The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, December 20, 1913, Image 3

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til Circulation Of Any
In Harney County.
ch1 News.
in tonitcht.
itmas trees may be se-
ke Sweek home.
legys was over trom
lis week.
krters for Santa Clans.
Dalton A Co. 4
bchner was over from
near Buchanan this
ll big dance on Christ-
at Tonawama. Fine
1;ir is selling her mil-
educed prices until it
See her at once.
jTRiil of the high school
spend the Christmas
rith her mother in
G. Carl is prepared
attention to all (lis-'
ear and nose. Eyes i
rlasses fitted. 50tf.
ipson is having his f
joved from its former.
it by A. K. Richard-
east lots adjoining
Is home.
barley, the six row-
raised on new ground
Jy free from other
snts per lb. Vic.
ber Pius Neirmann, of I
Catholic church, re-1
irsday evening from
of several weeks
jrtland and at other
Burns, Ore... Dee. 20. 1913
To our Friends and Patrons :
The year now drawing to a olose has
been one of the most satisfactory and
suooessful of our oareor. During the
year or 1913 a larger volume of busi
ness was transacted through our Insti
tution than during any previous year in
our history. Within the past sixty days
more new accounts have been opened with
us than In any like period heretofore,
while our books now oontaln a larger
number of depositors than ever before
a silent tribute to the fact mat our
business methods have met with the pub
no's generous approval, and that our
banking policies have proven right un
der the exacting test of time.
During the past year we have In
creased our offloe force, have further
perfeoted, our carefully devised system
of handling the large volume or busi
ness committed to our charge, and have
added the newest and latest office
equipment, so that we are now enabled
to render better and more efficient
service to our patrons than at any time
in the past.
With the approach of the holiday
period we extend to our many friends
the season's greeting. We desire to
thank you for your past patronage, for
the kindly words of commendation that
have brought us new friends and pat
rons. That the New Year may bring you
one and all prosperity and plenty is
our slnoersst wish
With best wishes for a Merry
Christmas and a happy and prosperous
New Year, I am.
Very sincerely yours,
J. L. Gault,
will stay open Mon-
y ana weanesaay
next week for the
lion or Christmas
"hey will close on
ind New Years at 12
Ince of the day.
ans, tne new pro-
Ithe Windsor Barber
ling the land office, is
do first class work in
invites a share of the
le. .satis: action in
Bt 48tf.
Holland left yester-
ld where she goes to
kughter, Miss Gladys,
hirn with her today to
Christmas vacation at
young lady is a
the Agricultural Col-
... .
mney arrived home
m rortiana accom-
rs. E. E. Purington
lighter, Miss Helen.
Tonawama tonight.
We do job printing.
E. E. Owsley is again able to
be out after a severe illness.
Dry cleaning and pressing at
the Burns Steam Laundry. 4tf.
Tonawama tomorrow night
Butterick patterns at Luna
burg, Dalton & Co. 52tf.
C. A. Haines was up from
I Narrows during the week.
Eastman's Kodaks and East-
mnn'u UTrulnb unnnluiu lit Thi
John Carey and wife and little ; Welcome Pharmacy.
son spent a few days in Burns
this week from their home on
Crane Creek.
I had been in school Lauahter in Idaho.
ampeneu 10 quu iem-
iccount of her health.
nd the Christmas
re and will quite like-
I school at once if her
;rmit. She is much
id her many friends
Br complete recovery
it her school work may
Snow feel here to a depth of a
few inches last Wednesday but
it has cleared since. It was
thought we would have quite a
storm but so far very little has
fallen yet this winter.
P. S. Weittenhiller left yester
day morning for Juntura to meet an,j friends.
some land men who desire to
purchase in this section. He was
accompanied out by Mr. and
Mrs. A. B. Whitney who were
on their wav uj visn. meir
Assessor Donegan went to
Salem last Saturday to meet with
the state tax commission.
E. Holloway, the big plow man,
has moved into the city for the
winter, his family occupying the
I James Weston residence.
Anyone wanting good solid
winter cabbage can get it from
Frank King at 3 cents per pound
delivered at Burns.
Thos. Cleveland and wife were
over from their home near Van
this week, the guests of lelatives
Miss Mary Fry took her de
parture this morning for Baker
where she goes to spend the
holiday vacation with her sister,
Miss Evelyn, and former school
friends. She will be absent until
about the first of the year. Pearl
Fisk will assist in the telephone
office during Miss Fry's absence.
Two-fold Object
lis Advertisement
e have two objects in view in this advertise-
le first is to inform you that this store is toena
il, a full stock of fall goods in every lino or
indise that belongs to this business and to
formation so interesting that you may be induc-
k up the items that engage you most
ir other object is to plant the germ ot conri-
in your heart of hearts, confidence in this store
willingness to serve you fairly, even generous
. .. l:i:. rli ! in
re is no question or ukj. j.
indise have no more thorough nor lavish ea-
than our show room and counters, at your
sure and get our prices on any goods you
before sending off or buying elsewhere.
us figure with you on your winter supplies.
Geo. Cobb was up from Valley
View during the week after a
load of lumber and also took out
a gasoline engine to be used on
his farm for pumping and other
Rev. E. Loree BaptiBt minister,
who has been conducting a suc
cessful revival in this city for
the past two weeks, has gone to
Redmond. He baptised five con
verts by immersion at the Warm
Springs last Sunday afternoon.
literal Merchandise -
Building, - - Burns, Oregon
Mrs. Etta Cummins states her
daughter, Miss Drusa Dodson,
has arrived at Boston and has
taken up her studies in Emerson's
School of Expression. The young
lady writes she is enjoying good
health and is settling down to a
winter of study. Her friends
wish her success.
John Farre, a brother to Reg
ister Farre of the local land
office, arrived here Wednesday
evening from his home on the
Deschutes to spend the Christ
mas period with relatives. Mr.
Farre has been here before and
made many friends who are glad
to welcome him.
Frank Johnson took his de
parture Wednesday for Prine
ville where he joins his family
and will make that headquarters
for the winter. The Colonization
Co., office here will be looked
after by friends during his ab
sence and when it is necessary
Mr. Johnson will come over.
John Collins made the trip in
from Bend on Tuesday in a little
over 6 hours with a load of pas-
sengeru. The roads have been
fine between here and Bend and
the little snow that has fallen
has not interfered in the least,
as Mr. Collins says it makes the
roads even better.
Mrs. Wm. Stirling and daugh
ter, Miss Agnes, and Mrs. Alex
Hanley went out to Bend in the
Hanley car Thursday morning,
the two former to spend the
Christmas time in Portland where
they will be joined by Miss Net
tie Sterling, who is a student at
Agricultural College. Mrs. Han
ley goes to Bend to visit her
parents and other relatives for a
Judge Thompson and wife are
in the city the guests of relatives
and friends.
The latest in Millinery and a
fine line of guaranteed hair goods
at Clingan'B.
Finest alfalfa, timothy and red
top hay baled may be had at the
Goodman feed barn is south Hums
Wm. Gray and wife and little
son were in the city tins week
from their home near Harriman.
Mrs. John Schenk will give
lessons in Irish Crochet every
Thursday afternoon at her home
in Burns. 4
W. H. Chase, one of ourenter
prising new homesteaders near
Harney Lake, was in town this
All kinds of dray work and
general job work with a team B.
F Siler. Phone your orders to
the residence.
Leave orders now at the Ideal
Confectionery Store for fresh
head lettuce, oranges, nuts, etc.,
for your Christmas.
Miss Lou Davey, who has been
teaching at Alberson is home to
spend the Christmas vacation
with relatives and friends.
Tule Circle, Women of Wood
craft, will give their usual an
nual masquerade ball at Tona
wama on the evening of Jan. 23.
The government weather
bureau station thermometer at
this place registered 8 below zero
last night, the coldest yet this
Early Christmas shoppers
should inspect the big lot of use
ful and beautiful presents now
to be seen at Lunaberg, Dalton
&Co. 4
W. B. Parker is over from his
Paisley home on a visit to relati
ves and friends and to look after
his business interests in this
S. S. St. John and J. W. Swick
were in the fore part of the week
from the Warm Spring section
where they are trapping this
Beautiful ribbon (lowers, even
ing caps, slipper rosettes, neck
bows and other articles necessary
for the Christmas party costume,
at Clingan'B.
A. B. Whitn y and wife loft
yesterday for a visit with their
daughter, Mrs. John Kesaler, in
Idaho. Both Mr. and Mrs. Kes-
sler are well known here where
they resided for a time.
Dr. E. Benson the new pastor
of the Presbyterian church wish
es to announce his readiness to
attend sick call, perform wedding
services, and officiate at funerals
either in or out of the city.
Mrs. Julian Byrd and daughters
arrived home from Portland Wed
nesday evening after an absence
of six months spent in the me
tropolis. All are in good health
and glad to be at home again.
The Clay Clemens sawmill is
now at its new location and is
prepared to fill any - order with
rough or dressed lumber, also fir
lumber; buck teeth and any
special order given prompt at
tention. 32.
Dr. Benson has rooms in the
Presbyterian manse where he
can be consulted at any time,
and will be glad to welcome any
one whom he can serve. He
takes his meals at the hotel until
such time as 4iis family shall
P. P. Zink, a capitalist of Mel
ville, South Dakota, arrived here
yesterday. Mr. Zink was in
duced to come here by G. A.
Fraser, who has been with Mr.
Zink for Borne time. The gentle
man is looking for land and may
invest quite heavily in Harney
county real estate.
L. K. Cherry of Kansas, and
E. P. Kester of Oregon City ar
rived here Wednesday evening,
making the trip in from the
Deschutes section on horseback.
Mr. Cherry had been here be
fore and states he expects to re
main here permanently. Mr
Kester has recently disposed of
liiB land holdings in the Willa
mette Valley and is looking for a
new location.
The boxing contest between
McLaughlin and Sherburn at
Tonawama Thursday resulted in
a decision in the third round for
Sherburn on fouls. It aeems
from reports of those who wit
nessed the fight that McLaughlin
was warned in the second round
that he would have to use differ
ent tactics or the decision would
go to Sherburn, but he repeated
the offence in the third. It was
not altogether satisfactory to
those who witnessed the ex
hibition and we understand there
is talk of another bout between
the two men, but fight fans are
a little sore and may not turn
out so well for another fight.
Sauer kraut at Lunaburg,
Dalton A. Co.
Wm. Eccles is a recent arrival
from the state of Washington.
Tom Howard returned Tuesday
evening trom a trip to rortland
and other outBide points.
An orchestra of four pieces
will furnish the music for the
big Christmas dance at Tonawama
The Welcome Pharmacy has a
frosh supply of Vaccine. Be
sure and Vaccinate your calves.
A fine display of suitable
Christmas gifts may be found at
Lunaberg, Dalton & Co.
Be thinking of the costume for
the masked ball to be given by
the Women of Woodcraft on Jan.
23 at Tonawama.
J. Jenkins, the big sheep man
of the Happy Valley section, is
in town. He reports very little
snow in his neighborhood.
The BaptiBt Church Ladies' Aid
will hold a cooked food and fancy
work sale at the Reed Grocery
Store on next Tuesday.
For Sale -One Sawmill com
plete, with logging Sleds and
Trucks, with or without timber,
for terms see H. M. Horton.
G. W. Cummins purchased
from the Harney County National
Bank herd of Holateins a fine
cow for the Cummins Sanitorium.
Born Thursday, Dec. 18, to
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Seaweard, a
son. Mother and child are doing
well at the home of Mrs. H. A.
Martin in this city.
Brenton & Hicks are moving
a building in the rear of their
saloon out on the street just back
of the restaurant. They have
disposed of a portion of their
back lots to the Burns Hardware
Co., and the latter will erect a
warehouse and implement shed
on it.
Dr. Griffith performed a very
serious and delicate abdominal
operation on Mrs. Wiley at the
Cummins hospital yesterday. He
was assisted by Drs. Carl and
Geary. The patient is reported
uoing quite well this morning
with every indication favorable
to her recovery.
Don't miss the picture
grams at Tonawama.
California Woman S.rioualy Alarmed
"A short time ago 1 contracted
a severe cold which settled on
my lungs and caused me a great
deal of annoyance. I would have
bad coughing spells and my lungs
were so sore and inflamed I be
gan to bo seriously alarmed. A
friend recommended Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy, saying Bhe
had used it for years. I bought
bottle and it relieved my cough
the first night, and in a week I
was rid of the cold and soreness
of my lungs," writes Miss Marie
Gerber, SaWtelle, Cal. For sale
by all Dealers.
Some good pictures at Tona
wama tonight and tomorrow
night. Next week the house
will be busy with the Christmas
festivities. Tuesday night the
Public Library benefit, a grand
musical entertainment, will be
staged. Wednesday night the
Sunday school Christmas ex
ercises. Thursday night an all
night dance with music by the
orchestra. Friday, Saturday and
Sunday nights special picture
programs, suitable to the season.
Mr. Miliar ha at the H. M. Horton
re.idenee .ample, of work of
Mrs. Florence Powelaon
The ladia. of Burn, and vicinity tra
invitod lo call and aee thorn, day or
evening. Order, taken for any
character of decoration, mono rain,
initial., etc.
Price, at Mill for product.:
Flour $6.50 in S-bbl. lot or mora.
Bran $1.25 par hundred.
Rolled barley 1 1.25 per hundred.
Rolling barley $2.00 par ton in ton lot
or more. Customer in all to
fumiah .acka.
Until further notice the following Caah
Price will prevail in .ailing meetaj
Hog, whole or half, lie par lb.
Choice pork teaka, 15c. par lb.
" " loin, 20c.
Whole pork .hould.r 12 l-2c.
Leg of pork, ISc.
Whole or half mutton, lie
Front quarter mutton, 10c.
Hind quarter mutton, 12 l-2c.
Choice mutton for tw, Sc.
Mutton chop, ISc.
Hind quarter beef, 13c
Front quarter baaf, lie
Beef all cut at reaaonable price.
The intenUon of tha Company i. at all
time to pay tho be.t price and .ell on
cloet margin con.i.tent with good bu.i
ne. management.
Presents, the kind
you will be proud
to let your friends
A magnificent dis
play of Jewelry
presents that
would please the
severest critic.
tn i
uvery article is
guaranteed to be
just as represent
ed surely there is
something in that.
Think it over.
Special care has
been taken to get
the latest novelties
in Watch brace
lets, Cuff links,
Fobs, etc. Watch
this space for
You are welcome
whether you buy
or not.
My time is yours.
C. M. Salisbury
Jeweler A Op! it ion
Open Evenings After Dec. lTt
Hum. Oregon, Nunmlet 14. 1VI3 j
Noil' . I hereby glvu that Tbooiaa H. Hleveua,
Of I'rlnr, lull. Off. on, Who, nil May tt, 1 WT.m.itr
ll.mieate.d Kimy No SUM, tterl.l No (.'.: fnr
W,NW',. Dec. SI and K'.NKV Merilnn si,
Ti.Hn.hii tt rl , H.hge .it K , Willamette
Meridian, li.a filed notice of Inteutlun lo irake
final lire-year I'roof, lo eatabllah claim u
lb. laud above deariibed, before Keglatur.ud
KriTlrer. at Born., Oregon, on lh. gnM day of
December, llll.
Claimant name. .. wltueeaea
Karl tloratmanu, Henry N. Meaaner, t'bancey
ll Kirvrn.. Malhew Da ilea all of I'rliii'.inii,
Wm. '., Negliter.
Ukitiu statu i.ANhOrrit , t
Burm, Oregon, November 14, .Via i
Nutlre It hereby given that chancr) (I.
-.even.. of Princeton, Oregon, who, uu Mi) I,
IIMJ7 utile liurotitfd Kutry No. KotM, Herlal
No OMMi, for VVi.HVV', Bee. S'i and KSKK.
ai.Tow iiBtil,' -' M.. HangtjH4 K , IIU i U iimh ni.'.i ll.. tt.f of tntenUott
lo make final fl vi-itr proof, to oetahlleb
rlalui to the land above deaurthetl, before (
liter and Receiver, at Hume, Oregon, on ihc
.'-in. iU of Hfceinber, HUH.
cifttiumii DBiuve u wltneHee:
Karl Horetmaon Henry J. Meamier, Thoe. H
Stevene, Matnew Oavien allot I'rlnt'utoti, Ore-
Wm. Fakkk. Kuflater
Feed Barn
H. KLMOTT, Prop.
Horses Boarded by the
Day. Week or Month
Goof) Feed and
ReaBonable price
Hor-wi 2ftc per Head In Barn
Haled Hay and Grain for gala
Comfortable Camp House
With Cook Stove
Mouth Main St.. tturna
I.Ut (J-UA7
NATIONAL KoHKNT- Notice la hereby given
that the laiuli deaurlhed l..-..m. t'inlirHcThg 4U
iiTPi, MMhln the Malheur National Kon at,
Oregon, will Im' auhject to auttleu ant anil en
try under Ibe pruvlaloni of (he honvaead
lawiof theCnllvil states and the act of Jour
ll, won (IHHiat , a ) at the t'ulted maim laud
otttce at Hurua on Kehruay 18, lHU. Any Bet
tier who waa actually and lit goo! faith claim
lug any of aald lamia fur agrlrultnial purpoee
prior to January l, 1906, aud baa not ahand u
ed ami1, haa a prefureure right to maki n
liomrelead eutry for the laudk artutlh eoru
pled. Said lands wen listed upon tin applli-a
iitniB of the persons nivntlouril In-low, who
have a preference right subject to the in
right or any such settler, provided tu h
n-ttlrr or apiillcanl is qualified to uiasu
bome lend entry and the preference right
In eiervleed urlor lo February lh. luu
on which dale tho lands will be subject to
Bt'ltliimeiii ami entry by an qualified prrmir.
ibe laud are as followg The hk. of N
Htttllou 10. T. Ais , It. HI K WM, 40 acres, ap
filiation of I ItouiBs an -andl.of minis, Ore
Son; Approved nov. i, lia, c m
KUt'K, Assistant commissioner of iheUen
eral Laud offloe.
Meartg ttftrtsttmt $r?etittg$
nft Bui WUfir
for th th Jlnu tnr
Harney County flatlonal Bank
ot Hunt, Ortgon
The Burns Hospital
Best Surgical Room and Equipment
In the State Outside of Portland.
Nice Rooms, Good Care and Com
fort for Patients-Reasonable Terms
Graduated Nurse in Charge
Old and New Patrons Will Find the Best Rkani s Hi ire -
Wines, Liquors, and Cigars
Good Service, Courteous Treatment
DROP IN Main Street Burns, Oregon
".- ' 'gggfnfcJc 3
Gifts of the last
ing kind such
as China. Cut
Glass. Dinner
Christmas Tree
Mechalcal Toys.
Beaten Brass Goods
IrfflPIWIgggggHph Jfjir'aW' A a
WAlvrTWffwar SLaXI "
Uhitbii States I.anu Omen
Urn in, Oregon, Ntivt'intrr lu, Win
Nultt'v Is hereliy tjlvvit lt Orlando 1 uuer,
brother aud hair of H Ivanus tu-n'i , ltreBvtl,
u( l.awt'ii, Ort'-ou, who. on May Tl. lVU7,maiU Knlrv No. 11. Ikrlal OOTtt, lor
NW' Hertiou W. Township v. rt , Haune ft-' K .
rt lllauiwitii Meridian, has filed not tea of In
lanlloii lo in lie nual live ear I'nmi. to ut
latillah claim to the laud above ileacrlhrtl,
before Keals'er and Rat-elver, at Hums Oregon
on I ha Jtfth day of December, 1V1H
Claim. ul names as witnesses:
lamal H Tvlet. of Hume, o it-eon lleriuiin
Huh, Oliver II. Cobb, (ieorge M Cobb, all of
I.aweu, Oregon.
Wm Kimrk. KeglMt-r
Hurna. Oregon, Nureuiuer n, IVM I
Nolle la li.rrby given that Ida Wbltlng, for
iii.rly Ida Turn. r, ul Hurua. oigou. who, on
M.rulit. 1VU7, niacin llouif.ived Kutry No 'ilM i
H.rl.l No. IUIIW, loi HKI4 Horilou W. T.iwalilu 20
it, Haiig.aU K , Wlliainelti- Meridian, ll.. rflud
uotloe of inleutlou to make final nre year
prool, to vatabllali rl.tia to lu. l.ud atnivi de-
wrltied, before Redder and lloroiver, l Hurua,
Ore.ou, tin th. Mil day of January , IVIt.
Claimant naiun a wltueaaaa
Oaerae K. Whltlnl. Krenk T Wbltlng, Kiauk
I Haa.i, flrauk 0. Jackaou. .11 of Muriu, tlregou
Wm flAaal, R.gltr
Sleds and Wagons
Skates, Small Bore
Rifles, Doll Dinner
Sets, Cuttlery, Etc.
Fancy Vases
Carving Sets
Come and see
Many articles not
mentioned. Store
open after supper li i TT
Jiaaaek Pa iBtvu
1H HRa'WC f lvVaflgiv