M. I'i. '.
'i.i. ... In.lai.a ...... 11 llunn'l
I' . Hia
1 v. a. aiH.11-
NIMll Jl I'll 1 tl. IIIHTKII.'T.
' ' ",,1,, Hallos ee
' ' i'"!", , w. II. Ilrook.-
"..iili I'l.l All) 01 l.-i.nei.l
i In-iilt tiiiiil in,-, ia
ihe Drat MiMi'tav In
Alnll ami Iii. I M..11.U,
fin nl rteual'tr
i.iImi K'.ii-ai'iilaflve
lu r
0 H larrlah
W. Hi.ttiAit
Wit KT lUKKKi:
I nlllil I Jii.ltfi'
I Itlk
-hi irwjruj
-1 h.M.I .iiiH'tlt'laiiiilviil
'.taiii I hnuiMHn
K I IhiKlx l
I. A Mm, 1
k. Hfurt
A. K It la
J. J iNMIMtn
I. M ll-.iiult.iii
(i. W rhitiik'i 1
John KuliiiiM'ti
1 1" I. Ajrl.t'o'if
illi. Hal 11
t .'nun'
nu'k InapMtou
1 t.iiiiiiiaafnnani
1 llllltl) 1 null Ml la 1
In n 1 Wuhii mlaj iti
lMlt ' . In li Mav
ln lot
Jill) . ,-ii'H. I..-I hi. !
hihkii 1 a, t.ihi, nrrii r
U k an
1 1 i-i
W III I m 1 ,
I rani Imii-y
IT. ,.1'SNa
'la... 1. Hani Mi'lliiialii-i.-l
11 Il'i, . A. il ll)i.
In -lli. . Mama n inn 1.
Marshal, ..Il,
(II. J. linn-.
1. 1 VYali "in.
Jaai'-a l.ani.alii re
I N. J M, 1, 1
eteeuwea .u Ua ISoaaail averi lood a..i
I. . In, a. I
j Mrs. Oracc I.. Mcliose j
Voice and Piano
Method Used In
pCinciaialli Coaservalory of Music
Hoaldence Slutllu and door weal
Presbyterian Church
$1500 Reward!
liin nii'L'tii, fa I
H.'inlnniiil Niinlii
l.i .niui'k I'li'ln
Cllill Aaeniinl Inn i.l
"iiiiii nn. uudttt
niani'.i la iiii'inii. i
will gilt' ll,IBJtl INI
ii'wnnl tin SSI
li'iir,. Inedllia to
tin- arlcat anil i-im
vliiluii uf mi) par
ly in I'arline alual
Ins hnreea. rattta
nr iiililna lii'lonaliia
la any nt tie iiii-in
lu ailituiiui
In the slsive, Ihe uuilDrsliinnl
ulli'ia iln aaiae mii.lUioii nuo.0U Im all Imiaia I lunar alinil bar ou both or either Jaw,
liiiia. I iih'oiiIwI In ilalil inuullea llani
Mm im), l.sSa suit t'ronk nountles. Horaus
'. - uti .1 ii Ui'tl aolil.
None but arown hursea sold and mil) lu
MIS'' I'll In lira.
W W.HHtiWN Slle. (Iri'Kuu
tlsiTin Stutkii I,4sn orri' s J
liiirne, Oregon Novanaei lu.
Nntlre In luri'lijr l van lhal Ids M. Alhsrisini,
Ol Vsaalm iiovini. who, on I" I I, CHI maili.
l. ' Il I i.H'1 '
Sin.HWi,, SU.-W ', iini I ' ' ""' '
Tnwinhlp H. Huns- R., VUlla-n. lb
Mi'iblleii. hns llli-'l mill I InlentllMI liilioln
tii'i proof lo i-iiib-ii i iniin rn Ho' i'"i
sIhivo it, a, i it.i-,1. before Heslsier sol I
ni llurns.Ort-KOO, on tin- 'i'llll 'In, ..I I
her, eii.i
i Inlmniil aniilin nn nilimnnii
i i HroWB, n flora, Orsapn. J nun, m.
l Wavi'ilr. (ni'son. A A 'I l.K'ii. ,'l
I m . r 11, urn, ol iiKiiininii, iiiihii"
Ws, KBS. 11,'Kleli-i
Sumpter Valley Railway Co.
Arrival ami Departure Of Trains
No. 2, Prairie 10:1SA.M.
Sumpter 2:35 P. M.
Arrive Baker 4:00 P. M.
No. 1, Baker 8:30 A. M.
Sumpter 1 0:05 A. M.
Arrives Prairie 2:10 P. M.
No. 1 Makes koo1 Qonneetfon
withf).-W. R. & N. No. 10 left
Inn- Portland 0:40 P. M. Mid No.
17 from cast nrriviiij.r Baker :")
A. M.
No 2 Connects with I,.t (irsndt
local 7:-50 to Lt Qntnde, and No
0 (fast Mail) picks uj sleepei
there arriviriR- in Portland 7:mi
A. M. vIho with No. IK for
points KiiHt.
Stock Inspector. Harney Cniinlv.
Horn A lit i "
ItllTi," ' H
From all Stations
on the
Oregon-Washington Railroad Navigation Co.
Sale Date
Dec. 18 to 24
All Points in Oregon, Washington ant! Idaho
and ri -
The First Time in the History of tin- Nortl -eat
Thnt Holnlay Ralea l-.r hWn
Karen and aprnd t brtataaa and ' .
-i, I'titiii'iil 11 - -
O-W. R.
..'. " L .: -'
You can buy no better gun
for target work and all
small game up to
200 yards.
The acilid Iff ia
aaaaiiiiaa briaa IJ.
,i..l I
I bead
Tie IM ease JKarnfce
-I Sals ae aVaaia Val rU
Seal .. rani iaaV.iiaal eaakai
Sand Maiaa far II lJ.,
If You Want ALL The Home News
$2.00 a year
Best Job Printing
You get it all in The Times-Herald For $2.00
Mnd ronni- none eouth VI
Leaves llarrimnn Monday nml Tbureday
and arrieee Wrdii.-dy and Saturday
rmh si'l .: wiib outhern
line lo llenio, VI i, is, etc.
4' i1
i i
Jbwdlor. ' 'I'li'-i'tn "i-i
I'.tl'.'I'.'IV '!.
I'm,- ,,K I. Ki (.ini itin A pf
: - LONE - : -
I m ui'di POOM Mmp. -
Mini' Al Ml Horn . Short
i Orden and Prompt Service
ill, I,', b i ' able liates
Give Me A dill
Otnoinllr -Ilmcs-ll. rul Hallellna
.1. ;tli
in i
& N.
RU: iL
change of
oiechaniaOD it
handles .22 short.
lont! nr K.n-rifle cartridaea
perfectly. Tho deep Ballard
srifling develops ni iimum power and
accuracy and adds yearj to ihe We of rifles.
praanctiua li.aa itfi-i-a'.e cattriiica. ivanrn powilai aaj
lw.1 I pa aila -n UaaKlrd asSBJ
and allow.
iwiiiitKl. anut.lal.ialalnl, A ilh amine
. ti.m nam. Wail rail, ilanr 71 tliatrat
i,nm,. J. i-ib.fln.,i. - i,i ,..
quaikaalaedeasaalteciaan. A arral .aiati.n, nflt. AU any sua
7e 777aiVn firearms &
41 W.llew Street New Haeea. Cesas,
Barns, .
lllliee in ri' I
Il .VASbaSkJ
if UTM fraWllti
Call iiaera J
'Phone Han
Dr. Ml
Ulrect Ti
Office first!
G. A.
Ronnie 6
Karae loaoa qn
rrartire in I
(ore the t .
Aaaerecte-. U.I
OMee belaV' ii Hu
sad!,: 01
Buiaa, '
a. D. Ooorat
Asee. a AM.aetil
Civil and ty
rlureyi, Mu,l
F. i '. nn i ci.ii
Koraierly A a.
lull. R
Eastern Or
civn m
JliAN 1.
'HAS. M AM . H
liaatril 1 I
CEO. 4
Seeelal aWeallea
aaseaasl Han